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Characterization and Correction of Spatial Misalignment in Head-Mounted DisplaysBauer, Mitchell D. 20 December 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Role-dependent information displaying design and implementation using augmented realitySánchez Montoya, Trinidad January 2021 (has links)
This thesis project aims to study the design of an Augmented Reality solution for the industry that benefits the user. Three industry-related roles are studied individually, the shop floor worker role, the line manager role, and the maintenance worker role. In order to do this, two different information display approaches; having access to a personal source of information, and having distributed sources of information linked to the working space, are implemented, analyzed, and compared, from acognitive ergonomics perspective. Insight on how the different design decisions can affect the outcome of the Augmented Reality system in each case, is extracted from performance, usability, perceived workload, and user experience evaluations of each of the approaches for each of the roles. The design and creation methodology for information system and computing research is followed for this project. A literature review is performed in order to define and understand the addressed problem, solutions are proposed in an iterative process, culminating in the implementation of the final idea, which is then evaluated by a group of test subjects. These evaluations target cognitive ergonomics assessments of the different design approaches and their results are collected and analyzed in order to draw conclusions and present the project’s findings. The obtained results point to a set of different strengths and weaknesses for each of the Augmented Reality approaches implemented for each of the industry roles considered. For the shop floor and maintenance workers, distributed approaches for information display can be more exciting and engaging, but they can also increase task completion time, in comparison to information displayed in personal panels. However, the results point to line managers can possibly benefit more from the use of personal panels. / <p>Det finns övrigt digitalt material (t.ex. film-, bild- eller ljudfiler) eller modeller/artefakter tillhörande examensarbetet somska skickas till arkivet.</p>
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A musical escape into a virtual world - A qualitative experimental study of how music fans perceive music concerts and other musical performances in virtual realityKhaleram Paulsson, Nelly January 2017 (has links)
We live in a time when technology is digitalizing the world. Technology is a medium that brings people closer to each other and enables more experiences to take place; at home. The increase of music concert attendance boomed the music industry in 2016 and set record sales already halfway into the year. However, there are still people that cannot attend music concerts or performances due to other factors. It was not only the music industry that boomed in 2016; artists started producing music concerts in Virtual Reality (VR) enabling them to reach out to a wider audience. This study shows how music fans in the age between 20-30 perceive music concerts and performances in virtual worlds. The study conducted qualitative experiments and focus group discussions with a total of nine participants. The conclusion is that music fans perceive virtual reality as a media technology that needs more product development and focus on the possibilities of becoming a more social experience. Virtual reality is a technology that isolates the user; the music fans demanded an experience that enables co-presence. That is, achieving immersion and experiencing being present in a virtual world with another person.
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VR systems for memory assessment and depth perceptionCárdenas Delgado, Sonia Elizabeth 15 January 2018 (has links)
La evolución de la tecnología de Realidad Virtual (RV) ha contribuido en todos los campos, incluyendo la psicología. Esta evolución implica mejoras tanto en hardware como en software, que permiten experiencias más inmersivas. En un entorno de RV los usuarios pueden percibir la sensación de "presencia" y sentirse "inmersos". Estas sensaciones son posibles utilizando HMDs. Hoy en día, el desarrollo de los HMDs se ha centrado en mejorar sus características técnicas para ofrecer inmersión total. En psicología, los entornos de RV son una herramienta de investigación. Hay algunas aplicaciones para evaluar la memoria espacial que utilizan métodos básicos de interacción. Sin embargo, sistemas de RV que incorporen estereoscopía y movimiento físico