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Μοριακοί μηχανισμοί ελέγχου της μετάδοσης του σήματος της αυξητικής ορμόνης σε παιδιά με σοβαρή ανεπάρκεια στην αύξησηΚαραγεώργου, Ιουλία 22 March 2011 (has links)
Περιγράψαμε την Διαταραχή Μεταγωγής Σήματος Αυξητικής Ορμόνης (GHTD), σε παιδιά με σοβαρή καθυστέρηση ανάπτυξης, φυσιολογική έκκριση αυξητικής ορμόνης (GH), χαμηλό IGF-I αλλά φυσιολογική ανταπόκριση IGF-I σε χορήγηση hGH, που παρουσιάζουν ελαττωματική φωσφορυλίωση του STAT3. Η διαταραχή θεραπεύεται με hGH. Οι CIS πρωτεΐνες είναι αρνητικοί ρυθμιστές του σηματοδοτικου μονοπατιού της GH που ανταγωνίζονται STATs για θέση πρόσδεσης με τον υποδοχέα GHR ή συμμετέχουν στην αποδόμηση του JAK2/GHR μέσω ουβυκουιτίνης/προτεασώματος. Η αδυναμία φωσφορυλίωσης του STAT3 και JAK2 φαινεται να προσπερνάται με χρήση εναλακτικής οδου. Με ‘διασυνομιλία’ της GH με το μονοπάτι του EGF. Συγκεκριμένα η GH φωσφωρυλιώνει το EGFR μέσω φωσφορυλίωσης JAK2. Τέλος, η φωσφορυλίωση STAT3 προκαλείται και από την 17β-οιστραδιόλη. Υπάρχει μία κλινική οντότητα της “καθυστέρησης της ήβης και ανάπτυξης” όπου γίνεται σημαντική επιτάχυνση στην ανάπτυξη μετά την εφηβεία όπου υπάρχει φυσιολογικό τελικό ανάστημα που ταιριάζει με την πορεία ενός ασθενή.
Σκοπός: Μελετήθηκε η αρνητική ρύθμιση της GH σε ινοβλάστες παιδιών με GHTD και φυσιολογικών. Στη συνέχεια, η πιθανή συσχέτιση του σηματοδοτικού μονοπατιού της GH και EGF στα παιδιά και τέλος η πιθανή συσχέτιση των στερεοειδών του φύλου με το GH άξονα σε ένα GHTDπαιδί .
Yλικά/μέθοδοι: Σε πρωτογενείς καλλιέργειες ινοβλαστών ούλων μαρτύρων και GHTD παιδιών μελετήσαμε την έκφραση και ενεργοποίηση της CIS και JAK2, με επαγωγή με hGH, με Western blot. Στη συνέχεια μελετήθηκε η έκφραση του EGF και pEGF στα κύτταρα των παιδιών και μαρτύρων με επαγωγή των κυττάρων με GH και EGF έλεγχος με Western blot και coimmunoprecipitation. Τέλος μελετήθηκε η φωσφoρυλίωση STAT3 και JAK2 σε ινοβλαστες (προεφηβικούς και εφηβικούς) του ασθενή με GH και 17-β οιστραδιόλη με Western immunoblotting.
Αποτελέσματα: Η έκφραση του CIS με 200 ng/ml hGH έδειξε μόνο στους ασθενείς αύξηση της συνολικής CIS και της ουβικουτινυλιομενής μορφής της. Η έκφραση και ενεργοποίηση τoυ JAK2 μόνο στους ασθενείς με επαγωγή με hGΗ δείχνει καθυστερημένη ενεργοποίηση του. Το STAT3 φωσφωρυλιώνεται φυσιολογικά με επαγωγή των κυττάρων των ασθενών με EGF όχι με GH. Οι pEGFRs φωσφωρυλιώνουν φυσιολογικά το JAK2 στους ασθενείς, ενώ όχι στους μάρτυρες. Ο ένας ασθενής προεφηβικά δε φωσφωρυλιώνει το STΑT3 με GH. Εμφανίζει την ουβικουτινιλιωμένη μορφή του CIS. Δεν φωσφωρυλιώνει το STAT3 με 17β-οιστραδιόλη προ-εφηβικά, και εμφανίζει την ουβικουτινιλιωμένη μορφή του CIS. Ενώ εφηβικά φωσφορυλιώνει το STAT3 με 17β-οιστραδιόλη και δεν εμφανίζει την ουβικουτινιλιωμένη μορφή του CIS.
Συμπεράσματα: Βρέθηκε καθυστερημένη ενεργοποίηση του GH άξονα σε 2 ασθενής με GHTD μαζί με υπερέκφραση της CIS και ουβικουτινυλιομενής CIS. Η σηματοδότηση της GH γίνεται φυσιολογικά στους μάρτυρες άρα δεν υπάρχει λόγος εναλλακτικής οδού, σε αντίθεση με ασθενείς που χρειάζεται να χρησιμοποιήσουν το μονοπάτι του EGF. Ο ένας ασθενής ξεπέρασε την αδυναμία να φωσφορυλιώσει το STAT3 χωρίς hGH αλλά με την έναρξη της εφηβείας. Ένας λόγος που το παιδί αυτό έδειξε σημαντική επιτάχυνση στην ανάπτυξη είναι ότι μετά την εφηβεία δεν υπήρχε υπερλειτουργία του ανασταλτικού μηχανισμού της GH, διαμέσου του Ub CIS. / We have previously described a new disorder (GHTD) in 4 children with growth delay, normal provoked and spontaneous GH secretion, and low IGF-I concentrations but normal IGF-I generation test results who have a defect in the phosphorylation of the signal transducer and activator of transcription STAT-3. These children respond with a significant increase in their growth velocity after administration of hGH. CIS proteins are inhibitors of the GH signal transduction pathway, by distinct mechanisms: by competition with STATs for common tyrosine-binding sites on the cytoplasmic tail of GHR or by a proteasome-dependent mechanism. Monoubiquitinated form of CIS protein was observed in 2 GHTD patients.Also STAT3 phosphorylation defect could be overcomed by using an alternative pathway the one of Epidermal Growth factor (EGF). Also in one patient its STAT3 defect was overcomed when he entered puberty, sex steroids may enhanced his growth.
