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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Homo Managerialis : une ethnographie des gestionnaires de ressources humaines

Turcot DiFruscia, Kim 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.

En kvalitativ studie om enhetschefers upplevelse av relationen till sin HR-partner i en offentlig verksamhet.

Johansson, Malin January 2022 (has links)
Införandet av New Public Management i den offentliga sektorn har för första linjens chefer,benämnda som enhetschefer i denna studie, inneburit en ökad byråkrati och minskad kunskap inom hantering av olika arbetsuppgifter. Detta bland annat inom arbetet kopplat till personalärenden. På så sätt ökar värdet av ett gott samarbete och en god relation med HR-avdelningen och dess HR-partners. Studiens syfte avser att skapa förståelse kring enhetschefers upplevelse av relationen till sin HR-partner och vilka faktorer som ligger till grund för en högkvalitativ arbetsrelation. Studien ämnar att ta reda på vilka kriterier enhetschefer anser bör finnas i en högkvalitativ arbetsrelation samt på vilket sätt relationen mellan enhetschefer och deras HR-partners kan definieras som en högkvalitativ arbetsrelation. Alternativt vad som behöver utvecklas för att relationen skall definieras som en högkvalitativ relation. Genom en kvalitativ metod intervjuades enhetschefer inom en offentlig verksamhet. Semi-struktureradeintervjuer användes för att undersöka deras upplevelser av relationen till deras HR-partners. Genom en tematisk analys kunde ett resultat presenteras. Resultat visade att relationen idag ärgod, men är inte av en högkvalitativ karaktär. Relationen innehåller ömsesidig respekt ochempati som ger psykologisk trygghet till medlemmarna i den men det finns hinder för utvecklingen av relationen. Det handlar om att fylla ett behov för ett individ- och verksamhetsanpassat arbete som i dag saknas i relationen. Då relationer är dynamiska och en uppfattning om vad god kvalité innebär är individuellt kan relationer lätt få fel förutsättningar för att fungera. Genom att arbeta mot en tydligare målbild för vad arbetet skall bidra till samt vad relationen betyder för de olika parterna kan en högkvalitativ relation lättare uppnås. / The introduction of New Public Management in the public sector has meant increased bureaucracy and reduced knowledge in handling various tasks for first-line managers referred to as unit managers in this study. This, among other things, in work linked to personnel matters. In this way, the value of good collaboration and a good relationship with the HR department and its HR partners increases. The purpose of the study is to create an understanding of unit managers' experience of the relationship with their HR partner and the factors that form the basis for a high-quality working relationship. The study aims to find out what criteria unit managers believe should exist in a high-quality working relationship and in what way the relationship between unit managers and their HR partners can be defined as a high-quality working relationship. Alternatively, what needs to be developed for the relationship to be defined as a high-quality relationship. Through a qualitative method, unit managers in thepublic sector were interviewed. Semi-structured interviews were used to examine their experiences of the relationship with their HR partners. Through a thematic analysis, a result could be presented. Results showed that the relationship today is good, but is not of high-quality nature. The relationship contains mutual respect and empathy that gives psychological security to its member. There are obstacles to the development of the relationship that is about filling a need for individual and business-adapted work that is currently lacking in the relationship. As relationships are dynamic and perception of what good quality means is individual, relationships can easily have the wrong conditions to function. By working towards a clearer goal picture for what the work is to contribute to and what the relationship means for the various parties, a high-quality relationship can be more easily achieved.

Designing the leadership development system as the talent management strategy in area of HRM in the international organization / Проектирование системы развития лидерства как стратегии управления талантами в области управления человеческими ресурсами в международной организации : магистерская диссертация

