Spelling suggestions: "subject:"hostpathogen relationship"" "subject:"host:pathogen relationship""
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Citrobacter rodentium infection in mice to dissect host pathogen relationship in the gutSalwa, Taneem January 2016 (has links)
Citrobacter rodentium is a gut pathogen, which infects the distal colon of mice. It has many similarities to human Enteropathogenic and Enterohemorrhagic E.coli in terms of mechanisms of pathogenicity and methods of transmission. Like many other gram negative bacteria, C. rodentium has developed a complex and highly specialised protein secretion system, known as type three (T3SS), to deliver bacterial proteins into eukaryotic cells. By injecting effector proteins into host cell cytoplasm, the pathogens are able to modulate host cellular functions to facilitate their own survival and replication. There is growing evidence that Attaching Effacing (AE) pathogens can inject effector proteins into gut epithelial cells, which dampen pro-inflammatory responses. There is also evidence that EPEC, Yersinia and Shigella can inject effectors into immune cells and also modulate their function. The objective of this work was to visualise and identify the host cells targeted for type III secretion by C. rodentium, and consequently determine the effect on host immune responses. The method chosen to detect cells targeted for effector protein delivery was the β-lactamase reporter system, where cells loaded with the fluorogenic substrate CCF2-AM emit a green FRET signal upon excitation by UV light, but emit a blue signal when cleaved by β-lactamase. By creating reporter strain of C.rodentium expressing fusion proteins between NleD effector and β-lactamase, I was able to show that C.rodentium is capable of injecting NleD in a wide variety of murine cell lines including Swiss 3T3 fibroblasts, J774 macrophages, CMT93 epithelial cells and BW715 T cells in a dose and time dependent manner in vitro. In addition, I found that C.rodentium has the ability to inject proteins into the cytoplasm of immune cells isolated from mouse lymphoid tissues including the spleen, mesenteric lymph nodes and Peyer's patches. Detailed analysis of the types of cells injected with effectors in vitro showed that NleD- injected cells represented B cells, dendritic cells and T cells. After inoculation of mice with the reporter strain of CitropACYCnleD, the plasmid encoded reporter fusion remained stable throughout infection and was able to inject cells in vitro after passage through the mouse gut. Unfortunately under the conditions described in this study, we were unable to visualise any gut cells targeted for protein delivery by C. rodentium in vivo, thus highlighting the complex nature of the host pathogen relationships in the gut. Although there is a need to develop better strategies to visualise effector translocation in vivo, our study has demonstrated, for the first time, the ability of C. rodentium to target immune cells for effector injection in vitro.
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Epidemiologia da vassoura-de-bruxa (Crinipellis perniciosa (STAHEL) Singer) em cacaueiros enxertados em Uruçuca, BA. / Epidemiology of witches' broom (Crinipellis perniciosa (STAHEL) Singer) on grafted cocoa in Uruçuca, BA.Alves, Silvio André Meirelles 22 January 2003 (has links)
A vassoura-de-bruxa é a doença mais importante da cultura do cacaueiro, nos países onde ela ocorre. Em 1989 foi constatada pela primeira vez a presença do patógeno causador dessa doença na principal região produtora do Brasil. A falta de medidas de controle eficientes resultou, nos últimos anos, em menor produção, mudanças no uso da terra, venda de propriedades, diminuição do nível de emprego e danos ao meio ambiente. Em vista do pouco conhecimento sobre aspectos epidemiológicos da doença nas condições do sudeste da Bahia, elaborou-se o presente trabalho com os seguintes objetivos: estudar o gradiente de infecção da vassoura-de-bruxa em ramos e frutos em cacaueiros enxertados; comparar o efeito de genótipos e três tratamentos (poda fitossanitária semestral, poda fitossanitária mensal e poda fitossanitária aliada a aplicação de fungicida mensais) no controle da doença; estudar o progresso da vassoura-de-bruxa no tempo, quantificado em ramos e frutos doentes. O experimento foi conduzido em Uruçuca, BA, em área contendo 16 genótipos diferentes, adjacente a uma área com cacaueiros abandonados com alta incidência da doença. A área experimental foi dividida em três partes, as quais receberam os seguintes tratamentos: poda fitossanitária semestral, poda fitossanitária mensal e poda fitossanitária aliada a aplicação de fungicida mensal. Pelo menos uma vez por mês foram contados os ramos e frutos com vassoura. Os