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The spaces in-between: An appreciative inquiry into cross-boundary collaborative design for social innovationsSetton, Orli January 2017 (has links)
In order to support Social Innovation, Social Designers advocate for the use of collaborative design methodologies, inclusive design processes, which produce innovative design outcomes and inclusive societies. While there is a large amount of literature on this topic from a European and US perspective, there is little understanding regarding the effect large social disparity between stakeholders has on these types of engagements. The researcher describes this as cross-boundary collaborative design for social innovation, where "boundary" refers to social and collective identity such as, gender, race, class, etc., which is a reality in most South African collaborative design engagements and a gap in the literature. Thus, this thesis explores this gap by asking the research question, what practices, mindsets and interpersonal interactions help to support effective cross-boundary collaborative design for Social Innovation? In order to answer this question, the researcher conducted 32 interviews followed by a single focus group with disparate stakeholders engaged in these types of initiatives. Using a Constructivist Grounded Theory approach and applying the lens of Appreciative Inquiry to her interview questions, she recorded narratives that focused on moments of effectiveness within these cross-boundary collaborative design engagements. What emerged from the data was a strong link between the quality of relationships between the disparate stakeholders and the effectiveness of the collaborative design process - what she described as "generative" relationships (connections built on trust, vulnerability, friendship and respect) that blurred the social boundaries between the participants and helped them move across the social divides with ease. This in turn increased the generative nature of the collaborative design process. Furthermore, these generative relationships were often established outside of the design process, in a preliminary phase (pre-project) before a design engagement began because this phase allowed the stakeholders to focus solely on building relationships, instead of generating design solutions. However, the importance of generative relationships does not feature strongly in the current collaborative design literature. Instead, it focuses mainly on developing communication methods as a way to support boundary crossing and views relationship building as a secondary by-product of a good communication method. This thesis, however, concludes that in order to support effective cross-boundary collaborative design engagements, this process should be flipped and attention be given to first building generative relationships that can then help to support the effectiveness of the cross-boundary communication methods and ultimately improve the over all crossboundary collaborative design process.
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Positive health: The passport approach to improving continuity of care for low income South African chronic disease sufferersParak, Yusuf January 2017 (has links)
Research Problem: The South African health system faces numerous challenges associated with its status as a middle-income developing nation. Wasteful expenditure and poor clinical outcomes arise from inefficient inter-organizational communication of patient information and the lack of a centralized health database. Research question: How does the experience of chronic disease patients with their health information inform the development of future health records in low income population groups? Proposition: Exploration of patient and health care workers experiences of medical records can inform their future development to enhance continuity of care. Objectives, methodology, procedures and outcome: Identification of an appropriate format, technological basis and functional design of a prototype medical record system by means of a phenomenological study conducted through in-depth interviews of patients and doctors in order to improve clinical care. Left and right hermeneutics were used to analyse the data and develop themes. Findings: Health records play a critical role in the clinics workflow processes, document the patients' management and clinical progress. They are an important intermediary in the relationship between the patient and the facility. Inefficiencies in the paper-based system lead to ineffective consultations, loss of continuity of care and discord between practitioners and patients. Improvement of the records format is required to provide ubiquitous access to health and improve patient health literacy.
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Introducing the dilemma of societal alignment for inclusive and responsible research and innovationBengtsson, Lars, Ribeiro, Barbara, Benneworth, Paul, Bührer, Susanne, Castro-Martínez, Elena, Hansen, Meiken, Jarmai, Katharina, Lindner, Ralf, Olmos-Penuela, Julia, Cordula, Ott, Shapira, Philipp January 2018 (has links) (PDF)
In this discussion paper, we outline and reflect on some of the key challenges that influence the development and uptake of more inclusive and responsible forms of research and innovation. Taking these challenges together, we invoke Collingridge's famous dilemma of social control of technology to introduce a complementary dilemma that of "societal alignment" in the governance of science, technology and innovation. Considerations of social alignment are scattered and overlooked among some communities in the field of science, technology and innovation policy. By starting to unpack this dilemma, we outline an agenda for further consideration of social alignment in the study of responsible research and innovation.
