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Mooring Impacts on <i>Zostera marina</i> Meadows and Associated Epifauna in Nantucket Harbor, Massachusetts, USAMcCandless, Andrew Wright 05 July 2018 (has links)
Seagrass ecosystems are some of the most productive in the world and provide a variety of ecosystem services but are facing global decline chiefly due to anthropogenic disturbance. Mechanical disturbances to seagrass meadows from anchoring, propeller scars, and mooring scars result in losses or damage to both shoots and the underlying rhizome. I conducted a literature synthesis on the extent of, recovery from, and ecological impacts of these mechanical disturbances to seagrass meadows. The literature suggests that anchoring damage tends to be worst in deeper water where larger vessels anchor and can cause large (>100m2) loss per anchoring and recovery may take decades to over a century. Propeller damage is of largest concern in shallow (<2m) areas experiencing heavy boat traffic because propeller damage can only occur where the propeller can come close to the seagrass. Mooring damage is highly variable depending on the type of mooring used (>10m2 to >1000m2 scoured per mooring). Seagrass patches experiencing these mechanical disturbances have, in some studies, been found to have lower seagrass percent cover and shoot density than reference areas. This indicates scars can have "halos" of impacted seagrass meadow. Some seagrass systems cannot recover within a century (e.g. Posidonia oceanica meadows at the extent of their depth tolerance) while others recover annually from some disturbances (e.g., anchor scars <1m2). Systems face altered species composition when scars are preferentially recolonized by certain species and patterns of recovery are affected by altered biogeochemical conditions following disturbances. Additionally, mooring, anchoring, and propeller scarring frequently alter meadow density, cover, patch size, patch shape, patch isolation, edge area, and ratios of edge to interior meadow leading to changes in faunal community structure. Correlations between these disturbances and faunal abundances, densities, and richness in seagrass ecosystems are complex, vary temporally (sometimes on the scale of days), and may result in species showing positive, negative, or no responses to a wide range of disturbance regimes.
To explore the connections between mooring scarring, the surrounding seagrass meadow condition and epifaunal community, in the second part of this thesis I measured 30 mooring scars to determine average scar size. To explore any potential "halo" effect around mooring scars for seagrass or epifauna and to seek any difference in epifaunal community between mooring and reference sites I also sampled paired sites at eight locations in Nantucket Harbor, Massachusetts three times each in the summer of 2015. Each location consisted of a meadow site actively experiencing mooring scarring and a reference site without moorings. My conservative sampling methods of the 30 sampled mooring scars found scars to average 21.1m2. Across my paired sites, seagrass was found to have lower cover and lower canopy height in mooring versus reference sites. Seagrass cover and canopy height were lower in the first few meters (typically 2-3m) surrounding each scar in comparison to paired reference quadrats indicating a "halo" effect of each scar. I did not detect a difference in epifaunal community composition or density per blade between mooring and reference sites; however, the relatively constant per blade concentration of epifauna combined with the differences in seagrass biomass between the mooring versus reference sites indicate an overall increase in the total amount of epifauna in areas with less disturbance. Epifaunal community composition was different and between locations and sampling dates indicating these factors are more important than proximity to mooring scarring in determining epifaunal abundance and richness. When considering scar area and the "halo" of each scar I estimate that at least 32ha (2%) of Nantucket Harbor was impacted by mooring scarring. Given that the estimates of seagrass do not include areas previously denuded of this plant and that my measurements were conservative, likely a larger portion of this harbor's potential seagrass habitat is impacted. Combined with the findings of loss due to these direct boat-related physical disturbances of seagrass meadows worldwide across regions, this halo effect is likely to also be found for moorings globally. I encourage management of the issue by employing and fine-tuning mooring methods (such as deploying moorings with anchor connections that do not drag on the sea floor) to minimize these unintentional but strong effects of mooring on the recipient habitat.
