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不同金融結構下信用評等是否有差異-以Fitch Ratings進行全球實證林世強 Unknown Date (has links)
最後,用ordered probit模型找出影響信用評等的因素發現,與LTCR成正向關係的變數是DUD、SIZE及LR;反向的則是ILGL、BURDEN及ROA;與STCR成正向關係的變數是DUD、SIZE及LR;反向的則是BM、CAR、ILGL及BURDEN;與IR成正向關係的變數是DUD、SIZE、CAR及LR;反向的則是BM及ILGL;與SR成正向關係的變數是BM、DUD、SIZE及LR;反向的則是ILGL、BURDEN及ROA。
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探討金融發展與經濟成長之因果關係--內生聯立方程式之應用徐偉哲 Unknown Date (has links)
本文採用1980-2005年共94國的縱橫資料(Panel data),探討金融發展與經濟成長的關係。有別於一般傳統採用單一迴歸模型的架構,本文改採聯立迴歸模型探討兩者之因果關係。
本研究分別採用四個「金融發展指標」及三個「股市發展指標」,輔以與金融發展和經濟成長密切相關的外生控制變數,再分別與經濟成長指標建構聯立迴歸模型。此外,有關參數之估計與認定,以Lewbel (2007)的計量方法為立論依據,在殘差項具有異質共變異現象的限制條件下,利用一般化動差法(GMM),同時估計聯立方程式的結構式參數。是故,本文根據不同之金融發展與股市發展變數的設定,總共建立七個聯立方程式模型,分別探討金融發展、股市發展與經濟成長之交互影響效果。實證結果彙整成以下兩點說明:
一、 有關金融發展指標對經濟成長之綜合影響的實證結果顯示,惟有「存款貨幣機構在本國資產總額/(存款貨幣機構在本國資產總額+央行本國資產總額)」對經濟成長具有正向的綜合影響,其他三項金融發展指標對經濟成長皆無顯著影響;另一方面,除了以「銀行部門對其本國之總放款額/GDP」做為金融發展指標的模型4為不顯著外,模型1至模型3皆顯示經濟成長分別對「存款貨幣機構在本國資產總額/(存款貨幣機構在本國資產總額+央行本國資產總額)」、「全體金融機構流動負債/GDP」以及「全體金融機構對私部門放款總額/GDP」等三項金融發展指標存在正向綜合影響。
二、 有關本研究股市發展指標對經濟成長之綜合影響效果的實證結果分歧。其中,「股市總成交金額/股市總市值 (股市週轉率)」對經濟成長有正向綜合影響;「上市公司股票總市值/GDP (股市資本率)」對經濟成長有負向綜合影響;而「股市總成交金額/GDP (股市總成交值比)」對經濟成長則無顯著之綜合影響;另一方面,考量經濟成長之當期項與落後期的綜合效果對股市發展的影響,本研究發現「經濟成長變數」的當期項與落後期對三個股市發展指標均無顯著的綜合影響。
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金融發展、經濟成長與Panel Dynamic Threshold Model林昌平, Lin, Chang-Ping Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文在panel data 的模型基礎下,將Hansen (1999)所提出的
panel threshold model與Arellano and Bond (1991)的panel dynamic model進行結合,成功推導出panel dynamic threshold model的模
我們並進一步運用此panel dynamic threshold model 對於金融發
探討金融發展對於經濟成長影響性的門檻變數應是較為適合的選擇。 / The aim of this article is to investigate whether finance development has positive or negative relationship with the economic growth. We argue that the past studies do not reach consensus between finance development and the economic growth because the relationship may be indeed nonlinear. We plan to examine whether the effect of finance development on the growth depends on the threshold variable of bank development and stock market development. To examine this hypothesis, we develop a panel dynamic threshold model (PDTM) to test this hypothesis.
The PDTM is a direct extension of the recent two research strands when using panel data. One is the dynamic panel model of Arellano and Bond (1991), who consider the lagged dependent variable into the panel data. The other is the non-dynamic panel threshold model of Hansen (1999), who takes threshold effect into the panel data model. Past studies, however, did not take dynamic and threshold into account simultaneously.
Our PDTM thus incorporates the threshold into the dynamic panel data. Results demonstrate that the relationship between finance development and economic growth is nonlinear.
