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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Functional differentiation along the dorso-ventral axis of the hippocampus

Manganaro, Alessia January 2013 (has links)
The hippocampus plays an important role in the processing of spatial memory. During exploration, theta oscillations (4-12 Hz) are prominent in the hippocampus, whereas during sleep and rest irregular sharp wave/ripple (SWR) events occur spontaneously in the hippocampus and may support memory consolidation. To date, the ventral sub-region of the rodents hippocampus, has received less attention relative to the more accessible dorsal part. It has been suggested that spatial information decreases along the septo-temporal axis in favour of coding salient features and coordinated oscillatory activity might enable the binding of spatial and nonspatial information. The first goal of my research was to investigate how the spatial representation by dorsal and ventral neurons is organised by theta oscillations in the hippocampal network. The second goal was to investigate the role of the ventral hippocampus in spatial learning. Finally, the third goal examined to what extent the firing relationships established during spatial learning are replayed during subsequent sleep in the ventral CA1. I recorded the network activity of dorsal and ventral CA1 in rats performing a spatial memory task on the cheese board maze (Dupret et al., 2010). By using parallel multi-channel extracellular recordings in the dorsal and ventral portions of the hippocampus in behaving rats, I found that dorsal and ventral CA1 were theta coupled at particular times of the spatial learning. High coherence periods across the two regions were characterized by a strong speed-modulation of ventral theta oscillations, which was absent in other conditions. During sleep, it was found that SWR-related activity was presented in the ventral hippocampus as well, when the coordinated population activity established in spatial learning was reactivated within the two sub-regions. By contrast, reactivation across the two regions was observed outside the SWRs epochs. Overall, the data suggests that the ventral hippocampus might be involved in the processing of salient features of the environment such as rewards. On a temporal scale, this non-spatial information might be integrated to the spatial information provided by the dorsal hippocampus during theta oscillation. During sleep/rest periods, the coordinated communication of learned information might underlie the consolidation of memory traces.

Prophylaxe hypoxisch-entzündlicher Hirnschädigungen bedingt durch die extrakorporale Zirkulation (Herz-Lungen-Maschine) am narkotisierten Schwein

Kühne, Lydia 05 December 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit den Auswirkungen der Herz-Lungen-Maschine auf das Gewebe des Hippocampus in einem Ferkelmodell. Die Tiere untereilte man in 5 Gruppen: „Kontrolle“, „Kontrolle mit Minozyklin“, „HLM pulsatil“, „HLM nicht-pulsatil“, sowie „HLM nicht-pulsatil mit Minozyklin“. Es wurde untersucht, ob eine pulsatile Perfusion Schäden in den Zellen des Hippocampus gegenüber eines nicht-pulsatilen Blutflusses während der extrakorporalen Zirkulation abmildern kann. Des Weiteren überprüfte man neuroprotektive Effekte des Tetrazyklin-Derivates Minozyklin während eines kardiochirurgischen Eingriffes mit Herz-Lungen-Maschine. Während der Operation wurde bei allen Ferkeln eine Hypothermie von 28 °C durchgeführt und die HLM-Zeit betrug 90 Minuten. Die Rekonvaleszenzzeit umfasste 120 Minuten. Minozyklin verabreichte man in den entsprechenden Gruppen sowohl zu Beginn des Versuches (4 mg/kg KM) und nach Abkopplung von der Herz-Lungen-Maschine (2 mg/kg KM) intravenös. Hauptbestandteil der Arbeit waren histologische und immunhistochemische Färbemethoden zur Untersuchung des Hippocampus. Mithilfe eines Mikroskops wurden Veränderungen auf zellulärer Ebene im CA1- und CA3-Areal des Cornu ammonis im Hippocampus ausgewertet. Für die Ergebnisse betrachtet man die Pyramidenzellen des Stratum pyramidale. In der Hämatoxylin-Eosin-Färbung wurden Zellen mit den Eigenschaften „Ödem“, „Eosinophilie“ und „Pyknose“ für jedes Versuchstier gezählt. Mit den immunhistochemischen Färbungen sollten Faktoren für den programmierten Zelltod, für Hypoxie (HIF 1-alpha) und für oxidativen Stress (3-Nitrotyrosin) detektiert werden. Als Marker für Apoptose wählte man den Apoptose-induzierenden Faktor (AIF), cleaved Caspase 3 und Poly(ADP)Ribose (PAR).

