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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Albright’s Hereditary Osteodystrophy Associated with Cerebellar Pilocytic Astrocytoma: Coincidence or Genetic Relationship?

Sobottka, Stephan B., Hübner, Angela, Haase, Markus, Ahrens, Wiebke, Rupprecht, Edgar, Schackert, Hans K., Schackert, Gabriele 20 February 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Albright’s hereditary osteodystrophy (AHO) is a rare inherited disease characterized by skeletal abnormalities, short stature, and, in some cases, resistance to parathyroid hormone, resulting in pseudohypoparathyroidism (PHP). Heterozygous inactivating mutations of the GNAS1 gene are responsible for reduced activity of the alpha subunit of the Gs protein (GSα), a protein that mediates hormone signal transduction across cell membranes. Gsα is also known to have oncogenic potentials, leading to the development of human pituitary tumors and Leydig cell tumors. Here, we report the 1st case, a 3.5-year-old girl, with classic AHO phenotype and PHP type 1A associated with a cerebellar pilocytic astrocytoma. Coincidence or genetic relationships of both diseases are discussed according to molecular findings and current literature. / Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.

Genetinių ligų ir ydų paplitimas atskirose kačių veislėse / The prevalence of genetic diseases and vices in different cat breeds

Kovalenkienė, Julija 05 March 2014 (has links)
Daugelis kačių veislių yra imlios įvairioms ligoms ir patologijoms. Kai kurios iš šių mutacijų nėra pavojingos kačių sveikatai, kitos sukelia sunkias ligas, trečios yra veislės požymis. Genetinės ligos ir ydos skirstomos į fenokopijas, dizgenetines anomalijas ir įgimtas ligas ir ydas. Dažniausiai paplitusios genetinės ligos tarp atskirų kačių veislių yra šios: hipertrofinė kardiomiopatija (HCM), inkstų policistozė (PKD), progresuojanti tinklainės atrofija (rdAc-PRA), gangliozidozė (GM1, GM2), piruvato kinazės trūkumas (PK), glikogeno kaupimosi liga IV tipo (GSD-IV), stuburo raumenų atrofija (SMA). Ydos: plokščios krūtinės kačiukų sindromas, bambinė išvarža, įgimta veido kaulų anomalija, Vandenburgo sindromas, polidaktilija, ektrodaktilija, sindaktilija, nesuaugęs kietasis gomurys, kriptorchizmas. Genetiniam tyrimui atlikti imamas mėginys iš katės skruosto vidinės pusės (reikalingos žando ląstelės) tamponėlio pagalba. Paėmus mėginį, tamponai įdedami į specialų voką su užpildytų blanku ir siunčiami paštu į laboratoriją. Laboratorijoje, atliekant genetinius tyrimus, naudojama DNR polimerazės grandinės reakcija bei genų sukibimo metodas. Genetinį tyrimą galima atlikti bet kurio amžiaus gyvūnui. Nustatėme, kad Lietuvoje per 2009-2013 metus mano tirtose veterinarijos klinikose daugiausia diagnozuota inkstų policistozės, kriptorchizmo, aklumo, bambinės išvaržos ir kurtumo atvejų. Iš kačių genetinių ligų Lietuvoje dažniausiai pasitaiko tik inkstų policistozė ir hipertrofinė... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Many cat breeds are susceptible to various diseases and pathologies. Some of these mutations are not dangerous to the health of cats, others cause severe diseases, third ones, are the feature of breed. Genetic diseases and vices are divided into phenocopies, dysgenetic anomalies, and congenital diseases and defects. Most prevalent genetic diseases among different cat breeds are: hipertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), polycystic kidney disease (PKD), progressive retinal atrophy (rdAc-PRA), gangliosidosis (GM1, GM2), pyruvatkinase deficiency (PK), glycogen storage disease IV type (GSD-IV), spinal muscular atrophy (SMA). Vices: flat chest kitten syndrome, umbilical hernia, congenital abnormality of the facial bones, Vandenburg‘s syndrome, polydactyly, ectrodactyly, syndactyly, cleft hard palate, cryptorchidism. Use brushes to collected cells from inside the cheek (buccal cells). Place all sample containing sample brushes and completed submission forms into a suitable envelope and male to laboratory. During the genetic research, laboratories are refering to the DNA polymerase chain reaction and gene bonding method. Genetic testing can be performed to the animal of any age. We found out, that in Lithuania in the years of 2009-2013, in veterinary clinics, where I did my research, the following diseases were diagnosed the most: kidney polycystosis, cryptorchidism, blindness, deafness and umbilical hernia. Among feline genetic diseases, only kidney polycystosis and hypertrophic... [to full text]

