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Policy suggestions to the rural migration in China : According to the Todaro model and current situation of ChinaZhao, Liting January 2011 (has links)
This paper studies the rural-urban migration in China. The cause of the analysis was the increasing number of rural-urban migrants caused by the fast industrialization. It could lead some serious problems in urban areas, such as the shortage of urban resources like house, food, etc., the increasing of unemployment probabilities and so on. China is the most populous country in the world. And the rural population in China has been exceeded half of the total. Due to the special current situation of China is different from other developing countries, the factors impact the rural migration in China and how to perfect the policy institutions are what I want to research in the paper.
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Are Ethnic Income Gaps a Result of Attitudes? : Differences in earnings between natives and immigrants on the Swedish labor marketVelic, Anes January 2022 (has links)
Are ethnic income gaps a result of attitudes? This paper studies how natives’ negative attitudes towards immigrants affect the income gap on the Swedish labor market. The significance of this question is based on policies in the European union that work towards labor markets that are free from discrimination that are based on characteristics such as ethnicity, gender etc. This paper will investigate the situation on the Swedish labor market in hopes that both foreign and domestic policy makers will work together, towards creating a labor market that does not discriminate by race. To answer this question, we use a behavioral measure of the general public as an attitude measure, which also should be fairly representative for the employers’ attitudes in the same region. This measure is obtained from a field experiment conducted on the Swedish housing market. This data addressed the general public’s attitudes towards immigrants in terms of positive callbacks to a housing contract. This data combined with data on earnings, age, sex, race, and education, from Statistics Sweden (SCB), could be used to run four different OLS-regressions in Stata. We found weak to no evidence that attitudes contribute to the income gap due to lack of data on employment, unemployment, hourly wages, and firm information. A further investigation containing data on work hours and hourly wages are essential to conclude that attitudes affect the income gap. Our hopes are that future studies regarding differences in earnings between natives and immigrants keep getting studied with additional data on hourly wages and employment.
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Diferenças de rendimento entre negros e brancos no Brasil: evolução e determinantes / The black-white income gap in Brazil: evolution and determinantsJesus, Josimar Gonçalves de 19 January 2016 (has links)
Utilizando dados da Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílios (PNAD), o trabalho investiga o comportamento e os determinantes dos diferenciais de rendimento do trabalho entre negros e brancos no Brasil, bem como as causas da mudança observada nesse diferencial, no período 1995-2013. Contatou-se que, embora a diferença remanescente seja substancial e inaceitável, houve nesse período uma redução do hiato de rendimento entre os dois grupos de cor. Os resultados da decomposição de Oaxaca-Blinder indicam que a diferença entre os níveis de escolaridade média e as desiguais distribuições geográfica e ocupacional dos dois grupos são os principais determinantes dos diferenciais de rendimento observados. No que diz respeito à mudança observada no hiato de rendimento entre 1995 e 2013, os resultados da decomposição de Smith-Welch apontam para a queda nas taxas de retorno à escolaridade e para as mudanças na distribuição regional da população negra ocupada como seus principais determinantes. / Using data from an annual household survey (PNAD), this study analyses the behavior and the determinants of black-white income gap in the Brazilian labor market, as well as the causes of the observed change in this gap, in the period 1995-2013. It was observed that, while the remaining income gap is substantial and unacceptable, during this period there was a reduction in this gap between the two groups of skin-color. By applying the Oaxaca-Blinder procedure it was identified that the difference between the average level of education and the unequal geographical and occupational distributions of the two groups are the main determinants of the observed income gap. The Smith-Welch procedure of dynamic decomposition shows that the main determinants of the reduction of the black-white income gap between 1995 and 2013 are the decline in the rates of return to education and the changes in the regional distribution of the black population.
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Diferenças de rendimento entre negros e brancos no Brasil: evolução e determinantes / The black-white income gap in Brazil: evolution and determinantsJosimar Gonçalves de Jesus 19 January 2016 (has links)
Utilizando dados da Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílios (PNAD), o trabalho investiga o comportamento e os determinantes dos diferenciais de rendimento do trabalho entre negros e brancos no Brasil, bem como as causas da mudança observada nesse diferencial, no período 1995-2013. Contatou-se que, embora a diferença remanescente seja substancial e inaceitável, houve nesse período uma redução do hiato de rendimento entre os dois grupos de cor. Os resultados da decomposição de Oaxaca-Blinder indicam que a diferença entre os níveis de escolaridade média e as desiguais distribuições geográfica e ocupacional dos dois grupos são os principais determinantes dos diferenciais de rendimento observados. No que diz respeito à mudança observada no hiato de rendimento entre 1995 e 2013, os resultados da decomposição de Smith-Welch apontam para a queda nas taxas de retorno à escolaridade e para as mudanças na distribuição regional da população negra ocupada como seus principais determinantes. / Using data from an annual household survey (PNAD), this study analyses the behavior and the determinants of black-white income gap in the Brazilian labor market, as well as the causes of the observed change in this gap, in the period 1995-2013. It was observed that, while the remaining income gap is substantial and unacceptable, during this period there was a reduction in this gap between the two groups of skin-color. By applying the Oaxaca-Blinder procedure it was identified that the difference between the average level of education and the unequal geographical and occupational distributions of the two groups are the main determinants of the observed income gap. The Smith-Welch procedure of dynamic decomposition shows that the main determinants of the reduction of the black-white income gap between 1995 and 2013 are the decline in the rates of return to education and the changes in the regional distribution of the black population.