Objective: The purpose of the study was the characterization of the molecular mechanisms involved in GH signal transduction pathway in GHTD patients, as a possible cause of an increased expression of its inhibitors. Also to search if there is a possible crosstalk between GH and EGF growth transduction pathways. And finally the role of sex steroids in GH signalling in one GHTD patient.
Patients/Material and Methods: In primary fibroblast cell cultures from gingival biopsies of the GHTD patients and age-matched normal children we studied: expression analysis, in cells inducted with GH, of CIS and JAK2 phosphorylationby western immunoblotting and RT-PCR. Also the cells of the same children and controls were inducted with EGF and STAT3 phosphorylation was studied. Finally the cells of one of the patients were inducted with GH and 17β-estradiole before and after puberty and its STAT3 phosphorylation and CIS expression were studied.
Results: Expression analysis in the childrens’ fibroblasts showed an overexpression of CIS in 2 patients as compared to normal children. STAT3 defect was not present in the patients fibroblasts that were inducted with EGF. Also one GHTD patient that he couldn't phosphorylate in his inducted fibroblast with GH and 17-b estardiole STAT3 and ubiquitinated CIS was present to his cells before puberty this defect was overcomed after he entered puberty.
Conclusions: The overexpression of CIS may inhibit the activation of STAT3 and may be involved in the pathogenesis of the severe short stature of the GHTD children. Also GH signalling pathway has no defect in control patients so there is no need of using an alternative pathway such as the one of EGF that occurs in GHTD patients. Also one GHTD patient that showed a STAT3 defect before puberty was overcomed after he entered puberty and without GH treatment. There is a clinical status that is called 'growth dealy' that matches this patients profile, that shows rapid growth after puberty. A probable cause could be that ubiquitinated form of CIS was not present after he entered puberty.
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Avaliação clínico-laboratorial da obstrução uretral em felinos domésticosSchaefer, Gabriela da Cruz January 2017 (has links)
A obstrução uretral é uma condição clínica comum em gatos, caracterizada por alterações metabólicas e do equilíbrio hidroeletrolítico e ácido-básico que são potencialmente fatais. Dentre as causas de obstrução uretral, a cistite idiopática é a mais frequentemente observada em diversos estudos. Outras causas incluem urolitíase, tampões uretrais e infecção do trato urinário. Em muitos casos, os gatos encontram-se em estado crítico e a morte pode ocorrer em decorrência de alterações metabólicas, como estado urêmico avançado e hipercalemia. As principais alterações eletrolíticas e do equilíbrio ácido-básico relatadas são hipercalemia, acidose metabólica, hiponatremia e hipocalcemia ionizada. Embora a obstrução uretral seja muito frequente na rotina clínica, estudos para caracterizar a população de gatos acometida ainda são escassos no Brasil. Características relacionadas ao manejo, dieta e perfil dos tutores podem influenciar na manifestação da doença. Os objetivos do presente estudo foram avaliar os parâmetros clínicos e as alterações hematológicas, bioquímicas, urinárias, eletrolíticas e ácido-básicas presentes em gatos com obstrução uretral e a associação entre estas variáveis. Além disso, objetivou-se conhecer as principais causas de obstrução uretral nos gatos atendidos no Hospital de Clínicas Veterinárias da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Para isso, foram incluídos no estudo 28 gatos com diagnóstico de obstrução uretral no período de dezembro de 2015 a dezembro de 2016. Foram obtidos dados referentes ao histórico, exame físico, coletados sangue e urina, além da realização de exames de imagem (radiografia e ultrassonografia abdominal). Em todos os gatos foram realizados hemograma, bioquímica sérica, análise de pH, gases e eletrólitos sanguíneos, urinálise e urocultura. Após, todos os pacientes foram tratados de acordo com um protocolo pré-estabelecido. A causa mais comum de obstrução uretral neste estudo foi a cistite idiopática, que ocorreu em mais de 60% dos casos, seguida de tampões uretrais e infecção do trato urinário. Nenhum caso de urolitíase foi diagnosticado, o que pode ser explicado por fatores como idade, ambiente e estilo de vida dos animais. A maioria dos gatos obstruídos apresentou múltiplos sinais sistêmicos, assim como alterações metabólicas, eletrolíticas e do equilíbrio ácido-básico, principalmente azotemia, hiperlactatemia, acidose metabólica, hipercalemia e hipocalcemia ionizada. Hipotermia, depressão do estado mental, bradicardia e desidratação foram os parâmetros clínicos que tiveram maior quantidade de associação com as alterações metabólicas e podem ser considerados bons preditores clínicos destas desordens. Por outro lado, o lactato não foi considerado um bom preditor de alterações clínicas e laboratoriais neste estudo. / Urethral obstruction is a common and potentially life-threatening condition, characterized by severe metabolic, electrolyte and acid-base disturbances. Among the causes of urethral obstruction, idiopathic cystitis is the most frequent in several studies. Other causes include urolithiasis, urethral plugs and urinary tract infection. In many cases, cats are critically ill and death may occur due to metabolic alterations, such as advanced uremic status and hyperkalemia. The main electrolyte and acid-base balance disorders reported are hyperkalemia, metabolic acidosis, hyponatremia and ionized hypocalcemia. Although urethral obstruction is a very common condition, there are few studies characterizing the population affected by the disease in Brazil. Characteristics related to management, diet and owner’s profile can influence the manifestation of the disease. