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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Traffic-induced vibrations on a two span composite railway bridge : Comparison of theory and measurements

Miguel Escudero López, José January 2011 (has links)
The economic and technologic development experienced by the society in the last decades has caused the demand of a new type of faster and more comfortable transport. This type of demand has been covered by the air transport, the road transport and the railway transport. This situation where the society demands an improvement in her quality of life is the best situation for the birth of the high speed trains. Different studies carried out in the transport field have demonstrated that for distances between four hundred and one thousand of kilometres, the high speed trains provide a lower travelling times than the rest of the transports. These types of high speed trains have increased the axle loads and the average speeds, thus generally a dynamic analysis is required by the ERRI in all the railway bridges when the train speed is higher than 200 Km/h. Besides, when the train speed is going to be higher than 200 Km/h, the vibrations induced in the bridge can reduce the service life of the vehicles and structure, and generally, this fact leads to become the dynamic effect in the principal factor to take into account in order to design the structure. Therefore, an important knowledge in railway bridges dynamic is required to not to oversize the structures with the consequent economic cost. The purpose of this thesis is to study the possibility of accurately predicting the dynamic response of an existing railway bridge, subjected to the high speed train Gröna Tåget, implementing a simplified 2D finite element model with the aid of the program Abaqus. The bridge chosen is the Lögdeälv Bridge, a two spans composite bridge, located along the Bothnia Line (the new Swedish high-speed line), between the localities of Nordmaling and Rundvik. The measured eigenfrequencies due to bending modes of vibration are used for updating the model and then, these frequencies and the accelerations measured are used to compare and validate the different 2D updated models. The parameters used to update the models are; the damping coefficient of the structure, the mass and the stiffness of the bridge, and the supports stiffness. Finally it is concluded that the best model is achieved when the rotational support stiffness is modified in the two extremes supporters of the bridge.

Dynamic soil-structure interaction of simply supported high-speed railway bridges

Lind Östlund, Johan January 2020 (has links)
Research performed on the subject of dynamic soil-structure interaction (SS) concerning railway bridges is presented in this thesis with the focus on simply supported railway bridges supported by shallow foundations in soil strata on bedrock. The research aims to obtain insight into the SSI of high-speed railway bridges and to provide recommendations on how to model the soil-bridge system from a design perspective. A three-dimensional (3D) simply supported soil-bridge model was first developed and the effects from model assumptions made on the soil-foundation system was evaluated in a 3D setting (paper I). The soil-foundation system was then refined and a model assumptions study was performed in order to evaluate the effects of model assumptions on impedance functions, including the influence of the permanent load acting on the soil-foundation system (paper II). Finally, a study of the assembled soil-bridge system was performed in an extensive parametric study including a set of 2D bridge models in combination with a set of shallow foundations in soil strata on bedrock (paper III). A supplementary section related to paper III was also added in this thesis, showing the effects of the substructure mass. The model assumptions made when creating the soil-foundation model and the soil-bridge model can be very important and must be made with care. The permanent load acting on the soil-foundation systems of shallow foundations may alter the impedance functions significantly. The substructure mass may alter the behavior of the soil-bridge system depending on its magnitude, and neglecting it gives inaccurate results. The 3D effects of SSI do not cause high vibrations due to modes other than the first bending mode, and assuming a 2D bridge model is generally acceptable. The effects of SSI on the soil-bridge systems with shallow soil strata are largely dependent on the ratio between the natural frequency of the bridge and the fundamental frequency of the soil. Depending on the value of this ratio, the effect of including SSI in bridge models may contribute to the bridge obtaining a negligible, conservative, or non-conservative response, as compared to the bridge with the assumption of non-flexible supports. / Forskning i syfte att utröna effekten av dynamisk jord–struktur-interaktion (SSI)på järnvägsbroar presenteras i denna avhandling med huvudfokus på fritt upplagdabroar med stöd av plattgrundlagda fundament i jordar på fast berggrund. Forsknin-gen syftar till att ge förståelse för interaktionen mellan jord och järnvägsbroar samtatt ge rekommendationer på hur systemet kan modelleras ur ett designperspektiv.En tredimensionell (3D) fritt upplagd jord–bromodell utvecklades först och effek-terna av modellantaganden gjorda på jord–grundläggningssystemet utvärderadesi en 3D miljö (artikel I). Jord–grundläggningssystemet förfinades och en studiegenomfördes för att utvärdera effekterna av modellantaganden på impedansfunk-tioner, inklusive påverkan av den permanenta belastningen som verkar på jord–grundläggningssystemet (artikel II). Slutligen utfördes en omfattande parametriskstudie av det sammansatta jord–brosystemet där en uppsättning tvådimensionella(2D) bromodeller kombinerades med en uppsättning jordar (artikel III). Ett kom-pletterande avsnitt relaterat till artikel III lades till i denna avhandling som visareffekterna av massan av underbyggnaden på jord–brosystemet.De modellantaganden som görs vid skapandet av jord–grundläggningsmodeller ochjord–bromodeller kan vara mycket viktiga och bör utföras med varsamhet. Den per-manenta belastningen som verkar på jord–grundläggningssystemet kan väsentligtförändra impedansfunktionerna. Massan av underbyggnaden kan vidare ändra re-sponsen i jord–brosystemet, beroende på dess storlek, och att försumma den kan gefelaktiga resultat. De 3D effekterna av SSI orsakar inte höga vibrationer på grundav andra moder än den första böjmoden, och att anta en 2D bromodell är såledesgenerellt sett motiverat.Effekterna av SSI på jord–brosystemet i grunda jordar beror till stor del av kvotenmellan brons naturliga frekvens och jordens fundamentala frekvens. Beroende påvärdet på denna kvot kan effekten av att inkludera SSI i bromodeller bidra till attbron får en försumbar, konservativ, eller icke-konservativ respons, i jämförelse medbron med antagandet om fasta upplag. / <p>QC 20200903</p>

