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中國大陸財政地方分權與人類發展指數之關係許淳澤, Hsu, Chun-Tse Unknown Date (has links)
本篇文章之研究目的,即為探討中國的財政地方分權化對於區域人類發展的效果為何,因此利用中國6個年份的省市追蹤資料(panel data)來進行分析,並將財政地方分權化變數之平方項加入實證模型中,試圖探析中國的財政地方分權化,與區域人類發展是否存在非線性的關係。最後,本研究經由實證結果發現,財政地方分權化對於區域人類發展是有正面的幫助,然而這個助益會隨著分權程度的增加而消減,過了最適的臨界水準後甚至會有負向效果;也就是說,對於中國各省市而言,絕對財政中央集權化與完全財政地方分權化,對於區域人類發展皆會產生不良的影響。
最後本研究亦認為,並非高度的財政分權化即可為地方人類發展帶來最大的助益,若中央能適度的下放財政權限,以利於資源的有效分配,其對於整體的社會發展來說才是最大的幫助。而依目前現況,中國政府應當在不持續擴張地方財政權限下,加速提高低度發展省分的財政地方分權程度,以增進區域的人類發展並且改善不均等現象。 / Since China started the economical reform in 1978, the rapidly economic growth is extremely amazing. In the series of reform, the fiscal decentralization of region is viewed as an important factor. However, pursuing the economic growth will not be the only goal anymore now. Instead, people nowadays want to live in a sound environment. Thus, the United Nationals Developing Programme has designed a mixed index in order to measure the human development in nations or regions more objectively than before.
The purpose of this study is to discuss what effects on human development will be when the fiscal decentralization of region is implemented in China. This study uses provincial-level panel data to analyze them, and finding that there is a positive causality but diminishing marginal returns. According to the results, for any provinces in China, whether the absolutely fiscal centralization or completely fiscal decentralization is implemented, there is no benefit for regional development. In conclusion, the high fiscal decentralization won’t benefit the people in the region the most. Thus, the best way for the overall social development is that the center government releases the fiscal power in an appropriate degree in China, so that the human development in the regions could be improved.
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財政地方分權在中國各地區經濟成長所扮演的角色 / The Role of Fiscal Decentralization in Regional Economic Growth in China鄭安志, Cheng, An-Chih Unknown Date (has links)
本篇文章之研究目的,即為探討中國的財政地方分權化效果究竟如何。我們將利用中國的省級追蹤資料(panel data)來進行分析,財政地方分權化對於其地區性經濟成長,究竟存在著什麼樣的貢獻。於本研究中,將回顧現有文獻中,關於財政地方分權化對經濟成長影響之相關理論與實證文獻,且特別著重在以中國為研究主體之相關文獻。此外,本文也將清楚地介紹與說明,近幾年來中國財政地方分權化與其地區性經濟成長間關係之現況,且特別著重在地區別之比較。最後,為了確保本研究實證結果之可信度,本文將建立兩種實證模型,並將財政地方分權化變數之平方項加入實證模型中,試圖探析中國的財政地方分權化,對於其地區性經濟成長之完整影響效果如何。這樣的作法可能可以解釋,為何過去文獻對於此一問題之結論的不一致,也可以進一步獲得,使中國地區性經濟成長達最適之財政地方分權程度。 / The purpose of this study is to investigate the role of fiscal decentralization in China’s regional economic growth ever since fiscal reform was embarked upon in 1994. This study uses provincial-level data to analyze whether or not fiscal decentralization provides a positive effect for economic growth. Both theoretical papers and empirical papers related to the relationship between fiscal decentralization and economic growth are reviewed, particularly those focusing on China. However, in order to examine the role of fiscal decentralization in China’s regional economic growth, this study establishes two empirical models with the square term of fiscal decentralization as an independent variable. So doing might explain why past papers have inconstant conclusions to this problem and provides some important policy implications.
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財政地方分權在中國地方小學教育發展所扮演的角色 / The role of fiscal decentralization in regional compulsory education development in China陳偉杰 Unknown Date (has links)
中國現行的義務教育體制,主要是由地方政府負責管理和籌措教育資金,這意味著地方義務教育發展將取決於其經濟發展水平與財政收支狀況。因此在此情形之下,提供本研究探討中國的財政地方分權化對於其地方義務教育發展之效果為何的動機。本文首先將回顧相關的理論與實證文獻,藉此作為本研究實證結果的基礎;其次,本文也將介紹與說明,近年來中國財政地方分權與義務教育之現況;最後,本研究將綜合整理1994年財政改革後,利用中國省級的追蹤資料(panel data),建立一個二因子固定效果模型(two-way fixed-effect model),並加入財政地方分權變數之平方項,以期能從中釐清財政地方分權與地方小學義務教育之間所存在的關聯性為何。 / Fiscal decentralization is considered as one of the successful institutional reforms to promote the development of China. However, some analyses of fiscal decentralization and the compulsory education in China show that the former did not improve the supply efficiency of the latter one. So the purpose of this study is to investigate the role of fiscal decentralization in China’s regional compulsory education development after the fiscal reform was implemented in 1994. Both theoretical papers and empirical papers related to the relationship between fiscal decentralization and compulsory education are reviewed. Then this study uses the panel data for 31 provinces in China during the period of 1997-2007 and the two-way fixed effects model with two different fiscal decentralization indices. Furthermore, in order to realize the precise relationship between fiscal decentralization and compulsory education, this study establishes two empirical models with the square term of fiscal decentralization as an independent variable. Finally, to reducing the mistakes occurred in positive models and enabling the study more rigorous, this study uses more methods to test the models and the result.
