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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A mtDNA study of aspects of the recent evolutionary history and phylogeographic structure of selected teleosts in coastal environments of south-western Australia

rhoddell@central.murdoch.edu.au, Richard James Hoddell January 2003 (has links)
At present, there is a general lack of information regarding the spatial genetic architecture and genetic diversity of estuarine and coastal freshwater fish in Australia or about the interacting intrinsic, extrinsic and historical influences responsible for sculpting these patterns. This thesis represented the first investigation of the phylogeographic structure and recent evolutionary histories of teleost fishes from the coastal and estuarine environments of south-western Australia, using the resolution afforded by mtDNA sequence data. Available evidence indicated that, to different degrees, these species have limited potential for dispersal amongst local assemblages from different water bodies. As this theoretically reduces the confounding effects of recent gene flow on extant genetic structure, these fishes were well suited to studying the influences of historical factors. Historical influences were expected to be particularly profound, given that these coastal environments underwent massive modifications during Late Quaternary eustatic fluctuations. The thesis consists of four major components, which explored different aspects of interspecific and intraspecific phylogeny and p hylogeograp hy of three teleost species, based on mtDNA control region and cytochrome b fragments. First, the relationship between the endemic, 'strictly estuarine' Leptatherina wallacei (Atherinidae) and the more widespread, 'estuarine & marine' 6. presbyteroides was examined, with a view to establishing whether 6. wallacei represents a monophyletic or polyphyletic lineage and whether this species was derived recently (i.e. in Holocene estuaries). Second, the phylogeographic structure and genetic diversity of L. wallacei were investigated and compared with data from L. presbyteroides, with a view to using this information to interpret the recent evolutionary histories of each congener. Third, the divergence between assemblages of L. wallacei inhabiting two isolated coastal lakes was used to estimate a maximal substitution rate for the control region, which was then used to infer general time frames for the divergence between the two Leptatherina species and between the major phylogeographic partitions within each species. Fourth, investigations were initiated into phylogeographic patterns and levels of genetic diversity within and among assemblages of Pseudogobius olorum (Gobiidae) from several coastal lakes and an estuary. Phylogenetic analyses indicated that the two Leptatherina species were characterised by exclusive and reciprocally-monophyletic lineages of haplotypes from both mtDNA regions, supporting the monophyletic origins of L. wallacei. Both 6. wallacei and 6. presbyteroides exhibited high levels of genetic diversity and extensive overall subdivision (e.g. Qsr = 0.691 & 0.644 respectively for control region data). There was a profound phylogeographic break in both species between all conspecific assemblages from the lower west coast (LWC phylogroup) and all those from the south coast (SC phylogroup), which suggested the influences of shared extrinsic and/or historical factors. There was limited genetic structuring within the two major phylogroups of either Leptatherina species, apparently reflecting recent connectivity amongst local assemblages, with subsequent fragmentation and insufficient time for lineage sorting. However, two major phylogeographic breaks distinguished monophyletic control region phylogroups of L. wallacei from the isolated coastal Lake Clifton and Lake Walyungup, consistent with their independent evolution following lacustrine entrapment during the Holocene. The divergence between these two isolated lacustrine assemblages of Leptatherina wallaceiformed the basis for an estimate of the maximal substitution rate of the control region. While these data were unable to provide a precise estimate of the actual rate of molecular evolution, all the evidence suggested that it was proceeding very rapidly. The maximal rate estimate of 172.3% lineage-' MY-' was among the fastest ever reported. Based on this rate, the two Leptatherina species diverged at least 1 SKya, thus rejecting a Holocene origin for L. wallacei. The divergence between the LWC and SC phylogroups of L. wallacei has been ongoing for at least GKya, while the equivalent divergence in L. presbyteroides has been ongoing for at least 11 Kya. As the time frames of these divergences were consistent with periods of massive environmental modifications associated with the end-Pleistocene fall in sea level and the HMT, it was likely that these factors have played important roles in sculpting the species' divergence and intra-specific genetic structure. Although useful in temporally scaling genetic divergences within and between the two Leptatherina species, wider application of this rate estimate to questions regarding other taxa was limited. For example, evident rate heterogeneity between the genera precluded its use with even the relatively closely-related atherinid Atherinosoma elongafa. Phylogeographic analyses identified high levels of genetic diversity and extensive genetic subdivision (e.g. st = 0.652 for control region) amongst an estuarine and several lacustrine assemblages of Pseudogobius olorum, although phylogeographic structure was shallower than in either Leptatherina species. There was increased divergence between three assemblages from the lower west coast and two from the south coast, consistent with the profound break evident in the Leptatherina. One lacustrine assemblage appeared to represent a distinct lineage and a preliminary maximal rate estimate (~61.4% lineage-1 MY-1) was calculated based on the minimum divergence of this assemblage from its nearest conspecifics. Although slower than the rate calculated for L. wallacei, this was still high for teleost fishes. Overall, this study indicated that historical environmental factors, especially those related to Quaternary eustatic changes, have played important roles in sculpting the phylogeography and evolution of three teleost species from south-western Australia. Moreover, as these species have differential dependencies on estuarine environments (is. 'strictly estuarine' vs 'estuarine & marine') and represented two different taxonomic groups (i.e. Atherinoidei & Gobioidei), historical environmental factors may have exerted similar influences on other coastal species in the region.

