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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effects of the endophyte Piriformospora indica on growth, physiology and water relations of tobacco (Nicotiana tobacum)

Ferster, Frances G Unknown Date
No description available.

Grundvattenmodellering i Badelundaåsen

Lorentzon, Martin January 2005 (has links)
<p>Over an extended period of time there have been plans to establish a shared facility in Lennheden to extract groundwater from the Badelunda esker to provide drinking water for the cities of Borlänge and Falun. The city of Falun is dissatisfied with the quality of its drinking water and the city of Borlänge is concerned about the risk of contamination of its existing groundwater supply at its current location. To provide a basis for a decision on this issue, the company Midvatten AB has been commissioned to perform hydrogeological investigations in the area of Lennheden.</p><p>The purpose of this thesis is to design a functional groundwater model of the area between Lennheden, place of planned extraction, and Övre Tjärna, place of existing extraction, to get a better understanding of the groundwater situation in the area. A groundwater model enables simulations of different scenarios in risk assessment and contaminant transport. The aim of the thesis is that the model can be used as an aid in Midvatten’s investigations in Lennheden and that it also can be used in future projects in the area.</p><p>The model has been made in Processing Modflow 5.3 and encompasses an area of 19,5 × 11 km along the Badelunda esker and the river Dalälven between Djurmo and Frostbrunnsdalen. The model has 6 layers and a cell resolution of 50 × 50 meters and 50 × 100 meters. The physical parameters of the model are comprised from different hydrological and geological investigations in the area.</p><p>The Badelunda esker and the river Dalälven totally dominate the groundwater situation in the area. A large part of the work in the thesis has been focused on the calibration of the horizontal hydraulic conductivity in the esker and the vertical hydraulic conductivity in the riverbed of Dalälven. The calibration of the model implies a vertical hydraulic conductivity of 0,01 – 0,1 md-1 in the riverbed of Dalälven, depending on the riverbed thickness.</p><p>Between Bäsna and Övre Tjärna, simulated and observed groundwater levels correspond well. The transport time of the water in the esker, simulated in PMPATH, also corresponds well with estimated transport times. The model can be used for simpler studies of contaminant transport.</p><p>Simulation of the pumping test in Lennheden gives a good correspondence eastward in the esker from Lennheden to Övre Tjärna. Westward in the esker, from Lennheden to Bäsna, the draw down is sharper than observed. Possible reasons for the sharper draw down is an underestimation of the bulk of the esker and that the vertical hydraulic conductivity of the riverbed is set too low between Lennheden and Bäsna.</p><p>In order to improve the model, the most important step should be to thoroughly investigate the river Dalälven with regards to vertical hydraulic conductivity in the riverbed and riverbed thickness.</p> / <p>Under en längre tid har det funnits planer på att upprätta en ny, gemensam vattentäkt för Borlänge och Falu kommun i Badelundaåsen i Lennheden nordväst om Borlänge stad. Falu kommun är missnöjd med vattenkvaliteten i sin ytvattentäkt och Borlänge är oroad över riskerna med att ha sin nuvarande vattentäkt i Badelundaåsen lokaliserad i nära anslutning till riksväg 70 och järnvägen. Beslut i frågan ska tas under 2006 och Midvatten AB har fått i uppdrag att genomföra geohydrologiska undersökningar i och runt Lennheden som underlag till beslutet.</p><p>Syftet med det här examensarbetet är att skapa en fungerande grundvattenmodell för området mellan Lennheden, plats för planerat vattenuttag, och Övre Tjärna, plats för befintligt vattenuttag, för att få en större förståelse för grundvattenmagasinet. En grundvattenmodell möjliggör simulering av olika scenarion så som föroreningstransport i grundvattnet och bestämning av skyddsområden. Målet är att modellen ska kunna användas som ett komplement i Midvattens undersökningar och även användas i framtida projekt i området.</p><p>Modellen är gjord i Processing Modflow 5.3 och omfattar ett 19,5 × 11 km stort område längs Badelundaåsen och Dalälven mellan Djurmo och Frostbrunnsdalen. Modellen består av 6 lager där cellernas upplösning är 50 × 50 meter och 50 × 100 meter. De fysiska parametrar som modellen är uppbyggd av är sammanställda från olika hydrologiska och geologiska undersökningar som har utförts i området de senaste 30 åren.</p><p>Badelundaåsen och Dalälven är de två komponenter som totalt dominerar grundvattensituationen i området. En stor del av arbetet har fokuserats på kalibreringen av den horisontella hydrauliska konduktiviteten i åsen och den vertikala hydrauliska konduktiviteten i Dalälvens botten. I modellen är den vertikala hydrauliska konduktiviteten i Dalälvens botten kalibrerad till intervallet 0,01 – 0,1 md-1 beroende på bottnens mäktighet.</p><p>På sträckan mellan Bäsna och Övre Tjärna så fungerar modellen bra. Simulerade och observerade grundvattennivåer stämmer väl överens. Även vattnets transporttider i åsen, simulerade i PMPATH, stämmer väl överens med uppskattade transporttider. Modellen kan användas för enklare studier av ämnestransport.</p><p>Vid simulering av provpumpningen i Lennheden så är överensstämmelsen god österut i åsen, från Lennheden till Övre Tjärna. Västerut i åsen, från Lennheden till Bäsna, är avsänkningen av grundvattennivån för kraftig. Möjliga orsaker till den för kraftiga avsänkningen är att åsens utbredning är underskattad och att Dalälvens botten har en för lågt ansatt vertikal hydraulisk konduktivitet längs sträckan Lennheden – Bäsna.</p><p>Den klart viktigaste åtgärden för att förbättra modellen skulle vara att grundligt undersöka Dalälven, särskilt längs sträckan Djurmo – Båtsta, med avseende på dess bottens vertikala hydrauliska konduktivitet och mäktighet.</p>

