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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Use of social media data in flood monitoring / Uso de dados das mídias sociais no monitoramento de enchentes

Restrepo Estrada, Camilo Ernesto 05 November 2018 (has links)
Floods are one of the most devastating types of worldwide disasters in terms of human, economic, and social losses. If authoritative data is scarce, or unavailable for some periods, other sources of information are required to improve streamflow estimation and early flood warnings. Georeferenced social media messages are increasingly being regarded as an alternative source of information for coping with flood risks. However, existing studies have mostly concentrated on the links between geo-social media activity and flooded areas. This thesis aims to show a novel methodology that shows a way to close the research gap regarding the use of social networks as a proxy for precipitation-runoff and flood forecast estimates. To address this, it is proposed to use a transformation function that creates a proxy variable for rainfall by analysing messages from geo-social media and precipitation measurements from authoritative sources, which are then incorporated into a hydrological model for the flow estimation. Then the proxy and authoritative rainfall data are merged to be used in a data assimilation scheme using the Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF). It is found that the combined use of authoritative rainfall values with the social media proxy variable as input to the Probability Distributed Model (PDM), improves flow simulations for flood monitoring. In addition, it is found that when these models are made under a scheme of fusion-assimilation of data, the results improve even more, becoming a tool that can help in the monitoring of \"ungauged\" or \"poorly gauged\" catchments. The main contribution of this thesis is the creation of a completely original source of rain monitoring, which had not been explored in the literature in a quantitative way. It also shows how the joint use of this source and data assimilation methodologies aid to detect flood events. / As inundações são um dos tipos mais devastadores de desastres em todo o mundo em termos de perdas humanas, econômicas e sociais. Se os dados oficiais forem escassos ou indisponíveis por alguns períodos, outras fontes de informação são necessárias para melhorar a estimativa de vazões e antecipar avisos de inundação. Esta tese tem como objetivo mostrar uma metodologia que mostra uma maneira de fechar a lacuna de pesquisa em relação ao uso de redes sociais como uma proxy para as estimativas de precipitação e escoamento. Para resolver isso, propõe-se usar uma função de transformação que cria uma variável proxy para a precipitação, analisando mensagens de medições geo-sociais e precipitação de fontes oficiais, que são incorporadas em um modelo hidrológico para a estimativa de fluxo. Em seguida, os dados de proxy e precipitação oficial são fusionados para serem usados em um esquema de assimilação de dados usando o Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF). Descobriu-se que o uso combinado de valores oficiais de precipitação com a variável proxy das mídias sociais como entrada para o modelo distribuído de probabilidade (Probability Distributed Model - PDM) melhora as simulações de fluxo para o monitoramento de inundações. A principal contribuição desta tese é a criação de uma fonte completamente original de monitoramento de chuva, que não havia sido explorada na literatura de forma quantitativa.

Hydrological modelling of a catchment supported by the discharge of treated wastewater - A comparison of two model concepts

Rudnick, Sebastian 26 October 2018 (has links)
Die Untersuchung von Klimaszenarien ergab, dass die Grundwasserneubildung in Nordostdeutschland abnehmen könnte. Um Süßgewässer zu erhalten müssen neue Strategien entwickelt werden. Im Gebiet des Lietzengrabens wird Klarwasser eingeleitet, um Feuchtgebiete und Seen zu erhalten. Diese Strategie wurde durch eine Szenarioanalyse erarbeitet, die sich auf das hydrologische iterative Modell ArcEGMO-ASM stützte. In dieser Arbeit wurde das voll integrierte Modell HydroGeoSphere genutzt, um den Fluss von Wasser an der Oberfläche und im Untergrund zu simulieren. Basierend auf dieser Simulation wurden Fließpfade und Aufenthaltszeiten abgeschätzt. Die Ergebnisse beider Modelle wurden analysiert und verglichen. Mit beiden Modellen war es möglich, die Abfluss- und Grundwasserdynamiken im Einzugsgebiet zu reproduzieren. Bei der Anwendung von HydroGeoSphere fehlten Möglichkeiten zur Berücksichtigung von z.B. Schneefall und Wehren, welche in ArcEGMO-ASM vorhanden sind. Die Kalibrierung des Modells lieferte Parameterwerte, die eine Reproduktion der Dynamiken erlaubten. Allerdings könnte HydroGeoSphere nur eingeschränkt nutzbar sein, da die Werte teils unrealistisch waren. HydroGeoSphere ermöglichte aber die Abschätzung von unterirdischen Fließpfaden und Aufenthaltszeiten. Weiter wurde der Austritt von Grundwasser in einen Bachabschnitt durch Messungen bestimmt und mit Simulationsergebnissen verglichen. Keines der Modelle war geeignet, die räumlichen Muster auf dieser Skala zu reproduzieren. Die simulierten Exfiltrationsraten wichen von den beobachteten ab. Der Vergleich von ArcEGMO-ASM und HydroGeoSphere zeigte die Vorteile und Grenzen der Modelle auf. Der Einsatz von HydroGeoSphere bei Untersuchungen von Bewirtschaftungsstrategien macht sich noch nicht bezahlt, vergleicht man den Aufwand mit den Vorteilen. Da HydroGeoSphere weiterentwickelt wird und die Rechenkapazitäten zunehmen, könnte das Modell in der nahen Zukunft in der Praxis nutzbar sein. / Analysis of climatic scenarios for North-East Germany showed that groundwater recharge could decline. In order to sustain freshwaters, new strategies must be developed. At the Lietzengraben catchment treated wastewater is discharged to sustain wetlands and lakes in the catchment. This management strategy was developed previously by scenario analysis, performed by the hydrological iterative model ArcEGMO-ASM. In this work, the fully integrated model HydroGeoSphere was used to simulate the surface and subsurface water flow in the catchment. Based on the simulation results, flow paths and residence times were estimated. The results of the simulations by both models were investigated and compared. It was possible to reproduce the catchment dynamics regarding discharge and groundwater heads reasonably well with both models. The application of HydroGeoSphere was limited due to the inability of the model to represent features like snowfall and weirs, which are represented in ArcEGMO-ASM. The calibrated parameter values enabled the model to reproduce the catchment dynamics reasonably well. HydroGeoSphere may be limited in its use since the obtained values are partially unrealistic. HydroGeoSphere allowed the approximation of subsurface flow paths and residence times. The exfiltration of groundwater to a stream reach was estimated by measurements and compared to simulation results. Both models were not able to reproduce the spatial patterns on a sub-reach scale and the calculated exfiltration rates did not match the observed rates. The comparison of ArcEGMO-ASM and HydroGeoSphere showed the advantages and limitations of both models. Comparing the overall additional effort to the benefits, however, the application of HydroGeoSphere to investigations regarding management strategies or scenario analyses may not pay off. Since HydroGeoSphere is under steady development and computational resources improve, the use of HydroGeoSphere may be applicable in the near future.

