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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Stimulace silových, rychlostních a koordinačních schopností u brankáře v ledním hokeji / Stimulation of strength, speed, and coordination, abilities in the ice hockey goaltender

Dohnal, Vladimír January 2012 (has links)
Thesis title: Stimulation of strength, speed and coordination abilities in the ice hockey goaltender. Aim of the thesis: To describe theoretical basis of stimulation in ice hockey goaltenders. To design a model of goaltender's strength, speed and coordination training and to find suitable methods, means and forms of the stimulation of strength, speed and coordination abilities focused on youth teams and older goaltenders. Method: Qualitative analysis of document contents was used to identify the main theoretical basis of stimulation of goaltenders strength, speed and coordination abilities. Determiners of goaltenders' strength, speed and coordination development were described on the basis of deeper analysis. The main theoretical resources were finally integrated into a logical complex by the method of synthesis. On this basis the conception of strength, speed and coordination abilities stimulation could have been set up and suitable methods, means and forms of the goaltenders' strength, speed and coordination training could have been chosen with focus on youth teams and older goaltenders. Results: The thesis discusses the topic of stimulation of goaltender's strength, speed and coordination abilities, describes the basic theoretical basis and determiners of goaltenders' strength, speed and...

Návrh strategického plánu Asociace hráčů ledního hokeje / Ice Hockey Player's Association Strategic Plan Project

Ton, Martin January 2012 (has links)
Thesis name: Ice Hockey Players' Association strategic plan project Thesis aims: The main aim is to describe both external and internal environmental forces of Ice Hockey Players' Association and to design a complex strategic plan project for a specific time period 1.8.2012 - 31.7.2015. Methods: Supportive analytical methods SWOT and STEP were used as a descriptive analysis for identifying the initial situation of the organisation. Within the bounds of the descriptive analysis, focus group, and interview were used. Results: The outcome of this thesis is a complex project of Ice Hockey Players' Association strategic plan based on results of used analyses. Keywords: Players' association, Ice hockey, Strategic plan, SWOT analysis, STEP analysis, Non-profit organization.

Marketingový výzkum spokojenosti fanoušků HC Sparta Praha / Marketing research of HC Sparta Praha fans' saticfaction

Mikšovská, Klára January 2011 (has links)
Title: Marketing research of HC Sparta Praha fans' satisfaction Objectives: The main objective of this diploma thesis is to find out how satisfied were HC Sparta Praha fans with the quality and the quantity of services that were offered them during season 2010/2011. As the contribution of the diploma thesis I will propose, according to the outcome of the marketing research, new services that can HC Sparta Praha offer to increase the fans' satisfaction. I will eventually propose how to improve current services. Methods: I used a method of personal interview, electronic survey and observing in my diploma thesis. The method of personal interview was used for the preparation of a questionnaire. I interviewed employees of HC Sparta Praha's marketing department. The method of electronic survey was used for data collecting and I used observing when working in a Customer Care Centre and when attending HC Sparta Praha's home matches. Results: I found out, that HC Sparta Praha fans were satisfied with almost all services, that the club offered them. The most important thing, when attending home match, is a sport performance and the less important is a supplementary program. In total was the worst evaluation around number 3 ("not satisfied, nor dissatisfied"). Keywords: service, marketing mix in sport,...

Využití kompenzačních cvičení u mladých hokejistů / Using of compensation exercise in young ice hockey players

Šmíd, Tomáš January 2013 (has links)
Title: Using of compensation exercise in young ice hockey players Objectives: The main objective is to highlight the lack of compensatory exercise during the training process of junior ice hockey players and suggest improvements to this condition. Methods: Supporting documents were obtained from certified sources and quality of literature or web sites relating to information about ice hockey, the system of human motion, sports training and compensatory exercises. The practice was acquired by consultation, analysis, observation and measurement. Results: Analysis of the training plan of young adolescents HC Star Prague players found significant training load without adequate compensation. The proposed solution was inclusion training unit based on some of compensatory movements. To evaluate the effect of the proposal carried out a series of measurements of selected muscles shorten players. Keywords: ice hockey, youth, the systém of human motion, sports training, compensatory exercises, training unit, load

Mediální obraz české hokejové reprezentace v letech 2010 - 2015 / Media Coverage of the Czech ice-hockey team in 2010 - 2015

