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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analysis of the Generation of Auditory Steady-State Cortical Evoked Responses in Guinea Pigs

Briceno, Jose Alejandro 01 January 2008 (has links)
Recent research shows that human auditory steady-state responses (ASSRs) develop a resonance at 40 Hz and the dramatic amplitude increase of the Pb component of the middle latency response (MLR) accounts for the high amplitude of the ASSR at 40 Hz. The first part of this study aimed to investigate the ASSR resonance characteristics as a function of rate in guinea pigs. A study of the grand average of the peak-to-peak and fundamental frequency amplitudes does indeed show a resonance around 40 Hz in guinea pigs. Unlike human ASSRs, this resonance is very broad (26-52 Hz) and flat. The centrally recorded ASSRs are smaller and tend to have resonances at higher rates compared to temporal signals. The second part of the analysis investigated whether the superposition of transient responses can predict the acquired ASSRs at each corresponding rate. This superposition theory is one of two competing theories on the origin of the ASSRs, with the other centering on the induced phase synchronization of brain waves. In order to test the first theory, transient responses were used to create synthetic ASSRs, which were then compared to the acquired ASSRs via correlation coefficient and phasor analysis. For the 40 Hz ASSR, both temporal and central electrode synthesized ASSRs show a correlation coefficient above 0.80. In the comparison at 20 Hz, the correlation coefficient is very high (about 0.9) in the temporal electrode, yet significantly lower (about 0.7) for the central electrode. Furthermore, at 80 Hz, the correlation coefficient is significantly lower in both temporal and central electrodes (about 0.7). At all rates, the correlation coefficients are highest with low jitter sequences. Finally, phasor analysis was also used to test the superposition theory of the generation of the acquired ASSRs at 20, 40, and 80 Hz. Overall, in the temporal recordings at 40 Hz, the superposition of the MLR responses accurately predicted the acquired 40 Hz ASSR as demonstrated by both magnitude and phase analysis. The recordings made in the central electrode only predicted the acquired ASSR in its phases, with significant differences found in magnitude at its main harmonics. Similarly, at 20 and 80 Hz in both temporal and central electrodes, the synthetic ASSRs did not appear to fully predict the acquired ASSRs. Although the phases were successfully predicted, large magnitude variations were observed. As shown by mean prediction error plots, the acquired ASSRs are best predicted by low jitter sequences, followed by low-medium and medium jitter sequences.

Contribution à létude de lalimentation de la pintade locale au Bénin, et perspectives daméliorations à laide de ressources non conventionnelles/Contribution to the study of local guinea fowl feeding in Benin and prospects for improvements with unconventional feedstuffs

