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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Recompensas em organizações que atuam no terceiro setor: análise a partir de seus pressupostos orientadores / Rewards system management for the Third sector organizations.

José Antonio Monteiro Hipolito 14 October 2004 (has links)
Este trabalho discorre sobre a gestão de recompensas para organizações do Terceiro Setor, as quais, nos últimos anos, têm sentido a necessidade de maior estruturação e profissionalização. Discutimos se um caminho natural seria a incorporação daquelas práticas bem sucedidas nas organizações do Mercado, em função de seu maior desenvolvimento conceitual e prático sobre o assunto, ou se deveriam, em função de suas especificidades, elaborar modelos próprios. Para chegar a uma conclusão, optamos por entender se profissionais dos dois setores compartilham de um conjunto de crenças semelhantes em relação ao trabalho; à organização; e ao papel a ser desempenhado pelas práticas de Gestão de Pessoas e Recompensas; além de verificar o que eles esperam como retribuição pelo seu trabalho. Acreditamos, suportados pela literatura, que a compreensão destes aspectos é condição necessária para o estabelecimento de práticas compensatórias adequadas. A identificação das semelhanças e diferenças entre os profissionais dos dois setores em relação aos aspectos mencionados foi obtida pela aplicação de questionários a seus gestores e colaboradores. Este foi elaborado, tendo por referência a literatura de gestão de recompensas desenvolvida para o Mercado e o resgate efetuado sobre as características, momento, e desafios presentes nas organizações sem fins lucrativos, além de considerar as recomendações da literatura internacional sobre remuneração para organizações do Terceiro Setor. Ao final, debatemos os resultados da pesquisa junto a um Grupo Focal, o que gerou, uma série de inferências e recomendações em relação à adoção de práticas de recompensas para as organizações sem fins lucrativos. / This work discourses on the rewards system management for the Third Sector organizations, which, in the last years, have been missing major structuring and professionalism. We have argued whether a natural way to achieve that, would be the incorporation of those successful practices from the for-profit organizations, due to their major conceptual and practical development on the matter, or if they should, because of their peculiarities, elaborate their own models. In order to reach a conclusion, we decided to check if both sectors professionals share the same beliefs in what concerns the work itself; the organization; and the role to be played by the Human Resource Management System and the Rewards System, besides accessing what they expect in return for their work. We believe, supported by the literature, that the understanding of these aspects is a necessary condition for the establishment of adequate rewarding procedures. The identification of similarities and differences among the professionals of both sectors in what concerns the above topics was obtained through questionnaires which were answered by both managers and collaborators. These questionnaires were elaborated with the support of the rewards management literature developed for the for-profit organizations and through the rescue that was realized about the current characteristics, the present moment, circumstances and the challenges of the non-profit organizations, besides considering the recommendations of international literature on compensation for the Third Sector organizations. At the end, we debated on the results of the survey together with a Focus Group, which generated a series of inferences and recommendations in relation to adopting reward procedures for the non-profit organizations.

A equipe de projetos como sistema social: um modelo de desenvolvimento baseado em contradições e paradoxos / Project team as social system : a development model based in contradictions and paradoxes

Paulo Emilio Alves dos Santos 09 August 2010 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi elaborar um modelo para desenvolver equipes de projetos. Neste modelo as equipes são percebidas como sistemas sociais complexos que se desdobram em diversas dimensões. Isto significa que estes grupos devem aprender a lidar com as tensões das emoções, com o processamento de informações e o desafio das formas da organização. Sua imersão na organização significa ainda, a submissão a um jogo de forças que podem conduzir a comportamentos contraditórios e paradoxais. Utilizando-se das abordagens quantitativa e qualitativa tal modelo foi avaliado empiricamente, gerando novos insights e apontando para novos caminhos na teoria e na prática de desenvolvimento de equipes de projetos. / The aim of this work was to generate a model to develop project teams. In this model project teams are perceived as complex social systems which have several dimensions. That means these groups must learn how to cope with the stress of emotions, with the information processing and with the challenge of the organization design. Their deep immersion in the organization also means submitting to a trial of forces that could lead to contradictory and paradoxical behaviors. Using the quantitative and qualitative approaches, such model was evaluated empirically, creating new insights and pointing to new directions and practices of project teams development.