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財政分權對中國地方金融發展的影響 / The effect of fiscal decentralization in regional financial development of China林庭偉, Lin, Ting Wei Unknown Date (has links)
觀察中國多年來經濟的穩健成長,財政的分權化著實扮演著舉足輕重的角色;而在影響經濟成長的眾多因素中,金融發展亦被認為是說明一國經濟成長與資本累積的指標。本研究首先將回顧相關理論與文獻,作為本研究之實證基礎;其次,將簡介中國財政改革的歷程與金融體制發展的歷史演進,並說明中國財政地方分權與金融發展之現況;最後,本研究將整理中國財政改革後,1995年至2010年涵蓋31個省市之追蹤資料(panel data),建立一個二因子固定效果模型(two-way fixed-effect model),並導入財政地方分權變數之平方項,試圖探討中國地方財政分權對於各省市金融發展之影響效果之全貌,並提供具體的政策及建議。
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天津政府效率的評估-兼論地方財政分權的角色 / The assessment of The Tianjin government efficiency楊翎艷, Yang, Ling Yen Unknown Date (has links)
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地方財政分權對中國省市競爭力的影響 / The effect of fiscal decentralization on China’s provincial competitiveness林士傑 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之研究目的主要有以下幾點:第一,希望能藉由相關理論文獻,解釋財政地方分權對中國省、市之間競爭力是否會有所影響或是關聯,將以此為本研究之理論基礎,並且進行實證的檢驗;第二,將以1994年中國財政改革以後之財政相關資料,利用中國31個省、市的追蹤資料,資料蒐集期間涵蓋2000年至2008年,以各年各省、市的綜合競爭力作為衡量該省、市的競爭力指標,以期能夠了解各地區競爭力的影響情形; 第三,本研究建立一個二階段固定效果模型,來檢視中國31個省市財政分權對其綜合競爭力的影響,並將各省市的情形做歸納;第四,從實證模型中發現,財政地方分權與區域綜合競爭力間的關聯性為一非線性關係且具有U型曲線關係;最後,利用實證結果來提供具體的政策建議。
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中國大陸財政地方分權對其地方政府效率之影響 / The effect of fiscal decentralization on the efficiency of local governments in China江姵慧, Jiang, Pei Huei Unknown Date (has links)
首先,本研究採用DEA衡量中國31個省市的地方政府效率,並以財政收入的自主性衡量財政分權程度。接著,利用中國的省級追蹤資料(panel data),以及Tobit迴歸模型來進行實證分析。其實證結果指出,財政地方分權和地方政府效率之間存在非線性的關係,意即存在一個財政分權的臨界值。而其他解釋變數方面,各省市人口密度和人均實質GDP對地方政府效率為顯著且正面的影響。此外,時間趨勢變數對地方政府效率存在著顯著且負向的效果。 / The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of fiscal decentralization on the efficiency of local governments in China. Fisrst, this study uses the data envelopment analysis to weigh the efficiency of local governments in China, and takes revenue-autonomy to the variable of finance decentralization. Then, by using the panel data in 31 regions during the period of 1996-2008, this study adopts the Tobit model to analyze whether or not the fiscal decentralization provides a non-linear effect on the local government’s efficiency. The empirical result explain why past papers have inconstant conclusions to this problem and provides some important policy implications.
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中國大陸財政地方分權對各省市地區房地產價格的影響 / The influence of fiscal decentralization on the real estate price in China林婷婷, Lin, Ting Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本文運用1999年至2010年中國大陸31個省市地區商品房平均銷售價格和影響房價的經濟相關變數的追蹤資料,運用雙因子固定效果模型進行實證研究。研究結果發現:中國大陸各地區財政分權程度對各地區房地產價格為非線性的關係,呈現U型的曲線。意即,存在一個財政分權的臨界值可以使房價達到最小的情況。建議中央政府應透過調整各地區的財政分權程度,來避免因財政分權不均而產生財政資源不均問題,造成房地產價格的波動。並加強對地方政府的財政預算與財政收入的監督與管制,以抑止「土地財政」的行為。 / With the economic growth, the real estate market is booming in China recently. But the overheating real estate price and the difference of real estate price between region and region become the important impediment to regional economic development in China. Therefore, the central government how to control the real estate price is an immense problem.
