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Fechamento do coto duodenal em um e dois planos de sutura / Duodenal stump closure in one and two suture layers: a macroscopic and histological wound healing experimental studyRocha, Julio Rafael Mariano da 21 November 1979 (has links)
Este sumário apresenta o resumo e os resultados deste estudo experimental do Fechamento do Coto Duodenal, em um e dois planos de sutura, realizado em 48 cães submetidos a uma gastrectomia Billroth II, com a finalidade de estudar comparativamente, o processo de cicatrização, macro e microscópico da sutura deste Coto. Os aspectos mais relevantes deste estudo de cicatrização de feridas macroscópicas e microscópicas no coto duodenal foram os seguintes: A) Estudo macroscópico: Com o objetivo de realizar um estudo macroscópico de fechamento do coto duodenal, foi realizada uma gastrectomia BII, em 48 cães, divididos em dois grupos: Grupo 1 - composto por 24 cães em que a sutura do coto duodenal foi realizada em um plano extra-mucoso. Estes animais foram divididos em dois subgrupos de 12 animais cada: i1 - cães sacrificados no período pós-operatório imediato, ou seja, no primeiro, quarto e sétimo dia após a operação; e M1 - cães sacrificados em um período pós-operatório mais tardio, ou seja, no décimo quarto, vigésimo primeiro e vigésimo oitavo dia, após a operação. Grupo 2 - Composto por 24 animais, em que a sutura do coto duodenal foi realizada em 2 planos (total e seromuscular). Também estes animais foram distribuídos em subgrupos, i2 e M2, de forma idêntica como no Grupo 1. Um estudo comparativo foi feito quanto aos resultados de fechamento do coto duodenal em 1 e 2 planos, levando em consideração seus aspectos macroscópicos, obtendo-se as seguintes conclusões: o Em nenhum dos cães, em ambos os grupos, ocorreu deiscência do coto duodenal ou quaisquer outras complicações pós-operatórias; o O diâmetro externo do coto duodenal ao nível da sutura foi significativamente maior no grupo com 2 planos de sutura. No entanto, a 5 e 10 cm distalmente à sutura do coto, esta medida foi semelhante em ambos os grupos. o Aderências ao coto duodenal foram semelhantes em ambos os métodos de sutura, exceto por uma incidência significativamente maior de aderências de epíplon no grupo com um plano de sutura, durante os primeiros 7 dias. o A inflamação da mucosa foi significativamente maior no grupo com 2 planos de sutura, durante os primeiros 7 dias; o O esporão formado no fechamento do coto em 2 planos de sutura foi significativamente maior que o formado em um plano de sutura. o A distância entre a superfície mucosa do coto duodenal e a papila maior e papila menor do duodeno, foi significativamente maior nos cotos fechados com 1 plano de sutura. B) O estudo histológico: Um estudo histológico de fechamento do coto duodenal foi feito, após gastrectomia Billroth II em 48 cães, divididos em dois grupos iguais. No Grupo 1, o fechamento foi realizada em um plano, enquanto no Grupo 2 foi feito em dois planos (total e seromuscular). Em cada grupo, os animais foram divididos em dois subgrupos; i1 - cães sacrificados no início do período pós-operatório, ou seja, no primeiro, quarto e sétimo dias; e M1 - cães sacrificados no pós-operatório tardio, ou seja, no décimo quarto, vigésimo primeiro e vigésimo oitavo dia. Não houve um único caso de deiscência em qualquer animal. As conclusões relativas aos aspectos histológicos mostraram os seguintes aspectos: o Houve um esporão invertido para o lúmen do intestino, em todos os animais do grupo 2, enquanto que um pseudoesporão foi observado em apenas 37% nos animais do Grupo 1 ; o Sinais inflamatórios agudos foram mais intensos no grupo 2, na primeira semana de pós-operatório; o A formação de neofibrose do tecido conjuntivo e a regeneração da \"muscularis mucosae\" foi semelhante nos dois grupos. No entanto, a regeneração da mucosa ocorreu mais precocemente no grupo 1 , ao passo que a regeneração das fibras musculares ocorreu mais precocemente no grupo 2 / An experimental study of duodenal stump closure in one and two suture layers was performed in 48 dogs submitted to a Billroth II Gastrectomy, in order to study comparatively Macroscopic and Histological wound healing aspects. The most relevant