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the association of clinical, haematological, biochemical, urinary, hydroelectrolyte and acid-base parameters in male cats with urethral obstruction. In addition, the objective was to determine the causes of urethral obstruction in male cats admitted to the Veterinary Teaching Hospital of Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. Twenty-eight cats diagnosed with urethral obstruction were included in the study between December 2015 and December 2016. Data regarding medical history and physical examination were obtained. Blood and urine were collected, and imaging tests were performed (abdominal radiography and ultrasonography). Complete blood count, serum chemistry, blood pH, gas and electrolyte, urinalysis and urine culture were performed. All patients were treated accordingly to a previous established protocol. The most common cause of urethral obstruction in this study was idiopathic cystitis, which occurred in more than 60% of cases, followed by urethral plugs and urinary tract infection. No diagnosis of urolithiasis was achieved which could be explained by factors like age, environment and life style of cats. Most of obstructed cats presented with multiple systemic clinical signs, as well as, metabolic, electrolyte and acid-base alterations. The main disorders found were azotemia, hyperlactatemia, metabolic acidosis, hyperkalemia and ionized hypocalcemia. Hypothermia, depressed mental status, bradycardia and dehydration were the clinical parameters with the greatest amount of associations with the metabolic alterations and can be considered as good predictors of metabolic disorders. On the other hand, lactate was not considered a good predictor of clinical and laboratory abnormalities in this study.
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Análise quantitativa das descargas epileptiformes generalizadas e da neuroimagem de pacientes com epilepsia generalizada idiopática / Quantitative analysis of generalized epileptiform discharges and neuroimage of patients with generalized idiopathic epilepsyBraga, Aline Marques da Silva [UNESP] 18 February 2016 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2016-02-18 / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Mato Grosso (FAPEMAT) / Fundamento: Evidências experimentais de modelos animais de crises de ausência sugerem focalidades no início das descargas generalizadas. Estudos clínicos indicam que pacientes com o diagnóstico de epilepsia generalizada idiopática (EGI) exibem anormalidades focais que envolvem o circuito tálamo-cortical no eletroencefalograma (EEG) e na neuroimagem. Objetivos: Investigar a presença de características focais nas descargas generalizadas interictais usando análise quantitativa do EEG (EEGq) e avaliar o córtex do giro do cíngulo usando múltiplas abordagens quantitativas de neuroimagem. Métodos: 75 EEGs de 64 pacientes foram analisados. A primeira espícula generalizada inequívoca foi marcada para cada descarga. Três métodos de análise de fonte geradora da atividade observada foram aplicados: transformação do dipolo em imagem (dipole source imaging-DSI), abordagem LORETA aplicada iterativamente (CLARA), e análise de dipolo equivalente de componentes independentes com análise de agrupamentos. Após processamento do EEG, 32 pacientes (18 mulheres, 32 ± 11) fizeram ressonância magnética. Foram utilizados três métodos para comparar o giro do cíngulo de pacientes e controles: morfometria baseada em voxel (VBM), análise cortical e análise de formato. Resultados: 753 descargas generalizadas foram analisadas. Usando as três técnicas, o lobo frontal foi a principal fonte das descargas (70%), seguido pelos lobos parietal e occipital (14%) e, por fim, os núcleos da base (12%). As principais fontes anatômicas das descargas generalizadas foram o córtex da porção anterior do giro do cíngulo (36%) e giro frontal medial (23%). A VBM mostrou atrofia de substância cinzenta na porção anterior do giro do cíngulo (972 mm3) e no istmo (168 mm3). Análises individuais do córtex do giro do cíngulo mostraram resultados semelhantes. Comparações de superfície mostraram anormalidades principalmente na porção posterior do giro do cíngulo (718.12 mm2). A análise de formato demonstrou uma predominância de anormalidades nas porções anterior e posterior do giro do cíngulo. Discussão: A análise de fonte não mostrou uma fonte única comum a todas as descargas generalizadas mas indicou predominância do giro do cíngulo e lobo frontal. Além disso, o estudo sugere a existência de anormalidades estruturais sutis no giro do cíngulo, principalmente nas porções anterior e posterior. / Background: Experimental evidence from animal models of absence seizures suggests a focal source for the initiation of generalized spike-and-wave (GSW) discharges. Clinical studies indicate that patients diagnosed with idiopathic generalized epilepsy (IGE) exhibit focal electroencephalographic and subtle structural abnormalities, which involve the thalamo-cortical circuitry. Aims: The objectives of the current investigation were to investigate whether interictal generalized discharges exhibit focal characteristics using qEEG analysis and to perform a comprehensive analysis of the cingulate cortex using multiple quantitative structural neuroimaging techniques. Methods: 75 EEG recordings from 64 patients were analyzed. The first unequivocally confirmed generalized spike was marked for each discharge. Three methods of source imaging analysis were applied: dipole source imaging (DSI), classical LORETA analysis recursively applied (CLARA), and equivalent dipole of independent components with cluster analysis. After EEG analysis, 32 patients (18 women, 30± 10 years) and 36 controls (18 women, 32 ±11 years) were imaged by 3 Tesla magnetic resonance (MRI). We used three models to compare cingulate gyrus of patients and the control group: voxel-based morphometry (VBM), cortical analyses and shape analyses. Results: A