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Techno-Economic Analysis of Organic Rankine Cycles for a Boiler Station : Energy system modeling and simulation optimizationHudson, Jamel January 2019 (has links)
The Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) may be the superior cycle for power generation using low temperature and low power heat sources due to the utilization of high molecular mass fluids with low boiling points. They are flexible, simple, easy to operate and maintain, and offer many possible areas of applications including waste heat recovery and power generation from biomass, geothermal and even solar energy. Therefore, they may prove to be of significant importance in reducing global greenhouse gas emission and in the mitigation of climate change. In this thesis the technical feasibility and economic profitability of implementing an ORC in a district heating boiler station is investigated. A model of ORC connected to the hot water circuit of one of the biomass boilers of the boiler station is simulated. The achieved evaporation temperature is estimated to 135 degrees C and the condensation temperature is found to vary in the range of about 70-100 degrees C. The results show that it is both possible and profitable to implement an ORC in the studied boiler station. A maximum net present value of 2.3 MSEK is achieved for a 400 kW system and a maximum internal rate of return of 8.5%, equivalent to a payback period of 9.5 years, is achieved for a 300 kW system. Furthermore, the investment is found to be most sensitive to changes in the electricity price, net electric efficiency and capital expenditure cost.
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Hotel na Dolní Moravě / Hotel in Dolni MoravaPrudká, Daniela January 2013 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with working-out of project documentation for realization of building structure of hotel with restaurant placed in town of Dolní Morava. The building object is situated separately. The object is built of perforated ceramic shaped bricks. Vertical perimeter structures are not insulated with insulation system. The building is three-floored and all floors are above the ground. The first floor serves for operation of the restaurant and the other two floors serves as hotel apartments. The longer sides of the second floor are surrounded with loggias. The third floor is designed to be garret. The building is roofed by a saddle roof with dormers. The object is placed in sloping terrain.
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Optimalizace vytápění ZŠ Budišov / Optimalization of heating system PS BudisovČech, Lubomír January 2008 (has links)
The subject of the diploma thesis is an optimization of a heating system of a basic school Budisov, Czech Republic. The objective of the thesis is to design a change of the fuel basis of the heating system. The designed changes of heating system are compared with the current state with respect to both, technical and economical aspects. The known values of fuel consumption in the last seven year period and the heating power of fuel are considered. For the comparison of the complexity of the proposed change of the heating system the realization and recovery of investment are the main factors.
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Rekonstrukce otopné soustavy rodinného domu po celkovém zateplení / Design of heating system reconstruction for family house after complete overcladdingDoležal, Libor January 2011 (has links)
The thesis deals with the reconstruction of the heating system for a family house after complete overcladding. The first part is dedicated to an introduction of the subject under consideration. The next step is the calculation of heat loss.. A suitable method of insulation including economical recovery was designed according to the research of potential insulation materials, then heat loss were re-calculated. Another point is to determine a suitable temperature gradient and select the most appropriate source of heat and hot water preparation. The pressure loss circuit through the various radiators were calculated and balanced by thermostatic radiator valves. Finally, the insurance elements of the heating system were checked and the drawings documentation were prepared.
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Nytt Värmesystem till en skola : Beräkning av transmissions- och ventilationsförlusterÖberg, Andreas January 2020 (has links)
Med hjälp av Boverkets byggregler och de ISO-standarder som föreskrivs fastställs värmeeffektbehovet för Kyrkbackskolan, Ljusnarsbergs kommunala skola. Ur effektbehovet har sedan ett teoretiskt värmesystem dimensionerats. Resultaten visar att de olika byggnaderna som skolan består av har olika behov beroende på deras utformning. Över trehundra radiatorer och över trehundrafyrtio kilowatt värmeeffekt behövs för att värma skolan enligt de utförda beräkningarna för transmissionsförluster, ventilationsförluster och köldbryggor. Den största osäkerheten finns i köldbryggorna då dessa är baserade på tabellvärden. En rumslista visar vad varje rum i hela skolan har för effektbehov och kan användas vid både installation och injustering. / Using ”Boverkets byggregler” and the ISO-standards that are stipulated in it are the heating requirements determined for “Kyrkbackskolan”, the only school in the municipality of Ljusnarsberg. A theoretical heating system has been designed based on the calculations. The results show that the three different buildings that make up the school have different requirements depending on their layout. Over three hundred radiators and over three hundred forty kilowatts of heating power are required to heat the school according to the calculations of transmission losses, ventilation losses and thermal bridges. The largest insecurity is in the thermal bridges since they are determined using tables. A list shows all the rooms and their heating requirements which can be used when installing or tuning the heating system.
