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Vinculação de imagens para busca e visualização a partir de um sistema de informação em radiologia (RIS) / Bonding of images to search and visualization to inicial of radiology information system (RIS)Edilson Carlos Caritá 12 March 2002 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta o estudo e implementação de um sistema para vinculação e visualização de imagens de ressonância magnética nuclear e tomografia computadorizada a partir de um sistema de informação em radiologia (RIS), possibilitando a recuperação e disponibilização dos exames (laudos e imagens), através de rede \"ethernet\", para visualização a partir de uma interface desenvolvida para \"browser\". Os exames podem ser recuperados através do número de registro (RGHC) ou do nome do paciente. As imagens utilizadas no trabalho estão nos padrões DICOM 3.0 (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine) e JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group). Para a vinculação dos exames que possuem suas imagens em JPEG foi desenvolvida uma interface para inclusão das informações necessárias que garantem a consistência deste processo. Para os exames que possuem suas imagens em formato DICOM 3.0 as informações foram extraídas automaticamente dos cabeçalhos e armazenadas no banco de dados. O sistema possui uma interface amigável ao usuário, podendo ser rapidamente incorporada ao projeto de um PACS (Picture Archiving and Communication System). A implementação foi idealizada para servir ao Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto da Universidade de São Paulo (HCFMRP/USP), com base no seu sistema de informação em radiologia. Os resultados demonstram que o tempo de retorno das imagens é clinicamente satisfatório e considerado bom pela avaliação qualitativa dos médicos. / This work presents the study and implementation of a system aiming the indexing and visualization of the images of nuclear magnetic resonance and computerized tomography from a radiology information system (RIS), allowing the retrieval and availability of the exams (results and images), through an ethernet net for visualization beginning with an interface developed to a browser. The exams may be recovered either through their register number (RGHC) or the patient\'s name. The images employed in the work follow the DICOM 3.0 (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine) and JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) patterns. For the indexing of the exams that present images in JPEG, an interface was developed to include the information required to guarantee the consistency of the process. For the exams presenting the DICOM 3.0 format, information was extracted automatically from the heading and filed in the database. The system has a friendly interface for the user, it may be rapidly incorporated to the project of an PACS (Picture Archiving and Communication System). The implementation was idealized to serve the Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto, of the Universidade de São Paulo (HCFMRP/USP), based on its radiology information system (RIS). The results demonstrated that the time of retrieval of the images is satisfactory and considered good by evaluation qualified of the doctors.
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Dæmoner, katter och talande björnar : Icke-mänskliga karaktärer i Philip Pullmans His Dark MaterialsMikaela, Ehn Svensson January 2020 (has links)
Fantasy literature has a long history of including a wide array of non-human characters, each more fantastical than the other. But can these characters also be used to question anthropocentric beliefs or are their portrayal just a way to reinforce those ideas? Because fantasy literature, especially earlier examples in the fantasy canon, tend to include a lot of allusions to religion in general and Christianity in particular, is the question more complex than it first might seem. This thesis therefore aims to examine the portrayal of non-human characters in the works of one of the last 25 years most bestselling fantasy authors, Philip Pullman. It’s a well-known fact that Pullman isn’t a fan of organized religion, which sometimes is very noticeable in his trilogy His Dark Materials (1995-2000). The trilogy includes several kinds of non-human characters and one of the most central aims of the thesis is to examine how these portrayals relate to the undermining or reproduction of anthropocentric ideas. Because Pullmans alternative theology is so central to the trilogy’s narrative, it will also play a part in my examination. / Denna uppsats är en undersökning av de icke-mänskliga karaktärer som figurerar i Philip Pullmans fantasytrilogi His Dark Materials (1995–2000). Litteratur inom fantasygenren har en lång historia av att inkludera en stor mängd av icke-mänskliga karaktärer, den ena mer fantastisk än den andra. Kan dessa karaktärer användas för att problematisera den antropocentrism som genomsyrar det västerländska samhället eller är deras gestaltande endast exempel på hur dessa föreställningar reproduceras? Eftersom fantasy, speciellt äldre exempel, ofta har allusioner till religion i allmänhet och kristendom i synnerhet, är frågan mer komplex än den först verkar. Pullman är känd för sin kritik av organiserad religion och i His Dark Materials skriver han fram en alternativ teologi. Denna uppsats undersöker således inte bara gestaltningen av de icke-mänskliga karaktärerna och hur de relaterar till eventuell problematisering och/eller återskapande av antropocentriska normer, utan också den roll Pullmans teologi spelar i relation till detta. I slutändan är också förhoppningen att denna uppsats kan visa hur litteratur, och framför allt den som faller inom fantasygenren, kan vara ett verktyg för att diskutera och problematisera antropocentriska föreställningar.