total of 753 GSW discharges were spatiotemporally analyzed. Source analysis using all three techniques revealed that the frontal lobe was the principal source of GSW discharges (70%), followed by the parietal and occipital lobes (14%), and the basal ganglia (12%). The main anatomical sources of the generalized discharges were the anterior cingulate cortex (36%) and the medial frontal gyrus (23%). VBM analyses of cingulate gyrus showed areas of gray matter atrophy, mainly in the anterior cingulate gyrus (972 mm3) and the isthmus (168 mm3). Individual analyses of the cingulate cortex were similar between patients with IGE and controls. Surface- based comparisons revealed abnormalities located mainly in the posterior cingulate cortex (718.12 mm2). Shape analyses demonstrated a predominance of abnormalities in the anterior and posterior portions of cingulate gyrus abnormalities. Discussion: Source analysis did not reveal a common focal source of generalized discharges. However, there was a predominance of GSW discharges originating from the cingulate gyrus and the frontal lobe. Furthermore, this study suggests that patients with IGE have structural abnormalities in the cingulate gyrus mainly localized at the anterior and posterior portions. This finding is subtle and variable among patients. / FAPEMAT: 11/16452-2
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Análise quantitativa das descargas epileptiformes generalizadas e da neuroimagem de pacientes com epilepsia generalizada idiopáticaBraga, Aline Marques da Silva January 2016 (has links)
Orientador: Luiz Eduardo Gomes Garcia Betting / Resumo: Fundamento: Evidências experimentais de modelos animais de crises de ausência sugerem focalidades no início das descargas generalizadas. Estudos clínicos indicam que pacientes com o diagnóstico de epilepsia generalizada idiopática (EGI) exibem anormalidades focais que envolvem o circuito tálamo-cortical no eletroencefalograma (EEG) e na neuroimagem. Objetivos: Investigar a presença de características focais nas descargas generalizadas interictais usando análise quantitativa do EEG (EEGq) e avaliar o córtex do giro do cíngulo usando múltiplas abordagens quantitativas de neuroimagem. Métodos: 75 EEGs de 64 pacientes foram analisados. A primeira espícula generalizada inequívoca foi marcada para cada descarga. Três métodos de análise de fonte geradora da atividade observada foram aplicados: transformação do dipolo em imagem (dipole source imaging-DSI), abordagem LORETA aplicada iterativamente (CLARA), e análise de dipolo equivalente de componentes independentes com análise de agrupamentos. Após processamento do EEG, 32 pacientes (18 mulheres, 32 ± 11) fizeram ressonância magnética. Foram utilizados três métodos para comparar o giro do cíngulo de pacientes e controles: morfometria baseada em voxel (VBM), análise cortical e análise de formato. Resultados: 753 descargas generalizadas foram analisadas. Usando as três técnicas, o lobo frontal foi a principal fonte das descargas (70%), seguido pelos lobos parietal e occipital (14%) e, por fim, os núcleos da base (12%... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Background: Experimental evidence from animal models of absence seizures suggests a focal source for the initiation of generalized spike-and-wave (GSW) discharges. Clinical studies indicate that patients diagnosed with idiopathic generalized epilepsy (IGE) exhibit focal electroencephalographic and subtle structural abnormalities, which involve the thalamo-cortical circuitry. Aims: The objectives of the current investigation were to investigate whether interictal generalized discharges exhibit focal characteristics using qEEG analysis and to perform a comprehensive analysis of the cingulate cortex using multiple quantitative structural neuroimaging techniques. Methods: 75 EEG recordings from 64 patients were analyzed. The first unequivocally confirmed generalized spike was marked for each discharge. Three methods of source imaging analysis were applied: dipole source imaging (DSI), classical LORETA analysis recursively applied (CLARA), and equivalent dipole of independent components with cluster analysis. After EEG analysis, 32 patients (18 women, 30± 10 years) and 36 controls (18 women, 32 ±11 years) were imaged by 3 Tesla magnetic resonance (MRI). We used three models to compare cingulate gyrus of patients and the control group: voxel-based morphometry (VBM), cortical analyses and shape analyses. Results: A total of 753 GSW discharges were spatiotemporally analyzed. Source analysis using all three techniques revealed that the frontal lobe was the principal ... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor
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Avaliação clínico-laboratorial da obstrução uretral em felinos domésticosSchaefer, Gabriela da Cruz January 2017 (has links)
A obstrução uretral é uma condição clínica comum em gatos, caracterizada por alterações metabólicas e do equilíbrio hidroeletrolítico e ácido-básico que são potencialmente fatais. Dentre as causas de obstrução uretral, a cistite idiopática é a mais frequentemente observada em diversos estudos. Outras causas incluem urolitíase, tampões uretrais e infecção do trato urinário. Em muitos casos, os gatos encontram-se em estado crítico e a morte pode ocorrer em decorrência de alterações metabólicas, como estado urêmico avançado e hipercalemia. As principais alterações eletrolíticas e do equilíbrio ácido-básico relatadas são hipercalemia, acidose metabólica, hiponatremia e hipocalcemia ionizada. Embora a obstrução uretral seja muito frequente na rotina clínica, estudos para caracterizar a população de gatos acometida ainda são escassos no Brasil. Características relacionadas ao manejo, dieta e perfil dos tutores podem influenciar na manifestação da doença. Os objetivos do presente estudo foram avaliar os parâmetros clínicos e as alterações hematológicas, bioquímicas, urinárias, eletrolíticas