Molecular regulation of the breast and ovarian tumor suppressors BRCA1 and BRCA2 /

Nelson, Andrew Cook. January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D. in Experimental Pathology, Program in Cancer Biology) -- University of Colorado Denver, 2007. / Typescript. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 144-158). Free to UCD affiliates. Online version available via ProQuest Digital Dissertations;

Hereditary predisposition to breast cancer:evaluating the role of rare copy number variant, protein-truncating and missense candidate alleles

Tervasmäki, A. (Anna) 23 October 2018 (has links)
Abstract Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women, and inherited predisposition is one of the major recognized causes of increased breast cancer risk. Only about half of the hereditary cases are explained by mutations in the known susceptibility genes, including the DNA damage response genes BRCA1, BRCA2 and PALB2, leaving the majority still uncovered. Identification of the missing genetic predisposing factors is important for more effective diagnostics and counseling of the risk families, and also for better understanding of the etiology and cellular characteristics of breast cancer. The first aim of this study was to investigate the cancer associations of six rare germline copy number variant (CNV) deletions, which were previously identified in breast cancer patients by a genome-wide microarray approach. The second aim was to identify novel susceptibility alleles, both protein-truncating variants and missense mutations, by next-generation sequencing (NGS) of nearly 800 DNA damage response genes in 189 hereditary breast cancer patients. The cancer-associations of all selected candidate alleles (6 CNVs, 39 protein-truncating variants and 35 missense mutations) were studied by case-control approach using DNA samples from several hundred breast cancer patients and healthy controls. The prevalence of the studied CNVs did not significantly differ between the cases and controls, but when studying the associations with specific clinical parameters, deletion in the CYP2C19 gene showed enrichment in the breast cancer patients with hormonally triple-negative tumors (p=0.021). As CYP2C19 functions in estrogen metabolism, the results indicate that disturbance of hormonal balance due to enzyme defects may predispose specifically to the estrogen receptor-negative subtype of breast cancer. Two protein truncating-variants, TEX15 c.7253dupT and FANCD2 c.2715+1G>A showed significant breast cancer association in the Northern Finnish cohort (p=0.018 and p=0.036, respectively). Similarly, two of the studied missense variants, RECQL p.Ile156Met (p=0.043) and POLG p.Leu392Val (p=0.010), were enriched in the breast cancer cases. Thus, this study provided novel connections between increased breast cancer risk and inherited mutations in TEX15, FANCD2 and POLG genes, and further supported the recently established role of RECQL as a breast cancer susceptibility gene. / Tiivistelmä Rintasyöpä on naisten yleisin syöpä, ja perinnöllinen alttius on yksi merkittävimmistä sairastumisriskiin vaikuttavista tekijöistä. Tunnetuimpia alttiustekijöitä ovat mutaatiot BRCA1-, BRCA2- ja PALB2-DNA-vauriovastegeeneissä, mutta ne yhdessä muiden altistavien geenimutaatioiden kanssa selittävät kuitenkin vain noin puolet perinnöllisistä rintasyöpätapauksista. Uusien alttiusgeenien löytäminen mahdollistaa tehokkaamman diagnostiikan ja korkeassa syöpäriskissä olevien sukujen perinnöllisyysneuvonnan, sekä auttaa ymmärtämään syvemmin rintasyövän etiologiaa ja syntymekanismeja solutasolla. Tämän väitöskirjan ensimmäisenä päämääränä oli tutkia tarkemmin aiemmin genominlaajuisella mikrosirumenetelmällä rintasyöpäpotilailta tunnistettujen harvinaisten perinnöllisten DNA-kopiolukuvariaatioiden (CNV) yhteyttä rintasyöpäriskiin. Toisena tavoitteena oli tunnistaa uusia rintasyöpäalttiusalleeleja, sekä proteiinitrunkaatioita että missense-mutaatioita, hyödyntämällä uuden sukupolven sekvensointitekniikkaa, jonka avulla tutkittiin mutaatioita lähes 800 DNA-vauriovastegeenistä 189 pohjoissuomalaiselta rintasyöpäpotilaalta. Valittujen kandidaattialleelien (6 deleetion aiheuttavaa CNV:tä, 39 proteiinitrunkaatiota ja 35 missense-mutaatiota) yhteyttä rintasyöpään tutkittiin tapaus-verrokkimenetelmällä käyttäen DNA-näytteitä usealta sadalta rintasyöpäpotilaalta ja terveeltä kontrollihenkilöltä. Tutkittujen CNV:iden esiintyvyydessä ei ollut merkitseviä eroja potilaiden ja kontrollien välillä, mutta tarkasteltaessa yhteyttä potilaiden kasvaimista saatuihin kliinisiin parametreihin, deleetio CYP2C19-geenissä oli yleisempi hormonaalisesti kolmoisnegatiivisissa rintatuumoreissa kuin muissa tuumorityypeissä (p=0.021). Koska CYP2C19 on estrogeenimetaboliaan osallistuva entsyymi, sen viallinen toiminta voi mahdollisesti altistaa erityisesti estrogeenireseptorinegatiiviselle rintasyövälle. Kaksi tutkituista proteiinitrunkaatioista, TEX15 c.7253dupT ja FANCD2 c.2715+1G>A, olivat rikastuneet perinnöllisessä rintasyöpäpotilasaineistossa verrattuna kontrolleihin (p=0.018 ja p=0.036). Myös kaksi missense-alleelia, RECQL p.Ile156Met (p=0.043) ja POLG p.Leu392Val (p=0.010), olivat yleisempiä rintasyöpäpotilailla. Tulokset osoittivat uuden yhteyden kohonneen rintasyöpäriskin ja perinnöllisten muutosten TEX15-, FANCD2- ja POLG-geenien välillä, sekä tukivat aiempia tutkimustuloksia, joiden mukaan RECQL on kohtalaisen riskin rintasyöpäalttiusgeeni.

