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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hans Christian Andersen e \'O companheiro de viagem\': da narrativa mítica ao conto literário - um estudo em perspectiva comparatista / Hans Christian Andersen and The travelling companion: from mythic narrative to literary tale a study in comparative perspective

Oliveira Neto, Euclides Lins de 10 November 2017 (has links)
O objetivo da presente tese firmou-se na investigação de como se articula a imagem-símbolo da viagem no conto literário O companheiro de viagem, de Hans Christian Andersen, em diálogo com o conto popular norueguês O companheiro e a narrativa mítica nórdica Thor no País dos Gigantes. Para fundamentar o comparatismo literário das três narrativas, buscou-se aporte teórico na taxonomia dos símbolos presente na antropologia do imaginário, de Gilbert Durand (2012), e em outros teóricos da crítica da literatura contemporânea sobre o imaginário, o conto popular e o mito, a produção literária. Verificou-se como cada narrativa do corpus é configurada em imagens-símbolos e que algumas ressoam no conto anderseniano. A imagem compósita da viagem manifestou-se constitutiva de um esquema ascensional pela presença de um simbolismo que remete ao cume, à vitória do herói, à realização do sonho da conquista da amada e do reinado. A viagem é ascensão simbólica. Do ponto de vista da crítica literária pode-se reconhecer ainda que O companheiro de viagem é o palimpsesto no sentido que formula Gèrard Genette: um hipertexto (texto inovador) que narra um hipotexto (um texto anterior), pelo procedimento da transformação que se distingue da imitação. O conto O companheiro de viagem é (re)tecido em imagens-símbolos, configuradas em artifícios picturais, melodiosos, gestuais, visuais pela escrita. A imagem semelhantemente à vida, manifesta-se. / The aim of this thesis is based on the investigation of how is articulated the trip symbol image in the tale The travelling companion, by Hans Christian Andersen, in dialogue with the Norwegian popular tale The companion and the mythic Nordic narrative Thor in the land of giants. In order to support the literary comparatism in the three narratives, the theoretical contribution was made in the taxonomy of symbols present in the imaginary anthropology, by Gilbert Durand (2012), and other theorists of the contemporary literature criticism about the imaginary, the popular tale and the myth, the literary production. It was verified how each narrative of the corpus is configured in symbols-images and that some of them resound in the Andersenian tale. The composite image of the trip has revealed itself as constitutive of an ascended scheme by the presence of a symbolism which refers to the summit, the heros victory, the achievement of the dream of conquering the beloved woman and the realm. The trip is a symbolic ascent. From the point of view of the literary criticism, the literary tale is palimpsest in the sense of the Geràrd Genettes formulation: a hypertext (innovative text) which tells a hipotext (a previous text), by the resource of transformation that differs from imitation. However, the tale The travelling companion is (re)woven in symbols-images, configured in pictorial, melodic, gestural, visual devices by the writing. The image, similarly to life, manifests itself.

O papel visionário da arte na expressividade do vestir cotidiano / Art\'s visionary part in the daily expression of dressing up

Heloisa de Sá Nobriga 24 August 2018 (has links)
A construção da aparência pessoal individualizada vem ganhando destaque como potencial expressivo, pois sua finalização tem migrado da sugestão tutelar, seja da indústria ou de estilistas renomados, para as mãos do consumidor final. Com a multiplicação das possibilidades plásticas proporcionadas pelo sistema da moda, os usuários obtêm amplitude para selecionar os elementos estéticos que traduzam simbolicamente seu modo de ser, crenças e valores, personalidade, estilo de vida, entre outras configurações subjetivas e singulares. Em contrapartida, esse vestir aparece ainda limitado por adequações de pertencimento ao coletivo social e imposições industriais que são responsáveis por oferecer produtos que estarão acessíveis no mercado, seguindo a lógica capitalista da massificação. Assim, os indivíduos ficam acuados entre as tecnicidades do vestuário1 e sua potência expressiva, esmaecida frente ao sistema de produção em massa da moda. Esse sistema desde o início tem seu mecanismo e sua visualidade investigados pelas vanguardas do início do século XX. Sem amarras com as implicações de consumo, os artistas promovem o vestir-se ao patamar da experiência e questionam paradigmas da aparência, fazendo emergir novas visualidades e apontando para tendências de comportamento de moda. Este trabalho aborda a trajetória do artista Hans Eijkelboom que desponta no final do século XX e início do século XXI, sendo visionário na exploração da vestimenta na sua potencialidade plástica expressiva como ferramenta indissociável da experiência. A partir desse intuito serão analisados trechos da história da moda e a questão da individualidade relacionada ao vestir. Além disso, serão realizadas leituras de imagens de alguns trabalhos de Hans Eijkelboom. / The construction of individualized personal appearance has been gaining prominence as expressive potential, its finalization has increasingly migrated from the tutelary suggestion, both industry and renowned stylists to the hands of the final consumer. With the multiplication of the aesthetic possibilities offered by the fashion system, users have more breadth to select the aesthetic elements that symbolically translate their way of being, beliefs and values, personality, lifestyle, among other subjective and unique configurations. On the other hand, this clothes is still limited by adaptations of belonging to the social collective and industrial impositions that are responsible for offering products that will be accessible in the market following the capitalist logic of massification. Individuals are thus trapped between the technicities of clothing and their inherent expressive power, which is dimmed by the mass production system of fashion, which from the outset has its mechanism and visuality investigated by avant-garde artists of the early twentieth century. Without strings to the implications of consumption, artists will, during the entire twentieth century, promote clothing to the level of experience, and question paradigms of appearance by dressing, making visuals emerge, pointing to trends in fashion behavior. This work studies the artist Hans Eijkelboom that emerges in the late twentieth and early twentieth centuries, embodying the exploring visionary of clothing in its expressive aesthetic potential, as an inseparable tool of experience. With this intent will be analyzed excerpts from the History of Fashion, the issue of individuality related to dress, and readings of images of some works of Hans Eijkelboom.

