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中國大陸財政地方分權與人類發展指數之關係許淳澤, Hsu, Chun-Tse Unknown Date (has links)
本篇文章之研究目的,即為探討中國的財政地方分權化對於區域人類發展的效果為何,因此利用中國6個年份的省市追蹤資料(panel data)來進行分析,並將財政地方分權化變數之平方項加入實證模型中,試圖探析中國的財政地方分權化,與區域人類發展是否存在非線性的關係。最後,本研究經由實證結果發現,財政地方分權化對於區域人類發展是有正面的幫助,然而這個助益會隨著分權程度的增加而消減,過了最適的臨界水準後甚至會有負向效果;也就是說,對於中國各省市而言,絕對財政中央集權化與完全財政地方分權化,對於區域人類發展皆會產生不良的影響。
最後本研究亦認為,並非高度的財政分權化即可為地方人類發展帶來最大的助益,若中央能適度的下放財政權限,以利於資源的有效分配,其對於整體的社會發展來說才是最大的幫助。而依目前現況,中國政府應當在不持續擴張地方財政權限下,加速提高低度發展省分的財政地方分權程度,以增進區域的人類發展並且改善不均等現象。 / Since China started the economical reform in 1978, the rapidly economic growth is extremely amazing. In the series of reform, the fiscal decentralization of region is viewed as an important factor. However, pursuing the economic growth will not be the only goal anymore now. Instead, people nowadays want to live in a sound environment. Thus, the United Nationals Developing Programme has designed a mixed index in order to measure the human development in nations or regions more objectively than before.
The purpose of this study is to discuss what effects on human development will be when the fiscal decentralization of region is implemented in China. This study uses provincial-level panel data to analyze them, and finding that there is a positive causality but diminishing marginal returns. According to the results, for any provinces in China, whether the absolutely fiscal centralization or completely fiscal decentralization is implemented, there is no benefit for regional development. In conclusion, the high fiscal decentralization won’t benefit the people in the region the most. Thus, the best way for the overall social development is that the center government releases the fiscal power in an appropriate degree in China, so that the human development in the regions could be improved.
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Return of high skilled migrants : an empirical investigation into the knowledge transfer process of two organizations in New Delhi, IndiaVijh, Rajneesh January 2015 (has links)
Against the backdrop of the brain drain-brain gain debate, this thesis explores certain facets of the return migration phenomenon. Drawing on several theories, the decision to return among high skilled migrants is likely to be influenced by the prospect of using their overseas-acquired knowledge to secure a better livelihood back home. While ample consideration is given to motivations to return, the choice of employer and issues adjusting to the work and social surroundings, the main objective of the research is to understand migrants' transfer of overseas-acquired knowledge upon their return to India. Given the interdisciplinary nature of the topic, the scope of the thesis is focused on returnees working in two organizations in New Delhi—Fortis Escorts Hospital and Research Centre (EHIRC) and Tata Consultancy Services' Government Industry Solutions Unit (GISU). Adopting a mixed methods approach, survey data and case interviews are analyzed to address the core research question: “How and in which ways do returnees transfer their newly acquired knowledge, skills and experiences in employing organizations?” A key hypothesis is that returnees' social ties affect the extent and nature of knowledge transfers and thus confer intended benefits and may lead to unintended consequences for their organizations. The analyses pit McPherson's (2001) principle of homophily in social networks against Granovetter's (1973) weak ties hypothesis to grasp the role of returnees in knowledge transfers within EHIRC and GISU. Results drawn from data collected on returnees, non-migrants and transnationals strongly confirm that social ties—strong, intermediate or weak—affect the transfer of knowledge to stakeholders in their organizations. The contribution of this thesis to the existing body of research is to shed light on both the potential and limitations of returnees as a conduit for transferring knowledge, upgrading skills and relaying insights to non-migrants, teams or units in the workplace.