PaleoENSO reconstructions of the Holocene and Last Glacial Period

Driscoll, Robin Eleanor January 2015 (has links)
In this study, specimens of Tridacna sp., which are reef dwelling bivalve molluscs and have been shown to live up to 60 years, collected from the Huon Peninsula, Papua New Guinea, were sampled for geochemical profiles. The Huon Peninsula is in the heart of the Western Pacific Warm Pool (WPWP), which plays a key role in ENSO dynamics. The uplifted reef terraces of the Huon Peninsula have been extensively studied, and are well dated, which gives the opportunity to reconstruct the local climate of this region at key intervals during the past. Previous work on Tridacna sp. has shown that they precipitate their aragonite shell in equilibrium with the surrounding seawater, and the δ18O profile of a modern T. gigas from the Huon Peninsula has been shown to correlate with precipitation and temperature anomalies, and the Niño 3.4 temperature anomaly record. Fossil samples from this region are therefore assumed to have the ability to capture changes in δ18O attributable to ENSO. Seasonally resolved δ18O measurements from Tridacna sp. from early Holocene and Marine Isotope Stage 3 (MIS3) reefs were used to reconstruct changes in mean climate, seasonality and inter-annual variability (e.g. ENSO). Reconstructions of the mean state tend to agree with previously published studies of Holocene and MIS3 climate, showing similar temperatures to today during the early Holocene, and an average cooling of 2- 3°C during MIS3. The early Holocene Tridacna sp. samples show a reduction in seasonality, consistent with the reduction in seasonal insolation at this time, while those from MIS3 show variable seasonality between 30-60ka. ENSO appears to have been supressed during the early Holocene by up to 50% compared with the late 20th century, which is consistent with coral data and modelling studies. During MIS3, ENSO appears to have been more variable with some records showing anomalous warm and cool events as strong as those seen in the modern T. gigas, used here as a benchmark. Trace element profiles derived from the Tridacna sp. used in this study show a tentative link with temperature and local productivity, but these relationships are subject to species specific and intra-shell effects.

Vegetation Modeling of Holocene Landscapes in the Southern Levant

January 2011 (has links)
abstract: This dissertation creates models of past potential vegetation in the Southern Levant during most of the Holocene, from the beginnings of farming through the rise of urbanized civilization (12 to 2.5 ka BP). The time scale encompasses the rise and collapse of the earliest agrarian civilizations in this region. The archaeological record suggests that increases in social complexity were linked to climatic episodes (e.g., favorable climatic conditions coincide with intervals of prosperity or marked social development such as the Neolithic Revolution ca. 11.5 ka BP, the Secondary Products Revolution ca. 6 ka BP, and the Middle Bronze Age ca. 4 ka BP). The opposite can be said about periods of climatic deterioration, when settled villages were abandoned as the inhabitants returned to nomadic or semi nomadic lifestyles (e.g., abandonment of the largest Neolithic farming towns after 8 ka BP and collapse of Bronze Age towns and cities after 3.5 ka BP during the Late Bronze Age). This study develops chronologically refined models of past vegetation from 12 to 2.5 ka BP, at 500 year intervals, using GIS, remote sensing and statistical modeling tools (MAXENT) that derive from species distribution modeling. Plants are sensitive to alterations in their environment and respond accordingly. Because of this, they are valuable indicators of landscape change. An extensive database of historical and field gathered observations was created. Using this database as well as environmental variables that include temperature and precipitation surfaces for the whole study period (also at 500 year intervals), the potential vegetation of the region was modeled. Through this means, a continuous chronology of potential vegetation of the Southern Levantwas built. The produced paleo-vegetation models generally agree with the proxy records. They indicate a gradual decline of forests and expansion of steppe and desert throughout the Holocene, interrupted briefly during the Mid Holocene (ca. 4 ka BP, Middle Bronze Age). They also suggest that during the Early Holocene, forest areas were extensive, spreading into the Northern Negev. The two remaining forested areas in the Northern and Southern Plateau Region in Jordan were also connected during this time. The models also show general agreement with the major cultural developments, with forested areas either expanding or remaining stable during prosperous periods (e.g., Pre Pottery Neolithic and Middle Bronze Age), and significantly contracting during moments of instability (e.g., Late Bronze Age). / Dissertation/Thesis / Ph.D. Geography 2011

