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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An exploration of hybrid art and design practice using computer-based design and fabrication tools

Marshall, John James January 2008 (has links)
The researcher’s previous experience suggested the use of computer-based design and fabrication tools might enable new models of practice that yield a greater integration between the 3D art and design disciplines. A critical, contextual review was conducted to assess what kinds of objects are being produced by art and design practitioners; what the significant characteristics of these objects might be; and what technological, theoretical and contextual frameworks support their making. A survey of international practitioners was undertaken to establish how practitioners use these tools and engage with other art and design disciplines. From these a formalised system of analysis was developed to derive evaluative criteria for these objects. The researcher developed a curatorial framework for a public exhibition and symposium that explored the direction that art and design practitioners are taking in relation to computer-based tools. These events allowed the researcher to survey existing works, explore future trends, gather audience and peer response and engage the broader community of interest around the field of enquiry. Interviews were conducted with practitioners whose work was included in this exhibition and project stakeholders to reveal patterns and themes relevant to the theoretical framework of this study. A model of the phases that practitioners go through when they integrate computer-based tools into their practice was derived from an existing technology adoption model. Also, a contemporary version of R. Krauss’s ‘Klein Group’ was developed that considers developments in the field from the use of digital technologies. This was used to model the context within which the researcher’s practice is located. The research identifies a form of ‘technologyled- practice’ and an increased capacity for a ‘transdisciplinary discourse’ at the intersection of disciplinary domains. This study will be of interest to practitioners from across the 3D art and design disciplines that use computerbased tools.

Elhybridteknik i bandvagnssystemet : Den militära nyttan i logistikfunktionen / Hybrid electric technology in tracked vehicles : Effects on military logistics

Andersson, Tobias January 2014 (has links)
Fossila bränslen är ändliga resurser och FMV menar i sin Tekniska Prognos 2013 att Försvarsmakten redan nu bör planera för en omställning till alternativa tekniker till dagens förbränningsmotor. Den teknik som verkar mest lämplig som interimslösning mellan framtidens vision om ren eldrift och förbränningsmotorn är elhybridteknik. Uppsatsen undersöker hur Försvarsmaktens logistikfunktion påverkas om bandvagnssystemet skulle övergå till seriehybridteknik. Uppsatsens ansats är kvalitativ med en kombination av textstudier, intervjuer samt ett frågeformulär som besvaras av totalt tre personer fördelat på Amf1, FMTS och I19 där samtliga innehar mångårig erfarenhet av bandvagnssystemet. Formulären kompletteras med intervjuer med dessa personer samt personer på BAE Systems som bidrar med teknisk expertis. Slutsatsen är att seriehybridtekniken har potential att både direkt och indirekt påverka logistikfunktionen positivt, men att konkreta vinster är svåra att bedöma med hänsyn till osäkerheter kopplat både mot tekniska faktorer och att tekniken inte är prövad i strid. / Fossil fuels are finite resources and in a report from 2013, the Swedish Defence Material Administration encourages the Swedish Armed Forces to start planning for the transition to alternative propulsion systems to reduce its dependency of fossil fuels. The most promising technology to bridge the gap between pure electric propulsion and today’s internal combustion engine is hybrid electric technology. This essay examines the implications a series hybrid solution would have on military logistics. The method used includes analysis of both scientific reports and of survey answers from personnel in the SAF with several years of experience working with the tracked vehicle Bandvagn 309. The analysis of the survey answers is completed with interviews with these people and others working at BAE Systems who contributes with technical expertise. The essay will conclude that a series hybrid solution would have a positive impact on military logistics even though it is hard to specify how great the effect would be due to technical uncertainties and the fact that the technology is yet to be tested in combat.

