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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Problematika rezidentního parkování / The issue of residential parking

Eibelová, Lucie January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the issue of residential parking. The analytical part describes the implementation process of this form of parking regulation. This process is illustrated with process diagrams created in ARIS Express software. The proposing part describes various solution options for a complicated situation concerning housing estate yards in areas with established residential parking.

Rezidenční spokojenost domácností bytových domů v pražských lokalitách - role občanské vybavenosti / Residential satisfaction of households in tenement houses in localities of Prague - the role of civic amenities

Bursa, Otakar January 2018 (has links)
Residential satisfaction belongs to important elements of human's satisfaction with life. It is created by the unique set of different components to which the accessibility and quality of civic amenities in a neighbourhood may also be included. Nevertheless, the importance of this factor used to be underestimated and the real connexion between residential satisfaction and the presence of civic amenities has not come out so far (Swindell, Kelly 2005). Therefore, the diploma thesis focuses on the qualitative- analytical research of residential satisfaction in two differently served Prague's localities with the aim to deepen the current knowledge of this issue. The results show that the presence of civic amenities in the neighbourhood has a significant effect in creating residential satisfaction which is comparable to the quality of housing and neighbourhood features. However, this relationship is partly influenced by the assigned importance of services' presence that especially varies according to the locality type (housing estate or suburban) and the position of household in a life cycle. Keywords: residential satisfaction, civic amenities, Prague, housing estate, suburb

Petržalka a budúcnosť panelových sídlisk / Petržalka and the future of panel housing estates

Peklanský, Matúš January 2018 (has links)
Project points out possible methods of urbanistic and architectural work with panel housing estates, on specific example of Petržalka housing estate in Bratislava. Next to the possible alternatives of solution, which is this diploma project bringing on the table, its main importance is to move forward the thinking about panel housing estates, asking questions concerning our surrounding, and to discuss the future of environment we live in.

Riviéra vzletná! / Riviera takes wing!

Kysela, Vladimír Unknown Date (has links)
The diploma thesis concerns the replenishment of the urban mosaic of Frýdek-Místek regional town in the Czech Republic. A new local vision for the Riviéra housing estate is to be set. The intervention area spirals around the brownfield of a former spinning factory, which is included into the modernist urban area. The brownfield neighbours with the Janáček park, which is standing out in the surroundings in the means of the articulation and condition of the public space. The fenced areal, on the other hand, forms a barrier to the urban life. The aspiration of the project is to unscramble the potential of the unbuilt area within the vivid part of the town.


Bednaříková, Monika January 2015 (has links)
The diploma project proposes a concept for the future development of the housing estate Vinohrady. More than the development itself, it offers a new perspective on the use of space of the estates. It proposes means of achieving the recognition of hierarchy of the spaces. These spaces shall range in the scale of public, semi-public, semi-private, and private spaces. The goal is to adapt the spaces of the housing estate so that they behave and function like the spaces of the so-called traditional town, where the movement of visitors and users is intuitive. The space hierarchy itself suggest how to navigate in the urban environment. The housing estates should not be perceived in a negative way, but rather to be perceived as they are right now in the present, without being attributed unflattering epithets or connotations associated with the term of the previous regime, when most of these estates were built. In contrast, I want to emphasize the potential of good housing for the future generations, that can be achieved with minimal effort and interventions, which should have the effect on and support the sustainability of our environment, and thus also the urban environment. From the point of view of saving energy and materials, it is preferable to work and use what is already given, rather than unnecessarily create new suburban colonies or encourage the creation of new sub-urban areas, where in a deliberate manner people take up new grounds for construction. The housing estates can become a good place with its own genius loci and specific image.

Brno Komárov - centrum - urbanistická studie / Brno Komárov - centre, urban design study

Kilnarová, Pavla January 2015 (has links)
There are a quarters in Brno that have no public centre which is represent by square. There could be also squares that have low quality. The diploma project is looking for common feature and oportunities how to act in developing new public spaces at that areas from concept of whole city to single public space.