Assembléias de diatomáceas em sedimentos holocênicos no estremo sul do Brasil : reconstruções paleoambientais

Santos, Cristiane Bahi dos January 2011 (has links)
O presente trabalho descreve as assembléias de diatomáceas, presentes em um perfil sedimentar na Lagoa do Peixe, Litoral Médio do Rio Grande do Sul, com o objetivo de efetuar a reconstrução paleoambiental e identificar os períodos de maior influência marinha e hidrodinâmica, como conseqüências das variações do nível do mar ocorridas durante o Holoceno. O testemunho de sondagem T09 foi selecionado para estudo, devido à boa recuperação e à presença de um espesso pacote de lama próximo à base. Os resultados da análise de diatomáceas revelaram a presença de 114 táxons, constituintes das assembléias fósseis, dominadas pelo complexo de Paralia (Paralia fenestrata, P.sulcata e Paralia sp.), associados à táxons marinhos, entre eles: Auliscus caelatus e Triceratium favus; e os táxons marinhos salobros: Cyclotella striata, Dimeregramma marinum, D. minor var. minor e Psamococconeis disculoides, entre outros. Os resultados da distribuição, tafonomia e paleoecologia do complexo de Paralia e das assembléias presentes ao longo do perfil, forneceram maior detalhamento evolutivo do sistema lagunar associadas à ocorrência de três oscilações de alta freqüência do nível do mar na PCRS, interligadas à períodos de maior influência hidrodinâmica, comprovando que a morfologia lagunar sofreu intensas modificações ao longo do tempo. Entre as idades de 7420-7020 e 5370-5340 anos AP, ocorreram duas oscilações de alta freqüência, que atingiram o sistema lagunar, afetando diretamente as assembléias presentes. Entre as idades de 5370-5340- 2340-2060 anos AP, ocorreu uma terceira oscilação de alta freqüência, concordando com o máximo transgressivo registrado para a região sul do Brasil. A distinta composição observada entre as assembléias fósseis e atuais (preservadas em sedimentos superficiais) é um indicativo de que durante o Holoceno, a Lagoa do Peixe comportou-se como um sistema lagunar, apresentando características morfosedimentares, geomorfológicas, hidrodinâmicas e ecológicas, totalmente diferente das condições atuais, onde assume configurações de lagoa costeira semi-fechada, de ligação restrita com o oceano por meio de um canal de ligação. / This paper describes the diatom assemblages present in a sediment profile in the Lagoa do Peixe, Middle Littoral of Rio Grande do Sul, in order to make the palaeoenvironmental reconstruction and identify periods of increased marine influence and hydrodynamics, as a consequence of changes sea level occurred during the Holocene. The drill core T09 was selected for study due to good recovery and the presence of a thick pack of mud near the base. The results of diatom analysis revealed the presence of 114 taxa, constituents of fossil assemblages, dominated by complex Paralia (Paralia fenestrata, P.sulcata and Paralia sp.), associated with marine taxa: Auliscus caelatus and Triceratium favus, brackish and marine taxa: Cyclotella striata, Dimeregramma marinum, D. minor var.minor and Psamococconeis disculoides, among others. The results of the distribution, taphonomy and paleoecology of Paralia complex assemblages, present along the profile, provided a more detailed evolution of the lagoon system associated with the occurrence of three high-frequency oscillations in sea level in the PCRS, linked to periods of greater influence hydrodynamics, proving that the lagoon morphology underwent enormous changes over time. Between the ages of 7420- 7020 and 5370-5340 years BP, there were two high frequency oscillations, which reached the lagoon system, directly affecting the assemblages present. Between the ages of 5370-5340- 2340-2060 years BP, there was a third high frequency oscillation, in agreement with the transgressive maximum recorded for the southern region of Brazil. The difference in composition observed between the modern and fossil assemblages (preserved in surface sediments), is an indication that during the Holocene, the Lagoa do Peixe, behaved like a lagoon system, whose morphosedimentar, geomorphological, hydrodynamic and ecological characteristics were totally dissimilar from actual conditions representing semi-enclosed coastal lagoon which had restricted connection with the oceano through an inlet.

