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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Social Protection for Well-Being. The effectiveness of social protection programmes in Bangladesh

Salam, Mohammad A. January 2022 (has links)
Well-being is the ultimate goal of social protection that integrates both material and social aspects. Most studies focus on material dimensions, and little attention has been given to the social aspects of well-being. Further, outputs are commonly used to assess the effectiveness of social protection, while insufficient attention has been given to the outcomes and process evaluation. This study aims to assess the effectiveness of social protection in ensuring well-being, comprising human development and social cohesion. It adopts a result-oriented framework that considers both outcome and process evaluation. The study follows sequential mixed methods for assessing the effectiveness of social protection programmes. Using a secondary dataset of six developing countries (including Bangladesh) from 2002 to 2019 and employing a pooled OLS model, this study shows that social protection expenditure increases the primary (education) completion rate and reduces the child (under 5) mortality rate in developing countries. It also reveals that the effect of social protection on education and health outcomes improves with governance efficacy and operational competency. Using primary data collected through a quantitative survey (n=400) from four districts of Bangladesh and employing the OLR model, this study shows that social protection benefits positively affect informal and formal networks and institutional trust and norms of behaviour. It also reveals that the educational status of beneficiaries can mediate informal and formal networks, interpersonal trust, and norms of reciprocity. The process evaluation has done through 24 in-depth qualitative interviews with key stakeholders. By using content analysis, this study recognises five "governance" and six "operational" issues that can limit the effectiveness of social protection programmes. It also proposes a model for the effective functioning of social protection programmes based on empirical findings and justified by prevailing literature. The study shows how effectively programmes are executed and how programmes can be improved to achieve the goal. These findings have significant implications for enhancing the development effectiveness of social protection programmes. The policy directions can assist policymakers and development partners in taking suitable policies to ensure the well-being of the poor and vulnerable people of developing countries. / Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh research grants, National Academy for Planning and Development (NAPD)

The Effects of Development on Policies in the Prevention of International Human Trafficking

Szczerba, Christopher 01 May 2014 (has links)
Governments and leaders across the globe almost universally agree that human trafficking is a modern atrocity that has harshly negative effects for individuals, communities, entire states and the international community. Nevertheless, they are not in agreement on how best to investigate cases and provide aid to victims. Many states lack the resources to effectively create and implement policies. Governments must act to protect their citizens and people within their borders. Policies are necessary to correctly identify victims, investigate accusations, bring cases to trial and prevent vulnerable populations from becoming victimized through awareness. This thesis asserts that there is a link between the development level of a state and its ability to limit the grotesque crimes of trafficking that occur within its borders. Using the United Nation's annual report which details the development ranking of individual states, it is possible to comparatively analyze the ability of these states to comply with international standards established by the United States of America in the protection of victims of human trafficking. Special attention is paid to the challenges that societies face when there are drastic changes to states' economic activity or political stability and how these affect the frequency of trafficking occurrences and a government’s ability to respond.

Moving Beyond the Corporation: Recovering an Ontology of Participation to Envision New Forms of Business

Donahue, Maura Stephanie January 2011 (has links)
No description available.

When in Rome: Examining the Influence of Neighborhoods on the Relationship with Self-Control and Offending

Jones, Adrian M. 26 November 2012 (has links)
No description available.


MOLLOY, CYNTHIA ANN 03 December 2001 (has links)
No description available.


PEACH, ELIZABETH ELAINE 11 October 2001 (has links)
No description available.

Community Capacity for Positive Human Development: The Role of Social Service Agencies

Hicks, Ashley A. 25 July 2011 (has links)
No description available.

The Causal Relationship Between Human Rights and Economic Growth : A two-way causal relationship analysis using panel data Granger Causality test

Eklund, Agnes January 2021 (has links)
This study aims to investigate if there is any causal relationship between human rights and economic growth. The causality is tested in both directions, from human rights to economic growth and from economic growth to human rights, using a panel data Granger Causality test. The variable used to represent human rights is a human rights score and the variable used to represent economic growth is annual growth of real GDP per capita. Both of these variables are retrieved from Our World in Data. There is a total number of 81 countries included in this study with yearly observations from 1962 until 2017 on both variables. To achieve a greater depth the 81 countries were categorized into three different categories: low-income, middle-income and high-income countries. Previous studies and theories indicate that it is possible to expect a two-way causal relationship between economic growth and human rights. However, the results in this study indicate that there is no statistically significant causal relationship in any direction for any of the income categories.