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Optimalizace malého asynchronního motoru. / Optimization of a small induction machine.Jedlička, Lukáš January 2019 (has links)
The goal of this thesis is to improve efficiency of an induction motor. In the first part, the working principle is described. The next part deals with the origin of losses and possible solutions to decreasing losses without impacting the production possibles. The third part of the thesis is focused on the calculation of parameters of a small serial production motor. In the fourth part, these parameters are verified using the analytical tool RMxprt which is included in Ansys Maxwell. The fifth chapter deals with the optimization using Matlab genetic algorithm. In the final chapter, the design modifications are verified using the method of finite element Ansys Maxwell 2D.
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Interfaces for Modular Surgical Planning and Assistance SystemsGessat, Michael 22 June 2010 (has links)
Modern surgery of the 21st century relies in many aspects on computers or, in a wider sense, digital data processing. Department administration, OR scheduling, billing, and - with increasing pervasion - patient data management are performed with the aid of so called Surgical Information Systems (SIS) or, more general, Hospital Information Systems (HIS).
Computer Assisted Surgery (CAS) summarizes techniques which assist a surgeon in the preparation and conduction of surgical interventions. Today still predominantly based on radiology images, these techniques include the preoperative determination of an optimal surgical strategy and intraoperative systems which aim at increasing the accuracy of surgical manipulations.
CAS is a relatively young field of computer science. One of the unsolved "teething troubles" of CAS is the absence of technical standards for the interconnectivity of CAS system. Current CAS systems are usually "islands of information" with no connection to other devices within the operating room or hospital-wide information systems. Several workshop reports and individual publications point out that this situation leads to ergonomic, logistic, and economic limitations in hospital work. Perioperative processes are prolonged by the manual installation and configuration of an increasing amount of technical devices. Intraoperatively, a large amount of the surgeons'' attention is absorbed by the requirement to monitor and operate systems. The need for open infrastructures which enable the integration of CAS devices from different vendors in order to exchange information as well as commands among these devices through a network has been identified by numerous experts with backgrounds in medicine as well as engineering.
This thesis contains two approaches to the integration of CAS systems:
- For perioperative data exchange, the specification of new data structures as an amendment to the existing DICOM standard for radiology image management is presented. The extension of DICOM towards surgical application allows for the seamless integration of surgical planning and reporting systems into DICOM-based Picture Archiving and Communication Systems (PACS) as they are installed in most hospitals for the exchange and long-term archival of patient images and image-related patient data.
- For the integration of intraoperatively used CAS devices, such as, e.g., navigation systems, video image sources, or biosensors, the concept of a surgical middleware is presented. A c++ class library, the TiCoLi, is presented which facilitates the configuration of ad-hoc networks among the modules of a distributed CAS system as well as the exchange of data streams, singular data objects, and commands between these modules. The TiCoLi is the first software library for a surgical field of application to implement all of these services.
To demonstrate the suitability of the presented specifications and their implementation, two modular CAS applications are presented which utilize the proposed DICOM extensions for perioperative exchange of surgical planning data as well as the TiCoLi for establishing an intraoperative network of autonomous, yet not independent, CAS modules. / Die moderne Hochleistungschirurgie des 21. Jahrhunderts ist auf vielerlei Weise abhängig von Computern oder, im weiteren Sinne, der digitalen Datenverarbeitung. Administrative Abläufe, wie die Erstellung von Nutzungsplänen für die verfügbaren technischen, räumlichen und personellen Ressourcen, die Rechnungsstellung und - in zunehmendem Maße - die Verwaltung und Archivierung von Patientendaten werden mit Hilfe von digitalen Informationssystemen rationell und effizient durchgeführt. Innerhalb der Krankenhausinformationssysteme (KIS, oder englisch HIS) stehen für die speziellen Bedürfnisse der einzelnen Fachabteilungen oft spezifische Informationssysteme zur Verfügung. Chirurgieinformationssysteme (CIS, oder englisch SIS) decken hierbei vor allen Dingen die Bereiche Operationsplanung sowie Materialwirtschaft für spezifisch chirurgische Verbrauchsmaterialien ab.