todavía no se han explotado en psicología. En esta tesis, se ha desarrollado un nuevo sistema de RV que combina características inmersivas, interactivas y de movimiento. El sistema de RV (tarea en un laberinto virtual) se ha utilizado para evaluar la memoria espacial y la percepción de profundidad. Se han integrado dos tipos diferentes de interacción: una basada en locomoción que consistió en pedalear en una bicicleta fija (condición1) y otra estacionaria usando un gamepad (condición2). El sistema integró dos tipos de visualización: 1) Oculus Rift (OR); 2) Una gran pantalla estéreo. Se diseñaron dos estudios. El primer estudio (N=89) evaluó la memoria espacial a corto plazo usando el OR y los dos tipos de interacción. Los resultados indican que existían diferencias significativas entre ambas condiciones. Los participantes que utilizaron la condición2 obtuvieron mejor rendimiento que los que utilizaron la tarea en la condición1. Sin embargo, no se encontraron diferencias significativas en las puntuaciones de satisfacción e interacción entre ambas condiciones. El desempeño en la tarea correlacionó con el desempeño en las pruebas neuropsicológicas clásicas, revelando la verosimilitud entre ellas. El segundo estudio (N=59) incluyó participantes con y sin estereopsis. Este estudio evaluó la percepción de profundidad comparando los dos sistemas de visualización. Los participantes realizaron la tarea usando la condición2. Los resultados mostraron que las diferentes características del sistema de visualización no influyeron en el rendimiento en la tarea entre los participantes con y sin estereopsis. Se encontraron diferencias significativas a favor del HMD entre las dos condiciones y entre los dos grupos de participantes respecto a la percepción de profundidad. Los participantes que no tenían estereopsis y no podían percibir la profundidad cuando utilizaban otros sistemas de visualización, tuvieron la ilusión de percepción de profundidad cuando utilizaron el OR. El estudio sugiere que para las personas que no tienen estereopsis, el seguimiento de la cabeza influye en gran medida en la experiencia 3D. Los resultados estadísticos de ambos estudios han demostrado que el sistema de RV desarrollado es una herramienta apropiada para evaluar la memoria espacial a corto plazo y la percepción de profundidad. Por lo tanto, los sistemas de RV que combinan inmersión total, interacción y movimiento pueden ser una herramienta útil para la evaluación de procesos cognitivos humanos como la memoria. De estos estudios se han extraído las siguientes conclusiones generales: 1) La tecnología de RV y la inmersión proporcionada por los actuales HMDs son herramientas adecuadas para aplicaciones psicológicas, en particular, la evaluación de la memoria espacial a corto plazo; 2) Un sistema de RV como el presentado podría ser utilizado como herramienta para evaluar o entrenar adultos en habilidades relacionadas con la memoria espacial a corto plazo; 3) Los dos tipos de interacción utilizados para la navegación en el laberinto virtual podrían ser útiles para su uso con diferentes colectivos; 4) El OR permite que los usuarios sin estereopsis puedan percibir l / The evolution of Virtual Reality (VR) technology has contributed in all fields, including psychology. This evolution involves improvements in hardware and software allowing more immersive experiences. In a VR environment users can perceive the sensation of "presence" and feel "immersed". These sensations are possible using VR devices as HMDs. Nowadays, the development of the HMDs has focused on improving their technical features to offer full immersion. In psychology, VR environments are research tools because they allow the use of new paradigms that are not possible to employ in a real environment. There are some applications for assessing spatial memory that use basic methods of HCI. However, VR systems that incorporate stereoscopy and physical movement have not yet been exploited in psychology. In this thesis, a novel VR system combining immersive, interactive and motion features was developed. This system was used for the assessment of the spatial memory and the evaluation of depth perception. For this system, a virtual maze task was designed and implemented. In this system, two different types of interaction were integrated: a locomotion-based interaction pedaling a fixed bicycle (condition1), and a stationary interaction using a gamepad (condition2). This system integrated two types of display systems: 1) The Oculus Rift; 2) A large stereo screen. Two studies were designed to determine the efficacy of the VR system using physical movement and immersion. The first study (N=89) assessed the spatial short term memory using the Oculus Rift and the two types of