resultados mostraram a ausência de evidência clara da existência de gradiente de doença. Os níveis de resistência genética à vassoura-de-bruxa de ramos e frutos não foram correlacionados entre si. Houve bom ajuste do progresso da doença ao modelo monomolecular. As menores taxas de crescimento foram obtidas no tratamento com poda e aplicação de fungicida mensal. O tratamento que combinou poda e pulverização com fungicida apresentou diferença significativa na redução do percentual de frutos com vassoura. Os genótipos NO-34, NO-17 e NO-02 foram os que apresentaram menores percentagens de frutos com vassoura, sendo significativamente diferentes dos genótipos NO-24 e NO-13. / Witches' broom is the most important disease of cocoa, in the countries where it occurs. In 1989, it was verified for the first time the presence of the pathogen in the main producing area of Brazil. The lack of efficient control measures resulted, in the last years, in losses in the production, changes in the use of the soil, sale of properties, decrease of the employment level and damages to the environment. In view of the little knowledge on epidemic aspects of the disease in the conditions of the southeast of Bahia, the present work was elaborated with the following objectives: to study the gradient of the witches' broom infection in flushes and pods in grafted cocoa; to compare the effect of genotypes and three treatments (half-yearly phytosanitation, monthly phytosanitation and monthly phytosanitation allied to fungicide application) in the control of the disease; to study the witches' broom temporal progress, quantified in flushes and pods. Trials were carried out in Uruçuca, BA, in area contends 16 different genotypes, adjacent an area with abandoned cocoa with high incidence of the disease. The experimental area was divided in three parts, which received the following treatments: half-yearly phytosanitation, monthly phytosanitation and monthly phytosanitation allied to fungicide application. At least once a month, flushes and pods with broom were counted. Results showed the absence of clear evidence of the existence of disease gradient. The levels of genetic resistance to the witches' broom of flushes and pods were not correlated to each other. There was good adjustment of progress of the disease to the monomolecular model. The smallest growth rates were obtained in the treatment with monthly phytosanitation and fungicide application. The treatment that allied phytosanitation and fungicide application presented significant difference in the reduction of the percentage of witches' broom infected pods. The genotypes NO-34, NO-17 and NO-02 presented smaller percentages of diseased pods, being significantly different from the genotypes NO-24 and NO-13.
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Molecular characterization of the host-pathogen relationships involved during an infection of GF-305 peach trees by the Peach latent mosaic viroid (PLMVd)/Caractérisation moléculaire des relations hôte-pathogène impliquées durant une infection de plants de pêcher GF-305 par le viroïde de la mosaïque latente du pêcher (PLMVd)Parisi, Olivier 11 March 2011 (has links)
Le viroïde de la mosaïque latente du pêcher (PLMVd) est un pathogène mondialement répandu et responsable de pertes (directes et indirectes) relativement importantes au niveau de la culture des pêchers. Cependant, peu de données sont actuellement disponibles en ce qui concerne dune part le(s) déterminant(s) de pathogénicité de ce viroïde et dautre part les éventuels mécanismes de résistance des plantes vis-à-vis des viroïdes. Lapproche originale de ce travail a été de jeter les bases de cette double caractérisation. Dans un premier temps, le rôle du pseudo-nud P8, commun à tous les variants du PLMVd actuellement séquencés, a été étudié par mutagenèse dirigée. Dans un second temps, la réponse moléculaire de plants de pêchers infectés par des variants de pathogénicités différentes a été caractérisée par le biais de la cDNA-AFLP. Lobjectif principal de cette thèse était didentifier une voie métabolique éventuellement impliquée dans la résistance des plants de pêcher contre ce viroïde.
Au terme de ce travail, il est apparu que le pseudo-nud P8 était impliqué soit dans la stabilité du viroïde au sein des cellules infectées soit dans la réplication du viroïde. En effet, le variant inoculé présentant un pseudo-nud déstabilisé a montré une réplication réduite au cours des douze mois de létude. De plus, bien que le viroïde muté soit présent dans les plantes inoculées, aucun symptôme na été observé. Il est cependant trop tôt pour déterminer si cette latence apparente est due à une quantité trop faible du viroïde ou bien à une implication du pseudo-nud dans la pathogénicité du viroïde.