Карпио Васкес, Э. П., Carpio Vazquez, E. P. January 2018 (has links)
Master thesis is performed on 124 pages (format А4, the font type Times New Roman, font size 14, interlining 1.5) excluding attachments. Number of tables – 30 (excluding attachments). Number of figures – 34 (excluding attachments). Master Thesis consists in Introduction, Three Chapters, Conclusion, Bibliography, Appendix. In the theoretical part are presented the basic concepts, objectives of the evaluations their types and forms, stages, criteria, and methods. In the practical part are analyzed the general characteristics of company research and personnel management, the analysis of human resources management, the integration of talent management strategies and the existence of a leadership development system. On the base of received results are proposed recommendation a model for the design of a strategic leadership development system for the company In conclusion to the extent that the human resources area becomes strategic aligning their talent management processes to business objectives and strategies will be able to design and develop a strategic leadership development system. / Магистерская диссертация выполнена на 124 страницах (формат А4, шрифт Times New Roman, размер шрифта 14, флизелин 1.5) без учета вложений. Количество таблиц – 30 (без учета приложений). Количество рисунков – 34 (без приложений). Магистерская диссертация состоит из введения, трех глав, заключения, списка литературы, приложения. В теоретической части представлены основные понятия, цели оценки, их разновидности и формы, этапы, критерии и методы. В практической части проведен анализ общей характеристики предприятия и управления персоналом, анализ управления человеческими ресурсами, интеграция стратегий управления персоналом и наличие системы развития лидерства. На основе полученных результатов предложены рекомендации по модели проектирования системы стратегического развития лидерства для компании. В заключение показано, что в той мере, в которой область людских ресурсов становится стратегической, выравнивая свои процессы управления талантами с бизнес-целями и стратегиями, компания сможет разработать и внедрить систему стратегического развития лидерства.


Freeman, Michelle A. 04 1900 (has links)
<p><strong>Background.</strong> The nursing profession has a long tradition of migration. The migration of nurses from Canada has received little attention.</p> <p><strong>Objective.</strong> The purpose of this sandwich thesis was to understand the migration intentions of nurse graduates in a Canadian border city, their intention to become commuter migrants, and to explore the factors influencing these intentions.</p> <p><strong>Methods.</strong> Two qualitative studies of the migration literature included an analysis of the concept of migration and an integrative review of case study methodology in the study of nurse migration. A mixed methods study, guided by the Value-Expectancy framework, explored the migration intentions of nurse graduates in a Canadian border city and the factors influencing these intentions.</p> <p><strong>Results.</strong> The concept of nurse migration was found to be multifaceted. Its attributes, antecedents and consequences were defined. The mixed methods study provided insights into the migration intentions of recently graduated Canadian nurses. The majority preferred to work in Canada, but because of a perceived absence of valued jobs factors, were willing to migrate. Two thirds considered migrating and sixteen percent were interested in becoming commuter migrants. The findings supported the hypothesis that nurses weigh employment values (goals) against the expectation of achieving them, thus influencing intentions to migrate or stay.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion.</strong> The value-expectancy framework offered a novel approach for identifying the job factors that were driving migration intentions. There is a need for more primary research employing different methodologies to explore the characteristics, causes, and consequences of nurse migration that were identified through this research.</p> / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

The Perception of Knowledge Management System Implementation to Employee Performance is Measured With Balanced Scorecard at PT Vale Indonesia TBK

Febriyani, Yeni 01 April 2016 (has links)
Knowledge Management System (KMS) is a necessary concept as knowledge possessed by each individual employee is an intellectual property asset that will provide benefits for any organization. In a company, in terms of KMS, employees’ performance holds an important role in helping run the business of the company becoming sustainable and successful. Therefore, the measurement of employees’ performance based on a balanced scorecard is needed to understand the current business situation. This research helped focus on the perception between the KMS and employee’s performance based on a balanced scorecard (BSC) regarding a financial perspective, customer perspective, internal business process perspective, and learning & growth perspective. A survey was conducted at PT. Vale Indonesia Tbk (Vale) to ascertain these perspectives and perceptions of employees regarding performance based on a BSC. These perception data were analyzed, and conclusions were drawn regarding hypotheses. The findings section of this thesis shows the results in details. The results of the survey showed that the employees had a good perception of the value and benefits of KMS as measured with the BSC with the exception of the financial aspect. The interpretation of the results created recommendations to further implement KMS, and to improve employees’ performance at Vale.


