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Studies of the Effect of Enterovirus Infection on Pancreatic Islet CellsElshebani, Asma Basheir January 2006 (has links)
<p>Enterovirus (EV) infections have been associated with the pathogenesis of Type 1 Diabetes (T1D). However, the pathway(s) by which EV may induce or accelerate diabetes is not well understood. The purpose of this thesis was to obtain new information on the mechanism by which EV infections, with different strains of EV, could cause damage to the insulin-producing β-cells in isolated human islets and in a rat insulin-producing cell line (RINm5F). </p><p>Infection with EV strains isolated from T1D patients revealed replication/cell destruction in human islets and EV-like particles in the cytoplasm of the β-cell and infection with the isolates affected the release of insulin in response to glucose stimulation as early as three days post infection, before any decrease in cell viability was observed. A decrease in the induction/secretion of the chemokine RANTES in human islets during EV infection was also detected. When islets were cultured with nicotinamide (NA) the secretion of RANTES was increased irrespectively if the islets were infected or not. In addition, the degree of virus-induced cytolysis of human islets was reduced by NA, suggesting an antiviral effect of NA. Infection with EV strains revealed permissiveness to islet-derived cells. </p><p>All EV strains used for infection were able to replicate in the RIN cell clusters (RCC) but not in the RIN cells that were cultured as a monolayer. This might be due to the differences in expression of the Coxsackie-adenovirus receptor (CAR), which only could be detected on the RCC. Infection of RCC with a CBV-4 strain did not affect cell viability and did not induce nitric oxide (NO) production alone or with the addition of IFN-γ. This was in contrast to the results obtained with synthetic dsRNA, poly(IC), which induced NO, suggesting that synthetic dsRNA does not mimic enteroviral intermediate dsRNA.</p><p>During analyses performed with the samples from a family where the mother and one son where diagnosed with T1D on the same day, the results showed that the whole family had a proven EV infection at the time diagnosis.</p><p>To conclude, the ability of EV strains to replicate in RIN cells is dependent on the growth pattern of the cells and this may be due to the upregulation and/or changed expression pattern of CAR in these cells. In the RIN cells, contrary to artificial dsRNA, viral dsRNA does not induce NO. The isolated EV virus strains used were able to infect and affect human pancreatic islets in vitro. The chemokine RANTES is reduced during an EV infection of human pancreatic islets and NA causes upregulation of RANTES in infected and uninfected islets. </p>
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Studies of the Effect of Enterovirus Infection on Pancreatic Islet CellsElshebani, Asma Basheir January 2006 (has links)
Enterovirus (EV) infections have been associated with the pathogenesis of Type 1 Diabetes (T1D). However, the pathway(s) by which EV may induce or accelerate diabetes is not well understood. The purpose of this thesis was to obtain new information on the mechanism by which EV infections, with different strains of EV, could cause damage to the insulin-producing β-cells in isolated human islets and in a rat insulin-producing cell line (RINm5F). Infection with EV strains isolated from T1D patients revealed replication/cell destruction in human islets and EV-like particles in the cytoplasm of the β-cell and infection with the isolates affected the release of insulin in response to glucose stimulation as early as three days post infection, before any decrease in cell viability was observed. A decrease in the induction/secretion of the chemokine RANTES in human islets during EV infection was also detected. When islets were cultured with nicotinamide (NA) the secretion of RANTES was increased irrespectively if the islets were infected or not. In addition, the degree of virus-induced cytolysis of human islets was reduced by NA, suggesting an antiviral effect of NA. Infection with EV strains revealed permissiveness to islet-derived cells. All EV strains used for infection were able to replicate in the RIN cell clusters (RCC) but not in the RIN cells that were cultured as a monolayer. This might be due to the differences in expression of the Coxsackie-adenovirus receptor (CAR), which only could be detected on the RCC. Infection of RCC with a CBV-4 strain did not affect cell viability and did not induce nitric oxide (NO) production alone or with the addition of IFN-γ. This was in contrast to the results obtained with synthetic dsRNA, poly(IC), which induced NO, suggesting that synthetic dsRNA does not mimic enteroviral intermediate dsRNA. During analyses performed with the samples from a family where the mother and one son where diagnosed with T1D on the same day, the results showed that the whole family had a proven EV infection at the time diagnosis. To conclude, the ability of EV strains to replicate in RIN cells is dependent on the growth pattern of the cells and this may be due to the upregulation and/or changed expression pattern of CAR in these cells. In the RIN cells, contrary to artificial dsRNA, viral dsRNA does not induce NO. The isolated EV virus strains used were able to infect and affect human pancreatic islets in vitro. The chemokine RANTES is reduced during an EV infection of human pancreatic islets and NA causes upregulation of RANTES in infected and uninfected islets.