TRPV1 regulates excitatory innervation of oriens lacunosum moleculare (OLM) neurons in the hippocampus to affect synaptic plasticity

Hurtado Zavala, Joaquin Isaac 13 April 2016 (has links)
No description available.


Harris, Janna 24 November 2008 (has links)
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) affects 1.5 million Americans annually and is a major health concern. Increasing evidence suggests that the brain extracellular environment regulates plasticity and synaptic recovery following TBI. Here we have focused on phosphacan/RPTPβ, an alternatively spliced group of chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans which are prominent within the mature brain extracellular matrix (ECM). Previous studies show that phosphacan/RPTPβ influences neuronal migration, adhesion, neurite outgrowth, and morphogenesis. However, our understanding of how these important ECM components are involved in recovery from brain trauma remains unclear. In the present study, we used unilateral entorhinal cortex lesion (UEC), a model which induces robust hippocampal reactive plasticity, to investigate the role(s) of phosphacan/RPTPβ isoforms in adaptive synaptogenesis after TBI. Using detailed protein and mRNA quantification, immunohistochemistry, and qualitative ultrastructural analyses, we show elevated phosphacan expression in the deafferented hippocampus at the early degenerative phase and during the subsequent period of active sprouting. By contrast, the receptor variant sRPTPβ is persistently elevated in hippocampus over the first two weeks following UEC. We have further characterized a process for validating appropriate reference genes for quantitative real-time RT-PCR studies of plasticity and recovery after TBI. From these studies we conclude that injury model, brain region, survival period and correlative protein expression are critical factors which must be considered for reference gene selection. Finally, we investigated functional implications of sRPTPβ increase during reactive synaptogenesis, showing that the sRPTPβ substrate β-catenin, an important cytoskeletal regulator, is altered in hippocampus during injury-induced plasticity. Together, these results support a role for phosphacan/RPTPβ in both degenerative and regenerative phases of reactive synaptogenesis. Phosphacan may promote adaptive plasticity at earlier post-injury phases through interactions with adhesion molecules or growth factors in the extracellular space. The prolonged increase in sRPTPβ after UEC, along with its localization at postsynaptic profiles, suggests that this isoform may work with intracellular substrates to influence spine morphogenesis and/or stabilization of new synapses. Gaining a better understanding of the roles of ECM components in recovery from TBI will be an essential part of defining the difference between injuries where recovery is successful, and those where recovery fails.

Cognitive Mechanisms of Memory Impairment Following Traumatic Brain Injury

Whiting, Mark D. 01 January 2007 (has links)
Memory impairment is common following traumatic brain injury (TBI). In recent years, researchers have demonstrated that the processes underlying memory formation (working memory, encoding, consolidation, and retrieval) are interrelated but dissociable events.The following study was designed to determine how these processes contribute to memory impairment following experimental TBI in the rat. Experiment 1 indicated thatTBI induces severe working memory deficits in a delayed non-matching-to-place task.Although all animals displayed intact acquisition, only injured animals displayed poor performance as the delay between the sample and choice phases was increased.Experiment 2 was designed to determine if TBI produces a transient period of posttraumatic amnesia (PTA) following TBI. During the early post-injury period, injured animals displayed intact short-term (3min) object recognition memory but impaired long-term (1 and 24hrs) memory. However, during the chronic post-injury period (days 14-17), no recognition memory deficits were observed in injured animals, indicating thatPTA resolves by 14 days post-injury. Experiment 3 was designed to determine the mechanism of anterograde memory impairment following TBI. Animals were injured and then trained to a pre-determined criterion in a 1 -day water maze procedure.Although injured animals required more trials to reach criterion, the rate of forgetting was identical among sham and injured groups up to 24hrs post-training. This suggests that the amount of information encoded into long-term memory, not more rapid forgetting, is the primary mechanism of anterograde memory impairment following TBI. InExperiment 4, animals were trained in the water maze and then injured 1 (recent memory) or 14 (recent memory) days post-training. Fourteen days post-injury, animals were given a retention probe trial followed by a reminding procedure and a second probe trial. Injured animals in both the recent and remote memory conditions displayed impaired performance on the first probe trial. However, injured animals benefited from the reminding procedure, and animals in the remote memory group were identical to shams during the second probe trial. These results indicate that retrograde memory impairment following TBI is mediated primarily by retrieval deficits at the time of testing, while the quality of the memory trace remains largely intact.

