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Användning av flygaska i vattenbyggnadsbetong / The use of fly ash in hydraulic concreteAbdulbaki, Mohammad, Mammar Chaouche, Abdelah January 2015 (has links)
Vattenbyggnadsbetong används som en samlande beteckning på betongkonstruktioner relaterade till vattenkraftanläggningar, dammar och tyngre anläggningar. Med stor framgång har man använt betong under mycket lång tid för dessa typer av konstruktioner. Dessa konstruktioner ställer höga krav på betongens kvalitet och konstruktionsutformning eftersom de förväntas ha en livslängd på ett hundra år eller mer. Vid gjutning så utsätts betongen för en temperaturstegring som kan leda till sprickbildning i den nygjutna konstruktionen. Eftersom temperaturstegringen är den primära orsaken till sprickrisken så kan man använda olika metoder för att minska detta. Ett verksamt sätt för att minska temperaturstegringen är att försöka hålla cementhalten i betongen så låg som möjligt, eftersom man vid adiabatiska förhållanden kan säga att den totala temperaturstegringen är direkt proportionell mot cementhalten i betongen. Ett verksamt sätt är att minska denna temperaturstegring är att använda sig utav en del flygaska istället för cement. Flygaska är en pulvermassa som fås vid tillverkning av el- och värmeproduktion på kolkraftverken och kraftvärmeverken. Flygaska är ett puzzolant material vilket innebär att det reagerar med kalciumhydroxid och vatten, och kan på så vis delvis ersätta klinker i cement. Syftet med denna rapport är att ge en ökad förståelse i hur flygaska påverkar vattenbyggnadsbetong. Genom att läsa denna rapport så får man till en början grundläggande kunskaper om vad betong, vattenbyggnadsbetong och flygaska är för något. Vidare avsnitt som behandlas är sprickbildning i vattenbyggnadsbetong, allmän kunskap följt utav orsaker och åtgärder. En jämförelse har gjorts mellan en typisk vattenbyggnads konstruktionsdel, med respektive utan flygaska. Det som jämförts är hur konstruktionen påverkats med respektive utan flygaska med avseende på hållfasthet, beständighet och risk för sprickbildning. Vidare så har temperatursprickberäkningar utförts med programmet HACON. Syftet med beräkningarna var att visa hur olika parametrar med respektive utan flygaska påverkar risken för sprickbildning i en typisk vattenbyggnadskonstruktion. Resultatet av temperaturberäkningarna visar att man får en lägre temperaturutveckling i en monolit gjuten med flygaska och anläggningscement jämfört med en monolit gjuten med anläggningscement utan flygaska. I och med den reducerade temperaturutvecklingen så uppstod det lägre spänningar i flygaskemonoliten. I undersökningen som utförts i denna rapport visar resultatet att det uppstår dragspänningar som överskrider draghållfastheten i monoliten utan flygaska och därmed spricker konstruktionen. I monoliten som undersökts med flygaska som sprickförebyggande åtgärd uppstår dragspänningar som är lägre än draghållfastheten och därmed spricker inte konstruktionen. Resultatet visar att sprickrisken i en typisk vattenbyggnadskonstruktion kan reduceras med flygaska som sprickförebyggande åtgärd. / Engineering Concrete is used as a collective term for concrete structures related to the hydropower plants, dams and heavier plants. With great success, concrete has been used for a very long time for these types of structures. These constructions make high demands on the concrete quality and construction design as they are expected to have a lifetime of a hundred years or more. In casting such concrete is exposed to a temperature which can lead to cracking of the newly cast structure. Because the temperature rise is the primary cause of cracking, you can use various methods to reduce this. An effective way to reduce the temperature rise is to try to keep the cement content in the concrete as low as possible, because at the adiabatic conditions may say that the total temperature rise is directly proportional to the cement content in the concrete. An effective way to reduce the temperature rise is to use out some fly ash instead of cement. Fly ash is a powder mass obtained in the production of electricity and heat in coal-fired plants and cogeneration plants. Fly ash is a puzzolanic material which means that it reacts with calcium hydroxide and water, and can thus partially replace cement clinker. The purpose of this report is to provide a better understanding of how the fly ash affecting hydraulic concrete. By reading this report you will get at first a basic knowledge of what the concrete, hydraulic concrete and fly ash are. Furthermore, the section that dealt with the cracking of the hydraulic concrete, general knowledge followed out causes and remedies. A comparison has been made between a typical water building structural component, with and without fly ash. What has been compared are how the construction affected with and without fly ash on strength, resistance and the risk of cracking. Furthermore, the temperature dot calculations performed with the program HACON. The purpose of the calculations was to show how the different parameters with and without fly ash affects the risk of cracking of a typical hydraulic structures. The result of the temperature calculations show that you get a lower temperature development in a monolith cast with the fly ash and the construction cements compared to a monolith molded with construction cement without fly ash. With the reduced temperature development arose lower tensions in the flyashmonolith. In the survey carried out in this report, the results show that there is tension that exceeds the tensile strength of the monolith without fly ash and thereby bursting the structure. The monolith examined with fly ash as crackreducing action occurs tensile stresses which are lower than the tensile strength and thus does not crack structure. The results show that the cracking in a typical hydraulic structures can be reduced with fly ash.
