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Antický ideál v pojetí Miroslava Tyrše / Ancient ideal in the concept of Miroslav TyršNovotný, Filip January 2019 (has links)
TITLE: The Ancient Ideal in the Concept of Miroslav Tyrš AUTHOR: Filip Novotný DEPARTMENT: Department of Physical Education, Faculty of Education, Charles University SUPERVISOR: PhDr. PaedDr. Ladislav Kašpar. Ph.D. ABSTRACT: The aim of the thesis is to describe the ancient ideal, which can be understood as a historical fact, when this ideal originates. Furthermore, this work describes how this ideal is manifested in art and how this ideal can be understood philosophically. The main aim of this work is to describe the ancient ideal in the concept of Miroslav Tyrš, who was inspired by the ancient world and modern philosophical directions. Sokol, who founded it as a physical education unity, was not a goal in itself, but a means of applying this ideal in Bohemia in the 19th century, which helped to shape democratic education in Bohemia, which helped to establish independent Czechoslovakia, when the falcons were numerous legion members. The methods used to elaborate this work are especially literary searches where both primary sources and secondary sources were used. Deduction methods, quantitative method, chronological method, probe method, qualitative method. The conclusion of this diploma thesis is that the falcon was not only a physical education organization, but it was an environment that prompted...
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An Ecological View of Urban Kindergarten Reading Instructional PracticesClark, Deborah Ann 01 January 2019 (has links)
Kindergarten students who are identified as at risk in reading often enter school with deficiencies in early reading skills. Little research exists for this vulnerable population on reading instruction in large, urban, school systems. The purpose of this multiple case study, which was guided by Bronfenbrenner's ecological theory of human development, was to describe urban kindergarten teachers' beliefs about the environmental factors that contribute to students' at-risk reading status, instructional practices employed to remediate reading, and teacher reports about systems in place to support student reading development. The multiple case study design included (a) structured interviews, (b) observations of kindergarten instructional practices in reading, and (c) a review of documents relevant to the delivery of instruction and home literacy assignments in 3 schools situated in 3 northeastern districts in the United States of America. The constant comparative method utilized included data coding, category development, and identification of themes. Findings indicated that (a) teachers believe parental involvement would influence the development of kindergartners' early reading skills; (b) teachers used a core and phonics curriculum within a print-rich environment to teach early reading skills, with variation in approaches seen within and across school sites; (c) there is a lack of professional development within the schools to enhance kindergarten reading instruction; and (d) the schools' instructional practices may not be part of a coherent instructional philosophy. This study contributes to positive social change by providing educators with a deeper understanding of how to remediate reading with attention to the environmental factors at-risk readers experience at home and school.
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El efecto de la inversión pública en el índice de desarrollo humano según niveles de Gobierno durante el periodo 2007-2015 / The effect of public investment on the human development index by government levels during the period 2007 to 2015Espinoza Valdivia, Felipe Antonio 03 July 2019 (has links)
La inversión pública contribuye al desarrollo humano mediante la ampliación de la capacidad productora de bienes o servicios públicos. Por lo que el presente trabajo investiga el efecto de la inversión pública en el Índice de Desarrollo Humano (IDH) según niveles de gobierno durante el periodo 2007-2015. Para ello se emplea modelos de efectos fijos con estimadores within en un panel balanceado, así como se analiza si los resultados permanecen en regiones de bajo, medio o alto IDH y en regiones donde se realiza bajo, medio o alto monto de inversión según niveles de gobierno. Los resultados muestran que a nivel agregado la inversión pública no tiene un efecto en el IDH. En contraste, al segmentarlo por niveles de gobierno, se encuentra que solo la Inversión de Gobiernos Locales contribuye positivamente al IDH, sobre todo en las regiones de menor IDH o con niveles medios de inversión. Adicionalmente, se evaluó la existencia de diferencias en cuanto a la finalización o no de proyectos en el caso de la inversión de los gobiernos regionales (GR), concluyendo que no fue posible afirmar tal efecto en el IDH. Por último, se contribuyó a la literatura empírica del Perú mediante el hallazgo de otras determinantes del IDH. / Public investment contributes to human development by expanding the capacity to produce public goods or services. Therefore, the present work investigates the effect of public investment in the Human Development Index (HDI) by government levels during the period 2007-2015. For this purpose, fixed effects models are used with within estimators in a balanced panel, as well as analyzing whether the results remain in regions of low, medium or high HDI and in regions where low, medium or high investment amounts are made according to levels of government. The results show that, at the aggregate level, public investment has no effect on the HDI. In contrast, when the public investment was segmented by levels of government, it is found that only Local Government Investment contributes positively to the HDI, especially in regions with lower HDI or with medium levels of Local Government Investment. Additionally, this investigation explored the existence of differences regarding the ending or not of projects in the case of investment by regional governments (GR) was evaluated, concluding that it was not possible to affirm that effect in the HDI. Finally, we contributed to the empirical literature of Peru by finding other determinants of the HDI. / Trabajo de investigación