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Energy efficient space and water heating in a university buildingSchnurr, Birte January 2013 (has links)
The building Norra Djurgården 43:12 on the main campus of the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in Stockholm will be retrofitted as students from the exter- nal campus Haninge will be moved there. This occasion is supposed to be used to improve the facility’s energy efficiency. Potential for this exists for both the space and the water heating system. The effect of decreasing the supply temperature to the radiators was examined based on equations for the heat transfer. It was calcu- lated that lowering the supply temperature by 5 K would reduce the space heating demand by 25 %, i.e. 94.25 MWh a−1 and avoid emissions of 9.9 t CO2 a−1. Due to high heat losses from the secondary district heating circuit on KTH property to the ground, an alternative for the domestic hot water supply at times without space heating demand, i.e. from May to September, was considered. Two systems were designed which can completely cover the demand and were evaluated in terms of both energy and economic efficiency. The daily domestic hot water demand as well as the peak demand were modelled especially for this purpose. A system com- prising ten flat panel solar thermal collectors with a total aperture area of 23.3 m2 and an auxiliary heat pump of 7.5 kW capacity was calculated to achieve a maximum coefficient of performance (COP) of 9.13 in June. In spite of the low operation cost, the system has a negative Net Present Value as the fixed capital investment is very high. The more competitive option is the installation of a heat pump of 12.22 kW capacity which is supposed to use waste heat from the server room. If both the cooling power and the heating power are considered as the benefit, the Net Present Value calculates to about 274,500 SEK, otherwise it is still almost 99,000 SEK (ap- proximately 32,000 EUR and 11,500 EUR respectively). These figures are based on an operation cycle of one year, i.e. if the heat pump contributes to the space heating supply from October to March. Compared to the use of outside air as a heat source, the COP is increased by 83 % or 10 % respectively, depending on the definition of the benefit. The reduction in the district heating demand calculated to 24.48 MWh a−1 provided the building can be disconnected from the KTH distribution network from May to September. At the same time, emissions of 2.57 t CO2 a−1 could be avoided. In conclusion, the installation of a heat pump using waste heat from the server room appears to be a solution which is both energy efficient and economical. / Das Gebäude Norra Djurgården 43:12 auf dem Hauptcampus der Königlichen Tech- nischen Hochschule (KTH) in Stockholm wird renoviert werden, da der Vorlesungs- betrieb des externen Campus Haninge zukünftig zum Teil dort stattfinden wird. Bei dieser Gelegenheit soll die Energieeffizienz des Gebäudes gesteigert werden. Poten- tial hierfür besteht sowohl beim Heizen als auch in der Warmwasserbereitung. Die Auswirkungen einer verringerten Vorlauftemperatur zu den Heizkörpern wurden auf Grundlage von Gleichungen zur Wärmeübertragung betrachtet. Es wurde berech- net, dass die Verringerung der Vorlauftemperatur um 5 K den Heizbedarf um 25 % reduzieren würde, d. h. um 94,25 MWh a−1, und damit Emissionen in Höhe von 9,9 t CO2 a−1 vermieden werden könnten. Aufgrund hoher Wärmeverluste vom sekundären Fernwärmekreislauf zum Boden auf dem Gelände der KTH wurde eine Alternative für die Warmwasserbereitung zu Zeiten ohne Heizbedarf, d.h. von Mai bis September, in Erwägung gezogen. Zwei Systeme, welche den Bedarf vollständig abdecken können, wurden entwick- elt und sowohl auf ihre Energieeffizienz als auch auf ihre Wirtschaftlichkeit hin geprüft. Der tägliche Warmwasserbedarf sowie der Spitzenbedarf wurden eigens zu diesem Zweck modelliert. Für ein