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Integrace chlapce s atypickým autismem do běžné mateřské školy / Integration of boy in the regular nursery schoolMazurová, Michaela January 2013 (has links)
A dissertation "Integration of a boy with atypical autism into regular kindergarten" has the aim to present a particular process of integration in the regular kindergarten. It gives you a brief characteristic of preschool age, education in preschool age and a procedure of integration and related circumstances. A theoretical part brings you a view of child development in preschool period, specifics of preschool education and a process of integration in the Czech Republic. A research project has the aim to chart how is the integration perceived by three people who are involved in the integration. It is about the attitude of a mother, a headmistress and a class teacher who has been teaching the boy this year. Next there are given the tests that have the aim to determine the boy's current school maturity. These diagnostic tools were used - Orientational graphic test of the school maturity (Jirásek, 1970), Observational scheme for assessment of the school maturity (Kondáš, 1984). Key words individual integration in kindergarten, atypical autism, school maturity
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Sebepojetí žáků se specifickou poruchou učení ve skupinové a individuální integraci / Self-concept of pupils with specific learning disability in group and individual integrationPauková, Barbora January 2014 (has links)
TITLE: "Self-concept of pupils with specific learning disability in group and individual integration" AUTHOR: Bc. Barbora Paukova DEPARTMENT: Special education department THESIS SUPERVISOR: Mgr. Lenka Felcmanova ABSTRACT: The major topic of the diploma thesis named "Self-concept of pupils with specific learning disability in group and individual integration" is the different self-concept of success rate of older school age pupils with specific learning disability who are educated in a form of individual integration and in a form of group integration. The theoretical foundation of the thesis deals with the term of specific learning disability, with its terminology, definition, causes, classification and reeducation. It further focuses on the education of pupils with specific learning disability, on the term of self-concept and on the older school age period. Practical part of the thesis includes the quantitative research made using the standardized SPAS questionnaire. Methodology of the research, research preconditions, targets of the research, analysis of the collected data and evaluation of the research results are described in the thesis. KEY WORDS: Specific learning disability, older school age, self-concept, individual integration, group integration
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Specialpedagogiskt stöd till grundskollärare med integrerade grundsärskoleelever : Att skapa förutsättningar för elevers lärande / Special educational support to primary teachers with students with intellectual disability integrated in their class; : Creating conditions for students learningOlsson, Ann-Sofie January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to show how some of primary teachers and support teachers in middle and lower secondary school, with help from special education advice and support, create conditions for learning for integrated students with intellectual disability. The research questions in the study are, how can special advice be arranged in the form of a network? What questions may be in focus for teachers and support teachers who teach student with intellectual disability? How does the teachers and support teacher reasons at the implementation of special advice. An research overview of the field within the field of inclusion of students with intellectual disability was done. The theoretical approach is based on Dillons seven elements of curriculum, which form an educational context. The seven categories are: teacher, student, subject, environment, activity and result. The study has a qualitative approach. The method which has been used in the study is qualitative interviews. The study includes interviews with a principal, a special education teacher, primary teachers and support teachers. The principal and the special teacher were interviewed with the purpose to find out the thoughts behind the recently started network in the township, for regular schools who educate students with intellectual disabilities who are integrated. The analysis of the data conducted by separating the answers in different categories. These categories were created from Dillons seven elements of curriculum, which were clustered into three themes. The result indicates that the teachers and support teachers have a positive attitude towards teaching students with intellectual disability in primary school. It is also indicates that the primary teachers and support teachers have a large need for support in the form of special education advice. Support needed in various ways, but particularly when it comes to discussing thoughts and ideas, adjusting material and finding an appropriate level of teaching.
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Integrace osob s poruchami autistického spektra do intaktní skupiny / Integration of persons with disabilities autism spectrum to the intact groupSOSNOVÁ, Petra January 2013 (has links)
The work deals with the problems of people with autism spectrum disorders and their individual and group integration. The first part of my paper deals with the general characteristics of the different types of autism spectrum disorders, their problem areas, which is a social behavior, communication and imagination and play. The important part is the chapter on integration, which aims to become familiar with its characteristics, possibilities and related legislation. The empirical part deals with the influence of the triad of behavioral manifestations of a child with high-functioning autistic child and a description of their impact on the area of individual and group integration over four years of experience. In this work is shown and described healthy development of the child, with which it is compared individual and group integration. For better orientation is the development of all three lines of development recorded in the chart.
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