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Nové řešení nastavování reflektoru ve světlometu automobilu / New Solutions for Settings Car HeadlampsGlatter, Willi January 2014 (has links)
The aim is to develop new adjusting element. There were three versions of engineering design suggested, which were consequently simulated for various materials. Optimal material was chosen and came up to production suggested variants. These variants were consequently implemented to the headlamp and were consequently measured and tested. During measuring was under consideration change of CutOff line position after heat imunity and vibration tests. Result is selection only one material and only one engineering design of adjusting element solution, which warrants easy and fast assembly and confidential adjusting of reflector, for standardization and implementation to recently develop headlamps.
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Optimalizace montážní linky předních světlometů automobilu ve společnosti HELLA AUTOTECHNIK NOVA, s.r.o / Optimalization of the assembly line of automotive headlamps in the HELLA AUTOTECHNIK NOVA, s.r.o. companyHoplíček, Ondřej January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on optimizing of the assembly line of automotive headlamps BMW F30 LCI LED in the HELLA AUTOTECHNIK NOVA, s.r.o. Mohelnice company. The main intention of this thesis is in her first part the analysis of current status of arrangement assembly line, material flow and assembly procedures. In the second part of my thesis are proposed possible options for optimization. And in the last part of thesis is then selected optimal solution that streamlines the entire assembly process, possibly reducing the number of workers on the line and all based on technical and economic evaluation.
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Optimalizace tloušťky stěny tělesa světlometu / Optimization of wall thickness for headlamp bodyProkeš, Radim January 2010 (has links)
This project is concerned with the issue of the thickness optimalization of the wall thickness of the plascics headlamp housing by the simulation Moldflow analyse. There are mentioned the basic information about the plastic materials and their dividing over there. Furthermore the description of the injection process, the injection machines and the tools is included. The principles of the proposal and the construction of the plastics part is also mentioned here. In the application of the Moldflow Plastics Insight 6.0 there is provided the simulation of the melt moldflow for the proposed headlamp housing. Based on this analyse the proposal of the thickness reduction of the wall thickness of the headlamp housing is worked out with the aspect on the required qualities. It also contains the technoeconomic estimation of the benefit optimalization.
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Tepelné a světelné poměry u automobilového světelného zdroje nové generace / Study of the thermal and light conditions in the automobile headlamp with built-in light source of the new generationZachar, Martin January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with automotive headlamps, focusing on layout of temparature field and its influence on thermal stress of used materials, describes their history, kinds and ongoing research. Thesis shortly describes light and its characteristics, heat and heat transfer and means of temperature measurement. Main part of the tesis is dedicated to measuring front headlamp serving as a fog light, concretely measuring temperature field and illuminance depending of ambient temperature. Thesis contains everything from the first preparations, creation of measuring circuit, programming of measuring to processing acquired data. Thesis also compares cooler used for cooling luxmeter sensor, the comparision is between measured values and created simulation.
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Evaluační platforma s integrovanými obvody pro řízení LED světlometů / LED Driver evaluation kit for Automotive Front-LightingVečeřa, Jindřich January 2020 (has links)
This thesis deals with design of evaluation platform for integrated circuit NCV78934, which is designed to control LED headlights in automotive industry. The theory concerning the current regulation of buck converter, schematic design, PCB design and software design are also included in the thesis. Finally the measured data and testing procedures of the designed evaluation platform are discussed.
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Návrh technologického postupu montáže světelného LED zdroje na reflektor světlometu automobilu / Technological process of mounting of the LED light source on the reflector for a car headlampWiecková, Kateřina January 2020 (has links)
Cílem této práce bylo analyzovat současnou situaci technologického procesu montáže LED zdroje na světlomet automobilu a nalézt a navrhnout řešení ke snížení počtu výpadků ve výrobě. Technologický proces montáže zahrnuje umístění a upevnění LED zdroje (s interním označením „F-LUX“) na reflektor. Sestava musí splňovat požadovaný optický výstup a sériový takt linky. Na základě analýzy technologického procesu jsou navrženy optimalizace.