O serviço ambiental hidrológico das áreas de proteção permanente: um estudo de caso com modelagem numérica em pequena e mesoescala na bacia do Rio Piracicaba / Hydrological environmental services of permanent preservation areas: A case study with numerical modelling in small and meso scale in the Piracicaba River basin

Silva, Jonathan Mota da 20 February 2014 (has links)
Visando conciliar pressões antrópicas para o desenvolvimento das atividades sócio-econômicas com a conservação dos ecossistemas, os serviços ambientais associados aos recursos hídricos são claros benefícios e índices quantitativos que podem ser tomados como parâmetros na tomada de decisões para o uso da terra. No Brasil o Código Florestal prescreve as Áreas de Preservação Permanente (APPs) ao longo das margens dos rios, em topos de morro e áreas de alta declividade como setores onde estes serviços serão potencialmente expressivos. Os efeitos da extensão da vegetação ripária podem variar conforme as características geomorfológicas e extensão da bacia, com os ainda escassos resultados de estudos indicadores da faixa segura de vegetação ripária necessária para minimizar os efeitos das vazões máximas e prover a disponibilidade hídrica em bacias hidrográficas com relevância para o abastecimento humano, como é o caso da bacia do rio Piracicaba, e em bacias de pequena escala, onde também se concentra a agricultura familiar e são as efetivas áreas de mananciais dos grandes reservatórios. O objetivo desta tese foi avaliar o impacto causado pelas APPs ripárias e de áreas íngremes (reflorestamento ripário e de áreas íngremes) no regime hidrológico da bacia do rio Piracicaba ( ~12000 km²) e na sua sub-bacia, Ribeirão das Posses (12 km²) a partir de simulações com o modelo hidrológico distribuído SWAT. A avaliação do efeito das APPs nas bacias foi realizada a partir de simulações numéricas com o modelo SWAT calibrado e validado, com referência aos regimes de vazão e evapotranspiração dos principais ecossistemas dominantes. As simulações foram compostas de cenários variando-se as faixas de extensão do reflorestamento ripário e reflorestamento das áreas íngremes em pequena escala (Ribeirão das Posses, Extrema, MG) e mesoescala (Rio Piracicaba). Os cenários com reflorestamento (ripário e áreas íngremes) reduziram o escoamento superficial em ambas as bacias e aumentaram o escoamento básico em Posses, reduzindo este em Piracicaba. Os resultados dos cenários com maior reflorestamento ripário indicaram para as bacias do Ribeirão das Posses e do Rio Piracicaba, respectivamente, uma queda de aproximadamente 24% e 4% do escoamento superficial, e no escoamento básico um aumento de 2% e redução de 2%. A redução do escoamento superficial reduziu as vazões extremas máximas em aproximadamente 13% no exutório e 28% na cabeceira do Ribeirão das Posses, enquanto no Rio Piracicaba a redução foi de aproximadamente 4% em toda a bacia. As vazões de estiagem no Ribeirão das Posses aumentaram na cabeceira e no exutório em 19 e 9%, respectivamente, enquanto no Rio Piracicaba a vazão de estiagem teve uma redução de até 2%. Os resultados sugerem que as APPs, nas formas de reflorestamento ripário e nas áreas íngremes em pequena escala, mostram uma redução do escoamento superficial e da vazão média anual, mas que em termos de serviços ambientais reflete-se favoravelmente na redução dos eventos de inundação devido à diminuição dos pulsos hidrológicos extremos, e no aumento da vazão de estiagem devido ao aumento do escoamento básico. Na mesoescala mostrou-se analogamente uma qualidade favorável de serviço ambiental nas vazões máximas, mas desfavorável na vazão de estiagem, o que, todavia, deve ser analisada em conjunção com o ajuste dos parâmetros de recarga do aquífero raso e profundo do modelo nesta escala. O estudo indica as APPs como promotoras de serviços ambientais hidrológicos dominantemente favoráveis, a contar pela possibilidade real de recomposição florestal em bacias de menores escalas, com ênfase na influência dos processos nas imediações da rede de drenagem onde habitam as populações rurais que poderiam se beneficiar dos serviços mais direta e frequentemente. / Aimed at reconciling human pressures for the development of socio-economic activities with the conservation of ecosystems, ecosystem services associated with water resources are benefits and quantitative indices that can be taken as parameters in decision-making for land use. In Brazil, its Forest Code prescribes the Permanent Preservation Areas (PPAs) along rivers banks, steep areas and areas of high slope as sectors where these services will be potentially significant. The effects of the size of riparian vegetation may vary depending on geomorphological characteristics and extension of the basin. There are few studies indicators of the safe range of riparian vegetation necessary to minimize the effects of peak flows and provide water availability in relevant river basins for water supply, like Piracicaba river basin, and in small scale watershed, which also focuses on the family farms and are also effective watershed areas of large reservoirs. The objective of this thesis was to evaluate the impact of the riparian and steep PPAs areas in the hydrological regime of the Piracicaba river basin (~ 12000 km²) and its sub-basin, Ribeirão das Posses (12 km²), in Extrema, MG, by means of numerical simulations. Evaluation of the effect of PPAs in the watersheds was carried out using the hydrological model SWAT (Soil and Water Assessement Tool) calibrated (for streamflow and evapotranspiration of the main ecosystems of the basin) and validated (for streamflow). Scenarios were composed of varying extension of riparian reforestation and afforestation of steep areas in small scale (Ribeirão das Posses) and in mesoscale (Piracicaba). The (riparian and steep area) reforestation scenarios reduced surface runoff in both watersheds and increased baseflow in Posses but reduced it in Piracicaba. The results of the annual average scenarios with greater riparian reforestation indicated a runoff decrease of 24% in Ribeirão das Posses and of 4% in Piracicaba. As for the baseflow, it increased by 2% and decreased by 2%, respectively in the two watersheds. The reduction of runoff reduced the maximum streamflows in the mouth in 13% and in 28% at the head of the Ribeirão das Posses. While in Piracicaba, these were reduced to approximately 4% in the entire watershed. Low flows in Posses increased the head and mouth in, respectively, 19% and 9%, while in Piracicaba drought streamflow had a modest reduction of up to 2%. The results suggest that the PPAs, in the forms of riparian and steep reforestation on a small scale, show a reduction of runoff and mean annual flow, but in terms of environmental services reflects favorably on the reduction of flood events due the reduction of extreme hydrological pulses, and the increase of low flow due to increased base flow. The mesoscale showed analogously a favorable quality in providing environmental services in peak flows, but unfavorable as to dry season flow, which however should be analyzed in conjunction with adjusting the parameters of the model of low and deep aquifer recharge at this scale. The study suggest the PPAs as promoters of environmental hydrological services dominantly favorable, emphasizing the benefits of reforestation in smaller scale watersheds, influencing processes nearby the drainage area, where rural populations could be benefited from services more directly and frequently.

Use of social media data in flood monitoring / Uso de dados das mídias sociais no monitoramento de enchentes