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Enterovirus Infections of β-Cells : A Mechanism of Induction of Type 1 Diabetes?Berg, Anna-Karin January 2005 (has links)
<p>The process of β-cell destruction that leads to type 1 diabetes (T1D) is incompletely understood and it is believed to be a result of both genetic and environmental factors. Enterovirus (EV) infections of the β-cells have been proposed to be involved, however, the effects of EV infections on human β-cells have been little investigated. This thesis summarises studies of three different Coxsackie B4 virus strains that have previously been shown to infect human islets. The effects of infections with these EV were studied <i>in vitro</i> in human islets and in a rat insulin-producing cell line. In addition, a pilot study was performed on isolated human islets to investigate the ability to treat such infections with an antiviral compound.</p><p>It was found that one of the virus strains replicated in human β-cells without affecting their main function for at least seven days, which <i>in vivo</i> may increase a virus’s ability to persist in islets.</p><p>Nitric oxide was induced by synthetic dsRNA, poly(IC), but not by viral dsRNA in rat insulinoma cells in the presence of IFN-γ, suggesting that this mediator is not induced by EV infection in β-cells and that poly(IC) does not mimic an EV infection in this respect.</p><p>All three virus strains were able to induce production of the T-cell chemoattractant interferon-γ-inducible protein 10 (IP-10) during infection of human islets, suggesting that an EV infection of the islets might trigger insulitis <i>in vivo</i>.</p><p>Antiviral treatment was feasible in human islets, but one strain was resistant to the antiviral compound used in this study.</p><p>To conclude, a potential mechanism is suggested for the involvement of EV infections in T1D. If EV infections induce IP-10 production in human islet cells <i>in vivo</i>, they might recruit immune cells to the islets. Together with viral persistence and/or virus-induced β-cell damage, this might trigger further immune-mediated β-cell destruction <i>in vivo</i>.</p>
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Enterovirus Infections of β-Cells : A Mechanism of Induction of Type 1 Diabetes?Berg, Anna-Karin January 2005 (has links)
The process of β-cell destruction that leads to type 1 diabetes (T1D) is incompletely understood and it is believed to be a result of both genetic and environmental factors. Enterovirus (EV) infections of the β-cells have been proposed to be involved, however, the effects of EV infections on human β-cells have been little investigated. This thesis summarises studies of three different Coxsackie B4 virus strains that have previously been shown to infect human islets. The effects of infections with these EV were studied in vitro in human islets and in a rat insulin-producing cell line. In addition, a pilot study was performed on isolated human islets to investigate the ability to treat such infections with an antiviral compound. It was found that one of the virus strains replicated in human β-cells without affecting their main function for at least seven days, which in vivo may increase a virus’s ability to persist in islets. Nitric oxide was induced by synthetic dsRNA, poly(IC), but not by viral dsRNA in rat insulinoma cells in the presence of IFN-γ, suggesting that this mediator is not induced by EV infection in β-cells and that poly(IC) does not mimic an EV infection in this respect. All three virus strains were able to induce production of the T-cell chemoattractant interferon-γ-inducible protein 10 (IP-10) during infection of human islets, suggesting that an EV infection of the islets might trigger insulitis in vivo. Antiviral treatment was feasible in human islets, but one strain was resistant to the antiviral compound used in this study. To conclude, a potential mechanism is suggested for the involvement of EV infections in T1D. If EV infections induce IP-10 production in human islet cells in vivo, they might recruit immune cells to the islets. Together with viral persistence and/or virus-induced β-cell damage, this might trigger further immune-mediated β-cell destruction in vivo.