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金融發展與經濟成長 通貨膨脹的門檻效果 / The threshold effect of inflation on the relation between financial development and economic growth李怡萱 Unknown Date (has links)
本文目的以門檻迴歸(threshold regression)方法,試分析台灣1965到2011年間銀行對民間放款總額(BL)、貨幣供給量(M2)、股市成交值(STV)等三大金融發展指標在面對不同通貨膨脹率時,與經濟成長間的關係是否會發生結構性的轉變。
實證結果發現,支持金融發展與經濟成長之間存在門檻效果,並且以「通貨膨脹率」為門檻指標時,分別可找到兩到三個門檻值:以銀行放款為例,有兩個門檻值將觀測點分成三群,當通膨處於低通膨區(小於3.76%),銀行放款的成長可促進經濟成長;若通膨率處於溫和通膨區(介於3.76%~5.58%),估計係數將由正轉負;一旦到達高通膨區(高於5.58%),通膨將加劇資訊不對稱的問題而影響放款者決策,進而對經濟成長造成顯著的負面影響。M2成長率不論通膨率的高低,皆能促進經濟成長。股市成交值成長率也是在低通膨區對經濟有正向效果,但通膨一旦高於門檻值(2.88%),則轉為不顯著的負面效果。此外,在分析金融發展對經濟成長關係之議題時,本文經由Wald test驗證「通貨膨脹率」較傳統的時間門檻為較佳的門檻變數,其中又以銀行放款(BL)變數的通膨門檻效果最為顯著,大幅提升門檻迴歸模型的效率。
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人力資本與金融發展對經濟成長之影響林延霖 Unknown Date (has links)
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財政分權對中國地方金融發展的影響 / The effect of fiscal decentralization in regional financial development of China林庭偉, Lin, Ting Wei Unknown Date (has links)
觀察中國多年來經濟的穩健成長,財政的分權化著實扮演著舉足輕重的角色;而在影響經濟成長的眾多因素中,金融發展亦被認為是說明一國經濟成長與資本累積的指標。本研究首先將回顧相關理論與文獻,作為本研究之實證基礎;其次,將簡介中國財政改革的歷程與金融體制發展的歷史演進,並說明中國財政地方分權與金融發展之現況;最後,本研究將整理中國財政改革後,1995年至2010年涵蓋31個省市之追蹤資料(panel data),建立一個二因子固定效果模型(two-way fixed-effect model),並導入財政地方分權變數之平方項,試圖探討中國地方財政分權對於各省市金融發展之影響效果之全貌,並提供具體的政策及建議。
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地下經濟與金融發展對經濟成長的影響:追蹤資料的實證研究 / The impact of underground economy and financial development on economic growth:a panel data analysis許瑞祐, Hsu, Juei Yu Unknown Date (has links)
總結來說,我們建議低度金融發展國家適度的允許地下部門發展,因為政府無法干預地下部門,因此地下部門的營運較有效率,適度允許反而有助於提高資本投資的效率,進而促進實質人均GDP成長率。相反地,我們建議高度金融發展國家的政府應限制地下部門的發展。 / This paper focuses on linear effects and nonlinear effects of underground economy and financial development on the growth rate of real GDP per capita. Utilizing two alternative measures of financial development, including the size of private credit and stock trade. The analysis relies on a sample of 22 countries for the period 1981-2008, including 14 developed countries and 8 developing countries. We use three different models, including linear model, nonlinear regression with a cross-term and panel threshold model.
The results show that in the linear model, underground economy and private credit have no significant impact on the growth rate of real GDP per capita, but stock trade has a significant positive impact on the growth rate of real GDP per capita.
Moreover, the interaction between private credit and underground economy has a significant negative impact on the growth rate of real GDP per capita, on the other hand, the interaction between stock trade and underground economy has an insignificant negative impact on the growth rate of real GDP per capita. Hence, we speculate there have a nonlinear effect between underground economy and the growth rate of real GDP per capita.
In the panel threshold model, if the level of significance is set in 10%, we find that the model with private credit and stock trade have threshold effect, it implies that the sample can be split into two regimes: High degree of financial development and Low degree of financial development. Underground economy has a significant positive impact on the growth rate of real GDP per capita when private credit is low, so does stock trade.