Camilo Ernesto Restrepo Estrada 05 November 2018 (has links)
Floods are one of the most devastating types of worldwide disasters in terms of human, economic, and social losses. If authoritative data is scarce, or unavailable for some periods, other sources of information are required to improve streamflow estimation and early flood warnings. Georeferenced social media messages are increasingly being regarded as an alternative source of information for coping with flood risks. However, existing studies have mostly concentrated on the links between geo-social media activity and flooded areas. This thesis aims to show a novel methodology that shows a way to close the research gap regarding the use of social networks as a proxy for precipitation-runoff and flood forecast estimates. To address this, it is proposed to use a transformation function that creates a proxy variable for rainfall by analysing messages from geo-social media and precipitation measurements from authoritative sources, which are then incorporated into a hydrological model for the flow estimation. Then the proxy and authoritative rainfall data are merged to be used in a data assimilation scheme using the Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF). It is found that the combined use of authoritative rainfall values with the social media proxy variable as input to the Probability Distributed Model (PDM), improves flow simulations for flood monitoring. In addition, it is found that when these models are made under a scheme of fusion-assimilation of data, the results improve even more, becoming a tool that can help in the monitoring of \"ungauged\" or \"poorly gauged\" catchments. The main contribution of this thesis is the creation of a completely original source of rain monitoring, which had not been explored in the literature in a quantitative way. It also shows how the joint use of this source and data assimilation methodologies aid to detect flood events. / As inundações são um dos tipos mais devastadores de desastres em todo o mundo em termos de perdas humanas, econômicas e sociais. Se os dados oficiais forem escassos ou indisponíveis por alguns períodos, outras fontes de informação são necessárias para melhorar a estimativa de vazões e antecipar avisos de inundação. Esta tese tem como objetivo mostrar uma metodologia que mostra uma maneira de fechar a lacuna de pesquisa em relação ao uso de redes sociais como uma proxy para as estimativas de precipitação e escoamento. Para resolver isso, propõe-se usar uma função de transformação que cria uma variável proxy para a precipitação, analisando mensagens de medições geo-sociais e precipitação de fontes oficiais, que são incorporadas em um modelo hidrológico para a estimativa de fluxo. Em seguida, os dados de proxy e precipitação oficial são fusionados para serem usados em um esquema de assimilação de dados usando o Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF). Descobriu-se que o uso combinado de valores oficiais de precipitação com a variável proxy das mídias sociais como entrada para o modelo distribuído de probabilidade (Probability Distributed Model - PDM) melhora as simulações de fluxo para o monitoramento de inundações. A principal contribuição desta tese é a criação de uma fonte completamente original de monitoramento de chuva, que não havia sido explorada na literatura de forma quantitativa.

La toxoplasmose chez les Inuits : investigation de l'écologie de toxoplasma gondii dans l'Arctique canadien

Simon, Audrey 04 1900 (has links)
Toxoplasma gondii, un protozoaire très répandu dans le monde, peut infecter de nombreuses espèces homéothermes incluant les mammifères et les oiseaux qui développent alors une toxoplasmose. L’impact de la toxoplasmose en termes de santé publique est majeur, particulièrement chez les personnes immunodéprimées et les foetus. Les niveaux d’infection humaine dans certaines régions de l’Arctique Canadien sont parmi les plus élevés au monde et ce, malgré l’absence de félidés qui sont les seuls hôtes capables d’excréter T. gondii. Plusieurs études ont suggéré la consommation de viande crue de mammifères marins et notamment de phoques comme source d’infection des Inuits. Notre travail de recherche visait à comprendre les mécanismes de dispersion de T. gondii dans les écosystèmes aquatiques menant à la contamination du milieu marin de l’Arctique par des oocystes, et à évaluer l’importance de cette voie de dispersion dans l’infection des phoques et conséquemment dans celle des Inuits. Notre hypothèse était que les oocystes de T. gondii, excrétés durant l’hiver par des félidés dans le Subarctique et transportés par les rivières pendant la fonte printanière, contaminaient les estuaires de l’Arctique Canadien. Dans un premier temps, une étude transversale de