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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Integration of Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy for Multichannel Cell Culture Measurement

Chan, Conard 01 February 2022 (has links) (PDF)
ELECTROCHEMICAL IMPEDANCE SPECTROSCOPY (EIS) has been widely used to study the electrical properties of biological material due to its non-invasive nature and experimental reliability. However, most of the precision impedance analyzers used in EIS only provide single- or two-channel measurements which are inadequate for larger-scale multiplexed measurements, such as those found in modern microfluidic cell culture experiments. The Biomedical Microsystems Laboratory has developed a 16-channel cell culture platform with integrated electrode arrays for monitoring cell growth and electrical properties (i.e., the so-called “electrical phenotype”). In this paper, a system consisting of a 16-channel solid-state analog multiplexer (MUX)paired with a low-cost, impedance analyzer is developed to replace high-cost physical relay MUX and impedance analyzer systems. System requirements and design constraints for monitoring biological systems are considered and a prototype device was fabricated. Initial testing was performed on a breadboard to verify the feasibility of the design idea. Results identified measurement errors due to parasitic elements in the system. Software compensation successfully corrected for parasitic capacitance in the analog MUX design. The accuracy of the measurement system was evaluated on a developed Printed Circuit Board Assembly (PCBA) by comparing theoretical values to MUX compensated data. Finally, an EIS experiment was carried out with tap water with the PCBA system, and measurement results were analyzed using an equivalent Circuit Model (ECM). These results successfully captured the dynamics of charge transport in the electrical double layer, consistent with a modified-Randlecell ECM.

Algorithmic Multi-Ported Memories Enabled Power-Efficient Pre-Distorter Design in ASIC / Algorithmiska multi-portad minnen möjliggjorde energieffektiv design av förvrängningskompenserare i ASIC

Shen, Xuying January 2023 (has links)
The transition from the 5G to the 6G era is a pivotal juncture in contemporary wireless communication. Under such a circumstance, Digital Pre-Distortion (DPD) technology has established its significance as an effective method to linearize Power Amplifiers. However, DPD is facing a series of challenges, notably the increased bandwidth which necessitates more complex modeling techniques. This thesis focuses on the fact that the DPD requires multi-ported memories for the Look-Up-Tables to store correction coefficients, where two research questions are identified. Firstly, this thesis analyses the power, area, and delay-performance trade-offs with an increase in the number of read and write ports of Flip-Flop (FF)-based memories. Secondly, this thesis evaluates and compares the performance of the conventional FF-based multi-ported memories and algorithmic FF-based multi-ported memories. As a Master’s thesis project, this research utilizes the knowledge and practice skills expected of a Master’s student specializing in Embedded Systems. In this thesis, conventional and algorithmic multi-ported memories are implemented and evaluated after studying related works. Subsequently, an industrial Application-Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) design flow is executed, undergoing iterative refinements. And in the end, the conclusions are drawn based on an analysis of the software reports. The results underscore that area and power consumption exhibit linear growth alongside increased port numbers within conventional multi-ported memories. Also, the algorithmic multi-ported memory presents a promising alternative, engendering improvements across all three dimensions of delay, area, and power consumption. The implemented memories can be integrated into DPD forward path with customized port numbers in the future, offering adaptability in terms of port configuration and better performance in terms of timing, area and power. Additionally, these implemented memories stand as a valuable point of reference for engineers engaged in the development of FF-based multi-ported memories within the context of ASIC. / Övergången från den 5G- till den 6G- eran är en avgörande tidpunkt inom samtida trådlös kommunikation. Under sådana omständigheter har DPDtekniken etablerat sin betydelse som en effektiv metod för att linjärisera effektförstärkare. Dock står DPD inför en rad utmaningar, särskilt den ökade bandbredden som kräver mer komplexa modelleringstekniker. Denna avhandling fokuserar på det faktum att DPD kräver flerportsminnen för att Look-Up-Tables ska lagra korrigeringskoefficienter, där två forskningsfrågor identifieras. För det första analyserar denna avhandling effekt- , area- och fördröjningsprestanda-avvägningar med en ökning av antalet läs- och skrivportar för FF-baserade minnen. För det andra utvärderar och jämför denna avhandling prestandan hos konventionella FF-baserade multiportade minnen och algoritmiska FF-baserade multiportade minnen. Som ett masteruppsatsprojekt använder denna forskning de kunskaper och övningsfärdigheter som förväntas av en masterstudent som specialiserar sig på inbyggda system. I denna avhandling implementeras och utvärderas konventionella och algoritmiska flerportade minnen efter att ha studerat relaterade arbeten. Nästa steg är att genomföra en industriell ASIC-designflöde som genomgår iterativa förbättringar. Och till slut dras slutsatserna baserat på en analys av mjukvarurapporterna. Denna avhandling understryker att area och strömförbrukning ökar linjärt med ökade portnummer inom konventionella flerportade minnen. Å andra sidan presenterar det algoritmiska flerportade minnet ett lovande alternativ och ger förbättringar inom alla tre dimensioner av fördröjning, area och strömförbrukning. De implementerade minnena kan integreras i DPD-signalförloppet med anpassade portnummer i framtiden och erbjuda anpassningsbarhet när det gäller portkonfiguration och bättre prestanda vad gäller tid, area och ström. Dessutom utgör dessa implementerade minnen en värdefull referenspunkt för ingenjörer som är engagerade i utvecklingen av FF-baserade flerportade minnen inom ramen för ASIC.

