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Cultivo de juvenis recém nascidos do cavalo-marinho Hippocampus reidi Ginsburg, 1933, com diferentes protocolos de alimentação e manejoOLIVEIRA, Luciano Willadino Andrade de 24 August 2010 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2010-08-24 / The main bottleneck for seahorse production is the low survival of the juveniles during the early stages of development. Although the causes for low survival are not totally understood, feeding is considered critical as success on marine fish larval breeding is dependent, among others factors, on the size and nutritional content of the prey organisms. This study evaluated the growth and survival of newborn seahorses Hippocampus reidi fed on different preys. The experiment was conducted on 38 liter aquaria connected to a seawater recirculation system, which contained mechanical and biological filters, UV sterilizer and protein skimmer. Each aquarium had two aeration points near the water surface. Six treatments were tested: Art00h – newly hatched Artemia nauplii (5 ind ml-1); Art24h – 24 hours enriched Artemia metanauplii (5 ind ml- 1); Rot+Art24h - Brachionus plicatilis rotifers (10 ind ml-1) from day 1 until day 7 followed by enriched Artemia metanauplii (5 ind ml-1); Cop – Tisbe biminiensis (2 ind ml-1); and Cop+Art24h – mixed diet with T. biminiensis (2 ind ml-1) and 24 hours enriched Artemia metanauplii (5 ind ml-1). In the treatment Starvation, no food item was provided. All the treatments, except the starvation, received microalgae Nannochloropsis oculata every other day at concentrations that ranged from 2.2 x 105 to 3.2 x 106. Each experimental unit received 100 newborn seahorses. At the end of the experiment, all remaining seahorses were measured and weighed. Treatment Cop+Art24h resulted in a significantly higher survival (33.5 ± 5.4%), followed by Cop (6.6 ± 4.8%), Art00h (6.0 ± 8.3%) and Rot+Art24h (0.3 ± 0.5%), which were not significantly different. No survivors were observed in the remaining treatments. Growth parameters were significantly higher in Cop+Art24h and Art00h. The results from this study suggest that the feeding copepods T. biminiensis increases growth and survival of the seahorse H. reidi during the first two weeks of life. / Um dos principais limitantes para o sucesso na produção de cavalos-marinhos em cativeiro é a baixa sobrevivência dos juvenis nos primeiros dias de vida. Embora as causas dessa baixa sobrevivência não sejam totalmente entendidas, a alimentação é considerada crucial para a diminuição da mortalidade, uma vez que o sucesso do cultivo de larvas e juvenis de peixes marinhos depende, entre outros fatores, do conteúdo nutricional e do tamanho do alimento ofertado. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito de diferentes protocolos de alimentação e manejo no crescimento e sobrevivência de juvenis recém nascidos do cavalo-marinho Hippocampus reidi até o 14o dia de vida. Foram utilizados aquários de 38 litros de água do mar integrados a um sistema de recirculação, o qual contava com filtros mecânicos, filtro de radiação ultravioleta, filtro biológico e um fracionador de proteína (“skimmer”). Cada aquário possuía dois pontos de aeração próximos à superfície da água. O experimento contou com seis tratamentos: Art00h - Artemia recém eclodida (5 ind ml-1); Art24h - Artemia enriquecida por 24 horas com a emulsão DHA Selco® (5 ind ml-1); Rot+Art24h - rotíferos Brachionus plicatilis (10 ind ml-1) até o setimo dia, seguido de Artemia enriquecida (5 ind ml-1); Cop – naúplios e copepoditos de Tisbe biminiensis (2 ind ml-1); e Cop+Art24h - dieta mista de copépodo T. biminiensis (2 ind ml-1) mais Artemia enriquecida (3 ind ml-1). No sexto tratamento (Jejum) não foi fornecido nenhum alimento. Todos os tratamentos, exceto o jejum, tiveram a adição da microalga Nannochloropsis oculata a cada dois dias em concentrações entre 2,2 x 105 até 3,2 x 106 células por ml. Foram realizadas quatro repetições por tratamento com 100 indivíduos por unidade experimental. Ao final do experimento, os indivíduos sobreviventes foram pesados e medidos (comprimento padrão, altura e peso). O tratamento Cop+Art24h apresentou sobrevivência significativamente maior (33,5 ± 5,4%), seguido pelos tratamentos Cop (6,6 ± 4,8%), Art00h (6,0 ± 8,3%) e Rot+Art24h (0,3 ± 0,5%), que não diferenciaram entre si. Nos demais tratamentos houve mortalidade total. Os parâmetros de crescimento foram significantemente maiores nos tratamentos Cop+Art24h e Art00h. Os resultados deste experimento sugerem que os copépodos T. biminiensis são um bom complemento na alimentação de juvenis do cavalo-marinho H. reidi.
