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Le interfacce aptiche, ovvero le tecnologie che trasmettono delle sensazioni tattili digitalizzate, si stanno diffondendo in vari contesti sociali come telerobotica, comunicazione mobile, arte, videogiochi e cinema. Queste tecnologie stanno permettendo agli ingegneri di realizzare qualcosa mai fatto prima: la digitalizzazione del tatto (che ora può quindi essere registrato e mediatizzato). L’obbiettivo di questa tesi è di decostruire il tatto digitalizzato come un artefatto tecnologico socialmente costruito, il quale sta prendendo forma in un sistema di pratiche interrelate performate da attori in campi disparati della conoscenza. Questi attori si muovono all’interno e attorno ad una comunità di ingegneri apticisti.
Adottando un approccio ispirato alla grounded theory, sono stati raccolti dati qualitativi attraverso interviste presso un campo etnografico multi-situato composto da laboratori europei e conferenze internazionali, in cui la conoscenza riguardo il tatto è collettivamente creata e condivisa. Due framework teorico-metodologici sono stati presi in considerazione: la tradizione dei Science and Technology Studies (STS) è stata scelta come principale guida metodologica; in seguito, l’intreccio tra pratiche sociali e tecnologie è stato approfondito attraverso una prospettiva practice-based tipica della cosiddetta ‘practice theory’.
Al fine di cogliere il processo in corso di costruzione sociale e flessibilità che caratterizzano il tatto digitalizzato, lo studio si è concentrato sull'assenza di standardizzazione che caratterizza gli aspetti sia hardware che software di questa tecnologia emergente. Inoltre, è stata prestata attenzione alla distinzione controversa e scivolosa tra feedback tattile simbolico e realistico usata nel gergo degli apticisti. Infine, sono stati analizzati i diversi significati, o potenzialità d'uso, che gli intervistati attribuiscono a questa tecnologia. Questi significati si collegano a specifici immaginari sociotecnici geograficamente situati, ad ampi discorsi sociali riguardo l’innovazione tecnologica, e a diverse visioni riguardo le pratiche che possono beneficiare dell’implementazione di queste interfacce. / Devices that provide tactile feedback, called haptic interfaces, are spreading in various contexts such as tele-robotics, prosthetics, videogames, mobile communication, and arts. These technologies are allowing engineers to accomplish something never done before: the digitization of touch (which can now be stored and mediatized). This dissertation aims to deconstruct the digitized touch as a socially constructed technological product, emerging from a system of interrelated practices enacted by actors performing in disparate fields which revolve around the community of haptics engineers.
Using a grounded-theory inspired approach, qualitative data were collected through interviews in a multi-sited ethnographic field consisting in European laboratories and international conferences, where knowledge about touch is collectively created and shared. Two theoretical-methodological frameworks have been taken into consideration: the tradition of Science and Technology Studies (STS) has been chosen as the main methodological guide; moreover, the interlacements between social practices and technology have been deepened through the adoption of a practice-based perspective proposed by different approaches in social sciences gathered under the umbrella term ‘practice theory’.
In order to grasp the ongoing process of social construction and flexibility that characterize digitized touch, the study focused on the absence of standardization involving both hardware and software aspects of this emerging technology. Furthermore, attention has been paid to the controversial and slippery distinction between ‘symbolic’ and ‘realistic’ tactile feedback which is used in engineers’ jargon. Finally, the different meanings or potentialities of use, which respondents attributed to this technology, have been analysed. These meanings are connected to geographically located socio-technical imaginaries, to broad social discourses about technological innovation, and to different visions regarding the practices that can benefit from the implementation of these interfaces.