Natural genetic variations from the tomato wild relative Solanum pennellii associated with domestication and drought resistance / Variações genéticas naturais do tomateiro selvagem Solanum pennellii associadas à domesticação e resistência à seca

Vicente, Mateus Henrique 01 February 2019 (has links)
Plant domestication led to a loss of genetic variation in many crops, due to the excessive emphasis in the selection of edible organs (root, leaf, stem or fruit) and the low selection pressure for other traits in the cultivated environment. This \'genetic erosion\' led to loss of alleles associated with resistance to environmental stresses, such as drought and salinity, which can in turn culminate in productivity losses. In tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.), it is possible to tap into a reservoir of valuable genetic variation in its wild relatives. Identification of genetic variants associated with tomato domestication, and with stress resistance mechanisms which may have been lost during domestication, could be used to aid in breeding programs. In the present work, which was divided into two chapters, we carried out crosses between the wild species S. pennellii and the miniature tomato cultivar Micro-Tom (MT) and created two introgression lines (ILs), one with reduced organ size and another with increased drought tolerance. In the first chapter, we report the characterization and mapping of the IL denominated as Tiny organs and reduced yield (Toy). Toy harbors a S. pennellii genome segment on chromosome 7 and presents a considerable reduction in both vegetative (leaves) and reproductive (fruit) organs. We discuss how this could be a relevant trait underpinning tomato domestication. In the second chapter, we describe the drought tolerance mechanism of the IL Water Economy Locus in Lycopersicon (Well). Well harbors a S. pennellii genome segment on chromosome 1 and shows lower hydraulic conductance, possibly related to decreased xylem vessel size. The results shown suggest that this lower hydraulic conductance promotes a disturbance in the soil-plant-atmosphere hydraulic continuum leading to changes in stomatal behavior, which, in turn, are probably related to the delayed wilting of Well under conditions of water deficit. / A domesticação das plantas levou a uma perda de variação genética em muitas culturas, devido à ênfase excessiva na seleção de órgãos comestíveis (raiz, folha, caule ou fruto) e a baixa pressão de seleção para outras características no ambiente cultivado. Essa \"erosão genética\" levou à perda de alelos associados à resistência de diversos estresses ambientais, como seca e salinidade, os quais, por sua vez, podem conduzir a perdas significativas na produtividade das plantas. Entretanto, no tomate (Solanum lycopersicum L.), é possível acessar um banco valioso de variação genética nas espécies selvagens relacionadas. Assim, a identificação de variantes genéticas associadas ao processo de domesticação do tomateiro e a mecanismos de resistência a estresses ambientais, os quais podem ter sido perdidos durante a domesticação, pode auxiliar em programas de melhoramento do tomateiro e de outras culturas de interesse comercial. Diante disso, no presente trabalho, o qual foi dividido em dois capítulos, realizamos cruzamentos entre a espécie selvagem, S. pennellii, e a cultivar miniatura de tomateiro Micro-Tom (MT) para criamos duas linhas de introgressão (ILs), uma com tamanho de órgão reduzido e outra com maior tolerância à seca. No primeiro capítulo, relatamos a caracterização e mapeamento da IL denominada como Tiny organs and reduced yield (Toy). O genótipo Toy carrega um segmento do genoma de S. pennellii no cromossomo 7 e apresenta uma considerável redução em órgãos vegetativos (folhas) e reprodutivos (frutos). Os resultados obtidos conduziram a uma discussão de como esse genótipo pode ser relevante para a domesticação do tomateiro, devido ao seu impacto no tamanho de diversos orgão. Por outro lado, no segundo capítulo, descrevemos o mecanismo de tolerância à seca da IL Water Economy Locus em Lycopersicon (Well). Plantas Well carregam um segmento do genoma de S. pennellii no cromossomo 1 e exibem uma menor condutância hidráulica, possivelmente relacionada ao tamanho reduzido do vaso xilemático. A menor condutância hidráulica do genótipo Well conduz a perturbações no contínuo solo/planta/atmosfera levando a mudança no comportamento estomático, que, por sua vez, provavelmente está relacionado a maior resistência ao murchamento apresentada por esse material em condições de déficit hídrico.