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Avaliação morfofuncional do complexo hipocampal em ratos submetidos a um modelo de hipóxia-isquemia pré-natal / Morphofunctional evaluation of the hippocampal complex in rats submeted to Perinatal hypoxia-ischemia patternEverton Luis Nunes Costa 12 March 2014 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / A diminuição do aporte de oxigênio e nutrientes na vida perinatal resulta em danos, como astrogliose, morte de neurônios e de células proliferativas. Déficits cognitivos podem estar relacionados a danos no hipocampo. Neste trabalho avaliamos a citoarquitetura do giro dentado (DG) durante o desenvolvimento e a memória de ratos submetidos à HI. Para tal, utilizamos a técnica de imunohistoquímica para marcador de proliferação celular (KI67), neurônio jovem (DCX), de astrócitos (GFAP) e de óxido nítrico sintase neuronal (NOSn). Para avaliar a memória de curta e de longa duração foi utilizado o teste de reconhecimento de objetos (RO). Ratas Wistar grávidas em E18 foram anestesiadas (tribromoetanol) e as quatro artérias uterinas foram ocluídas com grampos de aneurisma (Grupo HI). Após 45 minutos, os grampos foram removidos e foi feita a sutura por planos anatômicos. Os animais do grupo controle (SHAM) sofreram o mesmo procedimento, excetuando a oclusão das artérias. Os animais nasceram a termo. Animais com idades de 7 a 90 dias pós-natal (P7 a P90), foram anestesiados e perfundido-fixados com paraformaldeído a 4%, e os encéfalos submetidos ao processamento histológico. Cortes coronais do hipocampo (20m) foram submetidos à imunohistoquímica para KI67, DCX, GFAP e NOSn. Animais P90 foram submetidos ao RO. Os procedimentos foram aprovados pelo comitê de ética (CEA/019/2010). Observamos menor imunomarcação para KI67 no giro dentado de animais HI em P7. Para a marcação de DCX nesta idade não foi observada diferença entre os grupos. Animais HI em P15, P20 e P45 tiveram menor imunomarcação para DCX e Ki67 na camada granular. Animais P90 de ambos os grupos não apresentaram marcação para KI67 e DCX. Vimos aumento da imunomarcação para GFAP nos animais HI em todas as idades. A imunomarcação para NOSn nos animais HI foi menor em todas as idades. O maior número de células NOSn positivas foi visto em animais P7 em ambos os grupos na camada polimórfica. Em P15, animais HI apresentam células NOSn+ em todo o DG. Em P30 animais HI apresentam células NOSn+ nas camadas polimórfica e sub-granular. Animais adultos (P90) de ambos os grupos apresentam células NOSn positivas apenas nas camadas granular e sub-granular. Embora animais HI P90 não apresentaram déficits de memória, estes apresentaram menor tempo de exploração do objeto. Comportamento correspondente a déficits de atenção em humanos. Nossos resultados sugerem que HI perinatal diminui a população de células proliferativas, de neurônios jovens, de neurônios NOSn+, além de causar astrogliose e possivelmente déficits de atenção. O modelo demonstrou ser útil para a compreensão dos mecanismos celulares das lesões hipóxico-isquêmicas e pode ser usado para testar estratégias terapêuticas. / The supply of oxygen and nutrients decreasing in perinatal life may results in CNS damage such as deficits in memory and attention and increased susceptibility to epileptic disorders in adulthood. Perinatal hypoxia-ischemia ( HI ) results in astrogliosis in white matter and loss of cortical neurons (Robinson et al, 2005). Cognitive deficits may be related to hippocampal damage. In this study we evaluate the cytoarchitecture of the dentate gyrus (DG) during development and memory in rats submeted to HI. We used the immunohistochemistry marker of cell proliferation (Ki67), young neuron (DCX), astrocytes (GFAP) and neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS). To evaluate the short-memory and long-lasting the recognition of objects (RO) test was used. Pregnant Wistar rats on E18 were anesthetized (tribromoethanol) and the four uterine arteries were occluded with aneurysm clips (Group HI). After 45 minutes, the clips were removed and the incision was sutured to the anatomical planes. The control group (SHAM) underwent the same procedure, except the occlusion of arteries. The animals were born at term. Animals aged 7 to 90 days postnatal (P7 to P90) were anesthetized and perfused-fixed with 4% paraformaldehyde, and their brains were subjected to histological processing. Coronal sections of the hippocampus (20μm) were subjected to immunohistochemistry for Ki67, DCX, GFAP and nNOS. Animals were subjected to RO P90. The procedures were approved by the ethics committee ( CEA/019/2010 ). We observed lower Ki67 immunostaining in the dentate gyrus of animals HI at P7. For marking DCX at this age is no difference between the groups was observed. HI animals at P15, P20 and P45 had less immunostaining for DCX and Ki67 in the granular layer. Animals P90 in both groups showed no labeling for Ki67 and DCX. We have seen an increase in GFAP immunostaining HI in animals at any age. The immunostaining for nNOS in HI animals was lower at all ages. The greater number of positive cells was seen in nNOS P7 animals in both groups in the polymorphic layer. In P15 animals HI nNOS + cells present in the whole DG. In P30 animals HI feature nNOS + cells in the polymorphic layer and sub-granular. Adult animals (P90) of both groups have positive nNOS granular cell layers, and only in the sub-granular. Although HI P90 animals showed no memory deficits, these patients had shorter holding the object. Corresponding to attention deficits in human behavior. Our results suggest that perinatal HI decreases the population of proliferative cells, young neurons, nNOS+ neurons, and astrocytic and possibly cause attention deficits. The model proved to be useful for understanding the cellular mechanisms of hypoxic- ischemic injury and can be used to test therapeutic strategies.