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Recent literature has noted that not all youth who experience adverse circumstances (e.g. poverty, exposure to violence, maltreatment) end up displaying expected unfavorable outcomes (e.g. academic failure, depression, drug dependence); in fact, some youth display “resilience,” broadly understood as adaptive functioning in the face of adversity (Luthar, Cicchetti, & Becker, 2000). Overall, research on resilience has offered a new approach to the study of at-risk populations, emphasizing the study of strengths, processes, and mechanisms among individuals and communities that may favor positive adaptation, rather than emphasizing deficits among those experiencing adversity (Schoon, 2012). Although resilience research has come a long way, the importance of cultural processes in resilience only recently has been considered, there is still a dearth of studies among diverse contexts and cultural groups (Betancourt et al., 2011), and there is a lack of prospective analyses examining the stability of resilience over time (O’Dougherty et al., 2015). The present study examined the existence of profiles of adjustment among youth who had experienced some kind of adversity in three contexts: (1) Medellin, Colombia (n = 967); (2) Guatemala (n = 2.470); and (3) Chicago, USA (n=491), as well as protective factors associated with profile classification. Furthermore, the continuity of profiles over time was examined in the Chicago sample. Results showed that for each context, diverse profiles of adjustment emerge in the presence of adversity. For all contexts some youth were classified as either resilient (defined as scoring 1 SD above or below the mean on selected indicators) or as holding steady (scoring above the mean but less than 1 SD). Profiles exhibiting high levels of internalizing symptoms, externalizing problems, or problems across domains also were identified across contexts. Protective factors at the individual (e.g. sex, intelligence, prosocial behavior) and at the contextual (e.g. family cohesion, prosocial peers, positive relationship with teacher) levels proved relevant for profile classification, with some factors being relevant in one context but not in another. Prospective analyses revealed both continuity and discontinuity in profile classification among youth in Chicago, with some youth remaining classified in the same group across time points, whereas others transitioned between groups. These results highlight the importance of studying resilience in context, given that what constitutes a salient protective factor for some youth may not be relevant for others. Moreover, these results show that as youth negotiate developmental tasks within their ecologies, there is potential for both continuity and discontinuity in resilience processes. The results can inform prevention and intervention efforts aiming to work from a strength based approach.
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Chudoba v rozvojovém světě / The Poverty in the Developing WorldRožánková, Alice January 2010 (has links)
The theme of this diploma thesis is "The Poverty in the Developing World", the poverty that not only less developed countries mainly in Africa, Asia and Latin America suffer from, but developed countries that are trying to help the developing world suffer from it as well. How much is that help important and what kind of help is crucial for the developed countries, that is the main subject of this thesis. The theoretical part is based on the available economic theories that solve the vicious circle of poverty in which these countries are trapped. Leading economists mentioned in the theoretical part are Thomas Malthus, whose study was one of the first, then Thomas Merrick, Albert Hirschman, and many others. The practical part deals with three countries, which connect the African continent - Somalia, Angola and Botswaa. Each of these countries is currently in a different situation, but their initial conditions were the same - the hole in the vicious circle of poverty. The conclusion of this work is a prediction of the future development of these countries and recommendations what direction they should go.
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Begränsande och möjliggörande faktorer för undervisning : En intervjustudie om förskollärares förståelse för undervisningsbegreppet. / Limiting and enabling factors for teaching : An interview study about preschool teacher´s understanding of the teaching concept.Sundquist, Mette January 2019 (has links)
The purpose with this study is to make limiting and enabling factors for teaching in preschool visible. The study assume from an ecological of human development theory and a fenomenographic method with a thematic course. The study is built on preschool teacher´s understanding of the teaching concept. The result shows that preschool teachers strive for prerequisites to implement and carry though the teaching. Result also shows that preschool teachers strive for an equivalent preschool. Preschool teachers consider that teaching is a right that all of the children have. The result shows that preschool teachers strive to get all the children the same possibilities and opportunities to grow and learn. / Syftet med studien är att synliggöra begränsande och möjliggörande faktorer för undervisning i förskolan. Studien utgår ifrån en utvecklingsekologisk teori och en fenomenografisk metodansats med en tematisk inriktning. Studien bygger på förskollärares förståelse av undervisningsbegreppet ur förskolans kontext. Resultatet visar att förskollärare strävar efter rätt förutsättningar för att kunna implementera och genomföra undervisning. Resultatet visar också att förskollärarna strävar efter en likvärdig förskola. Förskollärarna anser att undervisning är en rättighet som alla barn ska ha. Resultatet visar att förskollärarna strävar efter att ge alla barn samma möjligheter och förutsättningar till utveckling och lärande.
