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Resistência à corrosão e morfologia de junta soldada de inconel 625Ramos, Leandro Brunholi January 2017 (has links)
As superligas de níquel apresentam boa combinação de resistência à corrosão e à oxidação, resistência mecânica, resistência à fadiga e resistência à fluência. Além disso, apresentam bom desempenho operacional em temperaturas próximas à temperatura de fusão da liga. Estudos apontam à possibilidade de se obter aço carbono revestido com a superliga de níquel Inconel 625 pelo processo de cladeamento e pelo processo de aspersão térmica. A presença de molibdênio na composição química do Inconel625 garante excelente resistência à corrosão por pites e por fresta, enquanto o nióbio confere alta soldabilidade e resistência à corrosão intergranular a essas ligas. O processo de soldagem é amplamente usado em processos industriais e pode ser aplicado em uma junta Inconel-Inconel, podendo modificar alguma propriedade dessa liga. O objetivo do presente trabalho é estudar uma junta soldada de Inconel 625, obtida pelo processo de soldagem por fusão a arco elétrico com o uso de eletrodo revestido ENiCrMo-3, quanto à morfologia estrutural, à dureza e à resistência à corrosão. A morfologia foi avaliada por microscopia óptica, por microscopia eletrônica de varredura e por espectroscopia de energia dispersiva. A propriedade mecânica de dureza foi avaliada a partir do perfil de microdureza Vickers ao longo da junta soldada Para avaliar a resistência à corrosão da junta soldada foram realizados os ensaios de polarização potenciodinâmica, reativação potenciodinâmica de varredura cíclica (norma ASTM G108-94), polarização potenciodinâmica cíclica e ensaio de imersão (norma ASTM G48-03). Também avaliou-se a susceptibilidade à corrosão por pites pela norma ASTM G61-86 a temperatura ambiente e a 90 ºC. Para a polarização potenciodinâmica, três diferentes eletrólitos foram empregados: 3,5% NaCl, 3,5% NaCl + 0,01 mol/L Na2S2O3 e 3,5% NaCl + 1M H2SO4. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que o metal de solda apresenta uma microestrutura dendrítica com precipitados de Nb e de Mo nas regiões interdendríticas. O desempenho quanto à resistência à corrosão foi satisfatório nos meios estudados, considerando as características dessas ligas. No entanto, a junta soldada apresentou maior suscetibilidade à corrosão por pites e à corrosão localizada comparativamente ao metal base. O filme passivo formado no metal base é melhor constituído do que o filme passivo formado no metal de solda. / Nickel superalloys show a good combination of corrosion, oxidation and creep resistance as well as mechanical and fatigue strength. These alloys can operate at temperatures close to their melting temperature. The Inconel 625 has desired characteristics for application in environments that require high corrosion resistance, such as in oil and gas exploitation. Some studies show the possibility of obtaining a coating of Inconel 625 onto carbon steel by the cladding process and by the thermal spray process. The molybdenum content in Inconel 625 ensures excellent resistance to pitting and crevice, while the niobium content gives high weldability to these alloys. The welding process is practically present in all industrial plants, so an Inconel-Inconel joint is unavoidable. However, the welding can lead to changes in the properties of these superalloys. Therefore, the present work aims to study the structural morphology, hardness and corrosion resistance of a welded joint of Inconel 625 obtained by the electric arc fusion welding process with ENICrMo-3 covered electrode. The morphology was evaluated by optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and dispersive energy spectroscopy. Hardness was studied by Vickers microhardness profile along the welded joint. In order to evaluate the corrosion resistance of the welded joint, the Potentiodynamic polarization, potentiodynamic cyclic sweep reactivation (ASTM G108-94), cyclic potentiodynamic polarization and immersion test (ASTM G48-03) were performed Also susceptibility to pitting corrosion was assessed by ASTM G61-86 at room temperature and at 90 ° C. Potentiodynamic polarization curves were performed in three different solutions to evaluate the corrosion resistance: 3.5% NaCl, 3.5% NaCl + 0.01 mol / L Na2S2O3 and 3.5% NaCl + 1M H2SO4 The results show that the weld metal has a dendritic microstructure with precipitates of Nb and Mo in the interdendritic regions. The corrosion performance in environments close to the environments of possible applications was satisfactory considering the resistance of these alloys, but the specific welded joint was more susceptibility to corrosion by pits and localized corrosion. The passive film formed in the base metal was better formed than the passive film formed in the welded metal.