Das Leben in einem ostdeutschen Plattenbaugebiet aus der Perspektive seiner Einwohner : eine qualitative Studie in Strausberg-Hegermühle / Life in an East German Plattenbau estate in the perspective of its inhabitants : a qualitative enquiry in Strausberg-Hegermühle

Wollina, Markus January 2010 (has links)
Architektur und Städtebau des Sozialismus haben nach der politischen Wende der Jahre 1989-1991 einen erheblichen Wertungswandel erfahren. Insbesondere die in industrieller Bauweise errichteten Quartiere des komplexen Wohnungsbaus, die einstmals privilegierte Wohngegenden waren, haben heute oftmals den Ruf von „Ghettos“. Die vorliegende Arbeit möchte einen Beitrag dazu leisten, dieses Bild zu korrigieren und das öffentliche Image von Plattenbausiedlungen zu verbessern. Dazu wurde anhand des ostdeutschen Plattenbaugebietes Strausberg-Hegermühle untersucht, welche Faktoren die positive Identifikation der Bewohner mit ihrem Viertel begünstigen. Ziel der Arbeit ist, damit Anregungen für die Praxis lokal engagierter Bürger, Kommunalpolitiker, Wohnungsgesellschaften und Verwaltungen zu geben. Das Wohngebiet „Hegermühle“ in der brandenburgischen Mittelstadt Strausberg wurde in den 1980er Jahren gebaut. Die Bevölkerung Hegermühles war bis 1990 stark durch Mitarbeiter des Ministeriums für Nationale Verteidigung der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik geprägt. Die Wohnungen im Viertel waren wegen ihres hohen technischen Standards begehrt. Nach dem Ende der DDR erfuhr das Viertel einen starken Wandel seiner Sozialstruktur und bekam ein Image, das zwischen den Polen „graue Schlafstadt“ und „sozialer Brennpunkt“ angesiedelt ist. In diesem Wohngebiet wurde im zweiten Halbjahr 2009 eine qualitative Untersuchung durchgeführt. Neben mehreren in Bild- und Textform dokumentierten Feldexplorationen wurde eine Reihe von Interviews mit Personen geführt, die aktuell in Hegermühle wohnen oder früher dort wohnten. Die Auswahl der Interviewpartner erfolgte nach der Methode des Theoretical Sampling (Glaser/Strauss), wobei eine möglichst große Differenzierung des Samples nach Alter, Herkunft, Geschlecht und Beruf angestrebt wurde. Die Interviews wurden nach der Methode des Problemzentrierten Interviews (Witzel) geführt und auf Grundlage des Konzepts der Grounded Theory (Glaser/Strauss) ausgewertet. Für die Arbeit wurden acht Interviews ausgewählt, in denen die Interviewten Auskunft geben über die folgenden Themen: die Umstände ihres Zuzugs nach Hegermühle, die Entwicklung des Wohngebiets seitdem, das Image Hegermühles, ihr eigenes Verhältnis zum Viertel und die Perspektiven des Wohngebiets. Als Ergebnis der Arbeit lässt sich festhalten, dass die positive Identifikation mit dem Wohngebiet am stärksten durch die problematische Sozialstruktur behindert wird, die in hohem Maße von Arbeitslosigkeit und sozialen Desintegrationserscheinungen geprägt ist. Davon abgesehen überwiegen pragmatische Kriterien bei der Bewertung des Wohngebiets. Die gute infrastrukturelle Ausstattung Hegermühles mit Einkaufs-, Betreuungs- und Erholungsmöglichkeiten wurde von allen Befragten positiv hervorgehoben. Diese Faktoren sind jedoch genau so auch in anderen Orten zu finden und damit nicht geeignet, eine Identifikation mit einem spezifischen Ort zu befördern. Von den Befragten wurde daher auch mehrfach auf das Fehlen von Merkmalen hingewiesen, die Hegermühle auszeichnen und es von anderen Vierteln abheben. Dagegen war die Lokalidentität bei den Interviewpartnern am stärksten, die den Aufbau Hegermühles in den 1980er Jahren persönlich miterlebt haben. Die Arbeit schließt darum mit Überlegungen, wie diese Erfahrung einer Ortsgeschichte, die Bedeutung für die eigene Biografie hat, anderen Einwohnern vermittelt werden kann. Zwei mögliche Konzepte werden vorgeschlagen: a) die Erforschung und Vermittlung der Wohngebietsgeschichte, sowie b) die Schaffung und Pflege räumlicher Identifikationspunkte, die die lokale Geschichte, Landschaft und andere Besonderheiten des Viertels im Alltag erfahrbar machen. Beispielsweise können Kunstwerke im öffentlichen Raum oder Gedenktafeln als Anknüpfungspunkte einer ortsbezogenen Identität dienen und ein Gefühl persönlicher Verbundenheit mit dem Wohnort