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Propuesta de diseño de un pavimento rígido conformado de agregados marginales con presencia de cenizas volcánicas para el proyecto: Mejoramiento de carretera Moquegua – Omate - Arequipa, Tramo II, sector 1 / Design proposal of a rigid pavement made of marginal aggregates with presence of volcanic ash for the project: Improvement of road Moquegua - Omate - Arequipa, section II, sector 1Ayquipa Espinoza, Lorena Estefanny, Vilca Benavente, Branixa Nataly 17 July 2020 (has links)
En el Perú existen zonas afectadas por la geología volcánica ya que disponen de insumos naturales llamados cenizas volcánicas. Este es un material formado por pequeños fragmentos de lavas silíceas de granos finos de colores blanquecinos, blandos y deleznables. Suelen presentar diversos grados de cementación, de tipo fisil, lo que los identifica en la categoría de suelos colapsables. Es por ello, que para la construcción del pavimento se requiere realizar la estabilización o mejoramiento de la subrasante para el siguiente proyecto que se desarrolla entre Arequipa y Moquegua.
La presente investigación tiene como objetivo evaluar el uso de agregados marginales con cenizas volcánicas para el diseño de losa de concreto hidráulico referida, la misma que como estructura será evaluada con los resultados del módulo de flexión y esfuerzo crítico.
Los resultados demostraron que, en la caracterización de agregados finos al contener cenizas volcánicas, no cumplan con todos los requerimientos propuestos en la norma peruana (EG-2013) del manual de carreteras. Sin embargo, el American Concrete Institute (ACI) incorpora excepciones para condiciones particulares de los áridos, posibilitando su uso a partir del cumplimiento de la resistencia y durabilidad requerida.
Se propuso realizar el diseño de una mezcla de concreto para una resistencia teórica de f´c= 280 kg/cm2. Sin embargo, al ensayar las probetas a los 28 días de curado se obtuvo una resistencia de f´c= 380 kg/cm2 esto se debe a la estrecha relación positiva que presenta la ceniza volcánica con el cemento puzolánico empleado para la mezcla. / In Peru there are areas affected by volcanic geology and that have natural inputs called volcanic ash. This is a material formed by small fragments of siliceous lavas of fine grains of whitish, soft and delectable colors. They usually present varying degrees of cementation, of the fisile type, which identifies them in the category of collapsible soils. That is why, for the construction of the pavement it is necessary to perform the stabilization or improvement of the subgrade for the next project that is developed between Arequipa and Moquegua.
The purpose of this research is to evaluate the use of marginal aggregates with volcanic ash for the design of the loss of referred hydraulic concrete, which will be determined as a structure with the results of the flexural and critical stress module.
The results showed that, in the characterization of fine aggregates containing volcanic ash, they do not require all the requirements proposed in the Peruvian standard (EG-2013) of the road manual. However, the American Concrete Institute (ACI) incorporates the specific conditions of the aggregates, which allows its use based on compliance with the required strength and durability.