Development of a High-Speed Rail Model to Study Current and Future High-Speed Rail Corridors in the United States

Vandyke, Alex J. 20 July 2011 (has links)
A model that can be used to analyze both current and future high-speed rail corridors is presented in this work. This model has been integrated into the Transportation Systems Analysis Model (TSAM). The TSAM is a model used to predict travel demand between any two locations in the United States, at the county level. The purpose of this work is to develop tools that will create the necessary input data for TSAM, and to update the model to incorporate passenger rail as a viable mode of transportation. This work develops a train dynamics model that can be used to calculate the travel time and energy consumption of multiple high-speed train types while traveling between stations. The work also explores multiple options to determine the best method of improving the calibration and implementation of the model in TSAM. For the mode choice model, a standard C logit model is used to calibrate the mode choice model. The utility equation for the logit model uses the decision variables of travel time and travel cost for each mode. A modified utility equation is explored; the travel time is broken into an in-vehicle and out-of-vehicle time in an attempt to improve the model, however the test determines that there is no benefit to the modification. In addition to the C-logit model, a Box-Cox transformation is applied to both variables in the utility equation. This transformation removes some of the linear assumptions of the logit model and thus improves the performance of the model. The calibration results are implemented in TSAM, where both existing and projected high-speed train corridors are modeled. The projected corridors use the planned alignment for modeling. The TSAM model is executed for the cases of existing train network and projected corridors. The model results show the sensitivity of travel demand by modeling the future corridors with varying travel speeds and travel costs. The TSAM model shows the mode shift that occurs because of the introduction of high-speed rail. / Master of Science