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Will income inequality in China reverse itself? : Testing the Kuznets hypothesis on Fujian Province 1991-2003Hermansson, Erik, Enoksson, Harald January 2007 (has links)
<p>Using 1991-2003 yearly statistical data from 66 counties in China’s Fujian province, we examine the relationship between GDP/capita levels and the rural-urban income gap, to see whether there exists any statistical relationship between these variables, and if such a relationship bears resemblance with the Kuznets’ “inverted U” hypothesis, predicting inequality to first rise, and then fall, as economic development proceeds. Our results point in the opposite direction; the income gap falls at the early stage of economic growth, but rises again as growth proceeds. This is the opposite of a Kuznets curve. In addition, the income gap is smaller in counties with access to coast, rivers, and highways and a higher proportion of illiterate. Moreover, the income gap is larger in counties with rugged terrain and a higher proportion of ethnic minorities.</p>
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Will income inequality in China reverse itself? : Testing the Kuznets hypothesis on Fujian Province 1991-2003Hermansson, Erik, Enoksson, Harald January 2007 (has links)
Using 1991-2003 yearly statistical data from 66 counties in China’s Fujian province, we examine the relationship between GDP/capita levels and the rural-urban income gap, to see whether there exists any statistical relationship between these variables, and if such a relationship bears resemblance with the Kuznets’ “inverted U” hypothesis, predicting inequality to first rise, and then fall, as economic development proceeds. Our results point in the opposite direction; the income gap falls at the early stage of economic growth, but rises again as growth proceeds. This is the opposite of a Kuznets curve. In addition, the income gap is smaller in counties with access to coast, rivers, and highways and a higher proportion of illiterate. Moreover, the income gap is larger in counties with rugged terrain and a higher proportion of ethnic minorities.
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Diferenças de rendimento entre os setores de serviços e de indústria no Brasil: uma análise de decomposição a partir dos dados da PNAD / Income gap between the service and industry sectors in Brazil: a decomposition analysis based on PNAD dataLacerda, Luciana Pacheco Trindade 18 April 2017 (has links)
Este estudo tem como objetivo analisar o diferencial de rendimentos entre os setores de serviços e de indústria no Brasil, nos anos de 2004, 2009 e 2014. As informações foram obtidas a partir da Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílios (PNAD) desses anos. A hipótese central deste estudo é de que existe uma massa de trabalhadores sendo melhor remunerada no setor de serviços vis-à-vis o setor industrial, a qual vai contra a tese de que é na indústria onde estariam as profissões com maior valor agregado. A pesquisa também procura contribuir para a literatura acerca do setor de serviços, considerada escassa devido à heterogeneidade desse setor. Em primeiro momento, procura-se analisar o hiato salarial entre os setores através da decomposição proposta por Oaxaca (1973) e Blinder (1973). Após, utiliza-se o método de regressão RIF (Recentered Influence Function) de Firpo et al. (2007) com o objetivo de se obter estimativas por quantis de renda. Uma análise preliminar da distribuição da massa de salários entre esses dois setores revelou que o setor de serviços se encontra um pouco mais a direita na curva de distribuição, indicando que esse setor possui um número de expressivo de trabalhadores recebendo salários maiores daqueles da indústria. Constatou-se, também, que na decomposição salarial pela média o hiato salarial se mantém favorável aos trabalhadores do setor de serviços nos três anos analisados. No entanto, esse diferencial revelou-se maior em 2004. Apesar disso, a decomposição por quantis indicou que o diferencial de renda entre os setores se mantém favorável ao setor de serviços somente para os 75º e 90º quantis, contudo, as diferenças observadas nesses quantis se revelaram decrescentes na década analisada. O sinal negativo do efeito composição nos quantis que o setor de serviços remunera melhor indicou que os indivíduos empregados nesse setor possuem características mais produtivas relacionadas ao mercado de trabalho comparado ao setor de indústria. Já o sinal do efeito estrutura sinalizou que os retornos das características dos trabalhadores do setor de indústria foram menores que o retorno adquirido pelo outro setor. Nos demais quantis de renda, o setor de indústria foi o responsável por remunerar melhor os trabalhadores. Somente o 25º quantil apresentou crescimento do hiato nesse período. Para ambos os setores, ramos de alta tecnologia remuneram melhor para todos os quantis. / This study analyzes the income gap between the service and industry sectors in Brazil in the years 2004, 2009 and 2014. The information about these years was obtained from the National Survey by Household Sample (PNAD). The central hypothesis of this study is that there is a mass of workers being better paid in the service sector vis-à-vis the industrial sector, which