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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Robert Burton: Melancholie v raně novověké evropské společnosti / Robert Burton: Melancholy in Early Modern European Society

Potoček, Jan January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to provide a close reading and a philosophical and anthropological interpretation of Burton's understanding of the concept of melancholy (as well as the concept of the human being and the world) as it is presented in his work ​The Anatomy of Melancholy​. The primary objective will be gradually to respond to the following questions: How did Burton perceive the concept of melancholy? How did he make use of it within his notion of ​the melancholic world​? Based on this, his vision of a remedy to the melancholic disease afflicting the whole world, together with the form of this treatment presented in The Anatomy of Melancholy will be thereafter shown and explained. This task will be preceded by an analysis situated on the edge between the history of ideas and intellectual history, cultural history, and philosophical anthropology with a small overlap with the history of mentalities. This analysis will firstly reveal the diversity and rich history of the concept of melancholy and, subsequently, open up the intellectual milieu and ideas which form the basis of Burton's notion of the problem of the melancholic world and its treatment. This thesis, especially in its final part, will rely on a contextual reading of ​The Anatomy of Melancholy​. In order to acquire an overall...

Petrarca a Dresda: dai manoscritti alle stampe

Forner, Fabio 02 July 2020 (has links)
La SLUB di Dresden conserva non solo preziosi manoscritti con le opere di Petrarca, molti di questi in italiano, ma anche moltissime stampe. I manoscritti e le stampe petrarcheschi presenti a Dresda sono una spia del successo dell’opera di Petrarca, ma anche, più in generale, della cultura italiana della quale Petrarca è considerato il campione in quanto padre dell’umanesimo. Ma dopo il XVIII secolo e in particolare nel XIX secolo Petrarca, dismesse nell’immaginario di molti intellettuali le vesti del filosofo morale, diventa sempre più il grande poeta volgare che ha descritto in versi perfetti il suo amore per Laura. Petrarca a Dresda diviene, durante il Romanticismo, il poeta del Canzoniere, l’opera poetica degna della raffinatissima traduzione metrica che Karl Förster porta a termine durante il primo ventennio del XIX secolo proprio nella capitale sassone, porto sicuro per tante opere e per tanti lettori del Petrarca volgare.

Buberův kulturní sionismus a Masarykův humanismus - komparativní studie / Buber's Curtural Zionism and Masaryk's Humanism - Comparative Study

Venclová, Marie January 2012 (has links)
99 Summary Buberův kulturní sionismus a Masarykův humanismus - komparativní studie Buber's Cultural Zionism and Masaryk's Humanism - Comparative Study Marie Venclová This thesis deals with various aspects of understanding the term nation, its roots and dimensions in the works of Martin Buber and Tomas Garrigue Masaryk. The comparative study is based on analysis of Buber's Three Addresses on Judaism and Masaryk's Problem of a Small Nation. In these texts the philosophers present their attitudes and ideas about the meaning, origin and content of the existence of a nation. The results of the comparison show, that their points of view are similar in more than a few aspects and what most importantly bonds their ideas is the moral, spiritual and cultural understanding of the meaning of a nation. Furthermore, they both stress the responsibility of each and every individual part of the society for implementing such ideas into practice. Buber's cultural Zionism as well as Masaryk's humanism are also concepts based on critical self-reflection and need of education, which serves to broaden horizons and identify positive values in one's own nation. Motivation for this thesis resided in unique legal position of the Jewish minority in Czechoslovakia after the First World War. Based on the results of the comparison we...

Česká bytová výstavba 1958-1970 / Czech Housing Construction 1958-1970

Novotná, Eva January 2018 (has links)
The presented dissertation concerns selected topics on flat construction in the 60's - experiments and prefabricated housing estates - and examines them closely in four different layers - political, ideological, architectonic and social. The work is structured into four main chapters, which constitute four pillars to uncover the history of flat construction and its context. The initial hypothesis of the dissertation was that the birth of panel housing estates at the end of the 50's, as well as its form and content in the upcoming decade, was influenced by the different starting points of the four mentioned layers. The viewpoint of state socialism and its ideology stemmed from the situation, when architecture in the whole socialistic block seized to be the instrument of Stalinist political representation in the spirit of the socialist realism and it became an important instrument of social reform on the promoted path to communism. This opinion, projected on an economic level, lead to an assumption that an affordable and high-quality collective housing makes the society effectively economically modernized. The living in these housing estates was intended to become the "display window" of the socialist lifestyle as well as the means of a morally higher type of consumer society. In the atmosphere of...

Předtucha blížící se zkázy: předobraz druhé světové války v díle bratří Čapků. Volná interpretace filmového plakátu. / The Premotion of a Coming Destruction: The Archetype of World War II in Work of the Čapeks Brothers.\nl Free Interpretation of the Movie Poster.

KOPÁČKOVÁ, Stanislava January 2016 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the work of the Čapeks Brothers and monitors their premonition of a coming destruction, the World War II. It consists of two parts theoretical and practical. The practical part presents poster set freely interpreting a Hugo Haas film The White Disease.