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Avaliação funcional, in vitro e in vivo, de ilhotas pancreáticas humanas nuas e microencapsuladas / Functional assessment, in vitro and in vivo, of naked human pancreatic islets and microencapsulatedOliveira, Elizabeth Maria Costa de 06 August 2004 (has links)
Diabetes mellitus tipo 1 resulta da produção insuficiente ou da ausência de insulina, decorrente da destruição de células β, por mecanismo auto-imune. O tratamento deste tipo de diabetes consiste na administração subcutânea de insulina exógena. Recentemente, foi demonstrado que o transplante de ilhotas pancreáticas é capaz de tornar o portador de diabetes tipo 1 independente de insulina exógena. Apesar do sucesso alcançado, a necessidade permanente de imunossupressão é uma das principais barreiras para que o transplante de ilhotas possa ser realizado em número maior de pacientes. Assim, o desenvolvimento de novas metodologias que evitem a rejeição do enxerto, como o macro e o microencapsulamento de ilhotas, continua sendo crucial para o estabelecimento definitivo do transplante de ilhotas como opção terapêutica no tratamento de diabetes tipo 1. Neste trabalho, foi padronizado um modelo animal para avaliar, in vivo, a funcionalidade das ilhotas pancreáticas humanas isoladas e purificadas na Unidade de Ilhotas Pancreáticas Humanas do IQUSP. Ratos NIH nude foram tornados diabéticos através de injeção de estreptozotocina para o implante de ilhotas pancreáticas humanas nuas e microencapsuladas. As ilhotas foram microencapsuladas em Biodritina, um novo heteropolissacarídeo patenteado e cedido ao nosso laboratório, tendo sido possível padronizar a produção de microcápsulas uniformes e homogêneas, com tamanho médio entre 400µm e 600 µm. A reversão do diabetes ocorreu em 24% dos ratos nude transplantados com ilhotas pancreáticas humanas nuas. Por outro lado, não observamos reversão do diabetes quando ilhotas encapsuladas foram implantadas, apesar do teste de atividade funcional realizado in vitro ter demonstrado que elas continuam a secretar insulina e a responder ao estímulo com glicose após o encapsulamento. Para elucidar este efeito, cápsulas vazias foram implantadas em ratos nude e em ratos imunocompetentes, os quais desenvolveram processo inflamatório acompanhado de processo fibrótico no local do implante. Estudo imuno-histoquímico está sendo realizado para esclarecer a natureza e a intensidade destes processos. / Type 1 diabetes mellitus results from insufficient or absence of insulin production, as a consequence of destruction of pancreatic β cells, by an auto-imune mechanism. Treatment for this type of diabetes consists of subcutaneous administration of exogenous insulin. Recently, it has been demonstrated that pancreatic islet cell transplantation is capable of rendering type I diabetic patients independent of exogenous insulin. However, in spite of the success achieved, permanent immunosuppression is still required, being the main barrier to expand this treatment to a large number of patients. Therefore, development of new technologies, such as islet macro and microencapsulation to avoid rejection of the tissue implanted, is still crucial for definitive establishment of islet transplantation as a therapeutic alternative for type I diabetes. In the present work, an animal model was established for in vivo evaluation of the functional ability of human pancreatic islets, which were isolated and purified at the Human Pancreatic Islet Unit of the University of São Paulo Chemistry Institute. Diabetes was induced in NIH nude rats through streptozotocin injection followed by implantation of naked or microencapsulated human pancreatic islets. Biodritin, a new and patented heteropolyssaccaride was used to microencapsulate the islets. The production of uniform and homogeneous microcapsules with diameters in the range of 400µm e 600 µm was successfully established. Reversion of diabetes occurred in 24% of the nude rats transplanted with human pancreatic islets. On the other hand, no reversion of diabetes was observed when encapsulated islets were implanted, although their functional activity in vitro indicated that they secreted insulin and responded to glucose stimulation upon encapsulation. In order to elucidate this effect, empty capsules were implanted in nude rat and in immunocompetent rats, both of which developed an inflammatory process accompanied by a fibrotic process in the site of the implant. Immunohistochemical studies are underway to address the nature and the intensity of these inflammatory processes.