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Malnutrição protéica e desenvolvimento hipocampal: estudo das implicações sobre memória/aprendizado e avaliação da distribuição da Óxido Nítrico Sintase / Protein malnutrition and hippocampal development: study of memory/learning and nitric oxide synthase distributionBruna Messias Lotufo 27 February 2012 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / A nutrição inadequada é um dos principais fatores não-genéticos que afetam o desenvolvimento do encéfalo. O hipocampo é uma estrutura bastante sensível a alterações no aporte nutricional durante o desenvolvimento. No hipocampo a óxido nítrico sintase (ONS) é uma enzima altamente expressa e o óxido nítrico (ON) já foi apontado como tendo papel fundamental na potenciação de longa duração (LTP) e depressão de longa duração (LTD), responsáveis pelo processo de memória e aprendizado. Neste trabalho estudamos o efeito da malnutrição no comportamento associado à memória e aprendizado e na distribuição da ONS, através da técnica da nicotinamida adenina dinucleotídeo fosfato diaforase (NADPH-d). O presente trabalho foi aprovado pelo COMITÊ DE ÉTICA (CEA/055/2009). Foram utilizados ratos Wistar machos, divididos em dois grupos: grupo controle (GC) e grupo malnutrido (GM). A malnutrição se deu através da administração, para a mãe, de uma ração com 0% de proteína durante os 10 primeiros dias de lactação, iniciando-se no dia do nascimento dos filhotes. O GC recebeu ração comercial (22% de proteína). Os encéfalos foram processados histologicamente nas idades de P10, P20, P30, P45 e P90 (n=5 para cada idade e grupo estudado), sendo então realizada a histoquímica da NADPH-d para avaliar a distribuição da ONS. A avaliação dos comportamentos associados à ansiedade foi realizada através do labirinto em cruz elevado (LCE), o comportamento associados à busca por novos estímulos foi medida através do campo vazado (CV) e a memória/aprendizado foi avaliada através do labirinto aquático radial de 8 braços (LAROB) em animais P40 (n=10 para cada grupo) e P90 (n=11 para cada grupo). No GM em P10 observamos maior densidade de células NADPHd+ no giro denteado. Em P20, a marcação para NADPH-d no GM foi menor e esse padrão foi mantido em P30 e P45. No GM em P90 não observamos efeitos da dieta. Em P10, no GM observamos menor número de corpos marcados no stratum pyramidale (SPy). Em P20 o SPy encontrava-se intensamente marcado em ambos os grupos. Em P30 GM observamos maior número de células marcadas no SPy. Entretanto em P45, ambos os grupos apresentaram poucos corpos marcados. Em P90, o GM apresentou mais células marcadas no SPy. Não foram observadas diferenças significativas nas variáveis analisadas para o LCE. O GM em P90 explora maior número de orifícios, tanto na periferia (F=8,1; gl=1; P=0,014) quanto no número total (F=7,5; gl=1; P=0,017). Não foram observadas diferenças significativas para as variáveis analisadas no CV em P40. No teste de memória/aprendizagem foram observadas diferenças significativas entre o GM e o GC na latência de escape no 1 dia de testes em P90 (F=5,2; gl=1; P=0,033), com o GM apresentando melhor desempenho quando comparado ao GC. Esses valores podem ser explicados pela redução da latência para encontrar a plataforma de escape no GM. Não foram observadas diferenças significativas no LAROB em P40. Nossos resultados demonstram que a malnutrição protéica restrita aos 10 primeiros dias da lactação altera a distribuição da NADPH-d no hipocampo. A malnutrição afetou o comportamento dos animais em P40. Por outro lado, em P90 os primeiro dia de teste, sugerindo que o efeito observado está mais associado à novidade do ambiente de teste. / Undernutrition is one of the main epigenetic factors that affect brain development. The hippocampus is a very vulnerable structure that is selectively affected by alterations of food intake during the developmental period. Nitric oxide synthase is an enzyme highly expressed in this structure and nitric oxide has been postulated to have a role in hippocampal LTP and LTD. Here, we evaluated, in rats, the effects of protein malnutrition during the first 10 days of lactation on the distribution of NADPH-diaphorase and on the following behaviors: anxiety, novelty seeking and memory/learning. This study was approved by our University Ethics Committee (CEA/055/2009). Wistar male rats were divided into two groups: control group (CG) and malnourished group (MG). Dams were fed ad libitum with a normoprotein diet (22% protein) during gestation. During the first 10 days of lactation, MG dams received a protein free (0% protein) diet while CG dams received a normoprotein (22%protein) diet. After P10, all dams were fed with a normoprotein diet. On each age studied, P10 until P90 (n=5 for each group), the animals brains were processed histologically and then NADPH-d histochemistry was carried out. Behavioral tests were performed with one male from each litter. Anxiety-like effects were measured in the elevated plus maze (EPM) during 5 min. The time spent in and entries into the open arms were the measured variables. The hole board (HB) was used to assess novelty-seeking (number of nose pokes) for 5 min. Memory and learning were assessed in the 8-arm radial water maze (8-ARWM). The time needed to find a small platform (4 trials/day for 5 consecutive days) submerged in cloudy water was the measured variable. P10 MG animals showed more stained NADPH-d+ cells on the dentate gyrus. At P20, we observed fewer stained cells in MG and this pattern was also observed at P30 and P45. At P90 the staining pattern in the dentate gyrus was similar for both groups. P10 MG animals showed less stained cell bodies in the stratum pyramidale. At P20, the stratum pyramidale in both groups showed intense staining. P30 MG animals showed more stained NADPH-d cells, but, at P45, we observed few stained cells in both groups. Though P90 MG animals presented more stained cells in stratum pyramidale. No differences between groups were observed regarding the anxiety measures. Regarding novelty-seeking, P90 MG animals presented a significantly (ANOVA: P=0.014 and 0,017) higher number of nose pokes that CG ones. No differences were found between groups at P40. As for memory/learning, P90 MG animals had a significantly (P=0.032) reduced latency to find the platform than CG ones in the 8-ARWM. No differences were found between groups at P40. Our results demonstrate that protein malnutrition restricted to the first 10 days of lactation altered the distribution of NADPH-d on hippocampus. The malnourished animals did not display behavioral alterations at P40. Conversely, P90 malnourished animals displayed higher levels of novelty-seeking behavior and a better memory/learning performance, mainly in the first testing day, suggesting that the effect is highly dependent on the novelty of the testing situation.
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Dynamics of hippocampal networks revealed by voltage sensitive dye imaging / Dynamiques des réseaux hippocampiques révélées par imagerie de coloration sensible au potentiel (VSDI)Colavita, Michelangelo 18 December 2015 (has links)
Dans le but de mieux comprendre le fonctionnement du cerveau nous devons examiner les domaines structuraux qui le composent, de la simple cellule à des régions entières du cerveau interconnectées. Cependant, bien que le fonctionnement d’une ou plusieurs cellules soit relativement bien connu, il n’y a que peu d’informations concernant les groupements de neurones interagissant fonctionnellement dans une même tâche, les réseaux neuronaux. De plus, l'activité équilibrée et concertée des réseaux excitateurs et inhibiteurs joue un rôle clé pour les intégrations corticales appropriées. Par ailleurs, il existe plusieurs outils afin d’enregistrer l’activité des réseaux excitateurs, ce qui n’est pas le cas pour les réseaux inhibiteurs. L’imagerie du colorant sensible au voltage (VSDI) est une technique permettant l’enregistrement de l’activité neuronale au moyen d’une émission de fluorescence proportionnelle au changement de potentiel de membrane. Par rapport aux autres techniques employant des électrodes, le VSDI permet l’enregistrement non invasif de l’activité de centaines de sites en même temps. Au cours des dernières décennies, le VSDI a été largement utilisé tant in vitro qu’in vivo pour étudier l’activité d’une cellule et des réseaux excitateurs. Néanmoins, en utilisant le VSDI, les recherches quant à l’activité des réseaux excitateurs ont été principalement réalisées par quantification d’émission de fluorescence en définissant des régions d’intérêts à des temps fixes, alors que l’activité inhibitrice n’a été évaluée qu’à l’échelle cellulaire. La première approche ne permet pas l’obtention de toutes les informations de la dynamique de propagation de la transmission glutamatergique du fait qu’elle ne prend en considération ni la vitesse ni la direction de propagation du signal. En revanche, la seconde approche n’offre pas la possibilité d’étudier l’activité du réseau inhibiteur ce qui serait toutefois important de définir du fait de la propagation spatiale extensive des interneurones au sein des aires corticales. Durant mon doctorat, le but de mon travail a été d’étudier en détail les réseaux neuronaux