Diagramming Prior Knowledge in the Classroom: A Case Study

Conroy, Arthur Thomas III 08 January 2016 (has links)
Engaging the student's prior knowledge is considered by educational researchers to be an important part of constructing a strong foundation for new learning. Diagrams are one technique used in the classroom. Jill Larkin and Herbert Simon described the computational advantages of diagrams over text when used to communicate information in their 1987 article entitled 'Why a Diagram is (Sometimes) Worth Ten Thousand Words.' This case study describes a novel abstract diagramming technique facilitated in four separate university classroom settings. Using paper and crayons, the students created three diagrams that represented the externalization of their unconscious perceptions of their own prior knowledge. The study illustrates how differences in prior knowledge can be visualized using diagrams with greater speed in less time than the traditional use of text-based descriptions. The use of the abstract diagramming technique led to an unexpected finding. The student diagrams were shown to contain a hidden conceptual topology, one that is described by Egenhofer in his 1991 article entitled 'Reasoning About Binary Topological Relations.' This topology is recommended as a framework for structuring and facilitating student collaboration and sharing of prior knowledge and new learning. The present study recommends the diagramming technique as the basis for the establishment of a standard diagram research framework that can be used across multiple research disciplines and subject domains. This dissertation describes a domain-general abstract diagram technique that can be adapted for domain-specific subjects and made operational using basic materials (paper and crayons). The study also describes the instructors' responses to questions about the diagram technique used in their classes. The case study offers recommendations for future diagram research. / Ph. D.

Towards a pragmatic capability approach: Essays on human development, agency and pragmatism