interaction The results showed that there were statistically significant differences between both conditions. The participants who performed the condition2 got better performance than participants who performed the condition1. However, there were no statistically significant differences in satisfaction and interaction scores between both conditions. The performance on the task correlated with the performance on other classical neuropsychological tests, revealing a verisimilitude between them. The second study (N=59) involved participants who had and who had not stereopsis. This study assessed the depth perception by comparing the two display systems. The participants performed the task using the condition2. The results showed that the different features of the display system did not influence the performance on the task between the participants with and without stereopsis. Statistically significant differences were found in favor of the HMD between the two conditions and between the two groups of participants regard to depth perception. The participants who did not have stereopsis and could not perceive the depth when they used other display systems (e.g. CAVE); however, they had the illusion of depth perception when they used the Oculus Rift. The study suggests that for the people who did not have stereopsis, the head tracking largely influences the 3D experience. The statistical results of both studies have proven that the VR system developed for this research is an appropriate tool to assess the spatial short-term memory and the depth perception. Therefore, the VR systems that combine full immersion, interaction and movement can be a helpful tool for the assessment of human cognitive processes as the memory. General conclusions from these studies are: 1) The VR technology and immersion provided by current HMDs are appropriate tools for psychological applications, in particular, the assessment of spatial short-term memory; 2) A VR system like the one presented in this thesis could be used as a tool to assess or train adults in skills related to spatial short-term memory; 3) The two types of interaction (condition1 and condition2) used for navigation within the virtual maze could be helpful to use with different collectives; 4) The Oculus Rift allows that the users without stereopsis can perceive the depth perception of 3D objects and have rich 3D experiences. / L'evolució de la tecnologia de Realitat Virtual (RV) ha contribuït en tots els camps, incloent la psicologia. Aquesta evolució implica millores en el maquinari i el programari que permeten experiències més immersives. En un entorn de RV, els usuaris poden percebre la sensació de "presència" i sentir-se "immersos". Aquestes sensacions són possibles utilitzant HMDs. Avui dia, el desenvolupament dels HMDs s'ha centrat a millorar les seves característiques tècniques per oferir immersió plena. En la psicologia, els entorns de RV són eines de recerca. Hi ha algunes aplicacions per avaluar la memòria espacial que utilitzen mètodes bàsics d'interacció. Tanmateix, sistemes de RV que incorporen estereoscòpia i moviment físic no s'han explotat en psicologia. En aquesta tesi, s'ha desenvolupat un sistema de RV novell que combina immersió, interacció i moviment. El sistema (tasca en un laberint virtual) s'ha utilitzat per a l'avaluació de la memòria espacial i la percepció de profunditat. S'han integrat dos tipus d'interacció: una interacció basada en locomoció pedalejant una bicicleta fixa (condició1), i l'altra una interacció estacionària usant un gamepad (condició2). S'han integrat dos tipus de sistemes de pantalla: 1) L'Oculus Rift; 2) Una gran pantalla estereoscòpica. Dos estudis van ser dissenyats. El primer estudi (N=89) va avaluar la memòria a curt termini i espacial utilitzant l'Oculus Rift i els dos tipus d'interacció. Els resultats indiquen que hi havia diferències significatives entre les dues condicions. Els participants que van utilitzar la condició2 van obtenir millor rendiment que els participants que van utilitzar la condició1. Tanmateix, no hi havia diferències significatives dins satisfacció i puntuacions d'interacció entre les dues condicions. El rendiment de la tasca va correlacionar amb el rendiment en les proves neuropsicològiques clàssiques, revelant versemblança entre elles. El segon estudi (N=59) va implicar participants que van tenir i que van haver-hi no estereopsis. Aquest estudi va avaluar la percepció de profunditat comparant els dos sistemes de pantalla. Els participants realitzen la tasca utilitzant la condició2. Els resultats van mostrar que les diferents característiques del sistema de pantalla no va influir en el rendiment en la tasca entre els participants qui tenien i els qui no tenien estereopsis. Diferències