e ácido-básicas presentes em gatos com obstrução uretral e a associação entre estas variáveis. Além disso, objetivou-se conhecer as principais causas de obstrução uretral nos gatos atendidos no Hospital de Clínicas Veterinárias da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Para isso, foram incluídos no estudo 28 gatos com diagnóstico de obstrução uretral no período de dezembro de 2015 a dezembro de 2016. Foram obtidos dados referentes ao histórico, exame físico, coletados sangue e urina, além da realização de exames de imagem (radiografia e ultrassonografia abdominal). Em todos os gatos foram realizados hemograma, bioquímica sérica, análise de pH, gases e eletrólitos sanguíneos, urinálise e urocultura. Após, todos os pacientes foram tratados de acordo com um protocolo pré-estabelecido. A causa mais comum de obstrução uretral neste estudo foi a cistite idiopática, que ocorreu em mais de 60% dos casos, seguida de tampões uretrais e infecção do trato urinário. Nenhum caso de urolitíase foi diagnosticado, o que pode ser explicado por fatores como idade, ambiente e estilo de vida dos animais. A maioria dos gatos obstruídos apresentou múltiplos sinais sistêmicos, assim como alterações metabólicas, eletrolíticas e do equilíbrio ácido-básico, principalmente azotemia, hiperlactatemia, acidose metabólica, hipercalemia e hipocalcemia ionizada. Hipotermia, depressão do estado mental, bradicardia e desidratação foram os parâmetros clínicos que tiveram maior quantidade de associação com as alterações metabólicas e podem ser considerados bons preditores clínicos destas desordens. Por outro lado, o lactato não foi considerado um bom preditor de alterações clínicas e laboratoriais neste estudo. / Urethral obstruction is a common and potentially life-threatening condition, characterized by severe metabolic, electrolyte and acid-base disturbances. Among the causes of urethral obstruction, idiopathic cystitis is the most frequent in several studies. Other causes include urolithiasis, urethral plugs and urinary tract infection. In many cases, cats are critically ill and death may occur due to metabolic alterations, such as advanced uremic status and hyperkalemia. The main electrolyte and acid-base balance disorders reported are hyperkalemia, metabolic acidosis, hyponatremia and ionized hypocalcemia. Although urethral obstruction is a very common condition, there are few studies characterizing the population affected by the disease in Brazil. Characteristics related to management, diet and owner’s profile can influence the manifestation of the disease. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the association of clinical, haematological, biochemical, urinary, hydroelectrolyte and acid-base parameters in male cats with urethral obstruction. In addition, the objective was to determine the causes of urethral obstruction in male cats admitted to the Veterinary Teaching Hospital of Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. Twenty-eight cats diagnosed with urethral obstruction were included in the study between December 2015 and December 2016. Data regarding medical history and physical examination were obtained. Blood and urine were collected, and imaging tests were performed (abdominal radiography and ultrasonography). Complete blood count, serum chemistry, blood pH, gas and electrolyte, urinalysis and urine culture were performed. All patients were treated accordingly to a previous established protocol. The most common cause of urethral obstruction in this study was idiopathic cystitis, which occurred in more than 60% of cases, followed by urethral plugs and urinary tract infection. No diagnosis of urolithiasis was achieved which could be explained by factors like age, environment and life style of cats. Most of obstructed cats presented with multiple systemic clinical signs, as well as, metabolic, electrolyte and acid-base alterations. The main disorders found were azotemia, hyperlactatemia, metabolic acidosis, hyperkalemia and ionized hypocalcemia. Hypothermia, depressed mental status, bradycardia and dehydration were the clinical parameters with the greatest amount of associations with the metabolic alterations and can be considered as good predictors of metabolic disorders. On the other hand, lactate was not considered a good predictor of clinical and laboratory abnormalities in this study.
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Metabolické a strukturální rozdíly u primárního hyperaldosteronismu a esenciální hypertenze / Metabolic and structural differences in primary aldosteronism and essential hypertensionŠomlóová, Zuzana January 2013 (has links)
Hypertension is a major risk factor for cardiovascular (CV) disease, and patients with primary aldosteronism (PA) - the most common endocrine cause of hypertension - have a higher incidence of CV complications. The aim of this study was to evaluate the incidence of metabolic differences and organ complications - kidney, heart and blood vessels damage in patients with essential hypertension (EH), PA and its most common forms - idiopathic hyperaldosteronism (IHA) and aldosterone-producing adenoma (APA). We found a higher incidence of metabolic syndrome and a higher incidence of metabolic abnormalities in IHA compared to APA - higher prevalence of metabolic syndrome, higher levels of triglycerides and lower levels of HDL cholesterol and thereby a higher cardiometabolic risk. Metabolic profile of patients with IHA is similar to EH in contrast to APA. Arterial stiffness was expressed as pulse wave velocity (PWV), in central arteries as carotid-femoral PWV and at peripheral level as femoral-ankle PWV. Patients with PA with comparable levels of blood pressure (BP) have higher stiffness of central elastic and peripheral muscular arteries than patients with EH. The main predictor of impaired peripheral arterial stiffness is the plasma aldosterone level. Patients with IHA have higher central arterial...