La caractérisation de lexpression des gènes de plants de pêchers infectés par des variants de pathogénicité différente a permis de montrer que le PLMVd réprimait des gènes impliqués dans la photosynthèse et en particulier dans la protection des deux photosystèmes. Cette expression particulière des gènes des plantes infectées peut être mise en relation avec les symptômes de chlorose et de mosaïque sexprimant au cours dune infection par le PLMVd. Cependant, nous ne pouvons encore affirmer avec certitude si elle est une cause ou une conséquence de ces symptômes. De même, la cDNA-AFLP a permis de mettre en évidence la répression de protéines de choc thermique (HSPs) dans les feuilles symptomatiques. Ces protéines jouent généralement un rôle dans le repliement des protéines ainsi que dans leur assemblage, leur déplacement, leur stabilisation et leur dégradation. La régulation de leur expression peut donc avoir une grande influence dans les plantes infectées et, peut-être, jouer un rôle dans lexpression des symptômes. De même, le gène codant pour une novel cap-binding protein (nCBP) est apparu sous-exprimé dans les feuilles symptomatiques. Le rôle de ces protéines est encore mal connu mais elles pourraient intervenir dans la régulation de la traduction des ARNm. Leur répression peut donc également avoir un impact important et déstabiliser diverses voies métaboliques. Enfin deux gènes codant clairement pour des protéines de défense des plantes ont été identifiés. Il sagit dun gène codant pour un intermédiaire de la thiamine (impliquée dans le déclenchement de la SAR, surexprimé dans les feuilles asymptomatiques) et dun autre gène codant pour une protéine inhibitrice des polygalacturonases (sur-exprimé dans les feuilles symptomatiques). Le rôle exact de ces protéines dans la protection des plantes vis-à-vis du viroïde nest cependant pas encore clair.
Ce travail constitue une première étude des relations hôte-pathogène établies durant une infection de plants de pêcher par le PLMVd. Cest également le premier, à notre connaissance à avoir analysé lexpression des gènes de plantes infectées en fonction des symptômes observés./ The Peach latent mosaic viroid (PLMVd) infects peach trees in all production areas. This pathogen is responsible of direct and indirect crop losses. However only a few data are available as regards on one hand the determinant of pathogenicity of this viroid and on the other hand the resistance mechanisms of plants against this pathogen. The original approach of this work was to give the foundation of this double characterization. Firstly, the role of the P8 pseudoknot, present in every sequenced PLMVd, was studied by directed mutagenesis. Secondly, the molecular response of different peach trees infected by different variants was evaluated by the use of the cDNA-AFLP. The main objective of this thesis was to identify a metabolic pathway implicated in the plant defence against the PLMVd.
In the term of this work, it seemed that the P8 pseudoknot was implicated either in the stability or in the replication of the viroid into the infected cells. Indeed, the inoculated variant (with a destabilized pseudoknot) has shown a reduced replication during the cultural season. In spite of the presence of the mutated variant in the plants, no symptom was observed on the peach tree leaves. However, we cannot conclude if this absence of symptom is due to the low viroid quantity either to an implication of the pseudo-knot in the pathogenicity of the PLMVd.
The characterization of the gene expression in the infected peach trees has allowed to highlight that the PLMVd represses genes implicated in the photosynthesis and more specifically genes involved in the protection of the two photosystems. This particular gene expression in the infected leaves was linked to the chlorosis and mosaic induced by the PLMVd. However, we cannot conclude with certitude if these symptoms are a cause or a consequence of this particular genes expression. The cDNA-AFLP has also allowed to identify the repression of genes coding for heat shock proteins (HSPs) in symptomatic leaves. These proteins generally have a role in the protein folding, assembly, translocation, stabilization and degradation. The regulation of their expression may have a great influence in the infected plants and, maybe, play a role in the symptoms expression. The gene coding for the novel cap-binding protein (nCBP) was also identified has repressed in the symptomatic leaves. The biological role of these proteins is unclear but it seems that these proteins act in the regulation of the mRNA translation. The repression of nCBP may thus have an important impact and to destabilize various biological pathways. Finally, two genes implicated in the plant defence were identified. One coding for a polygalacturonase inhibitor (over-expressed in symptomatic leaves) and the other one coding for a thiamine intermediate (involved in the SAR and over-expressed in the non-symptomatic leaves). The role of these proteins in the plant defence against the PLMVd is however unclear.
To our knowledge, this is the first work where the host-pathogen relationship established during a PLMVd infection are studied. This is also the first time were the gene expression is linked to the viroid-induced symptoms.