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Discrimination, Social Exclusion and Vulnerability of the Garífuna Women in Guatemala; An Exploratory Study on Underlying CausesMulongoy, Melissa 21 January 2013 (has links)
The Garífuna are the smallest ethnic minority group in Guatemala, living primarily in the city of Livingston (known as Labuga, Wadimalu in Garífuna) located along the Caribbean coastline. Their unique history, ethnicity and culture has allowed them to preserve their way of life for centuries on the one hand but has also separated them from mainstream Guatemalan society on the other hand. The afro-descendent Garífuna community forms a small part of the overall indigenous group in Guatemala alongside the Maya and the Xinca groups; however unlike the larger indigenous groups and the remaining non-indigenous population, the Garífuna are ignored and are not included in the groups in need of development assistance for education, health, employment and security. The exclusion is even more pronounced for Garífuna women. This study was conducted to understand the reasons for the discrimination, socio-economic exclusion and vulnerability of Garífuna women within the Guatemalan society, what is currently being done to address the challenges and barriers Garífuna women are facing, and what further changes need to take place to bring about a transformation in their situation.
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Pedagogía del conflicto: Brasil, un país de conflictos veladosMachado de Oliveira, Ana Cristina 11 October 2012 (has links)
O conflito presente desde sempre nas relações humanas é, geralmente, confundido com violência ou agressão. Contrário a este sentido, o presente estudo se propõe a analisar o caráter positivado do conflito, de modo a considerá-lo um ato que venha a educar os indivíduos, gerar neles a capacidade de construir, edificar ações, atitudes e pensamentos de positividade. Participar ativamente das questões que ocorrem na sociedade de maneira ética, clara, crítica e reflexiva. Assim, o compreende como o cerne da vida democrática e o ato educativo como seu desenvolvimento. Para tal, analisa três pilares pedagógicos acerca do humano: autonomia, liberdade e alteridade. Em consequência, vê que o indivíduo, na conquista destes pilares, assume o processo consciente e dialógico que os precede sobre as questões que o envolvem num determinado estado conflitivo, a partir de um processo pedagógico progressista. Trata-se de uma pesquisa bibliográfica e qualitativa, de cunho fenomenológico-hermenêutico que busca analisar, interpretar e compreender os textos decodificados em si mesmos. A investigação se pauta em uma consciência crítica e reflexiva sobre as ações e atitudes do ser na atual sociedade, com ênfase na sociedade brasileira. Não se trata de um estudo de constatações empíricas, ele percorre o mundo das palavras e nelas se forma e apresenta verificações específicas e reflexivas ao objeto de estudo. O estudo avalia o Brasil, enquanto um país de conflitos velados esboçando um quadro histórico, político, pedagógico e educacional do país. Constata que a Pedagogia do Conflito possibilita ao indivíduo o valor de perceber os movimentos que ocorrem na sociedade, de maneira a inserir-se neles conscientemente por meio de um constante diálogo; autônomo, liberto e altero para consigo e para com o outro. Constata que o Brasil apresenta um sistema social gerido por uma hierarquia que conduz, dita regras e afirmações desde suas bases de formação. / The present conflict since always in human relations is, usually, confused with violence or aggression. Contrary to this sense, the present article intends to analyze the positive character of the conflict, in order to consider it an act which will come to educate individuals, create on them the capacity to construct, build actions, attitudes and positive thoughts. Actively participate of those questions that occur in society in an ethical manner, clear, critical and reflective. Thus, it includes as core of the democratic life, the educative act as its development. For this end, analyzes three pedagogical pillars about the human: autonomy, freedom and alterity. In consequence, sees that the individual, on the achievement of these pillars, assumes the conscious process e dialogical that precede about the questions that surround him in a certain conflictive state, starting from a progressive biological process. It is a bibliographic and qualitative research, phenomenalogic-hermeneutic imprint that searches to analyze, interpret and comprehend the texts decode in it. The investigation is guided in a critic and reflexive conscious about the actions and attitudes of being in the present society, with emphasis in the Brazilian society. This study is not about empirical findings, it travels the world of words an in it, takes form and presents specific and reflexive verifications to the object of study. The study assesses Brazil, as a country of veiled conflicts drafting an historical, political, pedagogical and educational frame of the country. It notes that the Pedagogic of Conflict enables the individual the value of realize the movements that occur on the society, in order to insert into them consciously by a path of a frequent dialogue; autonomous, free, change to him and to the other. It notes that Brazil presents a social system managed by a hierarchy that leads, said rules and statements from their basis of formation.
