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Customer Relationship Management : Vad är de bakomliggande faktorerna till att olika företag misslyckas med CRM-implementering?Serar, Asia, Wanna, Loza January 2013 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka och analysera hur företag implementerar CRM i avsikt att identifiera de bakomliggande faktorerna till att företag misslyckas med en CRM implementering. Teorier: CRM som process, Implementeringsstrategier, Implementeringsmodell Metod: Kvalitativ studie som består av fyra semi-strukturerade intervjuer med olika företag. Empiri: Består av fyra intervjuer med CRM-ansvariga från respektive företag Slutsats: Om företaget förstår och tar hänsyn till alla faser i CRM implementering, och generellt anser att alla faser är lika viktiga då alla delar går ihop, leder detta till en lyckad CRM implementering. De bakomliggande faktorerna till ett misslyckat CRM-implementering är i stort sett att företagen anser att en fas är viktigare än en annan fas, vilket leder till att företaget ned prioriterar andra faser som är väsentliga vid en implementering av CRM. / Purpose: The aim of this study is to examine and analyse how companies implement CRM in order to identify the underlying factors that companies fail a CRM implementation. Theories: CRM process, Implementation Strategies, Implementation Model Method: A qualitative study consisting of four semi-structured interviews with different companies. Data: Consists of four interviews with CRM managers from each company Conclusion: If the company understands and takes into account all stages of CRM implementation, and generally believe that all phases are equally important when all the parts come together, this leads to a successful CRM implementation. The underlying factors for a failed CRM implementation is basically that firms believe that a phase is more important than another phase, leading to the company down prioritize other phases that are essential when implementing CRM.
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The relationship between education policies and learner dropout in public schools of the South-Central region of BotswanaNtumy, Stephanie Eunice Ama 03 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this research was to investigate the relationship between Education Acts and learner dropout at public schools within the South-Central education region of Botswana. Policy-related dropout Theories of Social Class and the hidden curriculum of work, as well as the Inclusive Education Policy were selected as suitable framework-settings for investigating the research problem. A comprehensive review of the literature revealed that the strategies used to implement the Basic Education Act, the Examinations Act, and Policies on Inclusive Education in Botswana diverge from their set stipulations and the current international trends in this regard.
The research design used was a mixed-methods approach. Mixed paradigms of the positivists’ and the constructivists’ beliefs were used to conduct a concurrent empirical investigation. The reliability coefficient of the questionnaire instrument (non-demographic variables 1-26) was .985 (close to 1). All the measuring tools were pilot-tested. The sampling technique was stratified for the questionnaire, and was comprehensive for the qualitative instruments. Ethical issues were observed during the course of the study. The scores on the questionnaire showed that 68% of the 75 teacher respondents perceived that the improper implementation of the above-named Acts contributed to learner drop-out. The content analysis transcripts further indicated that 66% of the 28 interviewees linked learner drop-out to the improper implementation of the Acts. Additionally, 84% of the Biology teachers linked the teaching strategies being used to policy decisions.
The interpretation of this study has to take note of the limitation discussed in the report. The conclusion drawn from the foregoing research findings is that the teaching-learning process in the public schools is defective in relation to its relevance to the learners, and the education goal. The study therefore recommended dropout tracking strategies by means of a greater synchrony between all the departments of the Ministry of Education Skills and Development (MOESD) as well as further comprehensive research to improve education practice towards curbing learner dropout. / Educational Studies / D. Ed. (Comparative Education)
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Strategic Dilemma With ERP System Implementation : Enterprise vs Consultant PerspectiveIDOWU, HAKEEM ADEWALE January 2009 (has links)
<p>Over the past few years and up to date, many companies around the globe have implemented Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems. Implementing ERP system in an organisation is considered as an irresistible challenge, with the typical ERP system implementation approach. In correspondent, management in an organisation are facing critical challenges' to make decision on a specific ERP system implementation strategy, however, any considered decision would influence development, testing and ultimately the success of the implementation. Therefore, this thesis aims to examine solution to how organisation can decide or choose the best ERP system implementation strategy and explore the one that could be highly recommended by considering enterprise and consultant perspectives.</p><p> </p><p>In order to accomplish the purpose of this thesis, qualitative and quantitative method of collecting and analysing data were adopted. Quantitative and qualitative data were collected through the mean of questionnaire and structure interview. This is one of the reasons why this thesis can be viewed in an inductive and deductive approaches. To this end, exploratory and descriptive knowledge should be derived from this study.</p><p>Analysis of this thesis has discovered that, there are many influencing factors in which organisation needed to be considered when making choice of a particular ERP system implementation strategy. These factors include: (i) Size and Complexity of an organisation (ii) Degree of internationalisation (iii) Number of requirements (iv) Nature of integration and (v) Skills and Experience of people within an organisation.</p><p>In order to choose appropriate strategy for ERP system implementation, organisation should considered to implement a skeleton system in which other application can be added to the systems when it is in operation. Clarification of a business vision that would call for the legacy system replacement or re-modification, is also essential for an organisation to consider. Considering the above statements, organisation should be able to choose appropriate strategy that would fit their business processes.</p><p>Nevertheless, Phased strategy is considered as the best or appropriate implementation strategy in which organisation can rely upon. Exploring Phased strategy simply means that, the problem of making choice of a particular implementation strategy will be minimal. That is; organisations that are willing to implement ERP system can easily consider phased strategy as their best alternative in order to attain success implementation.</p><p> </p>