excitateurs et inhibiteurs de l’aire CA1 de l’hippocampe de souris à l’aide du VSDI. Pour les étudier de façon plus compréhensive, en collaboration avec une équipe de mathématicien, nous avons développé un algorithme permettant de mesurer la vitesse et la direction de propagation du signal VSDI, ce qui représente une nouvelle méthode pour analyser le flux optique. Après la validation réussie de l’algorithme avec des données de substitution pour tester sa précision, nous avons analysé deux séries d’expériences dans lesquelles l’activité des réseaux excitateurs a été manipulée soit par augmentation de l’intensité de stimulation passant de 10 à 30 Volts ou en bloquant la transmission GABAergique avec la picrotoxine, un antagoniste du récepteur GABAA. Les résultats de ces manipulations montrent une diminution significative de la vitesse alors que l’application de picrotoxine modifie de façon significative la direction de propagation, ce qui rend le signal de dépolarisation médié par le VSDI moins dispersé par rapport au contrôle. L’utilisation du VSDI a permis l’entière caractérisation des signaux hyperpolarisants médiés par les récepteurs GABAA dans toutes les sous-couches de CA1 (champ IPSP), offrant ainsi une nouvelle façon d’étudier les événements inhibiteurs à l’échelle d’un réseau. De plus, j’ai montré qu’en activant les récepteurs mGluR5, j’étais capable d’augmenter de façon durable le champ IPSP du VSDI, avec la durée et l’ampleur au niveau des sous-couches spécifiques de CA1. Globalement, je présente dans cette thèse de nouvelles méthodes et nouveaux résultats qui peuvent représenter une avancée dans la quête d’une meilleure compréhension des réseaux neuronaux, excitateurs et inhibiteurs, ce qui, espérons-le, pourra contribuer à réduire l’écart de connaissance entre l’activité d’une seule cellule et celle du comportement. / In order to better understand brain functioning we need to investigate all the structural domains present in it, from single cell to interconnected entire brain regions. However, while our knowledge in terms of single/few cells functioning is vast, very little is known about neuronal networks, which are interacting collections of neurons functionally related to the same task. Moreover, the balanced and concerted activity of excitatory and inhibitory networks plays a key role for proper cortical computations. However, while exist several tools to record excitatory networks activity, this is not the case for inhibitory networks. Voltage sensitive dye imaging (VSDI) is a technique that allows the recording of neuronal activity by mean of proportional emission of fluorescence according to changes in membrane potential. The advantage of using VSDI over other recording techniques using electrodes is that VSDI allows not invasive recording of neuronal activity from hundreds of sites at the same time. During my doctoral course I aimed at studying in detail excitatory and inhibitory neuronal networks in the CA1 area of mouse hippocampus with VSDI. To study excitatory networks more comprehensively, in collaboration with a team of mathematicians, we developed a mathematical algorithm that allowed measuring the velocity and the direction of spreading of the VSDI signal and it represents a new method to determine an optical flow. After successful validation of the algorithm with surrogate data to test its accuracy, we analysed two set of experiments in which network excitatory activity has been manipulated either by increasing Schaffer’s collaterals stimulation intensity or by blocking GABAergic transmission with the GABAA receptor antagonist picrotoxin in order to increase the depolarization in the CA1 region of the hippocampus. The results of these manipulations significantly decreased signal velocity whereas picrotoxin application significantly modified the direction of spreading, making the depolarization-mediated VSDI signal less dispersed compared to control. Using VSDI I was able to fully characterize GABAA receptor-mediated hyperpolarizing signals in all the CA1 sublayers (field IPSPs), thus providing a new way of monitoring inhibitory events at network level. Moreover, I found that the activation of mGluR5 receptors induced an increase in a long-lasting manner of the VSDI-recorded field IPSPs, with duration and magnitude that relied on the specific CA1 sublayer considered. Overall, my work shows new methodologies and new findings that may represent a step forward in the quest for a better understanding of neuronal networks, both excitatory as well as inhibitory, which hopefully can contribute to reduce the gap of knowledge between single cell activity and behaviour.