Hans Staden: as narrativas literária e cinematográfica em contraste / Hans Staden: the literacy and cinematic narratives in contrast

Goncalves, Jacqueline Brizida 14 October 2011 (has links)
Tendo as discussões sobre as relações entre literatura e cinema, no que diz respeito a filmes baseados em obras literárias, já superado os limites da mera busca pela fidelidade, ainda são escassos os estudos contrastivos que busquem, antes de tudo, compreender os dois meios respeitando as especificidades, possibilidades e limites de cada um. Este trabalho centra-se no estudo da estrutura narrativa da obra Duas Viagens ao Brasil, de Hans Staden, e do filme Hans Staden, de Luiz Alberto Pereira, baseado nesse mesmo livro. Com o intuito de contribuir para os estudos da narrativa, o que se busca é verificar como a narração se dá na literatura e no cinema, com base nas estratégias presentes no texto literário e no texto fílmico, neste caso duas obras separadas por cinco séculos. / Considering that the discussions about the relations between literature and movies, in regards to films based on literary works, have already overcome the limits of the mere research for fidelity, there are still few contrasting studies that pursue, above all, the comprehension of the two means respecting their specificities, possibilities and limits. This work focus on the study of the narrative structure of the book Duas Viagens ao Brasil, by Hans Staden, and the movie Hans Staden, by Luiz Alberto Pereira, based on this same book. In order to contribute to the narrative studies, the present work seeks to verify how the narration takes place in the literature and in the movies, based on the strategies presented on the literary text and on the movie script, in this case, two works separated by five centuries.

Verletzbare Orte : Entwurf einer praktischen Ästhetik / Vulnerable places : outline of a practical aesthetics