aspects of this Macroscopic and Histological wound healing study in the duodenal stump, were the following ones: A) Macroscopic study: A comparative study was made as to the results of duodenal stump closure in 1 and 2 layers, taking in consideration its macroscopic aspects. Billroth II gastrectomy was performed in 48 dogs divided in two groups: a. Group 1 - consisted of 24 dogs in which the duodenal stump suture was performed in one extra-mucous layer. These animals were distributed into 2 subgroups of 12 animals each: i1 - dogs sacrificed in the early postoperative period, that is, on the first, fourth and seventh day after the operation; and M1 - dogs sacrificed at a later postoperative period, that is, on the fourteenth, twenty-first and twenty-eighth day after the operation. b. Group 2 - consisted of 24 dogs, in which the suture of the duodenal stump was performed in 2 layers (total and seromuscular ones). Also these animals were distributed in i2 and M2 sub-groups, identically as in group 1. The following conclusions were obtained, concerning the macroscopic aspects: o Dehiscence of the duodenal stump or any other postoperative complications occurred in none of the dogs in both groups; o The external diameter of the duodenal stump at the level of the suture was significantly larger in the group with 2 suture layers. However, at 5 and 10 cm distally from the suture, this measure was similar in both groups. o Adherences to the duodenal stump were similar in both suturing methods, except for a significantly higher incidence of epiplon adherence in the 1 layer group during the first 7 days. o Mucosal inflammation was significantly greater in the 2 suture layers group during the first 7 days; o The spurs formed in the 2 layers stump closure was significantly larger than that formed in 1 layer suture. o The distance from the mucosal surface of the stump suture to the Major and Minor papilla of the duodenum was significantly greater in the stumps closed with 1 layer sutures. B) Histological study: A histological study of duodenal stump closure was made, following a Billroth II gastrectomy in 48 dogs, divided in two equal groups (1 and 2) and its subgroups (i1 and M1; i2 and M2), as mentioned above. The conclusions concerning to histological aspects showed the following characteristics: o There was an inverted spur toward the lumen of the bowel, in all group 2 animals, whereas a pseudo- spur was also observed in only 37% in group 1 animals; o Acute inflammatory signs were more intense in group 2 in the first week of recovery; o The formation of young connective tissue fibrosis and muscularis mucosae fibers regeneration was similar in both groups. However, mucosal regeneration occurred earlier in group 1, while regeneration of muscle fibers occurred more precociously in group 2
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Avaliação das condições periodontais clínicas e histológicas em fumantes e não fumantes / Evaluation of clinical and histological periodontal status in smokers and non-smokersLucinara Ignez Tavares Lussi 18 June 2003 (has links)
Condições periodontais clínicas e histológicas foram avaliadas em fumantes e não-fumantes. Participaram do estudo 55 indivíduos, dos quais 29 fumantes e 26 não-fumantes, entre 30 e 50 anos, com média de 40 anos de idade. Os parâmetros clínicos utilizados foram: profundidade de sondagem(PS), índice de placa(IP), índice gengival(IG), índice de sangramento gengival(ISG), nível de inserção clínica (NI) e recessão gengival(R). A análise histológica envolveu histomorfologia e histomorfometria do tecido conjuntivo gengival em área de bolsa periodontal de 10 indivíduos, 5 fumantes e 5 não-fumantes, selecionados aleatoriamente entre os grupos. Também foi considerado o tempo do hábito do fumo, a quantidade de cigarros fumados por dia e a quantidade de dentes ausentes em fumantes. Os resultados obtidos revelaram uma tendência de maiores médias de profundidade de sondagem, nível de inserção clínica e acúmulo de placa em fumantes, maiores médias de índice gengival para nãofumantes, menores médias de índice de sangramento gengival para fumantes e médias similares de recessão gengival entre os grupos. Os efeitos clínicos e histológicos foram menos expressivos