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Short and long-term plasticity modulates the brain-wide interactions of the hippocampus : a combined electrophysiology-fMRI studyMoreno, Andrea January 2017 (has links)
This thesis examines the functional connectivity of the hippocampus with the rest of the brain, with a focus on the neocortex. The hypothesis explored, in an animal model, is whether the frequency-dependent behaviour of certain brain connectivity relationships applies to hippocampal-neocortical connections. To encompass the temporal and spatial resolution necessary to do this, two main techniques are used in combination in most of the experimental work hereby presented: (1) electrophysiological recordings of local field potentials (LFPs), and (2) functional activity recordings of blood oxygenation level dependent (BOLD) signal using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). The main hypothesis is that the frequency-dependent behaviour of specific hippocampal synapses imposes the rules of extra-hippocampal activity propagation and hippocampal-neocortical interactions. The main discovery is that short and long-term plasticity modulates network activation, a finding suggesting a possible mechanism that could mediate the encoding and consolidation of memory traces. Chapters 1 to 3 introduce the vast literature review in which this project lies, and the general methods utilised. Chapter 4 (first experimental chapter) describes, using electrophysiology in rats, the evoked response of the main hippocampal output (CA1 neurons) when its major input (CA3 pyramidal cells) is activated at frequencies that in subsequent experiments were used to build brain-wide functional maps. CA1 spiking activity is found to be optimal in maintaining the amplitude of the population spike (PS) at beta frequencies (10-20 Hz), whereas lower (< 10 Hz) and higher (> 20 Hz) frequencies are normally less effective. Chapter 5 describes, using fMRI, how these intra-hippocampal activity patterns relate to long-range activity propagation in fMRI experiments. Hippocampal activation exhibits a linear monotonic increase with evoked frequency, whilst a network of selected structures is activated preferentially when beta frequencies are applied (mainly neocortical structures like the prefrontal and parietal cortices, motor and sensory cortices, and some subcortical structures like the nucleus accumbens and the striatum). This data is highly correlated with the PS recorded in CA1 and with multi-unit activity (MUA) and single-unit activity (SUA) simultaneously recorded in the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC), one of the structures receiving propagated activity at beta frequencies, as described in Chapter 6. As mPFC also receives hippocampal input at a restricted beta frequency range stimulation of the dorsal hippocampus, Chapter 7 describes the use of a combined electrophysiology/fMRI approach to identify the pathway responsible for activity propagation. We performed microsurgery lesions to investigate the pathway responsible for the polysynaptic propagation of activity. Findings indicate that the septo-temporal longitudinal pathway is the one leading information transfer from dorsal to ventral hippocampus in the rat, and from there directly to the ventral subiculum, apparently by-passing entorhinal cortex. Last, in Chapter 8 the effect of durable modifications of synaptic weights by long-term potentiation (LTP) in the previously described frequency-dependent activity propagation is also described and contextualized in the memory trace consolidation framework, both electrophysiologically (Chapter 5) and with fMRI (Chapter 6). LTP is a long-lasting change in synaptic weights that, at the CA3-CA1 synapse, is capable of modifying hippocampal-neocortical connections such as to open the opportunity for higher frequency patterns (> 40 Hz) to propagate to neocortical structures. These results suggest that, by means of frequency-coding, the hippocampus normally regulates propagation of selected information to the neocortex, but that at specific moments (e.g. when the hippocampus undergoes LTP) this regulation broadens to permit high-frequency information to pass through and affect neural activity in the cortex. It is a beautifully simple mechanism that merits further detailed examination in a multi-disciplinary manner as outlined in Chapters 9 and 10.
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Treinamento em memória operacional espacial em ratos idosos: efeitos na ansiedade, habituação e densidade de células no hipocampo / Spatial working memory training in aged rats: effects in anxiety, habituation and density of cells in the hippocampusNils, Aline Vilar Machado 07 December 2015 (has links)
O envelhecimento torna a memória particularmente vulnerável e em roedores, induz déficits no desempenho de tarefas que envolvem memória espacial e operacional. Além disso, o envelhecimento está associado a uma diminuição dos comportamentos exploratórios e com aumento na linha de base da ansiedade. Estratégias que visem à prevenção dos transtornos de ansiedade e deficiências cognitivas proporcionando a melhoria da qualidade de vida de idosos são de grande valia. O treinamento cognitivo previne processos de neurodegeneração e perdas da função hipocampal, promovendo uma melhora no desempenho de habilidades cognitivas. Porém, pouco se sabe como o treino em uma tarefa específica afeta outros aspectos cognitivos e emocionais. Para testar os efeitos do treinamento em uma tarefa de memória operacional espacial na ansiedade, habituação e na densidade de células no hipocampo de ratos foram utilizados quatro grupos de animais. Ratos idosos e jovens treinados na tarefa de memória operacional (dependente do hipocampo) e idosos e jovens treinados em uma tarefa com pista visível (independente do hipocampo) no labirinto aquático de Morris (LAM). Após o término dos treinos os animais foram exposto ao teste e re−teste no labirinto em cruz elevado (LCE) e ao teste em campo aberto (TCA). Outros animais após os treinos foram perfundidos e os hipocampos foram processados em coloração de Nissl para quantificação