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Epidemiologia da vassoura-de-bruxa (Crinipellis perniciosa (STAHEL) Singer) em cacaueiros enxertados em Uruçuca, BA. / Epidemiology of witches' broom (Crinipellis perniciosa (STAHEL) Singer) on grafted cocoa in Uruçuca, BA.Silvio André Meirelles Alves 22 January 2003 (has links)
A vassoura-de-bruxa é a doença mais importante da cultura do cacaueiro, nos países onde ela ocorre. Em 1989 foi constatada pela primeira vez a presença do patógeno causador dessa doença na principal região produtora do Brasil. A falta de medidas de controle eficientes resultou, nos últimos anos, em menor produção, mudanças no uso da terra, venda de propriedades, diminuição do nível de emprego e danos ao meio ambiente. Em vista do pouco conhecimento sobre aspectos epidemiológicos da doença nas condições do sudeste da Bahia, elaborou-se o presente trabalho com os seguintes objetivos: estudar o gradiente de infecção da vassoura-de-bruxa em ramos e frutos em cacaueiros enxertados; comparar o efeito de genótipos e três tratamentos (poda fitossanitária semestral, poda fitossanitária mensal e poda fitossanitária aliada a aplicação de fungicida mensais) no controle da doença; estudar o progresso da vassoura-de-bruxa no tempo, quantificado em ramos e frutos doentes. O experimento foi conduzido em Uruçuca, BA, em área contendo 16 genótipos diferentes, adjacente a uma área com cacaueiros abandonados com alta incidência da doença. A área experimental foi dividida em três partes, as quais receberam os seguintes tratamentos: poda fitossanitária semestral, poda fitossanitária mensal e poda fitossanitária aliada a aplicação de fungicida mensal. Pelo menos uma vez por mês foram contados os ramos e frutos com vassoura. Os resultados mostraram a ausência de evidência clara da existência de gradiente de doença. Os níveis de resistência genética à vassoura-de-bruxa de ramos e frutos não foram correlacionados entre si. Houve bom ajuste do progresso da doença ao modelo monomolecular. As menores taxas de crescimento foram obtidas no tratamento com poda e aplicação de fungicida mensal. O tratamento que combinou poda e pulverização com fungicida apresentou diferença significativa na redução do percentual de frutos com vassoura. Os genótipos NO-34, NO-17 e NO-02 foram os que apresentaram menores percentagens de frutos com vassoura, sendo significativamente diferentes dos genótipos NO-24 e NO-13. / Witches' broom is the most important disease of cocoa, in the countries where it occurs. In 1989, it was verified for the first time the presence of the pathogen in the main producing area of Brazil. The lack of efficient control measures resulted, in the last years, in losses in the production, changes in the use of the soil, sale of properties, decrease of the employment level and damages to the environment. In view of the little knowledge on epidemic aspects of the disease in the conditions of the southeast of Bahia, the present work was elaborated with the following objectives: to study the gradient of the witches' broom infection in flushes and pods in grafted cocoa; to compare the effect of genotypes and three treatments (half-yearly phytosanitation, monthly phytosanitation and monthly phytosanitation allied to fungicide application) in the control of the disease; to study the witches' broom temporal progress, quantified in flushes and pods. Trials were carried out in Uruçuca, BA, in area contends 16 different genotypes, adjacent an area with abandoned cocoa with high incidence of the disease. The experimental area was divided in three parts, which received the following treatments: half-yearly phytosanitation, monthly phytosanitation and monthly phytosanitation allied to fungicide application. At least once a month, flushes and pods with broom were counted. Results showed the absence of clear evidence of the existence of disease gradient. The levels of genetic resistance to the witches' broom of flushes and pods were not correlated to each other. There was good adjustment of progress of the disease to the monomolecular model. The smallest growth rates were obtained in the treatment with monthly phytosanitation and fungicide application. The treatment that allied phytosanitation and fungicide application presented significant difference in the reduction of the percentage of witches' broom infected pods. The genotypes NO-34, NO-17 and NO-02 presented smaller percentages of diseased pods, being significantly different from the genotypes NO-24 and NO-13.