In conclusion, we suggest that it may be optimal for countries with a less developed formal financial sector to accept more tax evasion, because it accelerates the efficiency in capital investment and then facilates the growth rate of real GDP per capita. On the contrary, countries with a more developed formal financial sector should impose more tax compliance.
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金融發展、經濟成長與所得分配 / Financial Development, Economic Growth and the Distribution of Income林昌平, Lin,chang ping Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討於全球的架構下,各國金融發展對於經濟成長之關係為何?並且進一步探討銀行發展及股市發展是否對經濟成長有不對稱效果。對於過去相關文獻無法獲得金融發展與經濟成長間一致的關係,我們懷疑應與金融發展與經濟成長之間為非線性關係有關。延伸 Shen and Lee (2006) 我們將探討是否於金融發展與經濟成長間存在著銀行的門檻效果,並提出兩個假說,第一是「blessing-in-low-regime」,即在低度銀行發展區域,金融發展對於經濟成長有正面影響。第二是「curse-in-high-regime」即在高度銀行發展區域,金融發展對於經濟成長有負面影響。本文發展一個新的模型:dynamic panel threshold model (DPTM)是延伸Hansen (1999)的panel threshold model,認為經濟成長會受到自己上一期變數所影響,結果指出就銀行發展對於經濟成長的影響而言,在低度銀行發展區域支持「blessing-in-low-regime」;在高度銀行發展區域支持「curse-in-high-regime」。反之,就股市發展對於經濟成長的影響,在低度銀行發展區域並不支持「blessing-in-low-regime」;在高度銀行發展區域亦不支持「curse-in-high-regime」。
本研究探討是否金融發展與經濟成長之間存在一項非線性的雙向因果關係,且此項因果關係是否受到金融發展以及經濟成長程度的影響。在全球的架構下,利用42個國家1976年到2005年的資料,使用一項新發展的計量模型:dynamic panel threshold model (DPTM)來探討此項因果關係。實證結果顯示,當使用銀行發展做為門檻變數時,在低度銀行發展區域,銀行發展對於經濟成長有正面影響,然而股市發展則對經濟成長有負面影響;而在高度銀行發展區域,銀行發展對於經濟成長的影響性則轉向負面影響,而股市發展則轉向正向支持經濟成長。相對地,無論在低度銀行發展區域或是高度銀行發展區域,經濟成長對於銀行發展皆有正面影響。最後,當使用經濟成長做為門檻變數時,本文發現金融發展與經濟成長的因果關係並未改變。
本研究使用1976年到2005年42個發展中與已發展國家的資料,分析金融發展與所得分配的關係,並且進一步探討金融發展是否對所得分配有不對稱效果,隨著銀行發展程度的不同,其對所得分配的影響性將隨之改變。過去金融發展與所得分配的相關文獻提出兩項相對的理論假說,分別為Greenwood and Jovanovic (1990)的「倒U型分配假說」與Galor and Zeira (1993)的「線性假說」。本研究發展一項計量模型dynamic panel threshold model (DPTM)來檢驗這兩項假說。分析結果顯示,在低度銀行發展區域,股市發展將提升所得不均;而在高度銀行發展區域,股市發展則轉為減緩所得不均,支持「倒U型分配假說」。相對地,無論在低度銀行發展區域或是高度銀行發展區域,銀行發展對所得不均的影響性皆為負向的減緩效果,不支持「倒U型分配假說」,然而其對所得分配的影響性仍存在不對稱的門檻效果。 / Essay 1:
Blessing or Curse? The Role of Financial Development to Economic Growth
This study aims to investigate the asymmetric effect between financial development and economic growth by considering the threshold effect. Based on Shen and Lee's (2006) findings, we examine whether the effect of financial development on economic growth depends on the threshold variable of bank development. Our hypothesis is that bank development is a blessing to economic growth at the low bank development regime, but it is a curse at the high bank development regime. To examine the “blessing-in low-regime” and “curse-in high-regime” hypothesis, we develop a dynamic panel threshold model (DPTM) to test this hypothesis. The DPTM is a direct extension of the non-dynamic panel threshold model of Hansen (1999). We conclude that the effect of bank development on economic growth supports the hypothesis. Nevertheless, the effect of stock market development on economic growth does not support the hypothesis.
