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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analýza obsahových látek rodu Psilocybe I. / Analysis of Psilocybe constituents I.

Kobrlová, Tereza January 2016 (has links)
The goal of this work was to determine the contents of two main alkaloid types of Psilocybe species occurring in the Czech Republic. Correct identification of species was checked by mycology specialist. Qualitative and quantitative determination of substances contained in three collected species of the genus Psilocybe was carried out by LC-MSn (LIT). Samples were mainly collected in the north and northeast Bohemia. Three species of Psilocybe were found. The most found species were P. serbica var. bohemica then P. semilanceata and only one deposit of P. serbica var. arcana. Total of 35 deposits within eighteen locations. From qualitative point of view, the two main alkaloids were confirmed in all samples. Quantitative results for content of psilocin and psilocybin (in this order) are: P. bohemica 0,005 - 0,152 %, 0,000 - 0,048 %; P. semilanceata 0,087 - 0,337 %, 0,000 - 0,005 %; P. arcana 0,018 - 0,031 %, 0,003 - 0,022 %. Results in all locations are similar and rather dependent on the fungi type. Our results are based on dry mass. This work brought fundamental knowledge for future optimisation of analytical methods and assumptions for the project extension of other locations and determination of content of minority substances alongside the content of majority substances.

Anonymita akcionářů a podmínky jejich identifikace / Anonymity of shareholders and requirements for their identification

Kulhánková, Klára January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with degree of effective anonymity of shareholders in a public limited company and with possible ways of its limiting. It is also concerned with manners of identification of shareholders for purpose of exercise of their shareholder rights, as well as for uncovering shareholder structure of a public limited company is specific cases, provided by law. The aim of the thesis is to explain and analyze the legislation de lege lata, particularly with regards to recodification of private law and to other upcoming enactments of both private and public law. The topic was chosen by the author also with intent to professionally explain this issue which has not been dealt with comprehensively in academic papers. The topic has been elaborated particularly by analyzing individual legal concepts relating to anonymity and identification of shareholders; a historical method is used in the introduction dedicated to historical roots of anonymity of shareholders, too. The introduction contains characteristics of public limited company, including definition of shares, and sets the traditional concept of shareholder's anonymity in the historical context. The main part of the thesis is focused on analysis of individual provisions of the Commercial Code from the perspective of degree of shareholder's...

Psychologie svědomí / Psychology of Conscience

Krejčí, Vlastimil January 2011 (has links)
The work deals with the concept of conscience in psychology. Firstly it considers whence the concept of conscience in our culture arises and how thought and perception are marked by the subject-object schema, which is particularly evident in such intimate phenomena as the conscience. From this line of thought naturally develops the concept of conscience in those areas of psychology which concern more sensitive topics, focusing on psychology of S. Freud, C. G. Jung, E. Fromm and E. Erikson. A special chapter is devoted to developmental psychology. The final section seeks to highlight the characteristics of conscience in terms of the broader context, taking into account further dimensions in our concept of conscience.

Kulturní identifikace dětí od 4 do 6 let / Cultural themes in the age from 4 to 6

Forštová, Kateřina January 2013 (has links)
Univerzita Karlova v Praze Pedagogická fakulta Katedra psychologie Thesis - Abstract Cultural themes in the age from 4 to 6 Author: Kateřina Forštová Thesis supervisor: Mgr. David Doubek, Ph.D. Prague, May 2nd 2013 Abstract The subject of this thesis is the observation and analysis of the children's fascination phenomenon. Teoretical part summarizes required knowledge related to the evolutionary stage of preschool age, the activity and game, subject-object relation and the fascination in Czech literature. The empirical part is based on the creating structures of observed child's fascination. By analysing these structures this thesis is trying to establish general characteristics of children's fascination and organized view of related problematics. Keywords: Fascination, identification, culture, development, child

Kriminalistická balistika / Forensic ballistics

Bohoněk, Miloš January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to provide a general introduction to the field of forensic ballistics. The thesis is based on the analysis and comparison of numerous Czech and international monographies and articles, as well as on findings derived from a supervised visit to the Institute of Criminalistics Prague. As such, it provides a compact and up-to-date overview of forensic ballistics in the Czech Republic. The thesis is composed of eight chapters followed by a bibliography, an abstract and keywords. Chapter One is introductory and lays out the purpose of the thesis, the goals and the methods used. Chapter Two takes a closer look at the history and evolution of forensic ballistics, both abroad and in Czechoslovakia. Chapter Three answers the question "What is forensic ballistics?" in detail. It contains a definition of forensic ballistics and provides a reader with information about the main purpose of forensic ballistics. Chapters Four to Six are the core of the thesis. Chapter four deals with the objects examined by the forensic ballistics and is therefore subdivided into four parts, addressing each object separately: firearms, ammunition, objects struck by a bullet, and further material and immaterial objects. Chapter Five concentrates on ballistic marks and as such is subdivided into five...