Development of an Autonomous Extraction System for Ultra-Centrifuged Fluids

Aayush Mathur (18431358) 28 April 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">A fluid extraction device designed to extract bands of fluid from an ultracentrifuged vial was developed. To do this, a computer vision system was developed to scan the vial and detect the bands and calculate their positions. The computer vision was performed using a TSL1401 DB linescan camera. The vial was scanned by moving the vial vertically in front of the camera using a stepper motor driven linear stage. Pixel data from the line scan camera was analysed to find the edges of each band. This was done by analyzing the first and second derivatives of smoothed pixel data. When the second derivative was 0 and the first derivative was greater than a threshold value, a band edge was detected. Needles were connected to linear actuators and were used to puncture the vials at the desired band's position. After puncturing the vial, fluid was extracted from the vials using a peristaltic pump and placed in a reservoir. Several control architectures were tested an used to control the system. The final control architecture used a LattePanda miniPC to control the system. Several iterations of the fluid extraction device were also created, with the final iteration meeting all the requirements for the device.</p>


Ajinkya Avinash Chaudhary (18430029) 26 April 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">Unmanned surface vehicles (USVs) offer a versatile platform for various maritime applications, including research, surveillance, and search-and-rescue operations. A critical capability for USVs is maintaining position (station keeping) in dynamic environments and coordinating movement with other USVs (formation control) for collaborative missions. This thesis investigates control strategies for USVs operating in challenging conditions. </p><p dir="ltr">The initial focus is on evaluating traditional control methods like Backstepping and Sliding Mode controllers for station keeping in simulated environments with disturbances. The results from these tests pointed towards the need for a more robust control technique, like deep-learning based control for enhanced performance. </p><p dir="ltr">The thesis then explores formation control, a crucial aspect of cooperative USV missions. A vision-based passive control strategy utilizing a virtual leader concept is proposed. This approach leverages onboard cameras to detect markers on other USVs, eliminating the need for direct communication and potentially improving scalability and resilience. </p><p dir="ltr">Then the thesis presents vision-based formation control architecture and the station keeping controller evaluations. Simulation results are presented, analyzed, and used to draw conclusions about the effectiveness of the proposed approaches. Finally, the thesis discusses the implications of the findings and proposes potential future research directions</p>

Balancing energy, security and circuit area in lightweight cryptographic hardware design / L'équilibre entre consommation énergétique, sécurité et surface de circuit dans la conception de matériel cryptographique léger