Comparative Environmental Analysis of Conventional and Hybrid Wheel Loader Technologies : A Life Cycle Perspective

Salman, Omer, Chen, Yanbin January 2013 (has links)
Volvo Construction Equipment is investigating the potential of hybrid wheel loaders. To determine if this new hybrid wheel loader concept is preferable from an environmental point of view to the latest G- series Volvo wheel loader, a comparative life cycle assessment (LCA) has been performed  on the Volvo L150G wheel loader and a hybrid wheel loader concept. The complete machines have been studied throughout their life cycle: raw material extraction, material processing, manufacturing processes, transportation, use phase, and end of life. In order to quantitatively assess the environmental impact of all lifecycle stages, five different environmental indicators have been used: global warming potential, abiotic resource depletion potential, acidification potential, eutrophication potential and ozone depletion potential. In addition, a sensitivity analysis and two weighting methods are used to interpret the results. The results show that a hybrid wheel loader concept reduces environmental impacts significantly compared to a conventional L150G, except the impact category ADP (element). Moreover, the use phase has by far the greatest impact within the life cycle, for most impact categories (90% of the total life cycle impact). A sensitivity analysis on use phase with impacts also showed the limitations for use in China. / Volvo Construction Equipment undersöker potentialen av hybrid hjullastare. För att avgöra om ett hybrid hjullastare koncept har fördelar ur miljösynpunkt jämfört med en G-serien Volvo hjullastare har en jämförande livscykelanalys (LCA) utförts på Volvo L150G hjullastare och ett hybrid hjullastarkoncept. De kompletta maskinerna har studerats under hela deras livscykel: utvinning av råmaterial, materialbearbetning, tillverkningsprocesser, transport, användningsfas och slutet av skrotningsfasen. För att kvantitativt kunna bedöma miljökonsekvenserna av alla livscykelnskeden har fem olika miljöindikatorer använts: global uppvärmningspotential, abiotiska resursutarmningspotential, försurningspotential, övergödningspotential och ozonnedbrytingspotential. En känslighetsanalys och två viktningsmetoder har tillämpats för att tolka resultaten. Resultaten visar att ett hybrid hjullastarkoncept minskar miljöpåverkan avsevärt jämfört med en konventionell L150G, förutom påverkan från kategorin resursutarmningspotential. Dessutom har användningsprocessen i särklass störst påverkan inom livscykeln för de flesta effekt kategorier (90% av den totala livscykelpåverkan). En känslighetsanalys på användningsprocessen och dess effekter visade också på begränsningar för användning i Kina.

The architecture of pneumatic regenerative systems for the diesel engine

Bao, Ran January 2015 (has links)
For vehicles whose duty cycle is dominated by start-stop operation, fuel consumption may be significantly improved by better management of the start-stop process. Pneumatic hybrid technology represents one technology pathway to realise this goal. Vehicle kinetic energy is converted to pneumatic energy by compressing air into air tank(s) during the braking. The recovered air is reused to supply an air starter, or supply energy to the air path in order to reduce turbo-lag. This research aims to explore the concept and control of a novel pneumatic hybrid powertrain for a city bus application to identify the potential for improvements in fuel economy and drivability. In order to support the investigation of energy management, system architecture and control methodologies, two kinds of simulation models are created. Backward-facing simulation models have been built using Simulink. Forward-facing models have been developed in the GT-POWER and Simulink co-simulation. After comparison, the fully controllable hybrid braking system is chosen to realize the regenerative braking function. A number of architectures for managing a rapid energy transfer into the powertrain to reduce turbo-lag have been investigated. A city bus energy control strategy has been proposed to realize the Stop-Start Function, Boost Function, and Regenerative Braking Function as well as the normal operations. An optimisation study is conducted to identify the relationships between operating parameters and respectively fuel consumption, performance and energy usage. In conclusion, pneumatic hybrid technology can improve the city bus fuel economy by at least 6% in a typical bus driving cycle, and reduce the engine brake torque response and vehicle acceleration. Based on the findings, it can be learned that the pneumatic hybrid technology offers a clear and low-cost alternative to the electric hybrid technology in improving fuel economy and vehicle drivability.

Svařování oceli 22MnB5 pomocí hybridní technologie Laser-TIG / Welding of 22MnB5 steel using Laser-TIG hybrid technology

Krejčí, Adam January 2020 (has links)
This thesis deals with usage of hybrid technology Laser-TIG for welding of boron enhanced steel 22MnB5. This thesis evaluates the influence of preheating using technology of TIG arc welding to a weld quality in comparison with laser welds. In practical part of thesis there were 1,8 mm metal sheets of 22MnB5 welded. This metal sheet specimens were welded by using constant parameters of laser with varying parameters of TIG technology. There were 12 specimens of sheet metal created including 3 specimens using only laser and 9 specimens using Laser-TIG hybrid technology while varying magnitude of current (I=20 A, 40 A a 60 A). Welds created this way were evaluated by tensile test and strength limits compared. Then metalografic survey was carried out examining macro and microstructure. Results of metalografic survey were confronted with Vickers hardness test.