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Experiência na prática deliberada de corrida: classificação por meio de um sistema fuzzy de apoio à decisão / Experience in the deliberate practice of running: a fuzzy system based classification to support decision-makingRoveri, Maria Isabel 15 July 2016 (has links)
A prática deliberada de corrida promove uma melhora no padrão de movimento do corredor, porém ainda é incerto quais são as contribuições da experiência de corrida na mecânica do corpo. No curso de dar luz a essas contribuições nos deparamos com uma questão básica anterior: o que é um corredor experiente? Apesar de existir uma regra dos \"dez anos\" de prática para se tornar especialista, não há uma definição clara do que é ser experiente em corrida e, quantificar o nível da experiência é uma tarefa desafiadora. Uma alternativa para essa tarefa envolve a criação de um sistema de apoio à decisão para classificação do fenômeno utilizando um sistemas linguísticos fuzzy. O uso desses sistemas é indicado para tratar de fenômenos com características de incerteza de identificação. Os objetivos do estudo foram: (i) desenvolver um sistema de apoio à decisão para a classificação da experiência do corredor de longa distância não federado por meio de um modelo fuzzy; e (ii) desenvolver uma prova que avalie a capacidade do corredor em controlar o ritmo durante a corrida, como forma de qualificar a experiência nessa modalidade. Para o primeiro objetivo, dois subsistemas tipo Mamdani foram desenvolvidos a partir do julgamento de três técnicos especialistas em corrida. No primeiro subsistema as variáveis linguísticas de frequência e volume de treino foram combinadas tendo como saída conjuntos que definiram a qualidade da prática. O segundo subsistema combinou à saída do 1º sistema, o número de provas e o tempo de prática e determinou o nível de experiência em corrida, em cinco conjuntos de saída. Os resultados do modelo foram altamente consistentes com a avaliação dos três especialistas em corrida que o criaram (r > O,88, p < O,OOl) e altamente consistentes com a avaliação de cinco outros especialistas (r > O,86, p < O,OOl). Para o segundo objetivo, como os especialistas descreveram de forma contundente que o controle de ritmo durante a corrida é uma característica presente e marcante em corredores experientes, desenvolvemos uma prova para testar essa capacidade do corredor e para que esta ferramenta pudesse ser utilizada como padrão de comparação com os resultados da avaliação do modelo fuzzy. Duas provas de 1000 m e 3200 m foram desenvolvidas. A primeira foi aplicada em 100 e a segunda em 42 corredores de longa distância não federados, onde tinham um tempo alvo para completar a prova baseado no tempo da última prova de 5km ou 10km que tivessem realizado. Os tempos parciais foram mensurados a cada 200m para identificar o ritmo. Foi possível identificar algumas distribuições de ritmo típicas ao longo dos testes, todavia, elas não se relacionaram com o nível de experiência dos corredores, o mesmo ocorreu entre o grau de acurácia em reproduzir os tempos solicitados e o nível de experiência. No geral, pode-se dizer que a classificação de experiência baseada num sistema fuzzy foi consistente como se pode depreender do grau de correlação do modelo com os julgamentos dos especialistas. A ausência de relações significantes entre o modelo e o controle de ritmo pode ser atribuída ao segundo, já que não há consenso na literatura sobre qual seria um teste de ritmo objetivo, fidedigno e válido. O controle de ritmo por si já está imbuído de um grau de incerteza (várias combinações temporais levam ao mesmo resultado final) o que corrobora com a utilização da lógica fuzzy para o entendimento do fenômeno e demanda estudos específicos. É importante destacar que a aplicação do modelo permitiu identificar que um alto nível de experiência não está balizado pela \"regra dos 10 anos de prática\" o que provavelmente tem a ver com o tipo de atividade estudada aqui, depende de uma habilidade mais motora e menos cognitiva. Isso indica que na corrida há outros fatores balizadores, como a frequência e o volume de treinos e a participação em provas. O sistema fuzzy de apoio a decisão para classificação do nível de experiência do praticante de corrida de fundo mostrou-se capaz de identificar e classificar a experiência em corrida com confiabilidade / The deliberate practice of running enhances the runner\'s movement pattern, but it is yet uncertain