Simplified dynamic analysis of railway bridges under high-speed trains

Johansson, Christoffer January 2013 (has links)
The world-wide development of new high-speed rail lines has led to more stringent design requirements for railway bridges. This is mainly due to the fact that a train at high speeds can cause resonance in the bridge superstructure.  In order to avoid problems of this kind, it has become essential to perform dynamic simulations, which are usually carried out in a time consuming finite element program. The main reason for not using an analytical solution is that this type of solution only exists for simple bridges, e.g., simply supported bridges. The aim of this thesis, is therefore the development of a simplified analytical model for preliminary dynamic analyses of railway bridges. The model is then used in several studies, both parametric and probabilistic ones, to determine the dynamic response of various railway bridges under moving loads. Special attention is paid to acceleration levels in the bridge superstructure, because previous studies have shown that these are often decisive. In the design, both the model and the numerical simulations can be used with considerable effectiveness to help engineers to define their structural systems. All bridges, throughout this thesis, have been modelled with elastically supported multi-span Bernoulli-Euler beams. The amount of dissipated energy is modelled using modal damping. The train load is modelled by concentrated loads, which implies that the vehicle-bridge interaction is not considered. A model with these characteristics can be used to analyse simply supported concrete bridges as well as multi-span steel bridges. Another advantage of the proposed method is that the solution is exact, because the equation of motion has been solved using a Laplace transform. A lot of effort has been made to have a model both as simple as possible and flexible enough to be able to study a wide variety of structures. The results of the case studies have shown that concrete bridges are more suitable than steel and composite bridges for use in the new high-speed lines. The simulations have also shown that short-span railway bridges have problems in meeting the design requirements. This confirms the high acceleration levels that were recorded in France, just after the inauguration of the new high-speed line between Lyon and Paris, on several short-span bridges. Furthermore, it was found that a multi-span bridge has a reduction in its dynamic response of up to 60 % compared to a similar simply supported bridge. / Utbyggnaden av nya höghastighetsbanor i världen har resulterat i striktare krav vid dimensionering av järnvägsbroar. Orsaken är främst att tåg vid höga hastigheter kan orsaka resonans i brons överbyggnad. För att kontrollera dessa effekter krävs omfattande dynamiska simuleringar, vilket ofta utförs med tidskrävande FE-analyser. Med analytiska metoder kan beräkningstiden minskas dramatiskt, dessa är dock ofta begränsade till enkla elementarfall, t.ex. fritt upplagda balkar. Syftet med föreliggande avhandling är att utveckla flexibla hjälpmedel för dynamiska kontroller av järnvägsbroar. Avhandlingen fokuserar på accelerationer i brons överbyggnad eftersom tidigare studier har visat att det är den som ofta är dimensionerande. Utöver detta görs det också ett flertal fallstudier och probabilistiska analyser. Ett stort fokus i arbetet har varit att modellen ska vara tillräckligt flexibel för att kunna analysera olika brotyper, samtidigt som mängden indata är begränsad. Följaktligen består modellen av en serie visköst dämpade Bernoulli-Euler balkar som vilar på elastiska upplag. Tåglasten beskrivs med rörliga punktlaster som appliceras direkt på brons överbyggnad utan att interaktion mellan tåg-spår-bro beaktas. Med dessa egenskaper kan modellen användas till att analysera alltifrån fritt upplagda betongbalkbroar till kontinuerliga samverkansbroar. En annan fördel med den föreslagna modellen är att lösningen är exakt eftersom rörelseekvationen har lösts med en Laplacetransform. Resultaten från fallstudierna visar att betongbroar har lägre dynamisk respons om man jämför med stål- och samverkansbroar. Simuleringarna bekräftar också resultat från tidigare studier som visar att broar med korta spann har svårt att uppfylla accelerationskravet. Detta är något som man också har erfarit i Frankrike, där man efter invigningen av höghastighetslinjen mellan Lyon och Paris uppmätte höga accelerationer hos ett flertal korta broar. Vidare visar också analyserna att en kontinuerlig balkbro har upp till 60 % lägre accelerationer jämfört med om samma bro hade utförts som fritt upplagd. / <p>QC 20130529</p>

Impact Of Passanger Comfort Level On Design Of Short-span Composite Steel I-girder High Speed Railroad Bridges

Senturk, Tolga 01 January 2010 (has links) (PDF)
In globalizing world, increase in demand for high speed rail travel requires comfortable ride over bridges while maintaining an economical design. These bridges either have composite steel I-girders, prestressed precast I or box girder superstructures. The span lengths can reach up to 40 meters. If frequency of wheel load pass at a point on bridge matches with one the critical frequencies of the structure, excessive vibration can developed both at the train and the bridge even if the structure is structurally safe. Excessive vibration can discomfort the passengers. Focus of this study is given to identify certain thresholds for the rigidity of span to minimize the passenger discomfort at short-span composite steel I-girder high speed railroad bridges. In this context, various span lengths with different girder configurations have been analyzed under various train design speeds and ballast stiffness. Eigenvalue analyses are performed to determine critical frequencies of bridges. Moving force models are used to determine structural vibrations as recommended by high speed railroad bridge design specifications. It is well-known that stiffer structures can have significantly less vibration amplitudes than lighter ones providing a comfortable ride for high speed train passes.