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"Clonagem e caracterização de genes regulados por glicose em ilhotas pancreáticas humanas" / Cloning and characterization of glucose-regulated genes in human pancreatic isletsAita, Carlos Alberto Mayora 16 December 2002 (has links)
O Diabetes mellitus (DM) do tipo 1 é uma doença causada pela destruição, por mecanismo auto-imune, das células beta das ilhotas pancreáticas, produtoras de insulina. O tratamento convencional da doença é realizado por meio de injeções diárias de insulina exógena. O transplante de ilhotas pancreáticas inclui-se, atualmente, como uma das alternativas terapêuticas à insulinoterapia. Entretanto, para atingir a insulino-independência, é necessário transplantar um grande número de ilhotas por paciente. O conhecimento do mecanismo de proliferação das células beta pode possibilitar a realização do transplante a partir da expansão celular ex vivo. A glicose é um dos principais indutores da proliferação de células beta. Neste trabalho, foi estabelecida e executada a tecnologia de isolamento e purificação de ilhotas pancreáticas humanas, visando sua estimulação com glicose. Para identificar genes regulados por glicose nestas ilhotas, foi utilizada a técnica de hibridização subtrativa SSH, associada ao rastreamento da biblioteca através de macroarranjos de DNA. Num primeiro rastreamento, foram identificados dois fragmentos gênicos induzidos pela glicose. Um destes apresentou homologia com uma proteína hipotética humana de função desconhecida e o segundo com o receptor de polipetídeo pancreático. Este trabalho permitiu a identificação de novos genes regulados pela glicose em ilhotas pancreáticas humanas, os quais podem estar relacionados à proliferação celular deste tecido. / Type 1 Diabetes mellitus (T1DM) is caused by autoimmune destruction of the insulin-producing pancreatic islet b-cells. Treatment is generally approached by daily subcutaneous injections of exogenous insulin. Nowadays, pancreatic islet transplantation is considered as an effective alternative treatment to insulin therapy. However, in order to reach insulin-independence, a large number of islets is required for each patient. Knowledge of the mechanisms regulating islet b-cell proliferation may allow ex-vivo b-cell expansion prior to transplant. Glucose is considered one of the main inducers of islet b-cells proliferation. We established and executed the technology of human islet isolation and purification. The islets were then stimulated in culture with glucose. In order to identify glucose-regulated genes in cultured human islets, we utilized the suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH) method, followed by cDNA library screening by DNA macroarrays. Preliminary screening allowed us to isolate two cDNAs displaying glucose regulation, one of which is similar to a human hypothetical protein of unknown function and the other shows similarity to the pancreatic polypeptide receptor. This work allowed identification of glucose-regulated genes in human pancreatic islets, which may be related to cell proliferation in this tissue.
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Glucolipotoxicité dans les cellules bêta pancréatiques / Glucotoxicity in pancreatic beta cellsCassel, Roméo 21 November 2014 (has links)
Le diabète de type 2 est une pathologie chronique complexe associant une altération de sécrétion de l'insuline par le pancréas et une résistance à l'insuline au niveau des tissus périphériques, notamment au niveau du foie et du muscle squelettique. Son origine est multifactorielle, alliant des anomalies génétiques et environnementales, en particulier nutritionnelles. Un des mécanismes par lesquels les facteurs nutritionnels (comme les glucides et les lipides en excès) contribuent au développement du diabète et à son aggravation est la glucolipotoxicité. En effet, l'élévation de la glycémie et des lipides plasmatiques, ainsi que l'accumulation ectopique de lipides dans les tissus, participent au développement de l'insulinorésistance hépatique et musculaire et aux dysfonctions des cellules bêta, en partie via l'induction d'un stress métabolique, impliquant notamment le stress oxydant, le stress du réticulum endoplasmique (RE) et la perturbation de l'homéostasie calcique. Nous avons étudié les effets de la glucotoxicité et de la lipotoxicité dans les cellules bêta pancréatiques et les mécanismes impliqués. Nous nous sommes aussi intéressés à des traitements potentiellement protecteurs de la fonction bêta-pancréatique. Nous avons fait l'hypothèse que les effets bénéfiques de l'inhibition du système rénine-angiotensine sur l'incidence du diabète de type 2 chez l'homme étaient médiés par une action directe sur les cellules bêta. Nos résultats montrent que le glucose chronique à une dose élevée entraine une réduction de la sécrétion d'insuline des cellules bêta des îlots de Langerhans humains par une action conjointe sur le stress du RE, le stress oxydant et l'homéostasie calcique. L'inhibition du SRA a permis de