Indicadores sociais de responsabilidade social corporativa: análise da utilização no contexto brasileiro / Social indicators of corporate social responsibility: analysis of use in the Brazilian context

Milena Silva de Melo 11 December 2013 (has links)
As discussões da temática responsabilidade social corporativa (RSC) intensificaram-se nos últimos tempos. O processo de globalização e incremento de inovações tecnológicas estreitaram as barreiras, possibilitando troca de informações e desenvolvimento de novos modelos. Observa-se um pensamento crítico no processo produtivo das organizações, gerando cobranças por ações éticas e socialmente responsáveis tanto pelo Estado como pela sociedade. Neste contexto, a sustentabilidade perpassa do modelo individualista para um modelo de integração da empresa e as partes interessadas no negócio. A comunicação das práticas sociais ganha relevância e estruturam-se em relatórios de balanços sociais ou relatórios de sustentabilidade. Os relatórios evoluíram conforme o contexto histórico e a dialética da conceituação de RSC. Hoje, estes se encontram estruturados em diretrizes e indicadores para compreensão do público. Este estudo se propôs a verificar a evolução do grau de aderência plena (GAPIE-GRI) e o grau de evidenciação efetiva (GEE) aos indicadores de desempenho social (práticas laborais, trabalho decente e direitos humanos) das empresas brasileiras que publicaram o relatório de sustentabilidade GRI de 2007 a 2012, tendo como foco demonstrar o quanto do que foi requerido pelos indicadores de desempenho pelas Diretrizes da GRI foi realmente divulgado e quanto do potencial dessas informações foi efetivamente apresentado ao longo desse período. Trata-se de um estudo quantitativo, descritivo, por meio de pesquisa bibliográfica e documental. A análise ocorreu por meio do cálculo dos índices GAPIE-GRI e GEE e da estatística descritiva para análise do perfil da amostra. A amostra representa 642 relatórios da GRI das empresas brasileiras distribuídos no período investigado, presentes no site oficial da instituição e/ou da empresa. Observou-se a presença significativa de empresas de grande porte e de setores energia e serviços financeiros. Os indicadores com maior representatividade em aderência plena durante o período pesquisado foi LA1, LA2, LA4 e LA10. Notou-se o aumento do percentual dos índices GAPIE-GRI e GEE, demonstrando uma evolução de baixa aderência e evidenciação efetiva para um grau mediano de aderência e evidenciação efetiva nos indicadores sociais da GRI. / The discussions of the theme corporate social responsibility (CSR) have intensified in recent times. The process of globalization and increasing technological innovations narrowed barriers, enabling information exchange and development of new models. There is a critical thought in the production process of the organizations, generating charges for ethical and socially responsible actions both by the State and society. In this context, sustainability permeates the individualistic model to a model of enterprise integration and business stakeholders. The communication of social practices becomes relevant and structured into sustainability reports. Reports have evolved as the historical context and the dialectics of conceptualizing RSC. Today, these are structured guidelines and indicators for public understanding. This study aimed to verify the evolution of the degree of adherence full (GAPIE-GRI) and the degree of effective disclosure (GEE) to the social performance indicators (labor practices and decent work and human rights) of Brazilian companies that published the report GRI sustainability from 2007 to 2012, focusing on demonstrating how much of what was required by the performance indicators by GRI Guidelines was actually released and how much potential this information was effectively presented throughout this period. This is a quantitative study, descriptive, through literature and documents. The analysis occurred by calculating the indices GAPIE-GRI and GEE analysis and descriptive statistics for the sample profile. The sample represents 642 GRI reports of Brazilian companies distributed in the investigated period, present on the official website of the institution and / or company. We observed a significant presence of large companies and financial services and energy sectors. The most representative indicators in full compliance during the period studied was LA1, LA2, LA4 and LA10. It was noted the increase in the percentage of indices GAPIE-GRI and GHG, showing an increase of low adherence and disclosure effective for moderate degree of adherence and effective execution of social indicators of GRI.

Řízení lidských zdrojů ve zdravotnictví ČR / Management of Human Resources in the Health Service in the Czech Republic

Rybníčková, Petra January 2017 (has links)
The following Thesis deals with problems concerning human resources management in the area of Health Care and its failures. Furthemore, it seeks for the reasons for such failures, analyzes the legal background and compares it with the day-to-day life of hospitals. The goal of this Thesis is to reveal the real roots of the ongoing crisis, which was demonstrated e.g. by so called Děkujeme, odcházíme campaign, and to find out possible solutions to stabilize the Health Care system and minimaze the risk of lose of health care professionals.

Motivace a evaluace zaměstnanců ve vybraném podniku / Motivation and Evaluation of Employees in Selected Company

Skyvová, Aneta January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deal with the problem of work motivation, evaluation and compensation in Siemens. The core of this thesis is to design new ideas for improving of motivation system in this company and find out satisfaction of employees in the organization. The current situation is analyzed via questionnaire research and internal sources.

Návrhy pro zavedení age managementu ve vybrané společnosti / The Proposal of Age Management Implementation in Selected Company

Čepcová, Lucie January 2015 (has links)
Diploma thesis deals with an issue of age management and its implementation in selected company. Theoretical part specifies basic terms related to human resources management and introduces age management in connection with current demographic development. For the purpose of the thesis a particular company is chosen where a questionnaire survey is conducted. There is also an analysis of an internal environment of the company performed. Based on the data obtained the proposals for age management implementation in particular company are created.