Solar Variability over the Last 9000 Years

Wu, Chi-Ju 23 May 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Paléoenvironnements holocènes et anthropisation en région aride : signaux polliniques actuels et fossiles du complexe paralique de Bahiret el Bibane (Tunisie méridionale) / Holocene paleoenvironments and human impact under arid climate : modern and fossil pollen data from the paralic complex of Bahiret el Bibane (southern Tunisia)

Jaouadi, Sahbi 17 March 2017 (has links)
Cette étude vise à reconstituer les paysages et les paléoclimats holocènes des marges désertiques de la Tunisie méridionale. Elle se fonde sur les données de la pluie pollinique actuelle et les données polliniques holocènes de la Sebkha Boujmel et de Bahiret el Bibane, complétées par des datations 14C et l’analyse de la fraction argileuse du sédiment. La relation pollen/végétation/climat est élaborée à partir d’échantillons de surface au sol recueillis le long du réseau hydrographique et à la surface de la Sebkha Boujmel et de Bahiret el Bibane. Les résultats obtenus indiquent une bonne représentation des écosystèmes régionaux à la surface de ces réceptacles. La variabilité spatiale des spectres polliniques traduit bien les gradients d’humidité climatique et édaphique selon deux axes nord-sud et est-ouest. L’étude de l’influence des événements d’inondations sur la concentration et la composition des spectres polliniques, à partir d’une carotte couvrant le dernier siècle (BL12-10), ne révèle pas des modifications majeures des spectres polliniques guidés par les évènements d’inondation. Les données paléoécologiques sont obtenues à partir de l’analyse pollinique de deux carottes, BJM2 dans la Sebkha Boujmel et BL12-7 dans la Bahiret el Bibane. La séquence BJM2 couvrant les 8 deniers millénaires est complétée par l’analyse de la composition de la fraction argileuse du sédiment modulé par les dynamiques de mobilisation des sables désertiques. L’ensemble des données est intégré dans un modèle âge-profondeur issu de 11 datations 14 C AMS. La tendance climatique millénaire en Tunisie méridionale au cours de l’Holocène moyen et supérieur indique une aridification croissante à partir de 5,7 ka, en accord avec les changements des paramètres orbitaux et de l’insolation et l’épisode d’aridité enregistré au sud de la Méditerranée à la fin de la Période Humide Africaine. Cette aridification s’achève vers 3 ka avec la mise en place des écosystèmes végétaux prédésertiques et des événements climatiques rapides désormais synchrones des événements de refroidissement Nord Atlantique. La biogéographie régionale montre la présence d’une végétation arborée méditerranéenne sur le relief et une steppe graminéenne sur les piedmonts et dans la plaine au cours des phases humides de l’Holocène moyen. Les changements de la végétation jusqu’à 3ka sont largement modulés par l’aridification climatique et l’impact anthropique demeure limité. A partir du 3ème siècle BC, l’enregistrement d’Olea et de Vitis marque l’intensification de l’impact anthropique, à travers l’agriculture, qui se superpose à celui des sociétés pastorales au cours des périodes Punique et Romaine. L’impact anthropique s’observe ensuite par phases récurrentes d’intensification engendrant des modifications dans les paysages végétaux, en particulier entre 850 AD et 1150 AD avec une augmentation des taux de l’armoise ainsi qu’au cours du 20ème siècle. Cette dernière période enregistre une importante dégradation des environnements locaux traduisant les changements socio-économiques des sociétés avec la sédentarisation et les développements du pastoralisme et de l’agriculture. / This study aims at reconstructing the Holocene landscapes and palaeoclimates of the desert margins of southern Tunisia. It is based on the study of modern pollen rain and Holocene pollen data from Sebkha Boujmel and Bahiret el Bibane, supplemented by 14C dates and sediment clay mineralogy. The pollen/vegetation/climate relationship is based on soil surface samples collected along the hydrographic network and on the surface of Sebkha Boujmel and Bahiret el Bibane. The obtained results indicate a good representation of the regional ecosystems on the surface of the Sebkha and the lagoon. The spatial variability of pollen spectra clearly reflects climatic and edaphic humidity gradients along two north-south and east-west axes. The study of the influence of flood events on the concentration and composition of pollen spectra from a core spanning the last century (BL12-10) does not reveal major changes in pollen spectra triggered by these flooding events. Paleoecological data are obtained from the pollen analysis of two cores, BJM2 in Sebkha Boujmel and BL12-7 in Bahiret el Bibane. The BJM2 sequence spanning the last 8 millennium is supplemented by clay mineralogical analysis of the sediment related to the dynamics of desert sand mobilization and by the integration of the data in an age-depth model based on 11 14C AMS dates. During the Middle and Upper Holocene, the millennial climate trend in Southern Tunisia indicates increased aridity from 5.7 ka, in accordance with changes in orbital and insolation parameters and increased aridity recorded in the southern Mediterranean after the African Humid Period. This aridity trends ends at ca 3 ka with the establishment of pre-desert plant ecosystems and Rapid Climate Changes henceforth synchronous of North Atlantic cooling events. Regional biogeography shows the presence of Mediterranean vegetation on the mountains and a grassy steppe on the piedmonts and the plain during the humid phases of the Middle Holocene. Changes in vegetation up to 3ka are largely modulated by climatic aridification while the anthropogenic impact remains limited. From the 3rd century BC, the record of Olea and Vitis indicates an intensification of the anthropogenic impact through agriculture, which is superimposed on that of the pastoral societies during the Punic and Roman periods. The anthropogenic impact thus marks phases of intensification that cause changes in plant landscapes especially between 850 AD and 1150 AD with an increase in wormwood, and during the 20th century. The latter period shows a significant degradation of local environments reflecting the socio-economic changes of local societies with sedentism and intensive pastoralism and agriculture.

