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臺北市高中圖書館人員之專業資格與任用研究 / A research on professional qualifications and appointments of senior high school library staff in Taipei City呂睦卿, Lu, Mu Ching Unknown Date (has links)
最後建議,為解決高中圖書人員任用困境,現階段紓解專業人力資源不足之可行方式如下:透過人力資源整合,集眾人之力使知識技能互補而多元;善用數位學習方式及適時搭配實體課程,提供多元圖書資訊進修管道,並鼓勵圖書館工作人員參與進修、組織學習社群,以提昇專業知能、促進專業成長。而更積極的作為是:加強與校長進行溝通,使其瞭解圖書館的功能與價值,以獲得校長對圖書館專業發展的支持;最重要的是能由法規政策進行專業資格制度、圖書資訊職系設立的落實,以獲得圖書資訊專業人力的資源;考量高中圖書館的專業發展,未來建立認證制度以作為專業能力的證明將有其必要性。 / The purpose of reserach is to discuss the librarian’s qualification of senior high school in Taipei city and the current school staff’s opinion on librarian appointment of senior high school, so as to analyize the qualification and job relevance of librarian of senior high school then to make suggestion on librarian appoinment and their professional knowledge improvement. The research implements questionnaries to libraries of twenty eight national senior high schools to realize the library grouping, staff ‘s professional qualification and the appointment of each school; meanwhile, through interviewing and investigating school staff’s opinion on human resource arrangemnt , employment, grade planning, personnel rotation system and professional knowledge improvement.
The result shown librarian’s major task is to support teaching, help learning, which combines profession, the professions of human resource in the library management have significant difference and the positive and sincere individual personality is the factor that deepens the service of librarian. For achieving core task and completing the development of teaching resource center, to set up a professional personnel arrangement in the library is needed; however, the regulation is not complete which causes the insufficient professional staff arrangement in the senior high school library; moreover, the current arrangement of information human resource is not able to develop in the supporting learning resource center due to limited grouping and job responsibility division. From personnel appointment; currently, school staff think librarian director and the staff should follow the precedent of director to have professional knowledge; furthermore, the library specialized subject of 20 credits provides teachers who also work at library an important access to obtain professional knowledge and qualification; it is necessary to set up a library and information job system and which is not allowed to have job rotation so that specialized staff can elaborate their profession well and the value of human resource can be developed. In the part of enhancing professional knowledge, further education could be developed toward to digital courses so as to break through the difficulty of insufficient human resource and the access of further education.
The classified results suggest, in order to resolve the problem of librarian appointment of senior high school; currently, the available method are as followings: from integration of human resource to combine the power of the general public which enables the knowledge skill to be more complementary and diversified; making the best of digital learning method and properly collocating with substantive course to provide diversified further education accesses of library and information and also to encourage librarian to participate in further study and learning group to enhance their professional knowledge and facilitate their professional growth. The more positive ways are: to strengthen the communication with the school principal to make him more understand the function and value of library then to obtain his support to develop the profession of library; the most significant is to carry out the profession system and job system of library and information so as to obtain the professional human resource of library and information; to consider the professional development of library and to set up a certification system for certificating the profession in the future would be necessary.
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Das Bibliotheksportal der Hochschulbibliotheken Sachsens / www.bibliotheksportalsachsen.deKluge, Andreas 23 August 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Beginnend mit dem Jahr 2005 haben die sächsischen Hochschulbibliotheken ein gemeinsames Projekt begonnen, dessen Ziel die Bereitstellung eines Bibliotheksportals im Internet für den Zugriff auf Bestände ....
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Das Bibliotheksportal der Hochschulbibliotheken Sachsens: www.bibliotheksportalsachsen.deKluge, Andreas 23 August 2006 (has links)
Beginnend mit dem Jahr 2005 haben die sächsischen Hochschulbibliotheken ein gemeinsames Projekt begonnen, dessen Ziel die Bereitstellung eines Bibliotheksportals im Internet für den Zugriff auf Bestände ....