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De-icing and ice prevention of automotive headlamps and tail lamps : - An investigation of techniques and development of a test method / Avisning och isförebyggande åtgärder för huvudstrålkastare och baklyktor : - En undersökning av tekniker och utveckling av en testmetodJansson, Anders January 2014 (has links)
The work aims to study different methods suitable for de-icing and ice prevention of vehicle headlamps and tail lamps, especially LED-lights. Furthermore, the work aims to investigate the scale of the problem with insufficient or lack of de-icing on automotive lamps depending on the region and the environment the vehicle operates in. The problem with insufficient de-icing in automotive lamps was investigated by observations, tests of various lamps and a driver survey. Deicing methods were identified through a litera-ture review. The methods were studied in detail, and some were also evaluated by tests. The tests were narrowed down to temperature measurements and de-icing measurements. The latter were performed using a test method especially developed for the task. The collected data was used to evaluate whether actions are needed to be taken and to form recommen-dations for future developments. The number one priority should be to improve the tail lamps de-icing ability. Headlamps can also be improved but there is no imminent need. Insufficient de-icing of headlamps and tail lamps can potentially be a problem in all areas subjected to cold winter climate. Tail lamps should be fitted with electrical heating in order to improve the de-icing ability. They should be positioned so that snow and ice does not stack on top of them. The de-icing time of tail lamps should be less than 10 min. Truck drivers needs to be better in scraping their headlamps and tail lamps. The time needed for de-icing Scania’s H7 headlamps is 20 min for halogen version and 35 min for xenon version at -18 °C. This should be compared to the BMW LED-headlamp which needs 65 min to complete de-icing. LED-headlamps are probably limited to a de-icing time of approximately 60 min unless additional heat is added to the headlamp lens. The fastest and most efficient way to de-ice the headlamps is to use hot washer fluid. Electrically heated lenses are also effective but the de-icing process is slower. The proposed test method is a simple and effective way to compare and evaluate headlamps and tail lamps without knowing internal airflows and light sources. The way the ice layer is created on the device under test is unique to this method. The created ice layer is extremely uniform and the results are easy to evaluate. / Sammanfattning Arbetets syfte är att undersöka olika avisningsmetoder och isförebyggande åtgärder för hu-vudstrålkastare och baklyktor, speciellt LED-lampor. Ytterligare syfte är att undersöka hur stort problemet med otillräcklig avisning är beroende på vilken region och miljö som fordonen körs i. Problemet med otillräcklig avisning av fordonsbelysning har undersökts genom observatio-ner, en förarenkät samt genom tester av olika strålkastare och baklyktor. Avisningsmetoder har identifierats genom en litteraturstudie. Metoderna har studerats i detalj och några har även utvärderats genom tester. Testerna har utförts enligt en för uppgiften framtagen testme-tod. De insamlade uppgifterna har sedan används för att utvärdera om åtgärder behöver vid-tas och för att ge rekommendationer för framtida utvecklingsprojekt. Första prioritet bör vara att förbättra baklyktornas avisningsförmåga. Huvudstrålkastarna kan även de förbättras men det föreligger inte i dagsläget något akut behov av det. Otillräcklig avisning av huvudstrålkastare och bakljus kan potentiellt vara ett problem i alla miljöer med ett kallt vinterklimat. Baklyktorna bör utrustas med en eluppvärmd lins för att förbättra avis-ningen. Lamporna bör placeras på ett sådant sätt att snö och is inte kan ansamlas ovanpå dem. Avisningstiden för en baklykta bör inte överstiga 10 min. Lastbilschaufförerna behöver bli bättre på skrapa av is och snö från huvudstrålkastare och baklyktor. Avisningstiden för Scanias H7 huvudstrålkastare är 20 min för halogen versionen och 35 min för xenon versionen vid -18 °C. Detta kan jämföras med att BMW:s LED-huvudstrålkastare behöver 65 min för att avisas. LED-huvudstrålkastare är troligtvis begränsade till en avis-ningstid kring 60 min om inte någon extra värme tillförs. Den snabbaste metoden för att avisa en huvudstrålkastare är att använda varm spolarvätska men elektrotermisk avisning kan också vara mycket effektivt. Den föreslagna testmetoden är ett enkelt sätt att jämföra och utvärdera olika huvudstrålkastare och baklyktor. Det som är unikt med testmetoden är hur isskiktet på lamporna bildas. Isskiktet som skapas är extremt jämt och lätt att utvärdera.
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Náhrada šroubového spoje dílců světlometu plastovým trnem / Replacement of headlamp parts screw fixation by a plastic nailLysa, Bohuslav January 2010 (has links)
The master thesis covers several issues linked to a substitution of headlamp screw fixation by a plastic nail. The thesis includes an analysis of the headlamp technology, including description of the prescribed durability tests. On the basis of the analysis some new designs of plastic nails are proposed, consistent with characteristics of plastic materials. Selected outcomes of the analysis have been tested as prototypes and verified with Finite Elements Method in SimDesigner including 3D modeling capabilities provided by the Catia V5. The feasibility study regarding a casting form of the new design of plastic nails and technical economic valuation for contingent assembly mounting is included in the thesis.
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Metody prostorové a spektrální charakterizace světelných zdrojů používaných v automobilové technice / Methods of Space and Spectral Characterization of Light Sources used in Car IndustriesGuzej, Michal January 2018 (has links)
Automotive headlamps work in very variable operating conditions during which the producer have to guarantee their primary function of seeing and being seen. During the development stage of the new headlamps the manufacturers want to eliminate defects which could led to malfunction in operation. The numerical simulations along with the test procedures are appropriate tools for detection of problematic areas. The most appropriate approach is designing of experiment with a view to the subsequent simple implementation of the measured data into numerical simulations software and carefully choosing a measuring method of the monitored physical quantities. The thesis deals with phenomenon of condensation in headlamps, which has a negative effect on the light distribution and their life expectancy. Due to this experimental defog methodology was developed based on evaporation of a specified amount of water into the headlamp and then condensation on the inside surface of the headlamp lens. Pictures are taken during the measurements and the fogged and defogged areas are automatically detected. The results from experiments are used to adjust and verify a numerical model. The next part is devoted to the thermal load of the headlamp components which are mostly heated by waste heat from light sources. This phenomena depends mainly on the type of source, emissivity and thermal conductivity. A methodology of temperature measurement, thermal conductivity measurement, non-stationary method for emissivity determination and spectral characterization of thermal source based on their thermal fluxes to the surroundings has been developed.
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Optimalizace uložení projektorové čočky / Placement Optimization of Projector LensBezděk, Matěj January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the creation of engineering design of holder of projector lens. The thesis is created in cooperation with department of development in Varroc Lighting Systems, s.r.o. Initial part provides a brief description of the development of lighting technology used in car´s headlamps. The following part describes solutions currently used in clamping the lens in holder. The main part of the thesis focuses on the design of holder of projector lens itself. Projector lenses testing provide critical values of cohesive failure of the lens material, which cannot be exceed during the process of lens fitting and its subsequent clamping. In the final part the engineering design is verified and optimized using finite element analysis.
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