Hybridsystem, welches aus zehn Flachkollek- toren mit einer gesamten Aperturfläche von 23,3 m2 und einer Wärmepumpe mit 7,5 kW Leistung besteht, wurde eine maximale Leistungszahl von 9,13 im Juni ermittelt. Trotz der geringen Betriebskosten ist der Kapitalwert negativ, da die Investitionskosten sehr hoch sind. Die konkurrenzfähige Alternative ist die Installa- tion einer Wärmepumpe mit 12,22 kW Leistung, welche die Abwärme der Computer im Serverraum nutzen soll. Werden sowohl die Kälte- als auch die Wärmeleistung als Nutzen angesehen, berechnet sich der Kapitalwert zu etwa 32.000 EUR, ohne Miteinbeziehung der Kälteleistung zu 11.500 EUR. Diese Zahlen beziehen sich auf einen ganzjährigen Betrieb, d. h. die Wärmepumpe trägt von Oktober bis März zur Heizleistung bei. Verglichen mit der Nutzung von Außenluft als Wärmequelle kann die Leistungszahl um 83 % bzw. 10 % gesteigert werden, je nach Definition des Nutzens. Die Verringerung des Fernwärmebedarfs wurde zu 24,48 MWh a−1 berech- net, vorausgesetzt das Gebäude kann von Mai bis September vom Verteilernetz der KTH abgekoppelt werden. Gleichzeitig ermöglicht dies Emissionseinsparungen von 2,57 t CO2 a−1. Zusammenfassend erscheint die Installation einer Wärmepumpe, welche die Abwärme im Serverraum nutzt, als eine sowohl energieeffiziente als auch wirtschaftliche Lösung. / Byggnaden Norra Djurgården 43:12 på Kungliga Tekniska Högskolans (KTH:s) hu- vudcampus i Stockholm kommer att renoveras då studenter från den externa cam- pusen Haninge kommer att flyttas dit. Detta tillfälle skall nu utnyttjas för att effektivisera byggnadens energiprestation. Potentialen för energieffektivisering finns därtill i både uppvärmningen och varmvattenberedningen. I detta arbete har ef- fekten av sänkt tilloppstemperatur till radiatorerna studerats. Effekten har kvan- tifierats genom beräkningarna med hjälp av välkända ekvationer för värmetrans- port. Beräkningarna har visat att värmebehovet kunde minskas med 25 %, d.v.s. 94,25 MWh per år, genom en sänkning av tillopstemperaturen med 5 K. Följaktigen kunde CO2 emissionerna också minskas med ungefär 9,9 ton per år. Då värmeförlusterna från den primära fjärrvärmekretsen mellan maj och september är höga, har ett alternativ för varmvattenberedningen för denna tidsperiod pre- senterats. Två system har presenterats som kan fullständigt täcka behovet och har analyserats beträffande både energieffektiviteten och lönsamhet. Det dagliga varmvattenbehovet samt spetsbehovet har modellerats just för detta syfte. Den maxmimala värmefaktorn till ett system bestående av 10 plana solfångare med en total aperturarea (genomskinliga arean) på 23,3 m−2 och en värmepump på 7,5 kW har uppskattats till 9,13 i juni. Trots de låga driftskostnaderna är kapitalvärdet negativt eftersom investeringskostnaderna var höga. Den andra lösningen innefat- tade installation av en värmepump på 12,22 kW som använder sig av spillvärmen från serverrummet. Om besparingen av både fjärrvärme och fjärrkyla betraktas i lönsamhetsanalysen, beräknas kapitalvärdet till ungefär 247.500 SEK, respektive 99.000 SEK om bara det minskade fjärrvärmebehovet betraktas. Dessa siffror är baserade på ett års drift, d.v.s. om värmepumpen står för uppvärmningen från ok- tober till mars. Jämfört med användningen av uteluft som värmekälla ökar värme- faktorn med 10 %. Ökningen blir 83 % om i processens nytta inkorporeras både den värme som absorberats från serverrummet och den värme som används för varm- vattenberedning och uppvärmning. Reduktionen i fjärrvärmebehovet har beräknats till 24,48 MWh per år, förutsatt att byggnaden kan kopplas ifrån KTH:s distribu- tionsnätverk mellan maj och september. Samtidigt kunde CO2 emissionerna också reduceras med 2,57 ton per år. Sammanfattningsvis kan det konstaterats att instal- lationen av en värmepump, som använder sig av spillvärmen från serverrummet, kan vara både en kostnads- och energieffektiv lösning för den undersökta byggnaden.