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Avaliação do método de correntes parasitas para caracterização microestrutural e inspeção de defeitos em superligas à base de níquelPereira, Daniel January 2014 (has links)
Superligas à base de níquel vêm sendo extensivamente utilizadas em diversas aplicações nas indústrias devido ao excelente comportamento mecânico e anticorrosivo. No entanto, essas ligas possuem certas particularidades que levam à necessidade de desenvolvimento de técnicas de inspeção e caracterização metalúrgica, como forma de garantir a integridade estrutural dos componentes fabricados com essas ligas. Neste trabalho, a técnica de correntes parasitas foi aplicada à superligas à base de níquel com duas propostas distintas: 1) Em um primeiro momento foi realizado o estudo da evolução microestrutural da liga Inconel 718 durante o processo de envelhecimento através da combinação do ensaio por correntes parasitas, análise de difração de raios-X, análise metalográfica, medidas de dureza e tamanho de grão. As medidas foram realizadas em amostras submetidas a diferentes ciclos de tratamentos térmicos variando entre 620-1035°C. Os resultados mostraram que as diferentes microestruturas do Inconel 718 têm efeitos distintos na condutividade elétrica quando medidos através da técnica de correntes parasitas. A influência da microestrutura na condutividade pode ser mostrada sendo devido à competição de dois efeitos sobre o espalhamento de elétrons: a purificação da matriz e a morfologia, distribuição e tamanho dos precipitados. A combinação dos valores de dureza e condutividade elétrica provou ser uma forma rápida e prática de determinar o nível de envelhecimento da liga; 2) Em um segundo momento foi desenvolvido um processo de otimização de sensores através de modelagem por elementos finitos (MEF). Através de uma metodologia de otimização, os parâmetros de construção e operação de um sensor foram otimizados para inspeção de defeitos superficiais e subsuperficiais esperados em materiais cladeados com Inconel 625. O sensor com a geometria ótima foi construído e testado a fim de verificar a eficiência do processo de otimização. Uma ótima correlação entre os resultados numéricos e experimentais foi encontrada e o sensor ótimo se mostrou eficiente na inspeção de pequenos defeitos superficiais e subsuperficiais na liga Inconel 625 quando operado nas frequências apropriadas. / Nickel-based superalloys have been extensively used in various industries due to its unique mechanical and corrosion behavior. However, these alloys show particular characteristics which lead to the need for specific inspection and metallurgical characterization techniques in order to ensure the structural integrity of components manufactured from these alloys. In this work , the eddy current technique was applied to nickel-base superalloys with two aims: 1 ) Firstly, the microstructural evolution of Inconel 718 during aging processes has been studied through a combination of eddy current testing, X-ray diffraction analysis, metallography, hardness and grain size measurements. Measurements were carried out in samples subjected to different heat treatment cycles between 620-1035°C. Results show that different microstructures of Inconel 718 have a distinguishable effect on electrical conductivity when this is measured through an appropriately sensitive technique (i.e. eddy current testing). The influence of microstructure on conductivity could be shown to be due to the competition between two effects on the scattering of electrons: matrix purification and precipitate size, distribution and morphology. A combination of hardness values and electrical properties proved to be a fast and practical way of determining the stage of aging of the alloy; 2) An optimization method of eddy current sensor design was developed through finite element modeling (FEM). Through a methodology of optimization, the construction and operation parameters of the sensor were optimized for inspection of superficial and subsuperficial defect, commonly found in weld overlay Inconel 625 claddings. A prototype of this sensor with the optimum geometry was built and tested on blocks identical to those considered in the models in order to verify the efficiency of the optimization process. A very good agreement between numerical and experimental results was found. Moreover, the optimal sensor was efficient to detect small surface and subsurface defects in Inconel 625 when operated at appropriate frequencies.