Návrh efektivního řízení multikulturního týmu v mezinárodním podniku působícím v IT oblasti / Proposal for Effective Multicultural Team Management in an International IT Company

Šimek, Tomáš January 2012 (has links)
Cílem této diplomové práce je návrh na zlepšení týkající se efektivního řízení multikulturního týmu ve velké mezinárodní společnosti působící v oblasti informačních technologií. V práci jsou uvedeny základní teoretické poznatky týkající se efektivního řízení, firemní kultury, řízení lidských zdrojů a týmové práce. Praktická část je zaměřena na analýzu stávajícího stavu společnosti, díky které bylo možné navrhnout taková opatření, která pří správné implementaci povedou k optimalizaci a zefektivnění samotného řízení týmu, motivace jeho členů, komunikace, výkonnosti a kvality. K analýze současného stavu byly použity rozhovory s jednotlivými členy týmu a dotazníkové šetření.


Sung, Wookje 01 January 2017 (has links)
I investigate whether cross-functional or cross-organizational networking following a large corporate merger and acquisition improves managers’ career outcomes. Previous research on networks and career success has focused on stable organizational environments, finding that large, open networks with many structural holes are most advantageous because of superior information benefits and control power, while closed networks provide redundant information that is unhelpful career-wise. However, I suggest that while dense, closed networks formed within knowledge (functional) or identity (legacy organization) boundaries might be detrimental to executives’ future promotability, closed networks are helpful if they are created across those boundaries. These ties help to facilitate knowledge transfer and develop a new superordinate post-merger identity and are ultimately valued by the organization. I tested this on junior executives’ email and survey data collected at two time points (pre-merger and a year later) from a newly-merged organization. Results show that while closed networks with higher constraint in general were detrimental to executive’s promotability pre-merger, they lose the negative effect in the post-merger tumult. Controlling for overall network constraint, increasing closed networks across functional and legacy organizational boundaries led to managers receiving higher promotability evaluations from top management, whereas increasing closed networks within one functional and legacy organizational boundary did not have a significant impact. Managers’ rank and networking strategy that joins other employees (i.e., having a tertius iungens orientation) 2 moderated the relationships between networks and promotability. Implications are discussed for career and social networks research.

Rôle de la GRH dans la participation des cadres intermédiaires à la mise en oeuvre des réformes publiques : Le cas du Plan Maroc Vert / Role of the human resources management in the participation of the intermediate frames (executives) in the implementation of the public reforms : The case of the Plan Green Morocco

Lamrani, Moulay Youssef 16 December 2016 (has links)
Sous l’effet des réformes successives auxquelles il a été affronté, le secteur public marocain a connu plusieurs changements stratégiques et organisationnels au cours des vingt dernières années. Ces réformes, aussi ambitieuses qu’elles soient, n’ont pu atteindre leurs objectifs sans une participation active des acteurs civils. La place qu’occupe les cadres intermédiaires dans l’implantation des changements imposés à ce secteur est primordiale, la mise en oeuvre desréformes publiques nécessite de leur part un double rôle d’experts et de managers que seule une GRH performante peut garantir. Cette thèse se propose d’analyser la participation des cadres intermédiaires à la mise en oeuvre des réformes publiques sous l’angle du rôle de la GRH publique sur le cas du Plan Maroc Vert comme terrain d’étude. Quelles réformes publiques au Maroc, quelles attentes des cadres intermédiaires et quelles GRH pour accompagner efficacement ces réformes, tels sont les principaux axes autour desquels s’articule cette étude. / Under the influence of the successive reforms in which he was faced, the public sector knew several strategic and organizational changes. However ambitious they are, these reforms were not able to reach their goals without an active participation on of the civil actors, the place that occupies the intermediate frames in the setting-up of the change compulsory for the public sector within the framework of these reforms is essential, the implementation of the public reforms requires from them a double role of experts and managers whom only a successful Human Resources Management can guarantee. This thesis suggests analyzing the participation of the intermediate frames in the implementation of the public reforms under the angle of the role of the public Human Resources Management and in the era of the new public management, the case of the Plan Green Morocco as ground of study. Which public reforms in Morocco, which expectations of the intermediate frames and which Human Resources Management to accompany effectively these reforms, such are main axes all around of which articulates this study.

Analýza spolupráce s úřady práce při náboru zaměstnanců (FOXCONN CZ s.r.o. - výrobní pobočka Kutná Hora) / Analysis of cooperation with employment offices with recruitment (FOXCONN CZ s.r.o. - production branch in Kutná Hora)

Komárková, Irena January 2008 (has links)
First part of thesis describes the theoretical basis of theme. The first section relates to legislative regulation of employment area including its development from 2004. The second chapter attends to cooperation possibilities of employers and employment offices. Second part of thesis concentrates on analysis of situation of particular employer - FOXCONN CZ company. The first section of this part describes the company in light of its history, positions and present cooperation with employment offices. The second section characterizes situation on regional employment market including history of local employment office and interview with its employees. The last chapter contains the particulat analysis of present cooperation methods with employment offices, economical view on this problem and final recommendations.

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