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Epidemiologické aspekty zánětlivých revmatologických onemocnění a difúzních onemocnění pojiva. / Epidemiological aspects of inflammatory rheumatic diseases and diffusional diseases of binding tissue.Hánová, Petra January 2017 (has links)
v anglickém jazyce Introduction: No information was known about frequency of common inflammatory disorders in rheumatology in the Czech Republic. Aims of the study: To estimate the standardized annual incidence (INC) and point prevalence (PREV) of six diseases (rheumatoid arthritis-RA, juvenile idiopathic arthritis-JIA, gout, psoriatic arthritis-PsA, ankylosing spondylitis-AS, reactive arthritis-ReA) in a population-based study in two regions of the Czech Republic (CR). Methods: INC: Incident cases were registered on condition that the definite diagnosis was confirmed according to existing classification criteria during the study period. PREV was studied on the basis of identification of established diagnoses at a time point. Crude rates were standardized for age and sex. Results: Both INC and PREV are shown per 100.000 inhabitants. RA INC:31 (95%CI 20-42), PREV:610 (95%CI 561-658). Gout-INC:41 (95%CI 28-53), PREV:300 (95% CI 266-334). JIA-INC: 13 (95% CI 1-20), PREV:140 (95%CI 117-280). PsA-INC:3,6 (95% CI 1-8), PREV:49 (95%CI 40-60). AS-INC:6 (95% CI 3-11), PREV:94 (95% CI 94-109). ReA-INC:9 (95% CI 6-15), PREV:91 (95% CI 78-106). Conclusion: This is the first population-based study estimating annual incidence and prevalence rates of the most common rheumatological disorders in the Czech...
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Efeito do tratamento com hormônio de crescimento na baixa estatura idiopática com deficiência moderada do GH ou insensibilidade parcial ao GH / Effect of the treatment with growth hormone in idiopathic short stature with moderate GH deficiency or partial GH insensitivityCardoso, Daniela Felix 01 June 2012 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Idiopathic Short Stature is a heterogeneous set of conditions without obvious hormonal changes or defined etiologies. It may include the partial insensitivity to GH (PGHI) and the
moderate GH deficiency (MGHD), both of them with low concentrations of growth factor like insulin type I (IGF-I) and hyper or sub-answer of GH on tests of stimulation,
respectively. The objective of this study is to assess the response to treatment with GH in PGHI and MGHD, comparing them twith the results obtained in a group with severe GH
deficiency (SGHD). It was studied in PGHI (GH peak ≥18 ng/ml) 20 individuals (14 boys), 12.07 (2.57-year-old); in MGHD (GH peak between 5 and 10 ng/ml) 12 (7 boys), 10.73
(1.79-year-old); and in SGHD (GH peak lower than 5 ng/ml) 19 (10 boys), 10.90-(3.51) yearold, treated with GH for one to ten years. The initial and present GH doses were, respectively, 43.33(10.00) and 49.61 (12.90) μg/kg/day in SGHD, 50.27 (11.76) and 57.27 (15.83)
μg/kg/day in MGHD; and50.18 (6.99) and 55.66 (9.61) μg/kg/day in PGHI. The standard deviation score (SDS) of initial height of the SGHD group was lower than MGHD group (p< 0.01) and PGHI group (p <0.001).The SDS of initial IGF-I of SGHD was similar to MGHD and lower than PGHI group (p<0.0001).The initial bone age (BA) in SGHD group was
similar to MGHD and lower than PGHI group GH (p < 0.01). GH treatment has brought about a lower increase in the height SSD and in the IGF-I SSD (both, p < 0.05) and in the
bone age (p< 0.01) in the PGHI group than in the SGHD group, probably due to the more accentuated height deficit in the SGHD group and lower IGF-I increase in the PGHI group.
Treatment response was similar in MGHD and SGHD groups. The lowest height gain in the PGHI suggests that the partial GH insensitivity needs higher GH doses to be effective. / A baixa estatura idiopática é um conjunto heterogêneo de condições sem evidentes alterações hormonais ou etiologias definidas. Pode incluir a insensibilidade parcial ao GH (IPGH) e a
deficiência moderada de GH (DMGH), ambas com concentrações baixas de fator de crescimento semelhante à insulina tipo I (IGF-I) e hiper ou sub-resposta do GH aos testes de estímulo, respectivamente. O objetivo do presente trabalho é avaliar a resposta ao tratamento com GH na IPGH e DMGH, comparando-as com os resultados obtidos na deficiência grave de GH (DGGH). Foram estudados no grupo IPGH (pico de GH ≥18 ng/ml), 20 indivíduos (14 meninos), com 12,0 (2,57) anos de idade; no grupo DMGH (pico de GH entre 5 e 10 ng/ml), 12 (sete meninos), com 10,73 (1,79) anos; e no DGGH (pico de GH < 5 ng/ml), 19 (10 meninos), com 10,90 (3,51) anos, tratados com GH por um a dez anos. As doses de GH iniciais e atuais foram, respectivamente, 43,33 (10,00) e 49,61 (12,90) μg/kg/dia no DGGH; 50,27 (11,76) e 57,27 (15,83) μg/kg/dia no DMGH; e 50,18 (6,99) e 55,66 (9,61) μg/kg/dia no IPGH. O escore de desvio-padrão (EDP) da altura inicial do grupo DGGH foi menor do que no DMGH (p< 0,01) e no IPGH (p <0, 001). O EDP do IGF-I inicial do grupo DGGH foi
similar ao DMGH e menor do que o do IPGH (p< 0, 0001). A idade óssea inicial no grupo DGGH foi similar ao DMGH e menor do que a do grupo IPGH (p < 0,01). O tratamento com GH propiciou um menor incremento no EDP da altura e no EDP do IGF-I (ambos, p < 0,05) e na IO (p< 0,01) no grupo IPGH do que no DGGH, provavelmente refletindo o maior déficit
estatural no grupo com DGGH e menor aumento do IGF-I no grupo IPGH. A resposta ao tratamento nos grupos DMGH e DGGH foi semelhante. O ganho estatural menor no grupo
IPGH sugere que a insensibilidade parcial ao GH necessitaria de doses mais altas de GH para ser vencida.