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Avaliação da técnica de ultrassom Phased Array na inspeção de juntas soldadas dissimilares e cladeadas com diferentes espessuras de amanteigamentoCerqueira, Alexsinaldo da Silva January 2009 (has links)
Este trabalho tem por objetivo avaliar a capacidade de detecção e dimensionamento de descontinuidades internas em juntas soldadas dissimilares e cladeadas com a utilização da inspeção por ultrassom através da técnica de Phased Array. Este estudo se justifica pela possibilidade da aplicação desses materiais nas atividades de exploração de petróleo no campo offshore com a utilização de dutos rígidos de aço carbono com revestimento interno de Inconel. As juntas circunferenciais foram soldadas com material austenítico e foram realizados ensaios com juntas sem a realização do amanteigamento do bisel e com corpos de provas que receberam camadas de amanteigamento que tem a finalidade de aumentar a resistência à corrosão-fadiga da junta circunferencial. A tubulação soldada tinha como material de base um aço ferrítico API 5L X-52 com revestimento interno de Inconel 625. As descontinuidades foram inseridas nos passes de raiz fabricadas com o processo de soldagem TIG, nos passes de enchimento através do processo por eletrodos revestidos e na região da raiz através do processo de eletroerosão com a finalidade de simular uma falta de fusão na raiz. Para as inspeções foram adotados as varreduras setorial e linear com duas posições do cabeçote em relação à linha de centro da solda. Estas foram realizadas com o intuito de avaliar a capacidade de detecção e dimensionamento das descontinuidades através da utilização de ondas transversais com freqüência de 5 MHz e assim analisar os resultados encontrados para poder viabilizar a aplicação desta técnica como ferramenta de inspeção nestes equipamentos. Análises metalográficas serviram para realizar o dimensionamento real das descontinuidades e caracterizar a micrografia do metal de base, zona afetada pelo calor e metal de solda para poder correlacioná-los com os resultados encontrados nas inspeções por Phased Array. Assim com os resultados encontrados foi possível demonstrar a possibilidade de aplicação da técnica de Phased Array na inspeção das juntas dissimilares e cladeadas. / This work aims to evaluate the detection capability and sizing of internal discontinuities in dissimilar welded and claded joints with the use of Phased Array ultrasonic inspection technique. This study was performed due to the possibility of the application of those materials in the activities of exploration of petroleum in the offshore field with the use of rigid risers of carbon steel with internal covering of Inconel. The girths joints were welded with material austenitic and testing were accomplished with joints without the realization of the buttering of the bevel and with specimens that received layers of buttering that has the purpose of increasing the resistance to the corrosion-fatigue of the girth joint. The welded piping had as base material a ferritic steel API 5L X-52 with internal overlay of Inconel 625. The discontinuities were inserted in the root pass manufactured with the welding process TIG, in the filler pass through the process by covered electrodes and in the area of the root through the electric discharge machining process with the purpose of simulating a lack of fusion in the root. For the inspections the sectorial and linear sweepings were adopted with two positions of the transducer in relation to the line of center of the weld. This was performed with the intention of evaluating the detection capacity and sizing of discontinuities through the use of shear waves frequently of 5 MHz and like this to analyze the results found to make possible the application of this technique as inspection tool in these equipments. Metallographic analyses were to accomplish the real sizing of the discontinuities and to characterize the micrograph of the base metal, affected area for the heat and weld metal to correlate them with the results found in the inspections by Phased Array. Like this with the found results it was possible to demonstrate the possibility of application of Phased Array technique in the inspection of the dissimilar and claded joints.