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Tragedi som underhållningArmbäck, Hanna, Danielsson, Emma January 2009 (has links)
<p>Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur två verklighetsbaserade Hollywoodfilmer, Pearl Harbor och World Trade Center, framställer det amerikanska folket samt dess fiender när landet blir attackerat.</p><p>Vår studie är baserad på en kvalitativ kritisk diskursanalys förankrad i hermeneutiken, Vi väljer ut två filmer som vi sedan granskar och analyserar.</p><p>Analysen visar att trots filmerna skiljer sig i handling och när de utspelar sig, så har de många gemensamma faktorer. Det framstår som att USA blir oskyldigt attackerat eftersom det inte redogjorts i filmerna några bakomliggande faktorer till vad som hänt. </p><p>Genom symboler, handlingar, musik och tal speglas en påtaglig amerikansk patriotism i båda filmerna, det amerikanska folket framställs som hjältar, både uniformsbeklädda och privatpersoner. Fienden är en anonym makt som publiken aldrig får chans att identifiera sig med och framställs som hjärtlös och kall genom musik, färger och bildberättande.</p>
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Tragedi som underhållningArmbäck, Hanna, Danielsson, Emma January 2009 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur två verklighetsbaserade Hollywoodfilmer, Pearl Harbor och World Trade Center, framställer det amerikanska folket samt dess fiender när landet blir attackerat. Vår studie är baserad på en kvalitativ kritisk diskursanalys förankrad i hermeneutiken, Vi väljer ut två filmer som vi sedan granskar och analyserar. Analysen visar att trots filmerna skiljer sig i handling och när de utspelar sig, så har de många gemensamma faktorer. Det framstår som att USA blir oskyldigt attackerat eftersom det inte redogjorts i filmerna några bakomliggande faktorer till vad som hänt. Genom symboler, handlingar, musik och tal speglas en påtaglig amerikansk patriotism i båda filmerna, det amerikanska folket framställs som hjältar, både uniformsbeklädda och privatpersoner. Fienden är en anonym makt som publiken aldrig får chans att identifiera sig med och framställs som hjärtlös och kall genom musik, färger och bildberättande.
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Slowly, Surely, One Plat, One Binder at a Time: Choking Out Jim Crow and the Development of the Azurest Syndicate IncorporatedDubinson, GraceLynis 06 May 2012 (has links)
This thesis explores the intersections of a Black Power leisure identity, real property ownership, the progression of economic agency and land development through the example of Black resorts, focusing on Azurest North, a summer community in Sag Harbor, New York developed in the 1950s by Azurest Syndicate Incorporated. The project traces the history of real estate syndicates during the mid-twentieth century as a way to circumvent the practices of Jim Crow housing discrimination. Independent mortgage financing and land development especially in the field of resort housing, also points to the emergence of what I call a Black Power leisure identity. This study also seeks to determine how the American pursuit of leisure during the twentieth century forged identity and how real estate property ownership has been used to maintain and secure community and individual identity.
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Concentrations and distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons(PAHs) and polychlorinated biphenyls(PCBs) in Kaohsiung HarborChen, kai-ting 18 March 2010 (has links)
This study investigated the concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in the particulate and dissolved phase, as well as concentrations of PAHs in the sediment in Kaohsiung Harbor lagoon. Sources of PAHs in the water column were determined by isomer ratios, hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) and principal components analysis (PCA). The net and annual fluxes of PAHs were calculated after a lagoon-wide water sampling campaign and compared with those found in a previous study (Fang, 2007) in which data from only one water sampling station was used.
¡@¡@In rain season, total PAH concentrations ranged from 21.6 to 36.2 ng/L for water samples, with dissolved and particulate phase concentrations ranged from 15.5 to 27.2 ng/L and from 3.4 to 8.6 ng/L, respectively. In dry season, total PAH concentrations ranged from 13.2 to 31.5 ng/L for water samples, with dissolved and particulate phase concentrations ranged from 8.0 to 21.1 ng/L and from 5.3 to 10.5 ng/L, respectively. Total PAH concentrations were found higher in rain season than in dry season. The highest total PAH concentration in dry season was observed in Chianjen River estuary. Relatively high PAH concentrations were also observed in these southern stations of Kaohsiung Harbor because of their location near Dalin industrial park. Total PAH concentrations ranged from 81.7 to 2279 ng/g for sediment samples, with average of 895 ng/g.