WCDMA Cell Load Control in a High-speed Train Scenario : Development of Proactive Load Control Strategies / Belastningsreglering av WCDMA celler i ett tågscenario : Utvecklings av strategier för proaktiv belastningsreglering

Joshi, Raoul, Sundström, Per January 2012 (has links)
Load control design is one of the major cornerstones of radio resource management in today's UMTS networks. A WCDMA cell's ability to utilize available spectrum efficiently, maintain system stability and deliver minimum quality of service (QoS) requirements to in-cell users builds on the algorithms employed to manage the load. Admission control (AC) and congestion control (CC) are the two foremost techniques used for regulating the load, and differing environments will place varying requirements on the AC and CC schemes to optimize the QoS for the entire radio network. This thesis studies a real-life situation where cells are put under strenuous conditions, investigates the degrading effects a high-speed train has on the cell's ability to maintain acceptable levels of QoS, and proposes methods for mitigating these effects. The scenario is studied with regard to voice traffic where the limiting radio resource is downlink power. CC schemes that take levels of fairness into account between on-board train users and outdoor users are proposed and evaluated through simulation. Methods to anticipatorily adapt radio resource management (RRM) in a cell to prepare for a train is proposed and evaluated through simulation. A method to detect a high-speed train in a cell, and the users on it, is outlined and motivated but not simulated. Simulation results are promising but not conclusive. The suggested CC schemes show a surprising tendency towards an increase in congestion avoidance performance. Proactive RRM shows a significant increase in QoS for on-board users. No negative effects to users in the macro environment is noticed, with regard to the studied metrics.

Modélisation du comportement d'un remblai en sol renforcé sous chargement ferroviaire de type TGV / Numerical model of a mechanically stabilized earth wall under high speed train loading

Payeur, Jean-Baptiste 16 October 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse étudie le comportement de remblais en sol renforcé lors du passage de trains par simulation numérique. Il s'agit de déterminer si les trains à grande vitesse ont un impact particulier sur ce type d'ouvrage. Après un état de l'art des remblais en sol renforcé et de la modélisation numérique de problèmes ferroviaires, les résultats du chargement harmonique d'un remblai expérimental en Terre Armée sont analysés. Ils montrent que les valeurs des tractions dans les armatures, des contraintes et déplacements dans le massif dépendent de la fréquence de la sollicitation, c'est-à-dire de la vitesse de passage du train. On construit un modèle 3D aux éléments finis pour reproduire cette expérience. Il permet de retrouver les valeurs expérimentales avec une bonne précision, en mettant en avant l'importance du choix des lois de comportement du sol, du parement et des armatures. Ce modèle avec ses paramètres est alors utilisé pour discuter du comportement local de l'interface armature/remblai au cours d'un chargement harmonique en régime établi. Le confinement varie beaucoup le long des armatures supérieures au cours du chargement dynamique, tandis que les tractions sont peu affectées par le chargement dynamique. Cependant, malgré ces variations au cours du temps, la stabilité de l'interface reste peu affectée par rapport au cas d'un chargement statique. Un second modèle a été développé pour représenter un remblai de taille plus importante, en utilisant la modélisation multiphasique et en utilisant un repère mobile pour prendre en compte le déplacement du train. Les aspects théoriques et l'implémentation de ce modèle dans le code CESAR-LCPC sont détaillés. On l'utilise pour effectuer une étude tri-dimensionnelle d'un remblai renforcé. Elle met en évidence la faible influence de la vitesse de la charge sur la réponse de l'ouvrage, dans le cas d'un remblai rigide ayant des caractéristiques tirées du remblai expérimental. Dans le cas d'un remblai moins rigide, la vitesse d'un TGV peut s'approcher de la vitesse des ondes de cisaillement dans le massif avec des conséquences significatives au sein de la structure. Finalement, les valeurs expérimentales et les deux modèles numériques développés présentent les mêmes tendances : l'effet dynamique du passage du train a pour conséquence une augmentation des déplacements et une variation du confinement des armatures, tandis que les niveaux de traction sont peu affectés par la charge, ce qui nous incite à conclure que la vitesse du train n'est pas significativement pénalisante sur la stabilité des remblais pour les paramètres issus de l'analyse du remblai expérimental. Toutefois, ces résultats dépendent fortement de la géométrie de la structure, de la façon de modéliser le train, des lois de comportement et des valeurs des paramètres retenus pour le sol, le parement et l'interface sol/armature / This study focuses on the numerical modeling of the Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) walls behavior under High Speed Train (HST) loading. First, the state of the art in reinforced earth as well as in railway dynamics modeling is analyzed. Then we present results coming from the testing of a one-scale reinforced embankment submitted to harmonic loading. They indicate that tensile forces in reinforcements, stresses and displacements depend on loading frequency which is related to train speed. One proposes a 3D Finite Element Model (FEM) in order to numerically reproduce this experimentation. The numerical results fit reasonably well with the experimental ones, highlighting the great importance of the choice of the constitutive law for the soil, reinforcement and facing. The same model is used to locally investigate the soil/reinforcement interface behaviour during a harmonic loading in steady-state. The confining pressure presents significant variations along the reinforcement strip during the dynamic loading while tensile forces are less affected by the load. Nevertheless, the global interface stability remains acceptable compared to a static load. A second numerical model is proposed, which represents a bigger embankment. The multiphase model is used to represent the reinforced soil and moving coordinates are used to take into account the moving train. Theoretical developments of this model and its implementation into CESAR-LCPC FEM code are detailed. The results indicate that the train speed does not play a big role in the overall response of the structure, in the case of a stiff reinforcement comparable to the experimental one. If the embankment is weaker, the HST speed may be close to shear waves speed within the soil, which has significant consequences into the structure, particularly on the stability of the soil/reinforcement interface. Globally the experimental results and those coming from both numerical models present the same trends: the dynamic effect coming from the train passing leads to the in-crease of displacements and confining pressure close to the highest strips, while tensile forces are less affected by the load. This leads us to the conclusion that the train speed does not have a significant effect on the stability of MSE walls, at least for embankments having similar parameters than the experimental one. However these results strongly depend on the embankment geometry, the way to model the train and the parameters and constitutive laws chosen for the soil, the soil/reinforcement interface and the facing