Portella, Rodrigo 27 October 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse aborde la conception et les contremesures permettant d'améliorer le calcul cryptographique matériel léger. Parce que la cryptographie (et la cryptanalyse) sont de nos jours de plus en plus omniprésentes dans notre vie quotidienne, il est crucial que les nouveaux systèmes développés soient suffisamment robustes pour faire face à la quantité croissante de données de traitement sans compromettre la sécurité globale. Ce travail aborde de nombreux sujets liés aux implémentations cryptographiques légères. Les principales contributions de cette thèse sont : - Un nouveau système d'accélération matérielle cryptographique appliqué aux codes BCH ; - Réduction de la consommation des systèmes embarqués et SoCs ; - Contre-mesures légères des attaques par canal auxiliaire applicables à l'algorithme de chiffrement reconfigurable AES ;- CSAC : Un pare-feu sécurisé sur la puce cryptographique ; - Attaques par analyse fréquentielle ; - Un nouveau protocole à divulgation nulle de connaissance appliquée aux réseaux de capteurs sans fil ; - OMD : Un nouveau schéma de chiffrement authentifié. / This thesis addresses lightweight hardware design and countermeasures to improve cryptographic computation. Because cryptography (and cryptanalysis) is nowadays becoming more and more ubiquitous in our daily lives, it is crucial that newly developed systems are robust enough to deal with the increasing amount of processing data without compromising the overall security. This work addresses many different topics related to lightweight cryptographic implementations. The main contributions of this thesis are: - A new cryptographic hardware acceleration scheme applied to BCH codes; - Hardware power minimization applied to SoCs and embedded devices; - Timing and DPA lightweight countermeasures applied to the reconfigurable AES block cipher; - CSAC: A cryptographically secure on-chip firewall; - Frequency analysis attack experiments; - A new zero-knowledge zero-knowledge protocol applied to wireless sensor networks; - OMD: A new authenticated encryption scheme.

<b>A MOBILE, MODULAR,AND SELF-RECONFIGURABLE ROBOTIC SYSTEM WITH MORPHABILITY</b><b>, </b><b>and</b><b> self-reconfigurable robotic system with morphability</b>

Lu Anh Tu Vu (17612166) 15 December 2023 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">This paper aims to gain a deep understanding of up-to-date research and development on modular self-reconfigurable robots (MSRs) through a thorough survey of market demands and published works on <i>design methodologies</i>, <i>system integration</i>, <i>advanced controls</i>, and <i>new applications</i>. Some limitations of existing mobile MSR are discussed from the reconfigurability perspective of mechanical structures, and a novel MSR system is proposed to address the identified limitations of existing MSRs. The comprehensive set of <i>Functional Requirements</i> (FRs) of MSRs is discussed, from which the mechanical designs of MSR were created, and the system was prototyped and built for testing. Three main innovations of the designed modules for MSR are to (1) share torque power, (2) customize the size for a given task, and (3) have a low number of actuated motors while still maintain a motion with high <i>Degrees of Freedom</i> (DoF) to overcome the constraints by the power capacities of individual motors; this helps to increase reconfigurability, reduce cost, and reduce the size of conventional MSRs.</p>

Commissioning of a FPGA/DSP unit for Centralized Control of a Variable Phase Pole Multiphase Machine / Programmering av FPGA/DSP för Styrning av Multifasmaskin med Variabel fas pol Konfiguration

Hansson, Jonas January 2022 (has links)
Multiphase Electrical Machines (MPEMs) with variable phase-pole configurations have recently gained interest as it offers advantages such as a larger operating range and improved fault tolerance compared to more traditional MPEMs. The current state-of-the-art modeling and control method, Vector Space Decomposition (VSD), has the drawback of introducing discontinuities in the model when transitioning from one phase-pole configuration to another. The newly developed Harmonic Plane Decomposition (HPD) theory, which is an extension of the VSD, solves this issue by unifying all possible phase-pole configurations into one transformation. To enable further research on HPD theory and MPEMs with variable phase-pole configuration, a test bench is desired to obtain experimental results. The Sustainable Power Lab at KTH already possesses a MPEM with varying phase-pole configurations, the Wound Independently- Controlled Stator Coils machine (WICSC machine), but is missing a complete drive that can capitalize on the additional degrees of freedom that the machine offers. The aim of the thesis is to commission the test bench by implementing HPD control on a Digital Signal Processor (DSP) and design the missing hardware required to close the signal chain. The HPD control was implemented on a Xilinx System on a Chip (SoC) programmed using C and hardware description languages. Part of the control was tested but due to issues with the data acquisition, the complete control was not managed to be fully tested and verified. For the missing hardware, three Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) were designed for the test bench. Two of them were built and tested, and one PCB was designed but not fabricated during the project. / Multifasmaskiner med variabel fas pol konfiguration har på senaste tiden fått mer uppmärksamhet på grund av fördelar som mer operationspunkter och förbättrad feltolerans jämfört mot mer traditionella multifasmaskiner. Den modernaste metoden, Vector Space Decomposition (VSD), för att styra traditionella multifasmaskiner har nackdelen att modellen blir diskontinuerlig när man går från en fas pol konfiguration till en annan. Den nyutvecklade Harmonic Plane Decomposition (HPD) teorin, vilket är en påbyggnad på VSD, löser det problemet genom att samla alla möjliga fas pol konfigurationer till en transform. För att fortsätta forskningen kring HPD och multifasmaskiner med variabel fas pol konfiguration behövs en testbänk för att kunna skaffa experimentella resultat. Elkraftlabbet på KTH har redan investerat i en multifasmaskin med variabel fas pol konfiguration, men saknar en komplett växelriktare som kan utnyttja maskinens alla frihetsgrader. Målet med projektet var att färdigställa testbänken genom att implementera HPD styrningen på en processor och konstruera hårdvara som testbänken saknade. HPD styrningen implementerades på en systemkrets från Xilinx och programmerades med C och hårdvarubeskrivande språk. Delar av styrningen kunde testas men på grund av problem med inläsningen av data så gick det inte att verifiera hela den implementerade styrningen. Till testbänken konstruerades också tre kretskort varav två byggdes, testades och fick sin funktionalitet verifierad. Det andra kretskortet konstruerades men blev inte tillverkat under projektet.