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L’oreille haptique : cette musique qui touche : lecture deleuzo-guattarienne de la création musicale au XXIe siècle via la logique de la sensation et le moléculairePilon-Pinette, Jessica 12 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire propose une lecture de la notion de l’« haptique », issue du contexte pictural de l’ouvrage Francis Bacon : Logique de la sensation du philosophe français Gilles Deleuze (1925-1995), appliquée à un paradigme, non plus visuel, mais sonore. Ainsi, la notion de « musique moléculaire », codéveloppée par Deleuze et Félix Guattari (1930-1992) dans Capitalisme et schizophrénie 2 : Mille plateaux, est invoquée. Dans la perspective d’une haptique musicale, il se dégage des parallèles étroits entre les différents concepts en lien avec l’haptique de Bacon et la conception deleuzo-guattarienne du moléculaire. Structuré en deux parties, ce mémoire tâchera, dans un premier temps, de fournir un aperçu général de l’haptique et d’en explorer les principaux éléments picturaux tout en proposant de manière continue des liens avec la musique, notamment par le biais de témoignages des compositeur·rice·s français·e·s Pascale Criton (née en 1954) et Pascal Dusapin (né en 1955). Dans un second temps, ce mémoire s’emploiera à établir des correspondances entre l’haptique deleuzien relevant du paradigme visuel baconien et la conception deleuzo-guattarienne de la musique moléculaire. Il en ressortira que les notions de « devenir », d’« indiscernabilité » et de « modèle analogique » constituent des principes communs au figural et à la musique moléculaire, s’en dégageant alors une perspective esthétique haptique plus globale qui relève, autant dans le paradigme pictural que musical, d’une « logique de la sensation ». / This thesis propose a lecture of the notion of ‘haptic’, taken from the pictorial context of Francis Bacon : Logique de la sensation, by French philosopher Gilles Deleuze (1925-1995), apply to a paradigm that is no longer visual, but audible. The notion of ‘molecular music’, co-developed by Deleuze and Félix Guattari (1930-1992) in Capitalisme et schizophrénie 2 : Mille plateaux, is invoked. From the perspective of musical haptic, close parallels emerge between various concepts related to Bacon’s haptic and Deleuzo-Guattarian’s conception of the molecular. Structured in two parts, this dissertation will first provide a general overview of the notion of ‘haptic’ and explore its main pictural elements, while continuously proposing links with music, notably through the testimonies of French composers Pascale Criton (b. 1954) and Pascal Dusapin (b. 1955). Secondly, this dissertation will seek to establish correspondences between the Deleuzian haptic of the Baconian visual paradigm and the Deleuzo-Guattarian conception of molecular music. It will show that the notions of ‘becoming’, ‘indiscernibility’ and ‘analogical model’ are principles common to the figural and to molecular music, giving rise to a more global haptic aesthetic perspective which, in both the pictorial and musical paradigms, stems from a ‘logic of sensation’.
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Motor Control and Perception during Haptic Sensing: Effects of Varying Attentional Demand, Stimuli and AgeMaster, Sabah 28 November 2012 (has links)
This thesis describes a series of experiments in human observers using neurophysiological and behavioural approaches to investigate the effects of varying haptic stimuli, attentional demand and age on motor control and perception during haptic sensing (i.e., using the hand to seek sensory information by touch). In Experiments I-IV, transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) was used to explore changes in corticomotor excitability when participants were actively engaged in haptic sensing tasks. These studies showed that corticospinal excitability, as reflected in motor evoked potential (MEP) amplitude, was greatly enhanced when participants were engaged in different forms of haptic sensing. Interestingly, this extra corticomotor facilitation was absent when participants performed finger movements without haptic sensing or when attention was diverted away from haptic input by a concurrent cognitive task (Exp I). This provided strong evidence that the observed corticomotor facilitation was likely central in origin and related to haptic attention. Neuroimaging has shown activation of the parieto-frontal network likely subserves this aspect of haptic perception. Further, this haptic-specific corticomotor facilitation was finely modulated depending on whether participants focused attention on identifying material (texture) as opposed to geometric properties of scanned surfaces (Exp II). With regards to aging effects, haptic-related corticomotor facilitation was associated with higher recognition accuracy in seniors (Exp III). In line with this, seniors exhibited similar levels of haptic-related corticomotor facilitation to young adults when task demands were adjusted for age (Exp IV). Interestingly, both young and senior adults also showed substantial corticomotor facilitation in the ‘resting’ hand when the ipsilateral hand was engaged in haptic sensing (Exp IV). Simply touching the stimulus without being required to identify its properties (no attentional task demands) produced no extra corticomotor facilitation in either hand or age group, attesting again to the specificity of the effects with regards to haptic attention. In Experiments V-VI, the ability to recognise 2-D letters by touch was investigated using kinematic and psychophysical measures. In Experiment V, we characterized how age affected contact forces deployed at the fingertip. This investigation showed that older adults exhibited lower normal force and increased letter-to-letter variability in normal force when compared to young adults. This difference in contact force likely contributed to longer contact times and lower recognition accuracy in older adults, suggesting a central contribution to age-related declines in haptic perception. Consistent with this interpretation, Experiment VI showed that haptic letter recognition in older adults was characterized not only by lower recognition accuracy but also by substantial increases in response times and specific patterns of confusion between letters. All in all, these investigations highlight the critical interaction of central factors such as attentional demand with aging effects on motor and perceptual aspects of haptic sensing. Of particular significance is the clear demonstration that corticomotor excitability is greatly enhanced when a haptic sensing component (i.e., attending to specific haptic features) is added to simple finger movements performed at minimal voluntary effort levels (typically <15 % of the maximal effort). These observations underline the therapeutic potential of active sensory training strategies based on haptic sensing tasks for the re-education of motor and perceptual deficits in hand function (e.g., subsequent to a stroke). The importance of adjusting attentional demands and stimuli is highlighted, particularly with regards to special considerations in the aging population.