By using the panel data of average selling price of commercialize buildings and the economic variables of 31cities in China between 1999 and 2010, the study uses two-way fixed effects model to investigate the effect of fiscal decentralization on the real estate price in China.
The empirical analysis’ result shows that the fiscal decentralization provides a non-linear effect on the real estate price, it presents the U-shaped curve. In other words, there are a degree of fiscal decentralization can make the real estate price to reach the minimum. According to results, we propose to take some policies. The central government should adjust the degree of fiscal decentralization in each region, in order to avoid the local government financial problem to lead to rise the real estate price.
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中國大陸財政地方分權對地方財政赤字的影響 / The effect of fiscal decentralization on China’s reigion finance deficit顏文彬 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之研究目的主要有以下幾點:第一,希望能藉由相關理論文獻,解釋財政地方分權對中國省、市之間地方財政赤字是否會有所影響或是關聯,將以此為本研究之理論基礎,並且進行實證的檢驗;第二,將以1994年以後中國財政改革以後之財政相關資料,利用中國31個省、市的追蹤資料,資料蒐集期間涵蓋1995年至2010年,以各年各省、市的財政赤字作為衡量該省、市的財政情形,以期能夠了解各地區財政的影響情形; 第三,本研究建立一個二因子固定效果模型,來檢視中國31個省市財政分權對其地方財政赤字的影響,並將各省市的情形做歸納;第四,從實證模型中發現,財政地方分權與地方財政赤字間的關聯性為一非線性關係且具有U型曲線關係;最後,利用實證結果來提供具體的政策建議。 / Fiscal decentralization is considered as one of the successful institutional reforms to promote the development of China.In order to attract the resource, the regions have to improve or maintain their finance. Therefore, what issues will improve the provincial local government deficit becoming an immense problem. How to use fiscal decentralization tool?It will be an important issue.
The research purpose of this literature is to use the empirical model with the panel data which includes 31 provinces, cities and regions in China during the period of 1995 to 2010 as well as to search the following question. First , analyse the provincial local government deficit and find out the determinative factors of regional deficit. Second, in order to realize the precise relationship between the fiscal decentralization and the provincial local government deficit, this study establishes 2 ways fixed effect model. Finally, to reducing the mistakes occurred in positive models and enabling the study more rigorous, this study uses more methods to test the models and the result. Finally, to reducing the mistakes occurred in positive models and enabling the study more rigorous, this study uses more methods to test the models and the result.
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西部大開發政策後中國大陸西部地區地方政府效率之分析-兼論財政地方分權的角色 / The local government efficiency in the western area of china after the implementation of the grand western development program呂暉鵬, Lu, Hui Peng Unknown Date (has links)
中國大陸在近幾十年來的經濟成長舉世矚目,卻也造成了中國大陸東西部發展不平均的隱憂。有鑑於此,江澤民在1999 年的「中央扶貧開發會議」上首次提出了「西部大開發」戰略概念,期能縮小區域發展不均衡的差距。西部大開發預計進行50 年分三個階段進行,截至2010 年已經完成了第一階段。在這十年間,整個西部地區有著巨大的改變。
因此,本文的研究目的在於,利用大陸西部12 個省、市、地區自2000 至2010年的追蹤資料,再運用Tobit實証模型進行實證分析。其實證結果顯示,財政地方分權程度、人口密度、地區生產總值、地方政府規模以及地區開放程度等因素,對地方政府效率值之影響為正向;而財政地方分權程度之平方項與地方政府規模之平方項,則對地方政府效率具有負向影響,即財政地方分權與地方政府規模對於地方政府效率之影響可能呈現非單調性。 / The economic growth of China has increased rapidly in recent several decades, but thisgrowth has resulted in the imbalance between the eastern and western region. According tothis situation, Zemin Jiang first proposed the “Grand Western Development Program” in the“central poverty alleviation and development conference” in 1999, hoping to reduce the imbalance in the regional development gap. After carrying out the Grand Western Development Program, the growth ranges of GDP per capita in some of regions have risen quickly. Therefore, the research purpose of this literature is to analyze the empirical estimation of the Tobit model with the panel data which include 12 provinces, cities, and regions in China western area from 2000 to 2010. The empirical results show that the degree of fiscal decentralization, the density of population, gross regional product, the scale of local government, and the degree of openness all have positive influences on the efficiency of local governments. However, the quadratic terms of the degree of fiscal decentralization and the scale of local government have negative influences on the efficiency of local governments. That is to say, the degree of fiscal decentralization and the scale of local government probably have non-monotonic effects on the efficiency of local governments.
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