Dahouda, Mahamadou 19 June 2009 (has links)
Cette étude propose des voies damélioration de lalimentation de la pintade locale à laide de ressources alimentaires non-conventionnelles au Bénin. La première partie de ce travail fait le point sur lutilisation des ressources alimentaires non-conventionnelles et particulièrement des graines de Mucuna spp. dans lalimentation de la volaille. Elle envisage le contexte de leur utilisation, leurs valeurs nutritionnelles ainsi que les contraintes liées à leur valorisation avant denvisager les effets des diverses techniques de traitement sur la réduction des teneurs en diverses substances toxiques et sur leur composition chimique. La seconde partie porte sur létude des élevages traditionnels et les compare à une forme délevage contrôlé en station. Au Bénin, comme dans la plupart des pays au Sud du Sahara, lélevage traditionnel de la volaille est caractérisé par un système extensif peu productif et divaguant, où les animaux se nourrissent essentiellement sur les parcours. Ils disposent dabris sommaires et exigus et ne bénéficient ni de programmes de prophylaxie sanitaire ni dune alimentation adaptée. Toutefois, certains éleveurs distribuent en supplément des céréales ou dautres ressources non conventionnelles. Dans ces conditions, les performances pondérales des pintades ont été de 1121 ± 100 g à six mois dâge. En milieu contrôlé, cest-à-dire où les animaux étaient logés en permanence, nourris à laide dune provende formulée, séparés par sexe et vermifugés, le poids moyen à âge identique des mâles a été de 1151 ± 108 g contre 1085 ± 74 g pour celui des femelles. Dans les élevages traditionnels, les animaux vermifugés ont présenté une supériorité pondérale (1221 ± 107 g) par rapport au groupe non traité (1007 ± 31 g). Les performances de croissance des oiseaux élevés en milieu contrôlé nont pas été meilleures comparativement aux pintades du milieu rural, bien que les aliments utilisés en milieu contrôlé aient été conformes aux normes de la littérature. Létude des performances de reproduction dans le milieu rural et en milieu contrôlé situe lâge des femelles à la première ponte entre 7 et 9 mois avec un poids moyen de 1220 ± 97 g. Les pontes sont hivernales et les couvées sont réalisées dans 95,5 % des cas par les poules avec un nombre moyen de 14 ± 4 ufs incubés par poule et un taux global déclosion de 70 % pour une durée moyenne dincubation de 26 jours. La chute de la probabilité de survie a été la plus importante durant les 50 premiers jours de vie au cours desquels un taux de mortalité de près de 50 % a été observé. Malgré donc son importance économique, nutritionnelle et sociale, lélevage traditionnel de pintade au Bénin reste peu productif en raison de nombreuses contraintes incluant une forte mortalité juvénile, diverses pathologies, la prédation, le climat, le logement et une alimentation inadéquate. La troisième partie fait linventaire du régime alimentaire des animaux divaguant, par analyse du contenu de jabot. Elle a ainsi permis de préciser la composition de la ration journalière de ces animaux, y compris la complémentation reçue par les éleveurs afin doptimiser la production. Les ingrédients trouvés dans les jabots ont été identifiés et regroupés en six catégories principales à savoir : la supplémentation, les graines des végétaux de parcours, leurs feuilles, les produits animaux, les minéraux et les éléments non identifiés. La quantité et la proportion des suppléments et des graines des végétaux nétaient pas significativement différentes entre les saisons tandis que celles des feuilles de végétaux, des produits animaux et des minéraux étaient plus élevées au cours de la saison des pluies. Les suppléments, en occurrence le maïs et le sorgho, étaient les composants majoritaires au cours des deux saisons. Les graines de végétaux les plus consommés provenaient de Panicum maximum (saison des pluies) et de Rottboellia cochinchinensis (saison sèche). Les teneurs des contenus de jabot en matière organique, extractif non azoté, et en énergie métabolisable étaient plus élevées en saison sèche, par contre les concentrations des minéraux étaient plus élevées en saison pluvieuse. Aucune différence na été notée entre les deux saisons en termes de matière sèche, protéines brutes et en fibres brutes. Lidentification et la quantification des différents composants alimentaires, ainsi que la détermination de la composition chimique et de la valeur alimentaire des aliments ingérés par les pintades au cours de la divagation a mis en évidence des déficits structurels mais également conjoncturels liés aux variations saisonnières de la qualité, de la disponibilité ou de laccessibilité des aliments pendant certaines périodes de lannée. Des corrections adéquates pour améliorer la production de la pintade en milieu villageois ont ainsi pu être proposées. Les graines de mucuna, en raison de leur composition nutritive, ont été proposées comme élément de solution à ce problème. La quatrième étude a été réalisée afin dévaluer leffet de deux traitements de base (chaleur humide et chaleur sèche) sur la teneur des facteurs anti-nutritionnels, la composition chimique et la digestibilité des graines de mucuna. Les traitements thermiques ont amélioré les teneurs en protéines tandis que les taux de fibres brutes ont été réduits. Les teneurs en L-dopa, principal élément toxique de la graine de mucuna, ont augmenté en fonction du taux dincorporation de la graine. Une réduction significative de 52 % du taux de la L-Dopa a été constatée dans les graines bouillies par rapport à celles qui ont été toastées. Le traitement thermique a influencé significativement la digestibilité des nutriments, excepté celle de la matière grasse. Il en a été conclu que les graines de mucuna traitées adéquatement peuvent être utilisées pour nourrir la pintade. La cinquième étude a porté sur lutilisation des graines de mucuna et des feuilles et cossettes de manioc sur les performances de croissance et la qualité de la viande des pintades. Des effets dépressifs sur la croissance des pintades et une réduction drastique de la consommation alimentaire ont été notés dans les groupes recevant des graines de mucuna crues. Le poids moyen de la carcasse ainsi que les différents morceaux de la découpe ont été significativement plus faibles que dans le groupe témoin. Cependant, la production de viande a été similaire entre les groupes témoin et ceux ayant reçu la graine de mucuna bouillie. Une augmentation significative du poids du gésier a été observée dans les lots ayant reçu les aliments contenant le mucuna traité, ainsi quune réduction du poids moyen des foies des animaux recevant des graine de mucuna crues. Lincorporation des graines dans la ration na toutefois pas modifié la qualité de la viande, les valeurs de pH et de capacité de rétention deau ayant été similaires dans les 3 groupes. Les analyses des foies, des reins et des muscles nont pas révélé la présence de L-dopa. Par ailleurs, les performances enregistrées