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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Acúmulo e valor nutritivo da forragem do capim Convert HD 364 (Brachiaria híbrida) sob taxas contrastantes de crescimento em resposta à altura do dossel mantida por lotação contínua / Forage accumulation and nutritive value of Convert HD 364 (Brachiaria hybrid) under contrasting growth rates in response to canopy height maintained by continuous stocking

Ianê Correia de Lima Almeida 13 October 2014 (has links)
As pastagens ocupam uma grande extensão territorial no Brasil constituindo a principal fonte de alimento para os ruminantes. Entretanto, seu manejo, ainda é frequentemente realizado de forma extensiva e extrativista, tornando a atividade pouco competitiva. O estudo de estratégias de manejo do pastejo sob lotação contínua contribui para a diversificação e intensificação dos sistemas de produção de ruminantes baseados em pastagens. O objetivo foi descrever e explicar diferenças no potencial produtivo e nas características qualitativas, através de atributos estruturais e químico-bromatológicos da Brachiaria híbrida (Brachiaria ssp.) Convert HD 364 em resposta ao manejo do pastejo sob lotação contínua mimetizada e taxa de lotação variável. O experimento foi conduzido em Piracicaba, no verão de 2013. Foram testadas três intensidades de desfolhação determinadas por alturas de manejo de dossel (10, 25 e 40 cm) em combinação com dois ritmos de crescimento (50 e 250 kg N ha-1 ano-1) num arranjo fatorial (3 x 2) e delineamento em blocos completos casualizados. Variáveis-resposta medidas incluíram massa, acúmulo e taxa de acúmulo de forragem, IAF, composição morfológica e valor nutritivo (Proteína bruta - PB, Fibra insolúvel em detergente neutro- FDN, Digestibilidade in vitro da matéria orgânica - DIVMO) da forragem. Os maiores valores de acúmulo e taxa de acúmulo foram registrados para os dosséis mantidos a 40 cm de altura (12650 kg MS ha-1ano-1 e 110 kg MS ha-1 dia-1, respectivamente) e para dosséis adubados com 250 kg N ha-1(13974 kg MS ha-1ano-1 e 126 kg MS ha-1dia-1, respectivamente). Esse mesmo tratamento apresentou os maiores valores de IAFs (8,1). A massa de forragem não sofreu influência do N, mas respondeu ao aumento da altura e foi maior para os pastos mantidos a 40 cm (14650 kg MS ha-1). Mais N (250 kg ha-1) resultou em maior proporção de folhas (26 %). Maior proporção de colmo (40%) ocorreu no dosséis de 40 cm e adubados com 50 kg N ha-1 e proporções de material morto foram maiores (49%) nos tratamentos de 10 cm de altura e 50 kg de N ha-1. Dosséis de 10 cm adubados com 50 kg N ha-1, embora com menor produtividade, resultaram em maior DIVMO (670 g kg-1) e PB (153 g kg-1 e 165 g kg-1, para 10 cm e 250 kg N ha-1, respectivamente). O teor de FDN foi maior para 40 cm (545g kg-1) e com 50 kg N ha-1(550 g kg-1). A adubação nitrogenada promove ganhos em produtividade e resulta em forragem com melhor valor nutritivo, enquanto que incrementos em altura do dossel promovem maior acúmulo total e taxa média de acúmulo de forragem, até o ponto em que ocorre estabilidade da produção (25 cm), sendo assim o tratamento que apresentou melhor eficiência produtiva aliada a um bom valor nutritivo foi o com 25 cm de altura do dossel e 250 kg ha-1 de N. / Pastures occupy a large area in Brazil and are key to the country\'s livestock industry, which is almost exclusively forage-based. Grazing management, however, is largely empirical in the country, and technical guidelines for managing specific grasses are either scarce or poorly adopted, which hinders the competitiveness of the activity. Establishing sound management guidelines for key grasses can improve animal output and profitability of the livestock enterprise. The objective was to describe and explain differences in the productive potential and the qualitative traits of Convert HD 364 brachiariagrass through the characterization of agronomic and sward structural attributes as well as forage nutritive in response to three grazing intensities and under two growth rates under continuous stocking and variable stocking rate in a mob-grazing experimental protocol. The study was conducted in Piracicaba, in summer of 2013. Experimental paddocks received treatments corresponding to all possible combinations among three sward heights (10, 25, and 45 cm) and two growth rates generated by two N rates (50 and 250 kg N ha-1) split-applied monthly during the experimental period. The experimental design was a randomized complete block with a factorial arrangement. Response variables included forage accumulation and accumulation rate, LAI, plant-part composition of forage on offer, as well as plant-part composition and nutritive value (crude protein - CP, neutral detergent insoluble fiber - NDF digestibility in vitro organic matter - IVDMD) of forage. The highest values of forage accumulation and accumulation rate were recorded for swards kept at 40 cm (12650 kg DM ha-1 yr-1 and 110 kg ha-1 d-1, respectively) and for swards fertilized with 250 kg N ha-1 (13974 kg DM ha-1 yr-1 and 126 kg DM ha-1 day-1, respectively). This same combination resulted the highest LAI (8.1). Forage mass was affected by sward height but not by N rates being higher for 40-cm (14650 kg DM ha-1). Treatments with higher N (250 kg ha-1) resulted in forage with a higher proportion of leaf (26%). Higher percentages of stem (40%) were measured in swards grazed at 40 cm and fertilized with 50 kg N ha-1 while the proportion of dead material was higher (49%) in 10-cm swards receiving 50 kg N ha-1 of N. Swards kept at 10 cm and receiving 50 kg N ha-1, although less productive, resulted in forage with higher IVOMD (670 g kg-1). Forage in 10-cm swards had 153 g kg-1 crude protein and that from swards receiving 250 kg N ha-1 had 165 g kg-1. Neutral detergent fiber concentration was higher in forage from 40-cm swards (545 g kg-1) and from those receiving 50 kg N ha-1 (550 g kg-1), which is also associated with the maturity of the tissues at the time of harvest. Nitrogen fertilization promotes gains in productivity and results in forage with better nutritive value, whereas increases in canopy height promote higher total accumulation and rate of herbage accumulation, up to 25 cm. The treatment that combines high productivity with high nutritive value is 25 cm canopy height and 250 kg ha-1.