Design užitkového vozidla / Design of commercial vehicle

Paclt, Martin January 2011 (has links)
The master thesis deals with design of a commercial vehicle for urban use. Thesis has complex solution. A small size vehicle uses the hybrid technology to drive with a combination of electric motors in wheels and the Wankel engine. Thesis gives some innovative solutions of daily required functions. A sliding door can be operated by a legs. A flip roof allows enlarging the commercial space. A swiveling front and rear axle for better maneuverability in the city. The main aim of the design is to remove the front mask of the vehicle.

Design reprezentačního automobilu / Design of representative car

Nevřela, Petr January 2008 (has links)
My concept of a premium car conforms to all the requirements of the premium car segment. The car should at first sight look majestic. Strong styling is supplemented with luxury elements. The applied engine comprises contemporary technological transition to alternative engines. What makes this project more conceptual is taking advantage of advanced technology. This diploma project is not designed for any known car manufacturer. This method is demanding because the final concept cannot be associated with any known brand and at the same time offers maximum freedom of styling.

Mobilité et action humaine :une approche phénoménologique

Lafontaine, Simon 26 June 2019 (has links) (PDF)
Adoptant la langue des flux et des fluides, la théorie sociologique caractérisent aujourd’hui les acteurs sociaux comme des êtres composites, prédisposés à changer et capables d’agencements feuilletés. Alors que l’importance de la mobilité pour penser et analyser le social contemporain est généralement reconnue, rare sont les travaux qui se consacre à en développer les modalités fondamentales. L’objectif de cette thèse est de développer une approche plus différenciée et gradualiste des mobilités que celle proposée par les principales options théoriques en vigueur, sans pour autant abandonner la dimension fluctuante, non linéaire et imprévisible du mouvement sur laquelle elles attirent l’attention. Qu’est-ce qu’être mobile ?Une théorie de l’expérience, en l’occurrence celle proposée par la phénoménologie, offrirait-elle des ressources critiques susceptibles d’ouvrir à l’approfondissement des mobilités comme elles sont vécues ?À titre d’hypothèse, cette thèse pose qu’un ensemble de phénomènes demeurent énigmatiques à l’intérieur de la conception généralement admise du social contemporain et qu’une articulation plus explicite du thème de la mobilité à celui de l’action humaine permet d’approfondir les processus du déplacement dans l’espace des sociétés, du passage du temps impliqué par le déplacement et du changement social. Comment émerge du nouveau dans le cours d’actions ?Qu’est-ce que pouvoir agir ?Quelle est la source du changement ?À partir d’une enquête inédite sur des voyageurs se rendant quotidiennement à Bruxelles et des personnages de romans de route étatsuniens, l’auteur explore des questions de fond portant sur l’expérience du transport, autour de l’éloignement des choses et des personnes aimées, du vide du temps d’attente, des aléas aussi insignifiants qu’irritants, de l’étrangeté des rencontres, de la décision de prendre la route et de choisir une orientation nouvelle. Ces moments de vacillation sont importants, soutient l’auteur, car ils nous ramènent aux motivations fondamentales et aux buts ultimes de nos déplacements les plus quotidiens. À une époque marquée par un idéal de mouvement fluide et sans accrocs, cette thèse éclaire ce qui se passe dans l’expérience des mobilités. Elle incite à une réflexion sur ce que nous éprouvons sur la route et aux possibles que cette expérience fait émerger. / Doctorat en Sciences politiques et sociales / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Innovative Desinfektionsverfahren zur Brauchwassergewinnung in der dezentralen Abwasserbehandlung - Elektrolyse und UV/Elektrolyse-Hybridtechnik