Statistical inverse problem in nonlinear high-speed train dynamics / Problème statistique inverse en dynamique non-linéaire des trains à grande vitesse

Lebel, David 30 November 2018 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse traite du développement d'une méthode de télédiagnostique de l'état de santé des suspensions des trains à grande vitesse à partir de mesures de la réponse dynamique du train en circulation par des accéléromètres embarqués. Un train en circulation est un système dynamique dont l'excitation provient des irrégularités de la géométrie de la voie ferrée. Ses éléments de suspension jouent un rôle fondamental de sécurité et de confort. La réponse dynamique du train étant dépendante des caractéristiques mécaniques des éléments de suspension, il est possible d'obtenir en inverse des informations sur l'état de ces éléments à partir de mesures accélérométriques embarquées. Connaître l'état de santé réel des suspensions permettrait d'améliorer la maintenance des trains. D’un point de vue mathématique, la méthode de télédiagnostique proposée consiste à résoudre un problème statistique inverse. Elle s'appuie sur un modèle numérique de dynamique ferroviaire et prend en compte l'incertitude de modèle ainsi que les erreurs de mesures. Les paramètres mécaniques associés aux éléments de suspension sont identifiés par calibration Bayésienne à partir de mesures simultanées des entrées (les irrégularités de la géométrie de la voie) et sorties (la réponse dynamique du train) du système. La calibration Bayésienne classique implique le calcul de la fonction de vraisemblance à partir du modèle stochastique de réponse et des données expérimentales. Le modèle numérique étant numériquement coûteux d'une part, ses entrées et sorties étant fonctionnelles d'autre part, une méthode de calibration Bayésienne originale est proposée. Elle utilise un métamodèle par processus Gaussien de la fonction de vraisemblance. Cette thèse présente comment un métamodèle aléatoire peut être utilisé pour estimer la loi de probabilité des paramètres du modèle. La méthode proposée permet la prise en compte du nouveau type d'incertitude induit par l'utilisation d'un métamodèle. Cette prise en compte est nécessaire pour une estimation correcte de la précision de la calibration. La nouvelle méthode de calibration Bayésienne a été testée sur le cas applicatif ferroviaire, et a produit des résultats concluants. La validation a été faite par expériences numériques. Par ailleurs, l'évolution à long terme des paramètres mécaniques de suspensions a été étudiée à partir de mesures réelles de la réponse dynamique du train / The work presented here deals with the development of a health-state monitoring method for high-speed train suspensions using in-service measurements of the train dynamical response by embedded acceleration sensors. A rolling train is a dynamical system excited by the track-geometry irregularities. The suspension elements play a key role for the ride safety and comfort. The train dynamical response being dependent on the suspensions mechanical characteristics, information about the suspensions state can be inferred from acceleration measurements in the train by embedded sensors. This information about the actual suspensions state would allow for providing a more efficient train maintenance. Mathematically, the proposed monitoring solution consists in solving a statistical inverse problem. It is based on a train-dynamics computational model, and takes into account the model uncertainty and the measurement errors. A Bayesian calibration approach is adopted to identify the probability distribution of the mechanical parameters of the suspension elements from joint measurements of the system input (the track-geometry irregularities) and output (the train dynamical response).Classical Bayesian calibration implies the computation of the likelihood function using the stochastic model of the system output and experimental data. To cope with the fact that each run of the computational model is numerically expensive, and because of the functional nature of the system input and output, a novel Bayesian calibration method using a Gaussian-process surrogate model of the likelihood function is proposed. This thesis presents how such a random surrogate model can be used to estimate the probability distribution of the model parameters. The proposed method allows for taking into account the new type of uncertainty induced by the use of a surrogate model, which is necessary to correctly assess the calibration accuracy. The novel Bayesian calibration method has been tested on the railway application and has achieved conclusive results. Numerical experiments were used for validation. The long-term evolution of the suspension mechanical parameters has been studied using actual measurements of the train dynamical response