Field, James G 01 January 2017 (has links)
Turnover is one of the most important phenomena for management scholars and practitioners. Yet, researchers and practitioners are often frustrated by their inability to accurately predict why individuals leave their jobs. This should be worrisome given that total replacement costs can exceed 100% of an employee’s salary (Cascio, 2006) and can represent up to 40% of a firm’s pre-tax income (Allen, 2008). Motivated by these concerns, the purpose of this study was to assess the predictive validity of commonly-investigated correlates and, by extension, conceptualizations of employee turnover using a large-scale database of scientific findings. Results indicate that job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and embeddedness (e.g., person-job fit, person-organization fit) may be the most valid proximal predictors of turnover intention. Results for a tripartite analysis of the potential empirical redundancy between job satisfaction and organizational commitment when predicting turnover intention align well with previous research on this topic and generally suggest that the two constructs may be empirically indistinguishable in the turnover context. Taken together, this study has important implications for the turnover and sensitivity analysis literatures. With regard to the sensitivity analysis literature, this study demonstrates the application of a sensitivity analysis for relative importance weights in the meta-analytic context. This new method takes into account variance around the meta-analytic mean effect size estimate when imputing relative importance weights and may be adapted to other correlation matrix-based techniques (i.e., structural equation modeling) that are often used to test theory.

The Sex Stereotype of a Job as a Moderator of Sex Bias in Performance Evaluations

Crooks, Sandra B. 01 July 1989 (has links)
In accordance with the stereotype-fit model of discrimination (Dipboye, 1985), the results of past research indicate that the extent to which jobs are sex stereotyped dictates whether or not a main effect for rate sex is present in performance evaluations. The purpose of this study was to further examine the relationship between the sex stereotype of the job and the presence of sex bias in evaluation. Two hundred and five undergraduate psychology students viewed one of eight videotapes of a confederate job applicant performing a work sample task and evaluated the observed performance. A 2 x 2 x 2 between subjects factorial design was used to test for the effects of the sex stereotype of the job, sex of rate, and level of rate performance on performance ratings. As performance was found. A significant three-way interaction was found, which implies that when rates perform a job that is stereotyped as sex role incongruent their performance is more likely to be noticed and closely evaluated than when they perform a job that is sex stereotyped as belonging to their sex. Sex bias was found only for the low performing woman on the female job, which indicates she was over-evaluated.

Stereotype Bias in Selection: A Process Approach

Currie, Donald V. 01 March 1979 (has links)
This investigation was to determine if an applicant’s sex and the job’s sex orientation stereotypes affected the evaluation of applicant information and subsequent selection decision outcomes. Interviewers (N=48) were asked to rate the employment suitability of 49 hypothetical applicants. The results indicated that an interaction of the applicant’s sex and job’s sex orientation had marginal affect on the importance weightings in two of the four applicant attribute factors, motivation/ability and personality/appearance. Applicants with equivalent qualifications did not receive comparable employment suitability ratings, Unfair job discrimination was demonstrated by these data. It was concluded that the applicant’s sex and the job’s sex orientation stereotypes affected the evaluation of applicant attribute information and subsequent selection suitability ratings. Future research advocating a process orientation is suggested.

Израда модела информационог система за управљање људским ресурсима у пословним системима / Izrada modela informacionog sistema za upravljanje ljudskim resursima u poslovnim sistemima / Creating a model information system for human resource management in businesssystems

Lečić Dušanka 02 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Пословни процеси представљају компоненту хијерархије пословних модела савремених организација која се стално мења. Процесе треба добро разумети, поједноставити и аутоматизовати, а направити и адекватан одабир како би се посао обављао што ефикасније. Данас постоји широки спектар понуде информационих система за управљање људским ресурсима. Тежи се да такав један информациони систем буде што ефикаснији.</p> / <p>Poslovni procesi predstavljaju komponentu hijerarhije poslovnih modela savremenih organizacija koja se stalno menja. Procese treba dobro razumeti, pojednostaviti i automatizovati, a napraviti i adekvatan odabir kako bi se posao obavljao što efikasnije. Danas postoji široki spektar ponude informacionih sistema za upravljanje ljudskim resursima. Teži se da takav jedan informacioni sistem bude što efikasniji.</p> / <p>Business processes represent the business component hierarchy model modern<br />organization that is constantly changing. The processes must be well understood,<br />simplify and automate and make the appropriate selection in order to carry out work<br />as efficiently as possible. Today there is a wide range of supply of information<br />systems for human resources management. The goal is that such an information<br />system is more efficient.</p>

Exploration des considérations ayant trait aux ressources humaines dans la prise de décision des conseils d'administration

Étienne, Ilana Michaëlla January 2009 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

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