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Spekulativní bubliny na kapitálových trzíchNěmec, Vojtěch January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on speculative bubbles and their detection in the stock market. Bubbles are examined from the perspective of efficient markets theory and behavioral finance. Main part of the theory of valuing stock market is dedicated to a psychological analysis. The final chapter of the theoretical part deals with speculative bubbles, their definitions, types, causes, process and consequences of the burst of speculative bubbles. Main contribution of thesis is performance of indicators identifying speculative bubbles and their application in empirical part of the thesis. Reliability of indicators is verified on historical bubbles data from 1980 to 2014. The conclusion apply to fulfilling the objectives of the work and evaluation of individual indicators.
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Individuální lidský pach jako kriminalistická stopa vytvořená kontaktním nebo bezkontaktním přenosem a jeho odolnost vůči fyzikálním vlivům / Individual human odor as a forensic trail in criminal proceeding made by contact or contactless transmission and its resistance to physical agentsSantariová, Milena January 2016 (has links)
The dissertation thesis consists of four papers that have been published in scientific journals.
Study n. 1
The need to recover evidence from water is quite common in criminal investigation. The article deals with the possibility to collect human scent from such objects and with the ability of specially trained dogs to match such scent samples with scent samples collected from detained suspects. During an experiment, designed as a blind one, it has been proved, that human scent can survive on submerged objects and can be later used for scent identification.
Study n. 2
To collect odors the Czech Republic Police use special fabric sorbents manufactured under the registered mark ARATEX. Before use the fabric sorbent is treated by water vapor sterilization. After the scent identification the sorbent is destroyed. The goal of the study was to verify if the vapor sterilization is effective enough to remove human scent that has already penetrated into the sorbent structure or in other words if the sorbent can be exposed to vapor sterilization and then used again. Specially trained dogs were used to match starting odors with target odors in the line-ups. The results showed that dogs are able to correctly match human odors even after they have being exposed to vapor sterilization.
Study n. 3
The purpose of the study was to determine the temperature at which the human scent is degraded so that a dog would not be able to identify it. In contrast to expectations, eight dogs used in the experiment almost flawlessly identified human scents from five scent donors exposed to temperatures of 100°C, 200°C, 300°C, 400°C, 500°C, 600°C, 700°C, and 800°C. Only two of the dogs were able to identify 5 of 15 scent samples exposed to 900°C. No dog identified a scent exposed to 1000°C. Our study verified heat survivability of human scent far beyond existing expectations.
Study n. 4
We tested the hypothesis that if odor fallout (the release of a human odor onto an untouched object) in human subjects exists, then holding a hand above an absorbent will produce a detectable scent which will be subsequently matched in a detection test by trained dogs. Scents were collected from seven males to sterile cotton absorbent squares. The left hand was used to get the control scent and the right hand served as the target scent. Each experimental subject was sitting and his left hand was laid down on a cotton square for 3 min. The right hand was held 5 cm above another cotton square for 3 min. The scent identification was done by two specially trained police German shepherds. Both dogs performed 14 line-ups and correctly matched the collected scents of all test subjects. The results suggest the existence of human odor fallout, whereby a human scent trace is left by humans even if they do not touch an object.
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Vzdělávání zaměstnancůProcházková, Petra January 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Molekulárně genetické metody identifikace zdrojů hovězího masaŠpaňhelová, Mira January 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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Identifikace kvasinek rodu Saccharomyces z listů, bobulí a moštu révy vinné / Identification of yeasts genus Saccharomyces from leaves, grapes and must of grape-vine.Škodová, Anna January 2008 (has links)
This diploma thesis is concerned about the PCR-RFLP method for identification of yeasts genus Saccharomyces from leaves, grapes and must of white wine. The thesis describes an obtaining of pure cultures of yeasts, isolation DNA and amplification of specific segments of DNA using PCR method. Splitting of this segments by restriction endonukleases and a detection of final fragments by zone electrophoresis are mentioned too. Length of fragments and numbers of restriction fragments, which are characteristic of every species, enable a determination of microorganisms and their inclusion into the system. The basic informations on yeasts and molecular methods for their identification are named in the theoretical part of the thesis. The main part of the thesis deals with the processing of grapes of grape-wine and the manufacturing of white wine.