goes against the well known consensus that the industry\'s earnings are greater than the service sector because of added value . The research also seeks to contribute to the literature on the service sector, considered scarce due to the heterogeneity of this sector. At first, the focus was the wage gap between sectors through the decomposition proposed by Oaxaca (1973) and Blinder (1973). Afterwards, it was used the RIF (Recentered Influence Function) regression method of Firpo et al. (2007) in order to obtain the approximate income proportion. A preliminary analysis of the distribution of the mass of wages between these two sectors revealed that the service sector lies on a little more to the right on the distribution curve, indicating that this sector has a significant number of workers receiving higher wages than those in the industry. It was also observed that in the average wage decomposition the wage gap remained favorable to the service sector workers in the three years analyzed. However, this differential was higher in 2004. It was observed in the wage decomposition, where the wage gap is maintained favorable to the workers of the service sector in the three sectors analyzed. In addition, this differential is more pronounced in the most recent year. In those years, the effect of contributing to the increase of the difference, however, the magnitude is the effect of decreasing. Decomposition by quantiles indicated that the income differential between sectors remained favorable to the services sector only for the 75th and 90th quantiles. The gap observed in these quantiles were decreasing in the analyzed decade. The negative sign of this effect in the quantiles that the services sector pay better indicated that the individuals employed in this sector have more productive characteristics related to the labor market compared to the industry sector. The sign of the structure effect signaled that the returns of the characteristics of the workers of the industry sector were smaller than the return earned by the other sector. In the other quantiles of income, the industry sector was the one responsible for better remunerating the workers. Only the 25th quantil indicated a growth of the hiatus in this period. For both sectors, branches of high technology are better for all quantiles.
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Diferenças de rendimento entre os setores de serviços e de indústria no Brasil: uma análise de decomposição a partir dos dados da PNAD / Income gap between the service and industry sectors in Brazil: a decomposition analysis based on PNAD dataLuciana Pacheco Trindade Lacerda 18 April 2017 (has links)
Este estudo tem como objetivo analisar o diferencial de rendimentos entre os setores de serviços e de indústria no Brasil, nos anos de 2004, 2009 e 2014. As informações foram obtidas a partir da Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílios (PNAD) desses anos. A hipótese central deste estudo é de que existe uma massa de trabalhadores sendo melhor remunerada no setor de serviços vis-à-vis o setor industrial, a qual vai contra a tese de que é na indústria onde estariam as profissões com maior valor agregado. A pesquisa também procura contribuir para a literatura acerca do setor de serviços, considerada escassa devido à heterogeneidade desse setor. Em primeiro momento, procura-se analisar o hiato salarial entre os setores através da decomposição proposta por Oaxaca (1973) e Blinder (1973). Após, utiliza-se o método de regressão RIF (Recentered Influence Function) de Firpo et al. (2007) com o objetivo de se obter estimativas por quantis de renda. Uma análise preliminar da distribuição da massa de salários entre esses dois setores revelou que o setor de serviços se encontra um pouco mais a direita na curva de distribuição, indicando que esse setor possui um número de expressivo de trabalhadores recebendo salários maiores daqueles da indústria. Constatou-se, também, que na decomposição salarial pela média o hiato salarial se mantém favorável aos trabalhadores do setor de serviços nos três anos analisados. No entanto, esse diferencial revelou-se maior em 2004. Apesar disso, a decomposição por quantis indicou que o diferencial de renda entre os setores se mantém favorável ao setor de serviços somente para os 75º e 90º quantis, contudo, as diferenças observadas nesses quantis se revelaram decrescentes na década analisada. O sinal negativo do efeito composição nos quantis que o setor de serviços remunera melhor indicou que os indivíduos empregados nesse setor possuem características mais produtivas relacionadas ao mercado de trabalho comparado ao setor de indústria. Já o sinal do efeito estrutura sinalizou que os retornos das características dos trabalhadores do setor de indústria foram menores que o retorno adquirido pelo outro setor. Nos demais quantis de renda, o setor de indústria foi o responsável por remunerar melhor os trabalhadores. Somente o 25º quantil apresentou crescimento do hiato nesse período. Para ambos os setores, ramos de alta tecnologia remuneram melhor para todos os quantis. / This study analyzes the income gap between the service and industry sectors in Brazil in the years 2004, 2009 and 2014. The information about these years was obtained from the National Survey by