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The Effect of Alloys, Powder, and Overhanging Geometries in Laser Powder Bed Additive ManufacturingMontgomery, Colt James 01 December 2017 (has links)
Additive manufacturing (AM) shows great promise for the manufacturing of next-generation engineering structures by enabling the production of engineered cellular structures, overhangs, and reducing waste. Melt-pool geometry prediction and control is critical for widespread implementation of laser powder bed processes due to speed and accuracy requirements. The process mapping approach used in previous work for different alloys and additive manufacturing processes is applied to the selective laser powder bed process for IN625 and 17-4 stainless steel alloys. The ability to predict the resulting steady state melt-pool geometry in terms of process parameters, specifically power and velocity, is explored in detail numerically and experimentally verified. A finite element model was created that simulates powder at the macro scale. This model correlates well with current experiments in showing that small amounts of powder relative to melt-pool depth have negligible effects on resulting geometry. Results indicate that the effect of powder may be negligible when comparing steady state widths of the no powder and one layer of powder cases. The work in this thesis investigates the effect of powder on the resulting steady-state melt-pool geometries for IN625 and 17-4 alloys. This analysis has been extended to the production of overhanging and cellular structures. The successful analysis will allow for better predictions and possible correction for cellular structure production issues as well as overhanging features.
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Avaliação do método de correntes parasitas para caracterização microestrutural e inspeção de defeitos em superligas à base de níquelPereira, Daniel January 2014 (has links)
Superligas à base de níquel vêm sendo extensivamente utilizadas em diversas aplicações nas indústrias devido ao excelente comportamento mecânico e anticorrosivo. No entanto, essas ligas possuem certas particularidades que levam à necessidade de desenvolvimento de técnicas de inspeção e caracterização metalúrgica, como forma de garantir a integridade estrutural dos componentes fabricados com essas ligas. Neste trabalho, a técnica de correntes parasitas foi aplicada à superligas à base de níquel com duas propostas distintas: 1) Em um primeiro momento foi realizado o estudo da evolução microestrutural da liga Inconel 718 durante o processo de envelhecimento através da combinação do ensaio por correntes parasitas, análise de difração de raios-X, análise metalográfica, medidas de dureza e tamanho de grão. As medidas foram realizadas em amostras submetidas a diferentes ciclos de tratamentos térmicos variando entre 620-1035°C. Os resultados mostraram que as diferentes microestruturas do Inconel 718 têm efeitos distintos na condutividade elétrica quando medidos através da técnica de correntes parasitas. A influência da microestrutura na condutividade pode ser mostrada sendo devido à competição de dois efeitos sobre o espalhamento de elétrons: a purificação da matriz e a morfologia, distribuição e tamanho dos precipitados. A combinação dos valores de dureza e condutividade elétrica provou ser uma forma rápida e prática de determinar o nível de envelhecimento da liga; 2) Em um segundo momento foi desenvolvido um processo de otimização de sensores através de modelagem por elementos finitos (MEF). Através de uma metodologia de otimização, os parâmetros de construção e operação de um sensor foram otimizados para inspeção de defeitos superficiais e subsuperficiais esperados em materiais cladeados com Inconel 625. O sensor com a geometria ótima foi construído e testado a fim de verificar a eficiência do processo de otimização. Uma ótima correlação entre os resultados numéricos e experimentais foi encontrada e o sensor ótimo se mostrou eficiente na inspeção de pequenos defeitos superficiais e subsuperficiais na liga Inconel 625 quando operado nas frequências apropriadas. / Nickel-based superalloys have been extensively used in various industries due to its unique mechanical and corrosion behavior. However, these alloys show particular characteristics which lead to the need for specific inspection and metallurgical characterization techniques in order to ensure the structural integrity of components manufactured from these alloys. In this work , the eddy current technique was applied to nickel-base superalloys with two aims: 1 ) Firstly, the microstructural evolution of Inconel 718 during aging processes has been studied through a combination of eddy current testing, X-ray diffraction analysis, metallography, hardness and grain size measurements. Measurements were carried out in samples subjected to different heat treatment cycles between 620-1035°C. Results show that different microstructures of Inconel 718 have a distinguishable effect on electrical conductivity when this is measured through an appropriately sensitive technique (i.e. eddy current testing). The influence of microstructure on conductivity could be shown to be due to the competition between two effects on the scattering of electrons: matrix purification and precipitate size, distribution and morphology. A combination of hardness values and electrical properties proved to be a fast and practical way of determining the stage of aging of the alloy; 2) An optimization method of eddy current sensor design was developed through finite element modeling (FEM). Through a methodology of optimization, the construction and operation parameters of the sensor were optimized for inspection of superficial and subsuperficial defect, commonly found in weld overlay Inconel 625 claddings. A prototype of this sensor with the optimum geometry was built and tested on blocks identical to those considered in the models in order to verify the efficiency of the optimization process. A very good agreement between numerical and experimental results was found. Moreover, the optimal sensor was efficient to detect small surface and subsurface defects in Inconel 625 when operated at appropriate frequencies.