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Sledování vlivu použité autochtonní kultury kvasinek na kvasný proces výroby vína / Monitoring of the influence of indigenous culture of yeasts on the fermentation process of making wineMichálek, Petr January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with the identification of wine yeasts isolated from the grape must using PCR-RFLP method. The yeasts were isolated from Pinot Noir grape variety must. Grapes were grown and produced in accordance with the requirements placed on organic and integrated farming. Samples were processed in the laboratory, where pure cultures of individual yeast were obtained. A commercial kit was used for yeast DNA isolation. Obtained DNA was used for further analysis. Using the polymerase chain reaction and the primers ITS1 and ITS4 a specific segment of 5.8S rDNA-ITS region was amplified. The PCR products were then detected by electrophoresis in an agarose gel, and after a subsequent purification, three restriction enzymes: HaeIII, HinfI and HhaI were subjected to restriction analysis. The DNA was digested to fragments specific for yeast species and they were detected by agarose electrophoresis. Similarity of these isolates was compared using BioNumerics program and the result is dendrogram of genetic similarity of isolated yeast. The basic chemical analysis of samples must was also performed.
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Izolace a identifikace kvasinek z vinice pro jejich možné využití k výrobě vína / Isolation and identification of yeasts from the vineyard to their possible utilisation in wine makingFialová, Lenka January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this work was to isolate the Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast from the surface of wine grapes of the Malverina and Sauvignon varieties. Isolated yeasts were identified by the PCR-RFLP method. 5,8S ITS rDNA was amplified using PCR and restricition endonucleases HaeIII, HhaI, HinfI and TaqI were used for the restriction analysis which followed. The results were processed by UPGMA cluster analysis using the BioNumerics programme. The dominant genus on the surface of the Malverina variety grapes was Brettanomyces/Dekkera, while on the surface of the Sauvignon grapes we found mainly yeasts of the Pichia genus. The Saccharomyces cerevisiae species was not isolated from any of the two grape varieties.
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Implementace logistických technologií v potravinářském průmyslu / Implementation of logistic technologies in food processing industry.VIGH, Ladislav January 2012 (has links)
Main goal of graduation theses is analysis possibilities to use logistic technologies in food company Fontea. This analysis is focused on material and informative flows in her logistic chain including analysis of key factors. These factors are important for implementation of chosen technologies. Subsequently were analyzed customer department, sales department, production department, purchasing department and shipping department. There were found several principal problems. Customer department staffs have a problem with finding actual quantity of manufactured finished goods, because up-dating of computer system is provided only once a day. Most of orders are inserted manually in computer system. Staffs are not able to find out charges of manufactured finished goods. Similar problems were discovered also in the next departments. To fix the problem were suggested implementation of Quick Response and automatic identification of barcodes and Radio Frequency Identification (RFID).
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Anonymita akcionářů a podmínky jejich identifikace / Anonymous shareholders and conditions for their identificationVařbuchta, Marek January 2014 (has links)
The anonymity of shareholders and non-transparent ownership structures of joint stock companies belongs to the most discussed issues of these days in terms of corporate law. The significant changes in relevant legislation and unresolved questions of the anonymity of shareholders are the reason I decided to focus on this topic. The main purpose of my thesis is to analyze the anonymity of shareholders and conditions of their identification, primarily regarding the recent recodification of the Czech civil law and the legislation being prepared not only in the Czech Republic but also at EU-level. The thesis is composed of six chapters. Chapter One is introductory and deals with the history of the anonymity of shareholders and their identification within the Czech territory. Chapter two is concerned with the problems that resulted from enacting the Bearer Share Abolition Act. Next two Chapters concentrate on current Czech legislation regulating the anonymity of shareholders and conditions of their identification, represented in particular by the Business Corporation Act and other relevant statues. These chapters are subdivided into several parts which thematically deal with the anonymity based on the form of shares, information publicized in the Commercial Register or the conception of a trust; it also...
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Daktyloskopie - historie, současnost a budoucnost / Dactylography - History, Present and FutureJelínek, Milan January 2015 (has links)
Dactylography - History, Present and Future This thesis introduces one of the most important identification methods - dactylography (or dactyloscopy), e.g. the method based on analysis and classification of patterns of friction ridges (especially fingerprints). This thesis consists of three main chapters considering its name. The first chapter describes interesting history of this method from first discoveries, through various breakthroughs, to reaching the status of forensic evidence. This chapter mainly focuses on individual pioneers on the field of dactylography, but tells as well the story of Czechoslovak dactylography and reminds cases, that were very close to prove this method wrong at its fragile beginning. The second chapter focuses on the present of dactylography. This chapter starts with three basic laws of dactylography, but the essence of it lies in the term "dactyloscopic evidence". The methods of revelation, analysis and preservation of dactyloscopic evidence are described here as well as their comparison. If it comes to analysis, I am trying to compare two approaches used today (holistic and numerical) and offer my opinion which one is better. Also, I am trying to answer the question, if it is possible to tell how old the dactyloscopic evidence is. The third and the last chapter...
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