Dysfonction glutamatergique et GABAergique dans l'hippocampe après un stress immuno-inflammatoire prénatal chez le rat / hippocampal GABAergic and glutamatergic deficiency after LPS prenatal immune challenge

Rideau, Aline 28 November 2012 (has links)
Introduction: L'injection ip de lipopolysaccharide (LPS) d'E.coli à la rate gestante aboutit à un phénotype cognitivo-comportemental de pathologies neuropsychiatriques chez la progéniture mâle. L'objectif principal était de vérifier l'hypothèse d'une atteinte structurelle et d'un déséquilibre entre excitation et inhibition dans l'hippocampe. L'objectif secondaire était de dégager des stratégies thérapeutiques ciblées.Méthodes: 500 μg/kg de LPS d'E.coli de sérotype O55:B5 ou 2 ml/kg de sérum physiologique étaient injectés ip à la rate au 19e jour de gestation. La progéniture mâle était étudiée à différents stades du développement. L'étude structurelle reposait sur de l'immunohistochimie, l'étude fonctionnelle sur des enregistrements électro-physiologiques de l'activité des cellules pyramidales de l'aire CA1. L'effet protecteur de la N-acétylcystéine (NAC) donnée po à la rate gestante après l'injection de LPS était testé. Résultats: Les animaux soumis à un stress prénatal par le LPS présentaient une désorganisation durable de la couche pyramidale de l'aire CA3, un déficit transitoire de neurones exprimant la reeline, une altération de la dépression à long terme des synapses glutamatergiques (LTDe) liée à un déficit des récepteurs NMDA et du système GABAergique. Un inhibiteur de la recapture du GABA parvenait à corriger les anomalies de la LTDe. La NAC prévenait les anomalies cyto-architecturales.Conclusion: Cette thèse confirme l'impact d'un stress immuno-inflammatoire maternel sur la structure et la fonction hippocampique. Elle démontre l'intérêt d'un traitement prénatal par la NAC et de la modulation du tonus GABAergique pour corriger les troubles cognitifs associés. / Introduction: A late gestational exposure to lipopolysaccharide (LPS) leads to a behavioral and cognitive phenotype of neuropsychiatric disorders in male offspring. The main goal was to test the hypothesis of structural damage and imbalance between excitation and inhibition in the hippocampus. The secondary goal was to identify targeted therapeutic strategies.Methods: Pregnant rats were ip injected with either 500 μg/kg LPS from E.coli O55:B5 or 2 ml/kg saline vehicle on gestational day 19. Male offspring were studied at different developmental stages. The structural study was based on immunohistochemistry, the functional study on electrophysiological recordings of the activity of pyramidal cells in the CA1 area. The protective effect of N-acetylcysteine (NAC) given to pregnant rats after LPS injection was tested.Results: In male offspring, LPS induced late gestational immune challenge led to sustainable disarray of the pyramidal layer in the CA3 area, transient deficit of reelin expressing neurons, impaired long term depression of glutamatergic synapses (LTDe), due to NMDA receptor and GABAergic system dysfunction. An inhibitor of GABA reuptake completely restored plasticity lost after prenatal stress. NAC prevented cyto-architectural abnormalities.Conclusion: This thesis confirms the impact of a late prenatal immune challenge on hippocampal structure and function. It demonstrates that prenatal treatment with NAC and GABAergic tone modulation are valuable therapeutic strategies for the cognitive impairment associated with prenatal immune challenge.

