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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Simscape modeling of motor generator unit component for hybrid electric vehicle

Narkhede, Yashdeep 27 May 2016 (has links)
The thesis introduces the user to programming in Simscape language. A permanent magnet synchronous machine torque control drive system for hybrid electric vehicles has been analyzed, programmed, using Simscape language, and tested in this thesis. The thesis walks the reader through the process of creating custom components in Simscape language explaining details and syntax of the language at every step. Important excerpts of code for all the components designed, created and used in the process are explained in the thesis and the complete code for the same is provided in the Appendix. ix

Pirates of the box : Resource plunderers and collaboration within the CrossFit tribe

Elina, Lindholm, Katrin, Bjälkenfalk January 2016 (has links)
This paper addresses the concept of consumer tribes, and how various resource exchanges and plundering is carried out within this context. The concept of plundering has been introduced in research, yet only from a theoretical point of view. Hence this study provides a first attempt at taking the concept of plundering from a theoretical representation to an embodied explanation. This was examined through an ethnographic method consisting of 70 hours participating observations, 237 observations online and seven interviews. The chosen context of this study was a CrossFit box. Three major findings have been revealed. First, plundering of resources only occur outside the tribe with external actors, while an in-group mentality prevail in exchanges occurring inside the tribe. The second finding reveals that plundering can be carried out despite present motives or inducements as love or passion towards specific products or brands. The third finding holds that the consumer tribe exhibit consumers engagement in an interplay of logics and modes of exchanges to enable plundering, heighten their endowment and benefit the community. Finally, marketing managers are advised to see plundering as a playful challenge that nonetheless could provide opportunities since consumers share their prey with other devoted and passionate members and mutual plundering exist within this context.

Comparing Native and Hybrid Applications with focus on Features

Mohammadi Kho'i, Felix, Jahid, Jawed January 2016 (has links)
Nowadays smartphones and smartphone-applications are a part of our daily life. There are variety of different operating systems in the market that are unalike, which are an obstacle to developers when it comes to developing a single application for different operating system. Furthermore, hybrid application development has become a potential substitute. The evolution of new hybrid approach has made companies consider hybrid approach as a viable alternative when producing mobile applications. This research paper aims to compare native and hybrid application development on a feature level to provide scientific evidence for researchers and companies choosing application development approach as well as providing vital information about both native and hybrid applications.This study is based on both a literature study and an empirical study. The sources used are Summon@BTH, Google Scholar and IEEE Xplore. To select relevant articles, the Snowballing approach was used, with Inclusion and Exclusion criteria’s.The authors concluded that native development is a better way to develop more advanced applications which uses more device-hardware, while hybrid is a perfectly viable choice when developing content-centric applications.