Household Sample (PNAD). The central hypothesis of this study is that there is a mass of workers being better paid in the service sector vis-à-vis the industrial sector, which goes against the well known consensus that the industry\'s earnings are greater than the service sector because of added value . The research also seeks to contribute to the literature on the service sector, considered scarce due to the heterogeneity of this sector. At first, the focus was the wage gap between sectors through the decomposition proposed by Oaxaca (1973) and Blinder (1973). Afterwards, it was used the RIF (Recentered Influence Function) regression method of Firpo et al. (2007) in order to obtain the approximate income proportion. A preliminary analysis of the distribution of the mass of wages between these two sectors revealed that the service sector lies on a little more to the right on the distribution curve, indicating that this sector has a significant number of workers receiving higher wages than those in the industry. It was also observed that in the average wage decomposition the wage gap remained favorable to the service sector workers in the three years analyzed. However, this differential was higher in 2004. It was observed in the wage decomposition, where the wage gap is maintained favorable to the workers of the service sector in the three sectors analyzed. In addition, this differential is more pronounced in the most recent year. In those years, the effect of contributing to the increase of the difference, however, the magnitude is the effect of decreasing. Decomposition by quantiles indicated that the income differential between sectors remained favorable to the services sector only for the 75th and 90th quantiles. The gap observed in these quantiles were decreasing in the analyzed decade. The negative sign of this effect in the quantiles that the services sector pay better indicated that the individuals employed in this sector have more productive characteristics related to the labor market compared to the industry sector. The sign of the structure effect signaled that the returns of the characteristics of the workers of the industry sector were smaller than the return earned by the other sector. In the other quantiles of income, the industry sector was the one responsible for better remunerating the workers. Only the 25th quantil indicated a growth of the hiatus in this period. For both sectors, branches of high technology are better for all quantiles.
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Diferenciais de rendimentos por g?nero: uma an?lise dos efeitos composi??o e estrutura salarial no Brasil (1976, 1987, 1996 e 2009)Meireles, Debora Chaves 19 February 2014 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2014-02-19 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / This study aims to analyze the income differentials by gender in Brazil, in the years 1976, 1987, 1996 and 2009. Specifically, there are two objectives. First, attempt to analyze the importance of the effects of composition and wage structure in the job market. In the second, to verify which socioeconomic variables explain the effects of composition and wage structure in the job market. The information in this study was obtained from the microdata of Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domic?lios (PNAD) regarding the respective years. In the first stage of the methodology we used: the index of income distribution Theil-T; the income gap decompositions proposed by Oaxaca (1973) and Blinder (1973); and Firpo et al. (2007). In the second stage we applied the RIF regression method (Recentered Influence Function) of Firpo et al. (2007). The results show that income inequality is higher among men than among women in the country. It was observed that the component of inequality between people of the same gender represented the largest share in the decomposition of income inequality between genders. It was found, in the decomposition of the average income, a downward trend of income gap, but the differential remains favorable to the men. We noticed that the impact of the composition effect in reducing the gap was offset by the positive effect of wage structure. Regarding the distribution quantis, income differential between genres appeared greater at the bottom, in the years 1976, 1987 and 2009; and at the top of the distribution, in 1996 featuring, respectively, the sticky floor and glass ceiling effects in Brazil. As for the decomposition of the RIF, it turns out that the composition effect assisted in the downfall of the income gap between 1976 and 2009, but was offset by the positive effect of the wage structure in quantis 10th, 50th, and 90th. The main socioeconomic variables influenced the drop in income gap were: the composition effect, the manual labor occupations, service sector and low-grade and high school, and the wage structure effect, schooling low and high experience professional and technical occupations and urban centers / Este estudo tem como objetivo analisar os diferenciais de rendimentos por g?nero no Brasil, no per?odo de 1976, 1987, 1996 e 2009. Especificamente, h? dois objetivos. No primeiro, procura-se analisar a import?ncia dos efeitos da composi??o e da estrutura salarial no mercado de trabalho. No