Role of Scribble1 in hippocampal synaptic maturation, bidirectional plasticity and spatial memory formation in mice / Rôle de Scribble1 dans la maturation des synapses hippocampiques, la plasticité bidirectionnelle, et la formation de la mémoire spatiale chez la souris

Hilal, Muna 20 June 2013 (has links)
La formation de la mémoire spatiale est un mécanisme complexe qui transforme les informations récemment acquises en traces mnésique robustes à long terme. D’un point de vue moléculaire, ces phénomènes sont dépendants de l’expression de deux formes opposées de plasticité synaptique ; la potentialisation à long terme (LTP) et la dépression à long terme (LTD). L’induction de la LTP/LTD dépend de la fine régulation entre des kinases et des phosphatases sensibles au Ca2+ qui vont activer respectivement la LTP et la LTD dans la densité postsynaptique (PSD). Cette régulation met également en jeu des interactions en avale entre les récepteurs et des protéines d’échafaudages spécialisées au sein de la PSD. Scribble1 (Scrib1) est une de ces protéines d’échafaudage appartenant à la famille des LAP (leucine-rich repeats & PDZ domains) avec 16 répétitions riches en leucine et 4 domaines PDZ (PSD-95/Dlg/ZO-1). Lors de cette étude, nous avons développé de souris « knock-out » conditionnelles avec une délétion complète de la Scrib1 dans les principaux neurones de l’encéphale antérieur, dont les neurones excitateurs de l’hippocampe, grâce au système Cre-lox (Scrib1f/f,CaMKII-cre). Les souris Scrib1f/f,CaMKII-cre présentent une altération de la morphologie des dendrites apicales sans modification de la morphologie ni de la densité des épines dans la région CA1 de l’hippocampe. Sur le plan fonctionnel, les neurones du CA1 des souris Scrib1f/f,CaMKII-cre présentent une augmentation du nombre de synapses silencieuses (non-fonctionnelles). Ceci réduit le nombre de synapses actives et entraine une diminution globale de la transmission basale des synapses CA3-CA1 comparée aux synapses Scrib1f/f. Les souris Scrib1f/f,CaMKII-cre montrent une augmentation de la LTP mais sont incapables d’exprimer une LTD ni la depotentiation à long terme. De plus, des protocoles de LTD induisent une LTP chez ces souris. Au niveau moléculaire, nous avons mis en évidence une interaction directe au sein des synapses entre Scrib1 et la phosphatase PP2A impliquée dans la LTD. De plus, l’absence de Scrib1 entraine une réduction des niveaux de PP2A dans la PSD chez les souris Scrib1f/f,CaMKII-cre. Ceci implique une diminution de l’activation de la voie de signalisation de la LTD via PP2A au profit de celle de la CAMKII et la LTP, ce qui pourrait expliquer l’induction d’une LTP à la place d’une LTD chez les souris Scrib1f/f,CaMKII-cre. Sur le plan cognitif, les souris Scrib1f/f,CaMKII-cre présentent des déficits dans la flexibilité de l’apprentissage spatial comparées aux souris Scrib1f/f. Chez les souris Scrib1f/f,CaMKII-cre, la la mémoire spatiale à court terme n’était pas altérée tandis que la mémoire à long terme était déficiente. Ainsi, ces données révèlent un rôle majeur de