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The feasibility of using virtual prototyping technologies for product evaluationBarge, Roland A. January 2008 (has links)
With the continuous development in computer and communications technology the use of computer aided design in design processes is becoming more commonplace. A wide range of virtual prototyping technologies are currently in development, some of which are commercially viable for use within a product design process. These virtual prototyping technologies range from graphics tablets to haptic devices. With the compression of design cycles the feasibility of using these technologies for product evaluation is becoming an ever more important consideration. This thesis begins by presenting the findings of a comprehensive literature review defining product design with a focus on product evaluation and a discussion of current virtual prototyping technologies. From the literature review it was clear that user involvement in the product evaluation process is critical. The literature review was followed by a series of interconnected studies starting with an investigation into design consultancies' access and use of prototyping technologies and their evaluation methods. Although design consultancies are already using photo-realistic renderings, animations and sometimes 3600 view CAD models for their virtual product evaluations, current virtual prototyping hardware and software is often unsatisfactory for their needs. Some emergent technologies such as haptic interfaces are currently not commonly used in industry. This study was followed by an investigation into users' psychological acceptance and physiological discomfort when using a variety of virtual prototyping tools for product evaluation compared with using physical prototypes, ranging from on-screen photo-realistic renderings to 3D 3600 view models developed using a range of design software. The third study then went on to explore the feasibility of using these virtual prototyping tools and the effect on product preference when compared to using physical prototypes. The forth study looked at the designer's requirements for current and future virtual prototyping tools, design tools and evaluation methods. In the final chapters of the thesis the relative strengths and weaknesses of these technologies were re-evaluated and a definitive set of user requirements based on the documentary evidence of the previous studies was produced. This was followed by the development of a speculative series of scenarios for the next generation of virtual prototyping technologies ranging from improvements to existing technologies through to blue sky concepts. These scenarios were then evaluated by designers and consumers to produce documentary evidence and recommendations for preferred and suitable combinations of virtual prototyping technologies. Such hardware and software will require a user interface that is intuitive, simple, easy to use and suitable for both the designers who create the virtual prototypes and the consumers who evaluate them.
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Encodage des forces tactiles dans le cortex somatosensoriel primaireFortier-Poisson, Pascal 07 1900 (has links)
Les deux fonctions principales de la main sont la manipulation d’objet et l’exploration tactile. La détection du glissement, rapportée par les mécanorécepteurs de la peau glabre, est essentielle pour l’exécution de ces deux fonctions. Durant la manipulation d’objet, la détection rapide du micro-glissement (incipient slip) amène la main à augmenter la force de pince pour éviter que l’objet ne tombe. À l’opposé, le glissement est un aspect essentiel à l’exploration tactile puisqu’il favorise une plus grande acuité tactile. Pour ces deux actions, les forces normale et tangentielle exercées sur la peau permettent de décrire le glissement mais également ce qui arrive juste avant qu’il y ait glissement. Toutefois, on ignore comment ces forces contrôlées par le sujet pourraient être encodées au niveau cortical. C’est pourquoi nous avons enregistré l’activité unitaire des neurones du cortex somatosensoriel primaire (S1) durant l’exécution de deux tâches haptiques chez les primates.