Ziemer, Gesa January 2005 (has links)
Hauptanliegen der Dissertation ist es, einen Entwurf einer praktischen Ästhetik zu lancieren, der an der Schnittstelle zwischen philosophischer Ästhetik und Kunst – genauer Performancekunst - im Zeichen der Bezugsgrösse der Verletzbarkeit steht. <br><br> In jüngeren Ästhetikansätzen hat sich eine Auffassung herauskristallisiert, die nicht über, sondern mit Kunst reflektiert. Die Pointe im ‚Mit’ liegt darin, dass diese Ästhetiken die Kunst nicht erklären, sie bestimmen und damit ihre Bedeutung festlegen, sondern dass diese entlang der Kunst die Brüche, Widerstände und Zäsuren zwischen Wahrnehmen und Denken markieren und diese als produktiv bewerten. Diese Lesart etabliert ein Denken, das nicht aus der Distanz auf etwas schaut (theoria), sondern ästhetisch-reflektierend (zurückwendend, auch selbstkritisch) mit der Kunst denkt. <br><br> Die Disziplin der Ästhetik - als aisthesis: Lehre der sinnlichen Wahrnehmung - nimmt innerhalb der Philosophie eine besondere Stellung ein, weil sie auf ebendiese Differenz verweist und deshalb sinnliche und nicht nur logisch-argumentatorische Denkfiguren stärkt. Als eine Möglichkeit, die Kluft, das Nicht-Einholbare, die brüchige Unzulänglichkeit des begrifflich Denkenden gegenüber ästhetischer Erfahrung zu stärken, schlage ich die Bezugsgrösse der Verletzbarkeit vor. Eine solche Ästhetik besteht aus dem Kreieren verletzbarer Orte, wobei diese auf zweierlei Weisen umkreist werden: Zum einen aus der Kunstpraxis heraus anhand der ästhetischen Figur des verletzbaren Körpes, wie er sich in der zeitgenössischen Performance zeigt. Zum anderen als ein Kreieren von Begriffen im Bewusstsein ihrer Verletzbarkeit. <br><br> Ausgangspunkte sind die Denkentwürfe von Gilles Deleuze und Hans Blumenberg:<br><br> Die Ästhetik von Gilles Deleuze entwirft eine konkrete Überschneidungsmöglichkeit von Kunst und Philosophie, aus der sich meine These des Mit-Kunst-Denkens entwickeln lässt. Sie kann aus der Grundvoraussetzung des Deleuzeschen Denkens heraus begründet werden, die besagt, dass nicht nur die Kunst, sondern auch die Philosophie eine schöpferische Tätigkeit ist. Beide Disziplinen beruhen auf dem Prinzip der creatio continua, durch welche die Kunst Empfindungen und die Philosophie Begriffe schöpft, wobei eben genau dieser schöpferische Prozess Kunst und Philosophie in ein produktives Verhältnis zueinander treten lässt. Wie Deleuze seine Begriffsarbeit entlang künstlerischer Praxis entwickelt, wird anhand der Analyse des bis heute wenig rezipierten Textes Ein Manifest weniger in Bezug auf das Theater von Carmelo Bene analysiert. <br><br> Eine ganz anderen Zugang zum Entwurf einer praktischen Ästhetik liefert Hans Blumenberg, der eine Theorie der Unbegrifflichkeit in Aussicht stellt. Im Anschluss an seine Forderung, die Metapher wieder vermehrt in die philosophische Denkpraxis zu integrieren, radikalisiert er seine Forderung, auch das Nichtanschauliche zu berücksichtigen, indem er das gänzlich Unbegriffliche an die Seite des Begrifflichen stellt. Definitorische Schwäche zeigt sich als wahrhaftige Stärke, die in der Unbegrifflichkeit ihren Zenit erreicht. Der Schiffbruch wird von mir als zentrale Metapher – gewissermassen als Metapher der Metapher – verstanden, die das Auf-Grund-Laufen des Allwissenden veranschaulicht. Im Schiffbruch wird die produktive Kollision von Theorie und Praxis deutlich. <br><br> Deleuze und Blumenberg zeigen über ‚creatio continua’ und ‚Unbegrifflichkeit’ die Grenzen des Begreifens, indem sie betonen, dass sich Ästhetik nicht nur auf künstlerische Erfahrungen bezieht, sondern selber in das Gegenwärtigmachen von Erfahrungen involviert ist. Daraus folgt, dass ästhetische Reflexion nicht nur begrifflich agieren muss. Die praktische Ästhetik animiert dazu, andere darstellerische Formen (Bilder, Töne, Körper) als differente und ebenbürtige reflexive Modi anzuerkennen und sie als verletzbarmachende Formate der Sprache an die Seite zu stellen. Diese Lesart betont den gestalterischen Aspekt der Ästhetik selber. <br><br> Zur Verdeutlichung dieser Kluft zwischen (Körper-)Bild und Begriff ist der von mir mitgestaltete Film Augen blickeN der Dissertation als Kapitel beigefügt. Dieser Film zeigt Performer und Performerinnen, die sich bewusst entschieden haben, ihren ‚abweichenden’ Körper auf der Bühne zu präsentieren. Das Wort Verletzbarkeit verweist auf die paradoxe Situation, etwas Brüchiges tragfähig zu machen und dadurch auch auf eine besondere Beziehungsform und auf ein existenzielles Aufeinander-Verwiesensein der Menschen. Verletzbarkeit geht alle an, und stiftet deshalb eine Gemeinsamkeit besonderer Art. In diesem Sinne sind verletzbare Orte nicht nur ästhetische, sondern auch ethische Orte, womit die politische Dimension des Vorhabens betont wird. / Vulnerable Places. Outline of a practical aesthetics <br><br> The main thrust of the thesis is to launch the design for a practical aesthetics that would be situated at the interface between philosophical aesthetics and art – performance art, to be specific – with particular reference to the notion of vulnerability. <br><br> In more recent approaches to aesthetics a mode of thinking has emerged that engages in reflection not about art but rather with art. The point is for aesthetics not so much to explain and determine the meaning of art but rather to proceed alongside art in order to mark and appreciate the breaks, resistances and gaps between perception and thought. This way of reading establishes a kind of thinking that engages in aesthetic reflection with art (looking back onto itself, sometimes self-critically) rather than looking at something from a distance (theoria). <br><br> The discipline of aesthetics – in the sense of aisthesis, the theory of sense perception – has a special place within philosophy because it points towards exactly that difference, which strengthens sensual patterns of thought as opposed to those based on logical argument. I suggest the term vulnerability as a point of reference that will provide an opportunity to intensify the gap, the incommensurability, the fragile insufficiency of conceptual thought vis-à-vis aesthetic experience. Such an aesthetics consists in the creation of vulnerable places, revolving around them in two different circles: on the one hand approaching from the practice of art on the basis of the aesthetic figure of the vulnerable body as manifested in contemporary performance art, and on the other hand as the creation of terms and concepts with an awareness of their vulnerability. <br><br> The conceptual designs of Gilles Deleuze and Hans Blumenberg form points of departure for this argument: <br><br> Gilles Deleuze’ aesthetics outlines a concrete possibility of overlap between art and philosophy, on the basis of which my hypothesis of ‘thinking with art’ can be developed. It can be argued on the basis of the underlying assumptions of Deleuzian thought - the notion that not only art but also philosophy is a creative activity. Both disciplines are based on the principle of a creatio continua through which art creates sensations and philosophy concepts. And it is exactly this creative process that allows art and philosophy to enter into a productive relationship. The way Deleuze develops his conceptual work alongside artistic practice is shown on the basis of an analysis of the little known text Un manifeste de moins with reference to the theatre of Carmelo Bene. <br><br> Hans Blumenberg provides a completely different approach to the design of a practical aesthetics, indicating a theory of in-conceptuality. Following his call for an increased integration of metaphor into the practice of philosophical thought, he takes this further in the more radical call to take into equal consideration the non-sensual by placing the non-conceptual side by side with the conceptual. Weakness in definition emerges as the true strength, which reaches its apogee in its in-conceptuality. I understand the shipwreck as a central metaphor – in a sense as the metaphor of metaphor – that illustrates the grounding and failure of omniscience. The shipwreck illustrates the productive collision between theory and practice. <br><br> Through ‘creatio continua’ and ‘in-conceptuality’, Deleuze and Blumenberg show the limits of understanding by emphasizing that aesthetics not only refers to artistic experiences but is itself involved in the process of making experiences present. That means: Aesthetic reflection must proceed in ways other than just by conceptual means. Practical aesthetics encourages us to recognize other forms of representation (such as images, sounds, bodies) as different reflective modes of equal standing, and to place them side by side with language as forms that make one vulnerable. Such a reading emphasises the creative and design aspect of aesthetics itself. <br><br> The film ‘Point of View’, which I co-produced, forms an additional chapter of the thesis in order to illustrate the gap between (body-)image and concept. The film shows performers who have consciously decided to present their ‘deviant’ bodies on stage. The term vulnerability indicates the paradoxical task to enable something fragile to carry some weight; thus it also points towards a special form of relationship, to the way human beings are existentially dependent on each other. Since vulnerability concerns everyone, it establishes a special kind of community. In that sense, vulnerable places are not just aesthetic but also ethical places, which emphasizes the political dimension of the task.