A Genetic Analysis of Genomic Stability in <em>Caenorhabditis Elegans</em>: A Dissertation

Auclair, Melissa M. 18 September 2007 (has links)
In humans, Bloom’s Syndrome is caused by a mutation of the RecQ helicase BLM. Patients with Bloom’s Syndrome exhibit a high amount of genomic instability which results in a high incidence of cancer. Though Bloom’s Syndrome has been intensively studied, there are still many questions about the function of BLM which need to be answered. While it is clear that loss of BLM increases genomic instability, the other effects of genomic instability on the organism aside from cancer such as a potential effect on aging, have yet to be elucidated. In Chapter II, I identify new phenotypes in the C. elegans ortholog of BLM, him-6. him-6 mutants have an increased rate of cell death, a mortal germ line phenotype, and an increased rate of mutations. Upon further examination of the mutator phenotype, it was determined that the increased rate of mutations was caused by small insertions and deletions. The mutator phenotype identified in him-6 mutants closely mimics the cellular phenotype seen in Bloom’s Syndrome cells. This indicates that HIM-6 may behave in a similar fashion to BLM. In addition to the mutator phenotype, it was found that loss of him-6causes a shortened life span. This may provide evidence that there is a link between genomic stability and aging. In Chapter III, I identify a new role for the transcription factor DAF-16. DAF-16 in C. elegans has been intensively studied and regulates a wide variety of pathways. In this chapter, I demonstrate via the well established unc-93 assay that loss of daf-16 causes a subtle mutator phenotype in C. elegans. This indicates that DAF-16 may play a role in suppression of spontaneous mutation. When I examined other classic genomic instability phenotypes, I found at 25°C, the number of progeny in the DAF-16 mutants was significantly reduced compared to wild type worms. Additionally, I demonstrate daf-16(mu86)has a cell death defect. This study identifies several new phenotypes caused by a loss of him-6. These phenotypes provide further evidence that loss of him-6 causes genomic instability. In addition, this study also demonstrates that him-6 has a shortened life span which may be due to genomic instability. Secondly, this study identifies a new role for DAF-16 in preventing the occurrence of spontaneous mutations. This may indicate a novel function for DAF-16 in maintaining genomic stability.