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The development of a disruptive innovation response framework within the South African insurance context: adapt, regenerate, transcend (Art)Amos, Shereen 22 December 2020 (has links)
Companies, nations, governments and multilateral organisations are each in their context recognising that 20th-century approaches to innovation and competitiveness are no longer relevant or effective – with whole industries and economies challenged by the fastmoving and disruptive forces of 21st-century technologies that enable unprecedented innovative capability. The rate and scale of change and disruption calls for innovation thinking more suited to a world highly connected and networked and rapidly redefined by global digital architecture and alternative forms of value exchange, value creation and capture enabled through networks, platforms, and innovation ecosystems. For a mature industry to navigate potential disruption on this scale and possibly direct disruptive innovation of its own, will require a dramatic departure from innovation and business as usual. Christensen (1997) posits that disruptive innovation is the only way for incumbents to maintain market leadership and secure future growth. So how should mature firms respond to disruption, and which strategies are effective to become disruptive too? I undertake a grounded theory study into how specifically, the insurance industry (life and health), navigates disruptive influence and plans to become disruptive too. My analysis of the literature and the research findings has led to the development of an Adapt, Regenerate, Transcend response strategy framework, the ART framework, which describes these three broad response strategies and a further set of sub-strategies, that answer the question of how firms respond to disruptive influence and become disruptive too. The ART framework is my contribution to the work on disruptive innovation response strategies. The framework shows how incumbents can apply one or more of these three broad strategies to suit their objectives. The adapt response strategy, a short-term, defensive or opportunistic strategy, aims to extend lifecycles and fend off disruptive challenges. The regenerate response strategy is an expansive, increasingly inclusive, and transformative hybrid strategy that seeks to extend lifecycles and pursue new growth opportunities that might transform the core business over time to become disruptive too. The transcend response strategy is an original and disruptive strategy where the lead firm partners to reframe and reinvent an industry through a collectively directed value proposition that creates an entirely new playing field. Using the ART framework, I also show how disruptive innovation is an inclusive innovation strategy and how the framework applies to and is of use in the context of inclusive and sustainable innovation. In doing so, a new meta-innovation concept of generative innovation emerges, which the framework begins to describe broadly and which I propose as an area of future research.
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The observing self as a catalyst for behaviour change and wellbeing: Effective personal informatics system design to promote behaviour change in the changing health paradigmDe Villiers, Stephanie January 2017 (has links)
The current study is a user-centred enquiry into how wellness-related personal informatics (PI) systems can be more effectively designed to better promote lasting behaviour change and sustained wellbeing in the context of the changing health paradigm. Until recently, the Western biomedical model with its disease focus has been effective in delivering health care; however, this paradigm does not efficiently support a system in crises - the contemporary health care system which is confronted with complex challenges of modern lifestyle diseases and behavioural disorders. Enabled by the technological revolution, a Systems Medicine model - a preventative, personalised, predictive and participatory (P4) approach - is emerging and PI systems play a significant role in realising this pre-clinical, patient-centric, behaviour-focussed shift in health care. This viewpoint paper argues that design strategies applied in PI systems to promote behaviour change play a vital role in supporting health outcomes, specifically, persuasive and mindful user experience (UX) strategies. By applying a phenomenographic research methodology, a user-centred approach is taken to understand qualitatively different ways in which PI systems (and their inherent design strategies) are experienced by users, to inform more intuitive design of PI systems that balance behaviour change strategies to support more lasting shifts and sustainable states of wellbeing. Drawing together ideas from systems medicine, complexity theory, persuasive and mindful design approaches in conjunction with phenomenography, this study aims to understand experiential nuances to offer implications for the future design of health care through PI systems. The theory built through the research process is applied in a prototype design, which is presented as an example of a PI system design that balances persuasive and mindful strategies and aims to promote lasting behaviour change and enduring states of wellbeing more effectively.