Garcés Velástegui, Pablo Fernando 02 November 2020 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [EN] Amartya Sen's Capability Approach (CA) makes an important contribution to the development literature. It moves from the conventional focus on a single indicator: opulence, to an emphasis on people, their plurality, and the multiple dimensions characterizing their quality of life. As such, it proposes an influential account of human beings and their agency. Its advantages notwithstanding, its notion of agency seems to warrant in depth scrutiny. This dissertation explores the actual scope of the CA's agency as well as its limitations, and suggests a way to complement it. An account of the capabilitarian agent encompasses two elements: freedom or choice and rationality or reasoning. Thus, the CA rejects the conventional rational agent, advancing instead a reasoning one. As such, the CA's agency seems to require attention to measurement and explanation (observables) as well as to meaning and interpretation (unobservables), which demands moving beyond a positivistic philosophy of science. At the same time, it is found that this notion seems to leave people who have others choosing and reasoning for them unaccounted for. To provide a complement the CA on both counts, John Dewey's pragmatism is proposed. It is a philosophy that provides an account of how people think and act. The elaboration of pragmatic agency is carried out from philosophical ontology. Pragmatism is located within the analyticist philosophy of science, as it adheres to mind-world monism and phenomenalism. While the former is evidenced in its concept of transaction, suggesting the mutual constitution of humans and their contexts, the latter is evidenced in its attention to objects, which are anything that a person notices (including in-principle unobservables). The meanings of objects are expressed in terms of action and depend on habits, which are predispositions for actions and, as such, more intimate and informative than choices. Pragmatism, therefore, encompasses more than reflective action.. Accounting for the pragmatic transagent, thus, requires the scrutiny of objects and habits, which implies the inclusion of meaning and interpretation. Consequently, it is found that the CA's reasoning agent can benefit from the inclusion of in-principle unbservables by dint of pragmatic objects and habits, enhance the elements constituting individuals with these same elements, make sense of the nature and function of values and preferences, and enrich its account of the relation between individuals and their context by dint of pragmatic transaction. Therefore, the pragmatic transagent can account for the groups dropped by the CA. Additionally, pragmatism can complement the CA in other aspects. Concerning ontology, while the CA has abstained from addressing ontological issues, pragmatism is found to adhere to an analyticist philosophy of science, which seems to agree with the CA's reasoning agent and its constituting elements: choice (observables) and reasoning (unobservables). As for empirical issues, the CA has supported its flexibility on a lay understanding of pragmatism, since it seems to maintain positivist traces. Subscribing to it philosophically could prove beneficial. Apropos of freedom, pragmatism's naturalist philosophy can contribute to alleviate the CA's focus on choice and to account for the continuity of behavior, encompassing non-reflective as well as reflective action, seemingly the main focus of the CA. With respect to democracy, pragmatism casts a wider net than the CA applying democracy to all levels of human association, not only society or the state, which seems to be the CA's concern. Finally, as regards normativity, although both are consequentialist, while the CA holds freedom and achievement as the end, pragmatism advances solely action. These are not incompatible positions. To the extent that the CA can further action, a pragmatic capability approach can accommodate regarding development as freedom. / [ES] El Enfoque de Capacidad (EC) de Amartya Sen hace una importante contribución a la literatura del desarrollo. Se mueve del enfoque convencional en un único indicador: opulencia, a un énfasis en la gente, su pluralidad, y las múltiples dimensiones que caracterizan su calidad de vida. Así, propone una explicación de los seres humanos y su agencia. Sin perjuicio de sus ventajas, su noción de agencia parece merecer estudio a profundidad. Esta disertación explora el alcance real de la agencia del EC así como sus limitaciones, y sugiere una forma de complementarla. Una elaboración del agente capacitario abarca dos elementos: libertad o elección y racionalidad o razonamiento. Así, el EC rechaza al agente racional convencional y promueve uno razonante. Por tanto, la agencia del EC parece requerir atención a la medición y explicación (observables) así como al significado e interpretación (inobservables), lo que demanda moverse más allá de una filosofía de la ciencia positivista. Al mismo tiempo, se encuentra que esta noción parece dejar gente que tiene a otros eligiendo y razonando por ellos sin explicación. Para brindar un complemento al EC en ambos aspectos, se propone el pragmatismo de John Dewey. Es una filosofía con una propuesta de cómo la gente piensa y actúa. La elaboración de la agencia pragmática se hace desde la ontología filosófica. El pragmatismo se ubica como una filosofía de la ciencia analiticista pues adopta el monismo mente-mundo y el fenomenalismo. Mientras el primero se evidencia en su concepto de transacción, sugiriendo una mutua constitución entre humanos y contextos, el segundo lo hace en su atención a objetos, todo lo que una persona nota (incluyendo en principio inobservables). El significado de los objetos se expresa en términos de acción y dependen de hábitos, que son predisposiciones para acciones y, por tanto, son más íntimos e informativos que las elecciones. Así, se abarca más que la acción reflexiva. Explicar al transagente pragmático requiere el estudio de objetivos y hábitos, lo