Während die genannten HIS und SIS vornehmlich der Optimierung administrativer Aufgaben dienen, stehen die Systeme der Computerassistierten Chirugie (CAS) wesentlich direkter im Dienste der eigentlichen chirugischen Behandlungsplanung und Therapie. Die CAS verwendet Methoden der Robotik, digitalen Bild- und Signalverarbeitung, künstlichen Intelligenz, numerischen Simulation, um nur einige zu nennen, zur patientenspezifischen Behandlungsplanung und zur intraoperativen Unterstützung des OP-Teams, allen voran des Chirurgen. Vor allen Dingen Fortschritte in der räumlichen Verfolgung von Werkzeugen und Patienten ("Tracking"), die Verfügbarkeit dreidimensionaler radiologischer Aufnahmen (CT, MRT, ...) und der Einsatz verschiedener Robotersysteme haben in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten den Einzug des Computers in den Operationssaal - medienwirksam - ermöglicht. Weniger prominent, jedoch keinesfalls von untergeordnetem praktischen Nutzen, sind Beispiele zur automatisierten Überwachung klinischer Messwerte, wie etwa Blutdruck oder Sauerstoffsättigung.
Im Gegensatz zu den meist hochgradig verteilten und gut miteinander verwobenen Informationssystemen für die Krankenhausadministration und Patientendatenverwaltung, sind die Systeme der CAS heutzutage meist wenig oder überhaupt nicht miteinander und mit Hintergrundsdatenspeichern vernetzt. Eine Reihe wissenschaftlicher Publikationen und interdisziplinärer Workshops hat sich in den vergangen ein bis zwei Jahrzehnten mit den Problemen des Alltagseinsatzes von CAS Systemen befasst. Mit steigender Intensität wurde hierbei auf den Mangel an infrastrukturiellen Grundlagen für die Vernetzung intraoperativ eingesetzter CAS Systeme miteinander und mit den perioperativ eingesetzten Planungs-, Dokumentations- und Archivierungssystemen hingewiesen. Die sich daraus ergebenden negativen Einflüsse auf die Effizienz perioperativer Abläufe - jedes Gerät muss manuell in Betrieb genommen und mit den spezifischen Daten des nächsten Patienten gefüttert werden - sowie die zunehmende Aufmerksamkeit, welche der Operateur und sein Team auf die Überwachung und dem Betrieb der einzelnen Geräte verwenden muss, werden als eine der "Kinderkrankheiten" dieser relativ jungen Technologie betrachtet und stehen einer Verbreitung über die Grenzen einer engagierten technophilen Nutzergruppe hinaus im Wege.
Die vorliegende Arbeit zeigt zwei parallel von einander (jedoch, im Sinne der Schnittstellenkompatibilität, nicht gänzlich unabhängig voneinander) zu betreibende Ansätze zur Integration von CAS Systemen.
- Für den perioperativen Datenaustausch wird die Spezifikation zusätzlicher Datenstrukturen zum Transfer chirurgischer Planungsdaten im Rahmen des in radiologischen Bildverarbeitungssystemen weit verbreiteten DICOM Standards vorgeschlagen und an zwei Beispielen vorgeführt. Die Erweiterung des DICOM Standards für den perioperativen Einsatz ermöglicht hierbei die nahtlose Integration chirurgischer Planungssysteme in existierende "Picture Archiving and Communication Systems" (PACS), welche in den meisten Fällen auf dem DICOM Standard basieren oder zumindest damit kompatibel sind. Dadurch ist einerseits der Tatsache Rechnung getragen, dass die patientenspezifische OP-Planung in hohem Masse auf radiologischen Bildern basiert und andererseits sicher gestellt, dass die Planungsergebnisse entsprechend der geltenden Bestimmungen langfristig archiviert und gegen unbefugten Zugriff geschützt sind - PACS Server liefern hier bereits wohlerprobte Lösungen.