séroprévalence chez les phoques de l’Arctique Canadien a montré que ces populations étaient infectées par T. gondii et pouvaient ainsi a priori constituer une source d’infection pour les Inuit. Des variations spatio-temporelles de la séroprévalence étaient observées suggérant un lien potentiel avec des variations dans la contamination environnementale par les oocystes. Un schéma conceptuel explicitant les mécanismes de transport et de devenir des oocystes de T. gondii, du phénomène de la fonte de la neige jusqu’à l’exposition des organismes marins, a été proposé dans le chapitre suivant. Des interactions entre les différents mécanismes identifiés, qui agissent sur des échelles spatio-temporelles variées, devraient favoriser l’apparition de concentrations relativement élevées aux estuaires permettant ainsi l’exposition et potentiellement l’infection de phoques. Pour évaluer la contamination environnementale par les oocystes excrétés par la population de lynx du bassin versant de l’Arctique Canadien (les seuls félidés majoritairement distribués dans ce vaste territoire), nous avons mené une étude sérologique de type transversale dans cette population. Cette étude a permis de montrer que des lynx étaient infectés par T. gondii et a également suggéré que la dynamique des cycles de populations lynx-lièvres pouvait être un processus important dans la transmission de T. gondii. Finalement, la modélisation du transport hydrique des oocystes a indiqué que les concentrations hypothétiques d’oocystes dans l’eau de la fonte pourraient être suffisantes pour permettre l’exposition au niveau des estuaires de bivalves filtreurs, qui sont des proies pour les phoques et donc potentiellement des sources infectieuses pour ces derniers. Dans des écosystèmes nordiques en pleine mutation, la compréhension des mécanismes de transmission d’agents pathogènes d’origine hydrique comme T. gondii est plus que nécessaire, notamment dans le but de protéger les populations fragilisées de ces régions. / Toxoplasmosis results from infection with Toxoplasma gondii, a widespread protozoan that can infect many species including warm-blooded mammals and birds. The public health impact of toxoplasmosis is important, particularly in immunocompromised individuals and the foetus. Levels of human infection in parts of the Canadian Arctic are among the highest in the world, despite the absence of felids that are the only hosts that can excrete T. gondii. Several studies have suggested that consumption of raw meat of marine mammals including seals is a source of infection for the Inuit. Our research sought to understand the dispersal mechanisms of T. gondii in aquatic ecosystems leading to contamination of the marine environment of the Arctic by oocysts, and to assess the importance of this route of dispersion for infection in seals and consequently in the Inuit. We hypothesized that the T. gondii oocysts excreted during the winter by felids in the subarctic area and transported by rivers during spring melt contaminated the estuaries of the Canadian Arctic. Initially, a cross-sectional study of seroprevalence in seals from the Canadian Arctic showed that these populations were infected with T. gondii and thus a priori could be a source of infection for Inuit. Spatio-temporal variations in seroprevalence were observed suggesting a potential link with variations in environmental contamination by oocysts. A conceptual diagram of the possible mechanisms of transport and fate of T. gondii oocysts, from the melting snow to the exposure of marine organisms, is proposed in the following chapter. Interactions between the various mechanisms identified, which act on various temporal and spatial scales, should favour the appearance of relatively high concentrations in estuaries allowing exposure and potential infection of seals. To assess environmental contamination by oocysts excreted by the lynx population living in the watershed of the Canadian Arctic (the only felines largely distributed in this vast territory), we conducted a serological cross sectional study in this population. This study showed that lynx were infected with T. gondii and also suggested the dynamics of lynx-hare population cycles as an important process in the transmission of T. gondii. Finally, the modeling of hydrological transport of oocysts indicated that the hypothetical concentrations of oocysts in meltwater could be sufficient to permit significant exposure in estuarine filter-feeding bivalves on which seals prey and therefore potentially representing sources of infection for them. In changing northern ecosystems, understanding the mechanisms of transmission of waterborne pathogens, including T.gondii is essential, especially in order to protect vulnerable populations that live in these regions.