what are the contributions of running experience to body mechanics. In the course to unravel such contributions one is faced with a more basic question: what is an experienced runner? In spite of the well known rule of \"ten years of practice\" to become an expertise, there is no clear definition of what it is to be an experienced runner, hence to quantify the experience levei is a challenging task. One alternative to this task entails the development a system to support decision-making to classify the phenomenon using Fuzzy Linguistic Systems. The use of such systems is indicated to deal with phenomena that have an uncertain characterization because its identification allows different configurations. The goals of the study were: (i) to develop a fuzzy decision support system for classifying the running experience of non- elite long distance runners; (ii) to develop a running test to assess the runner\'s ability to pace control during running and that might be associated to experience levels. For the first goal, two Mamdani subsystems were developed from the judgements of three expert running coaches. In the first subsystem, the linguistic variables of training frequency and volume were combined and the output defined the quality of running practice. The second subsystem determined the running experience levei from the five output sets of the first subsystem combined with the number of races and practice time. The results of the model were highly consistent with the evaluation done by the three expert running coaches who created it (r > O,88, p < O,OOl) as well as with that of other five expert running coaches (r > O,86, p < O,OOl). For the second goal, considering that the running experts were quite confident that pace control is a marked ability of experienced runners, a running test was developed to assess the runner\'s ability to exert such control and that might be a reference for comparison with the experience levei defined by the fuzzy system based classification. Two running tests, 1000 and 3200 meters races, were developed and applied in a sample of 142 non-elite long distance runners in which they had a goal time to complete the test based on their personal last time in 10km or 5km races. Splits times we-re taken at each 200 m to identify the pace. Although it was possible to identify some typical pace distributions in the tests, they were not correlated to experience levels and also to the accuracy with which the goal time were attained. Overall, the classification of running experience based in a fuzzy system was consistent as one considers the degree of correlation between the model and the judgments made by the expert coaches. The lack of correlation with the pace control might be due to the fact that the test might not be appropriated. There is no consensus in the literature about what would be an objective, reliable and valid running pace control testo Pace control is in itself an uncertain process (many temporal combinations can yield the same final result) which agrees with the use fuzzy logic to unravel it, hence it warrants a set of particular investigations. It is important to remark that with the application of the model it was possible to verify that a high running experience levei is not constrained by \"the ten years of practice\" rule, which is likely to related to the activity studied here. This indicates that in running there are other constraints for experience such as training frequency, volume and participation in races. The fuzzy decision support system to classify the experience levei of the non-elite long distance runner proved to be capable to identify and classify the running experience with reliability
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Crescimento econômico e desenvolvimento humano: uma análise mundial da eficiência social de Estados-nação / Economic growth and human development: a global analysis of social efficiency of Nation-statesMariano, Enzo Barberio 02 July 2012 (has links)