em fumantes. Este mascaramento da doença periodontal provocado por reações vasculares, celulares e imunes, e o tempo do vício, podem resultar em prognósticos menos favoráveis da terapia periodontal em fumantes. / Clinical and histological periodontal status were evaluated in smokers and non-smokers. Fifty five subjects took part of the study, 29 smokers and 26 non-smokers, ages ranging from 30 to-50 years, with age average of 40 years. The clinical parameters used were: probing depth(PD), plaque index(PI), gingival index(GI), clinical attachment level (CAL), gingival recession(GR) and gingival bleeding index(GBI). The histological analysis was done by histomorphometry and histomorphology of the gingival connective tissue of the periodontal pocket by 10 subjects, of which 5 were smokers and 5 non-smokers who were randomly selected by the both groups. The time of smoking habit, amounts of cigarette smoked per day and the tooth loss were also considered in smokers. The obtained results showed a tendency of greater averages by probing depth, periodontal attachment level and amount of plaque in smokers, greater average of gingival index for non-smokers, lower average of gingival bleeding for smokers and similar averages of recession in both groups. Histological and clinical effects were less expressive in smokers. This masking of periodontal disease caused by immunological, cellular and vascular reactions, and the time of smoking, can result in less favourable prognosis of the periodontal therapy in smokers.
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Avaliação histológica do tecido pulpar de molares decíduos humanos submetidos à técnica de remoção parcial de dentina cariadaDamin, Deise Fátima January 2012 (has links)
As evidências, até então disponíveis, revelam o sucesso de tipos diferentes de abordagem conservadora de lesões de cárie profundas e as reações do complexo dentino-pulpar, entre elas a formação de dentina reacional. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar histologicamente o tecido pulpar de dentes decíduos humanos submetidos a diferentes abordagens conservadora. A amostra foi composta por 25 molares decíduos, divididos em 5 grupos, sendo os primeiros tratados com remoção total de tecido cariado sem exposição pulpar (RTTC), remoção parcial de tecido cariado em sessão única (RPTC) e tratamento expectante (TE), além dos controles positivo (molares hígidos) e negativo (molares com lesão de cárie ativa profunda em dentina sem tratamento restaurador). Foi realizada a quantificação de dentina reacional, da presença ou não de inflamação e reabsorção pulpar e uma análise descritiva da morfologia pulpar através da observação de cada lâmina ao microscópio. Não foi encontrada diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os grupos, entretanto houve maior formação de dentina reacional no grupo de RPTC, nos levando a entender que o tratamento menos invasivo pode ser uma alternativa terapêutica definitiva para o tratamento das lesões profundas de cárie em dentina de dentes decíduos. / The evidence available so far shows the success of the conservative approach of deep carious lesions and the reactions of the pulp-dentin complex, including the formation of reactionary dentin. The aim of this study was to evaluate histologically the pulp tissue of human deciduous teeth undergoing different conservative treatments. The sample was composed of 25 primary molars, divided into 5 groups, the first being treated with total caries removal without pulp exposure (TCR), partial caries removal in one session (PCR) and stepwise excavation (SW), and positive controls (sound molars) and negative (molars with active deep caries lesion without restorative treatment). Quantification of reactive dentin was performed, the presence or absence of resorption and inflammation and pulp descriptive analysis of the morphology of pulp through observation of each slide under a microscope. There was no statistically significant difference between the groups, but there was more reactionary dentin formation in PCR group, leading us to understand that the less invasive treatment may be an alternative therapy for the definitive treatment of deep caries lesions in dentin of deciduous teeth.