Feldhecken und deren Einfluss auf Hochwasser und Naturschutz unter Berücksichtigung von agrarökonomischen Belangen im Naturraum Erzgebirge / Hedge rows and their influence on flood prevention and nature conservation under consideration of agricultural conditions in the mountain ranges of the Erzgebirge

Bianchin, Sylvi 24 January 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Ziel der Arbeit war die Beurteilung der räumlichen Verteilung und Struktur von Feldhecken hinsichtlich ihrer Wirkung für Hochwasser- und Naturschutz, sowie die Analyse von agrarökonomischen Faktoren, welche die Anlage von Hecken fördern beziehungsweise behindern. Folgende Fragen standen bei den Untersuchungen im Mittelpunkt: Wie muss eine Hecke sowohl aus naturschutzfachlicher als auch hydrologischer Sicht aufgebaut sein, um eine optimale Wirkung zu erzielen, und wie müssen die Rahmenbedingungen für Landwirte aussehen, damit Heckenstrukturen nicht nur erhalten, sondern auch neu angelegt werden können? Um diese komplexen Fragen zu beantworten, wurden verschiedene methodische Ansätze zur Analyse ökologischer, hydrologischer und entscheidungsbildender Prozesse gewählt. Um die Ergebnisse der verschiedenen Skalenarten (ordinal / kardinal) zu vergleichen und dabei aus verschiedenen Optionen eine für alle Ziele optimale Vorzugsvariante zu ermitteln, wurde am Ende eine Nutzwertanalyse durchgeführt. / There were two main purposes of the study; the evaluation of the spatial distribution and structural patterns of hedgerows in regard to their impact on flood prevention and nature conservation, and the investigation of factors facilitating or constraining the establishment of hedgerows. On the basis of this assessment, knowledge based recommendations were developed for the facilitation of hedgerows in agricultural landscapes in mountainous areas such as the Erzgebirge. The following questions were the main focus of the investigation: how should a hedgerow be composed to obtain the optimal effect from the nature conservation as well as the flood prevention point of view, and how should the general requirements for farmers be constructed so that hedgerows are not only maintained but also newly established. To answer these complex questions different methodologies were applied for analysing ecological, hydrological and decision-forming processes. In order to compare the results and hedgerow alternatives to determine the optimal choice, a value-benefit analysis was performed.

La toxoplasmose chez les Inuits : investigation de l'écologie de toxoplasma gondii dans l'Arctique canadien

Simon, Audrey 04 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Compréhension et modélisation des processus hydrologique dans un petit bassin versant périurbain à l'aide d'une approche spatialisée orientée objet et modulaire. Application aux sous-basins de la chaudanne et du mercier (bassin de l'Yzeron, France) / Understanding and modelling of hydrological processes in small peri-urban catchments using an object-oriented and modular distributed approach. Application to the Chaudanne and Mercier sub-catchments (Yzeron catchment, France).