Mesmo sendo uma condição indispensável para que ocorra o desenvolvimento humano, o crescimento econômico nem sempre é convertido eficientemente em qualidade de vida pelos Estados-nação. Deste modo, o presente trabalho teve o objetivo de mensurar a eficiência social dos países, que expressa à capacidade de um Estado-nação converter sua riqueza produzida em qualidade de vida, e de determinar fatores que possam explicá-la. Como hipóteses de pesquisa para esses fatores, foram considerados: (i) a atuação do Estado, do Mercado e da Sociedade Civil; (ii) o estoque de capital físico, natural, humano, cultural, social e institucional; (iii) a presença de liberdades política, econômica e de expressão; (iv) o efeito do próprio desenvolvimento humano; e (v) outras características socioeconômicas dos países. Para que esse objetivo fosse alcançado, foram utilizadas as técnicas: (a) Análise Envoltória de Dados (DEA), em sua forma padrão, cruzada, invertida e tripla; (b) regressão linear simples; (c) clusterização por eficiência; (d) método k-means; e (e) testes estatísticos de diferença entre médias. Os principais resultados obtidos indicaram que as ex-repúblicas soviéticas e os países de passado socialista foram os que mais se destacaram na eficiência social; já os países desenvolvidos, apesar de apresentarem elevados indicadores sociais, sendo altamente eficazes, não se destacaram na eficiência; os países do sul da África, por sua vez, além de possuírem a pior condição social, foram também os mais ineficientes. Quanto aos fatores explicativos da eficiência social, concluiu-se que possuem impacto positivo: (1) a taxa básica de juros; (2) a taxa bruta de investimentos; (3) a taxa de estradas pavimentadas; (4) a taxa de alfabetização; (5) o número de médicos per capita; (6) a liberdade fiscal; (7) além de quase todos os outputs sociais utilizados na análise de eficiência, com exceção da inflação. Por outro lado, os fatores que se relacionam negativamente com a eficiência são: (a) o saldo da balança corrente; (b) a quantidade de reservas de petróleo; (c) o PIB per capita; (d) o nível de caridade; (e) a ausência de corrupção; (f) a liberdade de investimento e financeira; (g) a liberdade política e de expressão; (h) a taxa de fecundidade na adolescência; (i) a taxa de infectados com HIV; e (j) o nível de emissões de \'CO IND.2\'. Apesar de alguns resultados encontrados terem sido bastante polêmicos, afastando-se tanto do senso comum quanto de teorias estabelecidas, acredita-se que o presente trabalho contribuiu para lançar luz sobre um novo e fértil campo de pesquisa, denominado eficiência social. / Despite being a prerequisite for occurring development, economic growth is not always fully converted into welfare or quality of life, since countries have different levels of efficiency in carrying out this conversion. Thus, this study aimed to determine the efficiency of Nation-states to convert their wealth produced in quality of life (social efficiency) and, subsequently, to investigate the impact in this efficiency of the factors: (i) performance of the State, Market and Civil Society; (ii) stock of physical , natural, human, cultural, social and institutional capital; (iii) political , economic and expression freedoms; (iv) human development itself; and (v) other socioeconomic characteristics of the countries. To accomplish this goal, we have used: (a) Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) in its standard, cross, reversed and triple form; (b) simple linear regression; (c) clustering for efficiency; (d) k-means method; and (e) statistical tests of differences between means. The main results indicate that the ex-Soviet republics and the countries of the socialist past were most outstanding in social efficiency; whereas the developed countries, although having high social indicators, i.e., high efficacy, not were excelled in efficiency; the countries of southern Africa, in turn, have the worst social condition, and were also the most inefficient. As for the explanatory factors of social efficiency, it was concluded that had positive impact the variables: (1) prime rate; (2) gross rate of investment; (3) rate of paved roads; (4) literacy rate; (5) number of doctors per capita; (6) fiscal freedom; (7) and the most social indicators that were used in the analysis of efficiency, with the exception of inflation. On the other hand, the factors that are negatively related to efficiency are: (a) current account balance; (b) amount of oil reserves; (c) GDP per capita; (d) level of charity; (e) corruption absence; (f) freedom of investment and financing; (g) political freedom and expression; (h) adolescent fertility rate; (i) the rate of HIV-infected; and (j) level of \'CO IND.2\' emissions. Although some results have been quite controversial, away from both common sense and established theories, it is believed that this work has helped to shed light on a new and fertile field of research called social efficiency.