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3D reconstruction of motor pathways from tract tracing rhesus monkeyConnerney, Michael 22 January 2016 (has links)
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has transformed the world of non-invasive imaging for diagnostic purposes. Modern techniques such as diffusion weighted imaging (DWI), diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), and diffusion spectrum imaging (DSI) have been used to reconstruct fiber pathways of the brain - providing a graphical picture of the so-called "connectome." However, there exists controversy in the literature as to the accuracy of the diffusion tractography reconstruction. Although various attempts at histological validation been attempted, there is still no 3D histological pathway validation of the fiber bundle trajectories seen in diffusion MRI. Such a validation is necessary in order to show the viability of current DSI tractography techniques in the ultimate goal for clinical diagnostic application. This project developed methods to provide this 3D histological validation using the rhesus monkey motor pathway as a model system. By injecting biotinylated dextran amine (BDA) tract tracer into the hand area of primary motor cortex, brain section images were reconstructed to create 3D fiber pathways labeled at the axonal level. Using serial coronal brain sections, the BDA label was digitized with a high resolution digital camera to create image montages of the fiber pathway with individual sections spaced at 1200 micron intervals through the brain. An MRI analysis system, OSIRX, was then used to reconstruct these sections into a 3D volume. This is an important technical step toward merging the BDA fiber tract histology with diffusion MRI tractography of the same brain, enabling identification of the valid and inaccurate aspects of diffusion fiber reconstruction. This will ultimately facilitate the use of diffusion MRI to quantify tractography, non-invasively and in vivo, in the human brain.
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Estudo clínico e histopatológico das cicatrizes de acne em pacientes fototipo II-V após irradiação com o laser Nd:Yag 1064 nm / Non-ablative 1064 nm Nd:Yag in the treatment of facial atrophic acne scars in patients with skin types II-V: histological and clinical analysisKeller, Raquel 09 January 2007 (has links)
Introdução: As cicatrizes de acne representam um problema difícil para médico e paciente. Os tratamentos das cicatrizes atróficas, embora numerosos, têm sido dificultados pelas inadequadas respostas clínicas e prolongados períodos de pós-opératório. O tratamento com os lasers não-ablativos tem mostrado significante efeito na remodelação do colágeno com mínimos efeitos colaterais pós-tratamento. Objetivos: Avaliar a eficácia e segurança do laser Nd:Yag 1064 nm no tratamento das cicatrizes de acne. Casuística e Método: Doze patientes (fototipo II-V) apresentando cicatrizes de acne, moderadas a severas, foram submetidos a cinco sessões mensais com o laser Nd:Yag 1064 nm (120J/cm2, pulso triplo, 7.0/7.0/7.0 milisegundos de duração e intervalo entre os pulsos de 75 milisegundos). Os pacientes foram avaliados por três dermatologistas, através de fotografias digitais que foram tiradas antes, no meio do tratamento e 6 meses após o último tratamento realizado. Avaliações histológicas de biópsias cutâneas foram obtidas antes do tratamento e 1 mês após a última sessão. A quantificação das fibras colágenas e elásticas, por área, antes e depois do tratamento foi feita pela morfometria com a análise de imagens analisadas por computador (método digital). A satisfação do patiente usando uma escala de graduação foi obtida no final do estudo. Resultados: Melhora suave a moderada foi observada depois dos cinco tratamentos na maioria dos pacientes estudados. A avaliação objetiva comparando as fotografias antes e depois do tratamento revelou melhora cosmética visível em 11 dos pacientes. A quantificação das fibras colágenas pela morfometria mostrou aumento delas após o tratamento, com significância estatística. Os efeitos colaterais foram limitados a um eritema transitório e suave, além de um aumento na sensibilidade da pele logo após o procedimento. Conclusões: O laser Nd:Yag 1064 nm é uma técnica não-ablativa, segura e eficaz para o tratamento das cicatrizes de acne. Ele pode ser usado em peles escuras e se constitui numa alternativa para pacientes que não desejam passar por um longo período de recuperação e estão satisfeitos com resultados menores que os obtidos com as técnicas de resurfacing / troduction: Post-acne scarring is a very distressing and difficult problem for both physicians and patients. Atrophic scar revision