Haaken, Daniela 10 August 2015 (has links) (PDF)
According to estimates of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), more than 1.8 billion people will be living in countries or regions with absolute water scarcity by 2025. The pressure on water resources is increased not only in arid and semiarid regions, but also in fast growing megacities around the world as a result of, amongst other factors, the changing nutritional and consumer behavior (rising living standards). Over 90 % of the annual water consumption of the newly industrializing and developing countries in the arid and semiarid climate zone is used for agricultural irrigation to ensure the nutrition of the population. Thus, since the beginning of the 20th century, the planned/controlled reuse of wastewater has developed into a central task of the sustainable water resources management. Wastewater represents a valuable resource in view of its composition (e. g. nutrients P, N for soil fertilizing) and its reliable, weather-independent availability in every household. The establishment of a closed-loop water management can enhance the efficiency of water usage. Therefore, activities in research and development are currently focused on decentralized and semi-centralized concepts, since their structures offer better conditions for the establishment of closed-loop systems and innovations in wastewater technology can be implemented more easily. In general, the hygienic quality requirements for wastewater reuse are predominantly oriented towards the planned usage. These are, in turn, regulated by thresholds and guidance values, e. g. for faecal indicator bacteria (e. g. faecal coliforms: E. coli), in widely differing norms and legal provisions specific to the respective countries. In Germany since 2005, small wastewater treatment plants can obtain the discharge class +H by the German Institute for Civil Engineering (DIBt: Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik) if secondary effluents contain less than 100 faecal coliforms (E. coli) per 100 mL. This ensures a safe effluent seepage in karst and water protection areas. Due to the infectious risk caused by a multitude of pathogens (bacteria, viruses, worm eggs, protozoa) which are still contained in wastewater after mechanical-biological treatment, specific disinfection methods are indispensable for their satisfactory reduction. Demands on disinfection methods for wastewater reclamation are quite complex. They should be characterized by a high and constant disinfection efficiency at low or moderate formation of disinfection by-products. The reclaimed wastewater should be able to be stored safely. Moreover, the disinfection method should be technically simple, scaleable, space-saving, subjected to low maintenance and realized at moderate investment and operating costs without applying external toxic chemicals. Established methods in decentralized wastewater disinfection are mainly based on membrane and UV technologies. However, these methods are currently working under high operating costs (high maintenance and cleaning efforts). Furthermore, the high investment costs of the membrane filtration are disadvantageous. In addition, both methods do not provide a disinfection residual. Thus, further research is required for the development and testing of alternative disinfection technologies. Against this background, the applicability of the electrolysis and UV/electrolysis hybrid technology for the decentralized wastewater reclamation was investigated and assessed in this dissertation. Results have shown that the electrochemical disinfection of biologically treated wastewater represents an efficient method at temperatures of > 6 °C, pH values of < 8.5 and DOC con-centrations of < 22 mg L-1. Under these conditions, an E. coli reduction of four log levels was achieved at a concentration of free chlorine ranging from 0.4 mg L-1 to 0.6 mg L-1 and at an after-reaction time of 15...20 min. However, it becomes simultaneously apparent that low temperatures, high pH values and high DOC concentrations are limiting parameters for this disinfection method to reclaim biologically treated wastewater. A high energy consumption of the electrolysis cell equipped with boron-doped diamond (BDD) electrodes (2...2.6 kWh m-3) represents a further unfavourable effect. Moreover, the undesired formation of chlorate (c = 1.3 mg L-1) and perchlorate (c = 18 mg L-1) at BDD electrodes can be considered as critical, since these disinfection by-products are, amongst others, human-toxicologically relevant. The concentration of adsorbable organically bound halogens (AOX) and trihalomethanes (THMs) proved to be marginal to moderate. Due to the synergistic effect of the combined application of UV irradiation (primary disinfection method) and electrolysis, the disadvantages of the single methods can be compensated. Decisive drawbacks of UV irradiation are photo and dark repair mechanisms of reversibly damaged bacteria. It was observed that the reactivation of reversibly UV-damaged E. coli even occurs at low temperatures (T = 10 °C) and strongly differing pH values (pH = 5.7...8.1) as well as at low light intensities and in darkness to an extent excluding a safe usage and storage of the reclaimed wastewater. The reactivation processes might be lowered by increased UV fluences. However, this is limited by high concentrations of total suspended solids (TSS). In spite of high UV fluences of > 400 J m-1, no complete removal of E. coli bacteria can be achieved at TSS concentrations of > 17 mg L-1. Therefore, it is indispensable to prevent bacterial reactivation caused by photo and dark repair processes. This topic was studied in the current work by electrochemically produced oxidants using an electrolysis cell positioned downstream of the UV unit. Results have shown that photo and dark reactivation were completely prevented by oxidants in a total concentration of 0.5...0.6 mg L-1 at a TSS concentration of 8...11 mg L-1, at pH values ranging from 5.7 to 8.1 and at temperatures ranging from 10 °C to 30 °C (t = 24....72 h). Even at a high TSS concentration of 75 mg L-1, the reactivation of E. coli (ctotal oxidants = 1.8 mg L-1) and, up to a TSS concentration of 32 mg L-1, the reactivation of total coliforms (except E. coli, ctotal oxidants = 1.0 mg L-1) can be prevented at a high initial germ concentration of 2…3 105 per 100 mL. The lowest energy consumption could be observed when mixed oxide electrodes (MOX electrodes) were applied. This result and the fact that no chlorate and perchlorate were observed at MOX electrodes argue for the application of these electrodes in practice. All in all, the UV/electrolysis hybrid technology represents an energy-efficient method for reclamation of biologically treated wastewater with TSS concentrations ranging from < 11 to 32 mg L-1 (E = 0.17…0.24 kWh m-3, MOX electrodes). Thereby, the reclaimed wastewater meet the hygienic quality requirements for a multitude of reuse categories starting from agricultural irrigation to urban and recreational reuse. Moreover, the requirements of the discharge class +H (100 faecal coliforms (E. coli) per 100 mL) are complied with reliably. The operational stability of the UV/electrolysis hybrid technology should also be ensured within the required maintenance intervals (t > 6 months). The undesired formation of coverings caused by biofouling processes on quartz glass surfaces could be prevented by electrochemically produced oxidants in a total concentration of 1 mg L-1 within an experimental duration of 5.5 months. However, the application of the UV/electrolysis hybrid technology is limited by increased particle concentrations and faecal loadings (initial E. coli concentration). The resulting enhanced demand of electrochemically produced oxidants for the prevention of bacterial reactivation results in a considerable increase of the electric charge input and energy consumption.

