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Presencia de la cultura inglesa en los hombres del 80 a través de algunos autores modélicosFeatherston, Cristina Andrea January 2005 (has links)
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Transformaciones ideológicas en la poesía argentina de los años sesentaDalmaroni, Miguel Angel 03 December 1993 (has links)
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Almas en borradorRomano, Marcela January 2002 (has links)
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<i>Libro de las maravillas del mundo</i>, de Juan de Mandevilla [ms. Esc. M-III-7]Rodríguez Temperley, María Mercedes January 2002 (has links)
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El nacimiento de la literatura argentina en las revistas literarias 1896-1913Delgado, Verónica January 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Esta investigación se inscribe en el campo de estudios sobre publicaciones, cuyos resultados han sido hasta ahora más que relevantes. El corpus de esta tesis está compuesto por las revistas <i>La Biblioteca</i> (1896-1898), <i>El Mercurio de América</i> (1898-1900), <i>La Montaña</i> (1897), <i>Ideas</i> (1903-1905) y <i>Nosotros</i> (período 1907-1913) en las cuales se propone indagar el proceso de emergencia y constitución del primer campo literario argentino, atendiendo especialmente a las diversas formulaciones y soluciones que cada uno de estos órganos imaginó con mayor o menor grado de voluntarismo.
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Autonomía del arte y compromiso en la obra de tres escritores españoles exiliados en la Argentina: Ramón Gómez de la Serna, Francisco Ayala y Rafael AlbertiMacciuci, Raquel January 2002 (has links) (PDF)
No es frecuente que aparezcan reunidos en un mismo estudio crítico los autores que encabezan el título de esta tesis. La tradición marca un camino según el cual Ramón Gómez de la Serna abre las exploraciones sobre las vanguardias en España, en el que Rafael Alberti integra un capítulo sobre la generación del 27, en el que Francisco Ayala pone de manifiesto el hasta hace escaso tiempo renacido interés por la narrativa deshumanizada o de vanguardia. Los dos últimos nombres encuentran además un destacado lugar en el subgrupo de autores o literatura del exilio republicano, categoría que juega un papel relevante en este trabajo, pero sin quedar cercenada del resto en una sección aparte, como ocurrió durante décadas. La reunión de los tres autores, quienes tienen entre sí más reconocidas y fijadas diferencias que similitudes, constituye el punto de partida para realizar un itinerario diferente de los más acrisolados por la obra de tres figuras descollantes de las letras españolas del pasado sigo. Y del presente, si hacemos justicia a la longevidad y vitalidad intelectual de Francisco Ayala.
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[pt] Mudanças paradigmáticas no campo dos Estudos de Literatura e da História alteraram profundamente pressupostos teóricos e epistemológicos de suas respectivas construções de conhecimento. A indagação básica dessa dissertação está centrada sobre o descompasso entre esses pressupostos e as práticas mais tradicionais de historiografia literária, analisando respostas inovadoras ensaiadas nos últimos anos por experimentos de historiografia literária atentos aos diversos questionamentos precedentes nas duas esferas disciplinares. Nesse horizonte, serão tematizadas as mudanças na conceituação do fenômeno literário e a sua expansão para além dos limites do texto e avaliados os reflexos do chamado despertar epistemológico no campo disciplinar da História, que afetaram a escolha dos objetos a serem investigados, dos métodos e das formas de sua escrita. O foco de análise nessa dissertação são as configurações escriturais desses experimentos e os pressupostos usados para justificar as suas propostas alternativas e os seus circuitos comunicativos ampliados, ou seja, analisar a grafia inerente a toda história literária como parte de significativa relevância para a sua constituição. O corpus de análise, voltado para o caráter inovador de seus experimentos, tanto no conteúdo quanto na forma de escrita, propõe, como alternativa ao modelo épico-narrativo, uma constelação de ensaios de autoria diversa. Objetivando promover uma experiência de leitura que possibilite a construção do conhecimento histórico literário em vista de encontros fascinantes dos leitores, esse corpus é formado basicamente por A New Literary History of America (2009); A New History of German Literature (2004) e A New History of French Literature (1989). / [en] Paradigmatic transformations in the field of Literary Studies and History have profoundly altered theoretical and epistemological presuppositions of their knowledge constructions. The basic question of this dissertation focuses on the gap between these assumptions, and more traditional of practices literary historiography, examining innovative responses tested in recent years by experiments in literary historiography attentive to many previous questions in both disciplinary spheres. In this horizon, it will be discussed changes in the conceptualization of the literary phenomenon and its expansion beyond the limits of the text and assessed the consequences of the epistemological awakening in History that affected the choice of objects to be investigated, the methods and forms of their writing. The focus of analysis in this dissertation is the writing configurations of these experiments and the assumptions used to justify their proposed alternatives and their expanded communicative circuits, that is, the analysis of the writing inherent in any literary history and extremely significant in its constitution. The corpus of analysis, focused on the innovative nature of their experiments, both in content and in form of writing, proposes, as an alternative to the epic-narrative model, a constellation of essays by diverse authors. Aiming to promote a reading experience that enables the construction of historical knowledge in literary view of fascinating encounters of readers, this corpus is basically formed by A New Literary History of America (2009), A New History of German Literature (2004) and A New History of French Literature (1989).
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Vom Wissenskosmos zum Magazin: Die Entwicklung der Bibliothekswissenschaft aus den Ursprüngen der Historia literariaEgel, Nikolaus 04 July 2023 (has links)
No description available.
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William Cave (1637-1713) and the fortunes of Historia Literaria in EnglandWright, Alexander Robert January 2018 (has links)
This thesis is the first full-length study of the English clergyman and historian William Cave (1637-1713). As one of a number of Restoration divines invested in exploring the lives and writings of the early Christians, Cave has nonetheless won only meagre interest from early-modernists in the past decade. Among his contemporaries and well into the nineteenth century Cave’s vernacular biographies of the Apostles and Church Fathers were widely read, but it was with the two volumes of his Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Historia Literaria (1688 and 1698), his life’s work, that he made his most important and lasting contribution to scholarship. The first aim of the thesis is therefore to build on a recent quickening of research into the innovative early-modern genre of historia literaria by exploring how, why, and with what help, in the context of late seventeenth-century European intellectual culture, Cave decided to write a work of literary history. To do so it makes extensive use of the handwritten drafts, annotations, notebooks, and letters that he left behind, giving a comprehensive account of his reading and scholarly practices from his student-days in 1650s Cambridge and then as a young clergyman in the 1660s to his final, unsuccessful attempts to publish a revised edition of his book at the end of his life. Cave’s motives, it finds, were multiple, complex, and sometimes conflicting: they developed in response to the immediate practical concerns of the post-Restoration Church of England even as they reflected some of the deeper-lying tensions of late humanist scholarship. The second reason for writing a thesis about Cave is that it makes it possible to reconsider an influential historiographical narrative about the origins of the ‘modern’ disciplinary category of literature. Since the 1970s the consensus among scholars has been that the nineteenth-century definition of literature as imaginative fictions in verse and prose – in other words literature as it is now taught in schools and universities – more or less completely replaced the early-modern notion of literature, literae, as learned books of all kinds. This view is challenged in the final section of this thesis, which traces the influence of Cave’s work on some of the canonical authors of the English literary tradition, including Johnson and Coleridge. Coleridge’s example, in particular, helps us to see why Cave and scholars like him were excluded lastingly from genealogies of English studies in the twentieth century, despite having given the discipline many of its characteristic concerns and aversions.
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