chez des animaux recevant des feuilles et cossettes de manioc ont été significativement plus faibles par rapport à celles observées dans le groupe témoin. Toutefois, aucune différence significative na été observée au niveau du poids des différents morceaux (blancs, ensemble cuisses-pilons, ailes) et du rendement de la carcasse, en fonction du lot. Aussi, la substitution du grain de maïs par les feuilles et les cossettes de manioc a permis de réduire le coût de production de la pintade. Ces ingrédients constituent aussi une opportunité pour réduire la concurrence entre lhomme et la volaille pour la consommation de maïs. En conclusion, cette étude a montré quil est possible dutiliser avec succès certaines ressources non-conventionnelles telles que le mucuna qui constitue une opportunité pour les pays pauvres et qui pourrait contribuer à lamélioration de lautosuffisance alimentaire à partir de ressources locales/This study suggests ways of improvement of local guinea fowl feeding by unconventional resources in Benin. The first part of this work reviews the use of unconventional feed resources, and particularly Mucuna spp. seeds, in poultry diets. This review focuses on the context of their use, their nutritional values as well as the constraints that hamper their upgrading before assessing the effects of various treatments on toxins levels and on chemical composition. The second part of this study concerns the village poultry production systems, when compared to improved poultry production in station. In Benin, as in most of the countries in the South of Sahara, the village poultry production is characterized by an extensive system, in which birds have to scavenge to find most of their feed. They live in cramped houses and dont benefit either from disease prevention programs or from adapted feeding systems. However, farmers provide cereal grains or some unconventional resources. In these conditions, guinea fowl weight at six months was 1121 ± 100 g. In improved rearing, i.e. where animals were bred in houses, received complete diet, were separated by sex and received veterinary care, the mean weights at the same age were 1151±108 g for males versus 1085 ± 74 g for females. In village chickens, birds that received vermifuge treatments were significantly heavier when compared to untreated ones (1221 ± 107 vs 1007 ± 31 g). Growth performances in improved conditions were similar to that obtained with the guinea fowls reared in village, although they received complete diets that were in accordance with guinea fowl requirements. In rural area and in station, the study on reproductive performance indicated the onset of the first laying between 7 and 9 months of age with a mean weight of 1220 ± 97 g. Eggs laying occurred in rainy season, and broods were performed at 95.5 % level by hens, the mean number of eggs brooded by hen being 14 ± 4, with 70% hatching rate for 26 days of incubation duration. The decrease of cumulative survival probability was marked during the first 50 days of live during which a mortality rate of about 50 % was observed. In spite of its economic, nutritional and social importance, guinea fowl productivity in village area in Benin remains weak because of numerous constraints including keet mortality, diseases, predation, climate, housing and low feed supply. The third part of the work studies scavenging guinea fowls crop contents, i.e., ingredients naturally found by the animals on the ground and supplement offered by the farmers. Ingredients found in crops were identified and divided in six main categories including supplemental feed, seeds, green forages, animal materials, minerals and unidentified material. Amounts and proportions of supplemental feed and seeds were not significantly different between seasons, whereas those of green forage, animal materials and mineral matter were higher in rainy season. Supplemental feed, especially maize and sorghum, was the largest component of the crop content in both seasons. The most represented grass seeds were Panicum maximum (rainy season) and Rottboellia cochinchinensis (dry season). Dietary concentrations of organic matter, non-nitrogen extract and metabolisable energy were higher in the dry season, while mineral concentrations were higher in the rainy season. There were no significant differences between the two seasons in dry matter, crude protein or crude fibre. The identification and quantification of various feed ingredients, as well as the determination of chemical composition and nutritive value of ingredients ingested by scavenging guinea fowl allowed highlighting the structural and short-term deficiencies due to seasonal variations of diets quality and availability during the year. Adequate corrections to improve guinea fowl production in village area were so able to be proposed. Mucuna seeds could solve this problem because of its leguminous-type feed value. The fourth study was carried out to evaluate the effects of two basic treatments (cooking and toasting) on anti-nutrients factor contents, chemical composition and digestibility of mucuna seeds. Heat treatments improved proteins content whereas that of crude fibre was reduced. Contents of L-dopa, the main anti-nutritional factor in mucuna seeds, increased according to seed level incorporation. L-dopa content was significantly reduced by 52 % in cooked seeds while toasting had no effect. Heat treatment improved significantly seed nutrients digestibility excepted that of the ether extract. It was concluded that when mucuna seed is adequately treated, it could be used in guinea fowl diet. The fifth study concerned the effects of mucuna seeds and cassava leafs and cossets on guinea fowl growth and meat quality. Crude mucuna seeds had depressive effects on guinea fowl growth and feed intake. Mean carcass and cut-parts weights were significantly lower in control group. However, meat yield was similar between control and cooked seeds groups. The gizzard weights were significantly increased in processed seeds diets groups and liver weight reduction was noticed in birds fed on raw Mucuna seed. Mucuna seed did not alter meat quality as assessed by the pH and water holding capacity measurements. L-Dopa analyses in liver, kidneys and breast muscle did not reveal the presence of any tissue residues. Furthermore, growth performances recorded in birds receiving cassava leaves and cossets were significantly lower when compared to the control group. However, no difference was observed in cut-parts (breasts, thigh-drumsticks, wings) and in carcass yield between groups. So, maize substitution by cassava leaves and cossets allowed reducing feed cost. It can be then suggested that those feeds allow reducing competition for maize consumption between human and poultry. In conclusion, it is possible to successfully use unconventional feed resources such as mucuna seeds which are an opportunity for developing country and could contribute to improve food security with local resources.