CFD Study of the Flow around a High-Speed Train / En numerisk studio av strömningen runt ett höghastighetståg

Guillou, Florian January 2012 (has links)
This document is a report summering the master thesis work dealing with the Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) study of the flow around a high-speed train. The model is a scaled 1:50 generic train with two cars, one inter-car gap and simplified bogies. A platform is set on the side of the train since one of the aim of the study is to look at the consequences of the phenomena in the wake on people or objects standing on the platform. The slipstream is one of this phenomena, it is due to the fact that the viscous air is dragged when the train is passing. If too strong, it can move or destabilize people or objects on the platform. In addition of the slipstream study, a velocity profile study, a drag and lift coefficients analyze as well as a Q-factor study and a frequency study have been realized. Some results of these different studies are compared with the ones obtained on the same model with a Delayed Detached Eddy Simulation (DDES). Since the flow is turbulent, for those different studies, the flow has been simulated with a Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes equation model (RANS) which is the k-ω SST model for the turbulence. The study of the slipstream allowed to calculate the Technical Specification for Interoperability (TSI) which must not be higher that the European Union requirement set at 15.5 m/s, the result obtained is 8.1 m/s which is then lower than the limit. The velocity profile shows similarities with the DDES results even though it is less detailed. The same conclusion is done for the Q-plot where is clearly visible the two counter-rotating vortices in the wake. Finally, a Fast Fourier Transform algorithm has been applied to instantaneous velocity results in the wake of the train in order to get the frequency of the aerodynamic phenomena in that wake. The main frequency is 25 Hz and corresponds to a Strouhal number of 0.1, quite closed to the results obtained with DDES which is 0.085. The results of the RANS and DDES are reasonably similar and by regarding at the large difference between the cell numbers (respectively 8 500 000 and 20 000 000) it can be conclude that in some ways the RANS model can be preferred at the DDES to save time for the computation but it does not contain the small scales resolved by the DDES.

Characterization of train-induced aerodynamic loads on high-speed railway vertical noise barriers

Liu, Dongyun January 2023 (has links)
High-Speed Railway (HSR) technology requires the deployment of noise barriers to mitigate noise pollution affecting nearby residents. As train speeds increase, so does the magnitude of aerodynamic effects such as aerodynamic noise and the pressure on these barriers, meaning that these structures require robust sound insulation and structural load-bearing capacities. Train-induced aerodynamic loads must therefore be accounted for in the structural design of HSR noise barriers, and accurate characterization of these loads is vital for ensuring noise barrier performance and safety. Current European standards primarily evaluate aerodynamic loads on noise barriers based on train speed and the distance to the track centre. However, geometric differences between high-speed trains (HSTs) from different countries and regions necessitate the validation and potential revision of existing load calculation models. This thesis aims to enhance the characterization of train-induced aerodynamic pressure on HSR noise barriers and develop more accurate models for its calculation, focusing on the most common barrier type—vertical noise barriers. Initially, a thorough literature review was conducted to assimilate current knowledge on this topic and pinpoint existing gaps and challenges. Multiple factors including the geometric properties of trains and the heights of noise barriers were then analysed using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations to evaluate their impact on the train-induced aerodynamic pressure on vertical noise barriers. Finally, the suitability of existing pressure calculation models was evaluated using literature data and a modified calculation model building on the EN 14067-4 model was developed.  A key finding is that the general applicability of existing pressure calculation models is limited because of the wide variation in HST geometries and noise barrier heights. The amplitude of train-induced aerodynamic pressure on vertical noise barriers increases with train height and width but decreases as nose length increases. While taller noise barriers experience greater aerodynamic pressures, the in-crease in pressure with barrier height is not significant. The proposed modified pressure calculation model that accounts for train geometry and the height distribution coefficient predicts the train-induced aerodynamic pressure on vertical noise barriers more accurately than existing models and could thus improve the structural design and safety of HSR noise barriers across a wide range of conditions.

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