segundo, procura-se verificar que vari?veis socioecon?micas explicam os efeitos da composi??o e da estrutura salarial no mercado de trabalho. As informa??es deste estudo foram obtidas nos microdados da Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domic?lios (PNAD), dos respectivos anos. Na primeira etapa da metodologia foram utilizados: o ?ndice de distribui??o de renda Theil-T; as decomposi??es do hiato de renda propostos por Oaxaca (1973) e Blinder (1973); e por Firpo et al. (2007). Na segunda etapa aplicou-seo m?todo de regress?o RIF (Recentered Influence Function) de Firpo et al. (2007). Os resultados mostram que a desigualdade renda ? mais elevada entre os homens do que entre as mulheres no Pa?s. Constatou-se, que o componente de desigualdade intrag?nero representou a maior parcela na decomposi??o da desigualdade de renda entre g?neros. Observou-se, na decomposi??o dos rendimentos pela m?dia, uma tend?ncia declinante do hiato de renda, mas o diferencial se mant?m favor?vel aos homens. Indicando que o impacto do efeito composi??o na redu??o do hiato foi compensado pelo efeito positivo da estrutura salarial. Em rela??o aos quantis da distribui??o o diferencial de renda entre g?nero apresentou-se maior na parte inferior, nos anos de 1976, 1987 e 2009; e na parte superior da distribui??o, em 1996 caracterizando, respectivamente, os efeitos sticky floor e glass ceiling no Brasil. Quanto ? decomposi??o do RIF, verifica-se que o efeito composi??o auxiliou na queda do hiato de renda entre 1976 a 2009, mas, foi compensado pelo efeito positivo da estrutura salarial nos quantis 10th, 50th e 90th. Al?m disso, as principais vari?veis socioecon?micas que influenciaram na redu??o do hiato de renda foram: no efeito composi??o, as ocupa??es de trabalho manual, setor de servi?os e grau de escolaridade baixa e alta; e no efeito estrutura salarial, o grau de escolaridade baixa e alta, experi?ncia, ocupa??es profissionais e t?cnica e ?rea urbana
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Féminisation, activité libérale et lieu d'installation : quels enjeux en médecine générale ? : Analyses micro-économétriques de l'offre de soins / Feminisation, services provision and practice location : what issues in general medicine? : Micro-econometric analyses of outpatient care supply.Dumontet, Magali 29 June 2015 (has links)
Dans un contexte de grandes transformations de la médecine générale, cette thèse s’intéresse aux déterminants de l’offre de soins des médecins généralistes. Nous avons développé différentes stratégies micro-économétriques pour dans premier temps comprendre l’effet de la féminisation sur les revenus des médecins généralistes et plus particulièrement sur leurs comportements d’activité en termes de volume de soins fournis mais également de composition de l’activité. Dans un deuxième temps, nous cherchons à étudier les déterminants du choix du lieu d’installation des jeunes médecins généralistes, au sein d’une région et à identifier les leviers qui pourraient améliorer leur répartition sur le territoire. Nos résultats confirment que les femmes ont d’une part une offre de soins quantitativement plus faible que celle des hommes et que le contenu de leur offre est également différent. Toutefois, ils adoptent des comportements d’installation similaires. Les facteurs qui influencent le choix du lieu d’installation sont plutôt des caractéristiques du lieu, comme les caractéristiques associées à l’offre de soins, à la demande de soins, ou aux équipements. L’objectif de ce projet de recherche est, à travers une approche micro-économétrique, de mieux appréhender les préférences des médecins. Nous souhaitons comprendre ces préférences à travers les arbitrages travail/loisir du médecin et donc l’intensité de l’offre de travail (arbitrage entre nombre d’actes et durée de consultation), mais aussi selon les choix d’installation du médecin tant par le choix du lieu que par les modalités de cette installation, à savoir une activité libérale et ou salariée tout en sachant que ces décisions dépendent fortement des revenus espérés et donc de contextes différenciés de demande de soins. / In the context of changes of general practice (uneven distribution of young general practitioners (GPs) across the country, strong feminisation), this thesis focuses on the determinants of the outpatient care supply of general practitioners. Using different micro-econometric analyses, firstly we want to understand the impact of feminization on the incomes of general practitioners and specifically on their private practice behaviours in terms of volume of care provided but also composition of the activity (consultations, home visits). Secondly, we study the determinants of the practice location choice within the region and we identify the levers that could improve the distribution of GPs in the area. Our results confirm that female GPs provide fewer services than male GPs and they also have a different composition of private practice activity. However, we show that male and female GPs adopt a similar practice location choice. Factors characterizing the place of installation as the characteristics associated with the supply of care, the demand for care, or equipment influence the practice location choice.
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