techniques, although numerous, have been hampered by inadequate clinical responses and prolonged postoperative recovery periods. Nonablative laser treatment has shown significant effect on dermal collagen remodeling with minimal posttreatment side effects. Objectives: To study the efficacy and safety of the nonablative 1064 nm neodymium: yttrium-aluminum-garnet (Nd:Yag) laser in the treatment of facial atrophic scars: a histological and clinical analysis. Casuistry and Method: Twelve subjects (skin phototypes II-V) with mild to severe atrophic facial acne scars received five-monthly treatment with 1064 nm Nd:Yag laser (120 J/cm², triple pulse, 7.0/7.0/7.0- millisecond pulse duration, 75-millisecond delay). Patients were evaluated by using digital photography that were taken before treatment, in the middle of the treatment and 6 months after the last treatment was performed. Histologic evaluations of cutaneous biopsies were obtained before treatment and 1 month after the last session.The quantification of collagen and elastic fibers, per area, was carried out through the use of morphometry before and after the treatment, with image analysis by computer (digital method). Patient satisfaction surveys and clinical assessment by three dermatologists using a standard grading scale were obtained at the end of the study. Results: Mild to moderate clinical improvement was observed after the series of five treatments in the majority of patients studied. Objective assessment of scar improvement by comparing baseline to posttreatment photographs reported visible cosmetic improvement in eleven patients. All patients were satisfied with the treatment. The collagen quantification, per morphometry, showed a statistically significant increase after treatment. Side effects were limited to mild transient erythema and an increase in skin sensibility after the procedure. Conclusions: The 1064 nm Nd:Yag laser is a safe and effective nonablative modality for the treatment of atrophic scars. It can be safely used in darker skin. It could be an alternative in pacients who do not want a long downtime recovery and are satisfied with less significant results than those obtained by the resurfacing techniques
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Estudo clínico e histopatológico das cicatrizes de acne em pacientes fototipo II-V após irradiação com o laser Nd:Yag 1064 nm / Non-ablative 1064 nm Nd:Yag in the treatment of facial atrophic acne scars in patients with skin types II-V: histological and clinical analysisRaquel Keller 09 January 2007 (has links)
Introdução: As cicatrizes de acne representam um problema difícil para médico e paciente. Os tratamentos das cicatrizes atróficas, embora numerosos, têm sido dificultados pelas inadequadas respostas clínicas e prolongados períodos de pós-opératório. O tratamento com os lasers não-ablativos tem mostrado significante efeito na remodelação do colágeno com mínimos efeitos colaterais pós-tratamento. Objetivos: Avaliar a eficácia e segurança do laser Nd:Yag 1064 nm no tratamento das cicatrizes de acne. Casuística e Método: Doze patientes (fototipo II-V) apresentando cicatrizes de acne, moderadas a severas, foram submetidos a cinco sessões mensais com o laser Nd:Yag 1064 nm (120J/cm2, pulso triplo, 7.0/7.0/7.0 milisegundos de duração e intervalo entre os pulsos de 75 milisegundos). Os pacientes foram avaliados por três dermatologistas, através de fotografias digitais que foram tiradas antes, no meio do tratamento e 6 meses após o último tratamento realizado. Avaliações histológicas de biópsias cutâneas foram obtidas antes do tratamento e 1 mês após a última sessão. A quantificação das fibras colágenas e elásticas, por área, antes e depois do tratamento foi feita pela morfometria com a análise de imagens analisadas por computador (método digital). A satisfação do patiente usando uma escala de graduação foi obtida no final do estudo. Resultados: Melhora suave a moderada foi observada depois dos cinco tratamentos na maioria dos pacientes estudados. A avaliação objetiva comparando as fotografias antes e depois do tratamento revelou melhora cosmética visível em 11 dos pacientes. A quantificação das fibras colágenas pela morfometria mostrou aumento delas após o tratamento, com significância estatística. Os efeitos colaterais foram limitados a um eritema transitório e suave, além de um aumento na sensibilidade da pele logo após o procedimento. Conclusões: O laser Nd:Yag 1064 nm é uma técnica não-ablativa, segura e eficaz para o tratamento das cicatrizes de acne. Ele pode ser usado em peles escuras e se constitui numa alternativa para pacientes que não desejam passar por um longo período de recuperação e estão satisfeitos com resultados