restaurer cette fonction grâce notamment à une action inhibitrice sur la voie Phospholipase C-IP3-Calcium / This study addressed the hypothesis that inhibiting the soluble epoxide hydrolase (sEH)-mediated degradation of epoxy-fatty acids, notably epoxyeicosatrienoic acids, has an additional impact against cardiovascular damage in type 2 diabetes, beyond its previously demonstrated beneficial effect on glucose homeostasis. The cardiovascular and metabolic effects of the sEH inhibitor t- AUCB (10 mg/l in drinking water) were compared to those of the sulfonylurea glibenclamide (80 mg/l), both administered for 8 weeks in FVB mice subjected to a high-fat diet (HFD, 60% fat) for 16 weeks. Mice on control chow diet (10% fat) and non-treated HFD mice served as controls. Glibenclamide and t-AUCB similarly prevented the increased fasting glycemia in HFD mice but only t-AUCB improved glucose tolerance and decreased gluconeogenesis, without modifying weight gain. Moreover, t-AUCB reduced adipose tissue inflammation, plasma free fatty acids and LDL cholesterol, and prevented hepatic steatosis. Furthermore, only the sEH inhibitor improved endothelium-dependent relaxations to acetylcholine, assessed by myography in isolated coronary arteries. This improvement was related to a restoration of epoxyeicosatrienoic acid and nitric oxide pathways, as shown by the increased inhibitory effects of the NO-synthase and cytochrome P450 epoxygenase inhibitors, L-NA and MSPPOH, on these relaxations. Moreover, t-AUCB decreased cardiac hypertrophy, fibrosis and inflammation, and improved diastolic function, as demonstrated by the increased E/A ratio (echocardiography) and decreased slope of the enddiastolic pressure-volume relation (invasive hemodynamics). These results demonstrate that she inhibition improves coronary endothelial function and prevents cardiac remodeling and diastolic dysfunction in obese type 2 diabetic mice
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"Clonagem e caracterização de genes regulados por glicose em ilhotas pancreáticas humanas" / Cloning and characterization of glucose-regulated genes in human pancreatic isletsCarlos Alberto Mayora Aita 16 December 2002 (has links)
O Diabetes mellitus (DM) do tipo 1 é uma doença causada pela destruição, por mecanismo auto-imune, das células beta das ilhotas pancreáticas, produtoras de insulina. O tratamento convencional da doença é realizado por meio de injeções diárias de insulina exógena. O transplante de ilhotas pancreáticas inclui-se, atualmente, como uma das alternativas terapêuticas à insulinoterapia. Entretanto, para atingir a insulino-independência, é necessário transplantar um grande número de ilhotas por paciente. O conhecimento do mecanismo de proliferação das células beta pode possibilitar a realização do transplante a partir da expansão celular ex vivo. A glicose é um dos principais indutores da proliferação de células beta. Neste trabalho, foi estabelecida e executada a tecnologia de isolamento e purificação de ilhotas pancreáticas humanas, visando sua estimulação com glicose. Para identificar genes regulados por glicose nestas ilhotas, foi utilizada a técnica de hibridização subtrativa SSH, associada ao rastreamento da biblioteca através de macroarranjos de DNA. Num primeiro rastreamento, foram identificados dois fragmentos gênicos induzidos pela glicose. Um destes apresentou homologia com uma proteína hipotética humana de função desconhecida e o segundo com o receptor de polipetídeo pancreático. Este trabalho permitiu a identificação de novos genes regulados pela glicose em ilhotas pancreáticas humanas, os quais podem estar relacionados à proliferação celular deste tecido. / Type 1 Diabetes mellitus (T1DM) is caused by autoimmune destruction of the insulin-producing pancreatic islet b-cells. Treatment is generally approached by daily subcutaneous injections of exogenous insulin. Nowadays, pancreatic islet transplantation is considered as an effective alternative treatment to insulin therapy. However, in order to reach insulin-independence, a large number of islets is required for each patient. Knowledge of the mechanisms regulating islet b-cell proliferation may allow ex-vivo b-cell expansion prior to transplant. Glucose is considered one of the main inducers of islet b-cells proliferation. We established and executed the technology of human islet isolation and purification. The islets were then stimulated in culture with glucose. In order to identify glucose-regulated genes in cultured human islets, we utilized the suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH) method, followed by cDNA library screening by DNA macroarrays. Preliminary screening allowed us to isolate two cDNAs displaying glucose regulation, one of which is similar to a human hypothetical protein of unknown function and the other shows similarity to the pancreatic polypeptide receptor. This work allowed identification of glucose-regulated genes in human pancreatic islets, which may be related to cell proliferation in this tissue.