Holocenní požárová aktivita vrcholových partií Krušných hor s důrazem na období středověku / Holocene fire dynamics in the upper parts of the Ore Mountains with the focus on the Middle Ages

PRAVCOVÁ, Ivana January 2018 (has links)
The literature review part of master thesis deals with the general topics like holocene (landscape, vegetation development), fire activities and abandoned medieval villages with the focus on the site Spindelbach located in the Ore mountains. Second part of the thesis shows the results of a microcharcoal analysis from this site.

Análise estratigráfica da barreira transgressiva holocênica na região da Lagoa do Sombrio, SC

Silva, Anderson Biancini da January 2011 (has links)
Na Planície Costeira Sul de Santa Catarina, entre o rio Mampituba e o norte da lagoa do Sombrio encontram-se depósitos costeiros gerados por transgressões e regressões da linha de costa durante o Quaternário. A área de estudo situa-se em um suave embaiamento costeiro onde a barreira holocênica apresenta um comportamento progradacional. Contudo, dados de subsuperfície adquiridos através do método geofísico do GPR na porção mais interna deste setor, revelaram a presença de refletores inclinados no sentido do continente, evidenciando a fase retrogradacional da barreira holocênica. Estes refletores são interpretados como estratos sedimentares formados em ambiente subaquoso, correspondente à margem lagunar que progradou no sentido do continente. A inversão dos refletores no sentido do oceano corresponde à fase progradacional, sendo estes interpretados como estratos formados no pós-praia (backshore) e na zona de estirâncio (foreshore). As diferentes fácies reconhecidas em subsuperficie com o GPR foram caracterizadas com o auxilio de dois furos de sondagens SPT (Standard Penetration Test). Os dados obtidos nos testemunhos permitiram diferenciar aspectos como textura, cor, conteúdo fossilífero, teor de matéria orgânica e forma dos grãos. Os depósitos sedimentares relacionados à fase retrogradacional são representados por areias finas a muito finas, com a presença de até 34% de lama. Por outro lado, os depósitos relacionados à fase progradacional são compostos por areias finas sem contribuição significativa de lama. Por fim, a datação por radiocarbono de um fragmento de madeira, localizado na fácies interpretada como a margem lagunar, revelou que esta foi depositada há cerca de 8 ka AP, em um nível relativo do mar aproximadamente 7 m abaixo do atual. Esta margem, que progradou no sentido do continente, corresponde à fase retrogradacional (transgressiva) da barreira holocênica. / In the Southern Santa Catarina Coastal Plain, between Mampituba river and the northern Sombrio lagoon, are present coastal deposits generated by shoreline transgressions and regressions during the Quaternary. The study area is situated on a gentle coastal embayment where the holocenic barrier has a progradational behavior. However, subsurface data acquired through the GPR in the innermost portion of this sector, revealed the presence of reflectors inclined landward, evidencing the retrogradational phase of the holocenic barrier. These reflectors are interpreted as sedimentary strata formed in subaqueous environment, corresponding to the margin lagoon which prograded landward. The reversal of reflectors basinward corresponds to the progradational phase, which is interpreted as backshore and foreshore strata. The facies recognized in subsurface with GPR were characterized with the aid of two SPT (Standard Penetration Test) drill holes. The core data allowed differentiate aspects such as texture, color, grain shape, fossil and organic matter content. Sedimentary deposits related to the retrogradational phase are represented by fine to very fine sand, with the presence of until 34% of mud. On the other hand, progradational deposits are composed of fine sand without significant mud content. Finally, the radiocarbon dating of a wood fragment, located in lagoon margin facies, showed that it was deposited at about 8 ka BP, in a mean sea level of around 7 m below the current level. This margin, which prograded landwards, corresponds to the retrogradational phase of the holocenic barrier (transgressive).

Assembléias de diatomáceas em sedimentos holocênicos no estremo sul do Brasil : reconstruções paleoambientais