Fertility in Nigeria and Guinea : a comparative study of trends and determinants

Osuafor, Godswill Nwabuisi January 2011 (has links)
<p>The present study was conceived to examine the trend and factors affecting fertility in Nigeria and Guinea. Fertility has declined by about nineteen percent in Nigeria between 1982 and 1999. In the same period it has declined by five percent in Guinea. The decline is observed in data from censuses and surveys. Studies have reported that fertility transition is in progress in most Sub-Sahara African countries (Bongaarts 2008 / Guttmacher 2008), Nigeria (Feyisetan and Bankole 2002) and Guinea (measuredhs 2007). Studies and surveys done in some regions and among ethnic groups suggest that fertility is declining in Nigeria (Caldwell et al. 1992) and Guinea (measuredhs 2007). However, these studies and surveys are devoid of national representativeness as they are localized in specific regions or selected ethnic groups. Thus, they cannot be used as a national reference. The trend of the total fertility rate (TFR) from the three consecutive Demographic and Health Surveys in Nigeria did not show any meaningful decrease over time. In the same vein, no evidence of fertility decline was observed in Guinea from the Demographic and Health Surveys. The claim that fertility is declining in these two countries which assures the funding organizations that Family Planning programs are successful is beyond the scope of the present study. Based on Demographic and Health Surveys the claim that fertility is decreasing in Nigeria may be misleading, whereas in Guinea fertility has shown stability. This suggests that while the factors affecting fertility may be similar, their impacts differ from country to country.</p>

Metodología de análisis en el tiempo para evaluar la escasez de agua dulce en función de la oferta y de la demanda. Caso de estudio: los países de la región del golfo de Guinea