que implica la inclusión de significados e interpretación. Consecuentemente, se encuentra que el agente razonante del EC puede beneficiarse de la inclusión de en principio inobservables mediante los objetos y hábitos pragmáticos, ampliar los elementos que constituyen a los individuos con los mismos elementos, darle sentido a la naturaleza y función de valores y preferencias, y enriquecer su explicación de la relación entre individuos y su contexto mediante la transacción pragmática. Por tanto, el transagente pragmático puede incluir grupos abandonados por el EC. Adicionalmente, el pragmatismo puede complementar al EC en otros aspectos. Sobre la ontología, mientras el EC se ha abstenido de tratar temas ontológicos, el pragmatismo se adhiere a una filosofía de las ciencias analiticista, que parece coincidir con el agente razonante del EC y sus elementos constitutivos: elección (observables) y razonamiento (inobservables). Con respecto a asuntos empíricos, el EC ha basado su flexibilidad en un entendimiento inexperto del pragmatismo, ya que parece mantener rastros positivistas. Suscribirse a su filosofía puede resultar beneficioso. A propósito de la libertad, la filosofía naturalista del pragmatismo puede ayudar a aliviar la atención del EC a la elección y abordar la continuidad del comportamiento, abarcando acción no reflexiva y reflexiva, que parece ser el énfasis del EC. Sobre la democracia, el pragmatismo amplía la red más allá que el EC al aplicar la democracia a todos los niveles de asociación humana, no solo la sociedad y el estado, que parece ser el interés del EC. Finalmente, acerca de la normatividad, aunque ambos son consecuencialistas, mientras el EC propone las capacidad y funcionamientos como fines, el pragmatismo promueve la acción. Estas no son posiciones incompatibles. En la medida en que el EC pueda avanzar la acción, un enfoque de capacidad pragmático puede alojar considerar al desarrollo como libertad. / [CA] L'Enfocament de Capacitat (EC) d'Amartya Sen fa una important contribucio a la lliteratura del desenroll. Se mou de l'enfocament convencional en un unic indicador: opulencia, a un emfatis en la gent, la seua pluralitat, i les multiples dimensions que caracterisen la seua calitat de vida. Aixina, propon una explicacio dels sers humans i la seua agencia. Sense perjuï de les seues ventages, la seua nocio d'agencia sembla mereixer estudi a fondaria. Esta dissertacio explora l'alcanç real de l'agencia de l'EC aixina com les seues llimitacions, i sugerix una forma de complementar-la. Una elaboracio de l'agent capacitat albarca dos elements: llibertat o eleccio i racionalitat o raonament. Aixina, l'EC rebuja a l'agent racional convencional i promou un raonant. Per tant, l'agencia de l'EC sembla requerir atencio a la medicio i explicacio (observables) aixina com al significat i interpretacio (inobservables), lo que demanda moure's mes alla d'una filosofia de la ciencia positivista. Al mateix temps, se troba que esta nocio sembla deixar gent que te a atres triant i raonant per ells sense explicacio. Per a brindar un complement a l'EC en abdos aspectes, se propon el pragmatisme de John Dewey. Es una filosofia en una proposta de com la gent pensa i actua. L'elaboracio de l'agencia pragmatica se fa des de l'ontologia filosofica. El pragmatisme s'ubica com una filosofia de la ciencia analiticist puix adopta el monisme ment-mon i el fenomenalisme. Mentres el primer s'evidencia en el seu concepte de transaccio, sugerint una mutua constitucio entre humans i contexts, el segon ho fa en la seua atencio a objectes, tot lo que una persona nota (incloent en principi inobservables). El significat dels objectes s'expressa en termens d'accio i depenen d'habits, que son predisposicions per a accions i, per tant, son mes intims i informatius que les eleccions. Aixina, se compren mes que l'accio reflexiva. Explicar al transagent pragmatic requerix l'estudi d'objectius i habits, lo que implica l'inclusio de significats i interpretacio. Conseqüentment, se troba que l'agent raonant de l'EC pot beneficiar-se de l'inclusio d'en principi inobservables mediant els objectes i habits pragmatics, ampliar els elements que constituixen als individus en els mateixos elements, donar-li sentit a la naturalea i funcio de valors i preferencies, i enriquir la seua explicacio de la relacio entre individus i el seu context mediant la transaccio pragmatica. Per tant, el transagent pragmatic pot incloure grups abandonats per l'EC. Adicionalment, el pragmatisme pot complementar a l'EC en atres aspectes. Sobre l'ontologia, mentres l'EC s'ha abstingut de tractar temes ontologics, el pragmatisme s'adherix a una filosofia de les ciencies analiticist, que sembla coincidir en l'agent raonant de l'EC i els seus elements constitutius: eleccio (observables) i raonament (inobservables). En respecte a assunts empirics, l'EC ha basat la seua flexibilitat en un enteniment inexpert del pragmatisme, ya que sembla mantindre rastres positivistes. Subscriure's a la seua filosofia pot resultar beneficios. A proposit de la llibertat, la filosofia naturalista del pragmatisme pot ajudar a aliviar l'atencio de l'EC a l'eleccio i abordar la continuïtat del comportament, comprenent accio no reflexiva i reflexiva, que sembla ser el emfatis de l'EC. Sobre la democracia, el pragmatisme amplia la xarcia mes alla que l'EC a l'aplicar la democracia a tots els nivells d'associacio humana, no nomes la societat i l'estat, que sembla ser l'interes de l'EC. Finalment, al voltant de la normativitat, encara que abdos son conseqüèncialistes, mentres l'EC propon les capacitat i funcionaments com fins, el pragmatisme promou l'accio. Estes no son posicions incompatibles. En la mesura en que l'EC puga alvançar l'accio, un enfocament de capacitat pragmatica pot estajar considerar al desenroll com llibertat. / Garcés Velástegui, PF. (2020). Towards a pragmatic capability approach: Essays on human development, agency and pragmatism [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/153796 / Compendio

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