Santos, Cristiane Bahi dos January 2011 (has links)
O presente trabalho descreve as assembléias de diatomáceas, presentes em um perfil sedimentar na Lagoa do Peixe, Litoral Médio do Rio Grande do Sul, com o objetivo de efetuar a reconstrução paleoambiental e identificar os períodos de maior influência marinha e hidrodinâmica, como conseqüências das variações do nível do mar ocorridas durante o Holoceno. O testemunho de sondagem T09 foi selecionado para estudo, devido à boa recuperação e à presença de um espesso pacote de lama próximo à base. Os resultados da análise de diatomáceas revelaram a presença de 114 táxons, constituintes das assembléias fósseis, dominadas pelo complexo de Paralia (Paralia fenestrata, P.sulcata e Paralia sp.), associados à táxons marinhos, entre eles: Auliscus caelatus e Triceratium favus; e os táxons marinhos salobros: Cyclotella striata, Dimeregramma marinum, D. minor var. minor e Psamococconeis disculoides, entre outros. Os resultados da distribuição, tafonomia e paleoecologia do complexo de Paralia e das assembléias presentes ao longo do perfil, forneceram maior detalhamento evolutivo do sistema lagunar associadas à ocorrência de três oscilações de alta freqüência do nível do mar na PCRS, interligadas à períodos de maior influência hidrodinâmica, comprovando que a morfologia lagunar sofreu intensas modificações ao longo do tempo. Entre as idades de 7420-7020 e 5370-5340 anos AP, ocorreram duas oscilações de alta freqüência, que atingiram o sistema lagunar, afetando diretamente as assembléias presentes. Entre as idades de 5370-5340- 2340-2060 anos AP, ocorreu uma terceira oscilação de alta freqüência, concordando com o máximo transgressivo registrado para a região sul do Brasil. A distinta composição observada entre as assembléias fósseis e atuais (preservadas em sedimentos superficiais) é um indicativo de que durante o Holoceno, a Lagoa do Peixe comportou-se como um sistema lagunar, apresentando características morfosedimentares, geomorfológicas, hidrodinâmicas e ecológicas, totalmente diferente das condições atuais, onde assume configurações de lagoa costeira semi-fechada, de ligação restrita com o oceano por meio de um canal de ligação. / This paper describes the diatom assemblages present in a sediment profile in the Lagoa do Peixe, Middle Littoral of Rio Grande do Sul, in order to make the palaeoenvironmental reconstruction and identify periods of increased marine influence and hydrodynamics, as a consequence of changes sea level occurred during the Holocene. The drill core T09 was selected for study due to good recovery and the presence of a thick pack of mud near the base. The results of diatom analysis revealed the presence of 114 taxa, constituents of fossil assemblages, dominated by complex Paralia (Paralia fenestrata, P.sulcata and Paralia sp.), associated with marine taxa: Auliscus caelatus and Triceratium favus, brackish and marine taxa: Cyclotella striata, Dimeregramma marinum, D. minor var.minor and Psamococconeis disculoides, among others. The results of the distribution, taphonomy and paleoecology of Paralia complex assemblages, present along the profile, provided a more detailed evolution of the lagoon system associated with the occurrence of three high-frequency oscillations in sea level in the PCRS, linked to periods of greater influence hydrodynamics, proving that the lagoon morphology underwent enormous changes over time. Between the ages of 7420- 7020 and 5370-5340 years BP, there were two high frequency oscillations, which reached the lagoon system, directly affecting the assemblages present. Between the ages of 5370-5340- 2340-2060 years BP, there was a third high frequency oscillation, in agreement with the transgressive maximum recorded for the southern region of Brazil. The difference in composition observed between the modern and fossil assemblages (preserved in surface sediments), is an indication that during the Holocene, the Lagoa do Peixe, behaved like a lagoon system, whose morphosedimentar, geomorphological, hydrodynamic and ecological characteristics were totally dissimilar from actual conditions representing semi-enclosed coastal lagoon which had restricted connection with the oceano through an inlet.