The correlations between PAH concentrations and organic carbons, water temperature, salinity and suspended particles were also examined in this study. PAH concentration in dissolved phase was negatively correlated with water temperature (p<0.05). PAH concentration in sediment was positively correlated with organic carbons (p<0.05), and negatively correlated with median diameter (p<0.01). The logKoc¡ÐlogKow relationship in rain and dry season was compared with literature. It was found that the logKoc values were higher than those reported in literature, suggesting that soot particles might play an important role in the transport and distribution of PAHs in the study area.
In rain season, PAHs in dissolved phase were mainly from pyrogenic origins; while mainly from petrogenic origins in particulate phase. In contrast, in dry season, PAHs in dissolved phase were mainly from petrogenic origins; while mainly from pyrogenic origins in particulate phase. In addition, it was found, relatively, that petrogenic pollution was introduced maily from the northern area of the lagoon.
In rain season, total PCB concentrations ranged from 1.1 to 2.7 ng/L for water samples, with dissolved and particulate phase concentrations ranged from 0.42 to 2.1 ng/L and from 0.24 to 1.4 ng/L, respectively. In dry season, total PCB concentrations ranged from 0.54 to 1.3 ng/L for water samples, with dissolved and particulate phase concentrations ranged from 0.20 to 0.74 ng/L and from 0.32 to 0.76 ng/L, respectively.
The direction of net fluxes of PAHs in this study are from water to air (net volatilization) in summer. In winter, however, the absorptive PAH fluxes obtained for four to six-ring PAH, such as fluoranthrene, chrysene + triphenylene and benzo[a]anthracene, indicating that PAHs were absorbed into surface waters. According to our results, it was suggested that the results from previous study (Fang, 2007) might underestimate the net fluxes of Pyrene and total fluxes in dry season. The annual fluxes of PAHs estimated in this study were 212 mg/m2 /year and 5.7 kg of PAHs were emitted annually from the harbor lagoon surface waters to the ambient atmosphere.
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Assessment of Butyltins and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Contamination of Harbor SedimentsChen, Chih-Feng 30 August 2010 (has links)
The distribution of butyltin compounds (BTs) in the sediments and seawater, at the river outfalls, fishing ports, shipyards, and industrial zone docks of Kaohsiung Harbor, Taiwan were investigated. Twenty sediment and seawater samples were collected from various locations in the Harbor in 2006, and analyzed for monobutyltin (MBT), dibutyltin (DBT), and tributyltin (TBT). Results showed that the concentration of total BTs varied from 1.5 to 151 ng/g in sediment samples, with TBT being the major component of the sediment samples. This suggests that sediments could be the most possible sink of TBT brought by the sorption mechanism. The concentrations of BTs ranged from 9.7 to 270 ng/L in seawater samples, whereas DBT and MBT, the degradation byproducts of TBT, were mainly the most abundant BT compounds of the seawater samples. This indicates that the abiotic or biotic degradation potential of TBT was significant. Spatially, the highest concentrations of BTs were observed in both water and sediment samples collected from the shipyard and fishing port areas. This indicates that the shipping related activities (e.g., navigation, ship repair, and ship building), would contribute most of BTs in the environment. Results show that the concentrations of degradation products (DBT and MBT) were related closely to temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen (DO), and chlorophyll-a of the seawater. This implies that seasonal changes of the water parameters controlled the degradation of TBT in seawater. The observed levels of BT compounds in both seawater and sediments were much higher than those required to induce toxic effects on marine organisms suggesting that appropriate TBT control strategies should be taken in Kaohsiung Harbor.
