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Funding the Black Hole: The Ineffectiveness of the Current Retirement Plan Structure and Future SolutionsLee, Chih Yun 01 January 2013 (has links)
This paper seeks to examine the failures of the current retirement plan structure, focusing on the structure’s reliance on unpredictable future market returns and the unwillingness of the parties involved to negotiate in order to further enhance their own self-centered interests. Currently, both defined contribution and defined benefit plans encounter a funding crisis in both the public and the private sectors. This paper will discuss how retirement plans, by nature, rely on assumptions of market returns, which naturally depend on the volatility of the market and increase the risk and uncertainty in retirement plans. In addition, since defined benefit plans mostly exist in the public sector today, this paper will examine defined benefit plans in relation to the public sector’s funding crisis and hope to shed light on the politics and tensions between the parties involved in public retirement plans that are preventing effectiveness and efficiency. Finally, this paper will also present alternative retirement plan strategies for which academics and scholars have advocated. However, at the end of the day, as opposed to relying on others to dictate one’s future benefits, which are based on the goodwill of others and uncertainty in the market, Americans should recognize their lack of savings and improve their personal financial literacy and develop individualized savings plans.
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Replacing Workplace Leadership with Political ExpediencyLeonhardt, Mark Daniel 01 May 2010 (has links)
The study examines the adherence to principled leadership styles by persons in position of authority and develops a method to determine the extent to which those people deviate from principled leadership practices for purpose of political expediency. Two fortune 500 companies, three smaller local companies and select Western Kentucky University faculty were surveyed using the MACH V Attitude Inventory for determining Machiavellian tendencies via an online survey site. An examination and evaluation of survey results yielded a surpirsingly consistent neutral score, but no indication of Machiavellian tendencies within the respondent group.
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L'évolution de la profession ressources humaines de 1975 à 2005 au QuébecBrouillard, Sophie January 2009 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
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Human Resources Management of Elevating Service Quality of Junior Service Personnel and Customers¡¦ Degree of Satisfaction ¡V Using the Junior Service Personnel of Banks in Kaohsiung City as the Scope of Case StudyCHEN, CHUN-HUNG 22 August 2005 (has links)
Human Resources Management of Elevating Service Quality of Junior Service Personnel and Customers¡¦ Degree of Satisfaction
¡V Using the Junior Service Personnel of Banks in Kaohsiung City as the Scope of Case Study
In 1990, the restriction on the establishment of new banks was lifted, and 16 new private-operated banks came into existence, extending the competitive market dimension of the financial service industry. This would absolutely throw a revolutionary impact upon banks. Furthermore, since Taiwan was acceded to the global WTO in 2002, large foreign-based financial institutions have entered Taiwan local financial market with tremendous capital and advanced services and products. In the foreseeable future, they will bring up unprecedented pressures of operation and survival upon the banks in the financial service industry that has an annual productivity of 1200 billion dollars.
This research began with the human resources management perspective that is performance oriented and development oriented and set out to investigate the relevancy and objective of the case junior financial and service personnel who worked under the operation of this management dimension system, through the conveyance of personal service quality, to achieve the elevation of overall service quality and customers¡¦ degrees of satisfaction. After literature investigation and the compilation and review of relevant theories, a questionnaire survey was conducted, and by using PZB model as the basis, the obtained data underwent a factor analysis and the SPSS 12.0 for Windows XP software package was used to conduct statistical analysis of these data. Then Kaiser Varimax of main factor analysis was used as the rotation axis to extract the dimension factors of this research. Finally, one-way ANOVA and canonical correlation were used to analyze and investigate the differences between the variables and correlations, which would be used as the viable theoretical foundation of the hypotheses of this research.
In addition, after conducting statistical analysis of the data about the case banks, this research found that in the two aspects of human resources management, the junior employees had higher degrees of approval of development orientation that those of performance orientation, which seemed to overthrow the long-standing traditional concept ¡V using ¡§performance orientation¡¨ of realistic or tangible feedback as the prime basis for selection. On the contrary, although the junior personnel work in the employment market of unfavorable and competitive financial service industry of various kinds, this research has found that as a matter of fact, junior personnel of banks still have high degrees of approval of ¡§development orientation¡¨ and vision for ¡§development orientation,¡¨ in spite of the threats posed by the WTO globalization and the waning trend of the ¡§golden bowl.¡¨ This seems to provide bank management, amid celebration, with a new thinking of establishing better and forward human resources management procedures and regulations related to loyal, committed and competent employees.