Optimal Control of Electrified Powertrains

Sivertsson, Martin January 2015 (has links)
Vehicle powertrain electrification, i.e. combining the internal combustion engine (ICE) with an electric motor (EM), is a potential way of meeting the increased demands for efficient and low emission transportation, at a price of increased powertrain complexity since more degrees of freedom (DoF) have been introduced. Optimal control is used in a series of studies of how to best exploit the additional DoFs. In a diesel-electric powertrain the absence of a secondary energy storage and mechanical connection between the ICE and the wheels means that all electricity used by the EMs needs to be produced simultaneously by the ICE, whose rotational speed is a DoF. This in combination with the relatively slow dynamics of the turbocharger in the ICE puts high requirements on good transient control. In optimal control studies, accurate models with good extrapolation properties are needed. For this aim two nonlinear physics based models are developed and made available that fulfill these requirements, these are also smooth in the region of interest, to enable gradient based optimization techniques. Using optimal control and one of the developed models, the turbocharger dynamics are shown to have a strong impact on how to control the powertrain and neglecting these can lead to erroneous estimates both in the response of the powertrain as well as how the powertrain should be controlled. Also the objective, whether time or fuel is to be minimized, influences the engine speed-torque path to be used, even though it is shown that the time optimal solution is almost fuel optimal. To increase the freedom of the powertrain control, a small energy storage can be added to assist in the transients. This is shown to be especially useful to decrease the response time of the powertrain, but the manner it is used, depends on the time horizon of the optimal control problem. The resulting optimal control solutions are for certain cases oscillatory when stationary controls would have been expected. This is shown to be neither an artifact of the discretization used nor a result of the modeling assumptions used. Instead it is for the formulated problems actually optimal to use periodic control in certain stationary operating points. Measurements show that the pumping torque is different depending on whether the controls are periodic or constant despite the same average value. Whether this is beneficial or not depends on the operating point and control frequency, but can be predicted using optimal periodic control theory. In hybrid electric vehicles (HEV) the size of the energy storage reduces the impact of poor transient control, since the battery can compensate for the slower dynamics of the ICE. For HEVs the problem instead is how and when to use the battery to ensure good fuel economy. An adaptive map-based equivalent consumption minimization strategy controller using battery state of charge for feedback control is designed and tested in a real vehicle with good results, even when the controller is started with poor initial values. In a plug-in HEV (PHEV) the battery is even larger, enabling all-electric drive, making it it desirable to use the energy in the battery during the driving mission. A controller is designed and implemented for a PHEV Benchmark and is shown to perform well even for unknown driving cycles, requiring a minimum of future knowledge. / Elektrifiering av drivlinan i fordon är ett sätt att möta kraven på transporter med hög effektivitet och låga utsläpp. Att byta ut förbränningsmotorn mot en elmotor kan ge vinningar avseende effektivitet, prestanda och utsläpp, men till en kostnad av lägre mobilitet på grund av eletriska energilagers relativt låga energitäthet i jämförelse med fossila bränslen. Att istället komplettera förbränningsmotorn med en elmotor erbjuder möjligheten att kombinera de två systemens fördelar och samtidigt undvika nackdelarna. Att använda mer än en motor i drivlinan ökar komplexiteten eftersom fler frihetsgrader har introducerats. Detta ställer ökade krav på utformningen av reglersystemet för att få ut det mesta av potentialen i drivlinan. I optimal styrning använder man matematiska modeller och optimeringsalgoritmer för att beräkna hur man bäst styr det modellerade systemet. Storleken på det elektriska energilagret påverkar dock valet av optimal styrnings-metod samt vilken detaljnivå på modellerna som behövs. I avhandlingen används optimal styrning i en serie studier av hur man bäst utnyttjar de extra frihetsgraderna som elektrifieringen har introducerat. I en diesel-elektrisk drivlina finns det ingen mekanisk koppling mellan motorn och hjulen, likt en växellåda i ett vanligt fordon, vilket gör att dieselmotorns varvtal är en frihetsgrad som måste styras. Avsaknaden av elektriskt energilager leder också till att all elektrisk energi till elmotorn måste produceras av förbränningsmotorn exakt då den behövs. Dessa två egenskaper, i kombination med den långsamma dynamiken hos turboaggregatet, ställer detta höga krav på god transientreglering. För att studera optimal styrning krävs bra modeller med goda extrapoleringsegenskaper. Med avseende på detta utvecklas två fysik-baserade modeller som uppfyller dessa krav och dessutom är tillräckligt glatta i det relevanta arbetsområdet för att möjliggöra gradient-baserade optimeringstekniker. Med optimal styrning och en av de utvecklade modellerna visas turbons dynamik ha stor påverkan på hur drivlinan bör styras. Att försumma turbodynamiken kan leda till felaktiga uppskattningar, både av drivlinans responstid, men även hur den bör styras. Kriteriet, det vill säga om bränsle eller tidsåtgången minimeras, påverkar också vilken motorvarvtal-motormoment-väg som är optimal, även om det visas att den tidsoptimala lösningen är nästan bränsleoptimal. För att ytterligare öka frihetsgraden i drivlinan kan ett elektriskt energilager användas för att assistera i transienterna. Detta visar sig vara särskilt användbart för att minska responstiden hos drivlinan, men hur det ska använda beror på tidshorisonten på optimeringsproblemet De resulterande optimala styrsignalerna är i vissa fall oscillerande där konstanta styrsignaler förväntas. Detta visas vara vare sig en effekt av den använda diskretiseringen eller modelleringsvalen som är gjorda. Istället är det för de lösta problemen faktiskt optimalt att använda periodiska styrsignaler för vissa stationära arbetspunkter. I experiment visas att pumparbetet skiljer sig beroende på om periodiska eller konstanta styrsignaler används, även om medelvärdet är detsamma. Huruvida detta ökar effektiviteten eller inte beror på arbetspunkt och periodtid. För hybridelektriska fordon (HEV) så minskar batteriets storlek effekten av dålig transientreglering då batteriet kan användas för att kompensera för den långsamma förbränningsmotordynamiken. Istället blir problemet i huvudsak hur mycket och när batteriet ska användas för att få god bränsleekonomi. En adaptiv mapp-baserad ekvivalentförbruknings-minimerande styrlag (ECMS) med återkopplad reglering baserad på batteriets laddningsnivå, utvecklas och testas i riktigt fordon med gott resultat, även vid dålig initialisering av regulatorn. För plug-in hybrider (PHEV) är batteriet större och kan dessutom laddas från elnätet, vilket medför möjlighet till rent elektrisk drift och att det är önskvärt att använda energin i batteriet under köruppdraget. För att minska energiåtgången är det däremot ofta lönsamt att blanda energin från bränsle och batteriet kontinuerligt under köruppdraget och se till att batteriet töms lagom till slutet av köruppdraget. För att åstadkomma detta måste då även urladdningstakten bestämmas. En regulator utvecklas för att minimera energiåtgången för en PHEV, det vill säga som försöker använda lagom av batteriet så det ska räcka hela vägen, men inte längre. Denna regulator implementeras för ett referensproblem, med gott resultat även för okända körcykler, trots ett minimum av framtidskunskap.