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International Actors, Norms and Human DevelopmentMoll, Amanda L 07 January 2008 (has links)
A number of international humanitarian organizations focus on human development and aim to improve the situation of children. In many developing countries, states have not been able to fulfill the educational or basic needs of its children. To fill this void, international actors have stepped in to help with human development. This thesis focuses on answering the question: How are norms diffused to local communities? Looking at the implementation of human development norms, this paper examines the norms-based actions that NGOs take to maximize the development potential of children. Programs aimed at increasing basic education as well as fighting child labor are addressed. When exploring the norm socialization process NGOs use to promote programs in education and child labor, it is clear that a different process is present than is suggested by existing literature. This is due to the locale where norms are implemented: local communities.
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Sociological Analysis Of New Trends In Vocational Education And Training (vet) In TurkeyOzaltan, Asli 01 June 2010 (has links) (PDF)
The aim of this study is to put forth the relationship between the transformation of the labor market and the production process and the vocational education and training in Turkey. The Study will reflect the effects of transformation on the individual and society. The research is conducted through interviews with social partners. The study touches upon the reflection of the understanding of new vocationalism adopted in line with the flexibilisation in the organization of work on the vocational and technical education in Turkey. It tries to explain how this new educational approach is shaped on the basis of the main three discourses such as lifelong learning, employability and flexibility. Consequently, the research focuses on the idea that transformation of vocational education and training in Turkey has occurred at discursive level and also based upon the prevailing opinion on the necessity of developing human resources in compliance with the needs of the economy / that the transformation process. Contrary to expectations of the new vocational education and training system, it produces individual who feel themselves anxious and uncertain about the future, fear and feel in insecure, and accordingly, experiences deprivation and social exclusion.
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Familjehemssekreterarnas resonemang kring biologiska barn i familjehem : En utvecklingsekologisk systemteoretisk studieAnkarbranth, Fredrik January 2015 (has links)
The study aims to understand foster care secretary’s reasoning concerning biological children in foster cares. Previous research shows that biological children are a vulnerable group. But do their voices get heard? To find out how the foster care secretary reasoning about biological children of foster cares, I have interviewed four randomly municipalities in Sweden. The study is qualitative and based on a development ecological system theoretical perspective. The result shows that biological children’s right is focused and that the secretary’s ambition is to talk with the biological children before and under the foster care period. Before the family becomes a foster care they have to undergo extensive training to learn and feel ready for the new life situation.
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Εκπαίδευση και ανάπτυξη προσωπικού στο πλαίσιο των επιχειρήσεων του δημοσίου τομέα / Human training and development in public organisationsΚαραγεώργου, Ναυσικά 25 January 2010 (has links)
Η παρούσα εργασία εστιάζεται στην εξέταση της υφιστάμενης κατάστασης στον Οργανισμό Λιμένος Πατρών υπό το πρίσμα της Δ.Α.Π. Πιο συγκεκριμένα επιχειρεί να διερευνήσει κατά πόσο εφαρμόζονται εκπαιδευτικά προγράμματα τα οποία συμβάλλουν στην αναβάθμιση και τον εκσυγχρονισμό του οργανισμού. / The Present Study examines the degree to which, the public organizations make use of the advantages of Human Training and Development Programs. Also tries to identify the essential factors for successful Human Training and Development.