da densidade de células no hipocampo. Ocorreu um prejuízo na aquisição no LAM, nos animais idosos submetidos à tarefa de memória operacional e na tarefa com a pista visível, porém com o decorrer das sessões em ambas as tarefas os animais idosos apresentam níveis de desempenho semelhantes a dos jovens. O treinamento cognitivo em memória operacional espacial resulta em efeitos significativos sobre a diminuição de comportamentos similares a ansiedade no LCE e a altera taxa de habituação no TCA em ratos idosos comparado aos animais idosos expostos a tarefa com a pista visível, entretanto não altera a densidade de células no hipocampo entre grupos jovens e idosos e entre os diferentes treinamentos. O treinamento cognitivo em memória operacional no LAM tem efeitos significativos sobre níveis de ansiedade e taxa de habituação em animais idosos e parece ser uma tarefa promissora para investigações a natureza das modificações plásticas neurais resultantes do treinamento. / Decline in memory fuctions are related to aging process. Spatial learning and memory deficits are induced by aging in rodents. Elderly also correlates with decreases in exploratory behaviour and increments in baseline anxiety. The development of strategies that focus on the prevention of anxiety disorders and cognitive disabilities are needed to improve the welfare. Cognitive training prevents neurodegeneration processes and loss of hippocampal function, and provides improvements on performance of cognitive skills. However, remains unclear how training on a specific task affects another cognitive and emotional aspects. To evaluate the effects of training on spatial working memory task on anxiety, habituation and cell density in the hippocampus, we used aged and young rats trained in the working memory task (dependent of the hippocampus) or in a task with visible track (independent of the hippocampus) in the Morris water maze (MWM). After MWM training clousure the animals were exposed to the test and re−test in the elevated plus maze and the open field test. Subsenquently to behavioural tests animals were perfused and the hippocampus was processed for Nissl staining to quantify the density of hippocampal cells. The acquisition of the MWM task was disrrupted in aged animals submitted to working memory task and visible platform task, however the aged animals were capable to learn the task during the training and exhibit similar performance to youngest. Cognitive training on spatial working memory leads to reduction of anxiety-like behaviours in the elevated plus maze and modify habituation rate in the open field in aged rats compared to animals that were exposed to visible task. Although no differences were found in the hippocampus cell density between young and aged rats and also for different training. Cognitive training on the working memory version of MWM leads to decrease of anxiety levels and habituation rate in aged animals and could be an important tool to investigate plastic neural changes induced by training.
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"Esclerose mesial temporal em crianças" / Mesial temporal sclerosis in childrenBrandão, Eliana Maria Domingues 13 December 2005 (has links)
Esclerose mesial temporal é causa freqüente de epilepsia de difícil controle em adultos. Avaliamos em crianças o espectro clínico, eletrográfico e radiológico desta patologia. Para tanto foi realizada revisão bibliográfica e estudo retrospectivo de 44 crianças no Hospital das Clínicas de São Paulo. Em ambos observou-se: predomínio das crises epilépticas com parada da movimentação, automatismo oroalimentar e gestual, e fenômeno motor; freqüente antecedente de crise febril e de estado de mal epiléptico. Na casuística verificou-se ainda que a lesão foi mais freqüente à esquerda em pacientes: com primeira crise entre seis meses e cinco anos de idade, com crise febril complicada e com dificuldade escolar / Mesial temporal sclerosis is frequent cause of intractable epilepsy in adults. We evaluate the clinical , electrographic and radiological spectrum this pathology in children. Was realized bibliographic revision and retrospective study in 44 children of the Clinic Hospital of São Paulo. Was observed: predominance of seizures with decreased responsiveness, oroalimentary and gestural automatism, and motor phenomenon; febrile seizures and epileptic status like frequent antecedents. The casuistry revealed lesion more frequent at left side in patients: with first seizure between six month and five years old, with febrile seizures complex and with school difficulty
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Locus Coeruleus and Hippocampal Tyrosine Hydroxylase Levels in a Pressure-Overload Model of Heart DiseaseJohnson, Luke A 01 March 2013 (has links)
Studies have indicated that approximately 30% of people with heart disease experience major depressive disorder (MDD). Despite strong clinical evidence of a link between the two diseases, the neurobiological processes involved in the relationship are poorly understood. A growing number of studies are revealing similar neuroanatomical and neurochemical abnormalities resulting from both depression and heart disease. The locus coeruleus (LC) is a group of neurons in the pons that synthesize and release norepinephrine, and that is known to play a significant role in depression pathobiology. For example, there is evidence that tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) is elevated in the LC in depression. In addition, there is evidence that the LC plays a role in cardiovascular autonomic regulation. The hippocampus is another region that exhibits abnormalities in both depression and heart disease. In this study, the levels of TH in the hippocampus and LC were examined in the guinea pig pressure-overload model of heart disease. TH levels were also measured in the pressure-overload model treated with vagal nerve stimulation, a new investigational therapeutic intervention in heart disease. This study found that there were no changes in TH levels in the LC or the hippocampus of the pressure-overload model or in the pressure-overload model treated with vagal nerve stimulation.