Valášková, Barbora January 2016 (has links)
This thesis entitled "The Media Image of the Czech Hockey Team in the years 2010 - 2015" deals with the presentation of the Czech national ice hockey team at the World Championships in 2010, 2013 and 2015, in the Mlada fronta Dnes and the Sport daily newspapers. It focuses on the media image created during the championships with different process, results and circumstances. The theoretical part presents the concepts, methods and procedures. It focuses on the introduction of semiotics, its principles and explains the basic concepts of the semiotics and semiotic analysis work. Another area is the media construction of reality, which is important for analyzing media image. The media coverage of the sports events, myths associated with it, creating a statute of athletes' celebrities or presentation of national pride and identity in the background of sports events are the important topics of the presented theoretical starting points. In the methodological part there is presented the research project explaining the topic, objective and a sample of the research, the tasks of the research and also questions addressed in subsequent practical part. Texts from the Mlada fronta Dnes and the Sport are analyzed using the method of semiotic analysis. In connection with the basic aim of the thesis and theories...

Úroveň rozvoje kondičních schopností hráčů juniorské kategorie dle testové baterie českého svazu ledního hokeje v roce 2014 a 2015 a možnosti jejího hodnocení. / The condition development by Czech Ice Hockey Association performance tests in years 2014 and 2015 and the possibilities of its evaluation

Kuřítko, Jaroslav January 2015 (has links)
Title of work: The condition development by Czech Ice Hockey Association performance tests in years 2014 and 2015 and the possibilities of its evaluation. Aim of work: The aim of this master's thesis is to research the development of fitness abilities in junior category and the possibilities of its evaluation. The main aim is to evaluate the results of tests from Czech ice hockey association database for preliminary period 2014 and 2015, and find out frequency of achieved performance, moreover compare it with indicative point value in model tests report. Thereafter, suggest oral evaluation for individual fitness tests. Method: Results were statistically processed in MS Office Excel and transcribed into charts. I set ten intervals for which I found out data. I always compound two intervals for the evaluation, therefore was created five point scale. I calculated the absolute frequency and relatively absolute frequency of given intervals. Cumulative values were calculated for both of them. I used oral evaluation, which was divided into five values. I orally evaluate what kind of prerequisites the player has for ice hockey according to the points which were gained in individual tests. For differences between seasons was done Cohen's d. .Results: I did not find out any statistic differences in results...

Komparace kondičního tréninku v ledním hokeji v Kanadě a České republice v soutěžním období / Comparison of off-ice training in Canada and Czech republic in season

Obrtel, Michael January 2017 (has links)
Title: Comparison of off-ice training in ice hockey in Canada and Czech republic in season. Objectives: Analyzing and comparing seletcted approaches of coaches from Canada and Czech republic. Methods: In our thesis we used a method of analysis and a method of comparison. The analysis method we used in the analysis of individual physical abilities of each period and annual training cycle and comparison method of comparing the information obtained from college internship, literature and expert consultations. Results: Based on comparison of several selected aproaches of strength and conditioning we can claim that selected strength and condtioning coaches use similar training philososphy, their work varies in mobility and endurance training and in using different modern technology. We also bulit mobility program. Keywords: ice hockey, off-ice training, comparison, strength stimulation, mobility stimulation

Úspěchy zlínského hokejového klubu ve vybraných médiích / Successes of the Zlín ice-hockey club as reported in chosen media

Jurák, Vojtěch January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the media presentation of three chosen successes the Zlín ice-hockey club has achieved since the 1990s. The practical part is constituted by a quantitative content analysis that studies three different types of newspaper and their online counterparts (a community paper the Zlínský deník, online at: zlinsky.denik.cz, a national paper with a developed regional supplement the Mladá fronta dnes, online at: idnes.cz and a national paper the Právo, online at: sport.cz) in three periods of time (the Czech ice-hockey league finals in 1995, 2004 and 2014). The analysis studied 873 media articles in total. In general, the extent of coverage increased strongly between the years 1995 and 2004. The coverage of the finals by the community media was the most detailed, just as supposed. Quite surprising was the extent of coverage by the Mladá fronta dnes that was larger than expected. The core of sports reporting didn't really change across time, titles or information channels. The news, stories and game evaluations comprised the biggest part of the coverage. But it was the form of reporting that kept changing. The most observable trends were the growth of visual content in time and the increasing position of the Internet. Especially in 2014, its usage was quite extensive.

