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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"På jakt" - En kvalitativ studie om jägares upplevelse av fenomenet jakt / "On the hunt" - A qualitative study examining hunters experience of the hunting phenomena

Engström, Andreas, Kjellén, Viktor January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

The Hong Kong leathergoods industry : the challenges ahead /

Lee, Shui-man, Susan. January 1998 (has links)
Thesis (M.B.A.)--University of Hong Kong, 1998. / Includes bibliographical references (leaf 97-103).

Incipient Organization and Socio-Public Spaces: Three Andean Cases / Organización y espacios sociopúblicos incipientes: tres casos de los Andes

Dillehay, Tom D. 10 April 2018 (has links)
Three archaeological cases from different areas of the Andes are employed to study the rise of social and cultural complexity in varying social and economic contexts, with the intention of distinguishing certain environmental and cultural factors in each case. The purpose also is to search not only for differences but for commonalities to be used for cross-cultural comparisons and to learn more about the developmental cultural history of the societies representing these cases. / En el presente trabajo se analizan tres casos de diferentes áreas de los Andes para estudiar el incremento de la complejidad cultural en contextos sociales y económicos variados con el fin de distinguir factores definidos de carácter ambiental y cultural en cada caso. El propósito final es el de la búsqueda de diferencias, así como de las características en común que se utilizan para hacer comparaciones culturales y para aprender más acerca de la historia del desarrollo cultural de las sociedades que representan estos ejemplos.

Ritual Persistence among Hunter and Gatherers of the Pampean Llanura of Argentina / Persistencia ritual entre cazadores-recolectores de la llanura pampeana

Politis, Gustavo, Messineo, Pablo, Kaufmann, Cristian, Barros, María P., Álvarez, María C., Di Prado, Violeta, Scalise, Rocío 10 April 2018 (has links)
In this paper, several lines of evidence (geology, paleoenvironment, lithic and faunal analysis, among others) from the Calera site (Sierras Bayas, pampean region, Argentina) are summarized and discussed. The cultural deposit seems to be a ritual site, formed by the occurrence of several ceremonies during the late Holocene. In the Calera site, four cubetas (pits) were intentionally excavated, between ca. 3400 and 1750 years BP, and filled with a great amount and variety of archaeological materials as well as alochtonous sediments. Among the recovered materials, there were more than 6000 of lithic artefacts, 310 pottery sherds (some of them with antropomorphic motifs), 1760 pieces of mineral pigments, 4 marine molluscs, a shell bead, a granite axe, several instrument made of bone and deer antler, and a phallic statuette. A yet undetermined number (several thousands) of faunal remains were from 16 different mammal species (guanaco, pampean deer, carnivores, mesomammals, micromammals, among others), 6 avian species, 3 fishes and probably reptiles. The exceptional features of the site allow the study of social and ideational aspects of the pampean hunter-gatherers and discussion of the archaeological signatures of the site in terms of non-hierarchical societies. / En este trabajo se discuten y resumen las evidencias obtenidas como resultado de estudios multidisciplinarios —geológicos, paleoambientales, líticos, arqueofaunísticos y tafonómicos, entre otros— del sitio Calera, ubicado en las Sierras Bayas, región pampeana, Argentina. Este sitio se presenta como un depósito excepcional de origen ritual producido probablemente como consecuencia de varias ceremonias realizadas en las inmediaciones. En este lugar se registraron cuatro cubetas excavadas intencionalmente, fechadas entre c. 3400 y 1750 a.p., que fueron rellenadas con materiales arqueológicos y sedimentos alóctonos. Entre los materiales se destacan más de 6000 artefactos líticos de diferentes materias primas locales y no locales, aproximadamente 400 instrumentos líticos, 310 tiestos de alfarería (algunos con motivos figurativos antropomorfos), 1760 restos de pigmentos minerales, cuatro moluscos marinos, una hacha de granito, una cuenta de valva, una estatuilla cilíndrica decorada de forma fálica y varios instrumentos sobre hueso y astas. También se registró un número aún indeterminado (varios miles) de restos óseos de 16 especies de mamíferos —entre ellos guanaco, venado, carnívoros, mesomamíferos y micromamíferos—, seis aves, tres peces y, posiblemente, reptiles. Las características excepcionales del sitio permiten abordar aspectos ideacionales y sociales de los cazadores recolectores pampeanos y discutir la visibilidad arqueológica de los sitios de encuentro.