"Platónský motiv" v Patočkově filosofii / "Platonic motive" in Patočka's philosophy

Jíra, Petr January 2016 (has links)
The main purpose of the doctoral thesis is to show "platonic motive" in Patočka's philosophy as unitary movement of thought, which exists in Patočka's thought since the thiertes to the sixties of the twentieth century. The aim is motivated by general question of relationship between modern thinking and European philosophical tradition. The thesis pursues to display, that Patočka's thinking makes possible to see and overcome an alienation contemporary European man from European philosophicaly tradition. The doctoral thesis has five chapters. First four chapters interpret socratic and platonic motives in Patočka's philosophy in chronological order (Patočka's philosophy in the thierties; philosophy of the Eternity and historicity; negative platonism; care of the soul and Europe). Chapter five contains intepretation of main question of doctoral thesis, it is question of unity of "platonic motive" in Patočka's philosophy. This question proceeds in three interpretative steps. In the first interpretative step are Patočka's all socratic and platonic motives reduced to three leading thoughts, that represent "platonic motive" as such: thoughts chōrismos, transendence and care of the soul. In second interpretative step the opposition "givenness- freedom" is established as a common core of the three thoughts. The...

Jazyk legendy z doby barokní / The Linguistic Characteristics of a Baroque Legend

DOLEŽALOVÁ, Zdeňka January 2008 (has links)
Main topic of this work is to analyze language elements used in the legend from baroque period and that from the complete conception on the gross information contents this work and characteristic features of phonetics and morfology. No research in the field of syntax and lexicology was made at this point (our final work would be to extensive). The complete interpretation refers to father Jiří David´s baroque legend Medicus Hercinius, {\dots} dated 1713. First part we apply to common informations about the author, about the period, in which he lived and wrote his legend, and about his contemporaries. We describe the legendistic literature and conditions to her expansibility in our country, the life of saint Gunther then and the substance of whole David´s work in general. There are important informations about noted humanismus and baroque authors in next two chapters. We describe individual phenomens of two language levels phonetics and morfology then, especially with regard to theory and practice. Principal aim of my work is to contribute to o deeper understanding of Czech language from the late baroque.

Grafická a hláskoslovná analýza písní Valentina Šubara: perspektiva kvantity vokálů / Graphical and Phonological Analysis of Songs by Valentin Šubar: the Perspective of Vowel Length

Böhmová, Veronika January 2017 (has links)
The thesis analyzes the non-standard vowel length and shortness in the complete hymn book of Valentin Šubar, as it is presented in the edition published by the Utraquist Jiří Hanuš of Kronenfeld in 1612 (Knihopis K16012). Based on selected transliterated segments, the level of consistency in the marking of vowel quantity is identified, and the outcome is subsequently taken into account when interpreting individual non-standard forms. Consequently, the results of previous research on vowel length marking in the 17th century Czech prints are slightly modified and the incorrect datation of surviving exemplars of the hymn book is corrected.

Prokop, Jan a ti druzí. Mladší Rabštejnové ve vírech husitského století / Prokop, Jan and the Others. The Younger Rabštejn Family in the Turbulences of the Hussite Century

Kozler, David January 2017 (has links)
The thesis deals with the significant western Bohemian noble family of the younger Rabštejns in the turbulent "Hussite Century", known also as the short 15th century (1400-1485). The primary focus of the research is the examination of the lives and careers of individual members of the family, the most prominent of which are the Chancellor Prokop († probably 1470) and the humanist Jan (1437-1473), author of the famous Dialogus. Their critically written biographies, appropriately set in the context of the political, religious and cultural history of the given period, review the factual errors of present research and answer the question of how specific nobles of the Rabštejn family managed the dramatic events of the "Hussite Century". The explication elaborated based on a classic genealogical and biographical approach is supplemented by sections on the social and economic rise of the younger Rabštejns in the 15th century, using knowledge from a modern, dynamically developing study of social mobility, royal court issues and noble representation. This, along with extensive source and literary heuristics on which the thesis is based, enables us to look at the history of the studied noble family with multiple lenses and place it in a wider context. The sources used are critically examined, and their selection...

Knihovny a čtenářská recepce v období raného humanismu v Čechách / The Libraries and Reader's Reception in the Early Humanism Period in Bohemia

Neškudla, Bořek January 2014 (has links)
The dissertation looks into the book culture, book production and readership in the kingdom of Bohemia in early humanism. It explores the conditions of rise and reception of book printing in the kingdom of Bohemia. The mind-set of the Utraquist society, resistant to the influence from abroad, international isolation of the Utraquist Bohemia and the previous insignificant manuscript production proved to be the factors which failed to encourage the arrival of book printing in the country. The initial advancement of book printing was hesitant and could not to keep up with the more developed trade abroad. The Czech printing production related to the efforts of reformation to further enhance the moral status of the society soon turned to disseminating literature in the vernacular, yet often they were translated literature. The early Czech printed production however was affected by low quality and quantity of prints and was not of the significance declared by the previous generations of researchers. Personalities of the Catholic society were more inclusive about new ideas from abroad. In the contemporary society the Catholics were therefore the first ones to embrace book printing and also they were quicker in reception of humanism. The early humanist literature in Bohemia is related to the personality of...

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