Hockeyspelare - kombinerar nytta med nöje : - En kvalitativ studie om proferssionella ishockeyspelares engagemang i CSR-arbete

Alasalmi, Emmy, Mattsson, Lisa January 2019 (has links)
This study examines Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) within the industry of sports and more precisely in regards to professional ice hockey players. The purpose of this study is to achieve a deeper understanding of how professional ice hockey players organize themselves through philanthropic CSR and why these engage in this CSR-work and in turn how it affects their brand. To attain this purpose the study need to answer the following three questions: how do ice hockey players organize themselves using philanthropic CSR, what motivates them to do philanthropic CSR-work and lastly how is their brand affected by doing philanthropic CSR.To achieve this deeper knowledge eleven interviews were carried out to collect the empirical data for the study. The interviews were conducted with a deductive viewpoint which gradually turned into a inductive one. With this in mind the study has been carried out with previous studies being taken in consideration and after the conclusion of the interviews into the position of the individual hockey players. After analysing the results a strong connection between the empirical data and the theoretical framework could be confirmed and it became clear that the players did not use CSR for their own gain or benefits. The motives behind the players engagement with CSR-activities could be connected to their unique prerequisites, but also through the encourage they received from their surroundings. The motivation for CSR seemed to come from the will to transcend into the life after sports. / Denna studie behandlar Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) inom idrottsbranschen, med inriktning mot professionella ishockeyspelare. Studiens syfte är att erhålla en förståelse för hur professionella ishockeyspelare organiserar sig av filantropiskt CSR, samt undersöka vad som motiverar dem till det filantropiska CSR-arbetet och hur detta i sin tur påverkar ishockeyspelarens varumärke. Följande frågeställningar ska besvaras för att uppnå syftet: hur organiserar sig ishockeyspelare genom filantropiskt CSR-arbete, vad motiverar dem till filantropiskt CSR-arbete samt hur deras varumärke påverkas av filantropiskt CSR-arbete? För att nå den djupa förståelsen har empirin samlats in genom elva semistrukturerade intervjuer. Studien har utgått från ett deduktivt synsätt men har gradvis övergått till ett induktivt synsätt. Således har studien utgått från tidigare kunskap för forskningsämnet men efter de utförda intervjuerna övergått till ishockeyspelarnas ställningstagande. Efter en analysering av studien kunde starka kopplingar mellan det empiriska materialet och den teoretiska referensramen konstateras. Efter arbetets gång blev det tydligt att ishockeyspelarna inte använder sig av CSR för sin egna skull eller för sin egna vinning. Motiven bakom ishockeyspelarnas engagemang för CSR kunde kopplas till deras unika förutsättningar, men även av uppmuntran av sin omgivning. Motivationen för CSR engagemang visade sig fortleva i livet efter idrotten.

Nackuthållighet hos friska ishockeyspelare : En pilotstudie

Grealish, Erica January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Hjärnskakning är en vanlig skada inom ishockey. Efter skada ses även påverkan på cervikala strukturer och nackutredning föreslås som en del i undersökningen efter hjärnskakning.  Neck Flexor Endurance Test är ett test som använts för att mäta nackflexorernas uthållighet. Syftet med den här studien var att fastställa normalvärde för junior-senior ishockeyspelares uthållighet i stabiliserande cervikal muskulatur.  Design:Deskriptiv pilotstudie Metod: Totalt 40 friska ishockeyspelare (33 herrjuniorer och 7 damspelare) testades i ryggliggande. Testpersonen höll huvudet statiskt i given position och testledaren observerade att testen utfördes rätt och klockade tiden med tidtagarur. Inga andra hjälpmedel användes. Varje deltagare hade två försök och tiden mellan försök ett och två var två minuter Resultat: Medelvärde för hela gruppens båda försök var 55,5 sekunder. Medelvärde för försök ett var för hela gruppen 62,3 sekunder +22,8, försök två 48,5 sekunder +18,1. Skillnaden mellan försök ett och försök två var statistiskt säkerställd (p<0,05). Konklusion: 40 friska ishockeyspelare har i den här studien uthållighet i nackens flexorer på i medelvärde 62,3 sekunder i ett försök. Spridningen var för stor för att man ska kunna ge råd om generell baseline. Skillnaden mellan gruppens försök ett och försök två tyder på att längre tid än två minuter behövs för full återhämtning av testade muskler.

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