Obtenção da altura da camada limite planetária através da análise espectral do campo de vento do lidar Doppler / Obtaning the planetary boundary layer height using spectral analysis of the Doppler lidar wind field

Marques, Márcia Talita Amorim 21 November 2017 (has links)
Este estudo explora a obtenção da altura da camada limite planetária a partir de diferentes métodos e equipamentos, com foco na análise espectral do campo de vento do lidar Doppler. Realizou-se uma campanha de medição por 80 dias com dois lidars Dopplers comerciais com diferentes alcances verticais. Para o lidar com maior alcance vertical e consequetemente uma medida direta da altura da camada limite planetária, foi aplicado o método da variância da razão sinal-ruído e os resultados foram comparados aos valores de altura estimados a partir de dados de radiossondagem através de dois métodos distintos, o método da parcela e o método do número de Richardson bulk, o qual apresentou melhores resultados. Para o lidar com menor alcance vertical, aplicou-se a análise espectral que forneceu valores de comprimento de onda dos picos espectrais, proporcionais à altura da camada limite planetária. A constante de proporcionalidade para obtenção dos valores da altura da camada foi calculada comparando-se os resultados aos valores de altura estimados pela radiossondagem através do método do número de Richardson bulk, obtendo-se um valor de constante de proporcionalidade próximo ao sugerido na literatura. Entretanto, o conjunto de dados que mostrou boas estimativas dos picos espectrais foi bastante restrito, limitando a comparação ao longo do período entre os lidars. / This study explores the obtaining of the planetary boundary layer height through different methods and equipment, focusing on the spectral analysis of the wind field from Doppler lidar. An 80-day measurement campaign was conducted with two commercial Doppler lidars with different vertical ranges. For the lidar with greater vertical range and consequently a direct measurement of the planetary boundary layer heigth, the method of signal-to-noise ratio variance was applied and the results were compared to the height values estimated from radiosonding data using two different methods, the parcel method and the bulk Richardson number method, which presented better results. For the lidar with a lower vertical range, spectral analysis was applied, which provided wavelength values of the spectral peak, proportional to the planetary boundary layer height. The proportionality constant, in order to obtain the boundary height values, were calculated by comparing the height values estimated from the radiosonding data, using the bulk Richardson number method. Proportionality constant value close to the one found in the literature were obtained. However, the set of data that showed good estimates of the spectral peaks was very restricted, limiting the comparison over the period between the lidars.