Dans la première tâche, deux singes devaient saisir une pastille de métal fixe et y exercer des forces de cisaillement sans glissement dans une de quatre directions orthogonales. Des 144 neurones enregistrés, 111 (77%) étaient modulés à la direction de la force de cisaillement. L’ensemble de ces vecteurs préférés s’étendait dans toutes les directions avec un arc variant de 50° à 170°. Plus de 21 de ces neurones (19%) étaient également modulés à l’intensité de la force de cisaillement. Bien que 66 neurones (59%) montraient clairement une réponse à adaptation lente et 45 autres (41%) une réponse à adaptation rapide, cette classification ne semblait pas expliquer la modulation à l’intensité et à la direction de la force de cisaillement. Ces résultats montrent que les neurones de S1 encodent simultanément la direction et l’intensité des forces même en l’absence de glissement.
Dans la seconde tâche, deux singes ont parcouru différentes surfaces avec le bout des doigts à la recherche d’une cible tactile, sans feedback visuel. Durant l’exploration, les singes, comme les humains, contrôlaient les forces et la vitesse de leurs doigts dans une plage de valeurs réduite. Les surfaces à haut coefficient de friction offraient une plus grande résistance tangentielle à la peau et amenaient les singes à alléger la force de contact, normale à la peau. Par conséquent, la somme scalaire des composantes normale et tangentielle demeurait constante entre les surfaces. Ces observations démontrent que les singes contrôlent les forces normale et tangentielle qu’ils appliquent durant l’exploration tactile. Celles-ci sont également ajustées selon les propriétés de surfaces telles que la texture et la friction.
Des 230 neurones enregistrés durant la tâche d’exploration tactile, 96 (42%) ont montré une fréquence de décharge instantanée reliée aux forces exercées par les doigts sur la surface. De ces neurones, 52 (54%) étaient modulés avec la force normale ou la force tangentielle bien que l’autre composante orthogonale avait peu ou pas d’influence sur la fréquence de décharge. Une autre sous-population de 44 (46%) neurones répondait au ratio entre la force normale et la force tangentielle indépendamment de l’intensité. Plus précisément, 29 (30%) neurones augmentaient et 15 (16%) autres diminuaient leur fréquence de décharge en relation avec ce ratio. Par ailleurs, environ la moitié de tous les neurones (112) étaient significativement modulés à la direction de la force tangentielle. De ces neurones, 59 (53%) répondaient à la fois à la direction et à l’intensité des forces. L’exploration de trois ou quatre différentes surfaces a permis d’évaluer l’impact du coefficient de friction sur la modulation de 102 neurones de S1. En fait, 17 (17%) neurones ont montré une augmentation de leur fréquence de décharge avec l’augmentation du coefficient de friction alors que 8 (8%) autres ont montré le comportement inverse. Par contre, 37 (36%) neurones présentaient une décharge maximale sur une surface en particulier, sans relation linéaire avec le coefficient de friction des surfaces. La classification d’adaptation rapide ou lente des neurones de S1 n’a pu être mise en relation avec la modulation aux forces et à la friction. Ces résultats montrent que la fréquence de décharge des neurones de S1 encode l’intensité des forces normale et tangentielle, le ratio entre les deux composantes et la direction du mouvement.
Ces résultats montrent que le comportement d’une importante sous-population des neurones de S1 est déterminé par les forces normale et tangentielle sur la peau. La modulation aux forces présentée ici fait le pont entre les travaux évaluant les propriétés de surfaces telles que la rugosité et les études touchant à la manipulation d’objets. Ce système de référence s’applique en présence ou en absence de glissement entre la peau et la surface. Nos résultats quant à la modulation des neurones à adaptation rapide ou lente nous amènent à suggérer que cette classification découle de la manière que la peau est stimulée. Nous discuterons aussi de la possibilité que l’activité des neurones de S1 puisse inclure une composante motrice durant ces tâches sensorimotrices. Finalement, un nouveau cadre de référence tridimensionnel sera proposé pour décrire et rassembler, dans un même continuum, les différentes modulations aux forces normale et tangentielle observées dans S1 durant l’exploration tactile. / The two most important functions of the hand are object manipulation and tactile exploration. The detection of slip provided by specialized mechanoreceptors in the glabrous skin is essential for the execution of both these functions. During object manipulation, the early detection of incipient slip leads to a grip force increase in order to prevent dropping an object. Slip is also an important aspect of tactile exploration because it greatly increases the acuity of touch perception. In both actions, normal and tangential forces on the skin can describe slip itself but also what occurs just before slip. However, little is known about how these self-generated forces are encoded at the cortical level. To better understand this encoding, we recorded from single neurons in primary somatosensory cortex (S1) as monkeys executed two haptic tasks.