Innovative Desinfektionsverfahren zur Brauchwassergewinnung in der dezentralen Abwasserbehandlung - Elektrolyse und UV/Elektrolyse-Hybridtechnik

Haaken, Daniela 24 April 2015 (has links)
According to estimates of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), more than 1.8 billion people will be living in countries or regions with absolute water scarcity by 2025. The pressure on water resources is increased not only in arid and semiarid regions, but also in fast growing megacities around the world as a result of, amongst other factors, the changing nutritional and consumer behavior (rising living standards). Over 90 % of the annual water consumption of the newly industrializing and developing countries in the arid and semiarid climate zone is used for agricultural irrigation to ensure the nutrition of the population. Thus, since the beginning of the 20th century, the planned/controlled reuse of wastewater has developed into a central task of the sustainable water resources management. Wastewater represents a valuable resource in view of its composition (e. g. nutrients P, N for soil fertilizing) and its reliable, weather-independent availability in every household. The establishment of a closed-loop water management can enhance the efficiency of water usage. Therefore, activities in research and development are currently focused on decentralized and semi-centralized concepts, since their structures offer better conditions for the establishment of closed-loop systems and innovations in wastewater technology can be implemented more easily. In general, the hygienic quality requirements for wastewater reuse are predominantly oriented towards the planned usage. These are, in turn, regulated by thresholds and guidance values, e. g. for faecal indicator bacteria (e. g. faecal coliforms: E. coli), in widely differing norms and legal provisions specific to the respective countries. In Germany since 2005, small wastewater treatment plants can obtain the discharge class +H by the German Institute for Civil Engineering (DIBt: Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik) if secondary effluents contain less than 100 faecal coliforms (E. coli) per 100 mL. This ensures a safe effluent seepage in karst and water protection areas. Due to the infectious risk caused by a multitude of pathogens (bacteria, viruses, worm eggs, protozoa) which are still contained in wastewater after mechanical-biological treatment, specific disinfection methods are indispensable for their satisfactory reduction. Demands on disinfection methods for wastewater reclamation are quite complex. They should be characterized by a high and constant disinfection efficiency at low or moderate formation of disinfection by-products. The reclaimed wastewater should be able to be stored safely. Moreover, the disinfection method should be technically simple, scaleable, space-saving, subjected to low maintenance and realized at moderate investment and operating costs without applying external toxic chemicals. Established methods in decentralized wastewater disinfection are mainly based on membrane and UV technologies. However, these methods are currently working under high operating costs (high maintenance and cleaning efforts). Furthermore, the high investment costs of the membrane filtration are disadvantageous. In addition, both methods do not provide a disinfection residual. Thus, further research is required for the development and testing of alternative disinfection technologies. Against this background, the applicability of the electrolysis and UV/electrolysis hybrid technology for the decentralized wastewater reclamation was investigated and assessed in this dissertation. Results have shown that the electrochemical disinfection of biologically treated wastewater represents an efficient method at temperatures of > 6 °C, pH values of < 8.5 and DOC con-centrations of < 22 mg L-1. Under these conditions, an E. coli reduction of four log levels was achieved at a concentration of free chlorine ranging from 0.4 mg L-1 to 0.6 mg L-1 and at an