Escribano Rodriguez de Robles, Beatriz 14 July 2010 (has links)
El objetivo de esta tesis es dotarse de una metodología de análisis dinámica en el tiempo que permite revalorar permanentemente la problemática de la escasez de agua dulce en función de la oferta y la demanda. Para ello, hemos tenido en cuenta las variaciones de sus factores conductores, y entre ellos sobre todo el de las necesidades en el desarrollo humano. La metodología es de manejo operativo, en la que se puedan introducir de manera rápida y sencilla los cambios en las variables que van a determinar la oferta y la demanda dinámica de agua dulce.La propuesta metodológica se caracteriza por varios puntos clave. En primer lugar, desarrollamos una discusión terminológica y conceptual en la que, a partir del estado del arte actual llegamos a definir los conceptos de la oferta y la demanda dinámica de agua dulce renovable como primer paso fundamental de nuestra metodología, elaborando un glosario terminológico y conceptual propio para este trabajo.A partir de la caracterización de la oferta y la demanda dinámica se analiza el escenario business as usual constatándose y valorándose la gravedad de la situación de los nueve países que forman la región del golfo de Guinea, debida fundamentalmente a la no existencia o a la no implementación de gestión de extracción, distribución y abastecimiento de agua dulce por falta de recursos económicos o voluntades políticas. Nuestro segundo paso metodológico permite corroborar la calificación usual de la situación de estos países como de escasez económica. Para poder cubrir esta etapa de la propuesta metodológica ha sido necesario resolver, también metodológicamente, la muy importante escasez de datos para la mayoría de países en desarrollo.Nuestra propuesta metodológica parte por supuesto de trabajar con la realidad, detectando inconvenientes y limitaciones al aplicarla al caso de estudio de los países de nuestra región. Una de estas limitaciones es claramente la falta de datos necesarios para elaborar nuestros escenarios o para determinar los estándares o confeccionar el nuevo índice; en la medida que se han ido presentando estas circunstancias, hemos recurrido a soluciones metodológicas que nos han permitido estimar nuevos datos a partir de correlaciones y/o extrapolaciones de los datos existentes.El siguiente punto clave y una de las aportaciones principales de este trabajo de propuesta metodológica es a partir de unas determinadas objetivizaciones de estándares de demanda de agua dulce ligados a unos niveles aceptables de bienestar y calidad de vida, reanalizar mediante la construcción y análisis de los escenarios de futuro correspondientes, las posibilidades y debilidades reales de estos países en relación con la escasez de agua dulce.El último punto clave es la elaboración de una propuesta de un índice que nos permite evaluar de forma sintética y rápida la situación de un país o región según el nivel de capacidad para satisfacer demandas de agua dulce correspondientes a un estándar de demanda establecido de forma clara y explícita. Dicho índice nos permite detectar de forma temprana posibles alertas que más allá de una escasez física o económica nos sean útiles (al igual que en el caso de la representación y el análisis de los resultados de los distintos escenarios de futuro) para la toma decisiones, en función de los objetivos pretendidos.La herramienta de apoyo para elaborar las representaciones de los escenarios es, en sí misma, otro elemento instrumental que además de tener una buena resolución de diseño gráfico, debe facilitar los cálculos necesarios para el análisis de los escenarios, así como almacenar la información de forma cómoda y en la que se puedan introducir cambios fácilmente.La metodología es una herramienta objetiva y útil dirigida a responsables políticos y técnicos, estudiosos e investigadores que dé soporte a la toma de decisiones y/o a la visualización de la valoración de la escasez de agua dulce en el marco de un pretendido desarrollo humano sostenible. / This thesis describes a methodology for dynamic analysis over time that makes it possible to continually re-assess fresh-water scarcity as a function of supply and demand. The methodology takes into account variations in the driving factors, including, most importantly, human-development needs. The methodology can be controlled operationally. Changes in the variables that determine the dynamic fresh-water supply and demand can be entered quickly and easily.Our methodological proposal contains several key points. We begin with a discussion of terminology and concepts. Taking the current state of the art as our starting point, as a fundamental first step in our methodology we define the concepts of dynamic renewable fresh-water supply and demand. We then present a glossary of the terms and concepts used in this thesis.Following the characterisation of dynamic supply and demand, we analyse the "business-as-usual" scenario. We point out the seriousness of the situation in the nine Gulf of Guinea countries. The fundamental reason for this situation is the non-existence or non-implementation of policies aimed at extracting, distributing and supplying fresh water, due to a lack of economic resources or political will. The second step in our methodology is to corroborate the usual description of the situation in these countries, particularly in terms of the economic scarcity that characterises them. To properly complete this stage of the methodology, it has been necessary to find a solution to the inadequacy of the data available in most developing countries.Our proposal works with reality, which involves detecting disadvantages and limitations when applying the methodology in the countries of this particular region. One such limitation, clearly, is the lack of the necessary data for constructing the scenarios, determining the standards and creating the new index; as these circumstances have arisen, we have implemented methodological solutions that have enabled us to estimate new data on the basis of correlations and/or extrapolations of existing data.The next key point is also one of the main contributions of this methodological proposal. We set the goal of achieving certain standards of fresh-water demand based on acceptable levels of welfare and quality of life. Then, by constructing and analysing the corresponding future scenarios, we re-examine the real possibilities and weaknesses of each country as relates to the scarcity of fresh water.The last key point of our proposal is the generation of an index that enables us to evaluate, quickly and synthetically, the situation of a particular country or region on the basis of its capacity to satisfy fresh-water demand in a way that meets a clearly and specifically defined standard. This index enables the early detection of possible problems that go beyond physical or economic scarcity. Like the representation and analysis of the results of the various future scenarios, this early-warning system will enable decisions to be made in accordance with the established goals.The support tool used to generate the representations of the scenarios must have good graphic-design resolution, be able to make the calculations necessary for analysing the scenarios, and store the information in a practical way that allows changes to be entered easily.This methodology is meant to be used by politicians, engineers, scholars and researchers as a useful and objective support tool for decision-making and/or visualising levels of fresh-water scarcity as part of larger efforts to achieve the goal of sustainable human development.

Plasmodium Falciparum response to chloroquine and artemisinin based combination therapy (Act) in Guinea Bissau

Ursing, Johan, January 2009 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Stockholm : Karolinska institutet, 2009. / Härtill 6 uppsatser.

El Niño-Southern Oscillation variability during the Little Ice Age and medieval climate anomaly reconstructed from fossil coral geochemistry and pseudoproxy analysis

Hereid, Kelly Ann 26 February 2013 (has links)
The El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) dominates global interannual climate variability. However, the imprint of anthropogenic climate change hinders understanding of natural ENSO variability. Model predictions of the response of future ENSO variability to anthropogenic forcing are highly uncertain. A better understanding of how ENSO operates during different mean climate states may improve predictions of its future behavior. This study develops a technique to quantify the response of tropical Pacific sea surface temperature and salinity to ENSO variations. This analysis defines expected regional relationships between ENSO forcing and the tropical Pacific climate response. For example, the western tropical Pacific records El Niño events with greater skill than La Niña events; whereas the oceans near the South Pacific Convergence Zone (SPCZ) preferentially record La Niña events. This baseline understanding of regional skill calibrates interpretations of both modern and pre-instrumental coral geochemical climate proxy records. A suite of monthly resolved 18O variations in a fossil corals (Porites spp.) from the tropical western Pacific (Papua New Guinea) and the SPCZ (Vanuatu) are used to develop case studies of ENSO variability under external forcing conditions that differ from the modern climate. A record from Misima, Papua New Guinea (1411-1644 CE) spans a period of reduced solar forcing that coincides with the initiation of the Little Ice Age. This record indicates that the surface ocean in this region experienced a small change in hydrologic balance with no change in temperature, extended periods of quiescence in El Niño activity, reduced mean El Niño event amplitudes, and fewer large amplitude El Niño events relative to signals captured in regional modern records. Several multidecadal (~30-50 year) coral records from Tasmaloum, Vanuatu during the Medieval Climate Anomaly (~900-1300 CE), a period of increased solar forcing, depict ENSO variability that is generally lower than modern times. However, these records often cannot be distinguished from 20th century ENSO variability due to ENSO variability uncertainty associated with record lengths. Neither record can be tied to concurrent changes in solar or volcanic forcing, calling into question the paradigm of ENSO variability being predominantly mediated by external forcing changes on multidecadal time scales. / text