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Deepening Inclusive Innovation In Frugal Context : A cross-case comparative studyLópez de Luzuriaga Barcenilla, Ane, Janiak, Joanna January 2022 (has links)
Inclusive Innovation (II) and Frugal Innovation (FI) have been trending concepts in the theoretical field as organizations put more focus on sustainability, equality, and inclusion in their strategies and cultures. However, the discourse among researchers in the domain has been deeply focused on the conceptualization of the ideas, leaving the practical implications aside. In this paper, we aim to understand how companies develop inclusive and frugal innovations, together with identifying key success factors along the way. For this, we assembled an analytical framework based on literature review, with the aim of applying the theoretical tools into three practical case studies. In these, the level of innovation, degree of frugality, and design problems are examined for each of the presented companies, and later compared in a cross-case analysis. The results ofthe paper show that the context and affordability of the products are essential in ensuring a high degree of inclusion of the solutions developed specifically for the low income end users.
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Towards inclusivity through a theoretical and empirical approach Inclusive innovation framework and an Adiviasis' case of studyCarrasco Rocha, Paola Lorena 06 November 2017 (has links)
This thesis seeks to contribute to knowledge within the area of inclusion; nevertheless it has focused on the inclusivity towards the area of development and the area of innovation. Undoubtedly, even inside these areas, the range of research possibilities is very wide; therefore, it has been decided to focus the thesis on inclusive innovation and inclusive development.
Inclusive innovation is developed within a theoretical framework analysis that examines the definition of inclusive innovation as such. Systematic review methodology has been used to identify relevant literature for subsequent theoretical analysis. Within this analysis we have evaluated four categories of study: central elements, typology of studies, geographic coverage, and finally, the conclusion threads within the literature. It has also been identified which authors refer to inclusive innovation as homonymous with other similar currents or concepts. Once the systematic review in the four categories of research has been concluded, certain actions have been suggested in relation to the subsequent work for researchers within this field, since it has been explained the definition still requires some consolidation to establish its patterns of action and work in a medium term.
On the other hand, inclusive development is taking center stage in international organizations. In this case, the inclusive development analysis has been based on a real ex-post case study with which I worked in India. This empirical analysis focuses on an evaluation of one of the projects that a nongovernmental organization conducts to evaluate an additional subsistence option for one of the most underprivileged groups in India and the world. The evaluation of the project, whose objective is greater inclusive development for this type of population, was carried out in different ways: the project as such, its economic and social impact, and the demographic reality of the population was also analyzed. Firstly, for the evaluation of the project as such were used: a comparative yield, an analysis of the production process was executed, and the creation of profit/loss scenarios identifying improvements that the organization can implement in different areas. For the economic evaluation, the economic impact per household was estimated in both parts of the process: collection and production process, segmentation by Panchayat involved in the production process was also achieved. In addition, the scope of the impact on the social part involved working with women who are part of the self-help groups in the populations involved with the collection, thus worked with the focus group methodology of discussions, due to them, the perceptions of women in relation to the project, to their lives, and the improvements within were identified. Meetings were also complemented with the husbands to identify the level of support they provide their women with the project. Additionally, it has been possible to create a demographic base in three demographic indicators: age and marital status; fertility rate, and literacy rate. These results were contrasted with a relevant literary reference to confirm what progress could have been made. The evaluation of inclusive development as such is quite broad and constitutes an exemplification for researchers desiring to work in situ with similar populations in this field.
The thesis aims to be able to deepen the inclusion contributing to it from both fields: theoretical and empirical, thus articulating different tools and methodologies that are applied to be able to contribute to the knowledge of this area. / La presente tesis busca aportar al conocimiento dentro del área de inclusión; no obstante se ha enfocado en la inclusividad hacia el área de desarrollo y el área de innovación. Indudablemente, incluso dentro de esas áreas, el abanico de posibilidades de investigación es muy amplio; por ello se ha decidido centrar la tesis en la innovación inclusiva y en el desarrollo inclusivo.