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A criatividade sob a luz da experiência: a busca de uma visão integradora do fenômeno criativo\". / Creativity under the light of experience: the search of an integrating vision of the creative phenomenonSakamoto, Cleusa Kazue 29 September 1999 (has links)
Busca uma visão mais global do fenômeno criativo e para tanto, elege como objeto de estudo a experiência criativa, já que os estudos habituais da criatividade se destinam à apreensão de seus aspectos de manifestação, a saber: a pessoa, o processo, o produto ou as circunstâncias ambientais envolvidas no acontecimento criador. O estudo baseia-se em entrevistas com pessoas de diferentes áreas profissionais, que relatam suas experiências com a criatividade e, utiliza como guia teórico, a teoria do desenvolvimento emocional de D.W.Winnicott, principalmente em virtude desta proposta teórica representar uma abordagem original do fenômeno criativo. Os relatos das entrevistas apresentam muitos dos temas presentes na teoria de Winnicott, como por exemplo, o Potencial Criativo, a Função da Criatividade e o Fator Facilitador da Afetividade. Os resultados da pesquisa mostram três novos elementos de compreensão da criatividade: a presença de um sentimento de apropriação que indica um compromisso com o processo criativo, a existência de uma ordem interna que rege as ações relacionadas à experiência e a existência de um espaço e um tempo próprios à atividade criadora. A partir da reflexão mais profunda dos resultados, o estudo ressalta a importância da relação entre a criatividade e o desenvolvimento das qualidades afetivas dos seres humanos, uma vez que ambos se encontram nas bases da evolução humana. / Search for a global vision of the creative phenomenon and for that selects as object of study the creative experience, once that usually such studies of creativity are addressed to the apprehension of its aspects of manifestation, as follows: the person, the process, the product or the ambient circumstances involved in the creating event. The study is based on interviews with people from different professional areas, reporting their experience with the creativy and, utilises as theoretical guide, the theory of the emotional development by D. W. Winnicott, mainly due to the fact that this theoretical proposal represents a original approach of the creative phenomenon. The reports from the interviews show many of existing themes at Winnicotts theory, such as, the Creative Potential, the Function of Creativity and the Facilitator Factor of the Affectiveness. The surveys result shows three new elements of comprehension of the creativity: the presence of a feeling of appropriation that indicates a compromise with the creative process, the existence of a internal order that guide the actions related to the experience and the existence of a space and a time pertaining to the creating activity. From a deeper refletion of the results, the study distinguishes the importance of the relationship between the creativity and the development of the human beings affective qualities, once that both them are met in the basis of the human evolution.
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Que(m) nomeia a deficiência? / Who/what, does denominate disability?Galvão, Lígia Ferreira 29 August 2011 (has links)
Este trabalho estuda os modos de produção discursiva do que se denomina, na atualidade, deficiência. Vale-se da análise institucional do discurso, proposta por Marlene Guirado, como referência teórico-metodológica em todas as etapas da pesquisa, em especial para a análise das entrevistas realizadas. Estas trazem à cena o discurso de quatro pessoas (re)conhecidas como pessoas com deficiência e de seus familiares; todas as quatro matriculadas na rede municipal de ensino de uma cidade próxima à cidade de São Paulo. O período de realização das entrevistas (2008-2010) coincide com o momento em que as práticas vinculadas ao modelo tradicional de ensino ofertado àqueles alunos (educação especial) passam a ser substituídas por práticas enunciadas como visando outro modelo de ensino, denominado educação inclusiva. Também é analisado o discurso de seis educadores e seis profissionais de outras áreas, todos eles ligados direta ou indiretamente às quatro pessoas com deficiência e em contato direto ou indireto entre si, no cotidiano profissional. Analisadas uma a uma, as entrevistas são agrupadas primeiramente pela sua origem, a saber: pessoas e familiares; educadores e terapeutas. São analisadas as singularidades que se destacam em cada entrevista e as regularidades que se desenham pela repetição de termos e expressões no entrecruzamento desses discursos. Obtêm-se, dessa forma, categorias que não só constituem o campo discursivo específico do conjunto de entrevistas como indicam os gêneros discursivos e os modos particulares de dizer e colocar em circulação um discurso da deficiência. Assim efetivada, a análise permite afirmar que a deficiência, dita como falta, limitação, dificuldade; mostrada como imperfeição, doença, bloqueio, também é associada, pela negação, à capacidade/incapacidade dos sujeitos. A transitividade