Aplikace RFID v obchodní logistice

Hromádková, Hana January 2005 (has links)
Diplomová práce pojednává o možnostech využití radiofrekvenční technologie (RFID) v logistice, vysvětluje její funkční principy a současné použití na případových studiích třech významných retailových společností: Kaufhof, Marks and Spencer, Tesco. Vysvětluje výhody technologie oproti čárovým kódům, mapuje standardizaci na národní a mezinárodní úrovni a vyjmenovává faktory, které brzdí celosvětové rozšíření RFID. V závěru nastiňuje budoucnost této technologie.

Využití technologií automatické identifikace při řízení firmy / The automatic identification technologies usage for company management

Švecová, Martina Bc. January 2007 (has links)
Cílem práce je ukázat jakým způsobem lze využít moderní technologie automatické identifikace v procesech řízení firmy. Průmyslové použití čárových kódů v České republice lze vysledovat zhruba od 90 let 20. století, kdy se začaly běžně používat především z důvodu příchodu obchodních řetězců a z toho vyplývajícího zautomatizování identifikace prodávaného zboží. Tato práce je zaměřena nejen na dnes již běžné technologie čárových kódů, ale také na nově nastupující radiofrekvenční identifikaci a řízení pomocí hlasu.

Strategie rozvoje lidských zdrojů v konkrétním podniku

Knoppová, Romana January 2014 (has links)
The object of this work is the analysis of the education and training needs in society EC Financial Services a.s.The care of human resources, their development and continuing education on the market today represent a significant competitive advantage, and so it is necessary on this subject very thoroughly addressed. In the practical part is realized an analysis of training needs with the help of a questionnaire survey among employees and business representatives. Based on the results of the survey are expressed suggestions and recommendations for improving the existing system of education in society EC Fi-nancial Services a.s.

Vliv provozních podmínek na spolehlivost identifikace prostřednictvím otisků prstů / Influence of operating conditions on the reliability of identification by fingerprints

Přívora, Lukáš January 2016 (has links)
The thesis is thematically focused on biometric identification systems. The theoretical part explains what biometrics is together with identification systems based on it. It also mentions a brief history of these systems, the basic concepts and errors that we encounter when used. Furthermore, it discusses the properties of the fingerprint scanners and various technologies based on its scanning. The practical part includes measuring and testing of selected biometric fingerprint scanners. The measurement focused on the values of false acceptance and false rejections of a user under standard conditions and tested whether the influence of environment affects these values. In the final part there is a summary of the results and possible shortcomings of existing biometric fingerprint scanners associated with the environment of the scanned finger.

Schopnost speciálně vycvičených psů detekovat lidský pach dlouhodobě vystavený různým povětrnostním podmínkám / Ability of specially trained dogs to detect human scent which was exposed to different weather conditions over a long period

Machová, Lucie January 2016 (has links)
Survivability of human scent was observed by many scientists mainly in artificial conditions (Hudson et al., 2009; Santariová et al. 2012; Preti et al., 2006). Against this exists a few researches about survivability of human scent in nature conditions (King et al., 1964; Santariová et al., 2016). On glass tubes were taken individual humant scent from 6 volunteers. Target scents were left outdoor during 2 different periods of year. Winter samples from 3 target people were outdoor from November to May and summer samples from other 3 people from May to December. Always after 3, 4, 5 a 6 months was taken scent from 1 glass tube of each target person. After last time period was taken scent from target people on cotton textile. Scent of other volunteer was taken at the same time for purpose scent deceptions. Then was observed if dogs will be able to identify these samples corectly. Specially trained dogs on scent identification line-ups get sample from outdoor environment and they should choose the identical human scent from line of 6 samples (with 1 target and 5 deceptions). The experiment showed, that dogs are able to identify winter samples in all time periods but are not able to identify summer samples in whatever time period. Time periods do not show any diference. The biggest influence on quality change of individual human scent has intensity of sun radiation.

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