Géométrie Arithmétique sur les variétés Abéliennes : minoration explicite de la hauteur de Faltings et borne sur la torsion / Aritmethic geometry on Abelian varieties : explicit lower bound on the faltings height and bound on torsion

Wagener, Benjamin 22 November 2016 (has links)
Ce travail comporte essentiellement deux conclusions. D'une part nous déterminons une minoration de la hauteur de Faltings d'une variété abélienne quelconque sur un corps de nombres faisant intervenir de nouveaux invariants non archimédiens. Il s'agit de la première partie de ce travail dans lequel nous introduisons systématiquement ces invariants. Ils sont liés à la géométrie non archimédienne aux places de mauvaise réduction des variétés abéliennes.Dans une deuxième partie nous donnons une évaluation approximative de ces invariants nous permettant d'établir une minoration de la hauteur de Faltings faisant intervenir le nombre de composantes de la fibre spéciale du modèle de Néron des variétés abéliennes aux places de mauvaise réduction.On déduit de ces estimations un corollaire qui fournit une borne sur le cardinal du groupe des points rationnels de torsion des variétés abéliennes faisant essentiellement intervenir la hauteur de Faltings. Cette borne est jusqu'à présent la meilleure connue. / This thesis leads essentially to two conclusions. On the one hand we determine a lower bound for the Faltings height of abelian varieties over number fields in which enter new non-archimedean invariants. It consists in the first part of this work in which we introduce systematically this invariants. They are directly linked to the non-archimedean geometry of abelian varities at places of bad reduction.In a second part we provides an approximative evaluation of this invariants which leads to a lower bound on the Faltings heights in terms of the number of components of the special fiber of the Néron model of abelian varieties at places of bad reduction.We deduce from this estimates a corollary that provides an upper bound on the cardinality of the group of rational torsion points of abelian varieties essentially in terms of the Falting height. This bound is the best bound known till now.

Returners Exhibit Greater Jumping Performance Improvements During a Peaking Phase Compared With New Players on a Volleyball Team

Bazyler, Caleb D., Mizuguchi, Satoshi, Kavanaugh, Ashley A., McMahon, John J., Comfort, Paul, Stone, Michael H. 21 June 2018 (has links)
Purpose: To determine if jumping-performance changes during a peaking phase differed among returners and new players on a female collegiate volleyball team and to determine which variables best explained the variation in performance changes. Methods: Fourteen volleyball players were divided into 2 groups—returners (n = 7) and new players (n = 7)—who completed a 5-wk peaking phase prior to conference championships. Players were tested at baseline before the preseason on measures of the vastus lateralis cross-sectional area using ultrasonography, estimated back-squat 1-repetition maximum, countermovement jump height (JH), and relative peak power on a force platform. Jumping performance, rating of perceived exertion training load, and sets played were recorded weekly during the peaking phase. Results: There were moderate to very large (P < .01, Glass Δ = 1.74) and trivial to very large (P = .07, Δ = 1.09) differences in JH and relative peak power changes in favor of returners over new players, respectively, during the peaking phase. Irrespective of group, 7 of 14 players achieved peak JH 2 wk after the initial overreach. The number of sets played (r = .78, P < .01) and the athlete’s preseason relative 1-repetition maximum (r = .54, P = .05) were the strongest correlates of JH changes during the peaking phase. Conclusions: Returners achieved greater improvements in jumping performance during the peaking phase compared with new players, which may be explained by the returners’ greater relative maximal strength, time spent competing, and training experience. Thus, volleyball and strength coaches should consider these factors when prescribing training during a peaking phase to ensure their players are prepared for important competitions.

Identifying a Test to Monitor Weightlifting Performance in Competitive Male and Female Weightlifters

