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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

URBE Vigiada: Modos de morar e viver na cidade de Parahyba do Norte - 1910-1930. / URBE Guarded: Modes of living and living in the city of Parahyba do Norte - 1910-1930.

ALVES, Fernanda Karoline Martins Lira. 27 September 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Johnny Rodrigues (johnnyrodrigues@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-09-27T15:59:37Z No. of bitstreams: 1 FERNANDA KAROLINE MARTINS LIRA ALVES - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGH 2009..pdf: 13869497 bytes, checksum: e1d44fd6a83dd1c3599bdeccb1b6086e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-09-27T15:59:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 FERNANDA KAROLINE MARTINS LIRA ALVES - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGH 2009..pdf: 13869497 bytes, checksum: e1d44fd6a83dd1c3599bdeccb1b6086e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-04 / Este trabalho busca analisar as formas de moradia dos pobres na cidade de Parahyba do Norte-PB. no período entre 1910 e 1930. para compreender como se deram as intervenções no espaço da cidade, especialmente das habitações, e quais as implicações que as reformas urbanas, realizadas nesse período, tiveram na organização da cidade inclusive na forma de viver e morar nela. Tendo em vista que o processo de urbanização/modernização pelo qual passou a urbe buscou suprir não só as carências materiais, dotando-a com serviços e equipamentos urbanos de uso coletivo, tais como energia elétrica, serviço de abastecimento de água e saneamento, calçamento, alargamento das avenidas, bem como construção de praças e jardins públicos, mas também objetivava modificar os hábitos de seus moradores a partir da normatização dos usos dos espaços públicos e privados, a fim de manter a ordem estabelecida pelas autoridades em conjunto com as elites, os quais banhados pelos ideais de "progresso" e "civilização" procuraram gestar novas formas de habitabilidade bem como de sociabilidade condizentes com os novos padrões burgueses. De modo que, chamamos atenção para o modo de vida dos populares, com suas práticas cotidianas, suas formas de diversão, que em grande medida representaram uma ressignificação do projeto de modernização idealizado pelas elites. / This paper analyzed the forms of dwelling for the poor in the city of North-Parahyba PB. in the period between 1910 and 1930, to understand how interventions are made within the city, especially of the dwelling, and which the implications what the urbane reforms carried out in this period, had the organization of the city including in the form of live and life it. I have in mind that the process of urbanization / modernization over which it passed the city looked to provide not only the material lacks, endowing it with services and urbane equipments of collective use, such as electric energy, water supply and sanitation, paving and enlargement of the avenues, as well as construction of squares and public gardens. But also it was aiming to modify the habits of his residents from standardization of the uses public and private spaces, in order to maintain the order established by the authorities together with the elites, which involved by the ideais of "progress" and "civilization" looked to develop new forms of habitable state as well as sociability according to new bourgeois standards. So that, we attract attention for the way of popular life, with their daily practices, their forms of entertainment, which largely represented a new conception of the modernization project idealized by the elites.

Entre habit et habitacle, design de l'habiter : penser l'enveloppe, vers un paradigme de la texilité / From habit to habitacle, design for inhabiting : thinking the envelope, towards a paradigm of textility

Félix-Fromentin, Clotilde 15 November 2013 (has links)
Dans le cadre du projet de « maintenir ou accroître l'habitabilité du monde » (Ezio Manzini, 1991), nous interrogeons la manière de penser l’habiter par le design, qui rencontre de notre point de vue la question des enveloppes de l'homme, artificielles versus biologiques, matérielles versus virtuelles. Le cas de l’habit, hypothétique enveloppe habitable dérivée du vêtement, première architecture selon Gottfried Semper et le « principe du revêtement », retient tout particulièrement notre attention. Le sujet est abordé par une théorisation située à partir d’un projet expérimental personnel de conception et fabrication d’enveloppes textiles, qui attesta d’une rationalité et d’une expansivité tout à fait singulières. Son étude est conduite par une méthode poïétique, au sens de Paul Valéry, qui combine une étude herméneutique des productions, une exégèse de la nature systémique de la démarche (programme et émergences), ainsi qu’une exégèse complémentaire du travail technique en actes (facture et irrégularités). La transdisciplinarité inhérente à la problématique est ainsi envisagée à partir de la pensée de l’art textile de Semper, la pensée poétique et épistémologique de Valéry, et la pensée esthétique complexe issue des sciences du vivant. La construction théorique nous emporte à suggérer, en regard de l’habitabilité, la perspective d’un nouveau paradigme, la textilité. / In context of the project intended to « maintain or increase the habitability of the world » (Ezio Manzini, 1991), we question the way of thinking the dwelling by design, which meets, according to us, the question of human envelopes, artificial versus biological, material versus virtual. The case of the habit, hypothetical inhabitable envelope derived from garment, primary architecture according to Gottfried Semper and the “theory of clothing”, particularly focuses our attention. The subject is approached by a situated theorizing from a personal experimental project of conception and manufacture of textile envelopes, which demonstrated a rationality and expansiveness quite singular. The study is leaded by a poïetic method, as defined by Paul Valéry, combining an hermeneutical study of production, an exegesis of the systemic nature of the process (program and emergences), and an additional exegesis of the technical work through the acts (craft and irregularities). The inherent transversality of the problem is thus considered with means of the thought of textile art of Semper, the poetic and epistemological thought of Valéry, and the complex aesthetic thought outcome from of the life sciences. The theoretical construction takes us to suggest, in comparison with the one of habitability, the way to a new paradigm of textility.