Desenvolvimento de um método para estimativa da condutância hidráulica e avaliação da atividade de aquaporinas em plântulas de milho / Development of a method for estimating the hydraulic conductance and evaluation of the activity of aquaporins in maize seedlings

Reis, Karina Lima 15 July 2013 (has links)
O transporte de água nas plantas é um processo complexo e que envolve a passagem por membranas celulares. Nelas existem aquaporinas, proteínas integrais de membrana, que facilitam o fluxo passivo de água e pequenos solutos. Um fator importante que influencia o transporte de água nas plantas é a condutância hidráulica radicular (LPr), que pode contribuir com até 50% de toda a resistência ao fluxo de água na planta. Várias metodologias são propostas para estimar a LPr, porém os dados obtidos são altamente variáveis, ainda que para a mesma espécie vegetal. Diante do exposto, pretende-se desenvolver e propor uma nova metodologia, o sistema hidráulico de sucção para estimativa da LPr e avaliar a contribuição das aquaporinas no transporte de água radicular em plântulas de milho. O sistema hidráulico de sucção foi construído no Laboratório de Estudos de Plantas sob Estresse (LEPSE/USP) em parceria com Laboritoire d\'Ecophysiologie des Plants sous Stress Environnementaux de Montpellier, França. Os experimentos foram conduzidos no LEPSE, onde as plântulas cresceram em hidroponia na casa de vegetação. Para avaliação da atividade de aquaporinas foi utilizado o tratamento com peróxido de hidrogênio, que em concentrações milimolares inibe os canais de água. As medidas de condutância foram realizadas sempre na mesma hora do dia, uma vez que a própria LPr e as aquaporinas apresentam ritmo circadiano. Houve redução de 53% da condutância no tratamento com peróxido em relação ao controle e correlação significativa entre a LPr e o pH, de modo que o aumento do pH provocou queda de LPr, provavelmente causada por alterações na abundância e/ou atividade de aquaporinas nas raízes de milho. Esses resultados permitem afirmar que o método de sucção foi eficaz na estimativa da condutância hidráulica, podendo ser adotado como técnica alternativa na estimativa da LPr em plantas. / The water transport in plants is a complex process which involves passage through cell membranes. In them there are aquaporins, integral membrane proteins, that facilitate passive flux of water and small solutes. An important factor influencing the water transport in plants is root hydraulic conductance (LPr), which can contribute up to 50% of the water flow resistance in the plant. Various methods are proposed for estimating LPr, but the data are highly variable, even for the same plant species. Therefore, we intend to develop and propose a new methodology, the hydraulic suction system to estimate LPr and evaluate the contribution of aquaporins in root water transport in maize seedlings. The hydraulic suction system was built at the Laboratório de Estudos de Plantas sob Estresse (LEPSE / USP) in partnership with Laboritoire d\'Ecophysiologie Plants des sous Stress Environnementaux Montpellier, France. The experiments were conducted in LEPSE where the seedlings grew in the hydroponics greenhouse. To evaluate the activity of aquaporins was used treatment with hydrogen peroxide, which in millimolar concentrations inhibits water channels. The conductance measurements were performed at the same time of day, since the LPr itself and aquaporins presents the circadian rhythm. There was a 53% reduction in conductance peroxide treatment compared to control and significant correlation between LPr and pH, so that the pH increase caused a drop LPr probably caused by alterations in the abundance and/or activity of aquaporins in maize roots. These results indicate that the suction method was efficient in estimated hydraulic conductance, may be adopted as an alternative technique to estimate the LPr in plants.