Jankowfsky, Sonja 15 December 2011 (has links)
La densification actuelle de l'urbanisation conduit à un changement d'occupation du sol et du réseau de drainage en zone péri-urbaine. L'écoulement est concentré dans des fossés ou des réseaux d'assainissement et ainsi accéléré. Ces phénomènes peuvent avoir des conséquences importantes pour les nappes et les cours d'eau, comme par exemple l'aggravation des crues et des sécheresses et l'altération de la qualité chimique et/ou biologique du milieu. Sous la pression réglementaire (Directive Cadre Européenne sur l'Eau) et la demande sociale, les gestionnaires sont donc confrontés à des choix complexes en terme d'aménagement. Ainsi, il est nécessaire de mettre au point des méthodes et des modèles capables de quantifier l'impact de l'augmentation de l'urbanisation sur la vulnérabilité des hydro-systèmes péri-urbains. Dans ce travail, nous formulons l'hypothèse qu'une modélisation hydrologique spatialisée continue, prenant explicitement en compte les objets des paysages périurbains (parcelles urbaines, agricoles, forestières, haies,..) et les éléments déterminant les chemins de l'eau (topographie, mais aussi réseaux d'assainissement ou de routes) peut aider à comprendre et hiérarchiser le rôle des différents objets du paysage sur la réponse hydrologique. Pour ce faire, le modèle distribué PUMMA (Peri-Urban Model for landscape Management) adapté aux bassins versants péri-urbains, a été développé dans le cadre de cette thèse. Il consiste en une intégration du modèle existant URBS, décrivant des processus hydrologiques urbains à l'échelle d'une parcelle cadastrale, dans la plate-forme de modélisation LIQUID, qui contient déjà des modules représentants des processus hydrologiques en zone rurale. PUMMA a également été complété par de nouveaux modules simulant les déversoirs d'orage, les bassins de rétention et le transfert du ruissellement de surface. Le modèle suit une approche orientée objet dans laquelle le paysage est divisé en mailles irrégualières, correspondant aux parcelles cadastrales en zone urbaine et aux unités de réponse hydrologiques (HRUs) en zone rurale. Afin de pouvoir appliquer le modèle à l'échelle d'un bassin versant, des méthodes automatiques pour la préparation des données géographiques ont été mises au point. De plus, une méthode a été développée pour déterminer les contours de bassins versants péri-urbains, en distinguant les surfaces contributives de temps sec et humide. Le modèle a été appliqué au bassin versant de la Chaudanne, un sous-bassin de l'Yzeron, situé en zone péri-urbaine lyonnaise pour deux années en conditions contrastées (sèche et humide). Les paramètres du modèle ont été spécifiés à partir des observations disponibles et des données de la littérature. Les résultats montrent un comportement du modèle réaliste et une aptitude à représenter les comportements différents en période sèche et humide, en lien avec des degrés de saturation des sols différents, même si les pics de débits d'été sont en général surestimés. Différents tests de sensibilité sur certains processus/paramètres montrent l'importance des processus urbains sur la réponse hydrologique du bassin, comme en particulier la génération de ruissellement de surface par les surfaces imperméables et naturelles urbaines, le drainage de l'eau du sol par les réseaux d'assainissement et les connexions entre les îlots urbains et le réseau hydrographique naturel et artificiel. L'épaisseur des sols et la conductivité hydraulique à saturation latérale jouent aussi un rôle important sur la dynamique du débit de base. Nous montrons aussi le potentiel du modèle pour tester différents scenarii d'aménagement ou de gestion des eaux pluviales. / Urban expansion mainly affects peri-urban areas. These areas are subject to rapid modifications such as an increase of impervious areas or concentration of runoff in sewer systems. These changes have an impact on local hydrology and can induce floods, pollution or decrease of groundwater resource. Modelling tools allowing a quantification of the sensitivity of peri-urban catchments to urbanization are therefore useful in this context. The hypothesis underlying this PhD is that a continuous distributed hydrological model, taking explicitly into account the spatial organization of the landscape (urban, agricultural, forest areas, hedges,..) and the water pathways, as determined by topography but also roads and sewer networks, can help to understand and hierarchize the role of various landscape elements on the hydrological response of small hydrosystems. We therefore designed the Peri-Urban Model for landscape MAnagement (PUMMA) simulating the rainfall-runoff processes both in urban and in rural areas. For this, the urban model URBS was integrated into the LIQUID modelling framework already containing modules describing hydrological processes in rural areas. Additionally, three process modules were developed describing sewer overflow devices, overland flow as well as retention basins and lakes. PUMMA follows an object-oriented approach. The landscape is discretized into cadastral parcels in urban areas and irregular hydrological response units in rural areas. In order to apply PUMMA to the catchment scale, automatic methods were developed for the pre-processing of the geographical data. Furthermore, a method for the delineation of suburban catchments including the separation into dry and wet weather contributing areas was developed. The model was then applied to the Chaudanne catchment, a sub-basin of the Yzeron, located in the peri-urban area of Lyon, France. The model was run continuously for two contrasting years (dry and humid) using parameters values taken from observations and the literature. Although summer peak discharge is often overestimated, the results show that, the model is able to simulate realistically the observed discharges and in particular different responses under dry and wet conditions, controlled by the soil saturation. Sensitivity tests to various processes/parameters showed the importance of the urban influenced processes on the hydrological response, in particular surface runoff generation on impervious and natural urban surfaces, infiltration into the sewer system and the connexion of urban areas to the natural hydrographic network. Soil depth and lateral saturated hydraulic conductivity were also found influential on the base flow dynamics. We finally showed the model potential for the evaluation of various rain water management scenarios.