Arquitectura planetaria: análisis de posibles hábitats naturales y artificiales en los entornos lunar y marciano, y su conveniencia

Eid-Macheh Sánchez, Yasmina 10 January 2025 (has links)
[ES] Se pretende configurar un tipo de arquitectura planetaria cuya concepción se establezca en torno a la búsqueda de las necesidades del astronauta como ser humano. A la hora de planificar un recinto planetario, debe tenerse en cuenta cómo combinar la generación de estímulos positivos para acompañar a un astronauta durante una estancia prolongada en el espacio, siendo el propósito del recinto actuar como refugio, junto a otros factores relacionados con el desarrollo de la vida humana dentro de la estructura. Estas consideraciones nos llevan entonces a la humanización de la arquitectura espacial como uno de los objetivos propuestos en esta investigación. La idea es promover el desarrollo de la actividad humana en todas sus formas posibles, dentro de las expectativas que la comunidad científica tiene sobre el posible establecimiento de una colonia humana extraterrestre y tratar de demostrar la capacidad de la arquitectura planetaria una vez que ha sido pensada al servicio de la condición humana. El objetivo es establecer criterios y pautas para la proyección y materialización de hábitats planetarios destinados, entre otras, a contribuir en mantener a los astronautas en el mejor estado físico y emocional posible durante su estancia durante largos periodos de tiempo al interior de dichos hábitats, en función de condiciones de confort ambiental como la iluminación, térmicas, acústicas, materiales, forma y composición, y relación con otros espacios necesarios para un desarrollo favorable, así como protección frente a agentes nocivos externos. De esta manera, se busca el confort y la respuesta positiva de la salud del astronauta, utilizando la arquitectura planetaria para ser considerada de acuerdo con aquellos aspectos relacionados con la funcionalidad, la construcción fuera del entorno terrestre e incluso la forma. Una vez registradas las necesidades arquitectónicas para su conformación, se consideran los aspectos formales relacionados con el hábitat, particularmente el estudio de los materiales autóctonos y el emplazamiento, destacando la importancia de la geología en la arquitectura planetaria, dadas las implicaciones del regolito lunar y marciano en los hábitats naturales a colonizar. / [CA] Es pretén configurar un tipus d'arquitectura planetària la concepció de la qual s'establisca entorn de la cerca de les necessitats de l'astronauta com a ésser humà. A l'hora de planificar un recinte planetari, ha de tindre's en compte com combinar la generació d'estímuls positius per a acompanyar a un astronauta durant una estada prolongada en l'espai, sent el propòsit del recinte actuar com a refugi, al costat d'altres factors relacionats amb el desenvolupament de la vida humana dins de l'estructura. Estes consideracions ens porten llavors a la humanització de l'arquitectura espacial com un dels objectius proposats en esta investigació. La idea és promoure el desenvolupament de l'activitat humana en totes les seues formes possibles, dins de les expectatives que la comunitat científica té sobre el possible establiment d'una colònia humana extraterrestre i tractar de demostrar la capacitat de l'arquitectura planetària una vegada que ha sigut pensada al servici de la condició humana. L'objectiu és establir criteris i pautes per a la projecció i materialització d'hàbitats planetaris destinats, entre altres, a contribuir a mantindre als astronautes en el millor estat físic i emocional possible durant la seua estada durant llargs períodes de temps a l'interior d'estos hàbitats, en funció de condicions de confort ambiental com la il·luminació, tèrmiques, acústiques, materials, forma i composició, i relació amb altres espais necessaris per a un desenvolupament favorable, així com protecció enfront d'agents nocius externs. D'esta manera, es busca el confort i la resposta positiva de la salut de l'astronauta, utilitzant l'arquitectura planetària per a ser considerada d'acord amb aquells aspectes relacionats amb la funcionalitat, la construcció fora de l'entorn terrestre i fins i tot la forma. Una vegada registrades les necessitats arquitectòniques per a la seua conformació, es consideren els aspectes formals relacionats amb l'hàbitat, particularment l'estudi dels materials autòctons i l'emplaçament, destacant la importància de la geologia en l'arquitectura planetària, donades les implicacions del *regolito lunar i marcià en els hàbitats naturals a colonitzar. / [EN] It is intended to configure a type of planetary architecture whose conception is established around the pursuit of the astronaut's needs as a human being. When planning a planetary enclosure, we must then take into consideration how to combine the generation of positive stimuli to accompany an astronaut during an extended stay, the purpose of the enclosure above all as a shelter, and other factors related to the ideal development of human life inside the structure. These considerations then lead us to the humanization of space architecture as one of the goals proposed in this research. The idea is to promote the development of human activity in all of its possible forms, within the expectations that the scientific community has about the possible establishment of an extra-terrestrial human colony and try to demonstrate the capacity of planetary architecture once it has been thought out in service of the human condition. The aim is to establish criteria and guidelines for the projection and materialization of planetary habitats specifically intended for the purpose, among others, of contributing to keeping the astronauts in the best possible physical and emotional state during their stay for long periods of time inside those habitats, based on environmental comfort conditions such as lighting, thermal, acoustic, material, form and composition, and relationship with other spaces necessary for favourable development, as well as protection against external harmful agents. In this way, we seek the comfort and positive response of the astronaut's health, using planetary architecture to be considered in accordance with those aspects related to functionality, construction outside the terrestrial environment and even form. Once the architectural needs for the conformation of the habitat have been recorded, we consider the formal aspects related to the habitat, particularly the study of indigenous material and the location itself, highlighting the importance of geology in planetary architecture, given the implications of the lunar and Martian regolith in the natural habitats to be colonized. / Eid-Macheh Sánchez, Y. (2024). Arquitectura planetaria: análisis de posibles hábitats naturales y artificiales en los entornos lunar y marciano, y su conveniencia [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/213734

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