menores que os obtidos com as técnicas de resurfacing / troduction: Post-acne scarring is a very distressing and difficult problem for both physicians and patients. Atrophic scar revision techniques, although numerous, have been hampered by inadequate clinical responses and prolonged postoperative recovery periods. Nonablative laser treatment has shown significant effect on dermal collagen remodeling with minimal posttreatment side effects. Objectives: To study the efficacy and safety of the nonablative 1064 nm neodymium: yttrium-aluminum-garnet (Nd:Yag) laser in the treatment of facial atrophic scars: a histological and clinical analysis. Casuistry and Method: Twelve subjects (skin phototypes II-V) with mild to severe atrophic facial acne scars received five-monthly treatment with 1064 nm Nd:Yag laser (120 J/cm², triple pulse, 7.0/7.0/7.0- millisecond pulse duration, 75-millisecond delay). Patients were evaluated by using digital photography that were taken before treatment, in the middle of the treatment and 6 months after the last treatment was performed. Histologic evaluations of cutaneous biopsies were obtained before treatment and 1 month after the last session.The quantification of collagen and elastic fibers, per area, was carried out through the use of morphometry before and after the treatment, with image analysis by computer (digital method). Patient satisfaction surveys and clinical assessment by three dermatologists using a standard grading scale were obtained at the end of the study. Results: Mild to moderate clinical improvement was observed after the series of five treatments in the majority of patients studied. Objective assessment of scar improvement by comparing baseline to posttreatment photographs reported visible cosmetic improvement in eleven patients. All patients were satisfied with the treatment. The collagen quantification, per morphometry, showed a statistically significant increase after treatment. Side effects were limited to mild transient erythema and an increase in skin sensibility after the procedure. Conclusions: The 1064 nm Nd:Yag laser is a safe and effective nonablative modality for the treatment of atrophic scars. It can be safely used in darker skin. It could be an alternative in pacients who do not want a long downtime recovery and are satisfied with less significant results than those obtained by the resurfacing techniques
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Reproductive biology of Cypselurus poecilopterus in the Kuroshio off TaiwanLee, Chun-ting 14 September 2011 (has links)
Flyingfish has significant meaning on three different dimensions: ecology, culture and fisheries at Kuroshio off Taiwan. However, the figures of catch dropped nearly 60% in 2006-2007, which has led scientist to pay more attention on the sustainability of resources for the species. On the other hand, with little knowledge of reproductive biology and life history of the species, it is difficult to change the situation. Reproductive biology is an important basic study, which is to discover the life history of a species ,also it assesses changes in their resources and reproductive potential. Cypselurus poecilopterus is the most important dominant species in Kuroshio waters of Taiwan, and also an economical species. The reproductive biological study of Cypselurus poecilopterus would be great benefit on further studies. This study performed from April 2008 to June 2010, sampling from diverse areas, Pingtung, Taitung, Hualien, Ilan and Ludao, collected total 2174 individuals, including 1756 males, 418 females and 7 were unable to identify. Fork length (FL) range from 15.2cm ~ 22.1cm. All samples were measured by the total length (TL), fork length (FL), body weight (BW) and other data, and the gonadal histological examination, and the female sex ratio, gonadosomatic index (GSI), condition factor (CF). The results shows that only 5% of female with fork length less than 18.5cm, while more than 80% with more than 20.5cm; via gonadal histological examination, the occyte development can be divided into chromatin-nucleolus stage, peri- nucleolus stage, yolk stage, migratory nucleus stage and ripe egg stage, five stages. When female GSI is greater than 4, it reaches matured, and the fork length of the smallest matured individual is 16.3cm, average length at 50% sexual maturity was estimated to be 18.6 cm FL for female; the annual reproductive period is April to August, and the monthly female sex ratio seems like would be raise with the closing of reproductive period. Fecundity is about 13000 ~ 36000; Cypselurus poecilopterus is estimated to be simultaneous mature species by the gonadal histological examination and egg diameter measurements.