Srib1 dans consolidation de la mémoire spatiale. Lors de cette étude, nous avons montré un rôle pour Scrib1 dans les connections et la morphologie des neurones CA1, ainsi que la conversion fonctionnelle des synapses silencieuses en synapses actives. D’une manière importante, Scrib1 permet l’expression de la plasticité synaptique bidirectionnelle à travers une interaction avec PP2A et module la formation de la mémoire spatiale à long terme. / Spatial memory formation is a complex process that transforms newly-acquired information into long-lasting and solid memories. Molecularly, these phenomena rely on the expression of two opposite forms of synaptic plasticity; long-term potentiation (LTP) and long-term depression (LTD). LTP/LTD induction relies on a fine balance between Ca2+-sensitive kinases and phosphatases that activate specific pathways of either LTP or LTD, respectively. This regulation also involves downstream interactions between receptors and highly specialized scaffold proteins, at the PSD. Scribble1 (Scrib1) is a scaffold protein that belongs to the LAP (leucine-rich repeats and PDZ domains) protein family, with 16 leucine rich repeats and 4 PDZ (PSD-95/Dlg/ZO-1) domains. Here, we developed conditional knock-out mice with a complete loss of Scrib1 expression in the major neurons of the postnatal forebrain, including hippocampal excitatory neurons, using the Cre-Lox system (Scrib1f/f,CaMKII-cre). Scrib1f/f,CaMKII-cre presented altered morphology of apical dendrites but intact spine density and spine morphology in the CA1 region. Functionally, we found increased number of silent (non-functional) synapses that decreases the number of active synapses in Scrib1f/f,CaMKII-cre CA1 neurons leading to a global decrease in basal glutamatergic synaptic transmission at CA3-CA1 synapses compared to Scrib1f/f synapses. Scrib1f/f,CaMKII-cre synapses displayed enhanced LTP but were unable to express LTD or long-term depotentiation. More strikingly, LTD-inducing protocols generated LTP in Scrib1f/f,CaMKII-cre synapses. Molecularly, we revealed a direct interaction between Scrib1 and the phosphatase PP2A that signals LTD at the synapse. Moreover, we found that the absence of Scrib1 results in a reduction of synaptic PP2A levels in Scrib1f/f,CaMKII-cre mice. This probably leads to a decrease in PP2A signaling pathway activation which favors the competing pathway downstream CaMKII resulting in LTP induction instead of LTD in Scrib1f/f,CaMKII-cre mice. On the cognitive level, we found that spatial learning was slower and inflexible in Scrib1f/f,CaMKII-cre compared to Scrib1f/f mice. Short-term spatial memory was intact while long-term memory was impaired. These results argue for an important role of Scrib1 in spatial memory consolidation. We here report that Scrib1 is important for appropriate neuronal shaping and wiring of CA1 neurons as well as functional conversion of silent synapses into active ones. Importantly, it allows bidirectional synaptic plasticity through interaction with PP2A and modulates long-term spatial memory formation