Sediment samples were collected from the river outfalls, fishing ports, shipyards, and industrial zone docks of Kaohsiung Harbor, Taiwan to evaluate the distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in sediments. Collected sediment samples from 12 locations were analyzed for 17 different PAHs, organic content, and grain size. The results show that the total PAH concentrations varied from 472 to 16,201 ng/g dry wt, with a mean concentration of 5,764 ng/g dry wt The highest PAH concentrations were from the industrial zone docks situated in south Kaohsiung Harbor, ranging from 8,788 to 16,201 ng/g dry wt Among those sediment samples, the 5-, 6-ring PAHs were predominant PAH congeners in sediments, ranging from 42 to 71%. However, the dominant PAH congeners were 2-, 3-ring PAHs (37 to 42%) collected from steel industrial zone docks. This indicates that the sources for the PAH contamination at steel industrial zone docks were different from the other zones in Kaohsiung Harbor. According to the diagnostic ratios, the possible source of PAHs in the industrial zone dock could be coal combustion while in the other zones it could be petroleum combustion. The total PAH levels were expressed as the total toxic equivalent (TEQcarc). The total TEQcarc varied from 55 to 1,964 ng TEQ/g dry wt. Higher total TEQcarc values were found at industrial zone docks (from 1,404 to 1,964 ng TEQ/g dry wt). As compared with the US Sediment Quality Guidelines (SQGs), the observed levels of PAHs at industrial zone docks exceeded the effects range low (ERL), and could thus cause acute biological damage. However, the lower levels of PAHs at the other zones would not exert adverse biological effects. Results would be helpful in developing strategies for sediment remediation in Kaohsiung Harbor.
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Assessing Real Estate Development in Kaohsiung Harbor Areas Using the Viewpoint of City MarketingChen, Chien-Fu 06 June 2012 (has links)
In order to host The World Games 2009 in Kaohsiung, all public facilities had been reconstructed in Kaohsiung city. The image of harbor industry Kaohsiung city has been changed and delivered to all over the world through the world media by The World Games. Meanwhile, it promotes the harbor real estates in Kaohsiung as well. In addition to Kaohsiung city¡¦s unique characteristics and public artistic infrastructures, the future development of harbor real estate will become an interesting and valuable issue in Kaohsiung city.
This study is based on city marketing, using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), Authorities Survey, and Scenarios Analysis by interviewing 22 authorities of construction companies, real estate brokers, land brokers and real estate developers. To develop a whole process of an assessment of real estate development in Kaohsiung harbor areas by inducing an assessment of real estate development in Kaohsiung harbor areas into three criteria and nine secondary criteria. Furthermore, analyze the future development of three harbor areas, include: Love Pier(which used to be called Pier 12), Glory Pier(which used to be called Pier 13), and Singuang Pier(which used to be called Pier 21).
This study finds out that location is the first criterion, value is the second, and construction style is the last in assessment of real estate development in harbor areas. On secondary criteria, integration is the most important issue, convenience is the next; the subject of a talk and plasticity are the last two issues. Base on the whole assessment, Singuang Pier is the most potential area of real estate development in Kaohsiung harbor areas; Love Pier is the next consideration area. This conclusion provides real estate developers an important reference on assessment and decision-making in Kaohsiung harbor areas.
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Automatic Identification System of Merchant Shipping in the Application of the Kaohsiung Harbor ProtectionWu, Cheng-Feng 24 July 2012 (has links)
Kaohsiung Harbor is one of the major commercial ports in Taiwan, located at the hub of northeastern and southeastern Asia shipping lanes. Therefore there are a considerable number of commercial shipping channels distributed around Kaohsiung Harbor. The security of Kaohsiung Harbor becomes more difficult to defense than others due to the complexity of channels. In this study, Automatic Identification System (AIS) system is used to collect the ships information from June 1, 2010 to June 30, 2011. The collected AIS data were decoded, converted, corrected, integrated and analyzed systematically, which will become the base of future database. The information of the AIS includes Maritime Mobile Service Identity (MMSI), latitude and longitude, heading, course, speed, and others. The activities of ships can be monitored by AIS, so the density and distribution of ships on each major channel can be obtained by grid computing. By the results of one-year AIS data, three major shipping channels of Kaohsiung Harbor can be identified, which are north-western, north-southern, and east-western. Based on this kind of long term shipping statistics, possible novel harbor security defense may be founded. Although the AIS was designed to monitor the ship activities, but it can be viciously shut down, or signal is out of range sometimes, then it will become the possible security breach. Nevertheless, ships at sea will generate certain kind of noises, such as from engine and propeller. With efficient propagation of sound waves in water, acoustic technology may compensate the limitations of AIS, to be a feasible method of detecting unknown ships. In this study, acoustic modeling code ¡§Acoustic Module for Sea-surface Noise¡¨ (AMSN) is applied by using the ship position information from AIS, to calculate the related underwater noise sound field of Kaohsiung Harbor. Discussions were made on the dependence of noise level variation with ship density. As a conclusion, with sufficient understanding of sound field statistics of harbor, any anomaly of noise level can be an indication of hostile intrusion, thus harbor security can be further assured.