Cognition and cultural context : an inquiry into Gadamer's theory of context-dependence /

Odenstedt, Anders. January 2001 (has links)
Presented as the author's Thesis--Umeå University, Sweden. / Includes bibliographical references ((p. 203-213)).

Die Norm als Tatsache : zur Normentheorie Hans Kelsens /

Heidemann, Carsten. January 1997 (has links) (PDF)
Univ., Diss.--Kiel, 1996.

Die Filmwunderkinder Hans Abich und die Filmaufbau GmbH Göttingen /

Sobotka, Jens U. January 1999 (has links)
Inaug. Diss. : Philosophie : Münster (Westf.) : 1998.

Das innere Verbum in Gadamers Hermeneutik /

Oliva, Mirela, January 2009 (has links)
Thesis (doctoral)--Freiburg im Breisgau, 2007. / Includes bibliographical references (p. [245]-253) and indexes.

Objektiver Geist und Ontologie der Sprache : Nicolai Hartmann und Hans-Georg Gadamer /

Rohm, Sven. January 1900 (has links)
"Zugl.: Bochum, Univ., Diss., 2007"--T.p. verso. / Includes bibliographical references (p. [231]-249).

The drawings by Hans Holbein the Younger for Erasmus' 'Praise of Folly' /

Michael, Erika, January 1981 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Washington, 1981. / Vita. Bibliography: leaves [453]-471.

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