after-reaction time of 15...20 min. However, it becomes simultaneously apparent that low temperatures, high pH values and high DOC concentrations are limiting parameters for this disinfection method to reclaim biologically treated wastewater. A high energy consumption of the electrolysis cell equipped with boron-doped diamond (BDD) electrodes (2...2.6 kWh m-3) represents a further unfavourable effect. Moreover, the undesired formation of chlorate (c = 1.3 mg L-1) and perchlorate (c = 18 mg L-1) at BDD electrodes can be considered as critical, since these disinfection by-products are, amongst others, human-toxicologically relevant. The concentration of adsorbable organically bound halogens (AOX) and trihalomethanes (THMs) proved to be marginal to moderate. Due to the synergistic effect of the combined application of UV irradiation (primary disinfection method) and electrolysis, the disadvantages of the single methods can be compensated. Decisive drawbacks of UV irradiation are photo and dark repair mechanisms of reversibly damaged bacteria. It was observed that the reactivation of reversibly UV-damaged E. coli even occurs at low temperatures (T = 10 °C) and strongly differing pH values (pH = 5.7...8.1) as well as at low light intensities and in darkness to an extent excluding a safe usage and storage of the reclaimed wastewater. The reactivation processes might be lowered by increased UV fluences. However, this is limited by high concentrations of total suspended solids (TSS). In spite of high UV fluences of > 400 J m-1, no complete removal of E. coli bacteria can be achieved at TSS concentrations of > 17 mg L-1. Therefore, it is indispensable to prevent bacterial reactivation caused by photo and dark repair processes. This topic was studied in the current work by electrochemically produced oxidants using an electrolysis cell positioned downstream of the UV unit. Results have shown that photo and dark reactivation were completely prevented by oxidants in a total concentration of 0.5...0.6 mg L-1 at a TSS concentration of 8...11 mg L-1, at pH values ranging from 5.7 to 8.1 and at temperatures ranging from 10 °C to 30 °C (t = 24....72 h). Even at a high TSS concentration of 75 mg L-1, the reactivation of E. coli (ctotal oxidants = 1.8 mg L-1) and, up to a TSS concentration of 32 mg L-1, the reactivation of total coliforms (except E. coli, ctotal oxidants = 1.0 mg L-1) can be prevented at a high initial germ concentration of 2…3 105 per 100 mL. The lowest energy consumption could be observed when mixed oxide electrodes (MOX electrodes) were applied. This result and the fact that no chlorate and perchlorate were observed at MOX electrodes argue for the application of these electrodes in practice. All in all, the UV/electrolysis hybrid technology represents an energy-efficient method for reclamation of biologically treated wastewater with TSS concentrations ranging from < 11 to 32 mg L-1 (E = 0.17…0.24 kWh m-3, MOX electrodes). Thereby, the reclaimed wastewater meet the hygienic quality requirements for a multitude of reuse categories starting from agricultural irrigation to urban and recreational reuse. Moreover, the requirements of the discharge class +H (100 faecal coliforms (E. coli) per 100 mL) are complied with reliably. The operational stability of the UV/electrolysis hybrid technology should also be ensured within the required maintenance intervals (t > 6 months). The undesired formation of coverings caused by biofouling processes on quartz glass surfaces could be prevented by electrochemically produced oxidants in a total concentration of 1 mg L-1 within an experimental duration of 5.5 months. However, the application of the UV/electrolysis hybrid technology is limited by increased particle concentrations and faecal loadings (initial E. coli concentration). The resulting enhanced demand of electrochemically produced oxidants for the prevention of bacterial reactivation results in a considerable increase of the electric charge input and energy consumption.

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