significatives van ser trobades a favor del HMD entre les dues condicions i entre els dos grups de participants. Els participants que no van tenir estereopsis i no podien percebre la profunditat quan van utilitzar altres sistemes de pantalla (per exemple, CAVE), van tenir la il.lusió de percepció de profunditat quan van utilitzar l'Oculus Rift. L'estudi suggereix que per les persones que no van tenir estereopsis, el seguiment del cap influeix en gran mesura en l'experiència 3D. Els resultats estadístics dels dos estudis han provat que el sistema de RV desenvolupat per aquesta recerca és una eina apropiada per avaluar la memòria espacial a curt termini i la percepció de profunditat. Per això, els sistemes de RV que combinen immersió plena, interacció i moviment poden ser una eina útil per la avaluació de processos cognitius humans com la memòria Les conclusions generals que s'han extret d'aquests estudis, són les següents: 1) La tecnologia de RV i la immersió proporcionada pels HMDs són eines apropiades per aplicacions psicològiques, en particular, la avaluació de memòria espacial a curt termini; 2) Un sistema de RV com el presentat podria ser utilitzat com a eina per avaluar o entrenar adults en habilitats relacionades amb la memòria espacial a curt termini; 3) Els dos tipus d'interacció utilitzats per navegació dins del laberint virtual podrien ser útils per al seu ús amb diferent col.lectius; 3) L'Oculus Rift permet que els usuaris que no tenen estereopsis puguen percebre la percepció de profunditat dels objectes 3D i tenir / Cárdenas Delgado, SE. (2017). VR systems for memory assessment and depth perception [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/94629
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Immersive Virtual Reality and 3D Interaction for Volume Data AnalysisLaha, Bireswar 04 September 2014 (has links)
This dissertation provides empirical evidence for the effects of the fidelity of VR system components, and novel 3D interaction techniques for analyzing volume datasets. It provides domain-independent results based on an abstract task taxonomy for visual analysis of scientific datasets. Scientific data generated through various modalities e.g. computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), etc. are in 3D spatial or volumetric format. Scientists from various domains e.g., geophysics, medical biology, etc. use visualizations to analyze data. This dissertation seeks to improve effectiveness of scientific visualizations.
Traditional volume data analysis is performed on desktop computers with mouse and keyboard interfaces. Previous research and anecdotal experiences indicate improvements in volume data analysis in systems with very high fidelity of display and interaction (e.g., CAVE) over desktop environments. However, prior results are not generalizable beyond specific hardware platforms, or specific scientific domains and do not look into the effectiveness of 3D interaction techniques.
We ran three controlled experiments to study the effects of a few components of VR system fidelity (field of regard, stereo and head tracking) on volume data analysis. We used volume data from paleontology, medical biology and biomechanics. Our results indicate that different components of system fidelity have different effects on the analysis of volume visualizations. One of our experiments provides evidence for validating the concept of Mixed Reality (MR) simulation.
Our approach of controlled experimentation with MR simulation provides a methodology to generalize the effects of immersive virtual reality (VR) beyond individual systems. To generalize our (and other researchers') findings across disparate domains, we developed and evaluated a taxonomy of visual analysis tasks with volume visualizations. We report our empirical results tied to this taxonomy.
We developed the Volume Cracker (VC) technique for improving the effectiveness of volume visualizations. This is a free-hand gesture-based novel 3D interaction (3DI) technique. We describe the design decisions in the development of the Volume Cracker (with a list of usability criteria), and provide the results from an evaluation study. Based on the results, we further demonstrate the design of a bare-hand version of the VC with the Leap Motion controller device. Our evaluations of the VC show the benefits of using 3DI over standard 2DI techniques.
This body of work provides the building blocks for a three-way many-many-many mapping between the sets of VR system fidelity components, interaction techniques and visual analysis tasks with volume visualizations. Such a comprehensive mapping can inform the design of next-generation VR systems to improve the effectiveness of scientific data analysis. / Ph. D.