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Procesní parametry při navařování Inconelu 625 / Procedural parameters at Inconel 625 claddingHrádek, Jan January 2021 (has links)
The research is focused on cladding of inconel 625 using the MAG - CMT method. It was found that welding without an oscillation does not create the necessary geometry to establish additional layers. When welding with an oscillation, it was researched that the current between 150 and 200 A appears most appropriate in the synergistic mode for welding inconel 625. The resulting weld bead was made at a current of 190 A with pulse dynamics correction set to -4 and correction of arc length to +10 and welding speed of 315 mm per minute.The weld bead was not ideal mainly due to insufficient height. The improvement of results could be achieved by set oscilation with fluent change in acceleration. Because of the time options and difficulty of programming it was used only constant speed for all experiments.
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Capability Study of Lattice Frame Materials for Use as Recuperative Heat Exchangers in Aircraft SystemsHoldren, Matthew C. 23 May 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Characterization of Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Laser Powder Bed Fusion Processed Inconel 625 AlloySomasundaram, Aruneshwar 04 October 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Laser Powder Bed Fusion (L-PBF) is a metal additive manufacturing technique that uses a laser beam as a heat source to melt metal powder selectively. Because of the process small layer thicknesses, laser beam diameter, and powder particle size, L-PBF allows the fabrication of novel geometries and complex internal structures with enhanced properties. However, the main disadvantages of the L-PBF process are high costs and a lengthy production time. As a result, shortening the manufacturing process while maintaining comparable properties is exceptionally beneficial.
Inconel 625 (IN625) is a nickel-based superalloy becoming increasingly popular in marine, petroleum, nuclear, and aerospace applications. However, the properties of IN625 parts produced by casting or forging are challenging to control due to their low thermal conductivity, high strength and work hardening rate, and high chemical complexity. Furthermore, IN625 alloy is regarded as a difficult-to-machine material. As a result, it is worthwhile to seek new technologies to manufacture complex-shaped IN625 parts with high dimensional accuracy. IN625 alloy is known for its excellent weldability and high resistance to hot cracking; thus, IN625 alloy appears to be a promising candidate for additive manufacturing.
This thesis presents an experimentally focused study on optimizing L-PBF processing parameters in IN625 superalloy to increase process productivity while maintaining high material density and hardness. This study had four stages: preliminary, exploratory, modelling, and optimization. The first stage was devoted to conducting a literature review and determining the initial processing parameters. The second stage concentrated on determining the process window, for which single tracks were printed with two high levels of laser power (300, 400 W), five levels of scan speed (500, 700, 900, 1100, 1300 mm/s), and five levels of powder layer thickness (30, 60, 90, 120, 150 µm). Then, the process window was defined after investigating the top views and cross-sections of the tracks. Stage 3 involved printing 48 cubes (10 × 10 × 10 mm^3) with a laser power of 400 W, scan speeds of (700, 900, 1100, 1300 m/s), layer thicknesses of (60, 90, 120, 150 µm), and overlap percentages of (10, 30, 50%). As a result, the density of cubes was measured, and a statistical multiple regression analysis was used to predict it. Stage 4 involved estimating four sets of ideal processing parameters (based on statistical modelling of relative density) and printing 24 cubes (10 × 10 × 10 mm^3), six samples for each set. Finally, the relative density, hardness, and productivity of the samples were assessed, and a trade-off was determined.