dos termos enunciados não é complementada senão com termos vagos e gerais, como artigos e pronomes indefinidos. Contrastada, no discurso, com as narrativas de experiências e histórias concretas de vida, em especial na fala das pessoas com deficiência e de seus familiares, a dimensão conceitual e abstrata da categoria deficiência parece não ter destaque na enunciação, dando lugar ao inefável da experiência humana / This is a study of modes of discourse production of the currently so-called disability. The institutional analysis of discourse as proposed by Marlene Guirado was used as a theoretical and methodological reference of the research study in all phases of this study, particularly in the analysis of the interviews. The interviews conveyed the discourses of four individuals known as people with disabilities and their families. The individuals were public school students from a town near the city of São Paulo, southeastern Brazil. The study was conducted during a transition period when the traditional model of special education was replaced with inclusive education. All interviews were carried out between 2008 and 2010. The discourses of six educators and six providers from other areas were also analyzed. They worked directly or indirectly with the individuals in study and maintained direct or indirect relationships between themselves during their daily work. The interviews were analyzed one by one and then grouped by their origin: individuals and their families; educators and therapists. Notable distinctive features and common characteristics of discourses evidenced by word repetition and use of similar expressions were examined. This analysis produced categories that not only marked specific discursive areas but also identified discourse genres and particular ways of expressing and conveying a discourse of disability. This analysis showed that disability articulated as lack, limitation, difficulty, and shown as imperfection, disease, and restraint is associated by denial with the subjects ability/inability. The transitivity of the terms used is complemented only with vague, general words such as articles and indefinite pronouns. The abstract conceptual dimension of the disability category contrasting with narratives of experiences and stories of real life, especially in the discourse of those with disabilities and their families, seems to have no highlight in the enunciation, giving rise to the inexpressible human experience
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Encruzilhadas das modernizações: o projeto político do desenvolvimento humano no Brasil (2004 - 2015) / Intersections of modernizations: the political project of human development in Brazil (2004-2015)Shishito, Fabio Akira 16 August 2018 (has links)
A pesquisa examina o projeto político do desenvolvimento humano em suas formas de implementação, no Brasil. As propostas que emanam do Programa das Nações Unidas para o Desenvolvimento (PNUD), sobretudo através dos Relatórios do Desenvolvimento Humano (RDH), ganham características particulares no ambiente sociopolítico nacional. O projeto oriundo do órgão internacional se concretiza, principalmente, através dos esforços de implementação dos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio (ODM). O objeto da pesquisa é constituído, assim, pelas representações discursivas dos diversos agentes políticos e econômicos direcionados ao cumprimento dos objetivos e metas denominados ODM. Uma das preocupações centrais da pesquisa diz respeito aos métodos e às instituições disciplinadoras da ação individual e coletiva dos diferentes sujeitos sociais e políticos atuantes em favor dos Objetivos do Milênio. Analisa-se as bases teóricas e metodológicas que dão suporte ao projeto político e examina-se as práticas organizacionais e as representações sob o prisma de uma sociologia da mudança social que interroga, centralmente, as relações de poder e dominação. / The research examines the human development political project in its forms of implementation, in Brazil. Proposals emanating from the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), particularly through the Human Development Reports (HRD), acquire particular characteristics in the national socio-political environment. The project originated from the international organization is realized mainly through the efforts to implement the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The research object is constituted, therefore, by the discursive representations of the diverse political and economic actors directed to the fulfillment of the objectives and goals denominated MDG. One of the central concerns of the research refers to the disciplinary methods and institutions for the individual and collective action of the different social and political actors working for the Millennium Development Goals. It analyzes the theoretical and methodological bases that support the political project and examines the organizacional practices and representations under the prism of a sociology of social change that interrogates, centrally, the relations of power and domination.
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