bestärken. Damit könnte unabhängig von pragmatischen Faktoren eine Bindung an den Ort begünstigt und die Bereitschaft der Einwohner erhöht werden, sich für die Verbesserung der Verhältnisse im Wohngebiet einzusetzen. / The judgment on socialism’s architecture and urban design has undergone a large change since the political turn of the years 1989-1991. This is especially true for the industrially built housing estates of the complex housing program, which were once privileged residential areas, but which now have a reputation as “ghettos”. This paper is meant to contribute to the correction of this perception and to the improvement of the public image of “Plattenbau” housing estates. In order to achieve this, research was done in the East German housing estate Strausberg-Hegermühle to find factors which promote positive identification of residents with their neighbourhood. The paper aims at giving suggestions for the work of locally committed citizens, community politicians, residential housing companies and local administrations. The housing estate “Hegermühle” in the medium-sized Brandenburg town Strausberg was built in the 1980s. Until 1990, Hegermühle’s population was dominated by employees of the German Democratic Republic’s Ministry of National Defence. Apartments in the neighbourhood were sought after because of their high technical standard. After the GDR’s demise, the neighbourhood’s social structure changed profoundly. Today, its public image is located between the extremes “boring dormitory town” and “deprived area”. In the second half of 2009, a qualitative enquiry was conducted in this housing estate. Apart from field explorations, which were documented in text and image, a number of interviews was conducted with persons who were living or had formerly been living in Hegermühle. Interviewees were selected according to the method of theoretical sampling (Glaser/Strauss) with the goal of achieving a high differentiation of the sample in terms of age, descent, gender and profession. The interviews were conducted according to Witzel’s method of problem-centered interviews, and they were interpreted on the basis of Glaser’s & Strauss’ grounded theory concept. For this paper, eight interviews were selected, in which the interviewees speak about the following topics: the circumstances of their moving to Hegermühle, the neighbourhood’s development since then, the public image of Hegermühle, their own relationship with the neighbourhood and the housing estate’s future perspective. The results of the conducted research show that the largest obstacle for positive identification with the housing estate is its problematic social structure, which is highly dominated by unemployment and social disintegration. Apart from that, the housing estate is mostly judged by pragmatic criteria. The good infrastructure of Hegermühle, which includes facilities for shopping, child care and recreation, was emphasized by all interviewees. These factors though can be found in the same form in other places. Thus they are not able to serve as a base for identification with any specific place. That is why it was remarked by the interviewees that Hegermühle lacked distinguishing features which separate it from other neighbourhoods. In contrast, those interviewees who had personally witnessed the creation of Hegermühle in the 1980s showed the highest level of local identity. Because of this, the paper ends with reflections on how this experience of a local history of significance to one’s own biography can be shared by other residents. Two possible concepts are proposed: a) exploration and presentation of the housing estate’s history, and b) creation and preservation of spatial points of identification, which make the local history, landscape and other distinguishing features of the neighbourhood perceivable in everyday life. Public works of art or commemorative plaques for example could serve as links for a local identity and could strengthen a feeling of personal connection with the place of living. This could promote a local connection independent from pragmatic factors and increase the residents’ willingness to get involved in the improvement of their housing estate.