Even with the thickest powder layer of 150 µm (highest process productivity), samples with a mean relative density greater than 99% (i.e., 99.31% by Archimedes principle and 99.82% by image analysis) were printed. These findings are consistent with previously published results for L-PBF IN625 samples manufactured with smaller layer thicknesses ranging from 20 to 40 µm while maintaining comparable material hardness. The findings of this study are noteworthy because IN625 parts can be printed with higher powder layer thicknesses (less production time) while retaining similar material properties to those published with typical layer thicknesses ranging from 20 to 40 µm. Reduced production time due to optimized processing parameters can lead to significant energy and cost savings. / Thesis / Master of Applied Science (MASc)
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Comportement en corrosion de matériaux métalliques commerciaux et modèles dans des conditions types UVEOM / Corrosion behavior of commercial metallic materials and models under typical conditions UVEOMSchaal, Emmanuel 23 October 2015 (has links)
La corrosion des échangeurs de chaleur est un problème économique et technique majeur des Unités de Valorisation Energétique de Ordures Ménagères (UVEOM). Elle est causée par l’action combinée (i) des gaz de combustion contenant notamment HCl et SO2 et (ii) des cendres riches en chlorures et sulfates alcalins, et sels de métaux lourds. Les travaux présentés dans ce mémoire s’inscrivent dans le projet ANR SCAPAC (n°11-RMNP-0016) et portent sur l’influence des paramètres expérimentaux (température, teneur en chlorures dans les cendres, présence de gaz corrosifs et présence de chlorures de métaux lourds dans les cendres) sur la tenue à la corrosion de deux alliages utilisés en milieu UVEOM : l’acier 16Mo3 et l’alliage base nickel Inconel 625. Ces travaux ont permis de mettre en évidence que la présence de phases fondues, l’augmentation de la teneur en chlorures, la présence de 10% en masse de ZnCl2 dans les mélanges de cendres et la présence de gaz corrosifs (HCl, SO2) dans l’atmosphère sont trois facteurs qui ont induit une corrosion plus importante sur les matériaux, de manière plus prononcée sur l’alliage base fer. Une autre partie du travail s’est focalisée sur l’influence des éléments d’alliage Fe, Cr et Mo. Des alliages « modèles » dont les compositions oscillent autour de la composition de l’alliage Inconel 625 commercial ont été synthétisés par fusion haute fréquence et leur tenue à la corrosion a été évaluée sous air et sous atmosphère corrosive. La bonne optimisation de l’alliage commercial a ainsi été démontrée sous air. Sous atmosphère gaz corrosifs, une teneur en chrome supérieure à 22% massique s’est montrée indispensable à la bonne tenue de l’alliage / Corrosion of heat exchangers is an economic and technical issue in Waste-to-energy plants. It is caused by the combined action of (i) flue gas containing HCl and SO2 and (ii) chlorides and alkali sulfates rich ash. This work is part of the ANR project SCAPAC (supported by the ANR-11-RMNP 0016) and focused on the influence of experimental parameters on the corrosion behavior of two commercial alloys used in Waste-to-Energy plants: the 16Mo3 steel and the nickel-based alloy Inconel 625. This study allowed to highlight that the presence of molten phase, the increase in the chloride content, the presence of 10% by weight of ZnCl2 in the ash mixtures and the presence of corrosive gases (HCl, SO2) in the atmosphere are three factors that have induced an higher corrosion of materials, more pronounced on the iron alloy base. Another part of the work has been focused on the influence of alloying elements Fe, Cr and Mo. Thus, model alloys with compositions oscillating around the composition of Inconel 625 commercial alloy were synthesized by high frequency induction and their corrosion resistance was evaluated in air and in corrosive atmosphere. Good optimization of the commercial alloy has been demonstrated in air. In corrosive atmosphere, a minimum chromium content was required to obtain a good corrosion resistance
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