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Avaliação funcional, in vitro e in vivo, de ilhotas pancreáticas humanas nuas e microencapsuladas / Functional assessment, in vitro and in vivo, of naked human pancreatic islets and microencapsulatedElizabeth Maria Costa de Oliveira 06 August 2004 (has links)
Diabetes mellitus tipo 1 resulta da produção insuficiente ou da ausência de insulina, decorrente da destruição de células β, por mecanismo auto-imune. O tratamento deste tipo de diabetes consiste na administração subcutânea de insulina exógena. Recentemente, foi demonstrado que o transplante de ilhotas pancreáticas é capaz de tornar o portador de diabetes tipo 1 independente de insulina exógena. Apesar do sucesso alcançado, a necessidade permanente de imunossupressão é uma das principais barreiras para que o transplante de ilhotas possa ser realizado em número maior de pacientes. Assim, o desenvolvimento de novas metodologias que evitem a rejeição do enxerto, como o macro e o microencapsulamento de ilhotas, continua sendo crucial para o estabelecimento definitivo do transplante de ilhotas como opção terapêutica no tratamento de diabetes tipo 1. Neste trabalho, foi padronizado um modelo animal para avaliar, in vivo, a funcionalidade das ilhotas pancreáticas humanas isoladas e purificadas na Unidade de Ilhotas Pancreáticas Humanas do IQUSP. Ratos NIH nude foram tornados diabéticos através de injeção de estreptozotocina para o implante de ilhotas pancreáticas humanas nuas e microencapsuladas. As ilhotas foram microencapsuladas em Biodritina, um novo heteropolissacarídeo patenteado e cedido ao nosso laboratório, tendo sido possível padronizar a produção de microcápsulas uniformes e homogêneas, com tamanho médio entre 400µm e 600 µm. A reversão do diabetes ocorreu em 24% dos ratos nude transplantados com ilhotas pancreáticas humanas nuas. Por outro lado, não observamos reversão do diabetes quando ilhotas encapsuladas foram implantadas, apesar do teste de atividade funcional realizado in vitro ter demonstrado que elas continuam a secretar insulina e a responder ao estímulo com glicose após o encapsulamento. Para elucidar este efeito, cápsulas vazias foram implantadas em ratos nude e em ratos imunocompetentes, os quais desenvolveram processo inflamatório acompanhado de processo fibrótico no local do implante. Estudo imuno-histoquímico está sendo realizado para esclarecer a natureza e a intensidade destes processos. / Type 1 diabetes mellitus results from insufficient or absence of insulin production, as a consequence of destruction of pancreatic β cells, by an auto-imune mechanism. Treatment for this type of diabetes consists of subcutaneous administration of exogenous insulin. Recently, it has been demonstrated that pancreatic islet cell transplantation is capable of rendering type I diabetic patients independent of exogenous insulin. However, in spite of the success achieved, permanent immunosuppression is still required, being the main barrier to expand this treatment to a large number of patients. Therefore, development of new technologies, such as islet macro and microencapsulation to avoid rejection of the tissue implanted, is still crucial for definitive establishment of islet transplantation as a therapeutic alternative for type I diabetes. In the present work, an animal model was established for in vivo evaluation of the functional ability of human pancreatic islets, which were isolated and purified at the Human Pancreatic Islet Unit of the University of São Paulo Chemistry Institute. Diabetes was induced in NIH nude rats through streptozotocin injection followed by implantation of naked or microencapsulated human pancreatic islets. Biodritin, a new and patented heteropolyssaccaride was used to microencapsulate the islets. The production of uniform and homogeneous microcapsules with diameters in the range of 400µm e 600 µm was successfully established. Reversion of diabetes occurred in 24% of the nude rats transplanted with human pancreatic islets. On the other hand, no reversion of diabetes was observed when encapsulated islets were implanted, although their functional activity in vitro indicated that they secreted insulin and responded to glucose stimulation upon encapsulation. In order to elucidate this effect, empty capsules were implanted in nude rat and in immunocompetent rats, both of which developed an inflammatory process accompanied by a fibrotic process in the site of the implant. Immunohistochemical studies are underway to address the nature and the intensity of these inflammatory processes.
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