It was proposed to design a concrete mix for a theoretical strength of f´c = 280 kg / cm2. However, when testing the probes after 28 days of curing, a resistance of f'c = 380 kg / cm2 was obtained, due to the close positive relationship between volcanic ash and the pozzolanic cement used for the mixture. / Tesis
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Evaluación de la calidad del concreto hidráulico usando agregado fino marginal en el proyecto rehabilitación y mejoramiento de la carretera DV. Imperial – PampasParedes Carrasco, Alexander Edward, Guillen Herrera, Edson Rodolfo January 2015 (has links)
Para la presente investigación de tesis desarrollada entre los distritos de Imperial y Pampas, provincia de Tayacaja, en el departamento de Huancavelica, se tiene como unidad de análisis a 60 muros de contención, donde se aplicó criterios muestréales de 23 muros f´c 210 kg/cm2. Como resultados alcanzados se logró elaborar concreto hidráulico de calidad usando agregado fino marginal con el cual se pudo satisfacer los parámetros de resistencia y durabilidad. Para demostrar la durabilidad se realizaron distintos ensayos; los que no cumplieron con las especificaciones de la norma EG-2000 fueron el de Equivalente de arena MTC E 114, Material que pasa el Tamiz N°200 MTC E 202 y Análisis granulométrico por tamizado ASTM C 136, por lo cual se efectuaron análisis más rigurosos como: el ensayo de Valor de azul de metileno y el ensayo de Análisis petrográfico macroscópico y microscópico en agregados para concreto ASTM C 295, donde se obtuvo como resultado que la arena no presenta elementos activos en su composición, lo que quiere decir que ante las condiciones ambientales de la zona estos elementos no se expanden ni se contraen y adicionalmente como medida de control se diseñó la mezcla de concreto hidráulico con aditivo incorporador de aire AirMix-200. Del mismo informe petrográfico se concluyó que la composición principal del agregado es la caliza, la cual es materia prima para la elaboración del cemento, que de alguna manera adicional ayuda a cumplir satisfactoriamente el parámetro de resistencia. Así mismo quedó demostrado que a través de ensayos a compresión no confinada de testigos de concreto, se alcanzó resistencias superiores a lo requerido en la norma EG-2000.
Research for this thesis developed between the districts of Imperial and Pampas, Tayacaja province, in the department of Huancavelica, it has the analysis unit 60 retaining walls, where 23 sample criteria applied walls f´c 210 kg/cm2. Results obtained are as elaborate hydraulic concrete achievement of marginal quality using fine aggregate with which it was able to satisfy the parameters of strength and durability. To demonstrate the durability various tests were performed; those who do not comply with the specifications of the EG-2000 were rule the sand equivalent MTC E 114, passes what material the sieve No. 200 MTC E 202 and sieve analysis ASTM C 136, here by which they were made Analysis More rigorous like: The test value of methylene blue and testing of macroscopic and microscopic petrographic analysis in paragraph aggregate concrete ASTM C 295, where it resulted the sand without presents elements active in their composition, which means they say to the area Environmental Conditions These elements do not expand or contract and additionally as a control measure of self-design hydraulic concrete mix with entraining admixture AirMix-200 air. Same petrographic report concluded that the composition of the director of aggregate is limestone, which is a raw material for the production of cement, which in some additionally helps one perform satisfactorily resistance parameter. Also it demonstrated that one through essays of unconfined compressive concrete witness, higher strengths than required was reached in the EG-2000 standard.
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Stavebně technologický projekt rozhledny Vartovna u obce Seninka / Construction technological project of the lookout tower Vartovna near the Seninka villageStarnovský, Jakub Unknown Date (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the complex construction of the Vartovna lookout tower near the village of Seninka. Within this work was prepared item budget, drawings of construction site equipment for the main construction stages, concreting scheme and landfill supply, time schedule of the whole construction, construction financing plan, number of workers, necessary machines and mechanisms with their deployment over time, technological regulation for monolithic foundations. hydraulic concrete structures, technological regulation for the assembly of the steel structure of the lookout tower, control and test plans for monolithic and prefabricated structures, the formwork scheme of all foundation structures, and safety and health protection at work.
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