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Развој подземних стамбених објеката и њихова савремена примена у Србији / Razvoj podzemnih stambenih objekata i njihova savremena primena u Srbiji / The development of underground residential houses and their цontemporary implementation in SerbiaMilanović Aleksandar Rudnik 24 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Подземни објекти због својих позитивних утицаја на смањивање<br />негативних процеса урбанизације, све више постају саставни део<br />урбаних простора како у градским тако и у сеоским срединама. Посебан<br />аспект истраживања посвећен је моделима који интегративно могу<br />допринети превентивним поступањима за заштиту насеља и објеката од<br />загађађења попут буке и загађења ваздука, али и могућој превентивној<br />заштити од временских непогода и њихових последица попут<br />поплава.Насути подземни објекти могу дакле имати значајну улогу у<br />изградњи објеката који би поред стамбене, имали и фортификациону<br />улогу посматрајући начине изградње и функционисања подземних<br />стамбених објеката.</p> / <p>Podzemni objekti zbog svojih pozitivnih uticaja na smanjivanje<br />negativnih procesa urbanizacije, sve više postaju sastavni deo<br />urbanih prostora kako u gradskim tako i u seoskim sredinama. Poseban<br />aspekt istraživanja posvećen je modelima koji integrativno mogu<br />doprineti preventivnim postupanjima za zaštitu naselja i objekata od<br />zagađađenja poput buke i zagađenja vazduka, ali i mogućoj preventivnoj<br />zaštiti od vremenskih nepogoda i njihovih posledica poput<br />poplava.Nasuti podzemni objekti mogu dakle imati značajnu ulogu u<br />izgradnji objekata koji bi pored stambene, imali i fortifikacionu<br />ulogu posmatrajući načine izgradnje i funkcionisanja podzemnih<br />stambenih objekata.</p> / <p>Underground structures because of its positive effect on reducing negative<br />process of urbanization, are increasingly becoming an integral part of the<br />urban area in both urban and rural areas. A particular aspect of the research<br />is dedicated to integrative models that can contribute to preventive actions to<br />protect settlements and objects from polution such as noise and air pollution,<br />and possible preventive protection from the weather and their consequences<br />like flood. Underground houses can therefore play an important role in the<br />construction field, where besides residential purpose that type of buildings<br />could have a important role as a fortifications against the floods wave.</p>
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Health Information Technology Implementation Strategies in ZimbabweMandaza Mapesa, Nixjoen 01 January 2016 (has links)
The adoption rate of health information technology (HIT) remains low in developing countries, where healthcare institutions experience high operating costs and loss of revenue, which are related to systems and processes inefficiency. The purpose of this case study was to explore strategies leaders in Zimbabwe used to implement HIT. The conceptual framework of the study was Davis's technology acceptance model (TAM). Data were gathered through observations, review of organizational documents (i.e., policies, procedures, and guidelines), and in-depth interviews with a purposive sample of 10 healthcare leaders and end-users from hospitals in Zimbabwe who had successfully implemented HIT. Transcribed interview data were coded and analyzed for emerging themes. Implementation strategies, overcoming barriers to adoption, and user acceptance emerged as the themes most healthcare leaders associated with successful HIT projects. Several subthemes also emerged, including: (a) the importance of stakeholder involvement, (b) the importance of management buy-in, and (c) the low level of IT literacy among healthcare workers. The strategies identified in this study may provide a foundation on which healthcare leaders in developing countries can successfully adopt and implement HIT. The recommendations from this study could lead to positive social change by providing leaders with knowledge and skills to use information technology strategies to deliver better healthcare at lower costs while creating employment for local communities.
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The relationship between education policies and learner dropout in public schools of the South-Central region of BotswanaNtumy, Stephanie Eunice Ama 03 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this research was to investigate the relationship between Education Acts and learner dropout at public schools within the South-Central education region of Botswana. Policy-related dropout Theories of Social Class and the hidden curriculum of work, as well as the Inclusive Education Policy were selected as suitable framework-settings for investigating the research problem. A comprehensive review of the literature revealed that the strategies used to implement the Basic Education Act, the Examinations Act, and Policies on Inclusive Education in Botswana diverge from their set stipulations and the current international trends in this regard.
The research design used was a mixed-methods approach. Mixed paradigms of the positivists’ and the constructivists’ beliefs were used to conduct a concurrent empirical investigation. The reliability coefficient of the questionnaire instrument (non-demographic variables 1-26) was .985 (close to 1). All the measuring tools were pilot-tested. The sampling technique was stratified for the questionnaire, and was comprehensive for the qualitative instruments. Ethical issues were observed during the course of the study. The scores on the questionnaire showed that 68% of the 75 teacher respondents perceived that the improper implementation of the above-named Acts contributed to learner drop-out. The content analysis transcripts further indicated that 66% of the 28 interviewees linked learner drop-out to the improper implementation of the Acts. Additionally, 84% of the Biology teachers linked the teaching strategies being used to policy decisions.