Carboxylic ester hydrolase in acute pancreatitis : a clinical and experimental study

Blind, Per Jonas January 1994 (has links)
Diagnosis of acute pancreatitis (AP) is erroneous in up to one third of patients when based on clinical criteria and elevated serum amylase values. Furthermore, according to autopsy reports fatal pancreatitis remains clinically undiagnosed in 22 to 86 % of hospitalised patients. Consequently, search for better methods for the diagnosis of AP seems not only justified but urgent. The pancreas secretes an nonspecific lipase, the carboxylic ester hydrolase (CEH) with molecular properties different from other pancreatic secretory enzymes. These differences may imply that sites and rates of clearances from blood of pancreatic enzymes differ. Except for the pancreas this enzyme is secreted from the lactating mammary gland with milk. A sensitive and reproducible sandwich-ELISA for quantitative determination of CEH was developed. When establishing referent values it was noted that in individuals aged 20 to 65 years serum concentrations of CEH did not depend on age, gender, the time of the day or duration from food intake to blood sampling, or use of nicotine. The mammary gland did not contribute significantly to basal serum levels of CEH; enzyme levels in lactating women or women with mammary tumours were identical to those of the reference population. Seventy percent of patients with the diagnosis AP, based on elevated serum amylase levels and abdominal pain, had elevated CEH values. Among the patients with elevated amylase alone a probable cause of pancreatitis was lacking in the majority of patients. Contrastingly, a likely cause of AP could be identified in all patients presenting with abdominal pain and elevated CEH levels alone. These findings suggested that an elevated CEH level indicated AP more reliably than an elevated amylase level. In patients with AP diagnosed by contrast enhanced computed tomography (CECT) alone, or combined with histopathological diagnosis, serum CEH levels were elevated on admission in all but one patient, and in all within the next 24 h. Furthermore, in patients with severe pancreatitis CEH levels remained at a raised level from the second to at least the 10:th day following admission, whereas a significant decrease was noted in patients with mild pancreatitis. In contrast, serum amylase values were higher in patients with mild pancreatitis during the observation period than in those with severe pancreatitis. CEH levels were higher in patients with three or more Ranson signs than in those with less than three signs from the first day after admission. CEH levels were within referent range in 164 patients without known pancreatic disease admitted due to abdominal emergency conditions, or due to planned surgery for chronic extrapancreatic gastrointestinal diseases, and 16 patients having CECT without pathological findings in the pancreas. This suggests that AP can be excluded with very high degree of probability in presence of non-elevated CEH levels. A sandwich ELISA for determination of Guinea pig CEH and a model for graded pancreatitis in the same species were developed. CEH levels showed proportional to severity of inflammation, thus confirming previous clinical observations. CEH levels in bile were proportional to inflammation, while it was absent in urine. Amylase levels in urine were identical regardless of severity of inflammation, but low in bile. These results suggested differences in sites and rates of clearance between the two enzymes. Seemingly elevated CEH levels allowed identification of clinically significant pancreatitis following ERCP, which amylase levels did not. The presented studies have shown that quantitative determination in serum of CEH by the described method is a more reliable test for the diagnosis of AP than determination of amylase activity. The differences between CEH and amylase are, at least partly, due to differences in molecular properties determining rates and routes of clearances of the two enzymes from serum. / <p>Diss. (sammanfattning) Umeå : Umeå universitet, 1994, härtill 5 uppsatser.</p> / digitalisering@umu.se

Gastrointestinal toxicity of carrageenan in the newborn guinea pig

Nyman, David William January 1981 (has links)
No description available.

