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Einfluss von nichtsteroidalen Antiphlogistika (NSAID) auf hämatologische und klinisch-chemische Parameter bei Rindern mit DystokieRottmann, Sabine 12 September 2006 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit überprüft vergleichend die Wirksamkeit der NSAID Flunixin und Ketoprofen in der unterstützenden Therapie bei Rindern nach Schwergeburten auf hämatologische und klinisch-chemische Parameter. Sie fokussiert sich dabei auf Parameter, welche für die Einschätzung einer endotoxämischen Belastung von Relevanz sind. Besondere Bedeutung kommt hierbei dem Haptoglobin und dem CRP zu, da bislang keine Untersuchungen zum Einfluss von NSAID auf Akute-Phase-Proteine beim Rind vorliegen.
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Untersuchungen zur Bedeutung von Haptoglobin bei Zootieren unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von WiederkäuernFrink, Tobias 16 June 2009 (has links)
Ziel der Arbeit war es festzustellen, ob Haptoglobin, ein Akute-Phase-Protein der Hauswiederkäuer, auch bei verschiedenen Wildwiederkäuern und Elefanten in vergleichbarer Weise fungiert und somit als Entzündungsmarker genutzt werden kann. Zusammenfassend kann aus den Ergebnissen dieser Untersuchungen geschlossen werden, dass bei Wildwiederkäuern die Bestimmung des Hp zur Detektion und Beurteilung der Behandlung entzündlicher Krankheitsprozesse genutzt werden kann.
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Diagnostische Bedeutung der Plasmaviskositaet und des Haptoglobins beim RindPietzsch, Heike 16 November 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Die Bestimmung der Plasmaviskositaet und des Haptoglobin beim Rind erweisen sich als sinnvolle Ergaenzungen in der Labordiagnostik. Ihre Bestimmung als Suchtest zur Fruehdiagnostik von praxisrelevanten Rinderkrankheiten ist zu empfehlen.
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The trypanosome lytic factor of human serum, a Trojan horseVanhollebeke, Benoît 01 December 2008 (has links)
The trypanolytic factor of human serum :a trojan horse.<p><p><p>African trypanosomes, the prototype of which is Trypanosoma brucei, are protozoan parasites of huge clinical, veterinary and economical importance. They develop in the body fluids of various mammals (including humans) where they face and manipulate many different aspects of the immune system. The extent of this interplay is pivotal to both host and parasite survival, and depending on parasite virulence and host susceptibility, infection duration ranges from some months to several years. At the end, host survival is invariably compromised.<p><p>Humans and few other primates provide however a striking exception to this fatal outcome. They are indeed fully protected against most trypanosome infections through the presence in their blood of a so-called trypanosome lytic factor (TLF). The TLF is known to circulate mainly in the form of a high density lipoprotein particle characterized by the simultaneous presence of two primate-specific proteins: haptoglobin-related protein (Hpr) and apolipoprotein L-I (apoL-I).<p><p>We have contributed to delineate the respective roles played by Hpr and apoL-I in the lysis process.<p><p>ApoL-I was shown to be the exclusive toxin of the TLF. In its absence humans get fully susceptible to any trypanosome infection. The toxin was shown to kill the parasite after endocytosis through the generation of ionic pores in the lysosomal membrane. Those pores dissipate membrane potential and trigger the influx of chloride ions from the cytoplasm into the lysosomal compartment, leading to an eventually fatal uncontrolled osmotic phenomenon. <p><p>ApoL-I efficient delivery to the parasite relies on Hpr. African trypanosomes indeed fulfil their heme nutritional requirements by receptor-mediated internalization of the complex formed by haptoglobin, an evolutionary conserved acute-phase protein, and hemoglobin, resulting from physiological intravascular hemolysis. This heme uptake by the auxotrophic parasites contributes to both growth rate and resistance against host oxidative burst. In human serum, the trypanosome receptor is unable to discriminate between Hp and the closely related TLF-bound Hpr, explaining TLF efficient endocytosis.<p><p>As such, the TLF acts as a Trojan horse, killing the parasite from inside the cell after having deceived its vigilance through the high similarity between heme-delivering haptoglobin and toxin-associated Hpr. <p> / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Diagnostische Bedeutung der Plasmaviskositaet und des Haptoglobins beim RindPietzsch, Heike 08 June 2010 (has links)
Die Bestimmung der Plasmaviskositaet und des Haptoglobin beim Rind erweisen sich als sinnvolle Ergaenzungen in der Labordiagnostik. Ihre Bestimmung als Suchtest zur Fruehdiagnostik von praxisrelevanten Rinderkrankheiten ist zu empfehlen.
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Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization- quadrupole ion trap-time of flight mass spectrometry sequencing resolves structures of unidentified peptides obtained by in-gel tryptic digestion of haptoglobin derivatives from human plasma proteomes.Sutton, Chris W., Glocker, M.O., Koy, C., Tanaka, K., Mikkat, S., Resch, M. 2009 July 1914 (has links)
No / Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis-separated and excised haptoglobin alpha2-chain protein spots were subjected to in-gel digestion with trypsin. Previously unassigned peptide ion signals observed in mass spectrometric fingerprinting experiments were sequenced using the matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-quadrupole ion trap-time of flight (MALDI-QIT-TOF) mass spectrometer and showed that the haptoglobin alpha-chain derivative under study was cleaved by trypsin unspecifically. Abundant cleavages occurred C-terminal to histidine residues at H23, H28, and H87. In addition, mild acidic hydrolysis leading to cleavage after aspartic acid residues at D13 was observed. The uninterpreted tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) spectrum of the peptide with ion signal at 2620.19 was submitted to database search and yielded the identification of the corresponding peptide sequence comprising amino acids (aa) aa65-87 from the haptoglobin alpha-chain protein. Also, the presence of a mixture of two tryptic peptides (mass to charge ratio m/z 1708.8; aa40-54, and aa99-113, respectively), that is caused by a tiny sequence variation between the two repeats in the haptoglobin alpha2-chain protein was resolved by MS/MS fragmentation using the MALDI-QIT-TOF mass spectrometer instrument. Advantageous features such as (i) easy parent ion creation, (ii) minimal sample consumption, and (iii) real collision induced dissociation conditions, were combined successfully to determine the amino acid sequences of the previously unassigned peptides. Hence, the novel mass spectrometric sequencing method applied here has proven effective for identification of distinct molecular protein structures.
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