Analýza výskytu vybrané dědičné choroby očí u psů

KUBIČKOVÁ, Miroslava January 2017 (has links)
Progressive rod-cone degeneration (PRCD) is the late form of progressive retinal atrophy (PRA). It is an autosomal recessive hereditary retinal defect. This disease in dogs is consistent with one form of retinitis pigmentosa (RP) in humans. Phenotypic manifestations are identical and it is known to be an identical causal mutation. A study of this defect in dogs could also explain a lot in human medicine. The gene for PRCD was mapped in the region of centromer of the canine chromosome 9 (CFA9). In this thesis, genotyping of 120 dogs of different breeds and age was performed. Most represented a breed of English Cocker Spaniel which is predisposed to the disease. Analysis PRA-PRCD was performed by molecular genetic methods PCR-RFLP and the horizontal agarose electrophoresis. Genotypes were determined on the basis of different fragment lengths. The normal allele was 396 bp in length and the mutated allele had a length of 116 bp. Presence of mutated allele was only detected in 25 heterozygotes carriers which were usually breeds with this predisposition. Frequency of the mutated allele was 10.4 %. In the selected population 20.8 % of heterozygotes were represented. The results of the study show approximately one fifth of the tested dogs are heterozygous carriers. Findings of other studies confirm there are generally more heterozygotes than homozygotes in which the disease is manifested during life. However, if this fact is not clearly taken in consideration, the number of sick dogs can rapidly increase during short period of time. In the future, it would be appropriate to adopt measures which would definitely eliminate the occurrence of the mutated allele. These measures could include genetic tests that reliably reveal hidden carriers (heterozygotes) in predisposing breeds. Heterozygotes may increase the representation of this allele in the population. This leads to an increase in the number of diseased animals.

In vivo approach to myelin turnover and oligodendrocyte-dependent axonal integrity

Lüders, Katja 21 August 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Effect of KCNE1 and KCNE3 Accessory Subunits on KCNQ1 Potassium Channel Function: A Dissertation

Rocheleau, Jessica Marie 02 December 2008 (has links)
The KCNE1 and KCNE3 type I transmembrane-spanning β-subunits assemble with the KCNQ1 voltage-gated K+ channel to afford membrane-embedded complexes with dramatically different properties. Assembly with KCNE1 produces the very slowly activating and deactivating IKs current that shapes the repolarization phase of cardiac action potentials. Genetic mutations in KCNQ1 or KCNE1 that reduce IKs current cause long QT syndrome and predispose affected individuals to potentially fatal cardiac arrhythmias. In contrast, complexes formed between KCNQ1 and KCNE3 produce rapidly activating and mostly voltage-independent currents, properties that are essential for function in K+ recycling and Cl−secretion in gastrointestinal epithelia. This thesis addresses how these two homologous accessory peptides impart their distinctive effects on KCNQ1 channel gating by examining two important protein regions: 1) a conserved C-terminal motif in the β-subunits themselves, and 2) the voltage sensing domain of KCNQ1 channels. Sequences in both the transmembrane domain and C-terminus of KCNE1 and KCNE3 have been identified as contributing to the divergent modulatory effects that these β-subunits exert. The homology of transmembrane-abutting C-terminal residues within the KCNE family and the presence of long QT-causing mutations in this region highlight its importance. A bipartite model of modulation was proposed that suggests the transmembrane domain of KCNE1 is passive, allowing the C-terminal domain to control modulation. Chapter II builds on this model by investigating the effect of mutating specific amino acids in the KCNE1 C-terminal domain. Point mutants that produce ‘high impact’ perturbations in gating were shown to cluster in a periodic fashion, suggesting an alpha-helical secondary structure that is kinked by a conserved proline residue and interacts with the Q1 channel complex. In Chapter III, the voltage sensing domain of Q1 channels is examined in the presence of either KCNE1 or KCNE3. To determine the influence of these two peptides on voltage sensing, the position of the S4 voltage sensor was monitored using cysteine accessibility experiments. In the slowly opening KCNQ1/KCNE1 complexes, voltage sensor activation appears to occur much faster than the onset of current, suggesting that slow channel activation is not due to slowly moving voltage sensors. KCNE3, on the other hand, shifts the voltage sensor equilibrium to favor the active state, producing open channels even at negative voltages. Taken together, these findings provide mechanistic detail to illustrate how two homologous peptides radically alter the gating properties of the same K+ channel and present a structural scaffold to map protein-protein interactions.