La innovación inclusiva es desarrollada dentro de un análisis de marco teórico que examina la definición de innovación inclusiva como tal. Se ha utilizado la metodología de revisión sistemática para identificar la literatura pertinente para el análisis teórico posterior. Dentro de este análisis se han evaluado cuatro categorías de estudio: elementos centrales, tipología de estudios, cobertura geográfica, y finalmente, los hilos de conclusión dentro de la literatura. Asimismo, se ha identificado qué autores se refieren a la innovación inclusiva como homónima con otras corrientes o conceptos similares. Una vez concluida la revisión sistemática en las cuatro categorías de investigación planteadas se ha sugerido ciertas acciones en relación al trabajo posterior para los investigadores dentro de este campo, ya que se ha explicado todavía la definición requiere cierta consolidación para establecer sus pautas de acción y trabajo en un mediano plazo.
Por otro lado, el desarrollo inclusivo viene tomando protagonismo en los organismos internacionales. En este caso, el análisis del desarrollo inclusivo se ha basado en un caso de estudio real ex post con el que trabajé en India. Éste análisis de tipo empírico, se centra en una evaluación de uno de los proyectos que una organización no gubernamental lleva a cabo para evaluar una opción adicional de subsistencia para uno de los grupos más desprivilegiados de India y el mundo. La evaluación del proyecto, cuyo objetivo es mayor desarrollo inclusivo para este tipo de poblaciones, se realizó en diferentes índoles: del proyecto como tal, su impacto económico y social, y la realidad demográfica de la población también fue analizada. Primeramente, para la valoración del proyecto como tal se utilizaron: rendimientos comparativos, se ejecutó un análisis del proceso de producción, y la creación de escenarios de ganancias/pérdidas identificando así mejoras que la organización puede implementar en diferentes áreas. Para la evaluación económica se estimó el impacto económico por hogar en ambas partes del proceso: acopio y proceso productivo, también se llegó a realizar una segmentación por Panchayat involucrado en el proceso productivo. Complementariamente, el ámbito del impacto en la parte social implicó un trabajo con las mujeres que forman parte de los grupos de auto-ayuda en las poblaciones involucradas con el acopio, así se trabajó con la metodología de grupo focal de discusiones, gracias a éstos se lograron identificar las percepciones de las mujeres en relación al proyecto, a sus vidas, y a los avances dentro las mismas. Se complementaron las reuniones también con los esposos para identificar el nivel de apoyo que brindan a sus mujeres con el proyecto. Adicionalmente, se ha logrado crear una base demográfica en tres indicadores demográficos: edad y estado civil; tasa de fertilidad, y la tasa de alfabetización. Dichos resultados fueron contrastados con una referencia literaria relevante para confirmar qué avances pudieron existir. La evaluación de desarrollo inclusivo como tal es bastante amplia y se constituye en una ejemplificación para investigadores que deseen trabajar in situ con poblaciones similares en este campo.
La tesis tiene como objetivo poder profundizar en la inclusión aportando a ella desde ambos ámbitos: teórico y empírico, articulando así diferentes herramientas y metodologías que se aplican para poder aportar al conocimiento de esta área. / La present tesi busca aportar al coneixement dins de l'àrea d'inclusió; no obstant s'ha enfocat en la inclusivitat cap a l'àrea de desenvolupament i l'àrea d'innovació. Indubtablement, fins i tot dins d'aquestes àrees, les possibilitats d'investigació són molt àmplies; per això s'ha decidit centrar la tesi en la innovació inclusiva i en el desenvolupament inclusiu.
La innovació inclusiva és desenvolupada dins d'una anàlisi de marc teòric que examina la definició d'innovació inclusiva com a tal. S'ha utilitzat la metodologia de revisió sistemàtica per identificar la literatura pertinent per l'anàlisi teòrica posterior. Dins d'aquesta anàlisi s'han avaluat quatre categories d'estudi: elements centrals, tipologia d'estudis, cobertura geogràfica, i finalment, els fils de conclusió dins la literatura. Així mateix, s'ha identificat quins autors es refereixen a la innovació inclusiva com homònima amb altres corrents o conceptes similars. Un cop conclosa la revisió sistemàtica en les quatre categories d'investigació plantejades s'ha suggerit certes accions en relació al treball posterior per als investigadors dins d'aquest cam. La definició requereix certa consolidació per establir les seves pautes d'acció i treball en un mitjà termini.