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Cognition and Hippocampal Volumes in Older Adults with Autism Spectrum DisorderJanuary 2019 (has links)
abstract: With a growing number of adults with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), more and more research has been conducted on majority male cohorts with ASD from young, adolescence, and some older age. Currently, males make up the majority of individuals diagnosed with ASD, however, recent research states that the gender gap is closing due to more advanced screening and a better understanding of how females with ASD present their symptoms. Little research has been published on the neurocognitive differences that exist between older adults with ASD compared to neurotypical (NT) counterparts, and nothing has specifically addressed older women with ASD. This study utilized neuroimaging and neuropsychological tests to examine differences between diagnosis and sex of four distinct groups: older men with ASD, older women with ASD, older NT men, and older NT women. In each group, hippocampal size (via FreeSurfer) was analyzed for differences as well as correlations with neuropsychological tests. Participants (ASD Female, n = 12; NT Female, n = 14; ASD Male, n = 30; NT Male = 22), were similar according to age, IQ, and education. The results of the study indicated that the ASD Group as a whole performed worse on executive functioning tasks (Wisconsin Card Sorting Test, Trails Making Test) and memory-related tasks (Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test, Weschler Memory Scale: Visual Reproduction) compared to the NT Group. Interactions of sex by diagnosis approached significance only within the WCST non-perseverative errors, with the women with ASD performing worse than NT women, but no group differences between men. Effect sizes between the female groups (ASD female vs. NT female) showed more than double that of the male groups (ASD male vs. NT male) for all WCST and AVLT measures. Participants with ASD had significantly smaller right hippocampal volumes than NT participants. In addition, all older women showed larger hippocampal volumes when corrected for total intracranial volume (TIV) compared to all older men. Overall, NT Females had significant correlations across all neuropsychological tests and their hippocampal volumes whereas no other group had significant correlations. These results suggest a tighter coupling between hippocampal size and cognition in NT Females than NT Males and both sexes with ASD. This study promotes further understanding of the neuropsychological differences between older men and women, both with and without ASD. Further research is needed on a larger sample of older women with and without ASD. / Dissertation/Thesis / Masters Thesis Speech and Hearing Science 2019
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An Evaluation of the Influences of Extra-Hippocampal Processes on Pattern SeparationAnderson, Malia L. 01 April 2016 (has links)
Long-term declarative memory depends on pattern separation, which reduces the degree of overlap between similar representations, to maintain memory specificity, and on pattern completion, which occurs when a degraded cue is used to retrieve a previously stored memory. Previous studies aimed at evaluating the underlying neuronal substrates of these computational processes have used a mnemonic discrimination paradigm and fMRI to focus on the hippocampus, to the exclusion of cortical processing. We aim to investigate the influences extra-hippocampal processes have on pattern separation in the following two studies. Study 1. Computational models of pattern completion suggest it occurs cortically and results in generalized memories whereas pattern separation occurs in the hippocampus and results in memory specificity. It is unknown how the incongruity of these two neuronal processes is resolved. Many studies evaluating the neuronal correlates of pattern separation have used fMRI to evaluate activity in the hippocampus. The sluggish time resolution of fMRI and the restricted spatial focus leave room for considerable differences between pattern completion and pattern separation to go undetected. Here, we use encephalography (EEG) and an event-related potential (ERP) analysis to examine neuronal activity during pattern separation and pattern completion to investigate whether or not cortical processing is employed to resolve the discrepancy between these two neuronal processes. We largely did not observe differences between the ERPs associated with pattern separation and pattern completion. Failure to identify neuronal differences could result from the bulk of neuronal processing differentiating between the two processes occurring deeper in the brain than can be measured by ERPs. Study 2. Extrinsic rewards contingent on memory performance can boost memory and learning. However, the effects of extrinsic rewards on memory specificity, particularly in regards to the process of pattern separation, are not well understood. In this behavioral study, we evaluate how extrinsic rewards affect behavioral performance in a task that taxes pattern separation. Our data show that rewards given for participation at the time of encoding boost mnemonic discrimination between target-lure pairs while rewards given for memory performance at the time of retrieval do not. We hypothesize this is because pattern separation is an encoding dependent process. This boost in discriminability is only seen when the rewarded stimuli are blocked together in separate blocks from the non-rewarded stimuli. When the rewarded and non-rewarded stimuli are interspersed within blocks, discriminability does not significantly differ between the rewarded and non-rewarded trials. Overall, performance was better when rewards were contingent on performance than when rewards independent of performance, although this difference is eliminated when attention during encoding is controlled.
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