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Spatial Analytic InterfacesEns, Barrett January 2016 (has links)
We propose the concept of spatial analytic interfaces (SAIs) as a tool for performing in-situ, everyday analytic tasks. Mobile computing is now ubiquitous and provides access to information at nearly any time or place. However, current mobile interfaces do not easily enable the type of sophisticated analytic tasks that are now well-supported by desktop computers. Conversely, desktop computers, with large available screen space to view multiple data visualizations, are not always available at the ideal time and place for a particular task. Spatial user interfaces, leveraging state-of-the-art miniature and wearable technologies, can potentially provide intuitive computer interfaces to deal with the complexity needed to support everyday analytic tasks. These interfaces can be implemented with versatile form factors that provide mobility for doing such taskwork in-situ, that is, at the ideal time and place.
We explore the design of spatial analytic interfaces for in-situ analytic tasks, that leverage the benefits of an upcoming generation of light-weight, see-through, head-worn displays. We propose how such a platform can meet the five primary design requirements for personal visual analytics: mobility, integration, interpretation, multiple views and interactivity. We begin with a design framework for spatial analytic interfaces based on a survey of existing designs of spatial user interfaces. We then explore how to best meet these requirements through a series of design concepts, user studies and prototype implementations. Our result is a holistic exploration of the spatial analytic concept on a head-worn display platform. / October 2016
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VR-flygsimulatorer, för ökad upplevelse och som läroverktyg i flygutbildningar / VR flight simulators, for enhanced experiences and as a pilot training toolEliasson, Carl, Hedberg, Alexander January 2017 (has links)
Virtual reality (VR) är ett begrepp som blivit allt mer välkänt de senaste åren. VR kan beskrivas som en datorgenererad virtuell omvärld som användaren omsluts av. VR-miljön upplevs genom människans sinnen såsom syn, hörsel och känsel.Syftet med examensarbetet är att undersöka hur realistisk en kommersiellt tillgänglig VR-flygsimulator upplevs av piloter och undersöka om VR-teknik kan vara ett användbart läroverktyg för t.ex. flygskolor. VR-tekniken har under de senaste åren utvecklats väldigt mycket vilket gjort att många av de implementations svårigheter som VR-tekniken inneburit till stor del lösts. Nya helintegrerade head mounted displays (HMD) med inbyggd kompatibilitet gör att integreringsproblemen nästan helt försvunnit. Eftersom VR-tekniken nu är mer tillgänglig och lätthanterlig ligger det helt rätt i tiden att undersöka hur VR-teknik kan användas inom flygbranschen.Metoden för examensarbetet inleddes med informationsinsamling om VR-teknik och traditionella flygsimulatorer. Utifrån denna information skapades sedan en undersökning som bestod av två delar. Den första delen var ett experiment med en VR-flygsimulator och den andra delen var en intervju som utfördes direkt efter experimentet. Sju stridspiloter deltog i undersökningen.Resultaten av undersökningen visar att VR-flygsimulatorer upplevs som mer realistiska jämfört med traditionella flygsimulatorer. Undersökningen tyder också på att VR-teknik kan vara ett bra läroverktyg om de problem som identifierats lösts på ett tillfredsställande sätt. / Virtual reality (VR) is a rising phenomenon that has skyrocket in popularity the past year. VR is often referred to as a computer generated virtual environment the user gets immersed in. The VR environment is experienced through different types of sensory stimuli.The purpose of this thesis is to examine how realistic a commercially available VR flight simulator is being perceived by real pilots as well as examine if VR technology could be a viable educational tool for flight schools. The motivations of this thesis are the facts that the VR-technology has advanced in a quick phase. Many of the past difficulties with implementing VR technology have been addressed with new fully integrated head mounted displays therefor capability issues are no longer a big problem. Because of the simplicity of new VR-systems it’s a good time to investigate VR uses and how it compares to traditional flight simulator techniques.The method used for the thesis started with collecting information about VR technology and traditional flight simulators. With that information a survey consisting of two parts was created. The first part was an experiment with a VR flight simulator, and the second part was an interview conducted directly after the experiment. Seven jet fighter pilots participated in the survey.Our results show that a VR flight simulator is perceived as more realistic compared to a traditional flight simulator. It is also shown that VR technology could be a good educational tool if some of the issues that were found are resolved or improved upon.