D'altra banda, el desenvolupament inclusiu ve prenent protagonisme en els organismes internacionals. En aquest cas, l'anàlisi del desenvolupament inclusiu s'ha basat en un cas d'estudi real ex post amb el que vaig treballar a l'Índia. Aquest anàlisi de tipus empíric, se centra en una avaluació d'un dels projectes que una organització no governamental porta a terme per avaluar una opció addicional de subsistència per a un dels grups més marginats de l'Índia i el món. L'avaluació del projecte, amb l'objectiu del major desenvolupament inclusiu per a aquest tipus de poblacions, es va realitzar en diferents índoles: del projecte com a tal, el seu impacte econòmic i social, i la realitat demogràfica de la població. Primerament, per a la valoració del projecte com a tal es van utilitzar: rendiments comparatius, una anàlisi del procés de producció, i la creació d'escenaris de beneficis/ pèrdues identificant així millores que l'organització pot implementar en diferents àrees. Per a l'avaluació econòmica es va estimar l'impacte econòmic per llar en ambdues parts del procés: recol¿lecció i procés productiu. També es va arribar a realitzar una segmentació per Panchayat involucrat en el procés productiu. Complementàriament, l'àmbit de l'impacte en la part social va implicar un treball amb les dones que formen part dels grups d'autoajuda a les poblacions involucrades amb la recol¿lecció. Així es va treballar amb la metodologia de grups focal de discussió. Gràcies a aquests es van aconseguir identificar les percepcions de les dones en relació al projecte, a les seues vides, i als avenços dins les mateixes. Es van complementar les reunions també amb els homes per identificar el nivell de suport que brinden a les seues dones amb el projecte. Addicionalment, s'ha aconseguit crear una base demogràfica en tres indicadors demogràfics: edat i estat civil; taxa de fertilitat, i la taxa d'alfabetització. Aquests resultats van ser contrastats amb referències rellevants per confirmar quins avenços van poder existir. L'avaluació de desenvolupament inclusiu com a tal és prou àmplia i es converteix en una exemplificació per a investigadors que vulguin treballar in situ amb poblacions similars en aquest camp.
La tesi té com a objectiu poder aprofundir en la inclusió aportant-hi des d'ambdós àmbits: teòric i empíric, articulant així diferents eines i metodologies que s'apliquen per poder aportar al coneixement d'aquesta àrea. / Carrasco Rocha, PL. (2017). Towards inclusivity through a theoretical and empirical approach Inclusive innovation framework and an Adiviasis' case of study [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/90500
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Enabling a generation of social entrepreneurs: A study to establish if the practice of social entrepreneurship offers inclusive self-employment opportunities for disenfranchised South African youthCarpenter, Janine 08 August 2019 (has links)
This study is concerned with contributing to solutions that address the problems of youth unemployment, inequality and poverty in South Africa, specifically among those youth who are being marginalised from participating equally in mainstream economic activities. It argues that financial and digital exclusion, as well as poor access to a quality education, are factors which are currently limiting these youths' economic potential and perpetuating a cycle of unemployment, inequality and poverty in South Africa. The literature and theory of social entrepreneurship presents a strong case to address unemployment, inequality and poverty, as well as to stimulate economic growth by creating new business and self-employment opportunities for the youth. This qualitative grounded theory study evaluates the theory of social entrepreneurship in practice, by comparing the theory to the lived realities of some disenfranchised youths in Cape Town. The study also provides an analysis of the systems of privilege and the dual economy that exist in South Africa. Through feedback received during interviews with a representative sample of the target group, the study offers new insights into the challenges faced when young people are seeking employment or want to start a business in the South African economy. Youth social entrepreneurship development and start-up incubation programmes arguably perform a critical function in facilitating inclusive economic participation among the youth. Developing new insights, concepts and recommendations to maximise these programmes' social impact is a critical function of this study, which ultimately hopes to contribute to the creation of more inclusive entrepreneurial opportunities for disadvantaged South African youth.
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