Avaliação da estabilidade da aplicação de um híbrido experimental em diferentes concentrações sobre a dentina sensível - in vitro / Evaluation of the stability of application of an experimental hybrid on the sensitive dentin in differents concentrations - in vitro

Oliveira, Tatiane Alexandre de 08 November 2016 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar, in vitro, quantitativamente e qualitativamente, a estabilidade de um híbrido experimental em duas concentrações diferentes (concentrado e diluído) aplicado sobre a simulação de uma dentina sensível. Dentes molares humanos foram selecionados e tiveram suas coroas seccionadas abaixo do sulco oclusal de forma a obter espécimes de discos de dentina que foram planificados e polidos até atingirem a espessura de 1,0 milímetro. Os espécimes foram divididos em 4 grupos (n=9) de acordo com os tratamentos de superfície propostos: saliva artificial (SAL), adesivo dentinário autocondicionante (AD), híbrido experimental concentrado (TC) e híbrido experimental diluído na proporção de 1:3 (TD). Dois métodos foram empregados para avaliar a estabilidade: condutância hidráulica (permeabilidade dentinária) e microscopia eletrônica de varredura. Foi realizada a leitura da permeabilidade dentinária em 6 tempos experimentais: Mínima (sem tratamento), Máxima (com túbulos abertos), Tratamento (após aplicação dos respectivos tratamentos), Erosão (após 5 minutos de imersão em ácido cítrico 0,05M pH 3,8), Escovação (após escovação de 3900 ciclos) e Erosão Pós (repetição da erosão após o processo de escovação). A microscopia eletrônica de varredura foi realizada em espécimes de dentina com área central de aplicação dos tratamentos e tecido natural nas laterais para evidenciar as características da película aplicada. As leituras foram feitas após a aplicação dos tratamentos, após a erosão, após a escovação e após a erosão pós escovação, para todos os 4 tratamentos propostos. O teste de análise de variância (ANOVA) de Medidas Repetidas com 2 fatores de variação foi aplicado juntamente com o teste de comparações múltiplas pareadas (Tukey). Para permeabilidade dentinária todos os tratamentos reduziram a condutância hidráulica (Lp) em relação à Máxima. TC e TD apresentaram os menores valores (24% e 15%) respectivamente. O TD continuou apresentando valores semelhantes estatisticamente após a Erosão (36%), sendo estatisticamente semelhante ao TC (55%).. No tempo Escovação o TD apresentou Lp estatisticamente semelhante aos tempos Tratamento e Erosão. Todos os grupos apresentaram-se estatisticamente semelhantes entre os tratamentos nos tempos Escovação e Erosão Pós. A análise das MEVs evidencia túbulos dentinários com conteúdo no seu interior nos grupos TC e TD, mantendo-se durante todos os tempos experimentais. O AD apresentou uma película evidente, que começou a se destacar e exibir falhas a partir do tempo Erosão. Conclui-se que o TD apresentou o melhor comportamento sendo capaz de diminuir a permeabilidade dentinária, formando uma película fina, transparente, imperceptível, capaz de vedar (totalmente ou parcialmente) e penetrar dentro dos túbulos dentinários, resistindo aos desafios erosivos e abrasivos. / The aim of this study was to evaluate, in vitro, quantitatively and qualitatively, the stability of an experimental hybrid with two different concentrations (concentrated and diluted) applied at a simulation of a sensitive dentin. Human molar teeth were selected and their crowns were sectioned below the occlusal groove in order to obtain specimens of dentine disks that were ground flat and polished to achieve a thickness of 1.0 millimeter. The specimens were divided into 4 groups (n = 9) in accordance with proposed surface treatments: Artificial saliva (SAL) dentinal self-etching adhesive (AD), concentrated experimental hybrid (TC) and experimental hybrid diluted in the ratio 1: 3 (TD). Two methods were used to assess the stability: hydraulic conductance (dentin permeability) and scanning electron microscopy. The dentin permeability in 6 experimental times was carried out: Minimum (no treatment), Maximum (with open tubules), treatment (after application of their treatments), erosion (after 5 minutes of immersion in citric acid 0.05M pH 3, 8), brushing (brushing after 3900 cycles) and Post erosion (erosion was repeated after brushing). The scanning electron microscopy was performed on dentin specimens with a central area of application of treatments and natural tissues on the sides to show the film characteristics applied. Readings were made after application of treatments, after erosion, after brushing and after erosion after brushing, for all 4 treatments proposed. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) for repeated measures with two variation factors was applied with the multiple comparisons paired test (Tukey). For dentin all treatments reduced hydraulic conductance (Lp) in relation to Maximum. TC and TD showed the lowest values (24% and 15%) respectively. The TD continued to show statistically similar values after erosion (36%), being statistically similar to TC (55%). In brushing time the TD Lp was statistically similar to Treatment and erosion times. All groups were statistically similar between treatments in brushing and Post Erosion times. The analysis of SEM shows dentinal tubules with content inside on the TC and TD groups, remaining during all experimental period. AD presented a clear film, which began to stand out and show failure from erosion time. It follows that the TD had better behavior being able to decrease permeability of dentin by forming a thin film transparent, imperceptible, capable of sealing (fully or partially) and penetrate within the dentine tubules, resisting the erosive and abrasive challenges.