Demografické stárnutí na pražských sídlištích / Demographic aging housing estate in Prague

Vávra, Michal January 2016 (has links)
This thesis examines demographic aging of housing estate in Prague and residential satisfaction of seniors. In the theoretical part the issue of demographic aging, residential satisfaction and residential stability is elaborated summary of the basis of literature. Empirical part is based on two research methods, which are the data analysis of the age structure of the population census and interviews with seniors living in the housing estate Nové Ďáblice. Two approaches were defined to work with the data, the first one compared the type of settlement development with other parts of Prague, in the second one there were defined individual settlement files with a population of more than 15 000. Carried out the research, it was found that the age structure is equalize and the current demographic situation in the settlements is determined by the period of construction of the housing estate file. Generally speaking, the earlier the settlement was established, the older population it has. In parts focused on the quality of life of older people on the estate were determined using semi-structured interviews satisfaction with the physical environment, social relationships, housing, public spaces, public facilities and services, transportation and security. In addition, it assessed the stability of residential...

Faraonci: místo, prostor a lokální identita obyvatel sídliště Stodůlky / Pharaohs: place, space and local identity of the inhabitants of housing estate Stodůlky

Lehečka, Michal January 2013 (has links)
In my thesis, I made a qualitative analysis of narrative biographic inteviews and participant observation of the inhabitants of Prague housing estate Stodůlky, in order to find out the way they conceptualize their locality as a place or a space. I explore how the narrators put themselves in the framework of their lived locality and how they divide this locality. Drawing on a similar theorethical distinctions of place and space introduced by Eric Hirsch and Maruška Svašek, I examined if the narrators conceptualisations make evidence of a socially negotiated local identity and if it is the case, how the housing estate Stodůlky emerges as "home". Hirsch's distinction means that time and space appears only through the perceptions of place. In accord with Svašek I dealt with three different forms of identity - territorialized, deterritorialized a reterritorialized identity. These three forms treats identity in rather symbolic way.

Urbanisme et architecture domestique de l’Entre-deux-guerres à Nancy et dans son agglomération / Urbanism and domestic architecture in Nancy and its suburbs during the inter-wars period

Marseille, Gilles 17 October 2013 (has links)
Cette étude porte sur l’architecture domestique à Nancy et dans les 19 communes de son agglomération de 1919 à 1939. L’ampleur du corpus (6 600 édifices) et du territoire étudiés permet de mettre en exergue les processus urbains et architecturaux qui concourent à la production de la ville. Les relations entre les municipalités, les lotisseurs, les organismes de logement social et les sociétés savantes sont scrutées pour retracer le chemin qui mène du projet à la réalité urbaine. La Reconstruction, les lois encadrant l’urbanisme ou les habitations à bon marché (loi Loucheur) et l’effet de la crise des années 1930 sur la promotion foncière et immobilière sont réinterrogés en profitant des outils techniques (SIG) et théoriques actuels. Les confrontations avec les modèles nationaux (voire internationaux) inscrivent l’étude dans une perspective plus large où l’agglomération nancéienne devient un support de réflexion sur ce moment de l’histoire des villes françaises. Par ailleurs, le recensement exhaustif permet de s’intéresser à l’ensemble de la production bâtie, sans hiérarchie. Cette étude du grand nombre, mêlant banal et exceptionnel, met en exergue les permanences et hybridations. L’héritage éclectique et Art nouveau côtoie la diffusion des nouveaux courants que sont le Mouvement moderne et l’Art déco. L’examen du cas nancéien contribue à la redéfinition de ce dernier style et à une meilleure connaissance de son évolution après 1930. Enfin, cette étude est l’occasion de montrer que l’architecture domestique s’apparente à une transcription matérielle de l’ordre social, qui transparaît dans la qualité des espaces intérieurs et des façades comme support de représentation / This study concerns the domestic architecture in Nancy and the 19 towns of its suburbs from 1919 to 1939. The important size of the corpus (6600 buildings) and of the area studied highlights the urban and architectural processes that contribute to the creation of the city. The relationships between the city council, developers, social housing organizations and intellectual societies are analyzed to trace the path that leads from the plan to the urban reality. The post-war reconstruction project, the law controlling urbanism or social housing (Loucheur Act) and the effects of the 1930’s crisis on the land and housing development are looked back on using modern technical (GIS) and conceptual tools. The comparisons with national (even international) models place the study in a broader perspective where Nancy and its suburbs become a medium for reflection on this moment in the history of French cities. In addition, the exhaustive inventory allows looking at all the building production without hierarchy. This study, combining the mundane and the outstanding, highlights permanencies and hybridisations. The legacy of Eclecticism and Art Nouveau coexists with the diffusion of new trends such as the Modern movement and Art Deco. The examination of Nancy’s case contributes to the new definition of the latter style and of a better understanding of its evolution during the 1930’s. Finally, this study is the opportunity to show that domestic architecture is a physical transcription of a social order, which is reflected in the quality of interior design and building facades as medium of representation

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