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La Simulation aux Grandes Echelles (SGE) est de plus en plus utilisée dans les processus de développement et la conception des réacteurs aéronautiques industriels. L'une des raisons pour ce besoin résulte dans la capacité de la SGE à fournir des informations instantanées d'un écoulement turbulent augmentant la quantité des prédictions de la composition des gaz d'échappement. Ce manuscrit de thèse aborde deux sujets récurrents de la SGE. D'une part, les schémas numériques pour la SGE nécessitent certaines propriétés, notamment une précision élevée avec une diffusivité faible pour ne pas nuire aux modèles de turbulence. Afin de répondre à ce pré requis, une famille de schémas d'intégration temporelle d'ordre élevée est proposée, permettant de modifier la diffusion numérique du schéma. D'autre part, la SGE étant intrinsèquement instationnaire, elle est très consommatrice en temps CPU. De plus, une géométrie complexe prend beaucoup de temps de simulation même avec les super calculateurs d'aujourd'hui. Dans le cas particulier d'intérêt et souvent rencontré dans les applications industrielles, l'approche bas-Mach est constitue une alternative intéressante permettant de réduire le coût et le temps de retour d'une simulation LES. L'impact et la comparaison des formalismes compressible et incompressible sont toutefois rarement quantifiés, ce qui est proposé dans ce travail pour une configuration représentative d'un brûleur swirlé industriel mesuré au CORIA.
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System Profiling and Green Capabilities for Large Scale and Distributed InfrastructuresTsafack Chetsa, Ghislain Landry 03 December 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Nowadays, reducing the energy consumption of large scale and distributed infrastructures has truly become a challenge for both industry and academia. This is corroborated by the many efforts aiming to reduce the energy consumption of those systems. Initiatives for reducing the energy consumption of large scale and distributed infrastructures can without loss of generality be broken into hardware and software initiatives.Unlike their hardware counterpart, software solutions to the energy reduction problem in large scale and distributed infrastructures hardly result in real deployments. At the one hand, this can be justified by the fact that they are application oriented. At the other hand, their failure can be attributed to their complex nature which often requires vast technical knowledge behind proposed solutions and/or thorough understanding of applications at hand. This restricts their use to a limited number of experts, because users usually lack adequate skills. In addition, although subsystems including the memory are becoming more and more power hungry, current software energy reduction techniques fail to take them into account. This thesis proposes a methodology for reducing the energy consumption of large scale and distributed infrastructures. Broken into three steps known as (i) phase identification, (ii) phase characterization, and (iii) phase identification and system reconfiguration; our methodology abstracts away from any individual applications as it focuses on the infrastructure, which it analyses the runtime behaviour and takes reconfiguration decisions accordingly.The proposed methodology is implemented and evaluated in high performance computing (HPC) clusters of varied sizes through a Multi-Resource Energy Efficient Framework (MREEF). MREEF implements the proposed energy reduction methodology so as to leave users with the choice of implementing their own system reconfiguration decisions depending on their needs. Experimental results show that our methodology reduces the energy consumption of the overall infrastructure of up to 24% with less than 7% performance degradation. By taking into account all subsystems, our experiments demonstrate that the energy reduction problem in large scale and distributed infrastructures can benefit from more than "the traditional" processor frequency scaling. Experiments in clusters of varied sizes demonstrate that MREEF and therefore our methodology can easily be extended to a large number of energy aware clusters. The extension of MREEF to virtualized environments like cloud shows that the proposed methodology goes beyond HPC systems and can be used in many other computing environments.
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Tuned and asynchronous stencil kernels for CPU/GPU systemsVenkatasubramanian, Sundaresan 18 May 2009 (has links)
We describe heterogeneous multi-CPU and multi-GPU implementations of Jacobi's iterative method for the 2-D Poisson equation on a structured grid, in both single- and double-precision. Properly tuned, our best implementation achieves 98% of the empirical streaming GPU bandwidth (66% of peak) on a NVIDIA C1060. Motivated to find a still faster implementation, we further consider "wildly asynchronous" implementations that can reduce or even eliminate the synchronization bottleneck between iterations. In these versions, which are based on the principle of a chaotic relaxation (Chazan and Miranker, 1969), we simply remove or delay synchronization between iterations, thereby potentially trading off more flops (via more iterations to converge) for a higher degree of asynchronous parallelism. Our relaxed-synchronization implementations on a GPU can be 1.2-2.5x faster than our best synchronized GPU implementation while achieving the same accuracy. Looking forward, this result suggests research on similarly "fast-and-loose" algorithms in the coming era of increasingly massive concurrency and relatively high synchronization or communication costs.
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Jahresbericht 2003 zur kooperativen DV-Versorgung01 July 2013 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.
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Jahresbericht 2004 zur kooperativen DV-Versorgung01 July 2013 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.
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Jahresbericht 2005 zur kooperativen DV-Versorgung01 July 2013 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.
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Jahresbericht 2006 zur kooperativen DV-Versorgung01 July 2013 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.
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Jahresbericht 2007 zur kooperativen DV-Versorgung01 July 2013 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.
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Jahresbericht 2008 zur kooperativen DV-Versorgung01 July 2013 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.
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Jahresbericht 2009 zur kooperativen DV-Versorgung01 July 2013 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.
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