O serviço ambiental hidrológico das áreas de proteção permanente: um estudo de caso com modelagem numérica em pequena e mesoescala na bacia do Rio Piracicaba / Hydrological environmental services of permanent preservation areas: A case study with numerical modelling in small and meso scale in the Piracicaba River basin

Jonathan Mota da Silva 20 February 2014 (has links)
Visando conciliar pressões antrópicas para o desenvolvimento das atividades sócio-econômicas com a conservação dos ecossistemas, os serviços ambientais associados aos recursos hídricos são claros benefícios e índices quantitativos que podem ser tomados como parâmetros na tomada de decisões para o uso da terra. No Brasil o Código Florestal prescreve as Áreas de Preservação Permanente (APPs) ao longo das margens dos rios, em topos de morro e áreas de alta declividade como setores onde estes serviços serão potencialmente expressivos. Os efeitos da extensão da vegetação ripária podem variar conforme as características geomorfológicas e extensão da bacia, com os ainda escassos resultados de estudos indicadores da faixa segura de vegetação ripária necessária para minimizar os efeitos das vazões máximas e prover a disponibilidade hídrica em bacias hidrográficas com relevância para o abastecimento humano, como é o caso da bacia do rio Piracicaba, e em bacias de pequena escala, onde também se concentra a agricultura familiar e são as efetivas áreas de mananciais dos grandes reservatórios. O objetivo desta tese foi avaliar o impacto causado pelas APPs ripárias e de áreas íngremes (reflorestamento ripário e de áreas íngremes) no regime hidrológico da bacia do rio Piracicaba ( ~12000 km²) e na sua sub-bacia, Ribeirão das Posses (12 km²) a partir de simulações com o modelo hidrológico distribuído SWAT. A avaliação do efeito das APPs nas bacias foi realizada a partir de simulações numéricas com o modelo SWAT calibrado e validado, com referência aos regimes de vazão e evapotranspiração dos principais ecossistemas dominantes. As simulações foram compostas de cenários variando-se as faixas de extensão do reflorestamento ripário e reflorestamento das áreas íngremes em pequena escala (Ribeirão das Posses, Extrema, MG) e mesoescala (Rio Piracicaba). Os cenários com reflorestamento (ripário e áreas íngremes) reduziram o escoamento superficial em ambas as bacias e aumentaram o escoamento básico em Posses, reduzindo este em Piracicaba. Os resultados dos cenários com maior reflorestamento ripário indicaram para as bacias do Ribeirão das Posses e do Rio Piracicaba, respectivamente, uma queda de aproximadamente 24% e 4% do escoamento superficial, e no escoamento básico um aumento de 2% e redução de 2%. A redução do escoamento superficial reduziu as vazões extremas máximas em aproximadamente 13% no exutório e 28% na cabeceira do Ribeirão das Posses, enquanto no Rio Piracicaba a redução foi de aproximadamente 4% em toda a bacia. As vazões de estiagem no Ribeirão das Posses aumentaram na cabeceira e no exutório em 19 e 9%, respectivamente, enquanto no Rio Piracicaba a vazão de estiagem teve uma redução de até 2%. Os resultados sugerem que as APPs, nas formas de reflorestamento ripário e nas áreas íngremes em pequena escala, mostram uma redução do escoamento superficial e da vazão média anual, mas que em termos de serviços ambientais reflete-se favoravelmente na redução dos eventos de inundação devido à diminuição dos pulsos hidrológicos extremos, e no aumento da vazão de estiagem devido ao aumento do escoamento básico. Na mesoescala mostrou-se analogamente uma qualidade favorável de serviço ambiental nas vazões máximas, mas desfavorável na vazão de estiagem, o que, todavia, deve ser analisada em conjunção com o ajuste dos parâmetros de recarga do aquífero raso e profundo do modelo nesta escala. O estudo indica as APPs como promotoras de serviços ambientais hidrológicos dominantemente favoráveis, a contar pela possibilidade real de recomposição florestal em bacias de menores escalas, com ênfase na influência dos processos nas imediações da rede de drenagem onde habitam as populações rurais que poderiam se beneficiar dos serviços mais direta e frequentemente. / Aimed at reconciling human pressures for the development of socio-economic activities with the conservation of ecosystems, ecosystem services associated with water resources are benefits and quantitative indices that can be taken as parameters in decision-making for land use. In Brazil, its Forest Code prescribes the Permanent Preservation Areas (PPAs) along rivers banks, steep areas and areas of high slope as sectors where these services will be potentially significant. The effects of the size of riparian vegetation may vary depending on geomorphological characteristics and extension of the basin. There are few studies indicators of the safe range of riparian vegetation necessary to minimize the effects of peak flows and provide water availability in relevant river basins for water supply, like Piracicaba river basin, and in small scale watershed, which also focuses on the family farms and are also effective watershed areas of large reservoirs. The objective of this thesis was to evaluate the impact of the riparian and steep PPAs areas in the hydrological regime of the Piracicaba river basin (~ 12000 km²) and its sub-basin, Ribeirão das Posses (12 km²), in Extrema, MG, by means of numerical simulations. Evaluation of the effect of PPAs in the watersheds was carried out using the hydrological model SWAT (Soil and Water Assessement Tool) calibrated (for streamflow and evapotranspiration of the main ecosystems of the basin) and validated (for streamflow). Scenarios were composed of varying extension of riparian reforestation and afforestation of steep areas in small scale (Ribeirão das Posses) and in mesoscale (Piracicaba). The (riparian and steep area) reforestation scenarios reduced surface runoff in both watersheds and increased baseflow in Posses but reduced it in Piracicaba. The results of the annual average scenarios with greater riparian reforestation indicated a runoff decrease of 24% in Ribeirão das Posses and of 4% in Piracicaba. As for the baseflow, it increased by 2% and decreased by 2%, respectively in the two watersheds. The reduction of runoff reduced the maximum streamflows in the mouth in 13% and in 28% at the head of the Ribeirão das Posses. While in Piracicaba, these were reduced to approximately 4% in the entire watershed. Low flows in Posses increased the head and mouth in, respectively, 19% and 9%, while in Piracicaba drought streamflow had a modest reduction of up to 2%. The results suggest that the PPAs, in the forms of riparian and steep reforestation on a small scale, show a reduction of runoff and mean annual flow, but in terms of environmental services reflects favorably on the reduction of flood events due the reduction of extreme hydrological pulses, and the increase of low flow due to increased base flow. The mesoscale showed analogously a favorable quality in providing environmental services in peak flows, but unfavorable as to dry season flow, which however should be analyzed in conjunction with adjusting the parameters of the model of low and deep aquifer recharge at this scale. The study suggest the PPAs as promoters of environmental hydrological services dominantly favorable, emphasizing the benefits of reforestation in smaller scale watersheds, influencing processes nearby the drainage area, where rural populations could be benefited from services more directly and frequently.