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Quantification et prévalence de Flavobacterium psychrophilum chez les truites arc-en-ciel d’aquaculture : relation hôte-pathogène et réponse immunitaire / Quantification and prevalence of Flavobacterium psychrophilum in farmed rainbow trout; host-pathogen : relationship and immune responseOrieux, Nicolas 23 February 2011 (has links)
Flavobacterium psychrophilum est l’agent pathogène des flavobactérioses d’eau froide touchant essentiellement les salmonidés dont la truite arc-en-ciel Oncorhynchus mykiss d’élevage. Cette bactérie Gram négative a un très fort impact économique en aquaculture car elle peut causer jusqu'à 70 % de mortalité dans les bassins d’élevage. La flavobactériose se décline sous deux formes pathologiques : la maladie de l’eau froide touchant les poissons adultes et le syndrome de l’alevin de truite arc-en-ciel touchant les juvéniles.Au cours de se travail, une méthode de PCR quantitative a été proposée. Elle permet en moins de trois heures de détecter et de quantifier un nombre de copies du gène codant l’ARNr 16S de la bactérie dans les tissus du poisson. Cette méthode a été testée sur différentes suspensions bactériennes (F. psychrophilum, autres flavobactéries, autres pathogènes) afin d’en valider la spécificité. La sensibilité de la méthode de détection a été évaluée à 1 et 2 bactéries par PCR en fonction de la matrice biologique utilisée.Une étude écotoxicologique a été menée et montre d’une part que F. psychrophilum est une bactérie hyper-sensible au cadmium comparée aux autres bactéries Gram négatives. Sa croissance est diminuée d’un facteur 2 en présence d’une contamination au Cd à 0,4 µM. D’autre part, nous avons constaté qu’une contamination de truites juvéniles par 1 µg CdCl2/L (2 mois) et une injection de 5 × 107 flavobactéries par individu (1 mois) ne provoque aucune mortalité. L’expression génique mesurée sur ses poissons démontre que le cadmium peut avoir des effets contradictoires sur le système immunitaire du poisson, pouvant soit exacerber ou diminuer la réponse immunitaire selon l’organe considéré. Un travail comparatif de la prévalence de la flavobactérie dans 7 sites aquacoles d’Aquitaine a démontré que la flavobactérie est omniprésente et que sa pathogénicité est contrôlée par le système immunitaire des poissons en bonne santé apparente. L’expression génique mesurée sur les poissons malades et apparemment sains nous apporte deux informations importantes : 1/ les gènes codant pour la métallothionéine A et l’interleukine 1-β sont de bons bio-marqueurs de la maladie et 2/ la répression des gènes codant pour le complexe majeur d’histocompatibilité 2-β, le facteur de croissance transformant β, le cluster de différentiation 8-α et l’immunoglobuline T dans la rate des poissons malades montre un effondrement du système immunitaire acquis nous permettant d’émettre l’hypothèse que ce phénomène déclenche l’apparition de la maladie. Ainsi, F. psychrophilum aurait un comportement de pathogène à virulence latente.Afin d’imaginer de nouvelles mesures prophylactiques et pour mieux comprendre la pathogénicité de la bactérie, une analyse du protéome de la membrane externe couplée à l’annotation du génome séquencé a été effectuée. Il a été identifié entre autres 1/ des protéines d’adhésion et d’invasion des tissus et 2/ des protéines d’acquisition de métabolites de l’hôte. De plus, un nombre important de protéines immunogènes chez la truite potentiellement utilisable dans un cocktail vaccinant a été détecté. Afin de chercher un vecteur pour ce cocktail, des nanoparticules d’acide γ-glutamique et phénylalanine d’environ 100 à 200 nm de diamètre ont été synthétisées. Ces dernières constituent une approche séduisante pour vacciner les poissons avec des antigènes de F. psychrophilum encapsulés puis incorporés dans la nourriture. / Flavobacterium psychrophilum is the causative agent of cold water flavobacteriosis, a condition affecting mostly salmonid fish, including the farmed rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss. This Gram negative bacterium can cause up to 70% mortality in breeding tanks and has a very strong economic impact on the fish farming industry. Flavobacteriosis can take two pathological forms: the cold water disease affecting adult fish and the rainbow trout fry syndrome affecting juveniles.In the present study, a method of quantitative PCR was devised that allowed for the detection and the quantification, within three hours, of the 16S rRNA copy number in fish tissues. This method’s specificity was confirmed through the use of various bacterial suspensions (F.psychrophilum, others flavobacteria and others pathogens) and its detection limit was estimated to be 1 and 2 bacteria in broth and in biological matrices, respectively.An ecotoxicological study was then performed that showed that, on the one hand, F. psychrophilum is cadmium hypersensitive compared to others Gram negative bacteria because its growth rate, compared to a control, is decreased by a factor 2 at a cadmium concentration of 0,4 µM. On the other hand, we observed that subjecting rainbow trout juveniles to a concentration of 1 µg CdCl2/L for2 months prior to an injection of 5 × 107 F. psychrophilum by fish didn’t lead to any mortality. The gene expression which was measured on these fish demonstrated that cadmium can have contradictory effects on the immune system of fish, which could enhance or decrease the immune response depending of