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The Customer Relationship Management Process in Steel and Iron Industry : Its Measurement and Impact on Performance.Chien, Chin-Wei 26 July 2006 (has links)
Based on previous study, Reinartz, Krafft & Hoyer (2004) argued two outcomes. One is that CRM process measure outlines three key stages: initiation, maintenance, and termination; the other one is that the implementation of CRM process has a moderately positive association with both perceptual and objective company performance. This research uses statistical way to exam the three stages of Customer Relationship Management along with human resources management, coordination between various departments in enterprise, the computer technology three factors, carries out the customer relationship management compared with various steel and iron enterprises to tell the degree that management level value and invest, whether affects the enterprise economic performance.
During this research induces the customer relationship management flow and the steel and iron industry relations is: (I) The customer relationship initiation, the customer relationship maintenance stage and the computer technology has the frontage influence to the enterprise achievements. (II) The customer relationship termination stage and the human resources management have partial influence to the enterprise achievements. (III)The coordination between departments in enterprise and enterprise achievements, the influence is not certainly obvious.
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µLWu, Huie-wen 13 September 2006 (has links)
¡§People¡¨ is the key to a company¡¦s success, as all processes from R&D, sales to services were handled by people. Therefore, quality of a team determines whether a company will be successful or not, and this is exactly why companies starting to pay increasing attention to ¡§core competency¡¨. Technology, products and services can easily be duplicated, but employees are the only, and most important, assets in a company that can not be replaced. Excellence employees will lead to the competitiveness and profitability of a company and are the foundation of successful companies. It is an imperative for modern companies to cultivate employees¡¦ ¡§core competency¡¨ so that companies can reasonably leverage, motivate and accumulate top quality human assets in order to reach maximum productivity and support the actualization of operation strategy.
This study aims at using case study of a software development company of high tech industry to understand the construction of the core competency model and its process. Through literature review, focus groups and executive interviews, the study comes up with the core competency of all employees and the managerial core competency of managers. The study hopes to be able to help other industries to introduce their core competency so as to increase the overall organizational efficiency.
Core competency means the knowledge, skills, behaviors and traits that employees need in order for a company to actualize its operation strategy. Therefore, the mid- to long-term business strategy is the base of the development of core competency. The 5 core competencies in the study were developed based on the following factors: company mission and vision, 3 year strategies and goals, unique competitive advantages, key successful factors and the benchmarking of other model companies. Each core competency must have very clear definition and description of its corresponding behaviors of the contribution and impact for various levels of employees. The definition and behaviors descriptions serve as the base for the company¡¦s core competency evaluation and also set the future direction for the company.
This study results showed that the company, after introducing core competency system, was able to understand precisely the core competency gap between its individual manager and the team average. The study also demonstrated the fact that the individual manager¡¦s core competency improved visibly in a year through training on the targeted core competencies.
This study validated that the organizational efficiency can be increased by the constructing of core competency system and the implementation of the performance management system.
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The Study ofMultinational Corporations¡¦ Knowledge ManagementGau, Tzu-uen 21 January 2003 (has links)
The Study of
Multinational Corporations¡¦ Knowledge Management
In order to look for lager space of growth and subsistence, Taiwanese corporations inevitably made direct investments in foreign countries and became members of worldwide multinational corporations (MNCs). According to their international expansion, the sources and distributions of these MNCs¡¦ resources and knowledge would not be limited by the boundaries among countries but be allocated effectively through two dimensions, Global Integration and Local Responsiveness. By twelve Taiwanese multinational corporations case study, the global integration and local responsiveness of multinational organizations¡¦ knowledge, the implementation situation of Knowledge Management, and the role of Human Resources Management while implementing Knowledge Management were all observed and discussed in this study.
The proposition concluded by interviewing high-level managers of sample corporations are as follows:
Proposition 1: The higher industrial technique maturity of multinational corporations is, the higher centralization of the allocation of corporations¡¦ resources and knowledge will be.
Proposition 2: If the industrial technique maturity of multinational corporations is higher, explicit knowledge will be transferred across countries more than tacit knowledge.
Proposition 3: The longer product life cycle of multinational corporations is, the more global integration ability of knowledge innovation strategy will be emphasized.
Proposition 4: The higher local responsiveness need of multinational corporations¡¦ knowledge innovation strategy is, the higher ratio of value chain distributed in foreign subsidiaries will be.
Proposition 5: The higher local responsiveness need of multinational corporations¡¦ knowledge innovation strategy is, the higher ratio of local employees hiring will be.