In the first task, two monkeys grasped a stationary metal tab with a key grip and exerted shear forces, without slip, in one of four orthogonal directions. Of 144 recorded neurons, 111 (77%) had activity modulated with shear force directions. These preferred shear force vectors were distributed in every direction with tuning arcs varying from 50° to 170°. Also, more than 21 (19%) of these neurons had a firing rate correlated with shear force magnitude. Even if 66 (59%) modulated neurons showed clear slowly adapting response and 45 (41%) other neurons a rapidly adapting response, this classification failed to explain the modulation to force direction and magnitude. These results show that S1 neurons encode force direction and magnitude simultaneously even in the absence of slip.
In the second task, two monkeys scanned different surfaces with the fingertips in search of a tactile target without visual feedback. During the exploration, the monkeys, like humans, carefully controlled the finger forces and speeds. High friction surfaces offered greater tangential shear force resistance to the skin that was associated with decrease of the normal contact forces. Furthermore, the scalar sum of the normal and tangential forces remained constant. These observations demonstrate that monkeys control the applied normal and tangential finger forces within a narrow range which is adjusted according to surface properties such as texture and friction.
Of the 230 recorded neurons during tactile exploration, 96 (42%) showed instantaneous frequency changes in relation to finger forces. Of these, 52 (54%) were correlated with either the normal or tangential force magnitude with little or no influence from the other orthogonal force component. Another subset of 44 neurons (46%) responded to the ratio between normal and tangential forces regardless of magnitude. Namely, 29 neurons (30%) increased and 15 (16%) others decreased their discharge frequency related to this ratio, which corresponds to the coefficient of friction. Tangential force direction significantly modulated about half the recorded neurons (112). Of these, 59 (53%) responded to both direction and force magnitude. Of the 102 neurons recorded during exploration of three or more surfaces, 17 (17%) showed increased firing rate with increased surface friction and 8 (8%) presented the opposite behavior. However, 37 (36%) neurons seemed to discharge optimally for one of the surfaces without any linear relation to the surfaces’ coefficient of friction. The classification of rapidly and slowly adaptation for neuronal responses in S1 could not be associated with the modulation to forces or direction. These results show that the firing rates of S1 neurons reflect the tangential and normal force magnitude, the ratio of the two forces and the direction of finger movement.
These results show that the activity of a significant subpopulation of S1 neurons is represented by normal and tangential forces on the skin. This force modulation uses a frame of reference that can be applied with or without slip. This aspect provides a link between investigations of the cortical representation of surface properties and studies on object manipulation. Our results regarding the distinction between rapidly and slowly adapting neurons leads us to suggest that this difference is a consequence of the manner in which the skin was stimulated. A potential motor component in the modulation of S1 neurons during these sensorimotor tasks is also discussed. Finally, a novel three-dimensional reference frame is proposed to describe, as a single continuum, the different modulations to forces observed in S1 during tactile exploration.