the organ. A comparative work of the prevalence of flavobacteria in 7 fish farms within the Aquitaine region (France) demonstrated that the bacterium was endemic and present in asymptomatic fish. Gene expression levels were measured on diseased and asymptomatic fish and demonstrated that the genes metallothionein A and interleukine 1-β were good biomarkers of the disease and that repression of the genes major histocompatibility complex 2-β, transforming growth factor -β, cluster of differentiation α and immunoglobulin T in the spleen of diseased fish was indicative of a collapse of the acquired immune system. We therefore hypothesized that this event marked the beginning of the disease and that F. psychrophilum is mostly an opportunistic pathogen.To prepare the development of new prophylactic techniques and to understand better the bacterium pathogenicity, an analysis of the outer membrane proteome coupled with sequencing of the bacterial genome was also performed. Furthermore, a significant number of immunogenic proteins were identified as good candidates for the preparation of a vaccine. Finally, γ-glutamic acid and phenylalanine nanoparticles of about 100 - 200 nm in diameter were synthesized to serve as potential vector for this vaccine. These nanoparticles should be tested to administrate F. psychrophilum antigens to fish through the digestive route.
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Étude de la modulation de la voie canonique d'activation de NF-kB par les protéines non structurales du virus Nipah / Study of the modulation of the canonical NF-κB pathway by the nonstructural proteins of Nipah virusEnchéry, François 20 December 2017 (has links)
Le virus Nipah (NiV) est un paramyxovirus zoonotique du genre Henipavirus, qui a émergé en 1998. NiV infecte l'homme et cause des troubles respiratoires et des encéphalites avec une forte létalité. A l’inverse, chez les hôtes naturels de NiV, les chauves-souris de la famille des Pteropodidae, l’infection est asymptomatique. Cependant, les mécanismes permettant aux Pteropodidae de contrôler l’infection sont inconnus à ce jour. NiV produit des protéines non structurales, V, W et C, qui sont des facteurs de virulence. V, W et C inhibent les voies de l’interféron de type 1. De plus, la protéine W inhibe la production de chimiokines in vitro et module la réponse inflammatoire in vivo, mais son mécanisme d’action reste inconnu. La voie NF-κB étant le principal régulateur de la réponse inflammatoire, nous avons émis l’hypothèse que W pourrait moduler la voie NF-κB. Nous avons démontré que la protéine W inhibe l'activation de la voie canonique de NF-κB induite par TNFα et IL-1β, effet pour lequel sa région C-terminale spécifique est nécessaire. Nous avons également identifié quels signaux d’import et d’export nucléaires de W sont nécessaires à son effet inhibiteur et ainsi mis en évidence l’importance du trafic nucléo-cytoplasmique de W pour l’inhibition de NF-κB. L’étude des interactions de W avec les protéines cellulaires nous a permis d’identifier un partenaire prometteur connu pour son rôle dans le rétrocontrôle négatif de NF-κB. Enfin, le rôle de W dans l'inhibition de la voie NF-κB a été démontré pendant l'infection par NiV. Les résultats obtenus ouvrent la voie à la compréhension du mécanisme par lequel W module la réponse inflammatoire. Finalement, afin de mieux comprendre le contrôle de l’infection de NiV par son hôte naturel, nous avons généré des lignées cellulaires primaires et immortalisées de chauve-souris Pteropus giganteus. Ces cellules devraient permettre de mieux comprendre les mécanismes par lesquels ces chauves-souris contrôlent l’infection virale. / Nipah virus (NiV), from Henipavirus genus, is a zoonotic paramyxovirus, which emerged in 1998. In humans, it causes acute respiratory distress and encephalitis with a high lethality. Conversely, the natural hosts of NiV, bats from the Pteropodidae family, are asymptomatic. The mechanisms by which the Pteropodidae control infection are unknown to date. NiV produces non-structural proteins, V, W and C, which are virulence factors. V, W and C inhibit the type 1 interferon pathways. Moreover, W inhibits the production of chemokines in vitro and modulates the inflammatory response in vivo, but its mechanism remains unknown. The NF-κB pathway being the main regulator of the inflammatory response, we hypothesized that W could modulate the NF-κB pathway. We demonstrated that protein W inhibits the activation of the NF-κB canonical pathway induced by TNFα and IL-1β. The specific C-terminal region of W is necessary for this effect. We have also identified which nuclear import and export signals of W are necessary for its inhibitory effect and thus highlight the importance of the nucleo-cytoplasmic trafficking of W for the inhibition of NF-κB. The study of the interactions of W with the cellular proteins allowed us to identify a promising partner known for its role in the negative feedback of NF-κB. Finally, the role of W in the inhibition of the NF-κB pathway was demonstrated during the infection with NiV. The results obtained open the way to understanding the mechanism by which W modulates the inflammatory response. Finally, to better understand the control of the infection of NiV by its natural host, we generated primary and immortalized cell lines of Pteropus giganteus bat. These cells should provide a better understanding of the mechanisms by which these bats control viral infection.
