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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vägen från barns unisona sång till flerstämmighet

Carlsson, Jennifer January 2012 (has links)
Detta examensarbete syftar till att ge en övergripande uppfattning om hur man kan arbeta med barn för att introducera flerstämmighet. Jag har tagit del av relevant litteratur samt utfört intervjuer av tre pedagoger med erfarenheter både inom undervisning i vanlig skolklass samt musikklass och kör med antagningsprov.Jag har undersökt hur man kan gå tillväga i arbetet med flerstämmighet, vilken betydelse den unisona sången har för flerstämmighet, och vad som avgör om undervisningen baseras på gehörsinlärning eller med hjälp av noter.Av min undersökning kan jag dra flera slutsatser. Den unisona sången anses vara en förutsättning för flerstämmighet, men flerstämmighet tycks även vara ett sätt att förfina den unisona sången. Några olika typer av stämmor är vanligt förekommande och det är viktigt att inte för tidigt dela in barn i olika stämmor för att ge rösten träning i olika register. I undervisning i kör i vanlig skolklass är gehörsinlärning det vanligaste, medan noter har en större och mer betydande roll i musikklass och kör med antagningsprov, där högre krav kan ställas på barnen. / This thesis aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of how to work with children to introduce polyphony. I have taken note of relevant literature and conducted interviews with three teachers with experience teaching both in regular school class and music class with admission test.I have examined how to proceed in the work of polyphony, what the importance of unison singing has for singing polyphony, and what determines whether teaching based learning by ear or by notes.By my thesis, I can draw several conclusions. The unison singing is considered a prerequisite for polyphony, but polyphony also seems to be a way to refine the unison singing. Some types of parts are common and it is important not to prematurely divide children into different parts to give voice training in different registers. In teaching choir in regular school class ear learning is the most common, whereas notes have a larger and more significant role in music class and choir with admission test, where higher demands can be made on the children.

Retroflex Consonant Harmony in South Asia

Arsenault, Paul Edmond 06 December 2012 (has links)
This dissertation explores the nature and extent of retroflex consonant harmony in South Asia. Using statistics calculated over lexical databases from a broad sample of languages, the study demonstrates that retroflex consonant harmony is an areal trait affecting most languages in the northern half of the South Asian subcontinent, including languages from at least three of the four major families in the region: Dravidian, Indo-Aryan and Munda (but not Tibeto-Burman). Dravidian and Indo-Aryan languages in the southern half of the subcontinent do not exhibit retroflex consonant harmony. In South Asia, retroflex consonant harmony is manifested primarily as a static co-occurrence restriction on coronal consonants in roots/words. Historical-comparative evidence reveals that this pattern is the result of retroflex assimilation that is non-local, regressive and conditioned by the similarity of interacting segments. These typological properties stand in contrast to those of other retroflex assimilation patterns, which are local, primarily progressive, and not conditioned by similarity. This is argued to support the hypothesis that local feature spreading and long-distance feature agreement constitute two independent mechanisms of assimilation, each with its own set of typological properties, and that retroflex consonant harmony is the product of agreement, not spreading. Building on this hypothesis, the study offers a formal account of retroflex consonant harmony within the Agreement by Correspondence (ABC) model of Rose & Walker (2004) and Hansson (2001; 2010). Two Indo-Aryan languages, Kalasha and Indus Kohistani, figure prominently throughout the dissertation. These languages exhibit similarity effects that have not been clearly observed in other retroflex consonant harmony systems; retroflexion is contrastive in both non-sibilant (i.e., plosive) and sibilant obstruents (i.e., affricates and fricatives), but harmony applies only within each manner class, not between them. At the same time, harmony is not sensitive to laryngeal features. Theoretical implications of these and other similarity effects are discussed.

A Critical Inquiry Into The Demarcation Of Logical Constants

Beygu, Tankut 01 January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
The dissertation aims to set out a methodological framework conducive to further research into the demarcation problem of logical constants through a critical examination of the principal proposals for the problem. Logical constants should be characterised so as the essential values of logic, i.e., necessity, normativity and formality, are secured. Formality is central to the proposed framework in consideration of its relation to validity / necessity and normativity are established with reference to formality. Logical constanthood is analysed into logicality and constanthood to explore the conditions and constraints on logical form. On the purpose of their determination, a Wittgensteinian stance is endorsed, focusing on the view of language as a reflexive autonomous realm. The autonomy of language unfolds a specific viewpoint that indicates that logical form is existentially grounded in the possibilities presented by the autonomy. v Gentzen&rsquo / s natural deduction and sequent calculi are adopted as the proper perspectives to discuss the relations of logicality and constanthood to formalisation. Logical constants are required to be fixed so that the resultant logical form is sterile of content and semantically inert with respect to argument content. In addition to the conditions of harmony in logical form, mutual disharmony is introduced. Analytic and grammatical truths are specified as constraints to logical form. In particular, the conservativeness condition is found to be irrelevant to logical form. The framework incorporates methodological pluralism as a probe into the understanding of logicality. The dissertation suggests a bidimensional programme of research related to formal conditions and the Wittgensteinian grammatical constraints.