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台北市高中圖書館支援教學之研究 / A Study on the Teaching Support of Taipei Senior High School Libraries陳冠穎 Unknown Date (has links)
高中圖書館的宗旨在配合學校教育目標,並支援、豐富與實現學校的教育計畫,為學校整體教學中所不可或缺的一部份。許多國外研究亦已證明學校圖書館與教師之合作對於學生學術成就具有正向影響力。本研究透過訪談法瞭解臺北市高中圖書館支援教學之內涵,釐清圖書館負責人對於支援教學之看法,並分析支援教學所面臨之瓶頸與成功因素,探討高中圖書館如何突破困難,提出有效支援教學之策略。 / 綜合而言,臺北市高中圖書館支援教學之內涵包括:1. 積極發展館藏資源,以滿足教師之教學需求;2.善用資訊傳播科技以支援教學;3. 為師生提供圖書館利用教育,增進其資訊素養;4.由資訊融入教育著手,為教師提供教學諮詢服務。 / 若將支援教學相關服務依教師與館員合作關係歸納為「協調」、「合作」與「協同」三個層次,臺北市高中圖書館目前多已達協調、合作層次,僅少數圖書館達協同層次。和國外圖書館相較,臺北市高中圖書館離理想的協同性支援教學(如教學諮詢、協同教學、參與課程規畫)仍有一段距離。 / 臺北市高中圖書館支援教學之困難包括:1. 升學主義依然掛帥,成為圖書館推動資訊素養教育與資訊融入教育時之障礙;2. 館員缺乏學科教學專業知能,使教學諮詢服務不易獲得教師信任;3. 現階段圖書館人力不足,資訊相關業務之負荷過重。 / 而臺北市高中圖書館支援教學服務之成功因素則在於:1. 掌握資訊科技與資訊教育政策所提供之新契機;2. 館員具備圖書館學與資訊科技專業知能;3. 校長在經費、設備與人力資源上之支持;4. 教師之高度使用需求及參與意願;5. 館員之服務熱忱更為深化支援教學服務之要素。 / 綜合文獻探討與訪談結果,高中圖書館有效支援教學之策略包括: 1. 整合圖書館之服務及學科教學活動,以提升學生學習效能;2. 以資訊融入教育為己任,進而提供教學諮詢服務;3. 建置教學知識庫,整合教學資源;4. 充份整合人力資源,提供較深入之支援教學服務;5. 爭取教師之認同,共同創造新時代之教學願景;6. 培育種子教師,透過成功經驗之激勵,逐步推動高中圖書館之轉型;7. 積極爭取校外經費與設備之補助,以豐富師生教與學之經驗;8. 加強高中圖書館從業人員之專業知能,成為深度支援教學之支柱。 / 最後,本研究為深入支援教學提出幾點建議,供相關單位參考:1. 高中圖書館應協助教師進行個人知識管理;2. 高中圖書館員應深入了解社會發展、教育趨勢與學習需求;3. 高中圖書館從業人員應保持開放心態,隨時充實專業知能;4. 高中圖書館應持續推展與評鑑支援教學相關服務;5. 教育相關單位應將資訊素養概念納入學科教學中之中。 / The school library is the center for collecting, organizing and using information resources, and is therefore an indispensable part of school teaching activities. Teachers could better choose teaching materials, develop curriculum, and evaluate programs with school librarians’ support. Library literatures show that teacher and media specialist collaboration can effectively enhance student learning. This study use in-depth interviews to investigate the the situation of teaching support in Taipei senior high schools, to analyze the difficulties encountered, to identify the successful factors, and to provide strategies of teaching support. / Findings show that (1) teaching support services provided in most cases come under the “coordination” and “cooperation” stage, according to the Pollard and Montiel-Overall taxonomy framework, and very few senior high school libraries provide “collaboration” stage services. (2) Most directors keep conservative attitude toward “collaboration” stage services. (3) The difficulties encountered in teaching support include: tight course schedule, lack of education professional librarians, and tedious work. (4) Successful teaching support factors include: policy, professions in library and information science, unique personality, administration support, and teachers’ willingness. (5) Effectively teaching support strategies include integrating library programs into curriculum, helping teachers to integrate ICT into their lessons, assisting in teachers’ personal knowledge management, making better use of human resources, building visions with teachers, creating success stories, striving for budget actively, enhancing librarians’ professional ability. / Finally, the suggestions were made: (1) Senior high school libraries should assist in teachers’ personal knowledge management. (2) Senior high school librarians should keep learning. (3) Librarians should know the education trends and learning needs. (4) Services should be delivered, evaluated, and improved persistently. (5) Educational authorities should put emphasis on information literacy in subject instructions.
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台北巿高中圖書館轉型為「教學資源中心」之研究 / A Study on Taipei Senior High Schools Library Transformation into the Instructional Resources Center黃瑞秋, Richel Huang Unknown Date (has links)
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