Reconstituição da dieta e dos padrões de subsistência das populações pré-históricas de caçadores-coletores do Brasil Central através da ecologia isotópica / Isotopical analysis of the diet and subsistence patterns of pre-historical huntergatherer groups from Central Brazil

Tiago Hermenegildo 25 August 2009 (has links)
As pesquisas em ecologia isotópica aplicadas à arqueologia têm se desenvolvido amplamente nas últimas duas décadas em todo o mundo, porém poucos trabalhos direcionados unicamente para essa área foram produzidos no país. Este trabalho tem por objetivo gerar dados para testar dois modelos contrastantes sobre as estratégias de subsistência empregadas por sociedades pré-históricas do Brasil Central, desde o final do Período Pleistoceno (ca. 12.000 anos A.P.) até o final do Holoceno utilizando isótopos estáveis como ferramenta de análise. Para tal foram utilizadas amostras de material ósseo arqueológico humano e faunístico provenientes de duas regiões do Brasil Central: Lagoa Santa e Vale do Peruaçu, Minas Gerais. Deste material foram extraídas amostras de colágeno que foram analisadas em um espectrômetro de massa a fim de obter valores de 13C e 15N. Os resultados obtidos para as populações humanas apontam para uma dieta onívora em ambas, com uma forte tendência ao consumo de recursos vegetais em comparação com as demais espécies analisadas da cadeia trófica. Os indivíduos mais jovens de Lagoa Santa (até 5 anos de idade) apresentaram uma diferença estatística significativa nos valores de 15N quando comparados aos demais indivíduos da mesma região, demonstrando assim uma tendência na população a um prolongamento da amamentação. Foram encontradas também evidências de uma possível alteração climática no Vale do Peruaçu a partir da variação de 15N em Kerodon rupestris no decorrer do Holoceno. O sítio de Santana do Riacho, na região de Lagoa Santa apresentou prováveis indícios da presença de milho com dois indivíduos de Cavia aperea que sinalizaram uma dieta tipicamente consumidora de plantas C4 (média 13C= -12,19 e 15N= 2,63) estatisticamente distinta dos demais indivíduos da amostra, entretanto como o espaço amostral é reduzido mais analises são necessárias para confirmar essa tendência. / Research in the field of isotopic ecology applied to archaeology has been in constant development for the past two decades, however only a few studies had been made towards this area in Brazil. This study has the objective of generating data to test two contrasting models regarding the strategies of subsistence used by pre-historical societies of Central Brazil, since the end of the Pleistocene (ca. 12.000 years B.P.) and during the Holocene using stable isotopes as an analytic tool. For such, there had been used faunistic and human archaeological bone samples, from two different regions of Central Brazil: Lagoa Santa and Vale do Peruaçu, Minas Gerais state. From this material collagen samples were extracted and, afterwards, analyzed in a mass spectrometer in order to obtain the 13C and 15N values. The results obtained for both human populations indicate a typically omnivorous diet, with a strong tendency towards vegetable consumption if compared with the other animals used in the trophic web characterization. The young human individuals from Lagoa Santa (up to 5 years old) show a statistically different 15N values if compared to the rest of the human remains from the same population, showing a tendency for extensive breastfeeding age. It was also found evidence of a possible climatic change at Vale do Peruaçu around Middle Holocene demonstrated by 15N variations in Kerodon rupestris. Santana do Riacho site, in the Lagoa Santa region showed probable indications of maize presence, as two Cavia aperea samples yielded typical C4 plant consumption (average 13C= -12.19 and 15N= 2.63) also proving to be statistically different from the other individuals of the same species in the whole sample, on the other hand as the sample size is too small and more analysis are needed in order to confirm this tendency.