Analysis of synaptic function of CA3 microcircuit in vivo using optogenetic tools / Analyse du fonctionnement synaptique du microcircuit de CA3 in vivo en utilisant des outils optogénétiques

Zucca, Stefano 20 December 2013 (has links)
L'hippocampe est une région du cerveau située dans le lobe temporal médian. Avec d'autres structures limbiques, l'hippocampe est impliqué dans des processus d'apprentissage et de mémorisation et possède un rôle crucial dans le traitement spatial de l'information. Les synapses de l'hippocampe formées entre les fibres moussues (fm) originaires du gyrus denté et les neurones pyramidaux de CA3 ont reçu une attention particulière, compte tenu de la position stratégique occupée par le gyrus denté à l'entrée de l'hippocampe. En outre les synapses fm- CA3 sont distinctes de la plupart des autres synapses excitatrices du système nerveux central par leurs propriétés morphologiques et physiologiques uniques. Cela soulève la question de savoir si ces propriétés uniques reflètent aussi un rôle fonctionnel unique dans le traitement de l'information effectué par cette synapse au sein du microcircuit de l'hippocampe. Malheureusement nous ne savons que peu de choses sur la façon dont les cellules granulaires modulent l'activité des neurones de CA3 dans le réseau intact in vivo (Henze et al, 2002 ; Hagena et Manahan - Vaughan, 2010, 2011). Le manque d'information est dû au fait que la manipulation classique des circuits neuronaux par des approches électriques, pharmacologiques et génétiques manque de précisions spatiale et temporelle in vivo. L'utilisation de la stimulation extracellulaire de fibres moussues peut conduire à l'activation polysynaptique de cellules pyramidales de CA3, qui peuvent ensuite contaminer les réponses enregistrées. Par ailleurs, l'utilisation de critères trop conservateurs peut conduire à l'exclusion des réponses provenant des fibres moussues «purs» aux propriétés méconnues (Henze et al., 2000). Toutefois, le développement récent et rapide de l’optogénétique dans les neurosciences a fourni de nouveaux outils offrant une sélectivité spatiale élevée (activation optique spécifique de la cellule), et une grande précision temporelle (à l'échelle de la milliseconde), permettant la dissection et l'étude des circuits neuronaux in vivo. L'objectif de ma thèse était de mieux comprendre les mécanismes et les conséquences physiologiques de la plasticité synaptique à court terme se produisant à la synapse formée entre les fibres moussues et les neurones pyramidaux de CA3 dans le cerveau de souris intact. La présente thèse se compose de deux parties principales. Dans la première partie, j'ai exploré de nouveaux outils optogénétiques dans le but de contrôler l'activité des cellules granulaires à l’aide d’impulsions de lumière. La stimulation optogénétique repose sur l'activation du canal ionique channelrhodopsin - 2 - lumière fermée ( ChR2 ) par une lumière bleue et induit des potentiels d'action sur une large gamme de fréquences de stimulation. J'ai aussi observé que la stimulation optique peut être utilisée pour déclencher la plasticité à court terme au niveau des synapses fm-CA3.Dans la deuxième partie j'ai affiné la méthodologie de stimulation optogénétique in vivo pour la caractérisation non invasive du fonctionnement synaptique des synapses fm- CA3. La fiabilité de la stimulation optogénétique d'une population neuronale génétiquement ciblée ainsi que la résolution d'une seule cellule obtenue en utilisant des enregistrements de cellules entières sont des étapes importantes vers une meilleure compréhension du rôle fonctionnel des fibres moussues dans le réseau de l'hippocampe in vivo. / The hippocampus is a brain region located in the medial temporal lobe. Along with other limbic structures, the hippocampus is involved in learning and memory processes and has a crucial role in spatial information processing. Within the hippocampus synapses made between mossy fibers (mf) originating from the dentate gyrus and CA3 pyramidal neurons have received particular attention, given the strategic position occupied by the dentate gyrus at the entrance of the hippocampus. Moreover mf-CA3 synapses are distinct from most of other excitatory synapses in the central nervous system for their unusual morphological and physiological properties. This raises the question if these unique properties reflect a unique functional role in information processing carried out by this synapse within the microcircuit of the hippocampus. Unfortunately very little is known on how granule cells modulate the activity of CA3 neurons in the intact network in vivo (Henze et al., 2002; Hagena and Manahan-Vaughan, 2010, 2011). The paucity of information is due to the fact that classical manipulation of neuronal circuits using electrical, pharmacological and genetic approaches lack spatial and temporal precision in vivo. The use of bulk extracellular stimulation may lead to polysynaptic activation of CA3 pyramidal cells, which can subsequently contaminate putative mossy fibers synaptic responses measured in CA3 pyramidal cells. The use of overly conservative criteria on the other side may lead to the exclusion of “pure” mossy fibers responses with unexpected properties (Henze et al., 2000).However the recent and fast growth of optogenetics in neuroscience has provided new tools with high spatial selectivity (cell specific optical activation) and temporal precision (at the millisecond scale), allowing the dissection and investigation of neuronal circuits in vivo. The aim of my thesis was to gain insight into the mechanisms and the physiological consequences of short-term synaptic plasticity occurring at mossy fibers to CA3 pyramidal neurons synapses in the intact mouse brain. The present thesis consists of two main parts. In the first part I explored new optogenetic tools to control the activity of granule cells with pulses of light. Optogenetic stimulation, which relies on the activation of the light-gated ion channel channelrhodopsin-2 (ChR2) by blue light reliably induced action potentials over a wide range of frequencies of stimulation. I also found that optical stimulation can be used to trigger short term plasticity at mf-CA3 synapses. In the second part I refined optogenetic stimulation methodology in vivo for non-invasive characterization of synaptic functioning of the mf-CA3 synapses. The reliability of optogenetic stimulation of a genetically targeted neuronal population together with the single cell resolution obtained using whole-cell recordings are important steps towards a better understanding of the functional role of the mossy fibers in the hippocampal network in vivo.