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Virtual reality designprinciples: A casestudy on VRChatEckmann, Peter January 2024 (has links)
Virtual Reality is rapidly growing in popularity. This new medium offers manypossibilities for those who wish to explore what the technology provides in the 3Denvironment. However, the design principles that have been used for decades revolvearound 2D surfaces and applying them in the 3D space can cause severalincompatibility issues that diminishes the user experience.This study aimed to help highlight what aspects of virtual reality need to be improvedcompared to non-virtual reality platforms to enhance the user experience. To do this,VRChat, a virtual reality platform was chosen, which can be used by both VR, and nonVR headset users alike. By comparing these two user bases it could help highlight thepros and cons of the current system and help give guidelines on how to create futureVR platforms. During the test period, 58 people participated who did specific tasks onthe platform and filled out the quantitative data gathering survey, based on the UserExperience Questionnaire (UEQ) test.After comparing the two user bases, the result shows that there is no significantdifference between using VRChat either way allowing both user bases to enjoy theplatform equally. However, because of these results, the work failed to highlight whataspects of a VR platform need to be changed to fit the needs of VR headset users. Itimplies the need for further research and experimenting with the medium. In the future,further research, testing and experimentation are needed to improve the current designmodels and make the systems more pleasant for VR headset users.
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Influence of the Vergence-Accommodation-Conflict by Using HMDs with Augmented Reality for Sport and Exercises - First ResultsBartaguiz, Eva, Mukhametov, Sergey, Dindorf, Carlo, Ludwig, Oliver, Kuhn, Jochen, Fröhlich, Michael 14 October 2022 (has links)
To improve the performance and capabilities of athletes, augmented reality could play an important role in exercise training. During training, these technologies support athletes in analyzing their training over all phases. Regardless of all potential advantages, the vergence-accommodation-conflict (VAC) could affect the effectiveness of training and performance. This work is aimed to evaluate the effect of VAC in different conditions. / Um die Leistungen und Fähigkeiten von Sportlern zu verbessern, könnte Augmented Reality eine wichtige Rolle im Training spielen. Während des Trainings unterstützen diese Technologien die Sportler bei der Analyse ihres Trainings in allen Phasen. Ungeachtet aller potenziellen Vorteile könnte der Vergenz-Akommodations-Konflikt (VAC) die Effektivität des Trainings und der Leistung beeinträchtigen. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, die Wirkung des VAC unter verschiedenen Bedingungen zu bewerten.
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Instructing workers through a head-worn Augmented Reality display and through a stationary screen on manual industrial assembly tasks : A comparison studyKenklies, Kai Malte January 2020 (has links)
It was analyzed if instructions on a head-worn Augmented Reality display (AR-HWD) are better for manual industrial assembly tasks than instructions on a stationary screen. A prototype was built which consisted of virtual instruction screens for two example assembly tasks. In a comparison study participants performed the tasks with instructions through an AR-HWD and alternatively through a stationary screen. Questionnaires, interviews and observation notes were used to evaluate the task performances and the user experience. The study revealed that the users were excited and enjoyed trying the technology. The perceived usefulness at the current state was diverse, but the users saw a huge potential in AR-HWDs for the future. The task accuracy with instructions on the AR-HWD was equally good as with instructions on the screen. AR-HWDs are found to be a better approach than a stationary screen, but technological limitations need to be overcome and workers need to train using the new technology to make its application efficient.
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