Spelling suggestions: "subject:"humanism"" "subject:"humanismo""
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Myšlení a víra Otakara A. Fundy / The thinking and belief of Otakar A. FundaKovářová, Zdenka January 2018 (has links)
1 UNIVERZITA KARLOVA KATOLICKÁ TEOLOGICKÁ FAKULTA Katedra teologické etiky a spirituální teologie Zdenka Kovářová Myšlení a víra Otakara A. Fundy Diplomová práce Vedoucí práce: Mgr. Ing. Prokop Sousedík, PhD. Praha 2018 2 Abstract This diploma thesis critically analyses the thinking of professor O. A. Funda who's work contributes to the problem of secularisation and moral resurgence. The work is divided into three parts, where the first section is presenting Funda's life as a whole picture, showing how his work developed over time, and introducing thinkers who influenced him. It is the second part that presents his thinking in depth on the back of two main subjects of his interests: rationality and transcendence. The last part is a critical analysis with the objective to evaluate whether or not professor managed to overcome the model rationality/transcendence with his own key: reality = complexity of complementarities and components in correlation, in continuity and in context. Keywords ethics, culture, Christianity, God, responsibility, belief, rationality, objectivity, humanity, life, existence, world, freedom, goodness, religion.
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Vztah hédonismu a humanismu / The Relationship of Hedonism and HumanismJerman, Ondřej January 2014 (has links)
The diploma thesis discusses the relationship between humanism and hedonism. However, its main objective is not to explain the terms in their summarized historical relatedness but to point out their internal coherence. The fundamental issue the thesis deals with is the fact that sentient beings suffer from sorrow. Enumerating the reasons why it is important to search for a solution would be a waste of our reader's time. It is necessary to understand that we don't expect empirical science to solve the problem since - despite the enthusiasm significant for this modern period - has not introduced any relief from sorrow. Here comes the opportunity for philosophy and, eventually, ethics. In its first part the thesis maps out the context of humanism and hedonism, studies their apparent as well as hidden nature, and lays the conceivable foundations of humanistic hedonism. The following section suggests a set of particular steps. Adhering to these instructions makes it possible to experience delight and to eliminate sorrow.
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Jazyková analýza naučné prózy / A linguistic analysis of a popular science proseNOVOTNÝ, Tomáš January 2011 (has links)
The topic of the diploma work is the analysis of the theory proze in the second half of the seventeenth century with the title Economical books and its comparizon with the two older works published by the end of the 16th century under the general title The Economist. The first part of the diploma work notices the structure of the separate texts, sees the grafical form of the texts and compares its differences. Next part of the work contains the study and comparizon of the individual areas of the human activities participating on the economy which was reflected by the humanistic writers. A special regard is given to the terms of administrative and economical character and the change in thein use from 16th to the 18th century. The work analyses the prevention of the landed estate running in the imagination of the baroque scholar, time evidence and three model examples: brewery, fishpond cultivation, forestry as the typical branches of the old czech economy.The last part of the work is the vocabulary of the chosen ideas dealing with the area of economy and administration of the landed estate formed and divided by the texts of the individual authors. The aim of the work is to evaluate the development of the language in the economical area and to compare the expected activitiies of the individual participants in the economical life and to make a list of terminological units.
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Od Palečka k Enšpíglovi aneb Prosopografie v humanistické zábavné próze / From Tom Thumb (Paleček) to Eulenspiegel or Prosopography in humanist entertainment proseMELICHOVÁ, Petra January 2013 (has links)
The thesis From Tom Thumb (Paleček) to Eulenspiegel or Prosopography in humanist entertainment prose is an analysis of main literary characters of selected Czech books of folk reading. Opening part is dedicated to the Renaissance and Renaissance culture in general. The periodization and brief characteristic of Czech humanist literature from the years between the half of the 15th century and the 1620?s is mentioned further. The thesis gives more detailed look at entertainment prose and primarily discusses books of folk literature which were integral part of Czech verbal culture. The analytic part is focused on prosopography in several books of folk reading ? Eulenspiegel, Tom Thumb (Paleček), Franta?s Law and Doctor Faust. The aim is to describe main characters, capture their artistic depiction and foremost to assess their moral code.