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Effect of haptic guidance and error amplification robotic training interventions on the immediate improvement of timing among individuals that had a stroke / Effet de l’entrainement robotisé par réduction de l’erreur et augmentation de l’erreur sur le timing du mouvement chez la personne ayant eu un accident vasculaire cérébralBouchard, Amy January 2016 (has links)
Abstract : Many individuals that had a stroke have motor impairments such as timing deficits that hinder their ability to complete daily activities like getting dressed. Robotic rehabilitation is an increasingly popular therapeutic avenue in order to improve motor recovery among this population. Yet, most studies have focused on improving the spatial aspect of movement (e.g. reaching), and not the temporal one (e.g. timing). Hence, the main aim of this study was to compare two types of robotic rehabilitation on the immediate improvement of timing accuracy: haptic guidance (HG), which consists of guiding the person to make the correct movement, and thus decreasing his or her movement errors, and error amplification (EA), which consists of increasing the person’s movement errors. The secondary objective consisted of exploring whether the side of the stroke lesion had an effect on timing accuracy following HG and EA training. Thirty-four persons that had a stroke (average age 67 ± 7 years) participated in a single training session of a timing-based task (simulated pinball-like task), where they had to activate a robot at the correct moment to successfully hit targets that were presented a random on a computer screen. Participants were randomly divided into two groups, receiving either HG or EA. During the same session, a baseline phase and a retention phase were given before and after each training, and these phases were compared in order to evaluate and compare the immediate impact of HG and EA on movement timing accuracy. The results showed that HG helped improve the immediate timing accuracy (p=0.03), but not EA (p=0.45). After comparing both trainings, HG was revealed to be superior to EA at improving timing (p=0.04). Furthermore, a significant correlation was found between the side of stroke lesion and the change in timing accuracy following EA (r[subscript pb]=0.7, p=0.001), but not HG (r[subscript pb]=0.18, p=0.24). In other words, a deterioration in timing accuracy was found for participants with a lesion in the left hemisphere that had trained with EA. On the other hand, for the participants having a right-sided stroke lesion, an improvement in timing accuracy was noted following EA. In sum, it seems that HG helps improve the immediate timing accuracy for individuals that had a stroke. Still, the side of the stroke lesion seems to play a part in the participants’ response to training. This remains to be further explored, in addition to the impact of providing more training sessions in order to assess any long-term benefits of HG or EA. / Résumé : À la suite d’un accident vasculaire cérébral (AVC), plusieurs atteintes, comme un déficit de timing, sont notées, et ce, même à la phase chronique d’un AVC, ce qui nuit à l’accomplissement de tâches quotidiennes comme se vêtir. L’entrainement robotisé est un entrainement qui est de plus en plus préconisé dans le but d’améliorer la récupération motrice à la suite d’un AVC. Par contre, la plupart des études ont étudié les effets de l’entrainement robotisé sur l’amélioration de l’aspect spatial du mouvement (ex : la direction du mouvement), et non l’aspect temporel (ex : timing). L’objectif principal de ce projet était donc d’évaluer et de comparer l’impact de deux entrainements robotisés sur l’amélioration immédiate du timing soit : la réduction de l’erreur (RE), qui consiste à guider la personne à faire le mouvement désiré, et l’augmentation de l’erreur (AE), qui nuit au mouvement de la personne. L’objectif secondaire consistait à explorer s’il y avait une relation entre le côté de la lésion cérébrale et le changement dans les erreurs de timing suivant l’entrainement par RE et AE. Trente-quatre personnes atteintes d’un AVC au stade chronique (âge moyen de 67 ± 7 années) ont participé à cette étude, où ils devaient jouer à un jeu simulé de machine à boules. Les participants devaient activer une main robotisée au bon moment pour atteindre des cibles présentées aléatoirement sur un écran d’ordinateur. Les participants recevaient soit RE ou AE. Une ligne de base et une phase de rétention étaient données avant et après chaque entrainement, et elles étaient utilisées pour évaluer et comparer l’effet immédiat de RE et AE sur le timing. Les résultats ont démontré que RE permet d’améliorer les erreurs de timing (p=0,03), mais pas AE (p=0,45). De plus, la comparaison entre les deux entrainements a démontré que RE était supérieur à AE pour améliorer le timing (p=0,04). Par ailleurs, une corrélation significative a été notée entre le côté de la lésion cérébrale et le changement des erreurs de timing suivant AE (r[indice inférieur pb]=0,70; p=0,001), mais pas RE (r[indice inférieur pb]=0,18; p=0,24). En d’autres mots, une détérioration de l’exécution de la tâche de timing a été notée pour les participants ayant leur lésion cérébrale à gauche. Par contre, ceux ayant leur lésion à droite ont bénéficié de l’entrainement par AE. Bref, l’entrainement par RE peut améliorer les erreurs de timing pour les survivants d’AVC au stade chronique. Toutefois, le côté de la lésion cérébrale semble jouer un rôle important dans la réponse à l’entrainement par AE. Ceci demeure à être exploré, ainsi que l’impact d’un entrainement par RE et AE de plus longue durée pour en déterminer leurs effets à long terme.
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Les habiletés spatio-cognitives des aveugles de naissance : résolution de labyrinthes tactilesGagnon, Léa 07 1900 (has links)
La navigation repose en majeure partie sur la vision puisque ce sens nous permet de rassembler des informations spatiales de façon simultanée et de mettre à jour notre position par rapport à notre environnement. Pour plusieurs aveugles qui se fient à l’audition, le toucher, la proprioception, l’odorat et l’écholocation pour naviguer, sortir à l’extérieur de chez soi peut représenter un défi considérable. Les recherches sur le circuit neuronal de la navigation chez cette population en particulier s’avèrent donc primordiales pour mieux adapter les ressources aux handicapés visuels et réussir à les sortir de leur isolement.