Effects of NaCl on growth and physiology of Pinus leiophylla seedlings

Jimenez-Casas, Marcos Unknown Date
No description available.

Effects of NaCl on growth and physiology of Pinus leiophylla seedlings

Jimenez-Casas, Marcos 11 1900 (has links)
Identification of salt- resistant tree species and genotypes is needed for rehabilitation of lands affected by salinity in Mexico. This dissertation consists of four studies for analyzing the responses of Pinus leiophylla seedlings to salt. In the first study, resistance to salt stress was studied in six-month-old seedlings from eight different sources of seed collected from the areas with contrasting precipitation levels. Plants from the xeric areas were shorter and had smaller stem diameters but were less sensitive to salt stress and recovered faster from salt injury compared with the plants from mesic sites, suggesting that morphological and physiological adaptations to drought were helpful with salt stress resistance. In the second study, fascicle needle production and tissue ion accumulation were examined in NaCl-treated three-month-old seedlings from two populations of the xeric origin and two populations from the mesic areas. Seedlings from the xeric population of San Felipe developed fewer fascicles and had shorter needles compared with seedlings from the remaining three populations. NaCl treatment delayed the emergence of fascicles and reduced the fascicle needle production and needle length. However, the extent of needle injury and ion accumulation in shoots were lower in the San Felipe seedlings compared with the other studied populations. In the third study, the effects of branch pruning and seedling size on total transpiration and accumulation of Na+ and Cl- in tissues were examined. Total plant transpiration, as affected by plant size and branch pruning, was correlated with Na+ and Cl- needle concentrations and needle necrosis. Branch pruning reduced ion accumulation in the shoots and needle necrosis levels in short seedlings but not in the tall seedlings. In the fourth study, sprouting and physiological responses of 16 month-old-seedling to salt were examined. NaCl treatment concentrations of 100, 150, and 200 mM reduced gas exchange and root hydraulic conductance, caused needle injury and triggered sprouting of adventitious shoots. Sprouting from the upper parts of the main stem and lateral branches was three times greater with 100 and 150 mM NaCl compared with 200 mM NaCl treatment but, at the base of the stem, sprout numbers were similar for all NaCl treatments.

Grapevine root hydraulics: the role of aquaporins.