Proposition 6: The more explicit knowledge of organization has, the more information technology infrastructure will be needed to implement knowledge management. The more tacit knowledge of organization has, the more important the tacit system will be, such as organizational culture, to implement knowledge management.
Proposition 7: The corporations in technique growing industry will do knowledge processing in interactive way, and design the organization by commitment-base.
Proposition 8: The role of human resources management will be more strategic during the early stage of knowledge management implementation.
Proposition 9: If both of global integration and local responsiveness need of corporations¡¦ knowledge innovation strategy is required, the coordination and control role of human resources management will be more important.
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Human Resource Management Activity Influences on Marketing Sales Performances - take Pharmacy Marketing for exampleLee, Chien-chang 28 July 2009 (has links)
The pharmacy industry in Taiwan has produced a succession of great changes in recent years, for example: The National Health Insurance, the division of medical treatment & medication, Join the World Trade Organization(WTO) which were putting into practice. However, the competent authority which protects the medicine price and nuclear price policying, bringing a large impact to the pharmaceutical factory. So the promotion sales are effected first.
So, for be able to improve the sales¡¦ performance & understand the releationship of human resources management activities & sales¡¦ performance, this research attempts to take one pharmacy company for an example, and using Multiple Regression Anylysis to research the effect of Selection, Traing & Education, Salary & Welfare, Position Alternation & Employees Participating to Sales Amount, Achievement Rat of Sales, Leave Application & Customer Developing. Besides this, it also using the Analysis of Variance to understand the difference of sales¡¦ performance under the situation of Cost Reducing & Human Resource Promoting.
So according to the Multiple Regression Anylysis & Analysis of Variance, this research get the results as follow:
1.Traing & Education, Salary & Welfare, Employees Participating, the three Human Resource Management Activities have the significance effect to Sales¡¦ Performance. So the hypothesis H-1, H1-3 & H1-5 are all supported.
2.Selection also has the significance effect to Sales¡¦ Performance, but not all of factors can anticipate the Sales¡¦ Performance. So in accordance with the hypothesis H1-1 just present a partical supported result.
3.Position Alternation just has the significance effect to Sales Amount, Leave Application & Customer Developing, but not has the significance effect to Achievement Rat of Sales. So in accordance with the hypothesis H1-4 just present a partical supported result.
4.Under the difference Type of Human Resource Management, The sales¡¦s performance not only has the significance effect to Sales Amount & Customer Developing, but also has the higher performance. However, there are no significance about this difference. So in accordance with the hypothesis H2-1 & H2-2 just present a partical supported result.
According to above-mentioned results, if we want to enhance some of sales¡¦ performances, we should enforance some of the optional human resources activities. This research also discover that: The higher salary & welfare structure & The type of human resources promoting, which have the significance effect to increase the sales¡¦ performance.
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College Recruiting for Managerial TalentWeaver, Ronald Forrest 01 January 1971 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis report is to make a critical examination of the basic factors, together with their interrelationships, which are involved in college recruiting of students with managerial potential.
The ultimate objective of this analysis is to provide a theoretical and factual basis for establishing or improving a managerial recruiting program.
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Banko darbuotojų socializacija: skirtingos darbo patirties atvejis / Bank Staff Socialization: The Case of Different Work ExperiencePuškorė, Gintarė 03 August 2011 (has links)
Magistro darbe iškelta, skirtingą darbo patirtį turinčių banko darbuotojų socializaciją įtakojančių veiksnių, problema. Išanalizuoti ir susisteminti įvairių, tiek Lietuvos, tiek ir užsienio, autorių teoriniai ir praktiniai darbuotojų socializacijos organizacijoje tyrimai, apimantys darbuotojų socializacijos organizacijoje esmę, procesą, veiksnius bei pagrindinius rodiklius. Atliktas tyrimas, susijęs su skirtingą darbo patirtį turinčių darbuotojų socializaciją įtakojančiais veiksniais. Patvirtinta darbo autorės iškelta hipotezė, kad tiek ir organizacijos, tiek ir individualūs veiksniai daro tiesioginę įtaką skirtingą darbo patirtį turinčių darbuotojų socializacijai banke. / In the master’s thesis the problem of factors influencing socialization of bank employees having different work experience is risen. Theoretical and practical researches of staff socialization in an organization of both Lithuanian and foreign authors are analyses and systematized, including the essence of staff socialization in organization , its process, factors and main indices. The research, related with the factors influencing socialization of employees with different experience is carried our. Hypothesis, set by the author, was confirmed: both organizational and individual factors make a direct impact on socialization of the employees with different work experience in bank.
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