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Effet d’une pré-sollicitation maximale isométrique des muscles stabilisateurs sur la coordination intermusculaire lors d’un exercice pluriarticulaire épuisant.Chicoine, Evelyne 08 1900 (has links)
Introduction: Les stratégies d’optimisation de la performance chez les athlètes sont de plus en plus exploitées par les entraîneurs et préparateurs physiques. La potentialisation de post- activation (PAP) est reconnue comme étant un phénomène pouvant mener à une augmentation des performances. L’objectif de la présente étude était de donc décrire les effets d’une pré-sollicitation à la hanche sur la coordination inter-musculaire et la performance au cours d’un exercice épuisant.
Méthodes: Six athlètes de patins de vitesse de courte piste (3 de sexe masculin et 3 de sexe féminin; âge: 20.2 ± 2.8 ans; moyenne±écart-type) ont exécuté aléatoirement un exercice qui consistait en 2 séries de 9 blocs de squats sautés maximaux, entre-coupés d’un squat isométrique d’une durée de 5 secondes sans pré-sollicitation préalable (CON) et avec une tâche de pré-sollicitation unilatérale de squat isométrique (EXP) contre une barre fixe de 2x3 secondes. Le pic de puissance moyen, l’amplitude et la fréquence moyenne d’EMG, et la vitesse et l’accélération angulaires des premiers et derniers blocs étaient enregistrés. Résultats: La pré-sollicitation isométrique maximale des membres inférieurs n’a pas amélioré de manière significative la performance de sauts et la coordination des muscles stabilisateurs à la hanche. La fréquence spectrale moyenne a néanmoins témoigné de l’implication de stratégies compensatoires du membre inférieur gauche en réponse à la fatigue.
Conclusion: La pré-sollicitation des stabilisateurs à la hanche n’augmenterait pas la performance de squats répétés. Par contre, la fréquence moyenne du grand fessier et du tibial antérieur gauche ont suggéré meilleure résistance à la fatigue des muscles du membre inférieur non-dominant avec une pré-sollicitation. Les résultats de la présente étude indiquent donc la pertinence de considérer la pré-sollicitation dans un objectif de performance et de réadaptation sachant que l’asymétrie est omniprésente chez les athlètes et qu’elle est impliquée dans le taux élevé de blessures enregistré chez cette population. / Introduction: Strategies in order to optimize athlete’s performances are commonly used by coaches and trainers. Post-activation potentiation (PAP), occurring after a pre-activation, is known to be a phenomenon that can lead to an increase in force and power production and thus, performance. The aim of the present study was to describe the effects of a hip stabilizers pre-activation on multi-segment coordination and performance during a fatiguing exercise.
Method: Six short-track speed skating athletes (3 males and 3 females; age: 20.2 ± 2.8 years; data reported as mean ± SD) participate in the study were they had to execute 2 sets of 9 blocks of 6 maximal squat jumps with 5 s isometric squats between blocks and 5 min rest between sets without (CON) or with (EXP) a 2x3s unilateral isometric squats against a fixed bar potentiating exercise 5 min before to the first set of 9 blocks intending to target the lower body hip stabilizers, flexors and extensors. Jumping average peak power, EMG amplitude, median frequency, angular velocity and acceleration were measured. The first and last blocks of jumps were recorded for each set.
Results: There were no significant difference between conditions, as results showed an overall fatigue state. However, mean frequency showed compensating strategies in left leg muscles in response to fatigue.
Conclusion: Hip stabilizers isometric pre-activation did not improve overall performance and coordination on jump squats. However, gluteus maximus and anterior tibialis showed a an improved fatigue resistance in non-dominant leg with pre-activation. Results from this study suggest that pre-activation protocols, while they produce no significant impact on performance, could be relevant for reducing lower-limb movement asymmetry during athlete training and as such, contribute to injury prevention and rehabilitation.
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