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Rôles des voies de signalisation à di-GMP cyclique chez Legionella pneumophila / Roles of cyclic di-GMP signaling pathways in Legionella pneumophilaAllombert, Julie 15 September 2014 (has links)
Legionella pneumophila est une bactérie aquatique qui prolifère en se répliquant à l’intérieur de cellules amibiennes. Elle peut persister dans ces environnements en vivant en communauté sous forme de biofilms. L’inhalation par l’Homme d’eau contaminée, vaporisée par les réseaux d’eau chaude ou les tours aéro‐réfrigérantes, peut mener à l’infection des macrophages pulmonaires qui se traduit par une grave pneumonie appelée légionellose. Le di‐GMP cyclique (diGMPc) est impliqué, chez diverses espèces bactériennes, dans la transition entre les modes de vie mobiles et sessiles, et chez certains pathogènes, dans la régulation de la virulence. Mon travail de thèse vise à démontrer l’implication des voies de signalisation à diGMPc dans le contrôle de la virulence et de la formation de biofilms par L. pneumophila. Cette implication a été étudiée grâce à l’inactivation systématique de chacun des gènes codant les protéines du métabolisme du diGMPc chez la souche L. pneumophila Lens. Notre étude a révélé que trois de ces protéines, Lpl0780, Lpl0922 et Lpl1118, sont spécifiquement requises pour le contrôle de la virulence et, plus particulièrement, pour la survie précoce lors de l’infection de cellules‐hôtes via l’orchestration de la sécrétion de facteurs de virulence dans la cellule‐hôte. Lpl1118 participerait également à la biogénèse de la vacuole de réplication. Cinq autres de ces protéines sont impliquées dans la régulation de la formation et de l’architecture des biofilms. L’une d’elles est, plus particulièrement, requise pour la formation de biofilms en présence d’oxyde nitrique. Ces résultats contribuent à une meilleure compréhension de l’organisation complexe et spécifique des voies de signalisation à diGMPc chez L. pneumophila et pourraient permettre d’envisager une lutte plus efficace contre ce pathogène / Legionella pneumophila is a bacterium that proliferates in fresh water environments through the replication within amoebas. These bacteria can persist in these environments through biofilm formation. The inhalation of aerosolized contaminated water through hot water systems or cooling towers can induce the infection of human lungs, leading to a severe pneumonia called legionellosis. Cyclic di‐GMP (c‐di‐GMP) in involved, in various bacterial species, in the motility‐to‐sessility transition, and in some pathogens, in virulence control. My work aims to demonstrate the involvement of signaling pathways that use c‐di‐GMP in virulence control and biofilm formation of L. pneumophila. This involvement was investigated by systematically inactivating each gene encoding a c‐di‐GMP‐metabolizing enzyme in L. pneumophila Lens strain. Our work revealed that 3 of these proteins, Lpl0780, Lpl0922 and Lpl1118 are specifically involved in virulence control and, particularly, in the early survival during host cell infection through the orchestration of virulence factors secretion within host cell. Lpl1118 is particularly required for replicative vacuole biogenesis. Five other proteins, participate in the formation and architecture of biofilms. One of them is more specifically involved in biofilm formation in the presence of nitric oxide. These results help to better understand the complexity and the specificity of c‐di‐GMP signaling pathways in L. pneumophila and should allow the exploration of more effective ways to fight this pathogen
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