Les aveugles de naissance constituent aussi une population d’intérêt pour l’étude de la neuroplasticité. Comme leur cerveau s’est construit en absence d’intrant visuel, la plupart des structures reliées au sens de la vue sont réduites en volume par rapport à ceux de sujets voyants. De plus, leur cortex occipital, une région normalement dédiée à la vision, possède une activité supramétabolique au repos, ce qui peut représenter un territoire vierge pouvant être recruté par les autres modalités pour exécuter diverses tâches sensorielles. Plusieurs chercheurs ont déjà démontré l’implication de cette région dans des tâches sensorielles comme la discrimination tactile et la localisation auditive. D’autres changements plastiques de nature intramodale ont aussi été observés dans le circuit neuronal de la navigation chez ces aveugles. Par exemple, la partie postérieure de l’hippocampe, impliquée dans l’utilisation de cartes mentales, est réduite en volume alors que la section antérieure est élargie chez ces sujets. Bien que ces changements plastiques anatomiques aient bel et bien été observés chez les aveugles de naissance, il reste toutefois à les relier avec leur aspect fonctionnel.
Le but de la présente étude était d’investiguer les corrélats neuronaux de la navigation chez l’aveugle de naissance tout en les reliant avec leurs habiletés spatio-cognitives. La première étude comportementale a permis d’identifier chez les aveugles congénitaux une difficulté d’apprentissage de routes tactiles construites dans des labyrinthes de petite échelle. La seconde étude, employant la technique d’imagerie par résonance magnétique fonctionnelle, a relié ces faiblesses au recrutement de régions cérébrales impliquées dans le traitement d’une perspective égocentrique, comme le lobule pariétal supérieur droit. Alors que des sujets voyants aux yeux bandés excellaient dans la tâche des labyrinthes, ces derniers recrutaient des structures impliquées dans un traitement allocentrique, comme l’hippocampe et le parahippocampe. Par ailleurs, la deuxième étude a confirmé le recrutement du cortex occipital dans une tâche de navigation chez les aveugles seulement. Ceci confirme l’implication de la plasticité intermodale dans des tâches cognitives de plus haut niveau, comme la navigation. / Navigation is predominately based on vision as it gathers spatial information simultaneously and allows a continuous update of our position relative to space. For many blind people who rely mainly on auditive, haptic, proprioceptive, olfactive and echolocating cues to navigate, leaving outside their home can be a challenge. Research on the navigational neural network in this particular population is therefore crucial to better adapt resources for visually impaired people and free them from isolation.
Congenitally blind subjects are also an interesting population for the study of neuroplasticity. As their brain was built without any visual input, most structures related to vision are reduced in volume compared to those of seeing subjects. Moreover, their occipital cortex, a region normally dedicated to vision, has a suprametabolic activity at rest, which could represent a virgin territory that can be recruited by other modalities to accomplish various sensory tasks. Recently some researchers have demonstrated the involvement of this region in sensory tasks such as tactile discrimination and auditive localisation. Other intramodal plastic changes have also been observed in the blind’s navigational neural network. The posterior part of hippocampus, involved in cognitive mapping, is reduced in volume while the anterior section is enlarged in blind subjects. Although some anatomical plastic changes have been observed in congenitally blind’s brain navigational system, their functional aspect remains to be elucidated.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the neural correlates of navigation in congenital blindness and to link them with the blinds’ spatio-cognitive skills. The first behavioral study identified route learning difficulties in congenitally blind participants when they were ask to navigate inside small-scaled tactile mazes. Using functional magnetic resonance imagery in the second study, these problems were associated with the recruitment of brain regions involved in an egocentric perspective processing, such as right superior parietal lobule. While blindfolded seeing subjects excelled in the maze task, they recruited structures involved in allocentric processing, such as hippocampus and parahippocampus. Moreover, the second study confirmed the recruitment of occipital cortex in a navigation task for blind subjects only. This strengthens the involvement of crossmodal plasticity in higher level cognitive tasks, such as navigation.