Paleoecologia do sistema Pinguela-Palmital-Malvas, holoceno da Bacia de Pelotas, RS, Brasil : uma abordagem focada na utilização de diatomáceas (Bacillariophyta) como descritores paleoambientais / Paleoecology of the Pinguela-Palmital-Malvas system, holocene of the Pelotas basin, RS, Brazil an approach focused on the use of diatoms (Bacillariophyta) as environmental descriptors

Hermany, Guilherme January 2009 (has links)
Diatomáceas do Quaternário são indicadoras úteis de alterações de habitats locais desde ambientes terrestres até ambientes marinhos profundos, produzindo conhecimento a respeito de alterações do nível da coluna d'água em lagos, mudanças do nível relativo do mar e química da água. Embora extensamente utilizadas por pesquisadores europeus e norte americanos, no Brasil, o potencial paleontológico das diatomáceas ainda é pouco explorado, haja vista o reduzido número de trabalhos publicados em que a análise deste grupo constituiu objetivo central. Para o caso da Planície Costeira do Rio Grande do Sul, o papel suplementar das diatomáceas nos estudos paleoecológicos efetivados torna-se manifesto em função do inexpressivo número de espécies citadas. Além disso, no que tange ao processamento dos dados nestes estudos, a definição de intervalos fundamentou-se em critérios subjetivos dos pesquisadores já que, exceção à parte, não são mencionados procedimentos estatísticos de exame dos resultados quantitativos. Neste contexto, executou-se pesquisa visando reconstituir os sucessivos paleoambientes do sistema lacustre Pinguela-Palmital-Malvas na porção emersa norte da Bacia de Pelotas, durante o Holoceno a partir de 89 amostras do testemunho de sondagem PM-RS-D01 com 4,87 m de profundidade total, utilizando diatomáceas como descritores. Uma maior objetividade dentro deste enfoque foi obtida pela definição de espécies indicadoras de conjuntos de unidades amostrais oriundos de níveis de particionamentos significativos em análises de agrupamento, prática importada do estudo da ecologia de espécies atuais. Desta forma, um pequeno número de espécies representativas para determinado intervalo estratigráfico atuaram como descritoras, a partir das quais inferências paleoambientais puderam ser desenvolvidas. O poço revelou as assembléias de diatomáceas fósseis mais diversificadas para estudos até então conduzidos na Planície Costeira Norte do Rio Grande do Sul. Estas refletiram essencialmente oscilações de habitats decorrentes de atores climáticos e eustáticos que marcaram de maneira evidente duas fases distintas da história evolutiva recente do Sistema Pinguela-Palmital-Malvas. Inicialmente, no período compreendido entre 4.600 +/-70 anos AP e 3.950 +/- 70 anos AP, ocorre alternância entre estratos compostos pela preponderância de tafocenoses mixohalinas e intervalos caracterizados pela supremacia de espécies dulciaqüícolas em um contexto transgressivo. Ali, os registros determinados por Actinocyclus normanii, Cyclotella striata e Diploneis smithii refletem períodos de clima mais seco, quando o volume de água doce drenado para a bacia era menor e a evaporação mais intensa. De forma inversa, Aulacoseira cf. agassizii determinou o esclarecimento de etapas de incremento do afluxo lótico por variação positiva do regime pluviométrico intensificado em decorrência do estabelecimento de condições provavelmente relacionados à vigência do fenômeno El niño. Após 3.950 +/- 70 anos AP, alterações sedimentológicas e bióticas significativas como o estabelecimento de fácies com predomínio de areias e a maior diversidade e abundância de vestígios de espécies perifíticas, caracterizam o início do processo de regressão correlacionável com o registro de diversos pesquisadores do Holoceno da Planície Costeira gaúcha. No entanto, a análise diatomológica revelou heterogeneidade ambiental inédita para o trecho, comprovando a existência de um processo constituído por, pelo menos, cinco rompimentos da tendência predominantemente regressiva bem como de momentos de russurgência de período climático úmido