The interpretation of this study has to take note of the limitation discussed in the report. The conclusion drawn from the foregoing research findings is that the teaching-learning process in the public schools is defective in relation to its relevance to the learners, and the education goal. The study therefore recommended dropout tracking strategies by means of a greater synchrony between all the departments of the Ministry of Education Skills and Development (MOESD) as well as further comprehensive research to improve education practice towards curbing learner dropout. / Educational Studies / D. Ed. (Comparative Education)
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Strategic Dilemma With ERP System Implementation : Enterprise vs Consultant PerspectiveIDOWU, HAKEEM ADEWALE January 2009 (has links)
Over the past few years and up to date, many companies around the globe have implemented Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems. Implementing ERP system in an organisation is considered as an irresistible challenge, with the typical ERP system implementation approach. In correspondent, management in an organisation are facing critical challenges' to make decision on a specific ERP system implementation strategy, however, any considered decision would influence development, testing and ultimately the success of the implementation. Therefore, this thesis aims to examine solution to how organisation can decide or choose the best ERP system implementation strategy and explore the one that could be highly recommended by considering enterprise and consultant perspectives. In order to accomplish the purpose of this thesis, qualitative and quantitative method of collecting and analysing data were adopted. Quantitative and qualitative data were collected through the mean of questionnaire and structure interview. This is one of the reasons why this thesis can be viewed in an inductive and deductive approaches. To this end, exploratory and descriptive knowledge should be derived from this study. Analysis of this thesis has discovered that, there are many influencing factors in which organisation needed to be considered when making choice of a particular ERP system implementation strategy. These factors include: (i) Size and Complexity of an organisation (ii) Degree of internationalisation (iii) Number of requirements (iv) Nature of integration and (v) Skills and Experience of people within an organisation. In order to choose appropriate strategy for ERP system implementation, organisation should considered to implement a skeleton system in which other application can be added to the systems when it is in operation. Clarification of a business vision that would call for the legacy system replacement or re-modification, is also essential for an organisation to consider. Considering the above statements, organisation should be able to choose appropriate strategy that would fit their business processes. Nevertheless, Phased strategy is considered as the best or appropriate implementation strategy in which organisation can rely upon. Exploring Phased strategy simply means that, the problem of making choice of a particular implementation strategy will be minimal. That is; organisations that are willing to implement ERP system can easily consider phased strategy as their best alternative in order to attain success implementation.
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Successful Strategies for Implementing Health Information Technology in Primary Care PracticeOtoo, Samuel O 01 January 2019 (has links)
Health information technology (HIT) owner-practitioners who adopt effective strategies for HIT implementation can improve primary facility care delivery and profitability. However, some HIT owner-practitioners have ineffective implementation strategies, so they have not realized the total revenue increases of more than 8%. Grounded in general systems theory, the purpose of this multiple case study was to explore successful strategies primary care practitioners (PCPs) use to implement HIT to improve primary facility care delivery and profitability. The participants included 6 owner-practitioners located in Queens County, NY, who successfully implemented HIT to improve facility care delivery and profitability. Data were collected through face-to-face interviews and a review of relevant practice documents. Data were analyzed using thematic analysis, yielding 3 themes: HIT education and training, costs of transitioning to HIT, and focusing on expected benefits of successful HIT implementation. By providing information on effective HIT strategies, the findings from this study could impact social change because PCPs may rely on faster and more accurate health information data to offer better diagnoses and enhance treatments for patients.
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Exploring Leader-Initiated Change Management for Adopting Cloud ServicesLandreville, Nancy Marie 01 January 2016 (has links)
Cloud technology requires a virtualized ubiquitous and scalable environment with shared resources. The general problem in cloud adoption is the absence of standardization across organizations. A standardized approach remained elusive since the inception of the Cloud First mandate. The purpose of this study was to explore leader-initiated change management (LICM) practices in cloud adoption within organizations. The theoretical framework included the classical theories of Kurt Lewin's organization change management, leader-member exchange, intentional change, and appreciative inquiry. A multiple case study design approach facilitated the exploration of LICM-value added practices to identify standardization in cloud adoption practices. Data collection included semistructured interviews from 8 high-level cloud adopters chosen from a resource pool of change management experts including a government chief information officer, academic college professor, military commander, and industry chief executive officer. Each interviewee represented an organization type providing perspectives on strategies for cloud adoption. Secondary data gathering included universal cloud standards and guidance from collaborative professional working groups. Emergent themes were identified after completing Yin's 5 stages of data analysis: LICM approaches for cloud decision-making, change management strategies, leader empowerment in action planning with progressive metrics, and successful learning outcomes in corporate universities. LICM strategies foster cooperative relationships and positive social change. Standardized cloud adoption practices also contribute to positive social change in reducing the environmental footprint through organizational efficiency.
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Cost Containment Practices of a Private Non-Profit College: A Qualitative Case StudyPatwardhan, Pratap R., Patwardhan January 2017 (has links)
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