Bhatt, Mrunal Dipakkumar, Bhatt 25 May 2016 (has links)
No description available.


Ahmed Khaled Soliman (18414030) 19 April 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">Over 150,000 people undergo lower-extremity amputations yearly in the United States. In recent years, multiple efforts have been made to improve the human-robot interaction between amputees and active lower limb prostheses. Using lightweight wearable technologies has been a viable solution to implement algorithms that can estimate gait kinematics and prosthesis users’ intent. Examples of wearable technologies include inertial measurement units, strain gauges, and electromyography sensors. Kinematic and force data is inputted into an Error-State Kalman filter to estimate the inversion-eversion, external-internal, and dorsiflexion-plantarflexion ankle angle. The filter tracked the ankle angle with an accuracy of 0.7724°, 0.8826°, and 1.3520°, respectively. The gait phase was estimated using a linear regression model based on a shank kinematics ground truth pattern with an average normalized accuracy of 97.79 %. A numerical simulation of a gait emulator in the form of a 3-Revolute-Prismatic-Revolute (3-RPR) manipulator. The gait emulator can test lower limb prostheses independent of human subjects, eliminating many hurdles associated with human subject testing. The manipulator was simulated with two control strategies: a traditional PID and a hybrid PID + Active Force Control controller (AFC). The hybrid PID+AFC provided higher accuracy in tracking the desired end-effector trajectory due to improved disturbance rejection. A low-cost surface electromyography (sEMG) platform was developed to robustly acquire sEMG signals, with an overall component cost of 35.06 US$. The sEMG platform integrates directly into a Micro:bit microcontroller through an expansion board. During testing with human subjects, sEMG Micro:bit platform had a reported average signal-to-noise ratio of 24.7 dB.</p>

Electronic Devices for the Combination of Electrically Controlled Drug Release, Electrostimulation, and Optogenetic Stimulation for Nerve Tissue Regeneration