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La construction de la notion de tolérance chez Sébastien Castellion : approche lexicale et sémantique (écrits français et latins autour de 1550) / The construction of Sebastian Castellio's idea of tolerance : lexical and semantic approachWierciochin, Grzegorz 07 March 2016 (has links)
Au XVIe siècle en Europe, les divisions religieuses au sein de la Chrétienté se répercutent au niveau littéraire dans des débats polémiques extrêmement vifs où les thèmes du blasphème, de l'hérésie, de l'hétérodoxie et de la déviance occupent une place majeure. Dans ce climat d'intolérance, se construit, difficilement, sous des plumes isolées comme celle du calviniste dissident Castellion (1515-1563), exilé à Genève, puis réfugié à Bâle, une tolérance pré-moderne qui n'est pas celle des Lumières. Les ouvrages polémiques de Sébastien Castellion ont eu tendance à être occultés par ses traductions de la Bible qui le firent reconnaître comme l'un des pionniers de la critique biblique (traduction intégrale de la Bible du grec en latin, 1551, puis du grec en français, 1555). Or dans ces mêmes années, Castellion a subi les attaquesdes calvinistes pour avoir pris la défense de Michel Servet (1553), ce qui se traduisit par la rédaction de l'Historia de morte Serveti, du De Haereticis / Traité des Hérétiques (1554) et d'autres traités publiés à titre posthume (Contra libellum Calvini). Ces textes publiés parfois sous d'autres noms (Martin Bellie / Georges Kleinberg / Basile Montfort) sont plus que des réponses circonstancielles à des opuscules de Calvin ou à des conceptions portées par Bèze. La conception de latolérance qu'ils expriment (sur fond de scepticisme doctrinal, aux dires de ses adversaires) est représentative d'un courant de pensée particulier. La recherche récente a montré que la structure argumentative, grammaticale et lexicale des écritsfrançais et latins de Sébastien Castellion révèle des propriétés originales dont l'analyse aide à mieux comprendre l'outillage mental des contemporains face aux enjeux théologiques et éthiques que posait le pluralisme confessionnel et doctrinal. Une étude lexicologique et sémantique de ces textes de combat réalisée avec l'aide d'outils nouveaux comme un logiciel de textométrie permet de renouveler nos connaissances sur une histoire de la tolérance qui reste très instructivepour l'époque contemporaine. / In the 16th century in Europe, religious divisions of christianity erupt in vigorous polemic debates which are fought in literature. The themes of blasphemy, heresy, heterodoxy and deviance become paradigmatic for the political and social changes of the century. In this very special context, a pre-modern idea of tolerance arises in the writings of a few thinkers, like Sebastian Castellio, a former calvinist who veered away from the orthodoxy in Geneva and who took refuge in Basle.The polemical writings of Castellio vanish behind his tranlations of the Bible in latin (1551) and in french (1555), who made of him one of the first critics of the holy scripture. But in the same years, Castellio is violently attacked by the calvinists party for having defended Michael Servetus (1553): a polemic debate on the impunity of heretics breaks out between John Calvinand Sebastian Castellio, who writes his Historia de Morte Serveti and De haereticis / Traité des hérétiques (1554), and other texts which are edited after his death (Contra libellum Calvini) in order to defend his conviction of freedom of conscience. These writings, partly published under pseudonym (Martin Bellius / Georges Kleinberg / Basile Montford) are more then simple answers of circumstance to the texts of Calvin and Théodore de Bèze. They express an idea oftolerance (based on a doctrinal scepticism, as say his adverseries) which is representative for a particular thinking. Recent research has shown that the grammatical, linguistical and logical structure