Rifting of the Guinea Margin in the Equatorial Atlantic from 112 to 84 MA: Implications of Paleo-Reconstructions for Structure and Sea-Surface Circulation

Edge, Russ January 2014 (has links)
The Guinea Plateau is a shallow-marine, flat-lying bathymetric province situated along the equatorial West African margin, offshore Republic of Guinea. The Guinea Plateau and the conjugate Demerara Plateau hold particular geologic significance, as they represent the final point of separation between the African and South American continents during Gondwana break-up. Recent interpretation of both 2-D and 3-D seismic surveys along the Guinean margin have illuminated subsurface features related to Early Cretaceous crustal extension. Seismic structural investigations on these datasets suggest that the majority of extension is accommodated along large-scale listric normal faults located on a relatively narrow (<50 km) continental slope (up to ~39% extension). Minimal faulting reveals that little upper-crustal extension has occurred on the Guinea Plateau. Additionally, multiple 2-D seismic profiles image the transition from continental crust on the plateau and slope, to oceanic crust in the deeper marine basin. This continent-ocean boundary is the most representative boundary when testing the accuracy of plate reconstructions. Mapping of both the continent-ocean boundary and fracture zones across the equatorial Atlantic suggests that the Demerara Plateau and the South American plate are too far south in previous pre-rift reconstructions. A revised model introduces 20 km of Early Cretaceous NNW-oriented contraction across the Amazon Basin; an area of relative weakness where both geologic and geophysical data support such accommodation. Sea-surface flow models, which used this revised reconstruction and interpreted paleo-bathymetric data, predict upwelling throughout the newly formed equatorial seaway, and later along the West African margin during periods of regional organic-rich black shale deposition. With reduced decomposition of organic matter strongly correlated to upwelling, being able to predict these zones is of particular significance to petroleum companies, who have recently started exploring both the equatorial South American and West African coastlines.

The Social System of Guinea Baboons (Papio papio) With a Focus on Male-Male Relationships