Modelling surface runoff and soil erosion for Yen Bai Province, Vietnam, using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) / Mô Hình Hóa Nước Chảy Mặt và Xói Mòn Đất cho Tỉnh Yên Bái, Việt Nam Sử Dụng Mô Hình SWAT

Nguyen, Hong Quang, Le, Thi Thu Hang, Pham, Thi Thanh Nga, Kappas, Martin 24 August 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Applications of the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) are common. However, few attempts have focused on the tropics like in the Yen Bai province, Vietnam. Annual water-induced soil erosion (WSE) rates and surface runoff (SR) were estimated. The Nam Kim and Ngoi Hut watersheds were calibrated with accepted agreement between simulated and observed discharge. Correlations between precipitation, land covers, surface runoff and WSE were indicated. Although the estimated average WSE 4.1 t ha−1 year−1 (t ha−1 y−1) was moderate, some steep-bare areas were suffering serious soil loss of 26 t ha−1 y−1 and 15% of the province was calculated at the rate of 8.5 t ha−1 y−1. We found that the changes in WSE significantly correlated with land use changes. As calibrated SR matched closely with the measured data, we recommend SWAT applications for long-term soil erosion assessments in the tropics. / Những ứng dụng của mô hình công cụ đánh giá đất và nước (SWAT) đã được sử dụng phổ biến. Tuy nhiên có rất ít nghiên cứu tập trung vào khu vực nhiệt đới như tỉnh Yên Bái của Việt Nam. Trong nghiên cứu này, giá trị trung bình năm (2001-2012) nước chảy bề mặt (NCM) và xói mòn đất do nước (XM) đã được đánh giá trên cơ sở mô hình SWAT. Các thông số thủy văn của hai lưu vực sông là Nậm Kim và Ngòi Hút được tính toán và kiểm nghiệm với sự trùng hợp tương đối tốt giữa kết quả mô hình và số liệu thực đo. Mối liên hệ giữa lượng mưa, phủ bề mặt, NCM và XM cũng được phân tích và trình bầy chi tiết. Mặc dù giá trị XM năm được ước lượng ở mức trung bình cho toàn Tỉnh (4,1 tấn/ha/năm) nhưng ở một số khu vực nơi có độ dốc lớn và phủ mặt ít lại có lượng XM năm ở mức cao, 26 tấn/ha/năm và 15% tổng diện tích của Tỉnh có giá trị XM là 8,5 tấn/ha/năn. Kết quả nghiên cứu cho thấy sự liên hệ mật thiết giữa sự thay đổi phủ mặt tới giá trị XM. Trên cơ sở kết quả kiểm nghiệm mô hình khả quan, chúng tôi đề xuất sử dụng mô hình SWAT để đánh giá XM trong thời gian dài cho vùng nhiệt đới.

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