Retroflex Consonant Harmony in South Asia

Arsenault, Paul Edmond 06 December 2012 (has links)
This dissertation explores the nature and extent of retroflex consonant harmony in South Asia. Using statistics calculated over lexical databases from a broad sample of languages, the study demonstrates that retroflex consonant harmony is an areal trait affecting most languages in the northern half of the South Asian subcontinent, including languages from at least three of the four major families in the region: Dravidian, Indo-Aryan and Munda (but not Tibeto-Burman). Dravidian and Indo-Aryan languages in the southern half of the subcontinent do not exhibit retroflex consonant harmony. In South Asia, retroflex consonant harmony is manifested primarily as a static co-occurrence restriction on coronal consonants in roots/words. Historical-comparative evidence reveals that this pattern is the result of retroflex assimilation that is non-local, regressive and conditioned by the similarity of interacting segments. These typological properties stand in contrast to those of other retroflex assimilation patterns, which are local, primarily progressive, and not conditioned by similarity. This is argued to support the hypothesis that local feature spreading and long-distance feature agreement constitute two independent mechanisms of assimilation, each with its own set of typological properties, and that retroflex consonant harmony is the product of agreement, not spreading. Building on this hypothesis, the study offers a formal account of retroflex consonant harmony within the Agreement by Correspondence (ABC) model of Rose & Walker (2004) and Hansson (2001; 2010). Two Indo-Aryan languages, Kalasha and Indus Kohistani, figure prominently throughout the dissertation. These languages exhibit similarity effects that have not been clearly observed in other retroflex consonant harmony systems; retroflexion is contrastive in both non-sibilant (i.e., plosive) and sibilant obstruents (i.e., affricates and fricatives), but harmony applies only within each manner class, not between them. At the same time, harmony is not sensitive to laryngeal features. Theoretical implications of these and other similarity effects are discussed.

Kepler's theory of the soul: a study on epistemology

Escobar-Ortiz, Jorge Manuel 05 June 2006 (has links)
Kepler is mainly known among historians of science due to his astronomical theories and his approaches to problems having to do with philosophy of science and ontology. This thesis attempts to contribute to Kepler studies by providing a comprehensive discussion of a topic hitherto not really considered, namely Kepler’s theory of the soul, a general theory of knowledge or epistemology whose central problem is what makes knowledge possible—rather than what makes knowledge true, as happens in the case of Descartes’s and Bacon’s epistemologies. Kepler’s theory consists of four issues: the theory of the different sorts of soul—i.e. the human soul, the animal soul, the vegetable soul, and the Earth soul—concerning their faculties, the differences and the resemblances that emerge among them, the relation they maintain with their own bodies and the world, and the distinction soul-world. The thesis discusses these issues from a historical perspective, that is, it reconstructs the way they appear in three periods of Kepler’s career: the period prior to the publication of the Mysterium Cosmographicum, the period going from 1596 to 1611, and the harmonic period. Finally, Kepler’s epistemology is briefly contrasted with Descartes’s and Bacon’s in order to suggest why Kepler’s is philosophically interesting and valuable. / October 2006

An acoustic analysis and cross-linguistics study of the phonemic inventory of Nez Perce

Nelson, Katherine 16 September 2013 (has links)
This dissertation is an acoustic description of the phonemic inventory of Nez Perce [nez], a Penutian language of the United States. Acoustic work has been conducted on the consonants of Nez Perce, but no acoustic work has been conducted on the vowels or vowel harmony system. This work begins with an overview of the dissertation, language situation, and previous research. Following the introduction are chapters on ejectives and plain obstruents, plain and glottalized sonorants, vowels, vowel harmony, and the conclusion. Nez Perce has both plain and ejective stop series, a plain and ejective affricate series, and a plain fricative series. I examine these segments for acoustic correlates comparing them to previous research, other languages and current theory. The ejectives are described with f0, intensity, jitter, burst amplitude and VOT. I discuss fricatives in terms of spectra, duration, formant transitions, and moments. The timing and realization of glottalization on glottalized and plain sonorants is investigated. Segments are measured for duration and are visually and aurally inspected for variation of glottalization, realized using pitch, laryngealization, glottal stops, or a combination of these features. It is nearly always realized on the sonorant rather than before or after. Vowels are plotted and compared to previous phonological descriptions. The inventory is /i, æ, a, o, u/ rather than the canonical five-vowel system, leading to the description of the inventory as having a “gap” and not maximally contrastive. I suggest that if Nez Perce vowels are considered using a shifted axis then the vowels are maximally contrastive. The non-canonical vowel inventory leads to two seeming unrelated vowel harmony sets: dominant, /i, a, o/, and recessive, /i, æ, u/. The proposed shifted axis view becomes important for reanalyzing the vowel harmony to reconcile these unusual sets. Previous analyses have described Nez Perce vowel harmony as based on advanced tongue root (ATR). I investigated Nez Perce vowels for ATR acoustic correlates; however, the results provide evidence both supporting and not supporting an ATR analysis. I propose an alternate analysis for the vowel harmony based on the principle of maximal contrast, evidenced by the shifted axis model.