Travis, S. Kyle, Goodin, Jacob R., Beckham, George K., Bazyler, Caleb D. 23 May 2018 (has links)
Monitoring tests are commonly used to assess weightlifter’s preparedness for competition. Although various monitoring tests have been used, it is not clear which test is the strongest indicator of weightlifting performance. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to (1) determine the relationships between vertical jump, isometric mid-thigh pull (IMTP) and weightlifting performance; and (2) compare vertical jumps to IMTP as monitoring tests of weightlifting performance in a large cohort of male and female weightlifters. Methods: Fifty-two competitive weightlifters (31 males, 21 females) participated in squat and countermovement jump testing (SJ, CMJ), and IMTP testing performed on force plates. All laboratory testing data was correlated to a recent competition where the athletes had attempted to peak. Results: Squat jump height (SJH) was the strongest correlate for men and women with the Sinclair Total (r = 0.686, p ≤ 0.01; r = 0.487, p ≤ 0.05, respectively) compared to countermovement jump height (r = 0.642, p ≤ 0.01; r = 0.413, p = 0.063), IMTP peak force allometrically scaled to body mass (r = 0.542, p ≤ 0.01; r = −0.044, p = 0.851) and rate of force development at 200 ms (r = 0.066, p = 0.723; r = 0.086, p = 0.711), respectively. Further, SJH was a stronger correlate of relative weightlifting performance compared to IMTP peak force in females (p = 0.042), but not male weightlifters (p = 0.191). Conclusions: Although CMJ and IMTP are still considered strong indicators of weightlifting performance, SJH appears to be the most indicative measure of weightlifting performance across a wide-range of performance levels. Thus, SJH can be used as a reliable measure to monitor weightlifting performance in male and female weightlifters.

Changes in Relationship Between Static Jump Height, Strength Characteristics, and Body Composition With Training

Ramsey, Michael W., Kavanaugh, Ashley A., Israetel, Michael, Swisher, Anna, Nelson, Cara, Stone, Michael H. 04 June 2011 (has links)
Abstract available in the Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise

Geofyzikální metody začlenění lokálních výškových systémů do celosvětového výškového systému / Geophysical methods of integration of the local vertical datums into World Height System

Buday, Michal Unknown Date (has links)
One of the main problems of current physical geodesy is the unification of local height systems and the creation of the unified global vertical reference frame, whose primary definition constant will be the geopotential value of W0 on the level surface, such as geoid. This problem encounters several pitfalls, such as different types of physical heights used in the world, ways of eliminating the effects of tides on the shape of the Earth's body. The first parts of the thesis describe the theoretical foundations concerning the description of the Earth's gravitational field, the basics of height theory and the solution of the boundary value problems used in geodesy, together with the solution of the Hotine's and Stokes' integral by convolution. Due to the fact that the data of directly measured gravity acceleration for the territory of the Czechia and the Slovakia are not freely available with sufficient coverage, these data were replaced by gravity disturbances calculated from the Global Gravity Model of the Earth. To improve the data obtained from geopotential models, so-called residual terrain modelling was used. It is a spectral combination of gravity field models with relevant Earth's gravitational field quantities, which are obtained by modeling from a digital terrain model and a height model that represents the mean value of topography. The combination of these data consists of calculating those frequencies of the gravitational signal from the digital terrain model that are not a part of the signal obtained from geopotential models that in general have a lower spatial resolution. Two methods were used to connect the local height systems of the Czechia and the Slovakia. The first method was to use the solution of Molodensky's problem. The second method used is originally a method developed to test geopotential models. Both methods were tested on a set of measuring points (GNSS/levelling points).

Model autonomní kvadroptéry / Autonomic Quadcopter Model

Medla, Eduard January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this work was to describe available elements from quadcopter model, build the model, describe possible autonomous behavior in space and realize chosen algorithm.

Konstrukční návrh zařízení pro měření výškové polohy těžiště vozidla / Design of a device for measuring the center of gravity height of road vehicles

Hanych, Jaroslav January 2018 (has links)
This master's thesis deals with problems connected with measuring vehicle centre of gravity height. The research part summarizes generally known methods of measuring vehicle centre of gravity and moments of inertia. Essential part of this thesis is the design of a device for measuring the centre of gravity height of a road vehicle on a principle of measuring a period of oscillation. The height position of the platform of the device is adjustable through hydraulic cylinders. A stress-strain analysis of the design was executed through a combination of analytical methods and a finite element method. The process of measurement was described and an equation for determination of centre of gravity height was deduced. Error of measurement was estimated based on the knowledge of partial errors of measured values.

Napojení D1 na silniční síť v oblasti Černovické Terasy / Connection of the road network to the D1 motorway in the Černovická Terasa area

Mička, Michal January 2019 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis is to propose the connection of a road network on the territory of Černovická Terasa on the D1 motorway - in particular Průmyslová, Tuřanka, Řípská and Šlapanická. This is to find an optimal solution for local, regional and long-distance routes, which primarily enable non-residential use of the site along the D1 motorway. 5 variants of the solution were found in the thesis, 1 variant was elaborated in detail.

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