Azimuthal analysis of hybrid gathers

Perez, Anisa Marie 03 September 2009 (has links)
The cross-spread formed by intersecting source and receiver lines, or “hybrid gather” consisting of all common mid-points (CMPs) in a reflection patch defined by the acquisition geometry, has been revived in recent years as a possible solution to the increasing need for ever-improving imaging of 3-D seismic reflection data. These hybrid gathers, however, are currently not widely used in processing. Development of processing procedures for hybrid gathers is needed to further the efficiency of their application. The use of hybrid gathers in processing is justified by their performance as an areal array in attenuating both random and coherent noise from all azimuthal directions. Hybrid gathers also allow for azimuthal filtering to correct for wave propagation effects. Through an azimuthal analysis in an azimuthally anisotropic medium, the effects of structural dip on reflection time can be isolated and separated from pre-stack propagation effects of the media, particularly distortions due to azimuthal anisotropy. A binning strategy is determined for hybrid gathers which best allows for azimuthal anisotropy to be observed and distinguished from structural dip. This allows for improved velocity estimation for imaging and separate analysis of azimuthal variations in propagation properties of subsurface media at an early stage in the processing sequence. The degree and orientation of the anisotropy can then be estimated using a semblance method. / text

Comparison of emissions and energy consumptions between a conventional diesel school bus and a plug-in hybrid school bus, emphasizes on recharging

Florette, Claire Anne 26 October 2010 (has links)
Quantifying the emissions due to the charging of the batteries of the plug-in hybrid electricity school bus operated by the Austin Independent School District (AISD) is the focus of this work. This plug-in hybrid school bus is one of only nineteen in the country, and was manufactured by IC Corporation. This hybrid school bus reduces fuel consumption and CO₂, NOx and PM emissions in comparison with conventional diesel buses. This reduction is good for the health of the children who take the school bus everyday as they are part of the population the most at risk because their lungs are still developing. In order to evaluate CO₂, NOx and PM emissions, measurements of the charging of the batteries versus time were taken for the two charging periods each day during the months of April and May 2009. These measurements were repeated in October 2009 when the route was changed for the new school year: 2009-2010. An analysis of the Austin electricity mix that provides electricity to the bus center was done hour by hour to evaluate the emissions, calculated on a g/mile basis. Measurements of the vehicle speed versus time and altitude were taken during February 2010 in order to explain some of the differences observed between the two routes. Different parameters were studied to analyze the results. The first parameter studied was the impact of the season on the emissions. The second parameter studied was the impact of the route and its characteristics (road length, traffic, grade, etc.). The last parameter studied was the difference between two methods used to evaluate the emissions using the electricity mix data. These two methods are different but each of them brings something to the analysis of the results. / text

Contribution à la caractérisation de protéines impliquées dans la transduction des signaux : C3VS, le récepteur de la TSH et SHIP2