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Modulation du potentiel angiogène des progéniteurs endothéliaux humains par des biomarqueurs plasmatiques vasculaires / Angiogenic potential modulation of human endothelial progenitor cells by vascular plasmatic biomarkersd'Audigier, Clément 02 October 2013 (has links)
Rationnel : L’implication établie des progéniteurs endothéliaux circulants dans les phénomènes de néovascularisation chez l’adulte a stimulé la recherche de thérapeutiques angiogènes basées sur la greffe de ces cellules. Deux types cellulaires au phénotype endothélial sont actuellement définis entre autres par leur cinétique d’apparition en culture : les progéniteurs précoces (CFU-EC ou CAC) et tardifs (ECFC). Notre équipe a montré que l’injection thérapeutique de cellules mononucléées de moelle osseuse (BM-MNC) permettait la néovascularisation du site ischémié chez des patients atteints d’artériopathie des membres inférieurs, et que les néovaisseaux formés avaient le phénotype d’ECFC. Nous avons dans un premier temps mesuré les concentrations de différentes protéines modulant l’angiogenèse, chez des patients atteints de pathologies ischémiques et cardiovasculaires, ou impliquant des anomalies vasculaires associées à la fibrose. Ainsi, le transforming growth factor - β1 (TGF-β1) dans la fibrose pulmonaire idiopathique (FPI), la thrombospondine-1 (TSP-1) dans l’artériopathie des membres inférieurs (AMI), et le placental growth factor (PlGF) chez les patients atteints de pathologies cardiovasculaires [syndrome coronarien aigu (SCA), ou patients devant subir une chirurgie de la valve ou un pontage coronarien], se sont distingués comme potentiel biomarqueur plasmatique dans ces pathologies, et ont été étudiés dans la biologie des ECFC humaines.Résultats : Le taux plasmatique de TGF-β1 est augmenté chez les patients atteints de FPI par rapport à la population contrôle ; il a un effet pro-angiogène in vivo (vascularisation des implants de Matrigel®) et in vitro (prolifération et migration des ECFC) via les récepteurs ALK-1, ALK-5 et TGF-βRII. Le taux plasmatique de TSP-1 est augmenté chez les patients artéritiques par rapport à la population contrôle. Par ailleurs les néovaisseaux formés de patients artéritiques ayant été traités par injection locale de BM-MNC expriment la TSP-1. Dans les modèles murins de Matrigel®-plugs et d’ischémie du membre inférieur (IMI), la TSP-1 induit une diminution de la vascularisation des implants ainsi qu’une diminution de la revascularisation du membre ischémié. In vitro, la TSP-1 augmente l’adhésion via un mécanisme N-Terminal dépendant, et diminue le potentiel angiogène (prolifération et migration) des ECFC via sa liaison au récepteur CD47, ce qui active la voie de signalisation SDF-1/CXCR4. Le taux plasmatique de PlGF est augmenté chez les patients atteints de SCA par rapport à 2 populations contrôles ; il est également augmenté chez les patients ayant subit une chirurgie cardiaque. Les PlGF-1 et -2 potentialisent la tubulogenèse des ECFC in vitro via la phosphorylation du récepteur VEGFR1. Cet effet est aboli lorsque le VEGFR1 est inhibé par ARN interférence ou par le composé chimique « 4321 ». De plus ce composé « 4321 » inhibe la vascularisation des implants de Matrigel®, ainsi que la revascularisation du membre ischémié dans le modèle d’IMI.Conclusions : Le TGF-β1 joue un rôle dans le remodelage vasculaire de la FPI via les ECFC ; la TSP-1 est un potentiel biomarqueur de l’angiogenèse induite par les ECFC dans l’AMI ; l’inhibition de la voie PlGF/VEGFR1 module la tubulogenèse induite par les ECFC, cellules impliquées dans la formation de nouveaux vaisseaux. Nous avons ainsi mis en évidence 3 protéines modulant l’angiogenèse dans 3 contextes pathologiques différents, caractérisés par un remodelage vasculaire et où les ECFC sont impliquées dans leurs mécanismes physiopathologiques. Ces 3 protéines se présentent donc comme de potentiels biomarqueurs plasmatiques, modulant les propriétés angiogènes des ECFC et pouvant influencer leur efficacité en tant que produit de thérapie cellulaire. Ces protéines jouent un rôle probable dans l’équilibre homéostatique au décours des pathologies concernées. / Rationale: The pro-angiogenic capacities of endothelial progenitor cells are now well established, and their involvement in neovascularization events in adults has stimulated the research in the field of angiogenic therapy based on transplant of these cells. Current data converge towards the notion of two cell types with endothelial phenotype, defined at least by their kinetics of appearance in culture: early endothelial progenitor cells (CFU-EC or CAC) and late (ECFC). Our team has shown that the therapeutic injection of bone marrow mononuclear cells (BM-MNC) led to neovascularization of the ischemic site in patients with critical limb ischemia, and that the new vessels formed bore the phenotype of ECFC. We initially measured the concentrations of different proteins modulating angiogenesis in patients with ischemic and cardiovascular diseases, or involving vascular abnormalities associated with fibrosis. Thus, the transforming growth factor - ß1 (TGF-ß1) in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, the thrombospondin-1 (TSP-1) in peripheral artery disease, and the placental growth factor (PlGF) in patients with cardiovascular diseases [acute coronary syndrome (ACS), patients undergoing valve surgery or coronary artery bypass surgery], emerged as potential plasmatic biomarkers in these pathological settings, and have been studied in the biology of human ECFC.Results: TGF-ß1 plasma level is increased in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) compared to the control population; it exerts a pro-angiogenic effect in vivo (vascularization of Matrigel ®-plugs) and in vitro (proliferation and migration of ECFC) via ALK-1, ALK-5 and TGF-ßRII receptors. TSP-1 plasma level is increased in patients with peripheral artery disease (PAD) compared to the control population. In addition, the new vessels formed in PAD patients treated by local injection of BM-MNC express TSP-1. In murine models of Matrigel ®-plugs and hindlimb ischemia, TSP-1 induces a decrease in plugs vascularization and impaired revascularization of ischemic limb. In vitro, TSP-1 increases ECFC adhesion via an N-terminal dependent mechanism and reduces their angiogenic potential (proliferation and migration) via its binding to CD47 receptor, which activates the SDF-1/CXCR4 signaling pathway. PlGF plasma level is increased in ACS patients compared with the control population and stable angina patients and is also increased in patients undergoing cardiac surgery. PlGF-1 and -2 potentiate ECFC tubulogenesis in vitro via phosphorylation of the VEGFR1 receptor. This effect was abolished when the ECFC VEGFR1 is inhibited by RNA interference or by the chemical compound "4321". In addition this compound "4321" inhibits the vascularization of Matrigel ®-plugs, and revascularization of the ischemic limb in the hindlimb ischemia model.Conclusions: TGF-ß1 is involved in the IPF vascular remodeling through ECFC; TSP-1 is a potential biomarker of angiogenesis induced by ECFC in PAD; the inhibition of the PlGF/VEGFR1 pathway modulates ECFC tubulogenesis, cells involved in the formation of new vessels. We thus identified three proteins that modulate angiogenesis in three different pathological settings characterized by a vascular remodeling and where ECFC are involved in their pathophysiology. These three proteins therefore state as potential plasmatic biomarkers, modulating ECFC angiogenic properties and are able to influence their efficacy as a cell therapy product. These plasmatic biomarkers likely play a role in the homeostasis of those pathologies progress.
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Rôle de la petite protéine de choc thermique alphaB crystallin dans la fibrogénèse pulmonaire et son implication dans la voie de signalisation du transforming growth factor - béta1 / Role of the small heat shock protein alphaB-crystallin in pulmonary fibrosis and its implication in the signaling pathway of the Transforming Growth Factor béta1Bellaye, Pierre-Simon 15 November 2013 (has links)
La fibrose pulmonaire idiopathique (FPI) est de pronostic sombre et sans traitement efficace. Elle est caractérisée par un début sous pleural et la présence de myofibroblastes responsables de la synthèse excessive de la matrice extracellulaire. La voie de signalisation du Transforming Growth Factor (TGF)-β1, facteur clé de la genèse de la fibrose et sa progression, passe par les Smads, notamment Smad4. Le TGF-β1 induit la différenciation des fibroblastes pulmonaires et des cellules épithéliales et mésothéliales en myofibroblastes. AB-crystallin est une protéine de choc thermique surexprimée dans la fibrose du foie, du rein et la fibrose vasculaire. Elle peut être induite par le TGF-β1. Dans ce travail, nous avons étudié le rôle d’αB-crystallin dans la fibrose pleurale et pulmonaire. Nous montrons qu’αB-crystallin est surexprimée dans les poumons et la plèvre de patients atteints de FPI. In vivo, dans trois modèles de fibrose pulmonaire (bléomycine, surexpression de TGF-β1 ou d’IL-1β) les souris KO pour αB-crystallin sont protégées de la fibrose avec une inhibition de la voie du TGF-β. In vitro, dans les cellules épithéliales, mésothéliales ou les fibroblastes, αB-crystallin augmente la localisation nucléaire de Smad4. En interagissant avec TIF1γ, responsable de l’export nucléaire de Smad4, elle favorise la séquestration nucléaire de Smad4 et son activité pro-fibrosante. Au contraire, son inhibition permet la formation du complexe Smad4/TIF1γ et l’export nucléaire de Smad4 inhibant son activité. Ce travail montre l’importance d’αB-crystallin dans la fibrose pleuro-pulmonaire et son rôle sur la voie du TGF-. AB-crystallin pourrait être une cible thérapeutique de la FPI. / Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) has no effective current treatment. It is characterized by a sub-pleural onset and the presence of myofibroblasts, responsible for the excessive extracellular matrix synthesis. Transforming Growth Factor (TGF)-β1 is considered as the major profibrotic cytokine. Its signaling pathway occurs through the Smads proteins, including Smad4. TGF-β1 allows the differentiation of lung fibroblasts and epithelial and mesothelial cells into myofibroblasts. AB-crystallin is a small heat shock protein overexpressed in liver, renal and vascular fibrosis and can be induced by TGF-β1. In this study, we assessed the role of αB-crystallin in pleural and pulmonary fibrosis. We show that αB-crystallin is overexpressed in the lung and the pleura of IPF patients. In vivo, in three pulmonary fibrosis models (bleomycin, TGF-β1 or IL-1β overexpression) αB-crystallin KO mice are protected from fibrosis with an inhibition of the TGF-β pathway. In vitro, in epithelial and mesothelial cells or fibroblasts, αB-crystallin increases Smad4 nuclear localization. Interacting with TIF1γ, responsible for the nuclear export of Smad4, it promotes the nuclear sequestration of Smad4 and thus its profibrotic activity. Instead, αB-crystallin inhibition allows the formation of the Smad4/TIF1γ complex and promotes Smad4 nuclear export an profibrotic activity. This work shows the importance of αB-crystallin in pleuro-pulmonary fibrosis and its role on the TGF-β1 pathway. AB-crystallin appears as a putative therapeutic target for IPF.
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