of Castellio's french and latin writings presents a number of original properties. Their analysis can contribute to understand the contemporary mental tools for dealingwith ethical and theological challanges of confesional and doctrinal pluralism. A semantical and lexicological study with a recent texometrical software tool (TXM) allows us to discover new aspects of the history of tolerance, which are revealing for our own century. / Im 16. Jahrhundert zeigen sich die religiösen Spaltungen des Christentums in lebhaften polemischen Debatten in der Literatur. Die Themen der Abweichung, der Blasphemie, der Ketzerei und der Heterodoxie werden paradigmatisch für die politischen und sozialen Spannungen der Epoche. In diesem Klima der Unversöhnlichkeit entsteht allmählich der Gedanke vormoderner Toleranz. Die polemischen Schriften des calvinistischen Abweichlers Sebastian Castellio, der in Basel im Exil lebt, werden von seinen beiden Bibelübersetzungen (1551 lateinisch, 1555 französisch) überschattet, die den Nonkonformisten zu einem der ersten kritischen Bibelübersetzer gemacht haben. Nichtsdestoweniger ist Castellio 1553 heftigsten Angriffen der Calvinisten ausgesetzt, da er in seinen Schriften Michael Servetus verteidigt, der kurz zuvor in Genf als Ketzer verbrannt worden ist. Die heftige Polemik zwischen Johannes Calvin und Sebastian Castellio äussert sich in seinen Schriften Historia de Morte Serveti und De haereticis / Traité des hérétiques (1554), sowie in anderen Texten, die posthum veröffentlicht werden (Contra libellum Calvini). Diese Texte, die teilweise unter einem Pseudonym erscheinen (Martinus Bellius / Georges Kleinberg / Basilius Montfort), sind mehr als nur anlassbezogene Antworten auf die doktrinären Schriften Calvins und Theodor Bezas. Die Konzeption der Toleranz, die Castellio darin entwickelt, und die sich laut seinenGegnern auf einen Skeptizismus gegenüber den konfessionellen Lehren gründet, ist repräsentativ für ein besonderes Menschen- und Weltbild. Die jüngste Forschung hat aufgezeigt, dass die grammatikalische, argumentative und lexikalische Struktur des Texte Sebastian Castellios einzigartige Eigenheiten besitzt, deren Analyse zu einem besseren Verständnis der „geistigen Werkzeuge“ der Zeitgenossen angesichts der theologischen und ethischen Umwälzungen der konfessionellen Epoche beitragen kann. Die semantische und lexikologische Untersuchung der Kampfschriften Castellios anhand einer neuen Software für Textometrie (TXM) wirft ein neues Licht auf die Geschichte der Toleranz, die für unsere Epoche wegweisend ist.
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Východiska k řešenínežádoucíchnásilných jevů jsou koncipována křest'anskou etikou, jeŽ májedinečnou propojenost s humánními aspekty, z kterých trvale vychází. V teoretické části je etika členěna optikou různýchteologů, filosofu čisociologů dřívě.iŠÍi dneŠnídoby. Empirická část předkládá aktuální výzkum ke školskésociální Práci, která k nám díkyCharlottě a Alici Garrigue Masarykové historicky patří. Tato ProÍ'esrríČinnost u nás po Ii. světové válce jižale nepokračovaia. K jejíabsenci jsou PřidánY relevantní reflexe, u výzkumu .ie analýza a sumarizace, Poslední slova Ch, MasarYkové nesla všem lidem úžasnéposelství ,,Zmocněte se cJobra, pravcla je přece krásná". Křest'anská etika má ve svém poslání stejný význam, KlíČováslova: dobro a zlo, vývoj křest'anské etiky, morálka, humanismus, Školskásociálrrí práce, stav dnešníspolečnosti zřetelný na dětech. negativa technického rozvoje, nutnost redukce nežádoucích násiJných jevů. Annotation Methods of handling undesirable violent phenomena are embedded in Christian ethics, which is inextricably linked to the humane aspects that it originates from. In the theoretical part of this work the ethics is divided by the perspectives oť various theologians, Philosophers or sociologists of previous and present times. The empirical Part Presents relevant research in...