Monreal Trigo, Javier 02 June 2023 (has links)
[ES] La capacidad de las células madre para proliferar formando distintas células especializadas les otorga la potencialidad de servir de base para terapias efectivas para patologías cuyo tratamiento era inimaginable hasta hace apenas dos décadas. Sin embargo, esta capacidad se encuentra mediada por estímulos fisiológicos, químicos, y eléctricos, específicos y complejos, que dificultan su traslación a la rutina clínica. Por ello, las células madre representan un campo de estudio en el que se invierten amplios esfuerzos por parte de la comunidad científica. En el ámbito de la regeneración nerviosa, para modular su desarrollo y diferenciación el tratamiento farmacológico, la electroestimulación, y la estimulación optogenética son técnicas que están consiguiendo prometedores resultados. Es por ello por lo que en la presente tesis se ha desarrollado un conjunto de sistemas electrónicos para permitir la aplicación combinada de estas técnicas in vitro, con perspectiva a su aplicación in vivo. Hemos diseñado una novedosa tecnología para la liberación eléctricamente controlada de fármacos. Esta tecnología está basada en nanopartículas de sílice mesoporosa y puertas moleculares de bipiridina-heparina. Las puertas moleculares son electroquímicamente reactivas, y encierran los fármacos en el interior de las nanopartículas, liberándolos ante un estímulo eléctrico. Hemos caracterizado esta tecnología, y la hemos validado mediante la liberación controlada de rodamina en cultivos celulares de HeLa. Para la combinación de liberación controlada de fármacos y electroestimulación hemos desarrollado dispositivos que permiten aplicar los estímulos eléctricos de forma configurable desde una interfaz gráfica de usuario. Además, hemos diseñado un módulo de expansión que permite multiplexar las señales eléctricas a diferentes cultivos celulares. Además, hemos diseñado un dispositivo de estimulación optogenética. Este tipo de estimulación consiste en la modificación genética de las células para que sean sensibles a la radiación lumínica de determinada longitud de onda. En el ámbito de la regeneración de tejido mediante células precursoras neurales, es de interés poder inducir ondas de calcio, favoreciendo su diferenciación en neuronas y la formación de circuitos sinápticos. El dispositivo diseñado permite obtener imágenes en tiempo real mediante microscopía confocal de las respuestas transitorias de las células al ser irradiadas. El dispositivo se ha validado irradiando neuronas modificadas con luz pulsada de 100 ms. También hemos diseñado un dispositivo electrónico complementario de medida de irradiancia con el doble fin de permitir la calibración del equipo de irradiancia y medir la irradiancia en tiempo real durante los experimentos in vitro. Los resultados del uso de los bioactuadores en procesos complejos y dinámicos, como la regeneración de tejido nervioso, son limitados en lazo abierto. Uno de los principales aspectos analizados es el desarrollo de biosensores que permitiesen la cuantización de ciertas biomoléculas para ajustar la estimulación suministrada en tiempo real. Por ejemplo, la segregación de serotonina es una respuesta identificada en la elongación de células precursoras neurales, pero hay otras biomoléculas de interés para la implementación de un control en lazo cerrado. Entre las tecnologías en el estado del arte, los biosensores basados en transistores de efecto de campo (FET) funcionalizados con aptámeros son realmente prometedores para esta aplicación. Sin embargo, esta tecnología no permitía la medición simultánea de más de una biomolécula objetivo en un volumen reducido debido a las interferencias entre los distintos FETs, cuyos terminales se encuentran inmersos en la solución. Por ello, hemos desarrollado instrumentación electrónica capaz de medir simultáneamente varios de estos biosensores, y la hemos validado mediante la medición simultánea de pH y la detección preliminar de serotonina y glutamato. / [CA] La capacitat de les cèl·lules mare per a proliferar formant diferents cèl·lules especialitzades els atorga la potencialitat de servir de base per a teràpies efectives per a patologies el tractament de les quals era inimaginable fins fa a penes dues dècades. No obstant això, aquesta capacitat es troba mediada per estímuls fisiològics, químics, i elèctrics, específics i complexos, que dificulten la seua translació a la rutina clínica. Per això, les cèl·lules mare representen un camp d'estudi en el qual s'inverteixen amplis esforços per part de la comunitat científica. En l'àmbit de la regeneració nerviosa, per a modular el seu desenvolupament i diferenciació el tractament farmacològic, l'electroestimulació, i l'estimulació optogenética són tècniques que estan aconseguint prometedors resultats. És per això que en la present tesi s'ha desenvolupat un conjunt de sistemes electrònics per a permetre l'aplicació combinada d'aquestes tècniques in vitro, amb perspectiva a la seua aplicació in vivo. Hem dissenyat una nova tecnologia per a l'alliberament elèctricament controlat de fàrmacs. Aquesta tecnologia està basada en nanopartícules de sílice mesoporosa i portes moleculars de bipiridina-heparina. Les portes moleculars són electroquímicament reactives, i tanquen els fàrmacs a l'interior de les nanopartícules, alliberant-los davant un estímul elèctric. Hem caracteritzat aquesta tecnologia, i l'hem validada mitjançant l'alliberament controlat de rodamina en cultius cel·lulars de HeLa. Per a la combinació d'alliberament controlat de fàrmacs i electroestimulació hem desenvolupat dispositius que permeten aplicar els estímuls elèctrics de manera configurable des d'una interfície gràfica d'usuari. A més, hem dissenyat un mòdul d'expansió que permet multiplexar els senyals elèctrics a diferents cultius cel·lulars. A més, hem dissenyat un dispositiu d'estimulació