Social Harmony and Reconstruction of Social Security Law

Hsiao, Syuan-ru 19 August 2011 (has links)
Abstract Taiwan's social security has implemented at the institutional for a while. The development of social security shows the face of diversity in each era. There is diverse social security law can be described with impressive results, but we also have to reflect on another issue: What is Taiwan's social security law the common purpose? Every laws and regulations both have a different development process, in the whole social security should have their roles, if the social security policies and regulations have a lack in the principle of system, the government which in the administrative system may be faces obstacles. Particularly, after the democratization of political system in Taiwan, the development of social security measures cannot prevent the intrusion of politics, vote often become the means of achieving the people's welfare and security, and just in the implementation of policies on social security payments of uncertainty measures, it is unable to satisfy what people's need essentially. At this point, the state is difficult to achieve the protection of people's right and equalize opportunity and remove social conflicts, the state power is hard to protect the right of freedoms and vulnerable function, it caused the implementation of social justice by the state as the legitimate role become increasingly disordered. View of diverse of the development of Taiwan's social security law, the legal system reflects the purpose of social security to promote harmony development of society which has become an important starting point. Thus, this study is about the status of social security law, the legal aspects of evidence which in our Constitution, "Social Security" in the normative sense, that is what we want to create? The concept of this country endowed with a local social security of the explanation? Or should we look for the legal science for another closer theory of state and society relations outside positive law, in order to facilitate the establishment of law system. And another study is from the philosophy of law, analysis Lorenz von Stein's book of social theory, which is German scholar of public law, and the book of John Rawls theory of justice, which is American political scientist. And then look for the social constitution real meaning behind the words to construct a more complete system of social security law. Attempt to think through the social sciences, the social security law find a common language, and to answer how to construct a Taiwanese legal system of social security, people's social life will have a more harmonious development of justice in order.

The Role Of Non-diatonic Chords In Perception Of Harmony

Atalay, Nart Bedin 01 June 2007 (has links) (PDF)
The perceptual reality of the music theoretical relation between the Neapolitan chord and the dominant / and the secondary dominant chord and its diatonic associate was investigated within the chord priming paradigm. In Experiment 1, expectation towards the dominant chord after the Neapolitan chord was observed in Turkish musicians and non-musicians with piano timbre. In Experiment 2, expectation towards the dominant chord after the Neapolitan chord was observed in European musicians but not in European non-musicians. In Experiment 3, Turkish non-musicians were tested with Shepard tones / but it was not possible to observe any priming effects. To understand effects of cultural background on the difference between the results of Experiments 1 and 2 further studies are necessary. In Experiments 4-5, the perceptual reality of the relation between the secondary dominant chord and its diatonic associate was investigated in Turkish non-musicians. In Experiment 4, chord sequences that included secondary dominant chords were played with Shepard tones / and they were scrambled with 2by2 scrambling algorithm. Experiment 5 was identical with Experiment 4, except chord sequences were played with the piano timbre. Experiment 6 was identical with Experiment 5, except chord sequences were scrambled with 4by4. However, in Experiments 4-6 detrimental effects of scrambling sequences that include secondary dominant chords on the priming of chords were not observed. Turkish non-musicians did perceive the relation between the secondary dominant chord and its diatonic associate. In neural network simulations of this thesis it was shown that statistical learning from the musical environment with self-organization could be achieved without committing the questionable assumptions of previous studies.

A Study On Dikaiosune And Eudaimonia In Plato&#039 / s Republic

Sentuna, Eylul 01 February 2012 (has links) (PDF)
The aim of this study is to analyze the concept on dikaiosune in Plato&#039 / s Republic with its main aspects. Republic as an overarching philosophical work will be reviewed as a whole and the overall scheme will be taken into account. There will be an emphasis on the ethical point of view rather than a political standpoint. The main interest of the thesis is what dikaiosune is and its relationship with goodness and eudaimonia which are terms sometimes used interchangeably. Still, the intervowen concepts of virtue, happiness, fulfillment, desire and unity will be taken into consideration as also for Plato these are perpetually connected. Various commentators of the Republic, their views and arguments will also be examined and analyzed within this study.

Call to harmony through dialogue, reconciliation and tolerance overcoming the religious conflicts and violence in the life of the people of Tamil Nadu /

Sagaya, John Jesu, January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (D. Min.)--Catholic Theological Union at Chicago, 2003. / Vita. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 321-336).

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