Jacobs, Christine 04 June 2004 (has links)
Dans le thyrocyte normal, la TSH active une voie dépendante de l’adénylyl cyclase/AMPc, qui représente l’une des trois voies mitogéniques de la thyroïde. La cascade de signalisation de la TSH diffère des deux autres voies dans sa capacité à induire à la fois la prolifération et la différenciation, comprenant la synthèse et la sécrétion des hormones thyroïdiennes. Identifier les acteurs de cette cascade de signalisation, ainsi que les interactions entre effecteurs, est donc très important pour la compréhension de la fonction de la cellule thyroïdienne. C’est dans ce cadre que s’insère notre travail au cours duquel nous nous sommes intéressés au récepteur de la TSH ainsi qu’à une protéine récemment identifiée dans le laboratoire et dont l’expression est modulée en réponse à la TSH dans la thyroïde : C3VS. C3VS est une protéine qui présente six motifs ankyrine et une tirette à leucine et dont la fonction était inconnue à l'époque. Dans un premier temps, nous avons contribué à l’obtention de la séquence codante complète du C3VS de chien, puis, l'identification des partenaires d'une protéine pouvant aider à caractériser sa fonction, nous nous sommes proposé de rechercher les partenaires potentiels de la région N-terminale de C3VS par la méthode double-hybride. Nous avons étudié la distribution tissulaire et la régulation par la TSH de différents partenaires isolés. Parmi eux, SUG1, une ATPase du protéasome 26S, a été étudiée plus avant mais l’interaction n’a pas pu être confirmée par "GST-pulldown assay". Simultanément, une remise en question de la position de la méthionine initiale de C3VS, couplée à une impossibilité d’exprimer la protéine en cellules COS par transfection mettait en péril le travail. En l’absence de plus d’arguments fonctionnels permettant d’orienter l’étude des positifs, cette partie du travail a été suspendue au profit de notre étude sur le récepteur de la TSH. L'activation de cascades différentes dans le thyrocyte humain et canin pouvant être due à l'action de protéines intracellulaires, nous avons tenté de rechercher par double-hybride des partenaires protéiques autres que les protéines G pour le récepteur de la TSH. Nous avons ainsi identifié PRA1 mais nous n’avons pas pu confirmer l'interaction entre les deux protéines par "GST-pulldown assay". Pour tenter de comprendre le rôle de cette interaction, nous avons réalisé des essais fonctionnels en transfectant des cellules pour évaluer l'implication de PRA1 sur la synthèse d’AMPc. Ces expériences ne nous ont pas permis de montrer un rôle pour PRA1 au niveau de la cascade, mais en revanche, nous avons mis en évidence le fait que la co-transfection de deux ADNc codant pour des protéines membranaires sature la machinerie de traduction et diminue l'expression du RTSH. Dans une deuxième partie de notre travail, nous avons étudié la 5-phosphatase SHIP2, dont l’implication dans la cascade de réponse à l’insuline était suggérée, entre autres, par le travail d’Isabelle Vandenbroere qui avait montré l’interaction de cette protéine avec CAP et c-Cbl. Nous avons développé au laboratoire la culture de la lignée pré-adipocytaire 3T3-L1 et étudié la localisation de SHIP2 au niveau des rafts de ces cellules. Nous avons montré que SHIP2 n’y est pas recrutée. CAP et c-Cbl ne semblent pas non plus y être recrutées, tandis que nous y avons détecté le récepteur de l'insuline. La localisation de différentes protéines impliquées dans la cascade de l'insuline dans les rafts est une question controversée à l’heure actuelle et notre étude montre que l’implication fonctionnelle de SHIP2 dans la cascade de l'insuline n'est probablement pas dépendante des rafts.

On the behaviour of the lithium ion battery in the HEV application

Elger, Ragna January 2004 (has links)
<p>The lithium ion battery is today mainly used in cell phonesand laptops. In the future, this kind of battery might beuseful in hybrid electric vehicles as well.</p><p>In this work, the main focus has been to gain more knowledgeabout the lithium ion battery in the hybrid electric vehicle(HEV) and more precisely to examine what processes of thebattery that are limiting at HEV currents. Both experiments andmathematical modelling have been used. In both cases, highrate, pulsed currents typical for the HEV, have been used.</p><p>Two manuscripts have been written. Both of them concern thebehaviour of the battery at HEV load, but from different pointsof view. The first one concerns the electrochemical behaviourof the battery at different ambient temperatures. Theexperimental results of this paper were used to validate amathematical model of a Li-ion battery. Possiblesimplifications of the model were identified. In this work itwas also concluded that the mass transfer of the electrolyte isthe main limiting process within the battery. The mass transferof the electrolyte was further studied in the second paper,where the concentration of lithium ions was measured indirectlyusing in situ Raman spectroscopy. This study showed that themathematical description of the mass transfer of theelectrolyte is not complete. One main reason of this issuggested to be the poor description of the physical parametersof the electrolyte. These ought to be further studied in orderto get a better fit between concentration gradients predictedby experiments and model respectively.</p>

An integrated knowledge engineering approach to process modelling

Strickrodt, M. January 1997 (has links)
No description available.

Process modelling of water treatment systems : a data based approach

Conlin, Julie January 1997 (has links)
No description available.

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