Vandeleur, Rebecca January 2008 (has links)
Hydraulic conductance of roots of the grapevine cultivar, Chardonnay, varies diurnally, peaking at 1400 h. The diurnal amplitude of hydraulic conductance between 600 and 1400 h was not altered when potted grapevines were water-stressed by withholding water for 8 days. However, the diurnal change was greatly reduced for water-stressed Grenache. If the diurnal change in root hydraulic conductance is a result of changes in aquaporin gene expression or activity, it suggests that aquaporins respond differently in water-stressed Chardonnay and Grenache roots. Both Chardonnay and Grenache demonstrated a reduction in hydraulic conductance in response to water stress, with Grenache exhibiting a larger reduction. Suberisation of the roots increased in response to water stress, with complete suberisation of the endodermis occurring closer to the root tip of Grenache compared to the more drought sensitive Chardonnay. The drought sensitive rootstock, 101-14 (V. riparia × V. rupestris) demonstrated a similar reduction in hydraulic conductance to Chardonnay, while drought tolerant 1103 Paulsen (V. berlandieri × V. rupestris) had a non-significant reduction when water-stressed compared to the large reduction observed for drought tolerant Grenache. Therefore, in this study the degree of reduction in hydraulic conductance did not relate to the drought tolerance of the four varieties examined. The impact of partial drying (watering only half the root system) on hydraulic conductance also differed between Chardonnay and Grenache. There was no change in the conductance of the whole root system of Chardonnay due to an increase in conductance of the roots in the wet half which compensated for the reduction on the dry side. In contrast, Grenache did suffer a reduction measured over the whole root system due to a much larger reduction on the dry side compared to Chardonnay. There was an increase in hydraulic conductance on the wet side but this could not compensate for the large reduction on the dry side. Two aquaporins (VvPIP1;1 and VvPIP2;2) were cloned from the roots of grapevine cultivar Chardonnay. The genes were expressed in Xenopus oocytes to determine their osmotic permeability. As has been shown in a number of plant species, VvPIP1;1 was only slightly permeable to water, whereas VvPIP2;2 did transport water. However, when VvPIP1;1 was injected into the oocytes with VvPIP2;2, there was a substantial increase in the osmotic permeability. There was no significant variation in the diurnal expression of VvPIP2;2, whereas VvPIP1;1 showed a peak in expression at 1000 h prior to the peak in hydraulic conductance and peaked again at 1800 h. VvPIP2;2 did not vary in transcript level in response to water stress or rewatering in Chardonnay or Grenache roots. The level of VvPIP1;1 doubled in water stressed Chardonnay roots and declined again when the vines were rewatered 24 h previously. This response to water stress did not occur in Grenache roots. The roots used were from the apical 5 cm. Similar roots were used to measure the water permeability of the cortical cell membranes using the cell pressure probe. Changes in cell membrane permeability in response to water stress corresponded to changes in VvPIP1;1 expression. An experiment to determine if shoot topping had an effect on root hydraulic conductance revealed a significant 50% decline. This response was also observed in soybean (Glycine max L.) and maize (Zea mays L.). A range of experiments have been performed to determine the reason for the decline. Possibilities included a response to final leaf area and reduced transpirational demand; loss of a carbohydrate sink; or hormonal signals such as abscisic acid, auxin and ethylene. At this stage the nature of the positive or negative signal that causes the change in root hydraulic conductance remains elusive. However, the signal did cause a reduction in the transcript level of VvPIP1;1, indicating the involvement of aquaporins in the response. The root hydraulic conductance of grapevines is variable and dependent on factors such as time of day, water-stress, transpiration rate and unknown signals from the shoot. A proportion of this variability is due to changes in aquaporin number or activity. There are also genotypic differences which may be beneficial for future breeding efforts to improve water use efficiency of grapevines. / http://proxy.library.adelaide.edu.au/login?url= http://library.adelaide.edu.au/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon.cgi?BBID=1311202

Grapevine root hydraulics: the role of aquaporins.