- Für die integration intraoperativer CAS Systeme, wie etwa Navigationssysteme, Videobildquellen oder Sensoren zur Überwachung der Vitalparameter, wird das Konzept einer "chirurgischen Middleware" vorgestellt. Unter dem Namen TiCoLi wurde eine c++ Klassenbibliothek entwickelt, auf deren Grundlage die Konfiguration von ad-hoc Netzwerken während der OP-Vorbereitung mittels plug-and-play Mechanismen erleichtert wird. Nach erfolgter Konfiguration ermöglicht die TiCoLi den Austausch kontinuierlicher Datenströme sowie einzelner Datenpakete und Kommandos zwischen den Modulen einer verteilten CAS Anwendung durch ein Ethernet-basiertes Netzwerk. Die TiCoLi ist die erste frei verfügbare Klassenbibliothek welche diese Funktionalitäten dediziert für einen Einsatz im chirurgischen Umfeld vereinigt.
Zum Nachweis der Tauglichkeit der gezeigten Spezifikationen und deren Implementierungen, werden zwei modulare CAS Anwendungen präsentiert, welche die vorgeschlagenen DICOM Erweiterungen zum perioperativen Austausch von Planungsergebnissen sowie die TiCoLi zum intraoperativen Datenaustausch von Messdaten unter echzeitnahen Anforderungen verwenden.
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Étude du mécanisme de repliement de l'ubiquitine de levure par l'introduction de contraintes conformationnelles dans son état dénaturéTurcotte, Jean-François January 2002 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
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The Journey from Innocence to Experience : Philip Pullman’s<em> His Dark Materials </em>as a female BildungsromanNordlén, Lisa January 2009 (has links)
<p>In this essay the main aim is to consider Philip Pullman’s trilogy <em>His Dark Materials</em> with its female protagonist as a Bildungsroman. The principal source of the study is Jerome Buckley’s <em>Season of Youth – The Bildungsroman from Dickens to Golding. </em>Buckely’s presentation of the significant characteristics of the Bildungsroman will be applied to Philip Pullman’s <em>His Dark Materials </em>in order to explore if these characteristics are present, modified or not, in the trilogy.<em> </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p>The second aim is to investigate how <em>His Dark Materials </em>relates to the patterns of the hero’s journey. In order to approach this question, Joseph Campbell’s work <em>The Hero with a Thousand Faces </em>is applied as a main source. </p><p> </p><p>Since most material concerning both the Bildungsroman and the hero’s journey are from a male point of view and concern males, the female perspective will be represented by Susan Fraiman and Linda Wagner who both write about females and the bildung narrative.</p><p> </p><p>In the section called <em>The Story of Lyra</em>, the trilogy is summarized briefly in order to give the reader a chance to understand what the trilogy is about. In the conclusion, Lyra’s development and (hero)-journey are discussed. </p><p> </p><p>The final claim of the study is that <em>His Dark Materials</em> can be considered a Bildungsroman and the patterns of the hero journey are found in the story about Lyra, but with some differences from her male counterparts.</p>
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Cloning and expression of superoxide dismutase from Sarcoptes scabiei in Escherichia coliSanchez Lecaros, Luis January 2006 (has links)
<p>Sarcoptes scabiei is a disease-causing parasitic mite of humans and animals that is prevalent worldwide. The parasite lives in burrows in the epidermis of its host. These burrows are formed by a combination of mechanical destruction by the mite and secretion of various factors.</p><p>The enzyme superoxide dismutase (SOD) catalyzes the dismutation of superoxide into oxygen and hydrogen peroxide. As such, it is an important antioxidant defense in nearly all cells exposed to oxygen. In this project, the enzyme was expressed in transformed Escherichia coli cells. The SOD cDNA from S. scabiei was ligated into two different expression vectors: pPU16 and pET-14b. The S. scabiei SOD open reading frame reported here is 696 nucleotides long and yields a protein with a molecular weight of 69.5 kDa. Only one of the constructs was successfully created, using pPU16. The construct was designated pPU110 and has a sequence coding for a hexahistidine tag downstream of the SOD cDNA and has a sequence coding for the maltose binding protein (MBP) upstream.</p><p>The expression plasmid pPU110 was verified by DNA-sequencing and the tested in different expression experiments. Analysis using SDS-PAGE showed that recombinant fusion SOD could be readily expressed in E.coli.</p>
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Single copy gene expression system as a tool for the purification of membrane proteins from Pseudomonas aeruginosaGaneshanantham, Sujani 01 August 2011 (has links)
Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a Gram-negative opportunistic human pathogen known to cause a variety of infections that are difficult to treat due to extremely high resistance to almost all antibiotics currently in clinical use. One of the major contributors to this resistance is the active efflux of antibiotics from the cell, primarily by action of the Resistance Nodulation Division (RND) family of efflux pumps. These pumps are composed of three proteins; an inner membrane RND pump, a periplasmic membrane fusion adaptor protein, and an outer membrane protein. The mechanism by which the three proteins interact to form a functional complex is largely unknown and the methods currently available for their study involves expression systems geared for high levels of expression. In the case of membrane proteins which play a role in clinically relevant activities, such as multidrug resistance, an expression system which does not always reflect biologically relevant levels of protein in the cell is not ideal for studying their interactions as correlation of conclusions from interaction studies to true interactions may not be possible. In this study a single copy gene expression system was designed and demonstrated to better reflect clinically relevant levels of overexpression compared to a multi-copy expression system. Quantitative-real time PCR analysis of C-terminally hexa-histidine tagged outermembrane protein, OpmH, expression shows approximately 100-fold and 20-fold overexpression from multi-copy and single-copy expression systems respectively. OpmH-H6 was successfully purified from both multi copy and single copy expression systems with proportionate purification schemes indicating the feasibility of single copy expression systems for the study of membrane bound protein complexes. / UOIT
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Cloning and expression of superoxide dismutase from Sarcoptes scabiei in Escherichia coliSanchez Lecaros, Luis January 2006 (has links)
Sarcoptes scabiei is a disease-causing parasitic mite of humans and animals that is prevalent worldwide. The parasite lives in burrows in the epidermis of its host. These burrows are formed by a combination of mechanical destruction by the mite and secretion of various factors. The enzyme superoxide dismutase (SOD) catalyzes the dismutation of superoxide into oxygen and hydrogen peroxide. As such, it is an important antioxidant defense in nearly all cells exposed to oxygen. In this project, the enzyme was expressed in transformed Escherichia coli cells. The SOD cDNA from S. scabiei was ligated into two different expression vectors: pPU16 and pET-14b. The S. scabiei SOD open reading frame reported here is 696 nucleotides long and yields a protein with a molecular weight of 69.5 kDa. Only one of the constructs was successfully created, using pPU16. The construct was designated pPU110 and has a sequence coding for a hexahistidine tag downstream of the SOD cDNA and has a sequence coding for the maltose binding protein (MBP) upstream. The expression plasmid pPU110 was verified by DNA-sequencing and the tested in different expression experiments. Analysis using SDS-PAGE showed that recombinant fusion SOD could be readily expressed in E.coli.
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A Plan for Implementation of Hospital Information System in Developing Country: Recommendation from socio-technical perspective.Bukhari, Sayyed Wasim Hussain, Zia, Qasim January 2011 (has links)
Hospital Information System (HIS) is considered as an important factor in health care sector for managing the administrative, financial and clinical aspects of a hospital. A large number of hospitals from both developing and developed countries are adopting hospital information system to bring efficiency in their current system. Current study is conducted to contribute to the literature regarding HIS implementation in developing country settings as there is scarce literature. This study attempts to improve the understanding of HIS implementation in developing countries. In this study, socio technical model is used to understand the current working system of cardiology department of Combined Military Hospital (CMH). Qualitative case study is conducted for this research. Data is collected with the help of interviews done online via Skype and some secondary data resources to highlight the problems and solutions before HIS implementation. The data collection, generation of results and analysis is done on the basis of structure, people, technology, and process perspective originating from the socio-technical model. Findings of this study are presented in the form of recommendations which need to be considered for making a HIS implementation plan.
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