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Císař a král Karel IV. v české humanistické historiografii 16. století / Emperor and King Charles IV. in the Czech humanist historiography of the 16th centuryKovařík, Tadeáš January 2019 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the image of Emperor and King Charles IV of Luxembourg in the Czech humanistic historiography of the 16th century. Firstly, the sources of this work and literature dedicated to the topic are introduced. The genre of the chronicle, history and historical chronicle are defined and are supported by academic literature. Following, humanism in the Czech and European environment is further discussed. The history of humanistic literature in a Czech environment and the history of humanistic historiography of this area are also presented. The main focus is dedicated to authors and their work, specifically those that are the sources of this thesis. Work such as Aeneas Silvius Bartholomeus Piccolomini (pope Pius II), his work Historia Bohemica and his three early modern history translations into the Czech language, done by Jan Húska, Mikuláš Konáč of Hodiškov and Daniel Adam of Veleslavín. Authors who have also published it in his book Kroniky dvě o založení země české. Work which also included an introduction written by him, that is further discussed in the thesis. Moreover, the thesis looks into Václav Hájek of Libočany and his Kronika česká, Prokop Lupáč of Hlaváčov and his Historia o císaři Karlovi, Martin Kuthen of Šprinsberk and his work Kronika o založení země české, which Daniel...
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Posthumanistischer FeminismusSteinfeldt-Mertens, Eddi 28 February 2019 (has links)
Posthumanistischer Feminismus ist ein transdisziplinäres Wissenschaftsgebiet, das dem kritischen Posthumanismus zugeordnet werden kann. In diesem rückt die Frage nach der vergeschlechtlichten Dimension des Humanismus-Diskurses in den Fokus, der u. a. auf der androzentrischen Gleichsetzung von Mensch und Mann sowie der rassistischen Gleichsetzung von Mensch und Weiß-Sein beruht. Für eine feministisch-posthumanistische Forschungsprogrammatik gelten folgende Perspektiven als zentral: Der feministische Posthumanismus gesteht allen Lebewesen, Artefakten, Hybridwesen und weiteren belebten und unbelebten Konfigurationen Handlungsfähigkeit (agency) und Aktivität zu und kritisiert die Differenzierung zwischen Natur und Kultur und daran anknüpfende Grenzziehungen zwischen männlich/weiblich sowie Weiß-Sein/Schwarz-Sein. Zudem wird die Frage nach Körperfigurationen und -grenzen sowie nach deren sozialem Konstruktionscharakter und ihrer Kontextabhängigkeit aufgeworfen.
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Byl jednou jeden cizinec na cestě. / Once upon a time, there was a stranger on the roadVondráčková, Kristýna January 2013 (has links)
v anglickém jazyce: This thesis mainly analyzes the five-part novel Gargantua and Pantagruel written by the French author Francois Rabelais. Emphasis is based particularly on an inclusion of Rabelais's work in historical and literary context of the period of transformation between medieval and Renaissance society. More specifically, it deals with the author's humanist opinion and his critique of contemporary society, which is the main line of the work itself. The aim of our thesis is especially an attempt to outline the various possible meanings of the terms « road or path » and « stranger » in Rabelais's work and explain the role of these thematic concepts in the author's concept of criticism of society.
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Využívání počítačových simulací ve výuce medicíny / Use of computer simulations in medical educationHübnerová, Iveta January 2014 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the method of using computer simulations in education, with a focus on medicine. It also presents possible usage of computer simulations in other fields. The thesis presents possible usage of computer simulation to support the education, analyses of effective approaches and possible barriers that may arise during the implementation. Practical research is based on qualitative analysis of current situation of using simulations at medical faculties in the Czech republic. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
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