Úloha glukokortikoidů v cirkadiánním systému / The role of glucocorticoids in circadian system

Tejkal, Karel January 2015 (has links)
Glucocorticoids are mammalian steroid hormones secreted from the adrenal gland. The basal levels of glucocorticoids show a pronounced diurnal rhythm with maximum at the beginning of the active period and minimum at its end. Glucocorticoids have an influence over a variety of metabolic functions and their secretion is tightly regulated. This regulation also depends on the circadian system, which utilizes glucocorticoids to entrain the peripheral tissues by inducing rhythmic gene expression. The mechanisms by which glucocorticoids influence mammalian circadian system has not yet been precisely defined, especially concerning the influence of glucocorticoid signalling on gene expression in different tissues and the dynamics of glucocorticoid receptor (GR) occupancy. This thesis studies the influence of ablation of glucocorticoid signalization induced by adrenalectomy on the clock gene expression of in the central clock in the suprachiasmatic nucleus and peripheral clocks in the hippocampus and distal colon. The effect of adrenalectomy on gene expression is compared with the effect of restricting the feeding time, which has also been shown to affect glucocorticoid levels in the body. Other experiments were aimed at elucidating impact of changing the activity of GR on gene expression using synthetic GR...

Effet du PACAP38 et de son analogue sur les processus cognitifs chez le rat

Ladjimi, Mohamed 15 December 2018 (has links)
Le PACAP38 est un polypeptide endogène secrété par le thalamus exerçant différents rôles physiologiques tels que vasodilatateur, immunomodulateur ou encore, analgésique. Selon certaines études, il aurait, également, un impact sur les processus cognitifs au niveau de l’hippocampe. Cependant, son mécanisme d’action est assez peu connu. Son analogue, récemment synthétisé, a, quant à lui, été très peu étudié. Il s'agit d'une version beaucoup plus stable et avec une meilleure affinité aux récepteurs au PACAP que le peptide natif.Le travail effectué et présenté dans ce mémoire a permis de comparer les effets du PACAP38 et de son analogue sur le processus de mémorisation chez des rats ayant subit des expériences de navigation spatiale hippocampo-dépendante.Lors du test de l'objet déplacé (OLT), nous avons montré qu'une dose de 30 µg/kg de PACAP38 injecté en intraveineuse améliore la consolidation de la mémoire chez des rats souffrant de troubles cognitifs induits par une injection en intrapéritonéale de lipopolysaccharides ou d'ifenprodil. L'analogue n'a, quant à lui, pas permis de réduire ces troubles.Lors du test de la piscine de Morris, le PACAP38 a exercé un effet promnésique mais pas l'analogue.Il s'est avéré que le PACAP38 contribue à l'amélioration des processus cognitifs par son activité antioxydante, en régulant les taux de cytokines pro et anti-inflammatoires et les taux de BDNF centraux d'une manière plus efficace que celle de l'analogue. / PACAP38 is an endogenous polypeptide secreted by the thalamus. It is exerting different physiological roles such as vasodilator, immunomodulator or analgesic. According to some studies, it would also have an impact on cognitive processes in the hippocampus. However, its action mechanism is relatively unknown. Its analog, recently synthesized, has, for its part, been studied very little. It is a much more stable version with better affinity to PACAP receptors than the native peptide.The work performed compares the effects of PACAP38 and its analog on memory process in rats that had undergone hippocampo-dependent spatial navigation experiments.In the object location test (OLT), we have shown that a 30 µg/kg dose of PACAP38 injected intravenously improves memory consolidation in rats with cognitive impairment induced by intraperitoneal injection of lipopolysaccharides or ifenprodil. The analog was not able to reduce these disorders.In the Morris water maze test, PACAP38 exerted a promnesic effect but not the analog.It has been found that PACAP38 contributes to the improvement of cognitive processes by its antioxidant activity, by regulating pro and anti-inflammatory cytokine levels and central BDNF levels in a more efficient manner than the analog. .

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