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Effects of dietary supplemental nucleotides on the health of juvenile grouper Epinephelus coioidesLiao, Ru-chun 13 February 2004 (has links)
Dietary effects of a nucleotide mixture that contained AMP¡BGMP¡BCMP¡BUMP and IMP in equivalent amount were evaluated in 4 supplemental levels of 0, 0.05, 0.2, and 0.4 g/100g diet. Weight gain (519-616%) of juvenile groupers fed for 14 weeks with the test diets was not significantly affected by the supplements. Serum concentrations of total protein, albumin, and cholesterol, A/G ratio and activities of AST were also not significantly affected. Serum total bilirubin concentration in the 0.4 g/100g group was significantly higher than the 0 or 0.05 g/100g group. Head-kidney macrophage phagocytosis and intracellular superoxide anion production as well as serum lysozyme activity were also not different among treatments. Histological sections of fish gut indicated that villous heights of intestinal fold were significantly greater in the 0.2g/100g group than the 0.4 g/100g group, muscle layer thickness, in contrast, was not affected. When challenged with Photobacterium damsela subsp. damselae after fed the test for 3 weeks, relative percent survivals of the groupers were 87.8, 91.1, 90.0 and 94.4% (0, 0.05, 0.2, and 0.4 g/100g diet, respectively). The survivals were 74.5, 82.4, 86.3, and 85.3%, respectively when the feeding trial was extended to 18 weeks. The results show that a diet containg 38% protein and asupplemented with nucleotides at the tested levels was not effective in promoting growth, but was moderately effective in enhancing immune responses and pathogen resistance of juvenile grouper.
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Biologiškai aktyvių molekulių elektropernašos į ląsteles in vitro ir į navikinius audinius efektyvumo tyrimas / Investigation of the effectiveness of biologically active molecules electrotransfer into cells in vitro and into the malignant tumorsŠalomskaitė-Davalgienė, Sonata 13 September 2006 (has links)
E – strength of electric field
τ – pulse duration
HV – high voltage, short pulses
LV – low voltage, long pulses
MEM - Minimum Essential Medium
S – MEM - Spinner Minimum Essential medium
LISPB – low ionic strength pulsing buffer
ECT – electrochemotherapy
LLC – Lewis Lung Carcinoma
DC-3F – Chinese hamster lung fibroblastocites
LPB – fibrosarkoma cell line
BLM – bleomycin
CPA – cyclophosphamide
LY – Lucifer Yellow
The delivery of appropriate short and intense electric pulses to living cells, either in suspension or in tissue, results in a transient and reversible alteration of their cell membrane [Mir et al., 1995; Neumann et al., 1989]. The concept widely accepted is that under influence of strong external electric field the potential difference on the cell membrane occurs [Bernhardt and Pauly, 1973]. As a result of it the nanosize transient aqueous pores in the plasma membrane are created [Abidor et al, 1979, Leikin et al., 1986]. The process is called electroporation and initiated pores are named electropores [Neumann et al., 1989]. It is proposed that at higher field strength and pulse duration more and larger pores are initiated [Glaser et al., 1988]. At the tolerant pulse intensities the resealing of pores takes place and membrane came back to the previous state. The process is called reversible electroporation - REP [Weaver and Chizmadzhev, 1966]. Resealing of pores is in a range of milliseconds - minutes and often is... [to full text]
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Studies on the effect of low level laser therapy on bone repairClingen-Vance, Hilary Joanna January 1997 (has links)
No description available.
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