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Vliv věku na percepci vertikality u zdravých jedinců / The inpluence of age on the perception of verticality in healthy individualsKmeť, Jan January 2014 (has links)
INTRODUCTION - The ability to maintain stability while standing given by function of multisenzory system consists of vision, somatosensory and vestibular system and integration of the CNS. Due to aging there is a decrease of functional capacity of the organism, including these systems, resulting in a deterioration of the balance. Examination of subjective visual and haptic vertical is sensitive diagnostic criterion for functionality of these systems. OBJECTIVE - To compare the ability of verticality perception in young and elderly. METHODS - We examined 64 probands in visual and haptic subjective vertical. The first group consisted of 30 subjects aged 20 to 30 years. In the second group there were 34 people aged over 60. RESULTS - The values of the subjective visual vertical not differ between groups (0.1 ± 0.75 ř for the young and 0.1 ± 1.91 ř for seniors). Results of subjective haptic vertical differed on the significance level of p = 0.004 (0.8 ± 3.67 in the young and 3.7 ± 4.15 for seniors). CONCLUSION - Because subjective haptic vertical is diagnostic criterion mainly for the somatosensory system, we can assume that this particular system is responsible for a decrease in functional capacity and deterioration of stability in the elderly.
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Visceral material : cinematic bodies on screenBugaj, Malgorzata January 2014 (has links)
This thesis investigates cinema’s attempts to engage in a dialogue with the trace of the physical body. My concern is with the on-screen presentation of the body rather than its treatment as a representation of gender, sexuality, race, age, or class. I examine specifically The Elephant Man (Lynch, 1980), Crash (Cronenberg, 1996), Attenberg (Tsangari, 2010), Taxidermia (Pálfi, 2006), and Sokurov’s family trilogy (Mother and Son, 1997; Father and Son, 2003; and Alexandra, 2007). The recurring tropes in these seven films include references to the medical gaze (both objective and objectifying) and haptic visuality which privileges sensual, close engagement with the image of the material object. I consider the medical and the haptic as metaphors for depictions of the body in cinema. To develop my analysis, I draw on the works of Michel Foucault, Laura U. Marks and Vivian Sobchack amongst others. I conclude that the discussed films, preoccupied with images of corporeal forms, criticise cinema’s conventional treatment of the body as simply a vessel for a goal-driven character and portray bodies which appear to consciousness in their own right.
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Collaboration haptique étroitement couplée pour la manipulation moléculaire interactive / Closely coupled haptic collaboration for interactive molecular manipulationSimard, Jean 12 March 2012 (has links)
Le docking moléculaire est une tâche complexe, difficile à appréhender pour une personne seule. C’est pourquoi, nous nous proposons d’étudier la distribution cognitive des charges de travail à travers la collaboration. Une plate-forme distribuée de déformation moléculaire interactive a été mise en place afin d’étudier les avantages mais aussi les limites et les contraintes du travail collaboratif étroitement couplé. Cette première étude, basée sur trois expérimentations, a permis de valider l’intérêt d’une approche collaborative pour des tâches complexes à fort couplage. Cependant, elle a mis en évidence des conflits de coordination ainsi que des problématiques liées à la dynamique d’un groupe. Suite à cette première étude, nous avons proposés une nouvelle configuration de travail associée à des métaphores de communication haptiques afin d’améliorer la communication et les interactions entre les différents collaborateurs. Une dernière expérimentation avec des biologistes a permis de montrer l’utilité de la communication haptique pour le travail collaboratif sur des tâches complexes à fort couplage. / Molecular docking is a very complex task that can not be deal by only one user. Based on this observation, we propose to study the cognitive workload distribution on group of users in collaboration. For this purpose, we implement a distributed platform to interactively manipulate and deform structures of the molecules. With this platform, we want to study the assets of the closely coupled collaboration but also highlight the constraints and the drawbacks. Based on three experimentations, the study validate the concept of workload distribution in the closely coupled collaboration. However, it highlights limits with coordination conflicts through communication problem. Moreover, some difficulties have been encountered with the dynamic in a group of collaborators.Based on these results, we proposed a new working configuration coupled with new haptic communication metaphors to improve the communication and the coordination between the members of the group. These propositions have been evaluated in a fourth experimentation introducing biologists. The results show the importance of the haptic communication to improve the coordination in closely coupled collaboration.
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