Patzelt, Annika 27 June 2013 (has links)
Paviane (Papio spp.) gelten als wichtiges Modell für die Evolution menschlicher Sozialsysteme. Im Pleistozän hat sich die Gattung Papio ausgehend vom südlichen Afrika über große Teile Afrikas südlich der Sahara sowie Teile der Arabischen Halbinsel ausgebreitet, wobei Guineapaviane (P. papio) die nordwestlichsten und Mantelpaviane (P. hamadryas) die nordöstlichsten Gebiete besiedeln. Im Vergleich zu anderen Pavianarten, deren Ökologie und Sozialsystem seit vielen Jahrzehnten umfangreich untersucht werden, waren zu Guineapavianen bisher nur wenige und zudem widersprüchliche Kenntnisse vorhanden. Dies ist vor allem darauf zurückzuführen, dass von ihnen quantitative Freilanddaten fehlten. Bisher wurden für Paviane zwei Typen von Sozialsystemen beschrieben: Die sogenannten Savannenpaviane (P. anubis, P. cynocephalus und P. ursinus) im südlichen und östlichen Afrika leben in Gruppen mit mehreren Männchen und mehreren Weibchen, wobei Netzwerke nahverwandter Weibchen den sozialen Kern bilden. Mantelpaviane in Nordost-Afrika und Arabien leben dagegen in einer mehrschichtigen Gesellschaft, in denen Ein-Mann-Gruppen die kleinste soziale Einheit darstellen. Ergebnisse früherer Studien an Guineapavianen deuteten darauf hin, dass ihre Gesellschaft auch mehrschichtig ist, ähnlich der von Mantelpavianen. Allerdings wurden Guineapavianmännchen als untereinander außergewöhnlich tolerant beschrieben, was zu der Vermutung führte, dass ihr Sozialsystem innerhalb der Gattung Papio einzigartig ist. Zudem scheinen Männchen verschiedener Pavianarten bezüglich der Konsistenz ihrer Hierarchien, der Häufigkeit von Koalitionsbildung und Infantizidrisiko zu variieren. Diese Beobachtung führte zu der Vermutung, dass im Zusammenhang mit der Ausbreitung der Gattung über den afrikanischen Kontinent entlang eines Süd-Nord-Gradienten eine Evolution hin zu mehr Toleranz und Koalitionensbildung zwischen Männchen stattgefunden hat. Da Guineapaviane an der nordwestlichsten Grenze des Verbreitungsgebietes der Gattung leben, ist hier eine Charakterisierung der Beziehungen zwischen Männchen wichtig, um diese Annahme zu überprüfen. In meiner Dissertation habe ich verschiedene Aspekte des Sozialsystems der Guineapaviane untersucht. Dabei habe ich mich im Besonderen auf Männchen fokussiert, um zu prüfen, ob diese eine ähnlich einflussreiche Rolle in ihrer Gesellschaft einnehmen, wie es bei Mantelpavianmännchen beobachtet wird. Der Fokus auf Männchen erlaubte außerdem den angenommenen Süd-Nord-Gradienten bezüglich der Qualität der Beziehungen zwischen Männchen zu testen. Demnach sollten Guineapavianmännchen als Angehörige einer nördlichen Art im Vergleich zu südlicheren Arten toleranter und kooperativer untereinander sein. Da allgemein angenommen wird, dass Verwandtschaft einen bedeutenden Einfluss auf soziale Interaktionsmuster haben kann (Verwandtenselektion) und auch in sozialen Interaktionen zwischen Mantelpavianmännchen eine wichtige Rolle spielt, habe ich darüber hinaus geprüft, ob genetische Verwandtschaft die räumlichen und sozialen Interaktionsmuster von Guineapavianmännchen erklären kann. Meine Studie ist die erste über Guineapaviane, die überwiegend auf quantitativen Daten zum Sozialverhalten individuell bekannter Tiere in ihrem natürlichen Lebensraum basiert. Zu Beginn des Projektes haben wir nicht habituierte Guineapaviane untersucht, die zu einer Population (Community) von Tieren gehören, deren Streifgebiet sich in der Nähe unserer Feldstation im Niokolo Koba Nationalpark im Senegal befindet. Dazu notierten wir die Größe und Zusammensetzung von Untergruppen an einer Wasserstelle. Es zeigte sich, dass diese Untergruppen je nach Tages- und Jahreszeit sehr variabel in ihrer Größe sowie der Zusammensetzung verschiedener Geschlechts- und Altersklassen waren. Nachdem wir zwei Untergruppen habituiert hatten und die Tiere individuell unterscheiden konnten, wurden anhand räumlicher Daten von mit GPS-Sendern ausgestatteten Tieren sowie mit Hilfe von Verhaltensbeobachtungen soziale Interaktionen und räumliche Assoziationen zwischen adulten Guineapavianmännchen untersucht. Um den Einfluss von Verwandtschaft auf das Sozialsystem zu prüfen, haben wir zudem mehrere adulte Männchen aus der untersuchten Community genotypisiert und genetische Verwandtschaft mit räumlichen Gruppierungs- bzw. sozialen Interaktionsmustern in Bezug gesetzt. Die Ergebnisse meiner Arbeit deuten darauf hin, dass die soziale Organisation der Guineapaviane mindestens drei Ebenen umfasst: Sogenannte Parties bestehen aus drei oder vier adulten Männchen (plus mehrere Weibchen und deren Jungtiere). Innerhalb dieser Ebene fand der Großteil der Interaktionen statt und es wurden enge soziale Bindungen sowie Koalitionen zwischen Männchen beobachtet. Parties scheinen daher die zentrale Einheit der Guineapaviangesellschaft zu bilden. Zwei oder drei Parties formen eine Gang, innerhalb derer die Männchen enger miteinander verwandt waren als Männchen verschiedener Gangs. Allgemein waren soziale Interaktionen auf die Ebene der Gang beschränkt. Die Community stellt die dritte Ebene dar und umfasst alle Individuen, die im gleichen Streifgebiet leben. Im Unterschied zum Mantelpaviansystem scheinen daher Ein-Mann-Gruppen bei Guineapavianen keine Organisationseinheit darzustellen, wobei wir über die Verteilung von Vaterschaften noch keine Aussagen machen können. Die Analyse sozialer Interaktionsmuster in Bezug auf Verwandtschaft ergab, dass Guineapavianmännchen unabhängig von Verwandtschaft starke kooperative Bindungen miteinander eingehen und sehr tolerant sind, sowohl innerhalb als auch zwischen Parties. Männchen scheinen also aktiv zum Zusammenhalt der Gangs beizutragen und spielen daher eine wichtige Rolle in der Erhaltung der mehrschichtigen Gesellschaft in der sie leben. Außerdem interagieren Männchen weitaus häufiger freundlich miteinander als bei anderen Pavianarten. Im Einklang damit zeigt ein Vergleich von Körpermaßen innerhalb der Gattung, dass bei Guineapavianmännchen Merkmale reduziert sind, welche mit intrasexueller Konkurrenz in Verbindung gebracht werden. Die sozialen Beziehungen zwischen Guineapavianmännchen scheinen demnach entscheidend von denen der Männchen anderer Pavianarten abzuweichen. Zusammengefasst belegt meine Studie, dass die Vielfalt von Sozialsystemen bei Pavianen, insbesondere die Variation in der Qualität der Beziehungen unter Männchen, größer ist als bisher angenommen. Die Gattung umfasst demzufolge vermutlich mehr als zwei, und mindestens drei, verschiedene Typen sozialer Systeme. Während die mehrschichtige Organisation der Guineapaviane oberflächlich dem Mantelpaviansystem ähnelt, unterscheiden sich die sozialen Beziehungen zwischen Guineapavianmännchen bezüglich der Intensität und Häufigkeit freundlicher Interaktionen auffallend von denen anderer Mitglieder der Gattung Papio. Diese Beobachtungen passen zu einem angenommenen Süd-Nord-Gradienten hinsichtlich einer erhöhten Häufigkeit von Koalitionsbildungen und einer gesteigerten Toleranz zwischen Männchen und betonen somit einmal mehr, dass es wichtig ist, die Stammesgeschichte und historischen Umweltbedingungen der untersuchten Arten neben derzeitigen Umweltbedingungen in die Untersuchung sozialer Evolution einzubeziehen.

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