Les ressources cynégétiques au Gravettien en France : acquisition et modalités d'exploitation des animaux durant la phase d'instabilité climatique précédant le dernier maximum glaciaire / Hunting resources during the Gravettian in France : acquisition and modes of exploitation of the animals during the climatic instability precedent the glacial maximum

Lacarrière, Jessica 23 September 2015 (has links)
Le Gravettien est une grande tradition culturelle du début du Paléolithique supérieur présente à travers toute l’Europe à partir de 33 000 cal BP. Sa durée et sa vaste répartition géographique en font une entité complexe à définir tant du point de vue de sa culture matérielle que des dynamiques socio-culturelles ayant contribué à son maintien sur près de 10 000 ans. Cette période de temps a vu se succéder plusieurs grands changements climatiques dont les impacts sur les communautés animales et humaines restent difficiles à appréhender. Malgré la présence de traits unifiants (pointes à dos rectilignes, statuettes féminines), une forte régionalisation du Gravettien est perceptible. En France, l’étude des industries lithiques et osseuses se renouvelle, ouvrant de nouvelles pistes de recherches. Les données concernant l’exploitation des ressources cynégétiques, pourtant centrales dans l’économie des chasseurs-cueilleurs, restaient quant à elle encore parcellaires et peu souvent intégrées dans les discussions. Dans ce travail, l’étude archéozoologique de quatre gisements clés du Gravettien français a été entreprise (les Bossats, Le Flageolet, La grotte du Renne et Roc de Combe). Les résultats ont été confrontés à l’ensemble des données sur la faune disponibles en France pour cette période. La confrontation des spectres de faunes avec les autres données paléo-environnementales a permis de mieux évaluer l’impact d’événements climatiques importants et leur succession. Des stratégies de chasse variées, aux dépens d’une diversité de taxons (renne, cheval, bison) et anticipant les déplacements saisonniers des herbivores, ont été mises en évidence tout au long du Gravettien. Le traitement des carcasses, observable à partir du matériel osseux, atteste d’une exploitation intensive. L’ensemble de ces données, mises en perspective avec leurs contextes archéologiques respectifs (industrie, habitat) nous permet de discuter de la fonction des sites et de la mobilité humaine lors de cette période. / The Gravettian is a great cultural tradition of the Early Upper Palaeolithic, present throughout Europe starting from 33 000 cal BP. Its duration and its vast geographic distribution make it a complex entity to define, both in terms of the material culture and the dynamics that contributed to its preservation for almost 10 000 years. During this period, several successive climatic changes had an impact on the human and animal communities which are still difficult to apprehend. Despite unifying features (Gravette points, feminine statuettes), a strong regionalization is perceptible. In France, the renewal of studies on lithic and bone industries opens new perspectives of research. However, data on the archeozoological records are still fragmented and are seldom integrated into discussions. In this work, the archaeozoological study of four Gravettian sites was undertaken (les Bossats, Le Flageolet, La grotte du Renne and Roc de Combe). The results were compared with the existing data on Gravettian fauna coming from French deposits. The comparison of the faunal spectrum with other paleo-environemental data allows providing with a better assessment of the impact of some important climatic events, as well as their succession. Hunting strategies used for several taxa (reindeer, horse, bison) are diversified and take into account the seasonal movements of the preys. Carcasses treatment shows an intense exploitation of the animal resources. Together, this data gives perspective to their associated archaeological contexts (industry, habitat structure) and allows us to discuss the functions of the sites and the human mobility during this period.

Estimating Peak Water Demand in Buildings with Efficient Fixtures: Methods, Merits, and Implications

Omaghomi, Toritseju O. 01 October 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Annual Survival and Harvest Vulnerability of Elk (Cervus canadensis)

Sergeyev, Maksim 01 March 2019 (has links)
Across the western United States, most populations of Rocky Mountain elk (Cervus canadensis) are managed through hunter harvest (Sandrey 1983). In hunted populations, human harvest is the leading source of mortality (Ballard 2000). With the exception of elk in national parks, populations are primarily managed through hunter harvest. Other sources of mortality include disease, automobile collisions, and predation from mountain lions, coyotes, wolves, and black bears (Childress 2003, Hornocker 1970). As a species of management concern and high economic value (Pickton 2008), hunted populations of elk are carefully managed to target population sizes to guarantee a sustainable supply and ensure available harvest in the future. Estimates of survival, an understanding of cause-specific mortality, and knowledge of high-risk harvest areas are essential to effective management strategies (Stussy 1994). In the first chapter, I examined habitat use of elk during the hunting season and determined habitat characteristics that best predicted vulnerability to harvest. In the second chapter, I calculated annual survival and determined cause-specific mortality of elk.