Vandeleur, Rebecca January 2008 (has links)
Hydraulic conductance of roots of the grapevine cultivar, Chardonnay, varies diurnally, peaking at 1400 h. The diurnal amplitude of hydraulic conductance between 600 and 1400 h was not altered when potted grapevines were water-stressed by withholding water for 8 days. However, the diurnal change was greatly reduced for water-stressed Grenache. If the diurnal change in root hydraulic conductance is a result of changes in aquaporin gene expression or activity, it suggests that aquaporins respond differently in water-stressed Chardonnay and Grenache roots. Both Chardonnay and Grenache demonstrated a reduction in hydraulic conductance in response to water stress, with Grenache exhibiting a larger reduction. Suberisation of the roots increased in response to water stress, with complete suberisation of the endodermis occurring closer to the root tip of Grenache compared to the more drought sensitive Chardonnay. The drought sensitive rootstock, 101-14 (V. riparia × V. rupestris) demonstrated a similar reduction in hydraulic conductance to Chardonnay, while drought tolerant 1103 Paulsen (V. berlandieri × V. rupestris) had a non-significant reduction when water-stressed compared to the large reduction observed for drought tolerant Grenache. Therefore, in this study the degree of reduction in hydraulic conductance did not relate to the drought tolerance of the four varieties examined. The impact of partial drying (watering only half the root system) on hydraulic conductance also differed between Chardonnay and Grenache. There was no change in the conductance of the whole root system of Chardonnay due to an increase in conductance of the roots in the wet half which compensated for the reduction on the dry side. In contrast, Grenache did suffer a reduction measured over the whole root system due to a much larger reduction on the dry side compared to Chardonnay. There was an increase in hydraulic conductance on the wet side but this could not compensate for the large reduction on the dry side. Two aquaporins (VvPIP1;1 and VvPIP2;2) were cloned from the roots of grapevine cultivar Chardonnay. The genes were expressed in Xenopus oocytes to determine their osmotic permeability. As has been shown in a number of plant species, VvPIP1;1 was only slightly permeable to water, whereas VvPIP2;2 did transport water. However, when VvPIP1;1 was injected into the oocytes with VvPIP2;2, there was a substantial increase in the osmotic permeability. There was no significant variation in the diurnal expression of VvPIP2;2, whereas VvPIP1;1 showed a peak in expression at 1000 h prior to the peak in hydraulic conductance and peaked again at 1800 h. VvPIP2;2 did not vary in transcript level in response to water stress or rewatering in Chardonnay or Grenache roots. The level of VvPIP1;1 doubled in water stressed Chardonnay roots and declined again when the vines were rewatered 24 h previously. This response to water stress did not occur in Grenache roots. The roots used were from the apical 5 cm. Similar roots were used to measure the water permeability of the cortical cell membranes using the cell pressure probe. Changes in cell membrane permeability in response to water stress corresponded to changes in VvPIP1;1 expression. An experiment to determine if shoot topping had an effect on root hydraulic conductance revealed a significant 50% decline. This response was also observed in soybean (Glycine max L.) and maize (Zea mays L.). A range of experiments have been performed to determine the reason for the decline. Possibilities included a response to final leaf area and reduced transpirational demand; loss of a carbohydrate sink; or hormonal signals such as abscisic acid, auxin and ethylene. At this stage the nature of the positive or negative signal that causes the change in root hydraulic conductance remains elusive. However, the signal did cause a reduction in the transcript level of VvPIP1;1, indicating the involvement of aquaporins in the response. The root hydraulic conductance of grapevines is variable and dependent on factors such as time of day, water-stress, transpiration rate and unknown signals from the shoot. A proportion of this variability is due to changes in aquaporin number or activity. There are also genotypic differences which may be beneficial for future breeding efforts to improve water use efficiency of grapevines. / http://proxy.library.adelaide.edu.au/login?url= http://library.adelaide.edu.au/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon.cgi?BBID=1311202

Avaliação da estabilidade da aplicação de um híbrido experimental em diferentes concentrações sobre a dentina sensível - in vitro / Evaluation of the stability of application of an experimental hybrid on the sensitive dentin in differents concentrations - in vitro