Essay 2:
A Bivariate Causality between Financial Development and Economic Growth
This study hypothesizes that causal relationship between financial development and economic growth is not linear; however, it may be influenced by the level of financial development or economic growth. A new econometric method, dynamic panel threshold model (DPTM) is proposed to investigate conditional causality.
Herein, the thresholds of “bank development” and “economic growth” are applied. When bank development is used as threshold in the low bank-developed regime, bank development is beneficial for economic growth. However, it poses adverse effects on the stock market. In contrast, in the high bank-developed regime, bank development exhibits an adverse effect on economic growth whereas the stock market manifests the opposite effect. Nevertheless, economic growth is beneficial for bank development in both regimes, though the influence is stronger in the low bank-developed regime. Results are robust when the income level of a country is utilized as a threshold.
Essay 3:
How does Financial Development Affect the Distribution of Income? Inverted U-shaped Hypothesis or Linear Hypothesis
This study analyzes the relationship between financial development and income distribution using panel data from both developing and developed countries between 1976 and 2005. Specifically, we analyze whether financial development has an impact on income inequality and whether this impact depends on the threshold variable of bank development. We define the low and high bank development regimes when a country's bank development is below and above the threshold and test two alternative hypotheses the “inverted U-shaped hypothesis” and the “linear hypothesis” with a dynamic panel threshold model (DPTM). The DPTM is a direct extension of the non-dynamic panel threshold model of Hansen (1999). We find little evidence to support the inverted U-shaped relationship between inequality and finance, the effect of stock market development on inequality supports the inverted U-shaped hypothesis. Nevertheless, the effect of bank development on inequality does not support the inverted U-shaped hypothesis. However, the relationship between financial development and income distribution is nonlinear.
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改革開放後天津城鎮金融發展與居民消費之關係 / The relationship between financial development and consumption in Tianjin City after economic reform蔣馥冰 Unknown Date (has links)
在恩格爾係數方面,短期下依賴比、實質人均可支配年收入對居民消費有負向影響;金融深化程度、都市化程度對居民消費有正向影響。長期下金融深化程度對恩格爾係數無影響,但銀行效率卻對恩格爾係數有正向影響。依賴比與實質人均可支配年收入呈負向關係,但金融發展程度與銀行效率對居民消費確實有促進作用。最後本研究建議天津政府除了積極促進消費的同時,也應致力於提高居民實質人均可支配年收入水準及提高銀行資金運用效率。 / In 2006, The State Council in China set Tianjin as the economic center in the northway of China., the financial development in Tianjin has speeded up. The numbers of the financial institutions and the balance of deposit and loan have risen up. When the financial market becomes mature that will reduce the transaction cost and consumers will have more financial accesses and opportunities to finance. Therefore, this paper is aimed to discuss whether the financial development is a factor that influence the consumption and Engel’s coefficient or not.
This paper used two financial development indicators to measure the financial development in Tianjin- Financial irrelevant ratio (FIR) ,and bank efficiency. The empirical results shows that real personal savings, and urbanization have negative influence on consumption whereas the price index, real GDP per capita, real personal disposal income and financial irrelevant ratio have positive influence on consumption and banking efficiency has no influence on consumption in the short run. In the long run, however, real personal savings and urbanization have negative influence on consumption but price index, real personal disposal income and banking efficiency have the positive influence on consumption. But financial irrelevant ratio and real GDP per capita have no influence on consumption.
In the Engel’s coefficient aspect, dependency ratio and real personal disposal income have negative influence. The Financial irrelevant ratio, urbanization and food price index have positive influence in the short run. In the long run, financial irrelevant ratio has no significant influence on Engel’s coefficient but banking efficiency has positive influence on consumption. Dependency ratio and real personal disposal income have negative influence on consumption. Therefore, this paper finds out that the FIR and the bank efficiency have pushed up the consumption in the short run and long run respectively. This paper recommends that the Tianjin’s government should not only to push up the consumption but also should be dedicated to raise up the personal disposal income and banking efficiency.
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