Conservation and Treaty Rights: A Critical Analysis of a Sport Organization's Perspective on Indigenous Peoples' Hunting and Fishing

Martino, Nick January 2016 (has links)
The Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters (OFAH) is an influential sport/interest group that has a long history of advocacy and involvement with policies and management related to the conservation of wildlife and outdoor recreation. Since the 1990’s, the OFAH have been outspoken with their criticisms towards particular Indigenous treaty hunting and fishing rights, co-management agreements, and land claims which are perceived to threaten conservation, future recreational opportunities, and the outdoor economy. Using semi-structured interviews with 20 Indigenous and non-Indigenous respondents and a content analysis of the OFAH’s official documents, this thesis analyzes and compares the views surrounding treaty rights between the OFAH leadership and ordinary hunters and fishers inside and outside the organization. Discourse Analysis, Group Position Theory, and Colour Blind Racism theory were used to flesh out how the meanings and perceived legitimacy of treaty rights are constructed and negotiated, and whether opposition to Indigenous harvesting rights reflects a reactionary response to defend settler-Canadians’ sense of superiority, privileges, and access to resources. The results showed that the OFAH and 55% of the respondents expressed feelings of concern, resentment, and in some cases opposition, revealing an established sense of group position. Although the OFAH leaders and 45% of the respondents displayed varying and limited degrees of support for treaty rights, the general pattern showed how OFAH leaders and respondents drew on similar repertoires with arguments and justifications based on equality, fairness, and a concern for wildlife conservation in order to criticize and/or oppose treaty rights. Consequently, these criticisms directly and indirectly work to define and redefine treaty rights and Indigenous treaty hunters and fishers in a negative manner. This case shows how resentment of and opposition to treaty rights within a settler colonial context embodies a perceived threat to settlers’ sense of group position and the status quo. / Thesis / Master of Arts (MA) / The Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters (OFAH) is an influential organization that has criticized Indigenous peoples’ treaty hunting and fishing rights and land claims for allegedly threatening conservation, recreational opportunities, and the outdoor economy. This thesis analyzes and compares the views surrounding treaty rights between the OFAH leadership and ordinary hunters and fishers inside and outside the organization. Interviews with 20 (Indigenous and non-Indigenous) respondents and a review of the OFAH’s official sources showed that OFAH leaders and 55% of the respondents expressed feelings of concern, resentment, and opposition. Although OFAH leaders and 45% of the respondents displayed limited degrees of support for treaty rights, the general pattern showed how they drew on similar arguments based on equality, fairness, and a concern for wildlife to criticize and/or oppose treaty rights revealing a defensive reaction to maintain their privileges and access to resources.

Attityder och uppfattningar om bly kontra blyfri ammunition bland svenska jägare / Attitudes and perceptions about lead versus lead-free ammunition among Swedish hunters

Sundström, Ellen January 2023 (has links)
This study aimed to examine Swedish hunters' attitudes towards the use of leaded and lead-free ammunition, focusing on their perceptions regarding a potential transition to exclusive lead-free ammunition use. A questionnaire was utilized to gather insights from Swedish hunters about their attitudes and preferences. The results highlighted that the selection of ammunition type is primarily influenced by factors such as performance, availability, and costs. Notably, enhanced familiarity with non-leaded ammunition through increased usage correlated with more positive attitudes towards its adoption. The study also underscored the need to address sentimental values associated with traditional weapons and ammunition in balancing environmental and health considerations. Moreover, it delved into the varying factors influencing decision-making and explored the attitudinal differences between hunters who use lead and lead-free ammunition. In conclusion, it was found that the choice of ammunition among Swedish hunters isn't significantly influenced by gender or age, with lead ammunition being the preferred choice. Despite perceived hurdles associated with non-leaded ammunition, such as performance, cost, and availability, these barriers seemed to diminish with increased familiarity and experience, suggesting that focused education and improved availability could promote its adoption. As such, while perceptions about performance, cost, and availability are critical in hunters' choice of ammunition, these perceptions may evolve with a greater understanding and experience with lead-free alternatives.

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