e seco. A manutenção da coerência das interpretações paleoambientais obtidas, quando confrontadas a estudos pregressos, e a detecção de processos originais para a região, assinalam a eficiência dos procedimentos estatísticos empregados baseados no estabelecimento de agrupamentos significativos e destaque à espécies reguladoras destes particionamentos. / Quaternary diatoms are useful indicatives of alterations occurred in local habitats, since terrestrial as well as deep marine environments, producing knowledge concerning alterations of the water column level in lakes, changes in sea level and the chemistry of the water. Although extensively utilized by European and North American researchers, the paleontologic potential of diatoms is still little explored in Brazil, taking into account the small number of papers published on the subject. In the case of the Coastal Plains of Rio Grande do Sul, the supplementary role of diatoms in paleoecological studies is expressed through the inexpressive number of species mentioned in paleolimnological publications. Furthermore, as far as data processing is concerned, the definition zones in these studies was based on subjective criteria once statistical procedures of quantitative results were not mentioned. In this context, a research was conducted aiming to reconstitute paleoenvironments of the lacustrine Pinguela-Palmital-Malvas System, on the emerged portion north of Pelotas Basin during the Holocene. This study is based on 89 subsurface samples from the PM-RSDO1 core (4,87 m of total depth), using diatoms- as descriptors. Thus, a better objectivity was obtained by defining the species indicative of sets of sampling units originated from levels of significant partitioning in grouping analyses, a practice imported from the study of actual ecology. This way, a small number of representative species of a certain stratigraphic interval acted as descriptors, from which paleonenvironmental inferences were drawn. The core revealed the most diversified assemblages of fossil diatoms for studies conducted on the Coastal Plains North of Rio Grande do Sul. Essentially, they reflected oscillations of habitats resulting from climatic and eustatic actors that clearly set two distinct phases of recent evolutionary history of the Pinguela-Palmital-Malvas System. Initially, between 4.600 +/- 70 years BP and 3.950 +/- years BP, an alternation occurred between strata constituted predominantly by mixohaline taphocenoses and intervals characterized by supremacy of freshwater species in a transgressive context. There, records of Actinocyclus normanii, Cyclotella striata and Diploneis smithili reflect periods of a drier climate as the volume of fresh water drained into the basin was smaller and evaporation was more intense. On the contrary, Aulacoseira cf. agassizii determined the clarification on stages of increment of the lotic influx through positive variation of intensive pluviometric regime due to conditions probably related to El niño phenomenon. After 3.950 +/- 70 years AP, significant sedimentological and biotic alterations, like the establishment of facies with sandy and greater diversity and abundance of signs of periphytic species characterize the beginning of the regression process likely to be correlated with the record of several researchers of the Holocene of these Coastal Plains. However, the diatomalogic analysis revealed an environmental heterogeneity unusual for that stretch, proving the existence of a process constituted of at least five ruptures on a predominantly regressive tendency, as well as moments of resurgence of a humid and dry climatic period. The maintenance of these coherent paleoenvironmental interpretations, compared with previous studies, and the discovery of original processes for the region show the efficiency of the statistical procedures here used, based on the establishment of significant groupings and the prominence of regulating species from this partitioning.

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