optogenètica. Aquest tipus d'estimulació consisteix en la modificació genètica de les cèl·lules perquè siguen sensibles a la radiació lumínica de determinada longitud d'ona. En l'àmbit de la regeneració de teixit mitjançant cèl·lules precursores neurals, és d'interés poder induir ones de calci, afavorint la seua diferenciació en neurones i la formació de circuits sinàptics. El dispositiu dissenyat permet obtindré imatges en temps real mitjançant microscòpia confocal de les respostes transitòries de les cèl·lules en ser irradiades. El dispositiu s'ha validat irradiant neurones modificades amb llum polsada de 100 ms. També hem dissenyat un dispositiu electrònic complementari de mesura d'irradiància amb el doble fi de permetre el calibratge de l'equip d'irradiància i mesurar la irradiància en temps real durant els experiments in vitro. Els resultats de l'ús dels bioactuadors en processos complexos i dinàmics, com la regeneració de teixit nerviós, són limitats en llaç obert. Un dels principals aspectes analitzats és el desenvolupament de biosensors que permeteren la quantització de certes biomolècules per a ajustar l'estimulació subministrada en temps real. Per exemple, la segregació de serotonina és una resposta identificada amb l'elongació de les cèl·lules precursores neurals, però hi ha altres biomolècules d'interés per a la implementació d'un control en llaç tancat. Entre les tecnologies en l'estat de l'art, els biosensors basats en transistors d'efecte de camp (FET) funcionalitzats amb aptàmers són realment prometedors per a aquesta aplicació. No obstant això, aquesta tecnologia no permetia el mesurament simultani de més d'una biomolècula objectiu en un volum reduït a causa de les interferències entre els diferents FETs, els terminals dels quals es troben immersos en la solució. Per això, hem desenvolupat instrumentació electrònica capaç de mesurar simultàniament diversos d'aquests biosensors i els hem validat amb mesurament simultani del pH i la detecció preliminar de serotonina i glutamat. / [EN] The stem cells' ability to proliferate to form different specialized cells gives them the potential to serve as the basis for effective therapies for pathologies whose treatment was unimaginable until just two decades ago. However, this capacity is mediated by specific and complex physiological, chemical, and electrical stimuli that complicate their translation to clinical routine. For this reason, stem cells represent a field of study in which the scientific community is investing a great deal of effort. In the field of nerve regeneration, to modulate their development and differentiation, pharmacological treatment, electrostimulation, and optogenetic stimulation are techniques that are achieving promising results. For this reason, we have developed a set of electronic systems to allow the combined application of these techniques in vitro, with a view to their application in vivo. We have designed a novel technology for the electrically controlled release of drugs. This technology is based on mesoporous silica nanoparticles and bipyridine-heparin molecular gates. The molecular gates are electrochemically reactive and entrap the drugs inside the nanoparticles, releasing them upon electrical stimulus. We have characterized this technology and validated it by controlled release of rhodamine in HeLa cell cultures. For combining electrostimulation and controlled drug release we have developed devices that allow applying the different electrical stimuli in a configurable way from a graphical user interface. In addition, we have designed an expansion module that allows multiplexing electrical signals to different cell cultures. In addition, we have designed an optogenetic stimulation device. This type of stimulation consists of genetically modifying cells to make them sensitive to light radiation of a specific wavelength. In tissue regeneration using neural precursor cells, it is interesting to be able to induce calcium waves, favoring the cell differentiation into neurons and the formation of synaptic circuits. The designed device enable the obtention of real-time images through confocal microscopy of the transient responses of cells upon irradiation. The device has been validated by irradiating modified neurons with 100 ms pulsed light stimulation. We have also designed a complementary electronic irradiance measurement device to allow calibration of the irradiator equipment and measuring irradiance in real time during in vitro experiments. The results of using bioactuators in complex and dynamic processes, such as nerve tissue regeneration, are limited in an open loop. One of the main aspects analyzed is the development of biosensors that would allow quantifying of specific biomolecules to adjust the stimulation provided in real time. For instance, serotonin secretion is an identified response of neural precursor cells elongation, among other biomolecules of interest for the implementation of a closed-loop control. Among the state-of-the-art technologies, biosensors based on field effect transistors (FETs) functionalized with aptamers are promising for this application. However, this technology did not allow the simultaneous measurement of more than one target biomolecule in a small volume due to interferences between the different FETs, whose terminals are immersed in the solution. This is why we have developed electronic instrumentation capable of simultaneously measuring several of these biosensors, and we have validated it with the simultaneous pH measurement and the preliminary detection of serotonin and glutamate. / Monreal Trigo, J. (2023). Electronic Devices for the Combination of Electrically Controlled Drug Release, Electrostimulation, and Optogenetic Stimulation for Nerve Tissue Regeneration [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/193841

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