Development of a Multi-Site Phase II Clinical Trial of Valproic Acid for Retinitis Pigmentosa

Clemson, Christine Moulton 05 January 2010 (has links)
The body of work presented here is a compendium of the multiple steps required for an investigator initiated trial of an existing medication (Valproic Acid- VPA) for a new indication (Retinitis Pigmentosa – RP). The chapters are listed in logical and chronological order of the process. In order to access patient records an expedited Institutional Review Board (IRB) application for retrospective chart review was submitted (Chapter 1). These records enabled the statistical analysis which not only laid the framework for the trial design, but also became the basis for two manuscripts (Chapter 2). Protocol development informed by the preliminary human studies (Chapter 3) was an instrumental part of the Investigational New Drug (IND) application (Chapter 3.5). This protocol along with the extensive case report forms that detail the intended data to be collected are included in the IND application. Because the Phase II clinical trial proposed attempting to identify the specific RP mutations of the subjects utilizing a National Eye Institute (NEI) study that enabled free genotyping services, two IRB applications were submitted (Chapter 3.6). The first was for approval of the NEI genotyping protocol, the second involved the VPA intervention. Two very different sources of funding for this trial were attempted (Chapter 4) – the NIH via the Challenge Grant mechanism and a private eye disease foundation (Foundation Fighting Blindness). In Chapter 5 I detail the alternate study designs that were considered and developed for this trial (and ultimately abandoned). Finally, in Chapter 6, I formally detail my suggestions to aid in the development of a comprehensive investigator initiated core facility at UMMMC. The goal of this project was two-fold. The first was to learn the entire process of trial and protocol design both from a Umass Institutional perspective as well as from the perspective of the FDA. The second goal was the very real prospect of helping patients with a blinding disease. This work was successful on both counts. IRB approval was received for all the submitted applications. The complexity and uniqueness of many aspects of these submissions culminated in a comprehensive learning experience. The process of working with the Umass Research Pharmacy as well as developing the industry contacts and know-how to develop a workable and financially feasible placebo were both particularly important learning experiences. FDA approval of the IND submission was also received, and the process of pre-communication and delving into the considerable and ever-changing rules and regulations resulted in an extensive and valuable knowledge base. While the practicality of funding has limited the ability of this trial to move forward at this point, given the extensive framework laid by this body of work, we are actively pursuing other opportunities. The third outcome of this work, while not as intentional, was the considerable process of determining the specific competencies and infrastructure that exist at UMMMC to enable investigator initiated drug intervention studies. While this institution is clearly moving rapidly in the direction of translational research, the many needs of these studies are often only clearly understood when the process is specifically undertaken. In completing the approval of this Phase II clinical trial, I was not only able to better understand and define the existing capabilities of UMMMC for this kind of research, I was able to add to that infrastructure when the existing knowledge or skill set was not available. In this manner, I was able to inform and guide many of the support personnel who guided me and have become a part of the strategic direction of UMMMC towards clinical translational research.

Klinicko-genetické aspekty familiárního výskytu karcinomu prsuFrekvence rekurentních mutací v genech BRCA1 a BRCA2 v České republice / Clinical and genetic aspects of familial breast cancerFrequency of recurrent mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes in Czech republic and the role of NBN gene

Matějů, Martin January 2014 (has links)
Summary: Background: An increased risk for development of hereditary breast cancer is associated with germline mutations in BRCA1/2 and the influence of NBN mutations is also supposed. The aim of this study is to specify the frequency of recurrent mutations in BRCA1/2 in unselected breast cancer patients and the frequency of most common pathogenic mutations in NBN in Czech republic, to assess current criteria for genetic testing and to consider the addition of NBN to the tested genes. Methods: Screening for recurrent mutations 5382insC and 300T>G in BRCA1 was performed by RFLP, screening for mutations in exon 11 of BRCA1 was performed by PTT, screening for mutations in a selected region of exon 11 of BRCA2 by DHPLC, and screening for mutations in exon 6 of NBN by HRMA. All the mutations were confirmed by direct sequencing. Results: In 679 unselected breast cancer patients 7 carriers of 5382insC, 3 of 300T>G, and 4 of other mutations in BRCA1 were identified. 2 locally prevalent mutations were found in BRCA2. In 730 controls only one 5382insC BRCA1 mutation was identified. Out of 5 NBN mutations found in 600 high-risk patients two were 657del5 and one R215W. A total of 8 NBN mutation carriers were identified among 703 breast cancer patients, 2 of them 657del5 carriers and three R215W carriers. In 915...

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