Tatiane Alexandre de Oliveira 08 November 2016 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar, in vitro, quantitativamente e qualitativamente, a estabilidade de um híbrido experimental em duas concentrações diferentes (concentrado e diluído) aplicado sobre a simulação de uma dentina sensível. Dentes molares humanos foram selecionados e tiveram suas coroas seccionadas abaixo do sulco oclusal de forma a obter espécimes de discos de dentina que foram planificados e polidos até atingirem a espessura de 1,0 milímetro. Os espécimes foram divididos em 4 grupos (n=9) de acordo com os tratamentos de superfície propostos: saliva artificial (SAL), adesivo dentinário autocondicionante (AD), híbrido experimental concentrado (TC) e híbrido experimental diluído na proporção de 1:3 (TD). Dois métodos foram empregados para avaliar a estabilidade: condutância hidráulica (permeabilidade dentinária) e microscopia eletrônica de varredura. Foi realizada a leitura da permeabilidade dentinária em 6 tempos experimentais: Mínima (sem tratamento), Máxima (com túbulos abertos), Tratamento (após aplicação dos respectivos tratamentos), Erosão (após 5 minutos de imersão em ácido cítrico 0,05M pH 3,8), Escovação (após escovação de 3900 ciclos) e Erosão Pós (repetição da erosão após o processo de escovação). A microscopia eletrônica de varredura foi realizada em espécimes de dentina com área central de aplicação dos tratamentos e tecido natural nas laterais para evidenciar as características da película aplicada. As leituras foram feitas após a aplicação dos tratamentos, após a erosão, após a escovação e após a erosão pós escovação, para todos os 4 tratamentos propostos. O teste de análise de variância (ANOVA) de Medidas Repetidas com 2 fatores de variação foi aplicado juntamente com o teste de comparações múltiplas pareadas (Tukey). Para permeabilidade dentinária todos os tratamentos reduziram a condutância hidráulica (Lp) em relação à Máxima. TC e TD apresentaram os menores valores (24% e 15%) respectivamente. O TD continuou apresentando valores semelhantes estatisticamente após a Erosão (36%), sendo estatisticamente semelhante ao TC (55%).. No tempo Escovação o TD apresentou Lp estatisticamente semelhante aos tempos Tratamento e Erosão. Todos os grupos apresentaram-se estatisticamente semelhantes entre os tratamentos nos tempos Escovação e Erosão Pós. A análise das MEVs evidencia túbulos dentinários com conteúdo no seu interior nos grupos TC e TD, mantendo-se durante todos os tempos experimentais. O AD apresentou uma película evidente, que começou a se destacar e exibir falhas a partir do tempo Erosão. Conclui-se que o TD apresentou o melhor comportamento sendo capaz de diminuir a permeabilidade dentinária, formando uma película fina, transparente, imperceptível, capaz de vedar (totalmente ou parcialmente) e penetrar dentro dos túbulos dentinários, resistindo aos desafios erosivos e abrasivos. / The aim of this study was to evaluate, in vitro, quantitatively and qualitatively, the stability of an experimental hybrid with two different concentrations (concentrated and diluted) applied at a simulation of a sensitive dentin. Human molar teeth were selected and their crowns were sectioned below the occlusal groove in order to obtain specimens of dentine disks that were ground flat and polished to achieve a thickness of 1.0 millimeter. The specimens were divided into 4 groups (n = 9) in accordance with proposed surface treatments: Artificial saliva (SAL) dentinal self-etching adhesive (AD), concentrated experimental hybrid (TC) and experimental hybrid diluted in the ratio 1: 3 (TD). Two methods were used to assess the stability: hydraulic conductance (dentin permeability) and scanning electron microscopy. The dentin permeability in 6 experimental times was carried out: Minimum (no treatment), Maximum (with open tubules), treatment (after application of their treatments), erosion (after 5 minutes of immersion in citric acid 0.05M pH 3, 8), brushing (brushing after 3900 cycles) and Post erosion (erosion was repeated after brushing). The scanning electron microscopy was performed on dentin specimens with a central area of application of treatments and natural tissues on the sides to show the film characteristics applied. Readings were made after application of treatments, after erosion, after brushing and after erosion after brushing, for all 4 treatments proposed. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) for repeated measures with two variation factors was applied with the multiple comparisons paired test (Tukey). For dentin all treatments reduced hydraulic conductance (Lp) in relation to Maximum. TC and TD showed the lowest values (24% and 15%) respectively. The TD continued to show statistically similar values after erosion (36%), being statistically similar to TC (55%). In brushing time the TD Lp was statistically similar to Treatment and erosion times. All groups were statistically similar between treatments in brushing and Post Erosion times. The analysis of SEM shows dentinal tubules with content inside on the TC and TD groups, remaining during all experimental period. AD presented a clear film, which began to stand out and show failure from erosion time. It follows that the TD had better behavior being able to decrease permeability of dentin by forming a thin film transparent, imperceptible, capable of sealing (fully or partially) and penetrate within the dentine tubules, resisting the erosive and abrasive challenges.

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