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Modeling Anaerobic Dechlorination Of Polychlorinated BiphenylsDemirtepe, Hale 01 February 2012 (has links) (PDF)
This study aims to investigate the fate of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in sediments via using an anaerobic dechlorination model (ADM). PCBs are ubiquitous environmental pollutants, accumulated mostly in aquatic sediments. Significant attention was placed on the anaerobic dechlorination of PCBs since this process leads to the conversion of highly-chlorinated biphenyls to lower chlorinated ones, resulting in less toxic and more biodegradable congeners. An ADM was developed previously for the identification and quantification of anaerobic dechlorination pathways. In the present study, this model was improved and applied to laboratory and environmental sediment PCB data from Baltimore Harbor (BH), Maryland, USA, where PCB contamination has been recorded. The laboratory PCB data was from a 500 day microcosm study conducted with BH sediments which was used to validate the model, as well as to gather information on dominant dechlorination pathways affecting the sediments. ADM predicted the laboratory PCB data almost perfectly and subsequently very well predicted the environmental sediment PCB profiles. A complete identification and quantification of the anaerobic dechlorination pathways occurring in the BH sediments is achieved with this study for the first time. The significant similarity between the sediment sample PCB profiles and the model predicted profiles reveals that the BH sediments have undergone anaerobic dechlorination via a combination of previously identified dechlorination activities (N, P, M) with selective pathways. Model findings are consistent with microbial analysis of the sediments. Better understanding of anaerobic dechlorination mechanisms should aid in predicting natural attenuation of PCBs or developing bioremediation strategies for contaminated sites.
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A Study on the Global Logistic Developed Strategy for Kaohsiung HarborChieh, Wang-Chao 15 January 2001 (has links)
At present, enterprises adopt global production and marketing strategy to reinforce their competitive advantages. In addition, they tend to search suitable places for establishing global logistic distribution centers. An international harbor with good geography, cost advantage, and complete facilities, will be attractive for those enterprises to set global logistic distribution centers.
The Kaohsiung Harbor is the third largest container transport in the world. However, the global logistics is operated at the beginning stage. To match the developing plans of the government's global logistics, this exploratory study is designed to develop a strategy for the global logistic distribution center in Kaohsiung Harbor with Delphi Method and Analytic Hierarchy Process.
Through literature review and two rounds Delphi Questionnaire, we find five evaluating criteria (operating efficiency, administrative efficiency, tax incentive, infrastructure and logistic professions) for positioning the Kaohsiung Harbor in global logistics. Five major functions including transit shipment, container consolidation, distribution, simple processing and warehousing are inducted. Three alternatives for global logistic distribution center are centralized, decentralized, or mixed type.
Major findings of this study are as follows:
1.Centralized global logistic distribution center is the best type for Kaohsiung Harbor.
2.The priority of the major functions for a centralized global logistic distribution center in orders is simple processing, distribution, warehousing, container consolidation, and transit shipment.
3.The criteria for evaluating centralized global logistic distribution center in orders are administrative efficiency, operating efficiency, tax incentive, logistic professions and infrastructure.
According to the results, researcher offers a strategy for developing global logistic distribution center in Kaohsiung Harbor.
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