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System Simulation of Thermal Energy Storage involved Energy Transfer model in Utilizing Waste heat in District Heating system ApplicationGaray Rosas, Ludwin January 2015 (has links)
Nowadays continuous increase of energy consumption increases the importance of replacing fossil fuels with renewable energy sources so the CO2 emissions can be reduced. To use the energy in a more efficient way is also favorable for this purpose. Thermal Energy Storage (TES) is a technology that can make use of waste heat, which means that it can help energy systems to reduce the CO2 emissions and improve the overall efficiency. In this technology an appropriate material is chosen to store the thermal energy so it can be stored for later use. The energy can be stored as sensible heat and latent heat. To achieve a high energy storage density it is convenient to use latent heat based TES. The materials used in this kind of storage system are called Phase Change Materials (PCM) and it is its ability of absorbing and releasing thermal energy during the phase change process that becomes very useful. In this thesis a simulation model for a system of thermal energy transportation has been developed. The background comes from district heating systems ability of using surplus heat from industrials and large scale power plants. The idea is to implement transportation of heat by trucks closer to the demand instead of distributing heat through very long pipes. The heat is then charged into containers that are integrated with PCM and heat exchangers. A mathematical model has been created in Matlab to simulate the system dynamics of the logistics of the thermal energy transport system. The model considers three main parameters: percentage content of PCM in the containers, annual heat demand and transport distance. How the system is affected when these three parameters varies is important to visualize. The simulation model is very useful for investigation of the economic and environmental capability of the proposed thermal energy transportation system. Simulations for different scenarios show some expected results. But there are also some findings that are more interesting, for instance how the variation of content of PCM gives irregular variation of how many truck the system requires, and its impact on the economic aspect. Results also show that cost for transporting the heat per unit of thermal energy can be much high for a small demands compared to larger demands.
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Trimming of a ground source heat pump system in SaltsjöbadenGarnier, Michel January 2014 (has links)
The real performance of ground source heat pumps systems are not precisely highlighted in most cases, especially when it comes to installations older than the contractors guarantee period of 5 years. This project analyses measured data, constructs durability diagrams and establishes an energy balance of a whole heating system located in Saltsjöbaden. The system, composed of 3 heat pumps with a total heating power of 270kW and an oil burner, is used to deliver comfort heat through radiators and ventilation as well as tap warm water production. The installation was originally designed with two oil burners now used as an auxiliary heat supplier. Two heat pumps were installed in 1999 and a third unit was added in 2009. However, the oil consumption has been higher than expected. An experiment with controlled oil burner operation confirmed the need of implementing a control strategy. Some weaknesses in the system are pointed out.
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Otopná tělesa pro ústřední vytápění / Radiators for central heatingSabelová, Jolanta January 2012 (has links)
The task of the diploma thesis was the theoretical and experimental design of radiators for the central heating and the prepartion of conceptual design for a pension with a wellness centre in Ostrava. The building is a free-standing three-to five-floor cellarless building. The heating system will be designed for pension rooms and a social base; within the wellness centre, the heating of a fitness centre, whirlpools, and locker rooms will be designed. The heat source will be a gas boiler house. Ventilation in the accommodation part will be natural and forced in the wellness centre with respect to thermal comfort of visitors.
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Optimalizace způsobu přípravy teplé vody ve sportovních halách / Optimization of the ways of hot water preparation in sports hallsDvořáková, Simona Unknown Date (has links)
The topic of this diploma thesis is to design the space and water heating system for a sport hall. The diploma thesis is divided into three chapters. The first chapter analyzes existing literature with a focus on heat transfer, pipe thermal insulation, hot water source, and existing normative and legislative requirements regarding hot water preparation. The second chapter consists of various calculations that regard the design of radiators, branch dimensioning, and design of water heating system for the target object. Additionally, this chapter contains an elaboration of a design documentation, which Detail Design Documentation. The third chapter focuses on an experimental water heating for the target object with a comparison of a centralized and decentralized water heating system.
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